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Appaloosa History:
Crow F-4625
Debera Shields, Sherry Byrd, Pat Mefferd, Sharon Saare and Shannon Weil provided most of the information below on Crow. Debera bred a mare to a Crow grandson, which peaked her interest in the Crow line.
I remembered seeing Crow advertised in Western Horsemen when I was a kid. In my mind I had always associated him with endurance riding and the Tevis Cup. He may have been the first Appaloosa stallion to finish the Tevis Cup, but even more admirable, is his get and grandget finishing the Tevis - multiple times!
I find it amazing, looking through his production record, at how many of his offspring were sold locally. Maybe it is just a different world now, but that 'localness' speaks to his ability as a sire, and to Betty Veal's ablities as well. In short, I am impressed with Crow and his offspring.


Painting of Crow by Randy Steffen in 1961.
Crow is the Appaloosa of Tevis Cup fame. He made his mark in the endurance field.
Crow was bred by Jim Bachman, Oreana, Idaho. He was foaled June 1, 1953. Crow was brought to California from Idaho by Gene Lewis. Gene was a native of Oreana, Idaho and moved to California in the 1950s where he later became well known as a highly successful English discipline trainer and exhibitor. Official ApHC records indicate Crow was transferred from Jim Bachman, Oreana, Idaho to Betty Veal, Auburn, California September 26, 1958.
Crow was thought to be the first Appaloosa Stallion to finish the Tevis Cup*, and did so in the top 15. He was ridden by owner Betty Veal. It is also believed that Crow is the only Appaloosa stallion to have finished the Tevis Cup who had get (daughter) and grand get (grandson) that also finished the Tevis Cup. Between them, they have six Tevis Cup finishes as credit to his legacy. Crow's 1959 Tevis Cup finish was the first, followed by his daughter Smoky Crow (2), and her son Sandy Clagett (3). (This is still being researched by Sherry Byrd and Pat Mefferd, and WSTR records provided by Kate Riordan, who is currently on the WSTR Board of Governors.)
Crow is mentioned in Ann Hyland's book, The Appaloosa 1 as one of the pioneers in endurance for the Appaloosa breed.
Many Appaloosas have been prominent in the sport [endurance] and have kept the breed banner flying. A real trailblazer was Betty Veal's Crow, a leopard marked horse and the first Appaloosa to complete the Tevis Cup ride, who was succeeded by Walter Tibbitt's Ruff Spots' Banner...
This article and photo, titled "Appaloosa Finishes Country's Toughest Endurance Ride," written by Dick Spencer, appeared in the Appaloosa News 2


June 1961 cover photo of the Appaloosa News: Crow and Betty Veal
on the Tevis Cup ride.
Crow appeared on the cover of Appaloosa News3 after his successful finish of the Tevis Cup Ride.
In this same issue author Randy Steffen writes 4:
Betty Veal, the rider [of Crow] says this stallion never faltered throughout the 100 miles, and probably could have gone on another considerable distance with no excessive fatigue.
Randy also writes:
Many horse have won the coveted One Hundred Miles One Day silver buckles for their riders...and many have played out before reaching the finish line. Not too many Appaloosa horses have made the ride, but every one that started finished in good shape - more than can said of any other breed entered.

Another section of the Tevis Cup ride
as Crow and Betty continue on.
Crow was also ridden in parades. Below are Crow (right), owned by Betty Veal; Crow's daughter Crow's Star Splash (middle), owned by Toyon Farms, and Little Bull (left), owned by Sharon Knudtsen. They are ridden by the cast of 1965-1967 TV show Laredo. Peter Brown on Crow, William Smith on Crow's Star Splash, and Phil Carey on Little Bull.

Parade at the 20th District Fair, held in Auburn, California.

Actor Peter Brown of Laredo riding Crow in an Auburn parade.

Actor Peter Brown with Betty Veal and Crow.
*The Tevis Cup, features a fascinating cast of characters, among whom are: Wendell Robie, the founder of the ride. His vision created a competitive trail ride across the Sierras and his enthusiasm and energy made the vision come true; Betty Veal and Dru Barner, whose organizational skills helped turn Robie's dream into a reality. And Auburn, California became the Endurance Capital of the World. (This information from The Tevis Cup, to finish is to win.5)
Basic Info
ApHC Studbook data:
Crow, F-4625, advanced from T-1142.
Sire: Ferlyf AHCR #3677
Dam: H Grant Squaw. T-21279
(pedigree at bottom of page)
Foaled June 1, 1953
Bred by Jim Bachman, Oreana, Idaho.
Owned by Jack and Betty Veal, Auburn, California.
Sire of 54 registered foals (detailed list below)

Crow F-4625 - Betty Veal on the right

Crow was advertised in "The Ketch Pen"
of Western Horsemen magazine
from at least 1964-1967.

This ad appeared in the Appaloosa News, 1961.
Show record
1959 Tevis Cup - completion in Top 15
Offspring, as listed by Appaloosa Horse Club Production Record
Crow's Pintsize Babe T-2695 mare Chestnut, white over loin and hips, Foaled 5/1/57
Dam: Pintsize ApHC#1582 (chestnut with white spots. Sire: unknown Dam: unnamed Appaloosa)
Bred by Jim Bachman of Oreana, Idaho.- Pawnee's Papoosa T-3968 mare Foaled 4/20/58
Dam: Pawnee AP36893 Crow Brave #16531
Crow Brave #16531 gelding Red roan, white with chestnut spots over loin and hips. Foaled 4/25/59
Dam: Miss Rona AQHA #36323
Owned by Gerald Gray, Walnut Creek, California.
Bred by Robert Thompson, Los Gatos, CaliforniaDiane Clagett and Smoky Crow
at the Nevada All State 100 Mile Ride,
finishing in 17 hours and 15 minutes.
Thirty eight of the 54 entries finished.
This was their second 100 mile ride,
completing the Tevis Cup 100 Miler in 1967.Smoky Crow BT-33613 mare Dark blue roan, light over hips Foaled 5/3/59
Dam: Rene AP274620 (chestnut)
Owned by Sylvia Smith, Grass Valley, California.
Bred by Mr and Mrs L. Smith, Grass Valley, California
Appaloosa News 6 3-70:50
Appaloosa News 7 5-72:32
Two Tevis Cup finishes,
Nevada All State 100 Mile (first Appaloosa to finish for which she received a plaque from the ApHC),
1971 CAL Western Top 5 Endurance List.Crow's Ladybird T-20593 mare Bay, light over loin and hips Foaled 6/26/59
Dam: Quarter mare.
Owned by SJ and Betty Samson, Auburn, CaliforniaRudd's Tyee [Ruud's?] T-10179 stallion Chestnut, white over hips Foaled 9/23/59
Dam: Sisu AP43958
Owned by Otto Rudd [Ruud?], Auburn, CaliforniaCrow's Easter Parade T-17863 mare Bay, light over hips Foaled 4/17/60
Dam: Muffit AP126451
Owned by Jannette McManus, Nevada City, CaliforniaStormy Crow #50456 gelding Red roan, light with brown spots over body and hips Foaled 4/27/60
Dam: Toni (palomino) AP43842
Bred by Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Brown, Loomis, California
Owned by Alice Spitzer, Loomis, CaliforniaPeppered Pemmican #29597 gelding Chestnut, white over loin and hips Foaled 5/28/60
Dam: Pepper AP32443
Owned by Betty Veal and Joyce Hammond, Auburn, California
Bred by Joyce Hammond, Marysville, CaliforniaTayiaal #11313 stallion Brown, white spots over hips Foaled 8/21/60
Dam: Sinta Ska Win ApHC #11312 (Blue Roan Sire: QH Dam: Appaloosa)
Owned by Betty Veal and Ina Drake, Auburn, CaliforniaCrow's Feather #11314 stallion Bay, white with bay spots over hips Foaled 9/11/60
Dam: Foggy A44957
Owned by Betty Veal and Ina Drake, Auburn, CaliforniaLady Gaye #36060 mare Bay, white spots over body and hips Foaled 4/7/61
Dam: Lady A1236 (bay)
Owned by Ted and Evelyn Gaylord, North Sacramento, California
Bred by Pat Moquin, Auburn, CaliforniaCrow's Night Watch T-16014 mare Light blue roan, black spots over body and hips Foaled 4/9/61
Dam: Sidra AP274619 (Anglo-Arab)
Owned by Betty Veal and Ina Drake, Auburn, CaliforniaNiegel's Nina Dolce T-28679 mare Black, light over hips Foaled 5/1/61
Dam: Suncloud's Sundown ApHC T-27197 (Sire: Chief Sun Cloud ApHC T-54 Dam: Babe)
Owned by Fog Valley Ranch, Cool, California
Bred by Rudolph Niegel Jr, Cool, CaliforniaCrow's King of Hearts T-17864 stallion Chestnut, white with chestnut spots over loin and hips Foaled 7/16/61
Dam: Jubilee AP14083
Owned by Jeannette McManus, Nevada City, CaliforniaCrow's Midnight Warrior #17085 gelding Black, white with black spots over loin and hips Foaled 9/12/61
Dam: Sinta Ska Win ApHC #11312 Blue Roan (Sire: QH Dam: Appaloosa)
Owned by Betty Veal and Ina Drake, Auburn, CaliforniaCrow's Cheppewa SB: Crow's Chippewa T-17813 stallion Bay, white spots over hips Foaled 9/23/61
Dam: Daisy [no reg #]
Owned by Michael Wilbur, Auburn, CaliforniaCrow's Star Splash #21540
ridden by actor William SmithCrow's Star Splash #21540 mare Brown, white with black spots over loin and hips Foaled 4/16/62
Dam: Princess of Oakley ASHBA #46890 (American Saddlebred)
Owned by Barbara Klose, Auburn, California
Bred by William Klose, Auburn, CaliforniaCrow's Redcloud T-22346 stallion Chestnut, white with chestnut spots over loin and hips Foaled 5/9/62
Dam: Dixie Zig Zag AQHA P-125144
Owned by Bob Enzler, Auburn, CaliforniaLittle Chief Cody T-28430 stallion Light blue roan Foaled 5/24/62
Dam: Miss Grey AP48561
Owned by DeWayne Holden, Meadow Vista, California
Bred by Paul Clark, Auburn, CaliforniaSinbad B#-26406 gelding Blue roan Foaled 5/29/62
Dam: Queen Mefertiti AP274617
Owned by Roland Ludford, Applegate, California
Bred by Holly Acres SchoolCrow's Thistle T-28148 mare Chestnut, light over hips Foaled 6/8/62
Dam: Titian AP48400
Owned by Casey Markell, Elk Creek, CaliforniaCrow's Sundie #28801 mare Bay Foaled 7/15/62
Dam: Jean AP36007 TB
Owned by Pauline Swanson, Auburn, California
Bred by Ken Swanson, Auburn, CaliforniaToyon Serendipity #31603 ridden by Diane Clagett,
1970 Blue Mountain RideToyon Serendipity #31603 mare Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over loin and hips Foaled 3/19/63
Dam: Sidra AP274023
Owned by Betty Veal and Ina Robinson, Auburn, CaliforniaSolano Shadow T-31145 stallion Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over loin and hips Foaled 3/29/63
Dam: Sherry AP23178
Owned by Leonard Keck, Vacaville, California
Bred by EJ Nelson, Vacaville, CaliforniaToyon Lady Jane T-38948 mare Light Bay, roan over body and hips Foaled 3/29/63
Dam: Foggy AP44957
Owned by Betty Veal and Ina Robinson, Auburn, CaliforniaJody's Little Man T-38304 stallion Red roan, white over loin and hips, chestnut spots over hips Foaled 4/22/63
Dam: Jody (red roan) AP36972
Owned by Jim Yancey, Auburn, CaliforniaKekawaka BT-38305 stallion Brown, star on forehead Foaled 5/1/63
Dam: Princess of Oakley ASHBA #46890 (American Saddlebred)
Bred by William Klose, Auburn, California
Owned by Cheryl Klose, Auburn, CaliforniaToyon Bronze Bell BT-38949 mare Chestnut, star Foaled 5/31/63
Dam: Dapple Annie K T-14030 (unk x unk)
Owned by Betty Veal and Ina Robinson, Auburn, CaliforniaRaysans Wehaha #38300 gelding Brown, white with brown spots ovr loin and hips Foaled 7/21/63
Dam: Ginger bucksin AP140651
Bred by Ray Harrison, Sacramento, CaliforniaEl Dusty Rebel T-96362 stallion Dun, white with bown spots over loin and hips Foaled 8/29/63
Dam: Ginger palomino AP140651
Bred by Mabel Ball, Auburn, California
Owned by Connie Smith, Auburb, CaliforniaTawnee Crow BT 50433 mare Dark chestnut Foaled 2/13/64
Dam: Bonnie B (chestnut) AP53372
Owned by Mr. and Mrs.W.C. Riley, Sacramento, CaliforniaTraveler's Toyon T-116028 mare Red roan Foaled 2/21/64
Dam: Miss Traveler (chestnut) AP46237
Bred by Mrs. Clifford Greene, North Highlands, California
Owned by Clifford and Betty Greene, North Highlands, CaliforniaThorny #122626 gelding Red roan, chestnut spots over hips Foaled 5/7/64
Dam: Titian (chestnut) AP48400?
Bred by Casy Markell, Elk Creek, California
Owned by Kathryn Evans, Elk Creek, CaliforniaCrow's Mr. President #50533 gelding Black, white with black spots over loin and hips Foaled 5/15/64
Dam: Sally Gay (red roan) AP274616
Owned by Linda Neill, Auburn, CaliforniaWah-Su-Lah T-45805 mare Sorrel, white with sorrel and brown spots over loin and hips Foaled 6/2/64
Dam: Rainy AP48785
Owned by Elizabeth Jean Nelson, Davis, CaliforniaCrow's Night Hawk #63967 gelding Blue roan, light over hips Foaled 7/11/64
Dam: Mood Indigo ApHC #16365 (Sire: Appaloosa Dam: Deep Purple K T-15994 (unk x unk)
Bred by Alice Saare, Santa Rosa, California
Owned by Michele Dudley Poe, Sacramento, CaliforniaMiss Salmagundi T-44808 mare Bay, white spots over hips Foaled 8/16/64
Dam: Ohrbach AQHA Appendix AP132655
Owned by Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Morrison, Auburn, CaliforniaTall Chief #65647 gelding Light blue roan, black spots over loin and hips Foaled 9/3/64
Dam: Smoky (grey) AP24690
Bred by Ed Markell, Lincoln, California
Owned by Roger Bennett, Lincoln, CaliforniaRakush Lindy ID-284 mare Foaled 3/27/65
Dam: Dodie #30341 (Sire: Fruhling's Sheik F-1193 Dam: Fruhling's Mecca F-3072)Crow's Morning Star T-56428 mare Brown, white with black spots over hips Foaled 4/3/65
Dam: Lady (chestnut) AP1236
Bred by Robert Powell, Auburn, California
Owned by Larry Powell, Auburn, CaliforniaKamiah Spring Storm #63108 mare Chestnut, roan over body and hips Foaled 4/10/65
Dam: Q.T. Freckles ApHC #6298
Owned by Daniel and Verna Joan Daniels, Auburn, CaliforniaCrow's Tomahawk #61453 gelding Black, white with black spots over loin and hips Foaled 4/23/65
Dam: Goldie (chestnut) AP154629
Owned by Richard Killary, Meadow Vista, CaliforniaBrad's Smokey Crow T-117543 mare Red roan Foaled 5/65 at Arbuckle, California
Dam: Smokey Hawk AQHA 38983
Bred by Mr. and Mrs. George Pratt, Arbuckle, California
Owned by E.W. Bradley, Oakland, CaliforniaCrow's Fallen Star ID-279 mare Foaled 5/8/65
Dam: Princess of Oakley ASHBA #46890 (American Saddlebred)Star's Folly T-60783 mare Blue roan, white over body and hips Foaled 5/10/65
Dam: Crow's Star Splash #21540 (see above)
Owned by Barbara Klose, Auburn, CaliforniaCayenne's Pepper T-60784 mare Brown, white and black spots over hips Foaled 5/14/65
Dam: Cayenne (brown) AP198068
Bred by William Klose, Auburn, California
Owned by Cheryl Klose, Auburn, CaliforniaNez Perce A ID-9792 mare Foaled 5/30/65
Dam: Stormy Ibn Rah AP38639Crow's Little Hawk #76061 gelding Chestnut, white over loin and hips Foaled 5/5/66
Dam: Goldie (chestnut) AP154629
Bred by Richard Killary, Meadow Vista, California
Owned by Richard and Joanne Killary, Meadow Vista, CaliforniaCrow's Red Wing BT-124904 mare Bay Foaled 11/13/66 at Cool, California
Dam: Suncloud's Sundown ApHC T-27197 (Sire: Chief Sun Cloud ApHC T-54 Dam: Babe)
Owned by Rudolph Niegel Jr, Cool, CaliforniaCrow's Canela T-180996 mare Red roan, white over loin and hips Foaled 4/1/67
Dam: Cindy (chestnut) AP477
Bred by Leslie Silva, Auburn, California
Owned by Betty Veal, Auburn, CaliforniaCrow's Papoose T-84792 mare Red roan, white with sorrel spots over loin and hips Foaled 6/2/67 at Auburn, California
Dam: Star (chestnut) AP23414
Bred by Norma Sterling, Auburn, California
Owned by Sherman and Norma Sterling, Auburn, CaliforniaRonjo Raindrop #84793 mare Blue roan, white over body and hips, black spots over entire body Foaled 6/24/67
Dam: Sinte Ska Win ApHC #11312 Blue Roan (Sire: QH Dam: Appaloosa)
Bred by Betty Veal and Ina Robinson, Auburn, California
Owned by Betty Veal, Auburn, CaliforniaCenturion's Shyanne #215110 mare Grey, black spots over back and hips Foaled 3/12/68
Dam: Centurion Freckle #19005 (Sire: War Dance L T-2822 Dam: Traylo's Freckles 12540)
Owned by Cherie Gump, Monrovia, California
Grandget and beyond
- Sandy Clagett gelding Dam: Smoky Crow T-33613. Three Tevis Cup finishes: in 1973 finished 35th (time 19:05)8
Toyon Leige Lea T-261916
- The Imp ID#9652 Foaled 1962 (Stormy Crow #50456 x unreg mare)
- Bar Wise Sire: Mr. Rocky Barred 56763 Dam: The Imp ID#9652(AQHA) 1970 stallion
- Anlo Red Bar Sire: Bar Wise Dam: Imboden Red Girl (Red Heller x After Dark 1975 mare
- Anlo MD #567937 Dam: Anlo Red Bar 1997 mare
- Anlo Imp Plaudit stallion Foaled 6-1982 Sire: LP Coleda Plaudit Dam: Anlo Red Bar
- Anlo Mr. Good Bar Sire: Poco Little Champ Dam: Anlo Red Bar
- Anlo Five O Slow Sire: Anlo Mr Good Bar Dam: Anlo Misy Plaudit
Anlo Raindance
- Anlo Raindance Sire: Anlo Mr. Good Bar Dam: Anlo Partydoll Foaled 1995 gelding
Shauna Kaie Eb en
Native Intentions
- Toyon Titian Lea Sire: Toyon Liege Lea T-261916 Dam: ?
- Toyon Autumn Lea 1991 mare Sire:Toyon Liege Lea T-261916 Dam: ?
- Chic-A-Moon Dancer T-210722 mare Dam: Niegel's Nina Dolce. Bred by Fog Valley Ranch, Cool, California
- Miss Smarty Pants T-169802 1994 mare Sire: unknown Dam: Nez Perce A ID 9792
- Double AA's Ima Gem #184721 1973 mare Sire: Key Notion ApHC Dam: Miss Smarty Pants T-169802
- Squally Gem 475297 1988 mare Sire: Squally Jake Dam: Doube AA's Ima Gem 184721
- Ima Sting Toby 463602 1987 stallion Sire: Crown Fire Dam: Double AA's Ima Gem 184721
Footnotes and References
- 1. Hyland, Ann. The Appaloosa Lyons Press ©1990 Page 126
- 2. Spencer, Dick. "Appaloosa Finishes Country's Toughest Endurance Ride", Appaloosa News Sept/Oct 1959:9
- 3. Appaloosa News June 1961:Cover
- 4. Steffen, Randy. "Endurance and the Appaloosa," Appaloosa News June 1961:8
- 5. Langer, Marnye The Tevis Cup: To Finish Is To Win Lyons Press ©2004
- 6. Appaloosa News 3-70:50 [photo of Smoky Crow/Nevada 100 Mile Ride)
- 7. Regional Report. "Leading Cal Western Endurance and Competitive Ride Appaloosas Named",Appaloosa News May 1972:32
- 8.Saare, Sharon. "Appaloosas Do Well in Tevis" Appaloosa News December 1973:61
- Appaloosa News May 61:19 (ad)
- Appaloosa News Jun 61:17 (ad)
- Western Horsemen "Ketchpen" 1964-1967 (ad)
Pedigree of Crow
Raseyn AHR #597 gr 1923 Arabian (son of Skowronek) |
Ronek AHR #807 gr 14.2 1931 Arabian | |||
Bahreyn b 1924 Arabian | |||
Alyf AHR #1465 gr 1938 Arabian | |||
Rodan AHR #258 ch 15.1 1906 Arabian | |||
Fath AHR #583 ch 1926 Arabian | |||
Kola AHR #485 ch 1912 Arabian | |||
Ferlyf AHCR #3677 gr 1946 | |||
Nasik AHR #604 b 1908 Arabian | |||
Rafeef ch 1927 Arabian | |||
Riyala 1905 Arabian | |||
Ferdisia AHR #595 b 1926 Arabian | |||
Rustem b 1908 Arabian | |||
Ferda b 1913 Arabian | |||
Feluka ch 1899 Arabian | |||
Maintenant ch 1913 Thoroughbred | |||
Sidney Grant 1927 Thoroughbred | |||
Martha Gorman b 1902 Thoroughbred | |||
Henry Grant ch 1937 Thoroughbred | |||
Marse Henry 1913 Thoroughbred | |||
Utah Nurse b 1923 Thoroughbred | |||
My Nurse 1906 Thoroughbred | |||
H. Grant Squaw T-21279 Red roan. Owner Clair and Eugene Smith, Caldwell, Idaho. Foaled 1945 |
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Appaloosa | |||
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