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Appaloosa History:
Money Creek's Ambition
F-4278 [from 10461]

Basic Info
Money Creek's Ambition
F-4278 [from 10461]
Foaled 1960
Sire: PepperÕs Shamrock F-4090
Dam: PVFÕs Butterfly F-3486
(pedigree at bottom of page)
Breeder: Mr and Mrs Ed Weber, Houston, Minnesota
Ambition II 59680 stallion
Foaled 1963
Blue roan, star
Dam: Saddlelite Flash 9239Kootenai Bell 68453 mare
Foaled 1963
Bay, roan with white spots over body, pastern l hind
Dam: Sunday [b] [no reg #]
Dam of MC Ambition Dusty 3489-O/425560 1982 stallionMoney Chief 50779 stallion
Foaled 1963
Sorrel, spotted blkt, star, sock both hind
Dam: Beauty [blk] [no reg #]Granny's Girl 114962 mare
Foaled 1964
Blue roan
Dam: Grandma Porter [no reg #]Ambition's Bay Mist 677-P/49008 mare
Foaled 1964
Brown, spotted blkt
Dam: Carey's Baylass 520-R/9425
Dam of: Powder's April Mist 1151-N/143527 1970 mareAmbition's Dawn 49006 mare
Foaled 1964
Red roan, white over body, star
Dam: Money Creek's Mrs Sippi 17704Speckled Tanda 48246 mare
Foaled 1964
Red leopard
Dam: Flicka [no reg #]Ambition's Toots 49007 mare
Foaled 1964
Blue roan, white over body, star, sock l hind
Dam: Money Creek Two Step F-4209
Dam of:
Ambition's Tootsie Roll 123163 1969 mare,
Powder's Polka Dott 185122 1972 mare,
Powder Kegg 212443 1974 stallion,
Powder's Image 233711 1975 stallion,
Chub's Mini Dott 286598 1976 mare,
Chub's Pride 267535 1977 mare,
Swift Angel 317604 1979 mare,
Sunray Sasha 334572 1980 mareAmbition's Sugar 63365 mare
Foaled 1965
Bay, white spots over hips
Dam: Saddlelite Flash 9239Baylass' Major Silver 697-P/60415 gelding
Foaled 1965
Bay, white with b and bl spots over hips, star
Dam: CareyÕs Baylass 520-R/9425Kambi Lee 59067 gelding
Foaled 1965
Red roan, spots over body
Dam: Flicka [ch] [no reg #]
Reference: Appaloosa News 12-74:65, Ada Fall77#121pSwamp Angel 120246 mare
Foaled 1965
Blue roan
Dam: Money Creek's Mrs Sippi 17704Reb's Cheyenne 60716 gelding
Foaled 1965
Bay, white spots over hips, blaze, sock r hind
Dam: Flicka [ch] [no reg #]Speckled Buckshot 67961 gelding
Foaled 1965
White, brown spots over body
Dam: Queen [ch] [no reg #]AmbitionÕs Sonny Lad 60719 gelding
Foaled 1965
Blue roan, blkt
Dam: Ko Nee TaÕs Teena 19818Van's Comanche 92613 stallion
Foaled 1965
Blue roan, white with brown spots over body
Dam: Van's Cheyenne 77988Shamrock Pearl 98017 mare
Foaled 1965
Bay, white spots over body, bay spots over l/h, pastern r hind
Dam: Penny II [palomino][no reg #]Starr's Ambition 112877 mare
Foaled 1965
Brown, white spots over body, coronet r hind
Dam: Starr [sor] [no reg #]Daka 71254 stallion
Foaled 1966
Chestnut, spotted blkt, star, stripe, pastern r front and both hind
Dam: Penny [chestnut] [no reg #]Speckel Beauty's Dott 73545 mare
Foaled 1966
Red roan, white over body, coronet both front
Dam: Speckel Beauty S 5756Ambition's Sugar Doll 74934 mare
Foaled 1966
Bay, spotted blkt, star
Dam: Saddlelite Flash 9239SR War Chief 68274 stallion
Foaled 1966
Bay leopard, pastern both hind
Dam: S and R Midnight ID 2092
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-76:134, 2-76:242*, 8-75:80, 9-75:142, 11-75:78, 2-73:133*, 5-73:120*, 8-73:88*, 9-71:94*, 2-72:104*, 7-72:84*, 4-74:64*, 11-74:156*, 12-74:103*, 4-70:83, 10-70:79, 11-70:101, MC77#55p
Sire of :
Chief's Strawberi Delite 218643 1975 mareMoney Creek's Buckshot 98094 gelding
Foaled 1966
Dun, white and blk spots over hips, star
Dam: Ko Nee Ta's Teena 19818KÕs Speckled Creek 113997 mare
Foaled 1966
Red roan, light over hips, blaze, ankle l front
Dam: Money Creek's Bellelaya 17707Tiara Lee 120198 mare
Foaled 1966
Chestnut, spotted blkt
Dam: Miss Flickering Diamond (ch) [no reg #]Spear K War Chant 75180 gelding
Foaled 1966
Bay, white spots over hips
Dam: Money CreekÕs Two Step F-4209Pepper Creek 78822 gelding
Foaled 1966
Sorrel, spotted blkt
Dam: Money Creek's Mrs Sippi 17704Chief Leopard Boy 861-P/76020 stallion
Foaled 1966
Blue roan, white with spots over body
Dam: CareyÕs Baylass 520-R/T-9425
Sire of:
Chief Buckshot 1147-N/27169 1970 stallion
ChiefÕs Thunder Cloud 162841
Wendego Chief 1403-P/181531 1972 stallion
7TÕs Bit A Honey 1501-O/204981 1974 stallion
Chief Moanahonga 1132-R/137822 1970 stallion
Chief Checotah 1148-N/140575 1970 stallion
Chief Wassa 1149-N/140578 1970 stallion
ChiefÕs Miss Baylass 1150-N/140579 1970 mare
Hickory Adjidaumo 1239-S 1971 stallion
Hickory Kwasind 1240-O 1971 stallionDiamond AÕs Burk 123040 gelding
Foaled 1967
Bay, white spots over body, star, coronet r front, pastern l front and both hind
Dam: Penny (b) [no reg #]Pinky II 149633 mare
Foaled 1967
Sorrel, white and chestnut spots over body
Dam: Flicka [ch] [no reg #]Miss Peppa Ricka 123834 mare
Foaled 1967
Chestnut, white spots over body, star, 1/2 pastern l hind
Dam: Miss Flickering Diamond [no reg #]Ambi's Red Jinx 239166 gelding
Foaled 1967
Red roan, white with br/bl spots over body, snip
Dam: Copper Dot [red roan] [no reg #]Ambition's Freckles 87680 mare
Foaled 1967
Brown, 1/2 pastern r hind
Dam: Speckel's Little Jewel 19819Kewa Queen 85215 mare
Foaled 1967
Chestnut, white and ch spots over body
Dam: Money Creek's Two Step F-4209
Dam of:
Honey B Riches 3185-O/175366 1972 mareSpeckled Taffy 84118 mare
Foaled 1967
Sorrel, spotted blkt
Dam: Queen [ch] JCTiam's Topsy 85128 mare
Foaled 1967
Dun, white with dun spots over body
Dam: Ko Nee Ta's Teena 19818Ginger's Lady Lou 85216 mare
Foaled 1967
Black, white spots over hips, star
Dam: Sonseeray's Ginger ID 5399/SB: Ginger [buckskin]
Dam of: Ambition's Penny 317322 1979 mareAmber Beauty 85214 mare
Foaled 1967
Chestnut, white spots over hips, coronet r hind
Dam: Speckel Beauty S 5756S and R April Mist 144712 mare
Foaled 1968
Blue roan, light with bl spots over body
Dam: Richwood's Misty Morn 45397S and R War Star 104387 mare
Foaled 1968
Blue roan, white with bl/br spots over body, 1/2 pastern l hind
Dam: S and R Midnight ID 2092
Dam of:
Olympic War Star 162667 mareMoney Creek Freckles 96333 gelding
Foaled 1968
Bay, white with b spots over body, ankles r front and r hind
Dam: Foxy Lady [b] [no reg #]PS Sonny Boy 141471 stallion
Foaled 1968
White, blk and ch spots over body
Dam: Flickering Diamond Lee [no reg #]Ambition's Honey Bee 99325 mare
Foaled 1968
Bay, spotted blkt, star, coronet l hind
Dam: Ginger [buckskin] [no reg #]
Dam of:
Powder's Honey Dott 224534 1974 mare
Ima Honey Bunch 3117-N/401864 1983 mareOttawa Chief 103351 stallion
Foaled 1968
Bay, spotted blkt
Dam: Susie Allace 100637Ambition's Koko Bay 100638 mare
Foaled 1968
Brown, stocking l hind
Dam: Speckel Beauty's Bay Princess 27588
Dam of:
Bandido's Bridgett 296318 1979 mareSassafras Bird 125134 mare
Foaled 1969
Black, spotted blkt, star
Dam: Speckel Beauty S 5756
Dam of:
Shamrock's Tiger 335773 1980 stallionAmbition's Silver Lad 1056-R/123609 stallion
Foaled 1969
Red roan, blkt, l hind 1/2 pastern
Dam: Carey's Baylass 9425S and R War Fire 207985 mare
Foaled 1969
Brown, white with br/bl spots over b/h, half pastern r hind
Dam: S and R Midnight ID 2092
References: CRHA Bloodlhorse V7:14, MC77#38p
Dam of:
SR Fire Nugget 387730 1983 stallion
SR Joker's War Fire 210924 1974 marePoco Deoblow 137309 stallion
Foaled 1969
Blue roan, black spots over body
Dam: Ko Nee Ta's Teena 19818Ka D Lin 117086 mare
Foaled 1969
Dam: Foxy Lady [b] [no reg #]Van's Freckles 122544 mare
Foaled 1969
Bay, white with brown spots over body
Dam: Van's Cheyenne 77988Miss Red Man 123891 mare
Foaled 1969
Bay, spotted blkt
Dam: Jet Black ID 7375Kraai's Pancho 186798 gelding
Foaled 1969
Blue roan, white with black spots over l/h
Dam: KraaiÕs Flicka 137952Miss Pee Vee 137227 mare
Foaled 1970
Black, white with bl/br spots over body
Dam: Speckel Beauty S 5756
Reference: SDNL Aug98 Scans
Dam of:
Tahitian May Day 297520 [ICAA Papers #1700, CRHA Bloodhorse V6:37],
My Jenna Britches 295550 1978 mare [FAHR 4-1:45],Ambition's Marilly 136174 mare
Foaled 1970
Brown, coronet r hind
Dam: Carey's Baylass 9425Yana Yacu 135073 mare
Foaled 1970
Bay, blk/wh spots over hips
Dam: Saddlelite Flash 9239Ambition's Folly 147768 stallion
Foaled 1970
Bay, white spots over body, roan w/ spots over hips, blaze, ankle r front and r hind
Dam: Bub's Miss 28041WhiskerÕs Beard 181344 gelding
Foaled 1970
Blue roan, white over b/h, black spots over body
Dam: KraaiÕs Flicka 137952Money CreekÕs Paco 209288 stallion
Foaled 1970
Red roan, white over b/h, br/blk spots over body
Dam: Mygym 142697Stoney Creek Warchief 136148 stallion
Foaled 1970
Blue roan, white with blk spots over body
Dam: Halfmoon Warchief ID 2765Precious Ambition 157433 mare
Foaled 1971
Chestnut, star, half pastern r hind
Dam: PreacherÕs Kid AQLiving Flame 181345 gelding
Foaled 1971
Red roan, white with ch/br spots over b/h
Dam: KraaiÕs Flicka 137952Pretty Butterfly 1648-P/153228 mare
Foaled 1971
Black leopard
Dam: Carey's Baylass 9425
Dam of:
D and M's Winterhawk 1807-R 1976 stallion
Sogonosh's April 1946-R/274881 1978 mare
Sogonosh's Baby 2335-O 1979 mare
Sogonosh's Turn 2337-R 1980 stallion
Sogonosh's Mississippi 3093-O 1982 mare
Sogonosh's Monarch 3101-O 1983 stallionVelvet Llace 153666 mare
Foaled 1971
Brown, spot on forehead [star?]
Dam: Susie Allace 100637DustyÕs Ambition 153670 stallion
Foaled 1971
Brown, white over body, star, stripe
Dam: Dusty Dakoto 50596AmbitionÕs Smoke 212442 mare
Foaled 1973
Black, spot on forehead
Dam: Dusty April 117820AlpineÕs Ambition 179311 gelding
Foaled 1973
Chestnut, white with chestnut spots over b/h, stripe, ankle l hind
Dam: Glory B Pico ID 11442
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-74:105SR War Dust 210956 stallion
Foaled 1974
Brown, white spots over hips, pastern l hind
Dam: S and R Midnight ID 2092RKÕs Vindicator 242717 stallion
Foaled 1975
White, brown spots over body, pastern r hind
Dam: Bonnie B II 174119BayÕs Leopard Lad 292166 stallion
Foaled 1976
Dam: CareyÕs Baylass 9425
Reference: FAHR Tidings 2.3, CRHA Bloodhorse V6:37
Sire of:
AmbitionÕs Dream Squaw 575334 1998 mare [FAHR Tidings 2.4],
Ambitions Copper Totum 572888 1998 mare [FAHR Tidings 2.3],
Ambitionsshuttenland 562759 1997 stallion [FAHR Tidings 2.4]
LadÕs Tahi Reo 3260/355141 [SDNL Aug98, CRHA Bloodlhorse V7:13]
MC Ambition Dusty 3489-O/425560 1982 stallion
TahiÕs Amber Lass 453939 mareSiri Poco Chip 307328 stallion
Foaled 1976
Dam: PocoÕs Pretty Cream AQCliwameshaÕs Star 1774-O /247900 mare
Foaled 1976
Bay, spotted blanket
Dam: SonseerayÕs Wanita 680-P/28983
Dam of:
Sogonosh's Star 3092-Q 1983 mareAmbyÕs Silver Mist 316671 mare
Foaled 1977
Dam: CareyÕs Baylass 9425
Reference: FAHR Tidings 2.3
Dam of:
Blue SnowÕs Jessie N478478 1988 mare [FAHR Tidings 2.3]AmbitionÕs Sun Raye 293120 stallion
Foaled 1977
Dam: Sunray Gold Dotte 173814
Sire of:
*Rein Vance 483369 1989 stallion [RN 9-04*reg]Prince Sheblee 270178 stallion
Foaled 1977
Brown, spotted blanket
Dam: Speckel BeautyÕs Bay Princess 27588Miss Lacey Velvet 295833 mare
Foaled 1978
Dam: SonseerayÕs Ginger ID 5399AmigoÕs Ambition 304225 gelding
Foaled 1978
Dam: TinaÕs Gold Mist 298607Eltonga Ambition 286694 gelding
Foaled 1978
Dam: Speckel BeautyÕs Bay Princess 27588MCB Princess 309670 mare
Foaled 1979
Dam: Beau Arrow Princess 153230King Pepper Eagle 317321 stallion
Foaled 1979
Dam: Ginger Reo 136173Ambitious Honey 320668 mare
Foaled 1979
Dam: Speckel BeautyÕs Bay Princess 27588AmbitionÕs Penny 317322 mare
Foaled 1979
Dam: GingerÕs Lady Lou 85216Ace High Ambition 375652 stallion
Foaled 1982
Dam: Ginger Reo 136173
Reference: FAHR Tidings 2.3, ICAA Papers #1559
Sire of:
Sunray JewelÕs Spot 559211 1996 mare [FAHR Tidings 2.3]
Ace Hi El Ranger 559212 1996 stallionCopper Creek 379362 mare
Foaled 1982
Dam: Copper Penelope S ID 15672Ibn Ambition 396806 gelding
Foaled 1983
Dam: Glaaouiet [arab]
Pedigree of Money Creek's Ambition
Desert King![]() |
Arab Toswirah Alkhar F-2417![]() |
Desert Veeinte or Sudan | |||
Sire's sire: Siri Sheik F-1833 ![]() |
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Desert Veeinte (Viente) | |||
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Sire: PepperÕs Shamrock F-4090![]() |
Sir Oliver![]() |
RennerÕs Pepper T-6 ![]() |
Dapples [Morgan] | |||
Sire's dam: Pepper Face T-211 ![]() |
Costa's Specks F-1853![]() |
Freckle Face F-524 ![]() |
Hattie | |||
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Deter Leopard | |||
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Dam: PVFÕs Butterfly F-3486![]() |
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Senator Grey TB | |||
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Mr DeterÕs mare |
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This page posted October 2022. Updated December 2022.