Appaloosa Territory

Willow Creek

A modern day descendent of Simcoe Sarcee is a black leopard filly named Willow Creek. Foaled in 2015, in Michigan, she goes 6 times to Simcoe's Sarcee in the 4th and 5th generations. Her sire WA Navajo Candy goes 5 times and her dam SH Ulrich Knightdove goes 1 time in the 4th generation. This little girl came out looking like her ancestor!

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With her dam, SH Ulrich Knightdove.


Her sire, WA Navajo Candy.


Future plans for her include pulling her owner, Glenn, about in this awesome buggy!
Won't that make a sight to see!?


In the meantime, we are simply growing up.

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With my mom

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With my chosen human, Glenn

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Summer into fall....


Winter! [ugh]


What, don't I get to be a kid? Sheesh, there won't be anything left to do later! Won't that be boring?? No fireworks in the future? Sniff.
[And I hear she is picking up her feet, and backing between poles - getting ready for that buggy!]

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Can you not see that I look like my great great grandpa? : )

And I can't wait to see Willow when she has shed out next spring. ~ Gretchen

Update [July 2016]- the spring/summer photos of Willow Creek arrived. She is turning into a beauty! Thank you, Glenn, for sharing her!


from both sides...


Update [August 2016] - looks like the driving education begins. She seems pretty unconcerned with it all.

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And totally at ease...what a lucky girl.

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Willow wearing a saddle...suppose she has any idea what this means?

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or this? Willow is the proud wearer of a beautiful harness - that will match the buggy. So neat. [September 2016]

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Willow Creek in 2017 - 2 years old. What a beautiful girl - with red or blue halters : )

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Willow Creek 2018


Isn't she grand! Wow! You've done a great job Glenn.

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This page last updated August 2018.