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Appaloosa History:
World Appaloosa Performance Champions
World Champion
General Custer T-1986
Reserve Champion
Saska Sundog 7683 ApHCC 558

General Custer T-1986
(Tomichi T-3455 x Sally Calico F-4208)

Saska Sundog 7683 ApHCC 558
(Chickasaw Chief ApHCC 506 x Golden Snowflake or Appaloosa per ApHCC)
1962 World Champion
Quanah's Warrior T-3056
Reserve Champion
Saska Sundog 7683 ApHCC 558

Quanah's Warrior T-3056
(Son of Quanah F-2674 x Coate's Skokeian)

Saska Sundog 7683 ApHCC 558
(Chickasaw Chief ApHCC 506 x Golden Snowflake or Appaloosa per ApHCC)
1963 World Champion
Tie: Mister Blue F-2026 and Tok A Run 10667

Mister Blue F-2026
(American Eagle F-1452 x Little Dutchess F-1590)

Tok A Run 10667
(Tok A Poke F-1972 x Sally JC)
1964 World Champion
Nansel's Chocolate Sunday 10056
Reserve Champion
WM's Copper Dollar F-3187

Nansel's Chocolate Sunday 10056
(Sunday Pants T-2509 x Glendora 8007)

WM's Copper Dollar F-3187
(unknown x unknown)
1965 World Champion
Son of Snowcloud T-4673
Reserve Champion
Tem Pop T-3208

Son of Snow Cloud T-4673
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Miss Quick Silver T-4511)

Tem Pop T-3208
(Cooterville Pop Corn Jr T-843 x Cooterville Cheetum F-2321)
1966 World Champion
Tem Pop T-3208
Reserve Champion
Blue Admiral 28456

Tem Pop T-3208
(Cooterville Pop Corn Jr T-843 x Cooterville Cheetum F-2321)

Blue Admiral 28456
(Red Eagle's Peacock F-476 x Little Duchess F-1590)
1967 World Champion
Sugar Britches 39080
Reserve Champion
Tico Tornado 22692
See also Tico Tornado's web page

Sugar Britches 39080
(Little Britches K T-941 x Sugar Dimple)

Tico Tornado 22692
(Myres Tico Tico 8853 x Bay Bravo AQ)
1968 World Champion
Son of Snowcloud T-4673
Reserve Champion
Honey Toe 47051

Son of Snow Cloud T-4673
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Miss Quick Silver T-4511)

Honey Toe 47051
(Toe Nail AQ x Honey Harris AQ)
1969 World Champion
Son of Snowcloud T-4673
Reserve Champion
Bayou Baby (mare!)

Son of Snow Cloud T-4673
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Miss Quick Silver T-4511)

Bayou Baby
1970 World Champion
CGM Mighty High (mare!)
Reserve Champion
Tie: Rustler Charger 61863 and Han D Fox 45566

CGM Mighty High
(High Hand F-3366 x Ayoka F-3354)

Rustler Charger 61863
(Rustler Bill F-3372 x Miss Bueno Sues AQ)

Han D Fox
(Han D Echo 6977 x Foxie Belle JC)
1971 World Champion
Han D Fox 45566
Reserve Champion
Kagel's Branded Man 126469

Han D Fox
(Han D Echo 6977 x Foxie Belle JC)

Kagel's Branded Man 126469
(Cooterville Crawfish 11141 x Abigail AQ)
1972 World Champion
Christi Fury 63774
Reserve Champion
Penewawa Joe 67138

Christi Fury 63774
(American Eagle's Wyakin 35576 x Little Ena AQ)

Penawawa Joe 67138
(Freckle Fate 45546 x V-8 Sioux T-3145)
1973 World Champion
Yegua's Bob 33367
Reserve Champion
Shenandoah Jr 115983

Yegua's Bob 33367
(Yegua Sky Rocket F-2176 x Shorty Rhoade's Bay)
He is the oldest Appaloosa to win World Performance Horse,
and the second one to win both National and World titles in the same year [note: from 1974]

Shenandoah Jr 115983
(Bi's Shenandoah 63818 x unknown/Skipper W qh)
1974 World Champion
Post Haste 148815
Reserve Champion
Foxy Comanche 60332 (mare)
Pondies Rocky Road was tied with Foxy Comanche,
"but was upset by the tie-breaking rule."

Post Haste 148815
(Mr Postman 34339/ApHCC 663 x MS Miss Kitty 15644)

Foxy Comanche 60332
(Chief Foxtail F-4667 x Geronimo Three Feathers F-4160)
1975 World Champion
Cayanne Cyette 90274
Reserve Champion
Chip's Little Star 89621

Cayanne Cyette 90274
(Wishbone Willie #51555 x Cayenne #19392)

Chip's Little Star 89621
(Silver Chip M 310956 x Jeanie's First #24973)
1976 World Champion
I Spy 181935
Reserve Champion
Lucky Breeze 145024

I Spy 181935
(unknown x unknown)

Lucky Breeze 145024
(Breeze On 45385 x Spike's Cindy L 20157)

One owner, Lemar Enterprises, (Leo and Margie Reed) San Diego, California, owned both World Champion and Reserve World Champion performance horses, both ridden by Rosey Reed. What a day that must have been for them! (And Lucky Breeze only had four months training prior to the show!)
1977 World Champion
Lord Lin 127787
Reserve Champion
Steele's Dakoto 206099

Lord Lin 127787
(Mr Lin JC x Hubbard's Lady Rex III 21773)

Steele's Dakoto 206099
(unknown x unknown)
1978 World Champion
Go Suddenly 163939
Reserve Champion
Flashy Traveler 73519

Go Suddenly 163939
(Go Bay Go 60855 x So Suddenly ID 6343)

Flashy Traveler 73519
(Joker's Traveler 14707 x Roger's Red Man's Squaw 34710)
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This page last updated March 2015.