Appaloosa Territory
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First, a ride down memory lane...
Chico, the first horse our family owned,
and I, in 1959. We named him from a book
I had just read: Chico of The Cross Up Ranch.
Peppy, a registered Quarter filly
I used for a 4-H show season (halter only),
before I bought Lucky.

Running the barrels on Lucky, my first, very own, horse.
She was a grade quarter type mare,
who was a terrifc barrel racer and even better pole bender,
and the best friend this kid ever had. [photo circa 1963]

Lucky doing her (or was it my?) favorite 'trick.'

My proudest moment with Lucky - we placed in Barrels
at the Pennsylvania State 4-H Show [November 1963]

Major, my second horse, and I ready for a trail ride. [photo circa 1981]

Major and I gliding through the fields. He was a very powerful horse.

Riding "Ishi" (Que B Crow Bar #123450),
my first stallion and my first Appaloosa. [photo circa 1979]
Gingerly riding WOA Sun Shimanita. [photo 2002]

Good girl, you didn't kill me.

I was given a really special treat to ride a really good horse - OBR Sunspot Pete, both in his home state of North Carolina, and in Pennsylvania (below).
It was a ride on history. Very cool!
Riding OBR Sunspot Pete, son of Sunspot Revel!
OBR Sunspot Pete at the canter! [Summer 2002]
First ride with our fellow Appaloosa nut friend, Charles, in Freya's neighborhood.

Saddled and ready to ride. Where's Charles?
Ahh, must be the one taking the photos.
A crisp but beautiful fall day.

Down the road we go...

Sungila and Dandy, with Freya and I, heading for a vast panorama.

Sungila and Pete talking while Charles and I eavesdrop,
while Freya mans the camera.

Sungila and I feeling like we are on top of the world.
A ride starting from Wolf Oak Appaloosas...

Getting ready for a ride on Sungila,
with friends. [Fall 2002]

Sungila and I ready to go.

We are off...heading up the mountain.
Oops, the camera man stayed behind.
Fall Ride - October 2003

Sungila posing perfectly in the midst of a gorgeous fall folliage backdrop.

On the trail in the Pennsylvania mountains on a perfect day for a ride.

Freya on Dandy and Gretchen on Sungila...
and just LOOK at those maple trees!

The three Appaloosa nuts:
Gretchen (left), Freya Phillips (center)
and Charles O'Bryant III (right)

Charles and I posing for a close-up,
on 'Pete' and 'Sungila.'

My favorite photo of Charles and OBR Sunspot Pete.

The trio riding at J&C Appaloosas (Centerville, Pa) with Jennifer Loucks.
We are all mounted on J&C Appaloosas!
We enjoyed another beautiful fall day for a gorgeous ride. October 2003
June 2004 Ride
Saddled and ready to ride, under cloudy skies! It rained every third day in Pennsylvania last year...or so it seemed. Terrible for hay making - but that's another subject.
Riding down a Pennsylvania forest road.
Deciding what to do, which way to go...
Trailing behind...Sungila's favorite position on the trail - unless we are headed home. : >)
Learning how to mountain climb, one rock at a time. Heather on Moon left (top) and Freya on Dandy right (bottom). [Notice Sungila and I are already across.]
Ride's over, we are back at the trailer. And it didn't rain.
Heather, Moon and Dandy relaxing at 'home'.
Sungila being photogenic.
Snack time for all involved. Dandy, as well as Freya, just love those Cape Cod chips!
Another 2004 ride on Nittany Mountain

Left (top) Freya on Trixie, a friends Quarter mare, with Gretchen on Sungila behind.
Left(bottom) Mark on Dandy.
Many of the Photographs courtesy of Charles' or Freya's cameras.
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This page last updated on February 11, 2005. ©2003-2005 Wolf Oak Appaloosas/Appaloosa Territory