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Les Sauer Appaloosa Legacy
Loose in the Palouse
Story and photos by Alen Bell
[Reprint from the Cascade Horseman, November, 1988]
My thanks to the author, Alen Bell, for writing this; to Bonnie Newitt for sharing the article;
and to Les Sauer and his spotted horses - an inspiration to all of us with "spotted fever".

Every young, would-be cowboy dreams of that perfect horse. Thanks to Les Sauer, my dream came true.
What could be better than getting a chance to show off your dream before crowds of spectators in the thousands. This photo of me on ÒYodieÓ was taken by an unknown spectator and given to the rodeo grounds owner a year later. Thus a rare photo of ÒYodieÓ at work was saved and is here included. ÒYodieÓ epitomizes why I now have undertaken this project, in deep gratitude to Les Sauer.
The following is a brief annotated pictorial description of the love of Les Sauer for the foundation Appaloosa. He developed, over four decades, one of the largest gene pools of foundation appaloosas in the United States. My interest in sharing LesÕ passion is a result of his foresight. He sold to me young stock that was considered not for sale, perhaps because he came to see I shared and appreciated his passion. Now, 20 years later, I can repay his generosity in part by sharing his labor of love with others.
It should be noted that I have tried to capture a full picture of Les SauerÕs endeavor from a limited viewpoint. Almost all of the photos were taken by me in 1988 and 1989 and placed in two large photo Albums with attached notation, page by page and animal by animal. I closely coordinated with Les to document as accurately as possible the lineage and dates of birth out of admiration for his wonderful herd of horses without consideration any future impact the photos might make. I also was trying to decide which horses I might want to purchase and to insure that each could be registered with the ApHC. Perhaps some minor errors remain due memory lapse or lack of facts. I wish only to share with others the appreciation I came to have for the labor of love that Les Sauer demonstrated for the Òspotted horse of the PalouseÓ.
One man keeping ... Spots on the Horses
Where is the Appaloosa in the Appaloosa of today? Sad to say a genuine Appaloosa in modern Appaloosas is almost as hard to find as a real silver dollar. ÒOut-crossing for conformationÓ has become the standard cry of most modern Appaloosa breeders. A check on many pedigrees reveals often very little Appaloosa background. Most modern out-crossings are with thoroughbreds or Quarter horse. Such out-crosses have become the rule rather than the exception.
Take a look at the winners in almost any recent Appaloosa show and try to pick out which are Appaloosas by sightÑno cheatingÑdonÕt look at the pedigrees (as if that will be much help in many cases). Blood tests are now often required as many Appaloosas have no recognizable markings, i.e., spot, blanket, visible eye schlera [sic] or striped hoofs.
Contrary to popular belief, the Appaloosa is alive and well. There are two large Appaloosa-to-Appaloosa herds in Wyoming. The fledgling Toby BreedersÕ Association is also attempting to maintain a relatively pure line of Appaloosa foundation breeding stock. These T.B.A. breeders have been using the well-known ÒTobyÓ line as a true breeding Appaloosa line. Outcrosses to other breeds as Quarter horses or Thoroughbreds are discouraged by members. There remains still one large relatively untapped pool of registerable foundation Appaloosa breed stock.

Toby Blue Yodeler formerly owned by Les Sauer, is now part of Alen BellÕs herd.
Scattered throughout eastern Washington and northern Idaho remains one of the largest reservoirs of pure Appaloosa stock existing west of the Rockies. It originated in and radiates from a small town in the Palouse Hills of southeastern Washington. The fact it still exists is no accident, it is due to the love of one man for Òthe spotted horse.Ó
Three miles east of Dusty, along Washington Highway 26 enroute to Colfax, lies a narrow valley nestled between the rolling Palouse Hills. In this valley and on the surrounding hillsides, too steep for dryland farming, roam several bands of foundation Appaloosa. For the most part, they run unfettered, having never been under saddle nor rope. No one who knows anything about AppaloosasÑthe spotted horse of the PalouseÑhas to ask what kind of horse are these. Here spots are the rule rather than the exception.
Due to infighting in the registry in the late 1970Õs and early 1980Õs, few of these horses found their way into the mainstream of the appaloosa breeders.
Casual caustic comments from unknowledgable skeptics aside, this is not a rag-tag band of rejects and scrubs. Through the blood of these horses course the bloodline of such Appaloosa studs as Toby II, Polkadott Toby, Blue Bear, Stormcloud F and Red Eagle. Champions can indeed come from foundation Appaloosa stock.
Mere chance did not place this herd in the Palouse Hills. This is the result of much hard work and planning of one man. For over 25 years Les Sauer has developed a true, stable breeding line through careful, systematic breeding to select lines. Les has developed a rare, uplifting love affair with Òthe spotted horseÓ as he often refers to his Appaloosas. The main difference with Les is that he has acted on his dreams and desires until he has one of the largest herds of foundation Appaloosa stock in the west.
Les, himself, is a rare breed indeed----just ask any of his many friends and neighbors around the Northwest. His horses are his hobby and his love, but not his livelihood.
Les and his son, John, farm some 1,300 plus acres near Dusty. He also farms other wheatlands from Endicott, Washington to Lapwai, Idaho. Though he is busy from early morning until late at night with his farming, he still manages to squeeze in time for his horses with the help of several informal horse partners and hired hands.
That Les works too hard for a man three-score plus is a gross understatement. In his schedule he still takes time to talk to friends and tell tales of farming, horses and old friendships. To know Les is to love him. Here is an example of that rare endangered species, the real western man, energetic and enterprising to a fault. He still works hard well beyond an age when most of us look forward to retirement. Bad-mouth Les to his many neighbors and friends and you will soon have a fight on your hands. Les has many friends and his chief enemies are time and age. Here is a man who loves to live and lives to give.

Eagle Red Splash is one of the mares in LesÕ herd.
Color with conformation is no accident in the Les Sauer herd. Les started years ago purchasing a few choice animals with the guidance of an old friend, Palmer Wagner. From a few horses came a herd produced by studs like Polkadott Bear, SimcoeÕs Pataha and Pretty Boy. Les has three separate bands at Dusty, and he and his friends, John Yearout and Erv Waters share two herds at Lapwai, Idaho.

Joseph Plains [363557] 1977 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Snowcap Sis W 34323
(Blue Bear F-3639 x Riley's Purple Doll F-3156)
Several choice horses from Les SauerÕs herd dot the Northwest. Joseph Plains [363557], owned by Carol Boyko of Boring, Oregon, is a product of this herd. Ken Blivens of Bend, Oregon, owns Keuten's Toby, also a Sauer bred stud. Several of his horses have been sold to people as far away as Canada and California.
Les has young horses for sale but treats each horse with special care. A filly may not have a name, but Les will quickly fill you in on her background from memory with few moments of hesitation. Les is generally reluctant to just sell a horse. As a buyer looks at a horse, he is perhaps given closer scrutiny than the buyer gives the horse. Since Les knows his young animals almost like children, one is not just sold to anyone. First one must pass LesÕ test.
Experience shows these are not wild horses; they quickly gentle down to be dependable saddle stock and excellent breeding animals. Some of the animals can be purchased and gelded early for inexpensive registration. Most of the horses can be registered in the ApHC.
Owning one of LesÕ fine animals is only part of the experience. Getting to meet this special man is also an unforgettable experience. With the horse also goes a special background that only can be provided by a man who knows and loves his Horses.
Fortunately for horse lovers of the Northwest, there still remains a pool of foundation Appaloosa stock just waiting for a new home. Each spring brings with it a new and different crop of spotted horses on the Les Sauer farm.
Even if you have no facility for a new horse, the visit is well worth a side trip. Seldom will you be given such a treat as to view 20 to 30 young, spotted colts frolicking by their mothers, often right next to the highway. Such a trip will prove to be a rewarding experience.
[authors note: This article is revealing about the Les Sauer legacy and is therefore included even though it is now somewhat outdated after the death of Les Sauer and the dispersal of the herd.]
The Les Sauer Appaloosa Legacy, Loose in the Palouse
Development of the Les Sauer foundation Appaloosa Herd

Loose in the Palouse. Les SauerÕs Appaloosas roam through the Palouse of eastern Washington.
Les Sauer was a Palouse grain producer who lived on his family farm in the hills and valley East of Dusty, Washington. Les and his son, John, farmed over 1.300 acres near Dusty, Washington. He also farmed other wheat lands from Endicott, Washington to Lapwai, Idaho. While wheat faming was his livelihood, raising appaloosas was his passion. His herds of horses roamed the rolling Palouse hills and the lush sub-irrigated valley floor of the tiny Alkali Flat Creek.
During the 1950Õs and 1960Õs, Les developed a horse herd using selected appaloosas to gather a fairly pure gene pool. No small part of his pool gathering was due to the influence of Palmer Wagner, a notable appaloosa breeder of the time. Palmer Wagner notes the background of the Les Sauer breeding program on pages 134 to 135 in his book, The American Appaloosa Anthology.

Polkadott Bear 1966 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Toby F-3973
Dam: Rustee Blue 67539

Simcoe's Pataha 1960 stallion #8824

Eagle's Yodeler 161230/2307 ApHCC
Sire: Kenny's Eagle [Kenney's?]
Dam: Virginia Girl JC

Polkadott Snuffy 1981 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pataha Birdwoman

Pretty Red Too 1985 stallion
Sire: Pretty Boy Too
Dam: Blind Lady

Polkadott Cochise 1970 stallion
Sire: Polkdott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Bonnie N464481

Pretty Boy Too 1980 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Bonnie N464481

Bear Boy Too 1984 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Lace Too
Mr. Wagner mentioned LesÕ early stallions, Doc Nelson [F-2531], Simcoe's Pataha 8824 (1960) and his own chosen breeding of Polkadott Bear from Rustee Blue purchased by Les from Palmer Wagner in foal to Polkadott Toby [F-3973]. Les also owned Pretty Boy [F-2258]. He acquired, in partnership with Dave Messerschmitt, EagleÕs Yodeler [161230], a Canadian bred stud (not related to Red Eagle). EagleÕs Yodeler was extensively used for breeding by Les during the 1980Õs until EagleÕs YodelerÕs death during the winter of 1986-1987.

Ralstin's Silver Lelanie F-4063 1952 mare
Sire: Silver Dandy F-460
Dam: Lelanie F-1252

Prontita Chic 54928 1963 mare
Sire: Blue Bear F-3696
Dam: Sorrel TB
Snowcap Sis W 1964 mare
Sire: Blue Bear F-3696
Dam: Riley's Purple Doll F-3156

Chico's Birdwoman T-2151 1957 mare
Sire: Freel's Chico F-715
Dam: Smokey
He also acquired early several notable brood mares including Rustee Blue 67539 which he purchased from Palmer Wagner. He purchased RalstinÕs Silver LeLanie [F-4063] from Chub RalstinÕs herd. He bought three Blue Bear [F-3696] daughters. Two of these daughters, including Snowcap Sis W [34323] and Prontita Chic [54928] were also purchased from Palmer Wagner. He acquired ChicoÕs Birdwoman [T-2151] from a source unknown to me. [Richard Stanger?]
Les also raised and bred several of his own stallions, including Pretty Boy Too, Polkadott Cochise, Polkadott Snuffy, Pretty Bear and Bear Boy Too. Most of his brood mares during the 1980Õs were from his own breeding program.
In about 1872, the Furman family moved approximately 80 head of cattle and several hundred head of horses from their ranch in Baker, Oregon to an open range area near Olds, Alberta Canada. It is noteworthy that this was about five years prior to the Nez Perce war of 1877. The Furmans ran livestock on open range until the Canadian government opened the land up for homesteading in the 1930s to 1940s. The Furmans had been providing mounts for both the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the U.S Calvary. This change in market condition affected the Furmans. They sold most of their horses but kept some light carriage horses and a select few appaloosas.
EagleÕs Yodeler was a double registered, Canadian and U.S. ApHc, son (or even a possible grandson of KennyÕs Eagle, often referred to as Spencer Kennys old appy, or other names. Chief Justice Allen, the sire, was actually a registered Tennessee Walking Horse, TWA, # 3.and the dam was a Furman appaloosa mare. This means that EagleÕs Yodeler had no Red Eagle blood in him, contrary to popular belief.
The Disenchantment
Unfortunately, during the early 1970Õs, Les became disenchanted with the Appaloosa Horse ClubÕs move towards the Quarter Horse line. Few of his lines were thereafter registered. Joseph Plains was registered in the late 1970Õs before being sold and moved to Montana. KeutanÕs Toby was registered while being sold to Ken Bliven of Tumalo, Oregon. Les and I registered approximately a dozen dams and foals during my purchase of several of LesÕs 1986, 1988 and 1989 foals. Perhaps several other horses were registered and sold unbeknownst to me. Unfortunately, most of this beautiful herd remained unregistered.
The End of Les Sauer's herd
This tragedy was compounded when, after his death, I learned, too late, that most of his herd, without regard to registration, had been seized by his commercial Bank and sold at auction in Spokane. Other young stock had in the past been already sent to a lady friend of Les in the Spokane area to train and help sell. Perhaps a few scattered buyers will be helped to locate the background of their purchases, and perhaps a few will find their prize purchase was actually registered.
AuthorÕs special note: Prior to listing Les SauerÕs horses in general, a brief explanation of the problem posed to me is in order. How do I sort the horses? The most logical method would seem to be to list the horses by name. The fact remains that approximately 90% of LesÕ horses were not registered and the names ascribed to them were names I personally ascribed to them (with a few notable exceptions that Les named such as, ÒThe Blind LadyÓ or ÒScrap IronÓ) while trying to photograph them as I learned more about his horses. Most of my names came from significant features or coat patterns or ancestry. Names, therefore, lend no significance to any listing, except to me personally. Similarly, listing by Dam, Sire or birth date is fraught with the same difficulty.
If one were to visit Les and view his horses, he would usually state some thing like, Òlook at the young filly from the old black daughter of Bonnie on the ÔNorth HillÕÓ. I therefore came to the conclusion that listing the horses must be done in the same way Les, others and I have discussed, visited and sorted them for years, by Bands. Even though Les changed horses from band to band occasionally, Les always pointed out to me when I visited significant changes made in each band. He said on one occasion, ÒThat is the Blue Roan qualified me as a frequent visitor mare in the West Pasture that was on the North hill the last time you were hereÓ. I might add that six visits in 1988 and several more in the next two years, (a round trip of about 960 miles.)
The North Hills Band

The North Hills Band - Stallions
Palmer Wagner, in his book, The American Appaloosa Anthology, page 135, stated that Les came to PalmerÕs ranch in 1965 looking for breeding stock. He purchased Rustee Blue from Palmer and requested that the filly be bred to PalmerÕs stud Polkadott Toby. The resulting foal was Polkadott Bear, foaled in 1966. Polkadott Bear [232845] became a significant breeding stud for Lesfor over a decade in the 1970s and early 1980s. Les loaned Polkadott Bear to John Yearout and Erv Waters in Cottonwood Idaho in the mid-1980s. Unfortunately Polkadott Bear died during the winter of 1988-1989 before I could photograph him.

Polkadott Cochise 1970 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Bonnie N464481
Polkadott Cochise was a beautiful leopard stud that ran on the North Hill for years. His sire was Polkadott Bear and his dam was Pretty Bonnie. He was destroyed in late 1988 after his Knee was disjointed while rounding up the band for purchase of the filly which came to be registered by Les and me under the name of Lacey Daze (I suspect that he may not have been listed by Les as sire for several north Hill Band foals because he was destroyed prior to registration of himself or the foals).

Pretty Bear 1980 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Bonnie N 464481
The North Hills Band - Mares

Pretty Bonnie N 464481 1967 mare
Sire: Pretty Boy F-2238
Dam: Bonnie Cochise (full sister to Zip Cochise: Humbug Kimble AQ x Bonnie F-43)

Lacey Daze 1987 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Bonnie N464481

Bonnie Grey Lady 1986 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Bonnie N464481

Bonnie Bay Dott 1981 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Bonnie N464481

Pretty Sorrel Bear 1987 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Bonnie Bay Dot

Blue Chic Too 1988 mare
[assuming it is the foal in the photos]
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Prontita Blue L

Bonnie Blue Dott 1983 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Bonnie N464481

Diamond Bay Bear 1987 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Bonnie Blue Dott (Polkadott Bear 2232845 x Pretty Bonnie N464481)

Prontita Blue L 1983 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Prontita Chic 54928

Blue Roan Dott 1986 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Prontita Blue L

Blue Chip 1987 mare (pictured with her dam)
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Prontita Blue L

Red Roan colt 1987 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: red roan mare
The East Valley Band

1985 stallions of the East Valley Band

East Valley pasture, misc. 85 and 86 stallions

East Valley Band - 1985 and 1986 young fillies and colts.

John Sauer's pet, 1986 filly
pedigree unknown

Snowcap Sis W 1964 mare
Sire: Blue Bear F-3696
Dam: Riley's Purple Doll F-3156

Polkadott Diamond 1986 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Snowcap Sis W 34323

Pretty Twinkle mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Daisy Eades 70133

Bear Bay Twinkle 1986 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Twinkle 124611

Polkadott Twinkle 1988 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Twinkle 124611
The West Valley Band


Pataha Birdwoman 1964 mare (in 1988, at Erv Waters at Cottonwood, Idaho)
Sire: Simcoe's Pataha 8824
Dam: Chico's Birdwoman T-2151
[is this the same horse in these photos?]

Polkadott Snuffy 1981 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pataha Birdwoman

Blind Lady mare
Sire: unknown
Dam: Hayes Blue Sue
[Dam of Pretty Gem Spot, Pretty Delight, Pretty Red Too, Pretty Queen To(o?)

Pretty Gem Spot 1979 mare
Sire: Pretty Boy Too
Dam: Blind Lady
[Dam of Scarp Iron Yodeler, Yodeler Sorel Bab, and Eagle Red Splash]

Yodeler Sorel Bab 1983 mare
Sire: Eagler's Yodeler
Dam: Pretty Gem Spot

Scrap Iron Yodeler 1984 mare
Sire: Eagle's Yodeler
Dam: Pretty Gem Spot

Eagle Red Splash 1985 mare
Sire: Eagler's Yodeler
Dam: Pretty Gem Spot

Pataha Blue Eagle 1988 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Snuffy
Dam: Eagle Red Splash

Pretty Delight 1984 mare
Sire: Pretty Boy Too
Dam: Blind Lady
[Dam of Eagle Delight and Snuffy's Delight]

Eagle Delight 1987 stallion
Sire: Eagle's Yodeler 161250
Dam: Pretty Delight

Snuffy's Delight 1988 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Snuffy
Dam: Pretty Delight

Snuffy's Blue Lady 1988 mare
Sire: Polkadott Snuffy
Dam: Blue Roan mare

Snuffy's Babe 1984 mare
Sire: Polkadott Snuffy
Dam: unknown by Polkadott Snuffy

Snuffy's Black Lady 1988 mare
Sire: Polkadott Snuffy
Dam: Snuffy's Babe

Pretty Red Too 1985 stallion
Sire: Pretty Boy Too
Dam: Blind Lady

Pretty Queen To[o] 1986 mare
Sire: Pretty Boy Too
Dam: Blind Lady

Eagle's Chic 471833 or 471835 1981 mare
Sire: Eagle's Yodeler 161250
Dam: Prontita Chic 54928
[Dam of Crescent Bay, Snuffy's Bay Eagle and Eagle Blue Chic]

Crescent Bay 473920 1987 stallion
Sire: Eagle's Yodeler 161250
Dam: Eagle's Chic 471833 or 471835

Snuffy's Bay Eagle 1988 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Snuffy
Dam: Eagle's Chic 471833 or 471835

Eagle Blue Chic 1989 mare
Sire: Polkadott Snuffy
Dam: Eagle's Chic 471833 or 471835

Blue Birdwoman 1979 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Chico's Birdwoman T-2151
[Dam of Toby Blue Yodeler, Polkadott Yodeler, and Eagle's Bonnet]

Eagle's Bonnet 1985 mare
[full sibling to Toby Blue Yodeler and Polkadott Yodeler]
Sire: Eagle's Yodeler 161250
Dam: Blue Birdwoman 465159

Toby Blue Yodeler 471833 1986 stallion [full sibling to Polkadott Yodeler below]
Sire: Eagle's Yodeler 161250
Dam: Blue Birdwoman 465159

Polkadott Yodeler 1987 stallion [full sibling to Toby Blue Yodeler 471833]
Sire: Eagle's Yodeler 161250
Dam: Blue Birdwoman 465159

Bonnie Dott Too 1982 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Bonnie N464481
Dam of Yodeler Blue Dott ]

Yodeler Blue Dott 1987 mare
Sire: Eagle's Yodler 161250
Dam: Bonnie Dott Too

Blue Dott Snowcap 498800 1978 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Yakima Sis W 489698 (Kanisku Kamio ((Earl Perrin )) x Snowcap Sis W 349323)
[Dam of Yakima Lady W and Snuffy's Yakima Boy]

Yakima Lady W 495803 1987 mare
Sire: Eagle's Yodeler 161250
Dam: Blue Dott Snowcap 498800

Snuffy's Yakima Boy 1988 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Snuffy
Dam: Blue Dott Snowcap 495800

Pajama's Snuffy 1987 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Snuffy
Dam: Blue roan mare (unknown)
The South Hill Band


South Hill Band fillies 1988

Bear Boy Too 1984 stallion
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Lace Too

Pretty Blue Too 1976 mare
Sire: Pretty Boy Too
Dam: Blue Lace S 232846 (Simcoe's Pataha 8824 x Rustee Blue 67359)

Bear Lace Too 1987 stallion
Sire: Bear Boy Too
Dam: Blue Lace S 232846 (Simcoe's Pataha 8824 x Rustee Blue 67539)

Bear Bay Lace 1988 foal
Sire: Bear Boy Too
Dam: Pretty Blue Too (Pretty Boy Too x Blue Lace S 232846)

Pretty Lace Too 1977 mare
Sire: Pretty Boy Too
Dam: Blue Lace S 232846
Dam of Bear Boy Too, Bear's Hot Spots

Bear's Hot Spots 1988 stallion
Sire: Bear Boy Too
Dam: Pretty Lace Too

Black Lace S 1981 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear
Dam: Blue Lace S 232846

White Diamond Dot (or Spot?) 1987 stallion
Sire: Bear Boy Too
Dam: Black Lace S

Yakima Sis W 489698 1973 mare
Sire: Kanisku's Kamino 155986
Dam: Snowcap Sis W 349323
Dam of Pretty Bay Sis, Yakima White Lady, White Sis W, Yakima Sis Spot, Yakima Pretty Too, Yakima Stripe, Yakima Snip

Pretty Bay Sis 1988 mare
Sire: Bear Boy Too
Dam: Yakima Sis W 489698

Yakima White Lady 1977 mare (Note: white rear feet)
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Yakima Sis W 489698

White Sis W 1979 mare (Note: black dot on right hip, black rear feet)
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Yakima Sis W 489698

Yakima Sis Spot 1980 mare (Note: Spot high Left Rump, looks similar to Black Lace S)
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Yakima Sis W 489698

Sis' Bay Spot 1988 foal
Sire: Bear Boy Too
Dam: Yakima Sis Spot

Yakima Pretty Too 1981 mare
Sire: Pretty Boy Too
Dam: Yakima Sis W 489698

Pretty Buttons 1987 stallion
Sire: Bear Boy Too
Dam: Yakima Pretty Too

Yakima Stripe 1982 mare (Note: white stripe across hip)
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Yakima Sis W 489698

Yakima Snip 1985 mare (Note: white snip down nose, upper head star)
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Yakima Sis W 489698

Pretty Pataha Lady left center; Pataha Bay Lady, right, large scar right high hip

Pretty Pataha Lady, center; Pataha Bay Lady, 2nd from right
Pataha Bay Lady 1982 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pataha Birdwoman
Pretty Pataha Lady 1989 mare
Sire: Bear Boy Too
Dam: Pataha Bay Lady
The Yard Band

I'm Too Bright 1986 mare part TB, pedigree unknown

1986 colts in Yard pasture, 1989

Polkadott Gem Too 1985 mare (at Cal Parvin's)
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Prontita Chic 54928
The Les Sauer/John Yearout Band, Cottonwood, Idaho

Yearout fillies

Yearout mare

Yearout stallion

Les Sauer 1983 gelding at J. Yearout's
The Les Sauer/Erv Waters Band at Cottonwood, Idaho

Les/Erv's Band

Erv's Yearling

Erv's 1987 colt

Erv's 1986 colt

Pretty Boy Too

Pataha's Birdwoman 1964 mare
Sire: Simcoe's Pataha 8824
Dam: Chico's Birdwoman T-2151
Yodies Appaloosas, Alen K. Bell

"Yodie" Toby Blue Yodeler 471833 1986 stallion
Sire: Eagle's Yodeler 161230 (Kenny's Eagle x Virginia Girl JC)
Dam: Blue Birdwoman 465159 (Polkadott Bear 232845 x Chico's Birdwoman T-2151)

Crescent Bay mature

Crescent Bay 473920 1987 stallion
Sire: Eagle's Yodeler 161230 (Kenny's Eagle x Virginia Girl JC)
Dam: Eagle's Chic 471835 (Eagle's Yodeler x Prontita Chic 54928)

Tum A Leers Dee 448115 1986 mare
Sire: Tum A Leers Dusty 335732 (Tum A Liers Dust 128878 x Mane's Soogan 14401)
Dam: Coma's Many Springs 183361 (Rodeo Mr Chips 77767 x Sissy's Coma AQ)

Yodie's Deelight N502839 1991 mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Tum A Leers Dee 448115

Yodie's Rusty Lady N513359 1992 mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Tum A Leers Dee 448225

Yodies Rodeo Eagle 520159 1993 stallion
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Tum A Leers Dee 448115

Yodies Eagle Print "Princess" 529703 1994 mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Tum A Leers Dee 448115

Yodies Starburst 554582 1996 mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Tum A Leers Dee 448115

Yodies Dusty Eagle 1997 stallion
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Tum A Leers Dee 448115

Yodies Tumalo Duster 1998 stallion
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Tum A Leers Dee 448115

Yodies Dusty Rose N587755 1999 mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Tum A Leers Dee 448115

Zips Toby Blue Eagle 631413 2004 stallion
Sire: Rhodies Zip Cochise 572733 (Yodies Rodeo Eagle 520159 x Lacey Daze 465157)
Dam: Tum A Leers Dee 448115

Yodies Blue Spirit 640144 2005 stallion
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Tum A Leers Dee 448115

Polkadott Diamond 465158 1986 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Snowcap Sis W 349323

Yodies Bluebell N502840 1991 mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Polkadott Diamond 465158

Yodies Midnight Blue 522598 1993 mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Polkadott Diamond 465158

Yodies Miss Toby 514791 199? mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Polkadott Diamond 465158

Yodies Diamond Marqui 545784 1995 mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Polkadott Diamond 465158

Yakima Lady W 495803 1987 mare
Sire: Eagle's Yodeler 161230
Dam: Blue Dot Snowcap 498800

Joker's Blue Onyx 176957 stallion (Ross Cearlock, Graham, Washington
Sire: Joker's Bonanza 14710 (Joker B F-678 x Apache Girl 6215)
Dam: Cricket C Blaze PC 3390 (Seaton's Skipper F-377 x 3C Dream Girl 7273)

Jokers Toby Eagle 513358 1992 stallion
Sire: Jokers Blue Onyx 176957
Dam: Yakima Lady W 495803

Yodeler Polkadott 1994 stallion
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Yakima Lady W 495803

U Pappy Too N513473 1992 stallion
Sire: Ulrich's Papillon 381053 (Ulrich's Many Coups 211687 x Sully Butterfly 186334)
Dam: Ulrich's Hermosa 443671 (Ulrich's Many Coups 211687 x Ulrich's Sioux Kay 355272

Papillon Kanisku (or Toby Kanisku?) 554585 1996 stallion
Sire: U Pappy Too N513473
Dam: Yakima Lady W 495803

Lacey Daze 465157 1987 mare
Sire: Polkadott Bear 232845
Dam: Pretty Bonnie N464481

Yodies Chico Cochise N532922 1994 stallion
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Lacey Daze 465157

Jokers Black Onyx 546937 1996 stallion
Sire: Jokers Toby Eagle 513358
Dam: Lacey Daze 465157

Jokers Silver Lace N557377 1996 mare
Sire: Jokers Toby Eagle 513358
Dam: Lacey Daze 465157
[Same horse in all photos??]

Yodies April Joker B 594839 2000 mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Dam: Jokers Silver Lace N557377 (? correct name on photos? - this mare doesn't look "N")

Rhodies Zip Cochise 572733 1998 stallion
Sire: Yodies Rodeo Eagle 520159
Dam: Lacey Daze 465157 (or Yodies Bluebell N502840?)

Rhodys Top Secret

Yodies Shadowbelle 1992 mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler 471833
Joker's Shado (Joker's Blu Onyx 176957 x unknown)

Brandirose 1992 mare
Sire: Toby Blue Yodeler
Dam: Brandi
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This page last updated August 2015