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Foundation Appaloosas
F-1 to F-100
Offspring photos have been added unless they have an entry on other pages,
that is to say, in sections of Foundation, Tentative under 15000, ID, or PC.

Appaloosa News March 1983:101
Babe mare
(Old Painter x June's mare)
White with black spots over loin and hips
Bred by Fred Busby, Fossil, Oregon
Foaled April 15, 1929
Owned by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-83:101
First horse registered with ApHC in 1939, owned at the time by Claude Thompson. Later sold to Wiley Davidson of Terrebone, Oregon.
Info from Pat Mefferd:
Filly foaled April 15, 1929. White w/black spots over loin/hips. Dam: JuneÕs Mare. Records indicate that JuneÕs Mare was a roan with white markings. no indication that she was Appaloosa and her sire and dam were not noted. Bred by Fred Busby, Fossil, Oregon; Owned by Claude J. Thompson, Moro, Oregon. She had her first reported registered foal when she was five years old and produced four registered ApHC foals, one filly, three colts, all of which were bred by Claude J. Thompson.
- Kismet F-54 (1935)
- Snowstorm F-7 (1936)
- Sharon F-11 (1937)
- Cortez F-44 (1940)

Snowflake mare
White with black spots over loin and hips
(Old Painter x Cremolia)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 15, 1929
Sepia photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd
- Nulton's [Nuton's] Appalo F-489 (1948)
- Raindrop F-9 (1937)
- Palousie F-26 (1939)
- Painter's Marvel F-47 (1940)
- Nita D F-2495 (1949)
Kentucky Girl mare
Red roan, light roan with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(Young Painter x Pacer)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled May 27, 1931
- Drifter D F-1508 (1950)
- Sheila F-6 (1935)
- Haille F-10 (1936)
- Flash F-12 (1937)
- Dot F-25 (1939)
- Sheba F-35 (1938)

Marvel's Angel mare
White, black spots over body
(Young Painter x Lady*)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled May 30, 1932
PhotoSource: Appaloosa News 2-66:84, sepia photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd
Per Sherry Byrd (e-mail OAP 12/06) Lady was listed as Lady Grey on original application by Claude Thompson. Another source lists her as Gay Lady...
- Margo F-15 (1938)
- Painter III F-8 (1936)
- Chief F-13 (1937)
- Flash's Pepper F-63 (1941)

Golden Girlie mare
Cream, white over loin and hips
(Sunshine Sonny Boy x Snowflake F-2)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled March 12, 1935
Owned by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Source: Appaloosa News 8-65:52, Palmer p. 109
Golden Girlie F-5's sire was Sunshine Sonny Boy (Pre-Registry Appaloosa): Circa 1930 Colt. Cream, white flakes over rump. His dam was a mare named Blondy, which might suggest she was a cream, palomino or possibly a dun or buckskin. BlondyÕs sire was given simply as the Murray Horse and her dam was listed as Old Buck (suggesting she might be a buckskin or dun). His only known registered ApHC foal was Golden Girlie F-5. Pedigree by Claude J Thompson....Excerpt from ÒIn Search of the Truth - OLD PAINTERÓ by PM Mefferd...published in Sundance News)....PMM
- Gold Nugget F-14 (1938)
- Painter's Pride F-3419 (1960)

Sheila mare
Red Roan, chestnut spots over body
(Ferras AHC 922 x Kentucky Girl F-3)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 2, 1935
Reference: Appaloosa News 6-82:85

Snowstorm stallion
Roan, light roan with spots over loin and hips
(Ferras AHC 922 x Babe F-1)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 10, 1936
Reference: Appaloosa News 7-66:37
Sepia photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd
The first two Appaloosa stallions to be registered were both half-Arabian. Bred by ApHC founder Claude Thompson, they were: Snowstorm F-7 (Snowstorm was gelded after siring 2 registered Appaloosa offspring); and Painter III F-8. They were sired by Thompson's Arabian stallion, Ferras, and out of Appaloosa mares he bred before a registry existed.
- Leopard F-24 (1939)
- Dot F-25 (1939)

Painter III stallion
Blue Roan, black spots over loin and hips
(Ferras AHC 922 x Marvel's Angel F-4)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 25, 1936
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-70:59
Sepia photos courtesy of Pat Mefferd
Painter III F-8 ...He was there [Pine Ridge Indian Reservation] in 1942 and 1943...and went back to Oregon for the 1944 season. He may have produced a number of Appaloosa foals for the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation..however he only produced 2 that were registered ApHC...they being Emmaline F-136 and Polka Dot F-137. He was replaced by Silver Leopard [CRHA 64-J]- Pat Mefferd
- Appalo F-81 (1942)
- Amapolla F-93 (1942)
- Oregon Painter F-94 (1942)
- Professor John J F-95 1942
- Emmaline F-136 (1943)
- Polka Dot F-137 (1944?)
- Palousie F-26 (1939)
- Painter's Marvel F-47 1940
Raindrop mare
Blue Roan, black spots over loin and hips
(Ferras AHC 922 x Snowflake F-2)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 13, 1937
Haille mare
Red Roan, light roan over loin and hips
(Ferras AHC 922 x Kentucky Girl F-3)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 15, 1936
Sharon mare
Chestnut, white spots over body
(Ferras AHC 922 x Babe F-1)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 21, 1937

Flash stallion
Red Roan, light with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(Ferras AHC 922 x Kentucky Girl F-3)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 28, 1937
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-66:84, Palmer p.109
- El Zorro F-108 (1943)
- El Blanco Indico F-111 (1943)
- Pawnetta F-122 (1944)
- Golden Lady F-258 1944
- Cinder Ella F-1422 (1949)
- Cortez F-44 (1940)
- Flash's Pepper F-63 (1941)
- Susie Q F-1973 (1946)
- Ronnie Rose F-2931 (1947-1982)
- Flash No 2 T-122 (1949)
- Starlight Sue T-123 (1950)
- Starlight Sue T-123 (1950)
- Loosa Mae F-1209 (1948)

Chief stallion
Red Roan, light with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(Ferras AHC 922 x Marvel's Angel F-4)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 4, 1937
Photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd
- Chief 2nd F-163 (1940) Oregon
- Dandy Boy F-240 (1942) Washington
- Horses listed below are from and am unable to verify if their sire was this Chief as the Studbook just says "Chief"
- Choo Choo F-481 (1947) Idaho per allbreed
- Colie F-435 (1948) Idaho per allbreed
- Lucy Halfmoon 9255 (1947) Idaho per allbreed
- Rose's Major F-1225 (1944) Washington per allbreed
- Tucson T-241 (1951) Oregon per allbreed

Gold Nugget stallion
Cream, light over loin and hips
(Ferras AHC 922 x Golden Girlie F-5)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 21, 1938
Photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd

Margo with foal Marquita F-1262
Margo mare
Red Roan, chestnut spots over loin and hips
(Ferras AHC 922 x Marvel's Angel F-4)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled May 2, 1938
- Bambi F-446 (1948)
- Marquita F-1262 (1949)
- Chica Linda F-1416 (1946)
- Lapuwale F-1475 (1953)
- Markanee F-1748 (1956)
- Markanee II F-2234 (1958)

Model gelding
White, black spots over loin and hips
(Young Painter x Cheyenne*)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled May 25, 1931
Owned by J. Owen Thompson, Camp Sherman, Oregon
Thanks to Dolores Adkins for scan of photo from Western Horseman
*Cheyenne: Arabian Boy was a bay and white pinto, sired by a horse named Tommy, out of a mare named Trixie {is this the same Trixie that is the dam of Lady in Marvel's Angel's pedigree???}. Arabian Boy would sire a mare named Cheyenne, who would produce White Cloud F-112. Model F-16, another Thompson bred horse has Cheyenne listed as his dam too. CheyenneÕs dam is said to be Bay K (Tommy X Queen), again as per research by Pat Mefferd

Miracle Man stallion
White, black spots over loin and hips
(Young Painter x Lady)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 15, 1936
Owned by S.R. Ward, Long Creek, Oregon
- Blue Bell F-82 (1949)
- Prince Snowflake F-84 (1941)
- Beauty II F-83 (1940)

Article from Horse Lover's Magazine, November 1950
El Morrocco stallion
Light Roan, white with black spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled June, 1935
Owned by Glenn Spiller, Huron, South Dakota
Sepia photos courtesy of Pat Mefferd.
[updated 3/2018]
Offspring: For complete list see his webpage, and Pat Mefferd's research on El Morrocco.
- Al's Princess 8551 (1956)
- Apachie Jewel 6669 (1959)
- Autry T-152 (1947)
- Chiquita del Morrocco 8303 (1950)
- El Marroco F-198 (1941) Per PMM ~sire unk in SB
- El Militar F-105 (1940)
- El Morocco's Chip F-528 (1947)
- El Ranger 10658 (1944)
- El Teko Chipitto T-4781 (1956)
- El Teko Kid F-3236 (1958)
- El Teko Lad F-4234 (1956)
- El Teko Shawnee T-4780 (1954)
- El Teko Streak 6670 (1955)
- El Teko Tonia T-4779 (1954)
- El Teko Umpquah F-2792 (1957)
- Florescent Lady 11191 (1960)
- Frisco F-716 (1948)
- Gypsy Sweetheart F-197 (1941)
- La Hermosa F-104 (1938)
- Last Chance F-910 (1941)
- Nesheim's Buttons F-1030 (1945)
- Prince Freckles F-305 (1939)
- Rocket II F-717 (1948)
- Squaw Valley Babe F-3286 (1960)
Pussywillow mare
Red Roan, light with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(Mac K x Patches)
Bred by Ernest A. Kuck, The Dalles, Oregon
Foaled May 23, 1928
Bonita mare
Roan, brown spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1932
Owned by Wilbur Roy Bromer, Poway, California
Rosalie mare
Light Brown, white with brown spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Otis Barber, Glenrock, Wyoming
Foaled 1934
Owned by Merton Aldrich, Clinton, Minnesota
- Sundust F-1335 (1941)
- Wi Chickola F-878 (1949)
Pecos Eagle gelding
Brown, white with brown spots over loin and hips
(Red Man x Baby)
Bred by Sam L. Kone, LaPryor, Texas
Foaled Feb 23, 1935
Owned by Kirby and Cheatham, Austin, Texas
Fire Cracker stallion
Bay, white with brown spots over loin and hips
(Chico x Roanie)
Bred by Dr Gerald K. Nider, Fresno, California
Foaled July 1, 1938
Leopard stallion
White with black spots over body
(Snowstorm F-7 x Orphan Annie)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled May 14, 1939
Dot mare
Bay, white spots over body
(Snowstorm F-7 x Kentucky Girl F-3)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 26, 1939
- Emmaline F-136 (1943)

Palousie mare
Blue Roan, white with black spots over loin and hips
(Painter III F-8 x Snowflake F-2)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled June 17, 1939
Photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd (see larger photo at Snowflake F-2 above)
- Princess Beryl F-85 (1942)
- Pawnetta F-122 (1944)
- Olappa T-2249 (1954)
F-27/CRHA 303
Red Roamer stallion
Chestnut, white over loin and hips
(Ranger III x Dark Rosaleen*)
Bred by KK Parsons, Boulder, Colorado
Foaled September 7, 1937
Owned by H.A. Mull, Ashland, Kansas
*Dark Rosaleen - dam of Red Roamer F-27, Patches F-143, and Dusky Squaw F-622
- Babe H ID 648
- Appaloosa Babe H 10896 (1940)
- Black Night CRHA 408-J (1939)
- Warrior CRHA 417-H (1940)
- Kansas Pride CRHA 419-J (1940)
- Lark Louise CRHA 420-J (1940)
- Colonel CRHA 421-J (1940)
- Golden Sunshine CRHA 422-J (1940)
- Heart Ache CRHA 426-J (1941)
- Kansas Rainbow CRHA 427-H (1941)
- Fashion Plate CRHA 428-F (1941)
- Mona CRHA 432-J (1941)
Cuanto gelding
Light Roan, white with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled June 1935
Owned by Patricia Hannam, White Rock Lodge, Washington
Spirits stallion
Light Brown, white with brown spots over loin and hips
(Roaney x Old Blue)
Foaled 1934
Owned by James Graham, Napa, California

Silvarr stallion
White with black spots over loin and hips
(Old Painter x unknown)
Foaled 1932
Owned by Wilbur Roy Bromer, Poway, California
Photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd

Spangle stallion
Black, white with black spots over loin and hips
(Spot x Mathelda)
Bred by J.Leo Seely, Mt Pleasant, Utah
Foaled April 28, 1937 (Dead)
Thanks to Dolores Adkins for scan of photo from Western Horseman
- Spangle's Papoose 15641 1947 mare
Lucky Pal gelding
Cream, white over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Burrell, California
Foaled April 1927
Owned by Dorothy McElhinney, Romoland, California

Easter mare
Bay, white with bay spots over loin and hips
(Peacock x Marquise)
Bred by Fred H. Bixby, Long Beach, California
Foaled March 3, 1933
Owned by Dorothy McElhinney, Romoland, California and Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Reference: Palouse 63:21, Appaloosa News 2-66:84
- Daybreak F-155 (1942)
- Red Eagle's Peacock F-1476 (1953)
- Estraleta F-478 (1948)
- Double Eagle F-1340 (1951)
- Aristocrat F-75 (1941)
Hughes' Sir Monte stallion
Chestnut, white with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(Amsbaugh's Freckles F-36 x Sawyer's Minnie)
Bred by George Sawyer, Waterford, California
Foaled May 25,1939
Owned by James G. Hughes, Turlock, California

with her foal Appalo F-81
Sheba mare
Red Roan, light roan over loin and hips
(Ferras AHC 922 x Kentucky Girl F-3)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 30, 1938
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-70:59
- Appalo F-81 (1942)
- Pogehdoka F-475 (1948)
- Manes Murph 7949 (1956)
- Manes Bay Sheba 214162 (1955) [Appaloosa News June 82:85]...Also, Was she registered later? - 214xxx is generally early 70s.....just wondering.
Freckles stallion
White with black spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1933
Owned by Andy Amsbaugh, Modesto, California
- Hughes' Sir Monte F-34 (1939)

Middle horse
El Chico stallion
White bay and black spots over body
(Leopard* x Headlight)
Bred by Harry Johnson, Bovee, South Dakota
Foaled November 11, 1938
Owned by Glenn Spiller, Huron, South Dakota
*Leopard is actually Silver Leopard CRHA 64
The ApHC started to pressure its members/breeders that used known CRHA bloodlines. Registrations became difficult. Breeders were required to not acknowledge CRHA registrations on their applications. ApHC did not recognize CRHA registered horses, and listed them as unregistered and their parentage as unknown or grade. Some breeders who wanted to register their registered CRHA horses with ApHC had to change their names, before the ApHC would accept them. This is why so many CRHA lines are now "lost". ~Sherry Byrd
Chiquita mare
White, black spots over loin and hips
(Keeno [AQ? - allbreed] x Lucky Strike)
Bred by George Bell, Van Meter, South Dakota
Foaled July 11, 1936
Owned by Glenn Spiller, Huron, South Dakota

Ranger stallion
Chestnut, white with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(Blanco F-45 x Sundance)
Bred by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 20, 1940
Reference: Appaloosa News Jul61:9
- Lota Spots F-1345 (1951)
- Cocolamus F-4237 (1961)
- Dotti T-224 (1946)
- Sierra El Dorado T-4747 (1958)
- El Dorado's Sister 9106 (1960)
- Ruff's Ranger 19377 (1961 stallion) Appaloosa News 2-66:15/95, 8-66:69
- Ranger's Gaylord 14227 [1961 stallion]
- WHB Ranger Jr 15809 [1961 stallion]
Patrecia mare
White with black spots over loin and hips
(Blanco F-45 x Goldie Pat)
Bred by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Foaled May 2, 1939
Silver King stallion
White with black spots over body
(Blanco F-45 x Bess)
Bred by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 10, 1937
Reference: Appaloosa News Dec61:17, Feb62:27
- Little Spook F-57 (1941)
- Red Cloud F-60 (1941)

pictured with her foal Spooka Dot F-520
photo from Pat Mefferd
Spooky mare
White with black spots over body
(Blanco F-45 x Mollie)
Bred by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 3, 1937 (Dead)
- Gay Lady F-384 (1946)
- Foxie Bird F-487 (1943)
- Spooka Dot F-520 (1947)
- Doc Heitt F-560 (1948)
- Spook A La F-1377 (1952)
- Yurok Chief F-1538 (1953)
- Copper Kingpin F-1545 (1954)
- Little Spook F-57 (1941)
- Chocolate War Doll F-1608 (1955)

Polyachie stallion
Black, white over loin and hips
(Blanco F-45 x Goldie)
Bred by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Foaled March 20, 1939
Photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd
Cortez stallion
Roan, white with dark spots over loin and hips
(Flash F-12 x Babe F-1)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled May 10, 1940

Blanco stallion
White with black spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1931
Owned by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd...only known photo of Blanco F-45
- Polkadott F-387 (1940)
- Ballerina F-389 (1948)
- Rubicon F-403 (1947)
- Nyssa F-412 (1948)
- Manitou F-413 (1948)
- Foxie Bird F-487 (1943)
- Bonnie Boo F-492 (1947)
- Arapaho Brave F-554 (1946)
- Toiyabe F-682 (1948)
- Lucky Lad F-998 (1949)
- Saluki F-1233 (1949)
- Silver Sage F-1287 (1949)
- Ranger F-39 (1940)
- Patrecia F-40 (1939)
- Silver King F-41 (1937)
- Spooky F-42 (1937)
- Polyachie F-43 (1939)
- Dottie F-46 (1939)
- Bell Boy F-58 (1941)
- Little Sheik F-59 (1940)
- Chinquapin T-186 (1947)
- Starbuck Sugar T-827 (1951)
Dottie mare
White with black spots over loin and hips
(Blanco F-45 x unknown)
Bred by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Foaled March 10, 1939

Painter's Marvel mare
Black, white with black spots over loin and hips
(Painter III F-8 x Snowflake F-2)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled June 12, 1940
- Red Eagle F-209 (1946-1971) [foal in photo with Painter's Marvel]
- El Blanco Indico F-111 (1943)
- Dunez F-1411 (1952)
- Eaglette F-1413 (1952)
- Eagle's Goldie F-1537 (1954)
- Technicolor F-476 (1948)
- Peacock's Miraklman F-2190 (1958)
- Cinecolor F-1257 (1949)

Rythm [Rhythm?] gelding
Light Roan, white with dark spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 10, 1940
Owned by William Haley, Scotia, California
Photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd
Chief Seattle Boy stallion
Red Roan, white with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by L.S. Shattuck, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled June 12, 1933
Owned by H.G. Harmon, Kent, Washington
- Anthony 1st F-127 (1941)
- Terry Boy F-157 (1942)
- Princess Jewel F-1147 (1946)
Stardust stallion
White with bay spots over body
(Sundance F-500 x Cheeko[?])
Bred by Howard Mayfield, Estes Park, Colorado
Foaled May 20, 1939
- Dilly A T-542 (1952)
- Miss Plainview T-543 (1953)
- Bismark T-1085 (1951)

Allah stallion
White with black spots over body
(Neptune x Clara)
Bred by Dr Adair, Potlatch, Idaho
Foaled May 1936
Owned by Mark Seaman, Portland, Oregon
Sheik stallion
Dark Brown, white with black spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by A.B. Styles, Orofino, Idaho
Foaled July 12, 1937
Owned by Leon Patrick, Fort Bragg, California
Sheik of Damascus stallion
Red Roan, white with brown spots over loin and hips
(Snap x Jane)
Bred by Allen King, Powers, Oregon
Foaled June 4, 1935
Owned by Alfred T. Brant and B. Gustad, Girard, California

Kismet gelding
White with chestnut spots over body
(Ferras AHC 922 x Babe F-1)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 10, 1935
Owned by A.M. Work, Portland, Oregon
Reference: Palmer p. 110, Appaloosa News 6-82:84
Glacier Park Snowflake mare
Blue Roan, white with black spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Montana Red, Glacier Park, Montana
Foaled July 1931
Owned by Bill Splan, Billings, Montana

F-56/CRHA 68-Z
Pavo stallion
Red Roan, white with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(unknown/Doubtful or Jimmy x unknown/Freckles)
Bred by Will Goulet, Prosser, Washington
Foaled May 20, 1939 (or 1936 -CRHA)
Owned by Merle L. Templeton, San Diego, California
Article: Fahr Tidings 2007 #3
- Pavo's Sun Dog F-2051 (1957)
- Ariwa F-4733 (1954)
- Iron Tail 29281/CRHA 416-V (1952)
- Marcada T-68 (1948)
- Pavo's Dee Dee T-1175 (1947)
- Matazel CRHA 374-Z (1960)
- Miss Texas CRHA 354-P (1952)
- Pavito CRHA 331-R (1948)
- Star Valley CRHA 399-V (1952)
Little Spook mare
Black with white over loin and hips
(Silver King F-41 x Spooky F-42)
Bred by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 10, 1941
Bell Boy stallion
Black, white with black spots over loin and hips
(Blanco F-45 x Bell)
Bred by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 20, 1941
Little Sheik stallion
White with black spots over body
(Blanco F-45 x Daisy)
Bred by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 4, 1940
Red Cloud stallion
Chestnut with white over loin and hips
(Silver King F-41 x Georgia)
Bred by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Foaled May 14, 1941 (Dead)
Rainbow stallion
White with brown spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1929
Owned by John H. Harper, Marfa, Texas
- Flick F-200 (1941)
- Maria F-199 (1941)
Ranger Boy stallion
Blue Roan, white with black spots over body
(King Leopard F-271 x Panchita)
Bred by Henry Chonmocason, Wenette, South Dakota
Foaled May 20, 1938
Owned by Roy Heygood and E.P. McNeal, Aberdeen, South Dakota
Note: Sire's foaling date listed as 1943. An error somewhere, or a different King Leopard....Or? Also F-271 was in Ohio, not South Dakota - just sayin'.
Flash's Pepper mare
Blue Roan, white with black spots over loin and hips
(Flash F-12 x Marvel's Angel F-4)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled June 3, 1941
- Simcoe's Scappoose F-1887 (1957)
- Night Flower F-259 (1945)
Skookums gelding
Red Roan, white with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Orville Salisbury, Howard, Kansas
Foaled May 16, 1936
Owned by Jim Harshman, Wichita, Kansas
Drifter stallion
Red Roan, white with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Frank Heckmiller, Usta, South Dakota
Foaled May 5, 1939
Owned by Gene Ulrich, Faith, South Dakota
- May F-117 (1943)
- Bessie F-118 (1943)
- Shiner F-139 (1944)
El Pancho stallion
White with black spots over loin and hips
(Sammy x unknown)
Bred by Dr J.L. Hiett, Red Bluff, California
Foaled June 30, 1934
Owned by Glenn Spiller, Huron, South Dakota
- Little Man F-229 (1946)
- Cherokee F-230 (1946)
El Darrow stallion
White with black spots over loin and hips
(Keano x unknown)
Bred by Mr. Johnson, Clear Lake, South Dakota
Foaled July 15, 1937
- Cherokee Rose F228 (1943)
- Mende's Red Feather F-1245 (1945)
Ethel mare
Blue Roan
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Fred Dilsaver, Chance, South Dakota
Foaled 1935
Owned by Gene Ulrich, Faith, South Dakota
- Dasher F-140 (1944)
- Queen F-69 (1941)
Queen mare
Blue Roan
(unknown x Ethel F-68)
Bred by Fred Dilsaver, Chance, South Dakota
Foaled May 14, 1941
Owned by Gene Ulrich, Faith, South Dakota
Lady mare
Red Roan
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 14, 1941
Owned by Gene Ulrich, Faith, South Dakota
- May F-117 (1943)
Beauty mare
White with chestnut spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1935
Owned by Gene Ulrich, Faith, South Dakota
- Bessie F-118 (1943)
- Shiner F-139 (1944)
- Rambler F-73 (1941)
- El Sombra F-264 (1945) [not positive dam is this Beauty, date fits, South Dakota fits.....]
Belle mare
Red Roan, light roan over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Chris Williams, Dupree, South Dakota
Foaled 1934
Owned by Gene Ulrich, Faith, South Dakota
- Frosty F-141 (1944)

Rambler stallion
Bay, white with black spots over loin and hips
(unknown x Beauty F-71)
Bred by Gene Ulrich, Faith, South Dakota
Foaled 1941
Thanks to Dolores Adkins for scan of photo from Western Horseman
- Dasher F-140 (1944)
- Frosty F-141 [1944]
- Flaming Arrow F-2845 (1956)
- Little Czear S F-3401 (1956)
- Chief War Drum F-3819 (1959)
- Chiricahua Rambler F-4225 (1961)
- Summer's Misty Maid F-4570 (1959)
- Summer's Moon Mullins 8477 (1958)
- Chubby Filly ID 6557 (1955) per allbreed
- Royal Crown 14242 [1960 stallion]
- Apache King 5610 [1958]
- Hiatt's Miss Pokey Dott 16369 [1956 mare]
- Speck Rambler 17793 [1960 stallion]
- Hiatt's Ace Of Spades 19235 [1960 stallion] Dam: Miss Pokey Dott 16369
- Miss Nekco 19259 [1959 mare] Dam: Rusty [no reg #]
- Now A Wana 21211 [1960 stallion]
- Sue's Speckled Nugget 21367 [1960 stallion]
- Sabo's Rambler 21979 [1961 stallion]
- Rambler's Sandy 22492 [1957 mare]
- Summers' Flash 23213 [1959 mare]
- Summers' Little Fawn 23214 [1959 mare]
- Summers' Frosty Britches 23215 [1959 mare]
- Summers' Snowflake 23216 [1960 mare]
- SummersÕ Shawnee 23217 [1960 mare]
Jack stallion
White with black spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Dr Crossney, Washington
Foaled May 1933
Owned by H.H. Stump, Goldendale, Washington
Aristocrat stallion
White, dark spots over body
(unknown x Easter F-33)
Bred by Dorothy McElhinney, Romoland, California
Foaled June 11, 1941
Owned by Dorothy McElhinney, Romoland, California and Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
- Britches F-245 (1946)
Paddy stallion
Roan, dark spots over loin and hips
(unknown x Lula Bell)
Foaled 1935
Owned by Chas G. Hansen, Boise, Idaho

General Blucher stallion
Blue Roan, white with black spots over loin
(Baby Patches x Blue Speck)
Bred by Guy Lamb, Peach, Washington
Foaled June 14, 1935
Owned by Nona Sayer, Seattle, Washington
- Miss Joseph F-1653 (1955)
- Candy's Miss Dapple 39285
- ComancheÕs R T-3565 (1953)
- Dolly Lace 9506 (1948)
- JoyÕs Stormy 8891 (1956)
- Tal Wal 52262 (1959) Reference: Appaloosa News 1-66:90, 5-68:46
- PalucherÕs Lady 39827
- Princess Breeze 15866 [1960 mare]
- Blucher's Girl 18507 [1949 mare]

Photo from Gene Carr via Pat Mefferd.
Snow Cloud stallion
Red Roan, bay spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown) or (Arab Morgan cross x Nez Perce mare)
Bred by Otto Wolf, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled May, 1939
Owned by Dave and Philip Iron Cloud, Hisle, South Dakota
Reference: Appaloosa News Mar-Apr60:64
Alternative description per PMM:
Description: Roan/numerous snowflake type white patches on neck, shoulder and barrel, a few dark spots over loin and hips; ankle right hind. (Visual from old photo)
Sire......Arabian/Morgan Stallion (ApHC Application for Registration on Microfiche)
Dam.....Nez Perce Mare (ApHC Application for Registration on Microfiche)
Bred by: Pine Ridge School, Pine Ridge, South Dakota. (Western Horseman Feb/Mar 1943)
Owned by: Dave and Philip Iron Cloud, Hisle, SD. (Western Horseman Feb/Mar 1943)
Progeny Record: Sire of 18 ApHC registered foals, however the ApHC incorrectly state he had 21, they counted several horses twice (once with their tentative number and a second time when they were promoted to a foundation number). I did bring this to their attention, but do not know if those records were corrected. Snow Cloud was mainly used in the Iron Cloud and Merrill breeding programs and his last recorded ApHC registered foal was born in 1956.~PMM
- Nez Perce Chief NR (1947?) Sire of 4 ApHC registered foals. -PMM
- Arapaho J F-1977 1950 colt
- Imboden's Shawnee F-2804 1950 mare
- ImbodenÕs Sioux F-3281 1950 mare
- Maka Ina T-782 1952 mare
- Snow Cloud II F-2488 (1951) Sire of 255 ApHC registered foals.PMM
- Zorro F-2781/T-2708 (1952) Sire of 56 ApHC registered foals. PMM
- Miss Dakota Sioux M F-2976 (1950) Dam of 14 ApHC registered foals. PMM
- Miss Iron Cloud 17665 (1950) Dam of 8 ApHC registered foals.PMM
- Colena Doll F-3745 (1951) Dam of 15 ApHC registered foals. PMM
- Cloudy Maid F-4514/T-8581 (1950) Dam of 15 ApHC registered foals.PMM
- Snow Cloud's Sister F-4535 (1950) Dam of 9 ApHC registered foals, 2 of which seem to be foaled in 1954 and are not twins. PMM
- Cloud Hi Tone 11282 (1951) Sire of 36 ApHC registered foals. PMM
- Colena Doll F-3745/T-7597 (1951)Dam of 15 ApHC registered foals.PMM
- Montana Rose T-4457 (1951) Dam of 2 ApHC registered foals.PMM
- Jody M 6639 (1951) gelding PMM
- Miss Frost 12316 Dam of ApHC 5 registered foals. PMM
- Iron Indian 6179 (1951) gelding PMM
- Dakota Queen T-4510 (1952) Dam of 7 ApHC registered foals. PMM
- More's White Princess T-4538 (1953) PMM
- Mira Walla 5625 (1953) Dam of 3 ApHC registered foals.PMM
- Rena Rae 8383 (1953) Dam of 4 ApHC registered foals. PMM
- Ebtide T-4638 (1953) Dam of 1 ApHC registered foal. PMM AT Edit: 2 offspring: Blue Cloud D T-4639 and Carla Lu 15156
- 1954ÉNo registered foals accounted for....? Dakota Dust T-1785 (FBPM to Laura Brest 5.26.15) ~PMM
- Painted Chief 5623 (1956)Sire of 11 ApHC registered foals. PMM
Azul mare
Blue Roan, white with black spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Wallace Shields, San Jose, California
- Costa's Specks F-1853 (1939)
- Medicine Man F-186 (1943)
Rain Drop stallion
Bay, white over loin and hips
(unknown x Etoy)
Bred by Jack Long, Salinas, California
Foaled March 14, 1941

Appalo stallion
White with black spots over loin and hips
(Painter III F-8 x Sheba F-35)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 6, 1942
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-70:59, 4-69:40
- Waneta F-156 (1945)
- Helado F-210 (1945)
- Mancha F-213 (1946)
- Dixie I F-215 (1946)
- Karnak F-217 (1946)
- Nulton's Appalo F-489 (1948)
- Nighthawk F-1298 (1950)
- Nita D F-2495 (1949)
- Painter's Pride F-3419 (1960)
- Dan D 8124 (1958)
- DonnaÕs Dynamite 8337 (1959)
- Fly D 10713 (1959)
- Border Belle 13844 (1960)
- Pilchuck Charlie 21924 [1960 stallion]
Blue Bell mare
White with dark spots over loin and hips
(Miracle Man F-17 x Goldie)
Bred by S.R. Ward, Long Creek, Oregon
Foaled April 5, 1940
Beauty II mare
White with black spots over loin and hips
(Miracle Man F-17 x Donna)
Bred by S.R. Ward, Long Creek, Oregon
Foaled May 1, 1940
Prince Snowflake stallion
Blue Roan with black spots over loin and hips
(Miracle Man F-17 x Donna)
Bred by S.R. Ward, Long Creek, Oregon
Foaled April 30, 1941
Princess Beryl mare
Dun, white with dark spots over loin and hips
(Ferras AHC 922 x Palousie F-26)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled May 8, 1942
- Indian Princess F-207 (1946)
- Eagleflight F-1412 (1952)
- Red Eagle's Prince F-1661 (1956)
- Oregon Princess F-1733 (1954)
- Peacock's Prince F-2191 (1958)
- Peacock's Princess F-3363 (1960)
- Loyette F-479 (1948)
- Kuuipo 24915 (1962) [Appaloosa News June 82:85]
Soapsuds stallion
Red Roan, white with dark spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled January 1935
Owned by Mrs. Buck Jones, Susanville, California
Antonio El Ray stallion
Red Roan, white with black spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by W. Guy McCammon, West Alexander, Pennsylvania
Sultan stallion
White, black spots over body
(Alpine x Ruby [both Appaloosa per allbreed])
Bred by Moore Bros, Stoney Ford, California
Foaled March 27, 1935
Owned by Mrs. J A McMullen, Roseville, California
- General Patches F-142 (1943)
- Alpine F-159 (1942)
- Taffy Blanton 8326 (1954)

Domino stallion
Black, white with black spots over loin and hips
(unknown* x unknown)
Bred by Fred Bixby, Long Beach, California
Foaled 1933
Owned by Nadine Davis, Los Altos, California
1952 National Champion get of sire; sired National Champions
Reference: Appaloosa News Jul-Aug59:20 (Obit)
*JACK PAINE II (JC95052): Brown stallion, foaled 1919. Sired by Rogon, out of Figent. Bred by F.D. Howard, Butte, Montana. He had no official starts. His name was sometimes spelled Jack Payne and simply Jack Paine. His correct name is Jack Paine II, the original Jack Paine raced in the same time and areas as his dam Figent raced. Research indicates that he stood the 1922 and 1923 seasons in or near Helena, MT. Bixby Ranch used him between 1932 and 1940. There is no record of any Jockey Club progeny after the ASB Vol XVIII (foals of 1938 thru 1942), his last Jockey Club foal was born in 1938. No record of Jack Paine IIÕs death could be found.
Sire of 3 Jockey Club foals, 1 to race, 1 known ApHC foal, at least 1 PHA foal, and other horses includingÉ
Moreno Mare (U)ÉFilly owned by Joe Moreno, Chino, CA and Norco..dam of Chino Gypsy AQHA 26482 (f 1944). The Moreno Mare is listed as being by Jack Payne II QHÉadded 11/16/09.
Anxious Jack (JC)...Colt, 1924; bred in Montana. Unplaced in 5 starts, no earnings.
DonÕt Worry (JC)ÉFilly, 1923; bred in Montana. Unraced.
Major Jack (JC)ÉColt, 1938; bred in Long Beach, CA. Unraced
Domino F89ÉColt, 1933 ( Part I)
Bravo PHA 2030ÉColt, 1941 (bred by Fred H. Bixby, Long Beach CA., a Palomino stallion foaled 1941, out of a Bixby Palomino Mare)
Researched by PM MEFFERD Pedigree Research
- Medicine Man F-186 (1943)
- Peacock F-164 (1942)
- Geronimo F-165 (1944)
- Prexy F-166 (1945)
- The Shadow F-252 (1946)
- Flamingo F-297 (1944)
- Domie F-817 (1948)
- Arrow F-819 (1949)
- Pay Day F-1021 (1948)
- Bullis Navajo F-1022 (1949)
- Conejo T-215 (1952)
- War Paint F-680 (1946)

Scout mare
Light Red Roan, white with bay spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1938
Owned by Nadine Davis, Los Altos, California
- Peacock F-164 (1942) [foal in photo]
- Prexy F-166 (1945)
- The Shadow F-252 (1946)
- Arrow F-819 (1949)
- Patchy's Scout F-2947 (1956)
- Hume's Patchyscout F-2208 (1958)
- Monnie T-255 (1953)
- Red Squirrel T-408 (1954)
Polky Dot stallion
Blue Roan, white with black spots over loin and hips
(Champayne x Blue) [allbreed says both parents are QH]
Bred by Coke T. Roberts, Hayden, Colorado
Foaled July 10, 1938
Owned by Sidney Vail, Elko, Nevada

Chief Joseph stallion
Black, white with black spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Jim Hinnenkamp, Palouse, Washington
Foaled June 30, 1939
Owned by Harold Tibbs, Sandpoint, Idaho
- Princess Whitebird T-1306 (1951)
- Princess Tolo F-116 (1943)
- Chief Mickey F-295 (1945)
- Rocky F-646 (1946)
- Smokey E F-1826 (1944)
- Chief Joseph II F-827 (1949)
- Chief Joseph III T-185 (1948)
Amapolla mare
Bay, white with bay spots over loin and hips
(Painter III F-8 x Poppy)
Bred by Roy Philippi, Blolock, Oregon
Foaled July 2, 1942
Oregon Painter stallion
(Painter III F-8 x Lady Ferras)
Bred by Roy Philippi, Blolock, Oregon
Foaled July 30, 1942
Professor John J stallion
Blue Roan, white with brown spots over loin and hips
(Painter III F-8 x Dollie)
Bred by Bob Huck, Rufus, Oregon
Foaled June 16, 1942
Lucie mare
Blue Roan, light roan with dark spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Frank Heckmiller, Usta, South Dakota
Foaled 1927
Owned by Gene Ulrich, Faith, South Dakota
Gypsy Girl mare
Red Roan, light roan over loin and hips
(Jim Dandy x May)
Bred by Luke Poor Thunder, Porcupine, South Dakota
Foaled April 7, 1937
Owned by Pine Ridge Indian Agency, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Bonnie Bell mare
Blue Roan, white with black spots over loin and hips
(Ghost F-100 x Nancy)
Bred by James Wilson, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled April 20, 1941
Owned by Pine Ridge Indian Agency, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
- Polka Dot F-137 (1944) [Studbook has her dam as Bonnie Bell F-98, bred by Pine Ridge Agency, ... Sherezade also foaled in 1944?? - with different location. Something mixed up here.....foaling date error? Or?]
- Bonnie Bell W 7417 (1959)
- Dude Dandy Jr F-1216 (1947)
- Sherezade F-3721 (1944) [See Polka Dot above]
- Dixie W T-4181 (1954)
- Calico Lady T-323 (1949)
Miss Blue mare
Blue Roan, black spots over loin and hips
(Rex x Queen)
Bred by Charles Yellow Boy, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled May 12, 1938
Owned by Pine Ridge Indian Agency, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Ghost stallion
Chestnut, white with chestnut spots over loin and hips
(Little Joe x Betty)
Bred by Edward Westover, Porcupine, South Dakota
Foaled May 14, 1935
Owned by Pine Ridge Indian Agency, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
- Bonnie Bell F-98 (1941)
- Little Witch F-101 (1942)
#1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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This page last updated/corrected April 2023.