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Starbuck Leopard Mystery
Much has been written about the Starbuck Leopard and/or The Kid.
Researchers, Pat Mefferd being the main one, have gathered the various articles below and other information about this/these leopards.
Are they the same horse? or different ones? or? Interesting, anyway!
If anyone has additional information that they are willing to share, the 'spotted fever folk" [me included] would love to read it and post with this other great information!
Thanks, Pat, for all your efforts!
A little historical background...
View of the area known as the San Rafael Swell

Jan Davis Emailed me this in December 2002 from her online ÒHorse Latitudes MagazineÓ, May 2002 issue. It talks about Davidsons' King of the Mountain. I have not found any photos of Davidsons' King of the Mountain...PMM
This is from the Western Livestock Journal, February 1944.

Guess it's a wonder these horses weren't all annihilated... from sheepmen to including "horsemen"!

Only known photo of the Starbuck Leopard

Retouched photo of the Starbuck Leopard, which I think was done at Frank Scripter's request.

Painting of the Starbuck Leopard by Maud Botta.
"The Truth About Starbuck Leopard" by Ben Johnson of Colorado.
Western Horseman September 1949
(I believe this is the earliest magazine article about STARBUCK LEOPARD...PMM)

"Outstanding Appaloosa Bloodlines (Third Installment - Starbuck Leopard and Solomon Figueroa)" by Robert Peckinpah.
Horse Lover's Magazine Feb/Mar 1951

Appaloosa News May 1960
(This seems to be the very first mention of Starbuck Leopard in the Appaloosa News magazine...PMM)

"Accent on Spots," by Mary P. Hare,
Appaloosa News 1969
For the complete article, go here

"Preserving the Starbuck Heritage," by Mike Alvarez,
Appaloosa News 1969

"A Jigsaw Puzzle In Time - The Legend of The Kid," by Mary P. Hare,
reported to be Starbuck Leopard by Arlin Davidson.
Appaloosa News January 1972...PMM

Note: Photo labeled Starbuck Leopard (top, right) is actually Daylight, a son of Starbuck Leopard.

Note....the mare shown as Blue Nellie in lower right is actually Teton T-1727.....did a spot check way back when....PMM

Spot, aka Teton was first registered my knowledge he did not go foundation. PMM
John Starbuck's Lepard - The Story Told In Oil" by Lorne Knisley.
Canadian Appaloosa Journal March 1972

Letter from Ben Johnson.
Appaloosa News, April 1972.

Excerpt from Know The Appaloosa Horse by Lee Arlandson. 1973

Lorne Knisley's contribution....from Sundance Newsletter

A Kingdom for My Horse by Vera Knisley 1988

Frank Scripter on Starbuck Leopard, etc...
Letter dated Nov. 4, 1989 to Sundance News Jan. 1990.

Letter from Gene Carr, published in the Sundance Newsletter, March 1990

Excerpt from "The American Leopard Horse Ranch" by Frank Scripter,
published in the Sundance Newsletter, February 1995.

"Accent on Spots - Revisited" by Mary P Hare
Sundance Newsletter March 2004

scanned from Sundance Record Book Vol I...PMM

Notes from phone call with Mary P Hare, December 2007...PMM

This page last updated September 2015.