Appaloosa Territory
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ApHC, CRHA, SBC pending
F4 2004 colt
First Day Out

What IS this stuff?

I can walk through it? Wow!

My, this green stuff is everywhere...Ma sure seems to like it....

So cool, I can run around!

Hey, Ma follows me Everywhere...

Wonder if I can get away from her?

Aw, gee, she caught me again. Can't a guy have any peace?

Let's try that again...

Well, durn, she is just too fast for me. Guess it means she loves me.

Isn't she the purtiest Mom in the world? [Well she is to me...]

I'm tired, let's go in.

What IS this stuff?

I can walk through it? Wow!

My, this green stuff is everywhere...Ma sure seems to like it....

So cool, I can run around!

Hey, Ma follows me Everywhere...

Wonder if I can get away from her?

Aw, gee, she caught me again. Can't a guy have any peace?

Let's try that again...

Well, durn, she is just too fast for me. Guess it means she loves me.

Isn't she the purtiest Mom in the world? [Well she is to me...]

I'm tired, let's go in.
Awsum Day 1 - more photos of the colt on his first day outside
Awsum Day 4 - Revved up and ready to go, photos of a wind dancer.
Awsum grows up - little baby has grown into a young man
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This page last updated on May 23, 2004. © 2004 Wolf Oak Appaloosas/Appaloosa Territory