Appaloosa Territory
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ApHC, CRHA, SBC pending
F4 2004 colt

Wow, this is the first foal born at Wolf Oak Appaloosas in eight years. It is so wonderful to have a little kid running around again. "Awsum", who will be named OBR Sunspot Awesum, is the result of a joint effort by Wolf Oak and the C3 O'Bryant Ranch.
Zebra Kitten Spot was bred to Sunspot Pete. (Pedigrees of sire and dam are available at these links.) Of course we were hoping for a filly, and color, but an awesome colt is what we got... even if the spots were baked off. We are hoping, since he has white sclera, that he will color up in time. Even though he is a solid colored Appaloosa, he is healthy, the dam is healthy, (though I have more grey hairs) and he is one of the best foals conformation-wise of any foal Wolf Oak ever had, not to mention that he is an F4! Great job, Pete and Kitten, except for the [lack of] spots.

The Courtship

Last fall

Gettin' bigger....[February]

This kid's gona be big... [April 23]

Sheesh, it's May 9 and she was due May 1....When? WHEN?
Wait Over!

7 AM, after waiting in the barn all night, I go in for coffee and come back in an hour to find - Of Course! - a nose, and two feet....ohhhhhhhhhh, Where are the spots?

All the way out..."What the heck is going on here?"

He's up.

"Hey, Ma, aren't you supposed to get up and feed me?"

First steps.

"Milk Spigot?" No. "A Neighbor? What's that?"
What good is a neighbor if it doesn't give milk?
Awesum Day 2 - more photos of the colt on his first day outside
Awesum Day 4 - Revved up and ready to go, photos of a wind dancer.
Awsum grows up - little baby has grown into a young man
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This page last updated on December 4, 2004. © 2004 Wolf Oak Appaloosas/Appaloosa Territory