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Buttons B F-1681
This article was originally published in the Appaloosa News: December 1977:142-143. Information was compiled by Charlotte Brannen.

Buttons B
Beau Cheval's Buttons B
Beau Cheval translated from French means "good horse." In Wynnewood, Oklahoma, Beau Cheval means "good Appaloosa horse." And Beau Cheval's Buttons B [is] rated as one good Appaloosa horse.

Sire: Double Six Domino

Dam: Bluebird B
From Buttons B's beginnings, odds complimented his style. Double Six Domino, [F-2646] Button's sire, already established himself as an outstanding foundation sire. His dam was the top producer, Bluebird B. [F-1687]
Blue Bird B foaled Buttons in 1950 on Elvin Blevin's Old Six Ranch in Tatum, New Mexico. Two years later, Blevins and Buttons moved to Beau Cheval Ranch, marking the beginning of a phenomenal stud career.
Buttons proved quite a hit to the Oklahoma natives. Not many ranchers owned Appaloosas at that time. With his loud coloring and outstanding working ability, Button promoted the breed like a true ambassador.

A growing number of breeders took note of this athletic colt. Ranch work complimented Buttons style. Working cattle, fixing fence, or just plain pleasure riding suited the big horse just fine.
But Blevins wanted to promote the horse. Successful promotion derives from presenting Buttons before large numbers of people. And what better place to start than at the first Appaloosa show held east of the Rockies.
When Buttons entered the ring at that first show in Claremore, Oklahoma, he drew approving looks from the breeders and the judge as the stallion stood grand champion. Continuing his winning ways, Buttons captured first place honors in the calf roping.
But Buttons public appearance didn't stop in the show ring. He made a special guest appearance ridden by Kiowa Tribal Chief Dixon Palmer on Dave Garroway's TV show, "Wide Wide World."

Just as Buttons captured the public's eye, his foals began establishing themselves in the show arena. Buttons influence proved so keen he was designated a foundation sire for the Appaloosa breed. Appaloosas carrying the names Buttons and Beau are direct descendants of Buttons as these names are eligible for use only by Buttons progeny.
The list of Buttons outstanding sons and daughters is too great to list but one deserves mentioning. Quavo B, perhaps Buttons most notable son, took the show ring by storm during his short career. At age 2, Quavo won the coveted Bear Step Katouche at the 1958 National Appaloosa Horse Show following his Grand Champion Stallion win. This marked Appaloosa history as Buttons B had previously won the honored Katouche. Never before had a sire and son won this award.

Buttons B and Quavo B
But Buttons was not overshadowed by his get. In later years, Buttons drew fans to his Beau Cheval Ranch. This he took in stride. It was not unusual for children to climb atop the stallion's back for pictures. Small children, unable to reach Buttons' face to pet, squealed in delight as the big horse lowered his head for a gentle caress.
With impending age, Buttons coat roaned to a steely blue, but even in later years, he never lost his characteristic "buttons."

Buttons B at age 22
But age caught up with Buttons B on October 28, 1976. Cheryl Blevins, glancing toward the old stallion's pen, noticed a strange look about the horse. Concerned, she drew Elvin's attention away from his telephone conversation and contacted the veterinarian. But time had run out for Button B.
Marking Button B's final resting place will stand a life size statue of the great stallion. Situated at the entrance of Beau Cheval Ranch, Buttons B will forever face the ranch he helped establish.
Direct Descendants of Buttons B
(Not a complete list)
- Quavo B F-2404 Dam: Sacaweista F-2403
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-70:31, 7/8-57:13/16, 9-10-57:18, Mar-Apr58:8, May-Jun58:18/21, Jul-Aug58:9, Sep-Oct58:2/28 Nov-Dec58:4, Mar-Apr59:4, Nov-Dec59:28, Mar-Apr60:4 (death notice), Nov60:58, Appaloosa Journal 3-03 - Poteet B F-2225 Dam: Golden Lily.
Reference: Appaloosa News 7/8-57:11/15 - Arapahoe Princess B F-3658 Dam: Bryant's Apache Queen F-3435
Reference: Appaloosa News 10-61:46, 2-62:55, 1-70:34 - Beau Kay T-2971 Dam: Lady AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 12-61:38, 2-70:103 - Losa F-2857 Dam: Hoya F-2855
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-70:93 - Comanche Ki 6046 Dam: Zipper Wagner
References: Appaloosa News 11-70:81, Aug61:16, 7-66:38(longhorn branding), 10-68:79 - Crossfire 11108
References: Appaloosa News 2-65:81, 3-66:69, 5-66:31 - Pale Moon B F-2064 Dam: Snowdrift B F-2040
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-76:53, Mar62:12, CRHA BloodhorseV6:49 - Cheri Kiowa T-1130 Dam: Soco
Reference: CPAA 12-77, Appaloosa News 2-71:43 - Bar D's Quavo 77277 Dam: Sacaweista F-2403
Reference Appaloosa News 1-75:131, 2-71:43, 11-71:71 - Miss Nine 198443 Dam: Mansfield Comanche No. Nine 23168
Reference: Ada Fall76#31 - Beau Leah 84826 Dam: Beau Vega T-4877
Reference: Ada Fall76#124 - Beau Checkers T-2303 Dam: Beau Yanush T-2210
Reference: Ada Fall76:#347, Appaloosa News 4-73:108(ped); 12-61 Muskogee Appaloosa Free Fair show results: Beau Checkers 2nd get of sire 3rd junior reining 3rd Camas Prairie stump race - Dusty Warrior T-1408 Dam: Silver Bell
Reference: Ada Fall76:#356, Appaloosa News Nov-Dec59:31, Jan-Feb60:39, May-Jun60:53, Jul60:54, Jun61:41, Jul61:31, Sep61:50, Dec61:27, 6-72:104, 5-67:83, 6-67:56 - S-4 Buttons 102318 Dam: Hanson's Little Shorty F-4033
Reference: Ada Fall76:#381 - Frosty BB F-1688 Dam: Bluebird B F-1687
- Durango F-1694 Dam: Tobianna F-350
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-10-57:18, Nov60:37, 7-72:68(article), 11-68:9/10, 1-69:159 - Strawboss B F-1729 Dam: Bluebird B F-1687
Reference: Appaloosa News 11-70:92, 1-65:6 - Chief Red Cloud A F-1816 Dam: Tobianna
- Beau Bluebird F-1930 Dam: Bluebird B F-1687
- Oklahoma Squaw B F-2041 Dam: Snowdrift B F-2040
- Ho Notchie B F-2042 Dam: Snowdrift B F-2040
- Beau Tar Baby F-2043 Dam: Snowdrift B F-2040
- Oklahoma Warrior F-2337 Dam: White Cloud E F-2204
Reference: Appaloosa News Dec61:29 - Beau Marbles F-2372 Dam: Marbles Up F-2218
- Tequila T-1123 Dam: Miss Blue McCue AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 7/8-57:13/15, 9-10-57:18, Sep-Oct58:6 - Beau Desert H F-2510 Dam:Desert Sundae F-750
- Beau Wings T-2294 Dam: Squaw Boots
Reference: Appaloosa News Nov-Dec58:6, Jan-Feb60:39, Feb62:49 - Arbuckle Buttons T-2818 Dam: Arbuckle Annie T-1607
Reference: Appaloosa News Dec61:44, 8-82:39 - Beau Nika T-2946 Dam: Alice Blue Gown
Reference: Appaloosa News Dec61:36 - Cayenne Pepper T-652 Dam: Blondie
Reference: Appaloosa News Jun61:43 - Bows C T-561 Dam: Bubbles T-34??
Reference: Appaloosa News Feb61:36, 7-67:63 - Squaw Buttons F-2794 Dam: Turner's Squaw F-2766
Reference: Ada Fall76#405 - Cinco's Totem Buttons F-2813 Dam: Cinco's Old Nakomis F-1718
- Indian Imp F-2856 Dam: Hoya F-2855
- Mintahoya F-2858 Dam: Smokey
- Zim's Snow Cloud F-2886 Dam: Fuzzy Butt F-1961
- Spotted Eagle DE F-2919 Dam: Tobianna F-350
- Beau Speckle's Marbles F-3019 Dam: Marbles Up F-2218
- Beau Zuni F-3022 Dam: Sacaweista F-2403
- Beau Buttons F-3291 Dam: Yanush's Grey Lady F-3290
- Hunt's Red Buttons F-3591 Dam: Red Wing B F-2206
Reference: Appaloosa News 11-63:31 - Beau Susie F-3634 Dam: Indian Sue H F-3633
- Beau Neho F-3675 Dam: Indian Sue H F-3633
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-71:74, 10-71:45 - Beau Wyco F-3676 Dam: Indian Sue H F-3633
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-79:170 - Chippawa B F-3853 Dam: TB
- Buttons Up F-3928 Dam: Marbles Up F-2218
- Kiamici Buttons F-3945 Dam: Kiamichi F-2925
- Beau Naweta F-4067 Dam: Neta H F-4066
- Beau Neta F-4069 Dam: Neta H F-4066
- Caddo Buttons F-4085 Dam: Turner's Squaw F-2766
Reference: Appaloosa News 7-70:70, 1-65:60, 2-71:43, 10-66:24, CPAA 4-77 - Button's Smoke Signal F-4086 Dam: Gipsey F-1593
Reference: Appaloosa News 6-63:36 - Beau Rondo F-4218 Dam: Paprika F-4126
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-63:36 - Raunchy F-4284 Dam: Atoka F-4282
Reference CRHA Bloodhorse V6:49 - Atoka L F-4285 Dam: Atoka F-4282
- Rio Guywicki Buttons F-4487 Dam: Sherry's Decco H F-4485
Reference: Appaloosa News 8-64:25 - Beau Thunder F-4488 Dam: Sherry's Decco H F-4485
- Ceace F-2205 Dam: White Cloud E F-2204
- Oklahoma Princess F-2232 Dam: White Cloud E F-2204
- Bonnie BB F-2255 Dam: Bonnie B F-971
- Buttons B Pow Wow F-2256 Dam: Bonnie BB F-2255
- Tina Buttons 136186 Dam: Tina Miss
Reference: Appaloosa News 6-78:125, 10-77:135, 11-77:144, 12-77:176/186 - Chiquita Quava 61630
Reference: Appaloosa News 12-79:137p - Sparkle Buttons 11431
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-80:51p, 1-67:40 - Pixie Buttons 111248 Dam: Lina Miss
Reference: CRHA Bloodhorse V7:13 - Ramona B 59540 Dam: Black Angel AQ
Reference: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:44 - Tesuque Buttons 37783 Dam: Tesuque Molly F-3097
Reference: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:44 - Princess Button B 253890 Dam: Princess Delight B 157645
Reference: Leimbach pedigree - Speck C T-723 Dam: Polly
- Speckle Button T-1426 Dam: Nancy M T-523
- Beau Annie F-2802 Dam: Handy Annie F-2782
- Frosty Sparrow T-2006 Dam: Flicka T
- Beau Red Head T-2295 Dam: Pacheko B T-2209
- Beau Lynn 6820 Dam: Golden Linda
- Bar C Beau Doll T-2329 Dam: Bulah
- Button's Britches T-2682 Dam: Little Britches F-2572
- Circle N's Bonnie B T-3172 Dam: Polly Wagner
- Double Bo T-3207 Dam: Pokie T-1704
- Beau Lightning T-3696 Dam: Lady TB
- Arbuckle Ike T-3956 Dam: Arbuckle Annie T-1607
- Tokay B T-4201 Dam: Gray Wagoner mare
- Tyee Buttons 36952 Dam: Diamond Up
Reference: Appaloosa News1-68:140p, 3-68:38 - Button's Boots 37782 Dam: Marbles Up F-2218
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-69:53ad - Button's Rhumba 110028 Dam: Cherri Catale 42677
Reference: Appaloosa News 10-69:107 - Keystone's Beau Battle Ribbons 9277 Dam: Flicks AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 7-74:35p - Flo Mar's Chief Buttons 51433 Dam: Yuba Squaw B 51411
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-73:156, 3-73:116, 5-71:86, 1-72:150, 4-72:110 - Button's Pride 5139 Dam: Trudy T-3555
- Bar W Molly B 5530 Dam: Dub Roberts mare
- Yellow Jacket Lu 5613 Dam: Lindey Lou
- Pokey B 5671 Dam: French's Yellow Mare
- Beau Tokie 5980 Dam: Topie H T-4100
- Top Button 6001 Dam: Gold Top
- Beau Chip 6666 Dam: Eagle
- Buttermilk C 6921 Dam: Hupa T-845
- Beau Guinea 7756 Dam: Wilbanks Blue
- Red Buttons B 8138 Dam: Eagle (TB)
- Beau Juli H 8637 Dam: Topie H T-4100
- Rain Beau Pal 8971 Dam: Frosty
- Zim's Chipeta 9694 Dam: Zim's Twig 1960 mare
- Beulah Bee 11896 Dam: Blue Ratchford 1960 mare
- Clean Slate 12724 Dam: Theda T-1190 1960 stallion
- Pinkie's Patch 12725 Dam: Cup Cake T-1518 1960 stallion
- Chief Stone Eagle 13143 Dam: sorrel quarter 1961 stallion
- Red Ball 12727 Dam: Beau Yanush T-2210
- Virginia Sue 12726 Dam: Hi Blue Streak T-1054
- Tyee 12738 Dam: Hopi T-844
- Buttons Navajo 21667 Dam: Bar W Fizzle Britches 6657 1962 stallion
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-67:35, 10-69:24, 1-72:20 - Chief Yellow Button T-627 Dam: Palomino
Reference: Appaloosa News M-J 57:8 - Spooky Buttons 91928 Dam: Quavocita 91927
Reference: Appaloosa News 7-69:74, 3-74:109 - Buttons Playboy 11662 Dam: Matlock's Spec F-4860
- Buttons Pochecko ID 1450 Dam: Pacheko B T-2209
- Button's Blue Streak 11158 Dam: Streaked Face T-1366
- Double F's Billie Bee 13510 Dam: Melody AQ
- Yoggi Berra 13772 Dam: Spotted Streak T-997
- Cinda B 14239 Dam: Honey Bee AQ [1959 mare]
- Beau Raven 15079 Dam: Raven AQ [1958 mare]
- Buttons' Red Crystal 15115 Dam: Dynamite [1960 mare]
- Kim's Frosty Buttons 19391 [1958 mare]
- Susie Bee 23157 [1961 mare]
- Beau Mia 24172 [1961 mare]
The following offspring information was gathered from
- Buttons Double Miss 93776 Dam: Tina Miss 5745
- Buttons Scout 50617 Dam: Indian Hemp 5200
- Cal's Cocoa 27326 Dam: quarter
- Christie Buttons 192890 Dam: ?
- Marbles B 80718 Dam: Marbles Up F-2218
- Oregon's Comanche Buttons 28204 Dam: Turner's Squaw F-2766
- Red Rita ID 800 Dam: Rita Rojo 31473
- Rio Coco 40645 Dam: Button's Wah Nep I 152449
Pedigree of Buttons B
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Dr Howard | |||
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Mansfield's Comanche F-3096 ![]() |
Cortez | |||
Juanita M 21700![]() |
Senorita | |||
Double Six Domino F-2646![]() |
Dr Howard | |||
Mansfield's Comanche> F-3096 ![]() |
Juanita M 21700![]() |
Susan | |||
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Lucine | |||
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Wolf Song | |||
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Apple Jack F-158 | |||
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Gay Lady | |||
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Bluebird B F-1687 ![]() |
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Freckles | |||
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This page last updated September 2023.