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Appaloosa History:
Mansfield's Comanche F-3096

Mansfield's Comanche Breeders logo
In skimming past issues of the Appaloosa News, it penetrated my conscious that the majority of the Mansfield horses were well colored Appaloosas...something that has a habit of attracting my attention. What follows is a simple presentation of Comanche bred Appaloosas.
When I started compiling the Comanche horses, I began to realize the scope of Mansfield's Comanche's influence on the Appaloosa. As it turns out, this page is just Mansfield's Comanche and his direct offspring. As time allows, his prolific sons will be added on other pages. Any contributions would be Appaloosa-ly appreciated and attributed.
Again, my thanks to Tracy Meisenbach for Mansfield's Comanche production list [2016].

Mansfield Comanche
Basic Info
ApHC Studbook data:
Mansfield's Comanche, F-3096
Sire: Dr Howard JC [U.S. Army Remount stallion]
Dam: Juanita M T-21700 [registered by J.E. Baker]
(pedigree at bottom of page)
Bred and owned by Jack Mansfield, Vega, Texas.
1988 Hall of Fame Inductee
Sire of National Champions
Mansfield's Comanche Breeder's Association was formed at some point and was still viable in 1971. It appears to be an advertising cooperative, much like the early Sundance ads. I am not aware that it evolved into a club like Sundance. Any further information on this association would be appreciated. [Other similar organizations were the Dark Cloud Breeders, the Toby Breeders, the Red Eagle Breeders.]

A Little More Info
Comanche and The Mansfield Horses by Elvin Blevins1
Jack Mansfield of Vega, Texas, is one of the oldest breeders of Appaloosa horses. Over forty years ago [1920s] he bought the Alamosa Ranch near Vega with a number of Appaloosas running on it. One day on his ranch there was foaled a promising little stud colt which he called Mansfield's Comanche, sired by Dr. Howard and out of Juanita.

Juanita, dam of Mansfield's Comanche
Little did Jack realize that this wobbly legged foal with the strikingly spotted coat was destined to become one of the all time greats of the Appaloosa world. At that time the breed was little kown and no registry had yet been formed. Mansfield's Comanche, more commonly known now to all breeders of Appaloosas as Comanche 3096, has had a great part in shaping the destiny of the Appaloosa horse.
Comanche lived his entire life on the Alamosa Ranch. His life was most useful and productive for his only owner, Jack Mansfield. In the fall of 1959 he was struck by lightning at the ripe old age of 26. However, his name will never be forgotten, for his many sons and daughters and their offspring live to carry on the Comanche bloodline. This bloodline has been heavily evidenced in the show ring in both halter and working classes.
[This article finished with a list of selected sons and daughters, and who they produced. This information is incorporated in the production list below.]
Appaloosa News 2

Appaloosa News 3

Appaloosa Journal 4

There is an excellent, collaborative article on Comanche at Joe Daniel's Barnlot. Among the information presented, is the discrepancy of whether Mansfield's Comanche was ever trained and the cause of his death.
Some Recent Publicity
From the Quarter Horse News - an article titled Appaloosas on the Spot , contributed by Stephanie Duquette, that shines a spotlight on Mansfield's Comanche:
The Reined Cow Horses
The Dobler's has been involved with Appaloosas for more than two decades, and gained notoriety with their stallion High Sign Nugget, Canada's top producer of Appaloosa cutting, reining and working cow horses. Purchased as a 2-year-old, the white horse with a few black spots was intended to be Dobler's non-pro gelding. But when he went to famed Canadian trainer Les Timmons' barn to prepare for the cutting futurities, Timmons advised leaving the stallion intact. "Les said he was one of the best horses he ever trained. Like a sponge, he said," Dobler recalled.

High Sign Nugget
Fortunately for his offspring, High Sign Nugget, or Spot, was spared the veterinarian's scalpel. Foals by the now 21-year-old stallion have won nine ApHC World Championships, three Reserve World Championships, 15 Canadian Supreme Futurity/Derby Championships, 10 Canadian Supreme Futurity/Derby Reserve Championships, an ApRHA Reining Futurity Championship and two Reserve Championships.
A perfect example is the High Sign Nugget son named YOR High Noon. Roger and Vicki Johnson of Saskatchewan purchased YOR High Noon from Dobler, before the colt was weaned from his dam, the Canadian Supreme Hall of Fame Appaloosa mare S/W Red Velvet.
"He taught me more than I taught him," Roger said. "There was lots of raw talent there, and I wish I would have had more experience myself." Despite being relative newcomers to the show pen, Roger showed High Noon to multiple championships in working cow horse, reining and cutting.
"As far as a trainable mind and a willing attitude and fearlessness, I don't think you could find a horse to compare. He's very mellow. When you put the saddle on him, he just knows, this is time to go to work," Vicki said.
YOR High Noon, now 14, is the only son of High Sign Nugget to produce an ApHC World Champion reiner. He has sired foals that excel not only in reining and cow horse, but also jumping, pleasure, halter and gymkhana - demonstrating the Appaloosa's signature versatility. The Johnsons point out that High Noon has close to 88 percent Appaloosa blood, representing a tight linebreeding program based on one of High Noon's ancestors, a stallion named Mansfield Comanche.
"It's an unbroken chain of these horses from an intensely linebred Mansfield Comanche sire called High Spot. High Noon represents the current application of these. They're just as consistent as the day is long. I think it is actually due to the linebreeding," Vicki Johnson said.
[So how's that for a compliment of Mansfield's Comanche?]
The following list compiled from ApHC Production List, Appaloosa News' article by Elvin Blevins1, the barnlot by Joe Daniels, and probably
Alameda #11048 mare Foaled 1950
Dam: Valencia T-1810
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-65:24Alamosa S unreg mare
Beau Vega T-4877 mare Foaled 1956
Dam: LeahBobbie F-782 mare Foaled 1942
Dam: Tawana F-785
Note: Information per Barnlot. SB lists sire as Commanche Chief, bred by Jack Mansfield
Caliente F-3288 stallion Foaled 1951
Dam: Leah
Owned by Lewis Igleheart, Miami, OklahomaChandler's Amigo #7813 stallion Foaled 1955
Dam: Leopard Rose
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-71:35p, 2-71:92p, 1-67:108, 12-67:32pCherokee A F-2847 (T-3562) stallion Foaled 1946
Dam: Leopard Rose (daughter of Mansfield Comanche)
Bred by Jack Mansfield, Vega, Texas
Owned by Robert Adams, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Produced: High Spot F-3559, Chief of Swan Lake F-3629 and She'll Do T-4195
References: Appaloosa News 1-65:49, May61:53, Apr62:40, 1-65:84, Western Horsemen 5-64:106, Oct61Comanche Babe J F-3818 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: Miss Apachie F-3769
Owned by LS Johnston, Canyon, Texas
Reference: Appaloosa News 12-62:45Comanche Jr T-1658 gelding Foaled 1954
Dam: Uxa II Mansfield
Reference: Appaloosa News Mar-Apr59:4
Comanche Lady #17343 mare Foaled 1954
Dam: Mansfield mare
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-77:171pCommanche Pat #16821 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: quarter
Comanche Red Wing #31472 mare Foaled 1952
Dam: Uxa II
Reference:CRHA Bloodhorse V6:44Comanche Rondo T-3198 stallion Foaled 1954
Dam: Lady BugComanche's Dot 7788 mare Foaled 1953
Dam: Leah
Reference:CRHA Bloodhorse V7:5, 12-76:144*Comanche's Dream 17755 Foaled 1949
Dam: Miss Snow Cloud J 17749
Reference:Appaloosa News 2-78:248pComanche's Equal T-3231 stallion Foaled 1952-1974
Dam: Loma (daughter of Leopard Rose)
Produced Comanche's Blue Bell T-4139Comanche's Freckles 12555 stallion Foaled 1956
Dam: Alamosa S
Reference:Appaloosa News 9-74:62pComanche's Gal 20194 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: Miss Snow Cloud B 17752Comanchie Jean T-20232 mare Dam: unnamed Foaled 1952
Cooterville Leopard Mandy F-4673 mare Foaled 1948
Dam: Leopard LadyCooterville Little Piute T-486 stallion Foaled 1952
Dam: Valencia T-1810Depression Argo F-3147 T-7673 stallion Foaled 1946
Dam: Susan
Owned by Fairhurst, Ravenna, Ohio
Double Six Domino F-2646 (T-679) stallion Foaled 1943
Dam: Susan (daughter of Mansfield Comanche x Lucine).
Bred by Jack Mansfield of Vega, Texas. Owned by Harmon Scales, Lubbock, TexasFieldman 15875 stallion Foaled 1956
Dam: Mansfield mare
Reference:Appaloosa News 1-67:68, 1-65:44, 4-65:102, 9-66:55, Western Horsemen 1-66:76Freckles J F-3282 mare
Dam: unknown
Owned by Jerald Johnson, Hutchinson, KansasHigh Dice T-1109 gelding Foaled 1948
Dam: Leopard RoseKelly's Comanche Kid #32977 stallion Foaled 1960
Dam: Waggoner quarter mare
Reference:Appaloosa News 1-65:77, 7-65:67Leah unreg mare
Dam: Susan
Produced Beau Vega
Info from barnlot.comLeopard Lady unreg mare
Info from barnlot.comLeopard Rose unreg mare
Dam: Leopard Miss
Info from barnlot.comManfielda F-2983 mare (T-874) Foaled 1950
Dam: unnamed Mansfield mare
Produced Lone Wolf F-3207 (T-881) and Chief Tatum T-718.
Owned by Jim Atkinson, Kenedy, Texas
Bred by Jack Mansfield, Vega, TexasMansfield Comanche No One #23162 Foaled 1956
Dam: unreg Cherokee [A?] mareMansfield Comanche No Two #23163 Foaled 1956
Dam: unreg Cherokee [A?] mareMansfield Comanche No Three BT23164 Foaled 1956
Dam: unreg Cherokee [A?] mareMansfield Comanche No Four #23165 Foaled 1956
Dam: unreg Cherokee [A?] mareMansfield Comanche No Five #23166 Foaled 1956
Dam: u nreg Cherokee [A?] mareMansfield Comanche No Six #23167 Foaled 1956
Dam: unreg Cherokee [A?] mareMansfield Comanche No Nine #23168 Foaled 1959
Dam: Mansfield Comanche No 6 #23167Mansfield Comanche No Eleven #23169 Foaled 1960
Dam: Mansfield Comanche No 3 #BT23164Mansfield Comanche No Twelve #23170 Foaled 1960
Dam: Mansfield Comanche No 2 #23163Mansfield Comanche No Thirteen #23171 Foaled 1960
Dam: Mansfield Comanche No 5 #23166Mansfield Comanche No Fourteen #23172 Foaled 1960
Dam: Mansfield Comanche No 6 #23167Mansfield's Lucky Strike T-2375 gelding Foaled 1950
Dam: Leopard RoseManzy unreg mare
Info from barnlot.comManzy Maid F-1997 mare Foaled 1946
Dam: Appaloosa
Produced Hawkeye F-3035 (T-851).
Owned by Bud Hanson, Garden City, Texas
Bred by Jack Mansfield, Veha, TexasMiss Coyote unreg mare
Dam: Mansfield mare
Info from barnlot.comOklahoma F-2398 (T-2370) stallion Foaled 1952
Dam: Pett M
Owned by Howard Thompson, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Bred by Jack Mansfield, Vega, Texas
Produced Kiamichi Jr F-3336, Kippy F-2990, [Shawnee] Comanche III F-3416 and Cooterville Tomahawk T-3926.
References: Appaloosa News 1-65:62, 2-65:46, 8-61:48, Oct61:20, 5-68:?, 5-68:42Old Pay Day F-4467 (T-5726) stallion Foaled 1946
Dam: Lucine
Owned by Elvin Blevins, Wynnewood, Oklahoma
Bred by Jack Mansfield, Vega, Texas
GEAR Premier Sire #51
Produced Pay Day's Double Trouble T-9355, Mojave W [T-2305?], Wood's Pay Day, and Kawana [?] [T-2672] [offspring per Elvin Blivens]
Reference: Appaloosa News May 61:42Ozark's Dixie Dougan T-3025 mare Foaled 1950
Dam: unnamedOzark's Tortillo T-3024 mare Foaled 1949
Dam: Manzy (unreg daughter of MC)Ozark's Winnie May T-3026 mare Foaled 1951
Dam: unk
Note: Not on official ApHC Production List. SB lists sire as Comanche. Owner same as the two "Ozarks" above.
Listed on barnlot.comPanhandle Scout T-3338 stallion Foaled 1957
Dam: Lucky McNaughton AQ P-17810
Reference: TBar 69:18, Appaloosa News J-A58:32lot22, 2-71:79pPatience T-1811 Foaled 1956
Dam: Valencia T-1810Pett M unreg mare
Dam: Lucine
Listed on barnlot.comRita Rojo 31473 mare Foaled 1953
Dam: Zennia (TB?)Silver Cloud T-1589 mare Foaled 1949
Dam: Mansfield mare
Note: SB lists sire and dam as unknown. Info from
Speckled Butt T-3810 stallion Foaled 1955
Dam: Alameda #11048.
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-65:24, 3-73:137pSpeckled Lady unreg mare
Info from barnlot.comSusan unreg mare
Dam: Lucine
Info from barnlot.comSusie Q unreg mare
Dam: Susan
Produced Wood's May Day T-3403Tascosa Squaw 12732 mare Foaled 1950
Dam: Mansfield mareTawana F-785 mare Foaled 1937
Dam: Mansfield mare
SB lists unk x unk.
Produced Turner's Squaw F-2766 (T-1113)
Owned by Ralph Johnson, Roswell, New Mexico
Bred by Jack Mansfield, Vega, Texas
Reference Appaloosa News A4-61:44pTesuque Molly F-3097 (T-2195) Foaled 1945
Dam: unnamed
Produced Quavo B II F-3098, Tesuque Buttons 37783 and Chico S 6173.
Owned by LA Boggs, Sante Fe, New Mexico
Theda T-1190 mare Foaled 1950
Dam: Leopard Lady
Produced Chief of Swan Lake F-3629Tiger Lilly T-1807 mare Foaled 1950
Dam: Speckled Lady
Produced High Spot F-3559 (T-1110) and Tikee T-1812
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-71:17pValencia T-1810 mare Foaled 1947
Dam: ArribaWarzon unreg mare
Dam: unknown
Info from barnlot.
Produced Marbles F-1727Yours K Truly T-4430 gelding Foaled 1954
Dam: Leah
Note: Lucine is a full sister to Juanita M.

Mansfield's Comanche (right) with his band of broodmares
1. Blevins, Elvin. "Comanche and the Mansfield Horses". Appaloosa News January 1961:3-4
2. Sweat, Joseph. "A Visit to the Alamosa Ranch" Appaloosa News December 1967:8-9
3. "Mansfield's Comanche F-3096." Appaloosa News June 1983:88
4. Berg, Michelle."Appaloosa Bloodlines: Mansfield's Comanche F-3096." Appaloosa Journal April 2000:176
5. Daniels, Joe. Article at Barnlot
Pedigree of Mansfield Comanche
Pedigree information from
Hindoo 1878 | |||
Hanover 1884 | |||
Bourbon Belle 1869 | |||
Handsel 1895 | |||
Peter 1876 | |||
Tarantella 1885 | |||
Gentle Zitella 1874 | |||
Dr Howard JC 1918 | |||
Knight of Ellerslie 1881 | |||
Henry of Navarre 1891 | |||
Moss Rose | |||
Grace Navarre 1909 | |||
Hanover 1884 | |||
ESJ 1894 | |||
Clover 1888 | |||
Little Joe | |||
Pancho Villa | |||
Jeanette | |||
Cortez (Appaloosa) | |||
--- | |||
Maria (Appaloosa) | |||
--- | |||
Juanita M T-21279 |
--- | |||
Jose (Appaloosa) | |||
--- | |||
Senorita (Appaloosa) | |||
Keeno | |||
Chiquita (Appaloosa) | |||
Lucky Strike |

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This page last updated on July 2016. Originally published 2010 on Appaloosa Territory.