Appaloosa Territory
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Appaloosa photos from the past
- presented in alphabetical order on each page -
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5S Butch Cassidy
(Bright Chip 20708 x King's Apache Barcheck)
Source: Appaloosa News 11-76:67(color), 12-76:146(color), 1-78:64(color), 2-78:69(head)

A Cool Breeze
(Navajo Breeze 50081 x Chieftan's White Dove)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-76:110, 11-75:116, 12-75:38

Able Chick
(He's Able x Sure A Chick AQ)

Balcony Bars
(Joker 3 Bars 147359 x Miss Balcony JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-76:83, 2-78:236(color)

Band Plaudit stallion
(Prince Plaudit Jr 115191 x Dolly Domino 17539)
Source: CPAA 4-77

Bar Kentuck
(Freckles Bandit T-152242 x Sunday Never ID-14688 (Sundae?))
Source Appaloosa News 12-81:104, 12-81:192, 11-81:54, 3-78:184(color)

Bright Coke Plaudit stallion
(Supreme Plaudit 126067 x Miss Quail T)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-77:78, 1-78:19(color), 2-78:243

Brother Love
(Panic Bar x Ki Baby)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-81:139, 7-77:57, SpottedH 1-79:35, 4-79:23

Carl Done It
Source: Darlene Neisess

Casey Luck
(Johnny Luck x ?)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-78:17

Char La Win
(Gowin 271280 [below] x Hustler [Hustle?] Lightley 369756)
Source: SWOA

Double Or Nothin
(Sugar Bars AQ x Chan's Royal Cricket 14023)
Source: Appaloosa News/Journal 2-82:192, 12-81:121, 5-00:168, 5-81:27, 1-75:220, 3-75:157, 1-73:189, 3-73:89, 6-73:106, 2-78:306, 3-78:154, SpottedHorse 10-77:42

Dude's Bar Maid
(Dude's Bonanza Jr x Daiquiri Bar)
Source: Appaloosa News 3-78:181

Dude's Bonanza Jr stallion
(Dude's Bonanza 80898 x Lady DM ID 16447)
Source: Spotted Horse 1-79:14, Appaloosa News 2-76:32, 7-75:107, 8-75:76, 8-77:10, 7-76:80/95, 9-76:16/23(color), 10-76:123, 3-78:180, TwinCitiesF00:175

Fire Darter
(King Darter AQ x Fire Opal of AA F-4034)
Source: Appaloosa News1-70:169, 1-76:139, 2-73:95, 6-73:13, 11-76:81, 9-72:8, 1-78:35

Gold Bar JB stallion
(Gold Strikes Equal 44393 x Equal's Bar Maid ID 229)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-75:32, 4-73:64, 10-73:16, 11-73:76, 12-73:24, 7-77:114-115, 7-76:91p, 2-72:171, 6-72:118, 7-72:33, 11-72:63, 1-78:14(color), 11-75:39, 2-78:12, CPAA 1-78

Goldheels Plaudit
(Prince's Sambo 81597 x Fricke's Princess JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-78:20(color), 2-78:187

(Goer x Char La Sample )
Source: Appaloosa News 1-82:163, 2-82:95, 12-81:4, 5-81:169

Hawk's Painted Wampum mare
(Hawk Eye F-3035 x Painted Lady F-3034)
Source: Western Horsemen 1968

Heza Prince
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Tag Floss AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News
1-70:164, 2-70:55, 3-70:22, 4-70:31, 7-70:14/BC, 1-72:187, 3-72:91, CPAA 11-75

Hy Plaudit stallion
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Hy Sis Allison JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-82:109, 2-82:164, 3-81:29, 1-76:99, 12-75:115, 3-73:51, 8-73:88, 12-71:23(71 foals), 4-72:132, 5-72:65, 6-72:51, 7-72:84

I'm A Cool Jet
(Roman Jet 134744 x Gina Bar 166101)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-78:63

It's About Time stallion
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Bouncing Jackie)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-75:138/170, 2-75:138, 5-73:129/135, 9-73:84

J Mar Double Plaudit stallion
(Hy Plaudit 80660 [above] x WaLoni Plaudit )
Source: CPAA 11-75, 6-76, 8-76, Appaloosa News 3-81:166

Johnny Prince
Source: Darlene Neisess

King of Broken Hearts 2003 stallion
(Vigilante Justice x Diamonds N Kings)
Source: Vision Quest Appaloosas

Midas Rebellion
(Midas Britches 57120 x Flyin Star Dixie AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News1-78:43, 2-78:211

Mighty David
(King David 247244 x Mighty Treat)
Source:, Darlene

Movin On
Source: Darlene Neisess

Ocala Might
(Apollo JC x Ocala Princess)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-75:149/196, 3-75:10, 5-75:66, 12-75:88, 11-72:73/85, 1-78:15(color), 2-78:13

Plaudit's Skip A Rue
Source: Appaloosa News 2-78:316, 5-78:118

Prince Albert stallion
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Sugar Britches)
Source: Appaloosa Journal 1-82:104, 2-82:172

Prince Chicaro
(Prince Charles x Chicaro's Dream Girl of DJ)
Source: Appaloosa News1-82:110, 12-81:137, 381:134, 2-75:115, 7-75:76, 12-76:94, 1-78:99, AW 8-83:16,

Prince Commander
Source: Appaloosa News 11-76:57

Prince Darcy A
Source: Darlene Neisess

Prince Dave A
Source: Darlene Neisess

Prince Eric stallion
Source: Darlene Neisess

Prince Farrell stallion
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x My Sandy Skip AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News11-81:BC, Prince Plaudit Sale #2

Prince Hancock
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Starlet Britches 37717)
Source: Appaloosa News12-75:52

Prince Harold
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Joker's Mindy Fe)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-82:170, 12-76:78(color)

Prince Joker BJ stallion
Source: Appaloosa News 2-76:86, 2-78:234(color)

Prince Leo A
Source: Darlene Neisess

Prince Louie
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Elm's High Heels AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-78:108(color), NJAA 77, Ada Fall76:#257

as foal
Prince MacDonald stallion
(Prince's Mac [below] x Dona Skipper AQ)
Source: Appaloosa Journal 1-82:190, 12-81:15, 10-81:34, 5-81:45

Prince Sterling
(Prince Charles x Prince's Miss Jewell)
Source: Appaloosa News 7-81:C, 7-77:134, 1-78:59(color)

Prince's Diamond M
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Forty Two Skidoo AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-76:61, 12-76:121(color), 1-78:83(color), 2-78:245(color)

Prince's Joker or Prince Joker stallion
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Joker's By Line 55812)
Source: Appaloosa News6-81:97, 2-76:211, 2-75:222, 1-73:141, 2-73:149, 4-73:106, 5-73:90/137, 11-73:120

Prince's Leah
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Spots Image)
Source: Spotted Horse 8-77:46, CPAA9-77

Prince's Mac
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Cheri Mac AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-75:122, 6-75:90, 2-73:142, 4-73:46, 5-73:134, 6-73:30, 9-73:66, 12-73:BC, 8-77:6, 1-71:122, 2-71:65, 1-72:137, 7-72:47

Prince's Nick
80902 or 80792
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Stepaway AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-75:138/140, 3-75:109, 6-75:93, 12-75:47, 4-73:114, 6-73:100, 8-73:95, 11-73:114, 10-71:80, 12-71:BC(color), 1-72:106, 3-72:46/61, 4-72:97/123, 11-72:72, 1-78:39, Ada Fall76:#37, WH 11-69:94+

Prince's St George
(Saint Plaudit 167133 x MAR Prince's Glory PC 3150)
Source: CPAA 81, Appaloosa News 2-82:176

Princess Holley
(Hollywood Plaudit 131972 x Princess Quanna Powerface 47123)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-78:3

Quinault Hot Spot
(Armsmear AQ x Flurida Lea II T-4229)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-73:55, 3-73:14, 4-73:92, 5-73:98, 12-73:43, 1-71:35, 2-71:124, 12-71:24, 1-72:210, 2-72:169, 4-72:33, 11-72:45, 1-78:39

Robin's Diamond
(Kiefer's Diamond AQ X HadleyÕs Taka Estah 42777)
Source: Appaloosa News 10-76:109, 3-78:187(color)

SBR Jubilee Plaudit
(Stonebrook Plaudit x SBR Black Satin)
Source: CPAA 12-77, Appaloosa News 2-78:214

Sir Leo Plaudit
(King Plaudit 55157 x Tagmefast ID 11056)
Source: Appaloosa Journal 3-97:147

Speckulation mare
(By The Book JC x ScallanÕs Tucson F-1462)
Source Appaloosa News 5-73:90, 6-73:83, 11-70:86, 3-71:39, 5-71:100, 1-72:156

Spotted Jim's Duke
(Spotted Jim 32208 x Queen Three)
Source: 1973 Appaloosa Yearbook 5-00:53, 9-75:124, 1-78:39

Streak Plaudit
(King Plaudit x Dodie Ess JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-81:72, 9-76:22(color),3-78:184(color)

TJ Farrell
(Prince Farrell [above] x Tino's Miss Jacci)
Source: 11th Prince Plaudit Sale

Top H McCUe
(Top Hank 26592 x Grand Mount AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 3-75:150, 3-72:135, 1-78:28(color)

WL's Prince Plaudit
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Sherry (or Cherry?) Dumpling AQ)
Source: Twin Cities sp00:303, Appaloosa News 7-77:134
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Home | Appaloosa History Index | Foundation Listing (numerical) | Alphabetical List of all "Old Photos"
This page last updated on February 22, 2011.
Thanks to Darlene Neisess of Vision Quest Appaloosas for many of the photos on this page.