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Appaloosa History:
Navajo Britches F-2709

Mansfield's Comanche Breeders logo
In skimming past issues of the Appaloosa News, it penetrated my conscious that the majority of the Mansfield horses were well colored Appaloosas...something that has a habit of attracting my attention. What follows is a simple presentation of another of the Comanche bred Appaloosas.
When I started compiling the Comanche horses, I began to realize the scope of Mansfield's Comanche's influence on the Appaloosa. As time allows, his prolific sons and other grandget will be added on other pages.
Navajo Britches is a great great grandson.
Any contributions would be Appaloosa-ly appreciated and attributed.
Again, my thanks to Tracy Meisenbach for Navajo Britches' production list [2016].

Navajo Britches
Basic Info
Navajo Britches
T-1474 to F-2709
Sire: Whistle Britches F-2492
Dam: Trammel's Rusty AQ
(pedigree at bottom of page)
National Grand Champion halter stallion and National Champion aged halter
Sired World and National Champions and Champion Runners
His bloodline is
eligible for registration with the Colorado Ranger Horse Association (CRHA).
Bred by Ned Smith, O'Donnell, Texas.
Spotted Horse 1-79:28, Appaloosa News 2-70:23, 3-70:89, 2-65:13, 5-65:33, 2-66:5/43, 2-76:207, 3-75:107, May-Jun58:23, Oct58:6, Dec58:12, Jan-Feb60:38/48, Jul60:51(get of sire), Jan61:63, Feb61:40, Jul61:29(get)/30, Nov61:35, Dec61:36/45(get), Mar62:68, 1-73:49, 1-71:60, 2-71:84, 2-72:85, 2-67:92, 4-67:55, 2-68:47/78, 8-68:79, 2-69:26(article), 3-69:IFC, 10-69:15, 2-74:129, 2-79:90(obit) Western Horsemen 5-66:17, 6-81, Ada Fall 76:12

Appaloosa News January 1973 p49
Navajo Bar None N 546102 mare Foaled 1979
Dam: HRS Bar Nava PC 3255
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-65:24Lucky Britches 306267 stallion Foaled 1979
Dam: High Lucky Lady H 159025Navajo Britchez 280947 stallion Foaled 1978
Dam: Noranchyet's Nugget 145655Navajo's Tomcat B 344819 stallion Foaled 1978
Dam: Cat's Meow 125125Navajo Light Foot 280917 stallion Foaled 1978
Dam: Cinder Sally JCNavajo Zipper 259036 stallion Foaled 1977
Dam: Revel's Black Lady 92911YD Navajo Nymph 261170 mare Foaled 1977
Dam: Oil Jet Bar 178351
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-84:119, 4-84:118, 9-84:136Navajo Romeo 265612 stallion Foaled 1977
Dam: Dotty B 115430
Nava Rosie Jo PC 7842 mare Foaled 1977
Dam: Just Barb JCYD Britches 261169 gelding Foaled 1977
Dam: Fashion Miss 179188Big Bopper 269183 stallion Foaled 1977
Dam: Ms Chocolate Chip 191973
Nava Rocket J PC 8009 mare Foaled 1977
Dam: Go Rocket JCBailey Britches 301811 stallion Foaled 1977
Dam: Paula Pac Bailey AQMiss Navajo Nugget 268686 mare Foaled 1977
Dam: Plaudit Bar's Nugget Gem 212572Poco Nava Kate 271772 Foaled 1977
Dam: Katy's Bueno AQLittle Nav 265278 stallion Foaled 1976
Dam: Seminole Ginger 156454Navajo Britches I 269230 stallion Foaled 1976
Dam: Bubble's Wendy 102474Navajo Straw Miss B 286124 mare Foaled 1976
Dam: Little Straw JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 7-79:105adJust Music PC 7016 mare Foaled 1976
Dam: Just Barb JCSuper Britches 238626 stallion Foaled 1976
Dam: Lady Ledge Deck 151139Little Navajo Red 265277 stallion Foaled 1976
Dam: Bright Summer 142961Buck's Britches 246633 gelding Foaled 1976
Dam: Quavo Chykimi 126393
Nava Go 272013 stallion Foaled 1976
Dam: Double A Go Go 196718Ima FancyBritches 236003 mare Foaled 1976
Dam: Malheur's Josie B 9820Pappy's Classi Britches 222078 stallion Foaled 1975
Dam: Miss Shamrock of the Circle J 33050Pappy's Britches 226855 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: Meg's Cassine 79934Navajo's Booger T 252974 stallion Foaled 1975
Dam: ----Navajo Sierra Britches 220120 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: Maka Puu Nani 89635R Deers Nava Bri [Brite?, Bright?] 221058 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: Running Dear Sonsarae 178444Navajo Wintrhawk 250921 gelding Foaled 1975
Dam: Tonraiva Ann 134360Merrilee Britches 247871 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: April Britches I 229285Sweet Asp 241525 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: Star Donna JCTe Amo Tears 252032 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: ----Winnin Britches 273019 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: Winnin Ticket PC 4505Navajo Speed 226339 gelding Foaled 1975
Dam: Plucky Rockette ID 10245Nava Talk 252031 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: Sea Talk JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 10-78:88Joker's Nava Britches 219927 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: Dear's Joker's Dash 163164Foolish Britches309382 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: April's Folly AQKentucky Jigger 245192 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: Go Rocket JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 8-77:112, 4-78:22, 6-79:69adCherry Britches 228379 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: Leo's Cherry Flip 125543Cinder Britches II 219727 stallion Foaled 1975
Dam: Cinder Sally JCNavajo War Britches 221925 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: Suns A Rae's Fire 39333Nevada Bailey B 319368 mare Foaled 1975
Dam: Sun Bird Bailey AQOwl Hands 243300 gelding Foaled 1974
Dam: Izona Hands 93943Navajo Dorjes 221891 stallion Foaled 1974
Dam: Just Barb JCNavajo Corker 271249 mare Foaled 1974
Dam: Lady Corker ID 2995Dolly Britches W PC 5898 mare Foaled 1974
Dam: Dooletta's First ID 16544Blazer Britches 292274 mare Foaled 1974
Dam: Vandy's Chance PC 405Navajo Ginger 302382 mare Foaled 1974
Dam: Beau Meva 103003Navajo Dec 264251 mare Foaled 1974
Dam: JMH Deckapoise B 135833Navajo Bulldog 205548 gelding Foaled 1974
Dam: Stephen's Suzy JCNavajo Rocket 223074 stallion Foaled 1974
Dam: Go Rocket JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-75:113*Honey Britches II 222798 mare Foaled 1974
Dam: Honey Deck ID 14696
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-75:113Navajo Deck 223073 stallion Foaled 1974
Dam: Jane Deck ID 14697
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-75:113, 5-76:166, 6-76:121Bridgett Britches II 223072 mare Foaled 1974
Dam: A's Indian Lady G 21134
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-75:113, 10-78:88Nava Go Go PC 3305 mare Foaled 1974
Dam: Jana's Delight AQ
Char Mar Ben 205281 stallion Foaled 1974
Dam: Pretty Maureen 133234Navajo Nelly B 264374 mare Foaled 1974
Dam: Plucky Rockette ID 10245Pepper Britches H 240922 mare Foaled 1974
Dam: Blanche's Orphan JCR Gidget Britches 207009 mare Foaled 1974
Dam: R Sompin Special B 139516Navajo's Mr Black PC 1405 stallion Foaled 1973
Dam: Royal Tammie AQNavajo's Marriah 193963 mare Foaled 1973
Dam: Tuffey's Taffey ID 10853Oriental Enigma 186398 stallion Foaled 1973
Dam: Izona Hands 93943
Navajo's Deb On A 190102 mare Foaled 1973
Dam: ----Jerico Britches 210751 gelding Foaled 1973
Dam: OC's Calypso 83052Mercy Britches 191150 mare Foaled 1973
Dam: Girl Intern JCCindy's Britches 245961 mare
Dam: Little Cindy Lee ID 2842Navajo Lou B 185587 mare Foaled 1973
Dam: Cayuga's Hi Lou B 87500Jeanne Britches 249484 mare Foaled 1973
Dam: ----Navajo Gal II 245962 mare Foaled 1973
Dam: ----Quavo's Britches 193962 stallion Foaled 1973
Dam: Mar Vo's Lucky 74651
Reference: CPAA 6-76, NJAA 77, Appaloosa News 11-75:153, 7-77:105/134, 8-77:135, 11-76:46/108, 1-78:143, 2-78:125, 3-78:224, 12-78:80(color), 2-76:273, 4-76:145, 2-77:152, 3-77:200, 2-82:192Diamond Britches I 185234 stallion Foaled 1973
Dam: Diamond Shoo 44620
Reference: Ada Fall76:#137Tag's Navajo Gem PC 900 mare Foaled 1973
Dam: Cosmo Trix Misty ID 16056MS Lucky Britches 220290 mare Foaled 1973
Dam: Joker's Poise ID 379
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-75:109Navajo's Nougat 211626 gelding Foaled 1973
Dam: Kickapoo Lou 112662Nava Patricia 196303 mare Foaled 1972
Dam: Just Barb JCNavajo Flyer B 193776 mare Foaled 1972
Dam: Smooth Song JCNava Dolly II PC 7843 mare Foaled 1972
Dam: Daddy's Doll JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 10-78:88Oriental Warrior 178648 stallion Foaled 1972
Dam: Izona Hands 93943Skedaddle 173584 mare Foaled 1972
Dam: Plucky Rockette ID 10245Navajo Lightning 203780 gelding Foaled 1972
Dam: Rebel Patchie's Tutor Bobbi 146721Nava Tam 165020 mare Foaled 1972
Dam: Bixie's Lady 28620Nava Patch B 175186 stallion Foaled 1972
Dam: A Cherry Blossom 33263Navajo Pepper 164342 mare Foaled 1972
Dam: Dudett 84363
Reference Appaloosa News 6-73:117, 12-79:253pNavaJohn 174793 stallion Foaled 1972
Dam: Joker's Poise ID 379Phoopourri 196021 mare Foaled 1972
Dam: Pootere JCNavajo Image 165470 gelding Foaled 1972
Dam: Kickapoo Lou 112662Nav A Goe 207870 gelding Foaled 1971
Dam: Carol's Spotted T 151471Loaf of Bread Head 180469 stallion Foaled 1971
Dam: Miss Vixen D 140231
Reference: Appaloosa News 11-80:145, 12-74:67Navajo's Ghost 168661 stallion Foaled 1971
Dam: Mickey's Ghost B 140230OoLa Britches 148630 mare Foaled 1971
Dam: La Machine 50865Navajo Lee 154662 gelding Foaled 1971
Dam: Brave Nova Lee 44035Poquito Britches 153910 stallion Foaled 1971
Dam: Lady Macbeth 90421Nava Nina 166498 mare Foaled 1971
Dam: Veda's Time JCNavajo Ritches 147155 mare Foaled 1971
Dam: Dusty Ann 74491Navajo Go 176822 gelding Foaled 1971
Dam: Cara McCue ID 12997Nava Girl 153364 mare Foaled 1971
Dam: Ginger Girl F ID 228Nava Nike 151078 mare Foaled 1971
Dam: Jeri's Jet JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-71:79Navajo's Patchie Britches 146722 gelding Foaled 1971
Dam: Rebel Patchie's Tutor Bobbi 146721
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-76:214, 3-76:61, 2-73:78, 1-74:148, 4-76:101, Ada Fall76:#439Cortil Miss 185749 stallion Foaled 1971
Dam: ----Navajo's Striker 158852 mare Foaled 1971
Dam: Lema Girl JCNava Gypsy 151079 mare Foaled 1971
Dam: Just Wander JCNavajo Twinkles ID 16966 mare Foaled 1971
Dam: Badger's Twinkle AQNavajo Diamondback 164435 stallion Foaled 1971
Dam: Boogadolly ID 9697Fleet Britches 151742 stallion Foaled 1971
Dam: ----Nava Linda 223987 mare Foaled 1971
Dam: Linda Be Nimble AQNavajo Nixon 144103 stallion Foaled 1971
Dam: Just Barb JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-76:207, 3-75:107, 8-73:38, 5-72:141, 2-74:129, 3-74:13, 2-77:304, Ada Fall 76:11, CRHA Bloodlhorse V7:26/44Little Nava B 144080 mare Foaled 1971
Dam: Little Melody B 105867
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-74:79Nava Gold ID 12125 mare Foaled 1970
Dam: Veda's Time JCNavajo's Mariah 155134 mare Foaled 1970
Dam: April Suzette 65875Big Buzzard 133512 gelding Foaled 1970
Dam: January Thaw 59915Navajo Agnew 145665 stallion Foaled 1970
Dam: Daddy's Doll JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-73:136, 5-73:44, 2-74:129, 4-77:133Navajo's Fawn 139193 mare Foaled 1970
Dam: Brave Nova Lee 44035Navajo's April 136344 mare Foaled 1970
Dam: Comanche Tar Baby ID 1021
Reference: Appaloosa News 12-77:146Miss Dandy Britches 174252 mare Foaled 1970
Dam: Glen's Terry ID 597Nava Alicia 145664 mare Foaled 1970
Dam: Just For All JC
Reference: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:51Comanche Kim 176223 mare Foaled 1970
Dam: Ki Kim 93633Navajo Blenheim 144104 stallion Foaled 1970
Dam: Stephen's Suzy JCMar Bet's Nava R 176222 mare Foaled 1970
Dam: Joe Reed's Sandy ID 12335 R Navajo Princess 142028 mare Foaled 1970
Dam: Jim's Peppy Princess 85972Gin's Smokey Britches 135981 gelding Foaled 1970
Dam: Melissa Lou AQNavajo's Son 133249 stallion Foaled 1970
Dam: Ginger Girl F ID 228
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-73:97, 8-72:83Nava S Britches 148690 mare Foaled 1969
Dam: Joker's Angelica 102891
Reference: Appaloosa News 10-78:88Nava Charra 120546 mare Foaled 1969
Dam: ----Barbarella A ID 10015 mare Foaled 1969
Dam: Just Barb JCNavajo's Lucky Bu?? 138217 gelding Foaled 1969
Dam: April Suzette 65875Navajo's Whirl A Go 144357 gelding Foaled 1969
Dam: LL's Cinnamon 37943
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-73:134, 2-72:106Navajo's Brandy Beau 113451 stallion Foaled 1969
Dam: Beau Kimi B 76628
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-73:78Navajo's Robin 139192 mare Foaled 1969
Dam: Brave Nova Lee 44035Miss Snipper Britches 131223 mare Foaled 1969
Dam: Glen's Terry ID 597
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-74:23Silver Britches T 107967 gelding Foaled 1969
Dam: Silver War Bird 30808Traveling Man 116445 gelding Foaled 1969
Dam: Mayonaise JCRosie Britches 142258 mare Foaled 1969
Dam: Oscar's Java 99581Nava's Baby BT 136343 mare Foaled 1969
Dam: Comanche Tar Baby ID 1021
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-79:80adCrystal Britches 142758 mare Foaled 1969
Dam: Oscar's Cottontail 46135Nava Leo Na 113450 mare Foaled 1969
Dam: Joe Reed's Sandy ID 1233Blondie's Britches 171503 mare Foaled 1969
Dam: Nancy Ann Twist AQNavajo Wimpy 141326 stallion Foaled 1969
Dam: Pesky Kay Wimpy AQNavajo Jet 244717 stallion Foaled 1969
Dam: Lady Trigger AQNavajo Chance 121048 stallion Foaled 1969
Dam: Navajo Flicka 65778Navajo Spotted Sook 118907 stallion Foaled 1969
Dam: Chico Annie Tay AQGateway 108060 stallion Foaled 1969
Dam: ----Malone Britches ID 16133 mare Foaled 1969
Dam: Major Malone JCFrosty Britches B 116446 gelding Foaled 1969
Dam: ----Navajo's Missy 126608 mare Foaled 1968
Dam: Susie Reed ID 1345Nava Misty 129327 mare Foaled 1968
Dam: Squaw Glass Eye 10792
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-78:182pGoldie Britches 98380 mare Foaled 1968
Dam: Oscar's Candy 84892
Reference: Appaloosa News 8-77:105Navajo Gambler 98379 stallion Foaled 1968
Dam: Oscar's Cottonfoot 83722
Reference: Appaloosa News 6-75:55, 1-72:157, 4-72:105Navajo Nut 138479 mare Foaled 1968
Dam: Sweet Chestnut 24891Barbi Britches 143985 mare Foaled 1968
Dam: Barbi Qut 27507Navajo's Mark 109239 stallion Foaled 1968
Dam: Tawana D T-4925Navajo Fastback 107718 stallion Foaled 1968
Dam: Veda's Time JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-71:107, 1-72:62Navajo's Shona 139191 mare Foaled 1968
Dam: Comanche Tar Baby ID 1021
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-79:80adNava Nickele 98096 mare Foaled 1968
Dam: Just Barb JC
Reference: Spotted Horse 9-77:33, Ada Fall76:#437Miss Banner Britches 101599 mare Foaled 1968
Dam: Chief's Banner 27810Crystal Britches 143352 mare Foaled 1968
Dam: Matlock's Spec F-4860Navajo Hud 98095 stallion Foaled 1968
Dam: A's Indian Lady G 21134
Reference: Appaloosa News 11-81:119, 1-73:49Navajo's Frosty R 93634 mare Foaled 1968
Dam: Joe Reed's Sandy ID 1233Navajo's Chico 105498 stallion Foaled 1968
Dam: Brave Nova Lee 44035Nava Willie 145476 gelding Foaled 1968
Dam: Tonka Wacon 41119
Reference: Appaloosa News 10-76:98pNava Ginger B 103557 mare Foaled 1968
Dam: Ginger Girl F ID 228Nimble Britches 90818 stallion Foaled 1968
Dam: Linda Be Nimble AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-72:66, 9-69:17, 11-69:55Navajo's Tal U Ge 106157 stallion Foaled 1968
Dam: Firebird R 47411Navajo's Sheena 95601 mare Foaled 1967
Dam: Babe AP 15898Navajo Dick 83357 stallion Foaled 1967
Dam: Rainy Day M 13596Navajo Time 83356 stallion Foaled 1967
Dam: Veda's Time JCNavajo Tornado 98685 stallion Foaled 1967
Dam: LL's Cinnamon 37943Navajo Lara 142196 mare Foaled 1967
Dam: Miss Easy Flo AQNavajo Squaw Baby 90755 mare Foaled 1967
Dam: Texas Chief's Squaw Girl 39168Le Don's Lakota ID 9127 mare Foaled 1967
Dam: Romanic JCNava Rose 86393 mare Foaled 1967
Dam: Rose 13 AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-71:88, 4-71:110, 10-72:43, 10-74:124Bloomer Boomer 129113 mare Foaled 1967
Dam: Boomer Ann ID 6043Jett Streem 92480 stallion Foaled 1967
Dam: Red Princess F ID 357Huck Finn G 107453 gelding Foaled 1967
Dam: Trixy Sue 61443NavaMisty JG 85325 mare Foaled 1967
Dam: Clifton's Fancy Pants 28703JP's Britches 143351 mare Foaled 1967
Dam: Matlock's Spec F-4860Nava Dolly 83358 mare Foaled 1967
Dam: Daddy's Doll JCMiss Navajo Nancy 139190 mare Foaled 1967
Dam: Comanche Rondo's Moon Beam 9792Diamond Britches 75665 mare Foaled 1966
Dam: Malheur Diamond 15966
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-71:87p, CRHA Bloodhorse V7:62Nava Teresa 73770 mare Foaled 1966
Dam: LL's Cinnamon 37943*Navajo Misty Red 80810 mare Foaled 1966
Dam: Squaw Glass Eye 10792
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-84:180p, 8-67:80, MC78#50pMr Jiggs 74247 stallion Foaled 1966
Dam: ----Bar Britches 69859 stallion Foaled 1966
Dam: Rose 13 AQBee Navajo Keeyo 67793 gelding Foaled 1966
Dam: Ile Sue 12133Charmin Britches 75664 mare Foaled 1966
Dam: RK's Scenic Charm 46091
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-71:82Minni Pants 88500 stallion Foaled 1966
Dam: Veda's Time JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 6-69:85ad*Navajo Dancer TH ID 2869 mare Foaled 1966
Dam: Baker's Baby JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 6-73:97p, 11-71:75AngelleBritches 143350 mare Foaled 1966
Dam: Matlock's Spec F-4860Navajo Britches' Misty 71974 mare Foaled 1966
Dam: A's Starri Boss G 21135Navajo's Moon Shot B 120066 mare Foaled 1966
Dam: Beckey Dew Bob 19505Sonny Day 58294 gelding Foaled 1965
Dam: Lassie ApHCC 447Nava Prunella ID 1380 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Shawnee Princess T-3147Navajo Whirlwind 62235 stallion Foaled 1965
Dam:LL's Cinnamon 37943
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-71:91pNava Teeze 114798 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Heads Up Belle 54445Miss Navajo Blue 117679 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: ----Scooter Britches B 101449 stallion Foaled 1965
Dam: Tyner's Jewel T-3744
Reference: Appaloosa News 12-71:97p*Boogie's Brother 61099 stallion Foaled 1965
Dam: Ginger Girl F ID 228
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-70:94, 3-73:143p, 11-67:53, 6-68:28, 4-69:98Navajo Teek 54905 gelding Foaled 1965
Dam: Pateeka 6971
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-67:46, 10-67:64, 12-69:52/79, 3-77:193, 11-77:143/144/146Spotted Navajo 79817 gelding Foaled 1965
Dam: Your Lucy JCTartas Kentucky 59441 stallion Foaled 1965
Dam: Silver Scandal JCNava Fancia 63803 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Clifton's Fancy Pants 28703Nava Squaw 59853 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Squaw Glass Eye 10792
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-73:128, 8-71:58, 10-80:120p, 10-79:148, MC78#62, MC79#6pNavetta 120290 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Sissy Bailey AP 245729*Vandy Britches 59715 stallion Foaled 1965
Dam: Rose 13 AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 11-67:53Mack's Navajo B 57926 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Juanita Mae AQChiquita Querida ID 5110 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: AP 436 - unknownKitten Britches B 90749 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Kitt JC*Navajo Nick 62236 stallion Foaled 1965
Dam: Just Barb JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-75:111, 2-72:85, 4-67:45, 5-67:80, 7-67:59, 9-67:46, 11-67:56, 2-68:33, 3-68:86, 8-68:53, 10-68:70, 11-68:29/30, 2-69:C/27Navajo Patchy 2LK 78699 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Patchy's Fancy Pants F-2960Navajo's Boomer 56521 stallion Foaled 1965
Dam: Spectra 9414Boomer Bess PC 1566 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Boomer Ann ID 6043*Britches D 54745 stallion Foaled 1965
Dam: Redonna D 22462
Reference: Appaloosa News 8-67:97Nava Doll ID 6044 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Stinger's Doll AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-76:65, Ada Fall76:#287Lakota Lady of DJ ID 699 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Nomad M HA A10378Lakota Lady of DJ ID 699 mare Foaled 1965
Dam: Nomad M HA A10378Navajo's Frosty 63911 stallion Foaled 1964
Dam: Red Princess F ID 357*Nava Gina 45694 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: A's Indian Lady G 21134
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-70:106, 8-66:44Buck Britches 61098 stallion Foaled 1964
Dam: Ginger Girl F ID 228Nava Day 62232 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Rainy Day M 13596
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-75:?, 2-78:116p, 10-78:88Navajo Chico 45158 gelding Foaled 1964
Dam: Chico's Blue Mist 45157*Navajo Whirlaway 45695 stallion Foaled 1964
Dam: LL"s Cinnamon 37943
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-68:98, 9-68:87, 10-68:78, 11-68:89(painting), 12-68:73, 1-69:136(painting)/170, 2-69:25/73, 11-69:66Navajo Easter Black Moderator 42601 stallion Foaled 1964
Dam: Easter Surprise T-885Page 9 89243 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Pateeka 6971Navajo Gypsy 45161 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: ----Navajo Question Mark 62037 stallion Foaled 1964
Dam: Bay Question AP 41335Navajo Whiz 49598 stallion Foaled 1964
Dam: Sallateeska 6654
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-77:344Navajo's Mama Mia 41677 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Sargeant's Easter 15172Harper's Navajo L 49335 stallion Foaled 1964
Dam: ----Navajo May 45159 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Aztec Bird T-3731
Reference: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:50*Nava Hobo 64337 stallion Foaled 1964
Dam: Lady Trigger AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-70:97, 12-67:43, 2-68:81Navajo's Princess 55820 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Colimo's Bit O Tart 11833Nava Princess 49599 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Sissy Bailey AP 24503*Navajo Misty Britches 52331 stallion Foaled 1964
Dam: Squaw Glass Eye 10792
Reference: CRHA Bloodhorse V7:26, Appaloosa News 6-71:108Nava Angel 50082 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Beckey Dew Bob 19505Nava Sho Me 64488 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Our Baby Doll 8746Navajo Breeze 50081 stallion Foaled 1964
Dam: Baker's Baby JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 6-81:72, 1-70:IFC,16; 3-70:IFC, 5-70:IFC, 11-70:88, 1-66:70, 4-66:52, 1-76:67, 8-65:74, 1-75:18, 9-75:72, 10-75:69, 11-75:75, 1-73:55/88, 2-73:129, 12-73:73, 118, 3-71:69, 11-71:3(color), 12-71:63(color), 1-72:177, 2-72:172, 8-72:66, 10-72:62, 3-84:46, 6-66:66, 8-66:55, 10-66:66, 11-66:34/67, 12-66:53, 1-67:101, 9-67:47, 11-67:54, 2-68:122, 9-68:52, 10-68:66/71, 11-68:IFC, 12-68:IFC(color), 1-69:IFC, 2-69:IFC, 4-69:IFC, 7-69:IFC, 12-69:32, 2-74:88, 3-74:81, 10-74:101, 2-77:277, Western Horsemen 2-68:124, 1-69:155Nava Queen 62233 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Miss Queen AP 209412Kitt Cat B 72750 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Miss Dillion AP 148766Deb's Princess 51426 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Soap Flakes 8973*Angel Britches 46011 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Audrey's Zrezak AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-71:82, 8-66:55, 10-66:65, 11-66:67*Beauford's Navajo Maid 53503 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Boomer Ann AP 853
Reference: Appaloosa News 6-67:55*Navajo King 52784 stallion Foaled 1964
Dam: Wetumka Nansue AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-66:87, 5-67:79Lady Ann Britches ID 7740 mare Foaled 1964
Dam: Black Sutan AP 42036Ginger Britches 43752 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: Ginger Girl F ID 228
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-76:230, 10-65:101/103, 11-65:4, 3-84:45, CRHA Bloodhorse V6:46,Rags to Riches 54094 gelding Foaled 1963
Dam: Good Catch JCNavajo Patrick 64481 stallion Foaled 1963
Dam: Pateeka 6971Navajo Major 81278 stallion Foaled 1963
Dam: Diamond Red AP 50592Nava Cinette 37939 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: LL's Cinnamon 37943
Reference: SDNL 10-79:8, CRHA Bloodhorse V7:8Miss Leather Britches 48330 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: ----Fred's Little Britches 55173 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: unknown AP 436*Nava Tarita 37941 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: Sallateeska 6654
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-66:50, 5-77:180pNava Lana 37940 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: Speckalena AP 136089Easter's Navajo Rusty 31418 stallion Foaled 1963
Dam: Easter Surprise T-885Nava Josie B 70642 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: Gray Lady F-974*Navajo Bailey 39542 gelding Foaled 1963
Dam: Hopkin's Doll AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 12-67:71, 3-68:91Navajo Britches' Booger 47340 gelding Foaled 1963
Dam: Beau Tar Baby F-2043Patsy's Navajo 59094 gelding Foaled 1963
Dam: Little Patsy Sue AQNava Rogers 61176 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: ----Navajo's Moonglow 59554 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: Rosie Holland AP 148357*Navajo Day 37777 stallion Foaled 1963
Dam: Rainy Day M 13596
Reference: Appaloosa News 11-65:8/51, 10-66:65Flower's Navajo Kid 31329 stallion Foaled 1963
Dam: Blue Flower H T-4307Hickey's Little B 65223 stallion Foaled 1963
Dam: ----Primo 31464 stallion Foaled 1963
Dam: Henderson's Patches F-767*Nava Rita 53365 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: Audrey's Zrezak AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-67:97Miss No Britches B 102142 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: Boomer Ann AP 135690Young's Freckles 83816 mare Foaled 1963
Dam: Arabian AP 51396Navajo's Wappie Lu 35036 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Sandy Leo AP 217109Button B's Navajo Sue 110794 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: ----Navajo Britches Arab 43498 stallion Foaled 1962
Dam: Sheba AP 33275Mack's Navajo Joy 29220 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Miss Blaze Mix AP 48962Coco Britches ID 14071 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Tobianna F-350Navajo McCue 33830 stallion Foaled 1962
Dam: Baldy L AQNavajo's Nugget 31703 stallion Foaled 1962
Dam: Hoke's Colorado Nugget 6356Pachey [Patchy]? Britches 66686 stallion Foaled 1962
Dam: ----Evan's Comanche Maid 56226 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Little Blue Dove 7827Bridgett Britches 34220 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: A's Indian Lady G 21134
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-78:91p, 4-74:70pNava Jet Britches 23335 stallion Foaled 1962
Dam: Easter Surprise T-885
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-76:221, 2-76:213, 12-75:129, Western Horsemen 6-65:95, 2-67:114Nava Katrina 26345 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Shawnee Princess T-3147Phyllis May 27716 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Cindy Dee AP 48109Navajo Britches Satan 41605 stallion Foaled 1962
Dam: Miss Stetson T-4471*Nava Star 25306 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Shad AP 35622
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-65:19, 10-65:101, 11-65:52No Britches ID 778 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Sho Chee of Walking Mntn 8144Navajo's Jo Jo 30502 gelding Foaled 1962
Dam: Charlene AQNava Bernadine 30222 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Bernice AP 49372Tahlequah Britches 21871 stallion Foaled 1962
Dam: Ginger Sorrel Parme AP 48805Okamo Britches 50853 stallion Foaled 1962
Dam: Co Blue Shalerim 6518Hoke's Navajo Sis 29606 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Lazy J's Sissy Britches T-4815
Reference: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:46Nava Joy 87517 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Coco AP 26057Little Turkey Britches 44756 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Amia Turkey Wings 6521Koo Ner Moo Ner 24310 gelding Foaled 1962
Dam: ----Boomer Britches 26256 stallion Foaled 1962
Dam: Boomer Ann ID 6043
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-65:51, 1-66:96, 3-66:81, 6-65:53, 7-65:54, 8-65:10/93, 10-65:29, 6-75:13/91, AN3-73:61, 3-72:108, 5-72:122, 6-66:20, 9-67:17(cutting), 1-68:127, 7-68:C/4+(article)/19, 4-74:55Navajo Britches Rebel 21532 stallion Foaled 1962
Dam: Gray Flank B 5939Chyenne Warrior J 22504 stallion Foaled 1962
Dam: Chico Star C 6688Hisaw's Hobo 24806 gelding Foaled 1962
Dam: ----Navajo's Harjo 37066 gelding Foaled 1962
Dam: Harjo Lady AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-66:48, Western Horsemen 1-66:88*Miss Rusty Britches 90537 mare Foaled 1962
Dam: Bright Lady AP 54671 (Nit Fly AQ x unk)
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-72:107, SSR80sale-pMisty Miss Britches 47980 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Good Catch JC*Monaseeta 80273 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Wetumka Nansue AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-71:89Boogie Britches 15649 stallion Foaled 1961
Dam: Ginger Girl F ID 228
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-70:157, 1-65:71, 2-65:C, 2-66:5, 4-66:54, 8-65:26, 10-65:33, 12-65:25, 2-73:130, 2-72:85, 3-72:125, 3-84:43, 2-67:92, 2-68:78, 9-68:45, 2-69:25/26, 2-74:136p/180, Western Horsemen 1-67:124Navajo's Spotted Britches 16752 stallion Foaled 1961
Dam: Lucky StarNavajo Bill 16309 gelding Foaled 1961
Dam: ----Nava Lulu 15136 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Bert's Babe AQNavajo Doll E 119654 [19654?] mare Foaled 1961
Dam: ----Navajo Lil 19532 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: ----*Nava Faye 16099 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Cindy Dee AP 48109
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-65:112Nava Blue 89166 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Blue buckskin mare [grulla?] AP 52502Navajo's Rose 17116 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Tewa T-1737Miss Siss Britches 67241 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: bay mare AP 52502Carter's Chigger Britches 64332 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Chigger Boo T-4842Nava Kay 14882 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Red Lady AP 36246
Reference: Appaloosa News 10-78:88, 8-74:30, CPAA 1-78Nava Princessa 26347 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Shawnee Princess T-3147
Reference: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:43Dimple Joy ID 754 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Dorwin's First Lady AP 147719Yuba Britches 19382 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Yuba Squaw B 15411
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-65:84, 6-65:37*Sister Britches 52033 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: ----
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-66:70, 11-65:83, 8-69:65Nava Lee 23647 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: ----Navajo's Miss Can 66589 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: ----Koko Britches 30270 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Flame AP 1380Shawnee Britches 18731 stallion Foaled 1961
Dam: Chee Chee of Walking Mntn 8145Nava Belinda 26348 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Beau Tar Baby F-2043Navajai 144015 [14015?] mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Miss Hogoton T-4709Navajo's Black Britches ID 119 stallion Foaled 1961
Dam: Chickalah Princess T-4120Osage Britches 12708 stallion Foaled 1961
Dam: Miss Osage AP 45962Freckles Navadonna F-4235 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Freckles J F-3282Easter Britches 15351 stallion Foaled 1961
Dam: Lady Miles AQRossie Britches ID 851 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Dusty AP 124525Nava Cindy 84749 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Ham's Cindy AP 52477
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-72:207pDynamo Dan 16886 stallion Foaled 1961
Dam: Diamond Red AP 50592Navajo's Baby Britches 11969 mare Foaled 1961
Dam: Baker's Gray Lady AP 45396DJ's Little Britches 26255 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: ----Navajo's [Navajo] Diamond 9352 stallion Foaled 1960
Dam: Miss Blaze Mix AQLu Del's Poka Nava 22020 stallion Foaled 1960
Dam: Pokey B 5671Seminole Sue M B 23941 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: Red Sioux T-2748R Bars Navajo's Fancy 11985 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: R Bars Little Speck 5821
Reference: Appaloosa News 6-74:108pNavajo Dinger 9353 gelding Foaled 1960
Dam: Dot S AQNavajo Wardance 10571 stallion Foaled 1960
Dam: Tewa T-1737Nava Suzette B 31719 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: Bernard's Peggy AP 239938*Nava Sue 22429 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: Kickapoo Su T-2750
Reference: Appaloosa News 11-69:109Navajo Brave 8811 stallion Foaled 1960
Dam: Grover's Black Lady AQNavajo Britches Hi Hand Up 12896 stallion Foaled 1960
Dam: Miss Hogoton T-4709Navajo Britches Fire Fly 12895 stallion Foaled 1960
Dam: Chickalah Princess T-4120Navajo's Tecumseh Chief 10669 gelding Foaled 1960
Dam: Dorwin's First Lady JCTrixie's Navajo Princess B 34848 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: Trixie AP 19427
Reference: Appaloosa News 11-70:51, CPAA 12-77Tea Navajo's Sunflower 15989 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: The Dutchess BT-2941Navajo Britches' Thunder 8809 stallion Foaled 1960
Dam: Bert's Babe AP 42359
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-65:82, 2-76:217, 3-75:61, 1-61:62, Aug61:29, Sep61:44, Oct61:50, Nov61:33, Dec61:40, 3-76:143, CRHA Bloodhorse V6:56/51Navajo's Candy Britches 32569 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: Sassy Sally AQRuby Duby Du 25254 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: Rommie AP 129952Peppie Britches 16456 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: Pepperika T-743Navajo's Mingo DE ID 3220 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: Mayflower AP 36788Hoke's Squaw Baby 15049 mare Foaled 1960
Dam: Pete's Squaw T-4119Bar W Fizzle Britches 6657 mare Foaled 1959
Dam: Bar W grey mare AP 48766Lauright's Tweedle Dee 17106 mare Foaled 1959
Dam: Red SiouxNavajo's Tojo 5248 stallion Foaled 1959
Dam: Roanie Thomas AP 48191Navajo's Chantilly Lace 6655 mare Foaled 1959
Dam: Peppy S JC
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-70:133, 2-76:209Navajo Girl 13165 mare Foaled 1959
Dam: bay quarter AP 71497Arapaho Britches 5234 stallion Foaled 1959
Dam: Dorwin's First Lady JC
Reference: Appaloosa News Feb61:32, Jul60:47Jarbo 19975 gelding Foaled 1959
Dam: ----*Wahpeconiah 5670 mare Foaled 1959
Dam: Wapp Two AP 48338
Reference: Appaloosa News Jul61:29Ogden's Lady 6658 mare Foaled 1959
Dam: Ogden's Blue Streak AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-68:85pYouker's Morning Star 20947 mare Foaled 1959
Dam: Lucky Lady AP 15983Quintessa 5669 mare Foaled 1959
Dam: Roxy Ann AP 48337Panderita 9503 mare Foaled 1958
Dam: quarter mare
Reference: Appaloosa News May62:62Navajo Britches Jr 6564 stallion Foaled 1958
Dam: Lucy Lockett R AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News Feb61:40, Jul61:30, Dec61:39, Mar62:68Navajo's Blonde Squaw 11879 mare Foaled 1958
Dam: Jackie's Blond AQ*Nava Anna 7828 mare Foaled 1958
Dam: Miss Punch AQ
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-68:47(article), 12-74:66(produce), 1-79:154pDotty Navajo 7098 mare Foaled 1957
Dam: unknownNorthern Star T-1695 gelding Foaled 1957
Dam: Old Lou AP 194274
Reference: Appaloosa News Mar-Apr60:44Wohelo T-1939 mare Foaled 1956
Dam: Wilde Figure 5
Reference: Appaloosa News Jan61:42, N-D59:25- Navawa S-4 26854 Foaled ----
Dam: Bar Jo Kiowa 5855
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-71:134, 3-71:66, 4-71:102, 5-71:102
Pedigree of Navajo Britches
Dr Howard JC | |||
Mansfield's Comanche F=3096 | |||
Juanita M #21700 Appaloosa News3-83:ÓJE Baker acquired her and applied for papers in 1962. She died the same year at 31. JE said Ònot what you would call a gentle mare; you could not trim her feet and she was barely broke to leadÓ. |
Double Six Domino F-2492 1959 and 1970 National Champion Get of Sire |
Mansfield's Comanche [?] | |||
Susan - daughter of Mansfield's Comanche | |||
Lucine [?] | |||
Whistle Britches F-2492/CRHA nr |
One Eyed Waggoner | |||
Cooterville Chicken T-498 (1943) |
Freckles | |||
Freckles H F-2319/CRHA nr 1959 National Champion produce of dam |
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Dixon's Dunnie or Dunnie Dixon [?] AQ | |||
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Firecracker | |||
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Trammel's Rusty AQHA |
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Mansfield's Comanche Breeder's Association was formed at some point and was still viable in 1971. It appears to be an advertising cooperative, much like the early Sundance ads. I am not aware that it evolved into a club like Sundance. Any further information on this association would be appreciated. [Other similar organizations were the Dark Cloud Breeders, the Toby Breeders, the Red Eagle Breeders.]

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This page last updated on May 2021. Corrected October 2022.