Appaloosa Territory
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Foundation Appaloosas
F-3301 to F-3400
Pat's Polly mare
Bay, snowflake
(Mc's Patches M F-1670 x Donna IA F-3300)
Bred by JP McWilliams, Bucklin, Missouri
Foaled June 20, 1958
Donna's Connie mare
Brown, snowflakes
(Mc's Patches M F-1670 x Donna IA F-3300)
Bred by JP McWilliams, Bucklin, Missouri
Foaled June 9, 1959
MC's Freckled Patches stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(MC's Patches M F-1670 x B Star's Jane F-2476)
Bred by JP McWilliams, Bucklin, Missouri
Foaled May 2, 1957

Sizzle's Sis mare
Chestnut, blanket
(Apache F-730 x Babe of the Hoodoos F-1960)
Bred by Roy Parvin, Pullman, Washington
Foaled May 8, 1960
Reference Appaloosa News DecÕ60:29

Chata mare
Blue roan, spots over body
(Welder's Quarter stallion x Pet)
Bred by Clarke Adkins, Tivoli, Texas
Foaled March 11, 1945
Owned by Jim Wales, Refugio, Texas
Reference Appaloosa News 2-62:27
Pico Red Moon gelding
Sorrel, spots over hips
(Pico F-2247 x Chata F-3305)
Bred by Jim Wales, Refugio, Texas
Foaled April 25, 1960
Bryant's Blue Lady mare
Blue Roan, blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1950
Owned by George Bryant, Springfield, Illinois
Dun Roven's Chief stallion
Chestnut, blanket
(Comanche Chief F-2547 x Miss Appy F-3257)
Bred by Nolan Hutcheson, Houston, Missouri
Foaled April 7, 1960
Owned by Mrs Gene Woodling, Medina, Ohio
Cooterville Red Arrow stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Cooterville Norell's Little Red F-1673 x Cooterville Chocolate Soda F-3256)
Bred by HJ McDole, McDade, Louisiana
Foaled March 6, 1959
Sandra's Pride stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(King of Spots F-957 x Waspy F-971)
Bred by Fred Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Foaled May 30, 1960
Owned by Sandra Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Sandra's Calico mare
Brown, Roan, blanket
(King of Spots F-957 x Rosalita F-340)
Bred by Fred Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Foaled May 12, 1956
Owned by Sandra Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Sandra's Powder Puff mare
White, black spots over hips
(Sandra's Shiek F-2901 x Rosalita F-340)
Bred by Fred Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Foaled April 26, 1960
Owned by Sandra Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Fred's Dak.[Dakota?] Girl mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Sandra's Shiek F-2901 x Dakota Blue Bell F-321)
Bred by Fred Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Foaled May 2, 1960
Maiden Step mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Bear Step F-3068 x Biltoft's Indian Maid F-1637)
Bred by HS Wessin, Hamel, Minnesota
Foaled June 14, 1959
Owned by DC Huss, Mendota, Illinois
Gypsy Doll mare
Brown, snowflake
(unknown x Appaloosa)
Foaled May 1950
Owned by Lytle Chilcott, Sarcoxie, Missouri
Eagle's Answer stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Brave Eagle Rex F-2619 x Gypsy Doll F-3315)
Bred by Lytle Chilcott, Sarcoxie, Missouri
Foaled April 13, 1959
Owned by Hubert Kuefler, St Paul, Minnesota
Eagle's Dasher stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Brave Eagle Rex F-2619 x Gypsy Doll F-3315)
Bred by Lytle Chilcott, Sarcoxie, Missouri
Foaled April 21, 1960
Owned by Wilbur and Joyce Scott, Sarcoxie, Missouri
Eagle's Champ stallion
Blue Roan/Leopard
(Brave Eagle Rex F-2619 x Gypsy Doll F-3315)
Bred by Lytle Chilcott, Sarcoxie, Missouri
Foaled April 22, 1958
Owned by Clovis Friend, Aurora, Missouri
Naches Patchee gelding
Bay Roan, spotted blanket
(Dapper Dan F-1009 x Babes Dream F-1008)
Bred by William Zuppe, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled April 19, 1951
Owned by Frank Vaughan, Renton, Washington
Maizie mare
Blue Roan, white spots over hips
(Prices Chief F-1028 x Tess)
Bred by George Price, Lehi, Utah
Foaled May 29, 1950
Owned by Glade Draper, Santaquin, Utah
Sioux Z mare
Brown Roan
(Zaael F-798 x Maizie F-3320)
Bred by Glade Draper, Santaquin, Utah
Foaled April 1954
Owned by Wendell Draper, Payson, Utah
Patchette mare
Bay, snowflake
(Appaloosa x Half Thoroughbred)
Bred by Cecil Dobbin, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1952
Owned by Leonard Walker, Pleasant Grove, Utah

Chico's Pancho Villa stallion
(Freel's Chico F-715 x Squaw's Snow Fly F-3253)
Bred by Richard Stanger, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Foaled May 28, 1959
Reference Appaloosa News 6-65:59, Western Horsemen 8-64:95
Ala [Alabama?] Salty Sis mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x unknown)
Bred by OE Edwards, Pensacola, Florida
Foaled 1950
Owned by Frank Willerton, Uniontown, Alabama
Dude Dandy Sr stallion
Black Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by G Gebrock, Interior, South Dakota
Foaled May 14, 1941
Owned by Joe Williamson, Cuba, Illinois

Al's Son of Little Man S stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Little Man S F-1789 x Bryant's Blue Lady F-3307)
Bred by George Bryant, Springfield, Illinois
Foaled April 20, 1960
Owned by A L Stump, Troy, Ohio
Reference Appaloosa News 10-62:52, 2-64:41
Rocking M's Comanche stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Depression Argo F-3147 x Depression Cloudy F-3148)
Bred by Toby Magos Jr, Kent, Ohio
Foaled May 10, 1957
Owned by Toby and Frances Magos Jr, Kent, Ohio
Sheba R mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(Sunny F-618 x Blizzard T-52)
Bred by Henry Rogers, Velva, North Dakota
Foaled June 3, 1952
Owned by Iden Myers, Pukwana, South Dakota

Myers' Johony (Johnny?) Ringo stallion
Bay, spotted blanket, snowflakes
(Peter K F-1054 x Susie Q F-1973)
Bred by Henry Rogers, Velva, North Dakota
Foaled June 2, 1958
Owned by Iden Myers, Pukwana, South Dakota
Reference Appaloosa News 8-65:65, 3-67:72
Stine's Midnight Traveler stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Yellowstone Traveler F-1987 x Midnight Surprise F-2878)
Bred by Mr and Mrs David Ruby, Louisville, Colorado
Foaled May 8, 1958
Owned by Oscar Stine, Swanton, Ohio
Wamblee's Jester stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Wamblee Toh F-1595 x Cypress Sioux F-1669)
Bred by Floyd and Irene Crippen, Rialto, California
Foaled January 29, 1960
Comanche Bill stallion
Red Roan, blanket
(Comanche Chief F-2547 x Miss Appy F-3257)
Bred by Nolan Hutcheson, Houston, Missouri
Foaled March 26, 1959

Miss Dakota Speck mare
Bay, snowflake
(Pablo F-267 x Dakota Sioux Doll F-2853)
Foaled June 1960
Owned by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Reference Appaloosa News SepÕ61:52
Cachuma Muchacha mare
Brown, blanket
(Cojo Mapachi F-1813 x Diapers F-1810)
Foaled March 31, 1960
Owned by Elizabeth Janeway, Santa Ynez, California
Brown's Tomahawk stallion
Brown, blanket
(Check F-611 x Walter's Melody F-2882)
Bred by Elton Brown, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled June 12, 1960
Owned by Mrs Elton Brown, Pomeroy, Washington

Kiamichi Jr stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Oklahoma F-2398 x Kiamichi F-2925)
Bred by JF Peoples, Clayton, Oklahoma
Foaled September 22, 1956
Owned by BF Watts, Shreveport, Louisiana

Hawk's Domino War Drum stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Hawk Eye F-3035 x Canyon Echo F-3036)
Bred by Robert and Marjorie Acomb, Stafford, New York
Foaled April 25, 1958
Suzie's Flip mare
Blue Roan, blanket
(Prince Freckles F-305 x Lady Cherokee F-3197)
Bred by Gordon Cox, Wykoff, Minnesota
Foaled May 29, 1960

Bananza Bill (Bonanza?) stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Dude Dandy Jr F-1216 x Lady Cherokee F-3197)
Bred by Gordon Cox, Wykoff, Minnesota
Foaled July 3, 1959
Reference Appaloosa News 1-61:34
Wykoff Scout stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Dude Dandy Jr F-1216 x Lady Cherokee F-3197)
Bred by Gordon Cox, Wykoff, Minnesota
Foaled April 23, 1958
Daylight mare
Dun, light over hips
(Yellowstone Traveler F-1987 x Midnight Surprise F-2878)
Bred by Mr and Mrs David Ruby, Louisville, Colorado
Foaled August 5, 1956
Vanity mare
Black, snowflake
(Blue Dog F-2523 x Freckles H F-2319)
Foaled May 12, 1955
Owned by Harmon Scales, Lubbock, Texas

Magic Venture mare
(Red Hawk F-2089 F-1053 x Reddy Wampum F-2093)
Bred by Lorne and Vera Knisley, Ft Collins, Colorado
Foaled September 17, 1960
PVF's Zepher Warrior mare
Dun, white and black spots over hips
(Apache War Smoke F-2776 x May Warrior F-836 )
Bred by Mr and Mrs Ed Weber, Rogers, Minnesota
Foaled July 10, 1958
Owned by Loren Dunn, Austin, Minnesota
Chief Red Wing gelding
Bay, roan over hips
(Zaael F-798 x Miss Red Wing F-2661)
Bred by Donald O'Neil, Dallas, Texas
Foaled June 4, 1960
Manly's Black Hawk stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Manly's Star Fire F-2381 x Winyan F-2325)
Bred by Evelyn Manly, Fallon, Nevada
Foaled June 2, 1960
Head's Thunder Bird (was Manly's Thunder Bird) stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Manly's Star Fire F-2381 x Tolootah F-2311 )
Bred by Evelyn Manly, Fallon, Nevada
Foaled June 8, 1960

Dakota Snow Cloud stallion
Sorrel, blanket
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Miss Dakota Sioux M F-2976)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled June 23, 1960
Owned by TW Appaloosa Horse Ranch, Ft Worth, Texas
Reference Appaloosa News 3-62:33, 9-63:46(index)
Poteet's Catoosa mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Poteet B F-2225 x Snowcone F-2129)
Bred by Pete Smith, Tatum, New Mexico
Foaled May 5, 1959
Poteet's Petite mare
Sorrel snowflake
(Poteet B F-2225 x Sage Hen S F-2437)
Bred by Pete Smith, Tatum, New Mexico
Foaled May 4, 1957
Owned by Delores Church, Tatum, New Mexico
Chic A Bob stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Chicaro F-2028 x Bobbie N F-2675)
Bred by Alan Newby, Kuna, Idaho
Foaled May 18, 1960

Sharon's Topper stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by James Cooper, Baker, Idaho
Foaled July 15, 1953
Owned by Sharon Mereness, Nampa, Idaho
Reference Appaloosa News N-D 57:16, Jan-FebÕ58:5, Sep-OctÕ58:21, Jul-AugÕ59:4, Sep-OctÕ59:21, Jan-FebÕ60:46, Sep60:37, Oct60:29and33, AugÕ61:35, Sep61:42, Nov61:46

Callico Topsy mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Sharon's Topper F-3352 x Callico Babe N F-2027)
Foaled April 6, 1960
Owned by Alan Newby, Kuna, Idaho
Reference Appaloosa News NovÕ61:57

F-3354/CRHA 530-P
Ayoka mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Yellowstone Traveler F-1987/CRHA 315-R x Colorado Music F-3263)
Bred by Theresa Leftwich, Greeley, Colorado
Foaled July 14, 1957-1967
Owned by Robert Harney, Twin Falls, Idaho
Reference Appaloosa News 10-60:IFC, 11-67:48

Chico TM stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Poteet B F-2225 x Squaw Girl B F-2317)
Bred by TM Blackmon, Lovington, New Mexico
Foaled April 3, 1957
Reference Appaloosa News 3-62:22
Chief Squanto stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(One Eye Geronimo F-2889 x Johnson's Spotted Lady F-2704)
Bred by Ralph Johnson, Gainesville, Texas
Foaled March 10, 1960
Yegua Twilight mare
Blue Roan, white spots over hips
(Big Eye F-1575 x Yegua Blue Darter F-2233)
Bred by Sid Tarwater, Chriesman, Texas
Foaled May 10, 1960
Yegua Evening Star mare
Blue Roan, blanket (snowcap?)
(Big Eye F-1575 x Yegua Squaw F-2174 )
Bred by Linda Lou Tarwater, Chriesman, Texas
Foaled August 10, 1960
Ala Rosette mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Ala Salty Sis F-3324)
Bred by Frank Willerton, Uniontown, Alabama
Foaled May 5, 1960
RQ's Winnetka mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Midnite Monty F-2328 x Winning Way F-1363)
Bred by Merrill Rodgers, Orland, California
Foaled August 28, 1960
Wamblee Toh Day stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Wamblee Toh F-1595 x Rosy Day F-1588)
Bred by Ed Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled March 22, 1960
Dakota Manrico stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Dakota Maid F-2627)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1955
Peacock's Princess mare
Dun, white and brown spots over hips
(Red Eagle's Peacock F-1476 x Princess Beryl F-85)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 6, 1960
Cherokee Nation stallion
Red Roan, blanket
(Sheikh F-1795 x Cody's Borkaan F-2276)
Bred by Wallace Smith, Badger, Minnesota
Foaled April 14, 1960
Sheikh's Oscar (was Sheikh's Flying Eagle) stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Sheikh F-1795 x Sis Borkaan F-2280)
Bred by Wallace Smith, Badger, Minnesota
Foaled June 6, 1960

High Hand stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Hands Up F-2217 x Deacon Bess AQHA 16209)
Foaled April 22, 1960
Owned by Buddy Heaton and Fred Hagaman, Hugoton, Kansas
Reference Appaloosa Journal 2-82:140, Appaloosa News 3-66:4and bc (article), 1-76:78, 11-65:68, 8-75:78 (painting), MA60:64, 10-60:57, 3-61:43, painting

Nebuchadnezzar gelding
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1949
Owned by Dr and Mrs Fred Knocks, Readington, New Jersey
Reference Appaloosa News 4-61:2, 11-57:16
Arvak stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Target F-2359 x Spook A La F-1377)
Bred by Lowell Stone, Fortuna, California
Foaled June 29, 1960
Siri Sheik's Strong Heart stallion
Blue Roan, Leopard
(Siri Sheik F-1833 x Sally H F-2009)
Bred by Paulla Cooper, Willcox, Arizona
Foaled May 26, 1960
Fireflame mare
Brown, blanket
(Firewater F-2126 x Josie Rex F-1390)
Owned by Glenn Moore, Fortuna, California
Foaled April 11, 1960

Red Arrow stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Riverdale's Tomahawk F-2654 x Princess Sunflower F-2181 )
Bred by Milford Johnson, Lake Mills, Iowa
Foaled April 25, 1960
Owned by Rolland Drape, Fredricksburg, Iowa
Reference Appaloosa News 4-63:6, 4-64:61(both index)

Rustler Bill stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Matador Dun (QH) x Cheyene Gold F-2671)
Bred by Ken West, Eagle Butte, South Dakota
Foaled May 15, 1954
Owned by Lee Tom Alls, Aspermont, Texas
Reference Appaloosa Journal 9-00:240, 2-65:32, 4-65:23, CPAA 10-76, Appaloosa News Jul-AugÕ59:18, Nov-DecÕ59:27, May-JunÕ60:54, JanÕ61:21,55,57, MayÕ61:39, AugÕ61:34, JunÕ62:16
Chico's Scookum Chuck stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Chief Chico F-909 x Venus F-811)
Foaled June 2, 1960
Owned by Jewel Riggin, Cambridge, Idaho
Dusky Squaw Patch mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Apache G F-1693 x Orphan Annie F-1406)
Foaled March 22, 1960
Owned by Herbert Young, Chico, California
Blanco Rio mare
White, black spots over hips
(Dark Cloud F-330 x Lula Bell)
Foaled April 15, 1950
Owned by Gerald Mitchell, Checotah, Oklahoma
Cherokee Prince's S (Princess?) mare
Black, blanket
(Cherokee A F-2847 x Oklahoma Princess F-2232)
Bred by Robert Sukman, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Foaled May 12, 1960
Owned by Deborah Sukman, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Dilt's Ace O Spades stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Cojo Espada F-1942 x Spooka Dot F-520)
Foaled October 26, 1960
Owned by John and Laura Dilts, Springville, California

Dominion Willow mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Patchy's Warrior F-2439 x Willeta F-1539)
Bred by Othol Holbrook, Portwillie, California
Foaled May 1960
Owned by Creswell Farms, Forest, Virginia
Willamette Winema mare
Bay, blanket
(Ruff's Spot F-1690 x Apache Pat F-1389)
Foaled August 10, 1960
Owned by Tommy Thompson, Eugene, Oregon
Lady Pulga mare
Brown Roan, spotted blanket
(Hongo F-1602 x Lady Rain F-2373)
Bred by Herman Chandler, Dryden, Texas
Foaled April 20, 1960
Owned by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Lito stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Teeger F-2689 x Maud's Delight F-2685)
Foaled May 12, 1960
Owned by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Tee Vela mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Teeger F-2689 x Panda Dot F-2701)
Foaled July 4, 1960
Owned by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Red River Radar stallion
Bay, spotted blanket/leopard?
(Casper Keena F-2659 x Dolly Babe F-2131)
Bred by SR Hazelwood, Sherman, Texas
Foaled May 7, 1960
Owned by Charles Burnette, Clarksville, Texas
no listing in Stud Book
Blanco Thunder gelding
Black Leopard
(Chief Thunder F-2565 x Miss Cox F-2543)
Bred by Nolan Hutcheson, Houston, Missouri
Foaled May 1960
Owned by Cliff McMurtry, Springfield, Missouri
Appadalway's Babe mare
Black Leopard
(Polar Star F-176 x Teeny Star F-594)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled by June 25, 1955
Owned by Ken Simpson, Enid, Oklahoma

Chico's Malheur Maumin stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Chief Chico F-909 x Maumin Tosteen F-394)
Foaled April 1960
Owned by Tom Duffy and Lew Jain, Lewiston, Idaho
Reference Appaloosa News 8-61:35
Lady's Last stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Bub F-1293 x Lady Of Spain F-1471)
Bred by DL Pierce, Ronan, Montana
Foaled June 13, 1960
Owned by CW Downey, Bozeman, Montana
Malibu's Dawn mare
Blue Roan, snowflake
(Malibu Eagle F-2649 x Sally H F-2009)
Foaled April 2, 1959
Owned by Paulla Cooper, Willcox, Arizona

Snappy Day stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Pay Day S F-2071 x Freckle Face F-524)
Bred by Mrs Fred Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled February 28, 1960
Owned by Marie Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Reference Appaloosa News 1-64:519
Marie's Candy Kisses mare
Black Leopard
(Wamblee Toh F-1595 x Lady Bug F-1835)
Bred by Mrs Fred Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled March 8, 1960
Owned by Marie Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Sugar Foot mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(Chubby x Sugar Roll)
Bred by Roy Wood, Chelsea, Oklahoma
Foaled April 9, 1948
Owned by Merl Padgett, Collinston, Louisiana
Blue Bonnett J mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Hays x Matador mare)
Bred by JO Southard, Waverly, Kansas
Foaled May 12, 1951
Owned by Jerold Johnson, Hutchinson, Kansas
Saida mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Williams Ranch, Harding County, South Dakota
Foaled 1941
Owned by Francis Case, Custer, South Dakota
Saida's Senator stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Westwinds Senator F-2312 x Saida F-3394)
Foaled June 22, 1960
Owned by Francis Case, Custer, South Dakota
Princess May M mare
Red Roan
(MC's Cherokee Cheetah F-988 x White Rain T-136)
Bred by Fred Baier, St Louis, Missouri
Foaled May 28, 1953
Owned by Fred Bendick, St Louis, Missouri
Ozark's M Hornet stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(K Hornet F-3294 x Princess May M F-3396)
Foaled May 22, 1960
Owned by Oscar McWilliams, Laquey, Missouri
Ozark's Winnie May M mare
Blue Roan Leopard
(K Hornet F-3294 x Princess May M F-3396)
Foaled April 17, 1958
Owned by Oscar McWilliams, Laquey, Missouri
Ozark's Ruthie May mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(K Hornet F-3294 x Princess May M F-3396)
Bred by Ed Gildeheus, St Louis, Missouri
Foaled April 17, 1957
Owned by Oscar McWilliams, Laquey, Missouri
Lady Red mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled July 4, 1949
Owned by Ed Gildeheus, St Louis, Missouri
#1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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