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Foundation Appaloosas
F-1701 to F-1800
Cinco's Thunderpumper stallion
Blue Roan
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Maria F-199)
Bred by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
Foaled May 22, 1953
Cinco's Prince Uncas stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Cherry Lou F-775)
Bred by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
Foaled May 10, 1955
- Cinco's Few Oats F-2166 1958 mare
- Cinco's Black Shawl F-2167 1958 mare
- Cinco's Chief Herb F-2168 1958 stallion
- Dugan's Papoose F-2313 1958 mare
- Uncas's Diamond Jim F-3737 1960 stallion
Cinco's Teal Eye mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Wiggins Lucy F-1064)
Bred by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
Foaled June 17, 1954
- Cinco's Black Shawl F-2167 1958 mare
Cinco's Chief Washopper stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Flick F-200)
Bred by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
Foaled May 22, 1953
- Barnes' Mary F-2423 1959 mare
- O Kaya F-3893 1957 mare
- Barnes' Chippawa F-2827 1958 stallion
- Caddo Creek F-3031 1959 mare
- Red Dawn F-3202 1957 mare
- Cinco's Two Tone F-3896 1960 stallion
- Cinco's Flatrock F-4078 1957 stallion
- Barnes' Sally Gooden F-2267 1958 mare
- Miss Quanta 48924 mare
- Barnes' Buckeye T-2522 1957 stallion
- Apache Yank T-2772 1957 stallion
- Chuckey Squaw 23707 [1960 mare]
Cinco's Windwalker stallion
Blue Roan
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Cherry Lou F-775)
Bred by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
Foaled October 1, 1953

Cinco's Totem Pole gelding
White, spots over hips
(Doc's Oscar x Cinco's Old Nacomis F-1718)
Bred by Leslie Stimpston, Bolivar, Texas
Foaled 1951
Owned by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
High Cherokee gelding
Brown, white and black spots over hips
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Van Horn Belle F-1286)
Bred by JD High, Houston, Texas
Foaled June 8, 1953
Nacoma mare
Blue Roan, blanket
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Wiggins Lucy F-1064)
Bred by BJ Wiggins, Stratford, Texas
Foaled June 7, 1955
- Rusty Leopard F-3464 1959 stallion
- Chief Foxtail F-4667 1961 stallion
- Quanita F-2270 1955 mare
- Hobson's Que Buena Nena 23657 [1962 mare]
Belle Pepper mare
Chestnut, roan over hips
(Red Pepper F-1437 x Chiquita's Fantasy F-1594)
Bred by Irene Crippen, Anaheim, California
Foaled April 15, 1955
Owned by Floyd and Irene Crippen, Anaheim, California
Paisano's Buckshot gelding
Bay, spotted blanket
(Paisano F-1023 x Bonny B F-1024)
Bred by Myrtle Brown, Arbuckle, California
Foaled May 1951
Weaver's Disappointment mare
Black, spotted blanket
Freel's Chico F-715 x Frost Polka Dot F-821)
Bred by Reao Weaver, Blackfoot, Idaho
Foaled June 5, 1956
Lindy G mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(Dr Rainy F-1301 x Rainy Day F-551)
Bred by Andrew Douma, Ripon, California
Foaled August 4, 1954
Owned by Sharon Saare, Santa Rosa, California

Handprint's Silvertips stallion
Brown, blanket
(Chief Handprint F-1310 x Ralstin's Sheba F-753)
Bred by Joan Amick, Tampa, Florida
Foaled May 23, 1956
Source: Appaloosa News 7/8-57:17
- Silvertip's Blue Smokey 25196 [1961 stallion]
Rock N Roll mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Rocking Chair Spot F-325 x Rocking Chair Julie F-579)
Bred by Merlin Archer, Bloomfield, Colorado
Foaled March 24, 1954
Owned by Bill Traynor, Mt Morrison, Colorado
- Handprint's Hy Dimond 21261 [1962 stallion]
Spec B gelding
Brown, blanket
(Silver Chief x Moon Bell)
Bred by George Holzberger, Gordon, Nebraska
Owned by Louie Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Little Rebel mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Spec B F-1715 x Calamity Jane B F-1383)
Bred by Pat Bauman, Paisley, Florida
Foaled May 2, 1955
- Blue Moonrise ref: AN3-81:92
- Handprint's Bee Bee F-2821 1959 mare ref: AN 6-65:6, 5-68:51, 6-69:10
Cracker Gal mare
(Spec B F-1715 x Dakota Badland F-1317)
Bred by William Bauman, Paisley, Florida
Foaled March 4, 1955
Cinco's Old Nacomis mare
Black Leopard
(White's Appaloosa x Stimpston's mare)
Bred by Leslie Stimpston, Bolivar, Texas
Foaled 1940
Owned by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
- Cinco's Totem Pole F-1706 1951 stallion
- Cinco's Sundown F-1719 1949 mare
- Cinco's Fingertail F-1720 1950 mare
- Cinco's Two Star F-1721 1955 mare
- Cinco's Ducknuckles F-1724 1943 stallion
- Cinco's Heap Much F-1889 1957 mare
- Cinco's Totem Buttons F-2813 1959 stallion
Cinco's Sundown mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Sorrel Streak x Cinco's Old Nacomis F-1718)
Bred by Leslie and Jerry Stimpston, Bolivar, Texas
Foaled 1949
Owned by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
- Choctaw Chief F-1722 1956 stallion ref: AN2-61:37
- Cinco's Choctaw F-1723 1955 mare
- Red Dawn F-3202 1957 mare
- WHB Texas Sundown F-3917 1961 stallion
Cinco's Fingertail mare
Blue Roan, black spots over hips
(White's Appaloosa x Cinco's Old Nacomis F-1718)
Bred by Lawrence Harrington, Bolivar, Texas
Foaled 1950
Owned by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
Cinco's Two Star mare
Chestnut, roan over hips
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Cinco's Old Nacomis F-1718)
Bred by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
Foaled June 5, 1955
- Bob's Stardar F-3020 1960 mare
- Little Rock Pepper 23363 1962 stallion
Choctaw Chief stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Cinco's Sundown F-1719)
Bred by Clarence Barnes, Houston, Texas
Foaled May 28, 1956
Cinco's Choctaw mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Cinco's Sundown F-1719)
Bred by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
Foaled May 5, 1955
Cinco's Ducknuckles gelding
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(unknown x Cinco's Old Nacomis F-1718)
Bred by Leslie and Jerry Stimpston, Bolivar, Texas
Foaled 1943
Owned by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas

Kawliga stallion
Bay Leopard
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by Nate Pyle, Boulder, Colorado
Foaled March 10, 1950
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-70:26, BW Photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd! Thanks Pat.
- Little Elk T-950 stallion
- War Coup F-2354 1959 stallion
- Yellow Star F-2606 1953 mare
- Kandu Gal F-3056 1957 mare
- Cheeka F-2762 1955 mare
- Wigwam F-3414 1954 stallion
- Jack's Seeto Doll F-3751 1954 mare
- Jack's Medicine Man F-4142 1953 stallion
- Traveling Bear T-4108 1955 stallion
- Running Flower 23641 1958 mare
- Potacha's Little Girl 19315 1961 mare
- NanTan Shicashe T-614 1954 stallion
- Cricket's Chirp T-433 1954 mare
- Appajack T-531 1954 stallion
- Pawnee Kid T-532 1954 stallion
- Dewajack T-533 1954 stallion
- Bulls Eye T-534 1954 stallion
- Colorado Serenade T-613 1955 mare
- Najoni T-615 1954 mare
- Pawhuska Kid T-781 1955 stallion
- Acama T-861 1955 stallion
- Dakota Sioux T-1080 1953 mare
- Sand Pictures T-1275 1952 stallion
- White Feather T-1291 1953
- Nate's Chief T-1320 1953 stallion
- Kawla T-1342 1955 mare
- Pepper B T-2686 1955 stallion
- DF King David T-4230 1958 stallion
- Na Tee Ka T-4385 1958 mare
- Skiatook 6083 1959 stallion
- Wadi Taka 7028 1959 stallion
- Monty's Winona 8886 1960 mare
- Patocha Yellow Jacket 22463 [1961 gelding]
- Pal Pal 23640 [1958 stallion]
Cooterville Lady Haynes mare
Red Roan
(Major Speck x Canales mare)
Bred by JE Haynes, Marshall, Texas
Foaled April 1940
Owned by Merle McDole, McDade, Louisiana
- Cooterville Penny Linda F-2406 1949 mare
- Clabber B 953 stallion
- Cooterville Valentine T-1007 1956 mare
Marbles mare
Roan snowflake
(Sport F-133 x Warzon [x Mansfield's Comanche F-3096])
Bred by Pete Smith, Tatum, New Mexico
Foaled May 10, 1942
Owned by Roy Wood, Chelsea, Oklahoma
- Revel Jr F-1728 1952stallion
- Sun Up B F-3021 1951 mare
- Marbles Up F-2218 1953 mare
- Argo's Marbles T-1338 1955 mare
- Concho's Silver Eagle 46750
- See Mee Too 28459 mare

Revel Junior stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Revel F-733 x Marbles F-1727)
Bred by Roy Wood, Chelsea, Oklahoma
Foaled April 26, 1952
- Revel's Red Dog T-3293 1957 stallion
- Shokokon Revel 32025 stallion
- Revel Ann 16787 mare
- Nicholson's Revel stallion
- Revelehe 57339 1962 mare
- Clark's Revelene 29365 mare
- Wilcliff's Chipewa T-3384 1957 stallion
- Buck A Loosa R T-3517 1957 stallion
- CR Patti Paycheck T-4006 1958 mare
- Revel's Star Pepe T-4011 1958 stallion
- Silver Revel T-4661 1958 stallion
- Janice's Bay Buttons mare
- Revel's Bear Paw 103936 stallion
- Sunspot Revel F-1904 1957 stallion
- Revelous King 80623 stallion
- Revel's Rawhide T 63770
- Revel's Sun Up F-1905 1957 mare
- Chief of Sky High F-1950 1957 stallion
- Southern's Snake Eyes F-2626 1958 stallion
- Revel's Rooster 25218 1960 stallion
- Revel Red Fox F-2986 1959 stallion
- Revel's Red Man K F-2987 1960 stallion
- Pooketa Lou F-3177 1959 mare
- Kreider's Revel Junior K F-3182 1960 stallion
- Revel's Promise F-3183 1959 stallion
- Cooterville Two Mama F-4709 1956 mare
- Whip's Revel Bee 15116 1959 mare
- Revel Rickle Ell 2
- King Chocolate Revel T-1286 1956 stallion
- Revel's Crow Foot 23689 [1958 stallion]
- Reveleta 5697 1957 mare
- Cliff's Pride 5973 1958 mare
- Navahoe Jo 6813 1957 stallion
- Chief's Little Dude 6944 1958 stallion
- Leon's Revelation 8133 1958 mare
- Goodwin Revelon 19991 [1955 mare]
- Cha Kee Tah 24106 [1960 mare]

Strawboss B stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Buttons B F-1681 x Bluebird B F-1687)
Bred by Elvin Blevins, Wynnewood, Oklahoma
Foaled March 23, 1955
Reference Appaloosa News 11-70:92, 1-65:6
- Little Coquette 77982 mare
- Scooter Boss F-3854 1959 stallion
- Bosses Gold Chip F-3855 1961 stallion
- Many Buttons B F-4041 1958 stallion
- Money Creek's Sprinkles 56601 1965 mare
- Money Creek's Lady Boss 56600 mare
- Sahoma Archie 6243 1959 stallion
- A's Starri Boss G 21135 [1961 mare]
- Oklahoma Red Buttons B 22599 [1962 stallion]
- Comanche Buttons B 22658 [1961 mare]
- Caballo Boss 25028 [1962 stallion]
Brownie mare
Brown, snowflake
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Chris Jensen, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled 1948
Owned by Louie and Faye Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
- Rainbow B F-1731 1954 mare
- Millie's Price F-1763 1956 mare
- Biltoft's Stormy Weather F-1776 1955 stallion
- Broken Bow F-2173 1953 stallion
- Handy Chico F-4296 1961 stallion
- Nebraska's Pride B F-4462 1959 mare
Rainbow B mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Brownie F-1730)
Bred by Louie and Faye Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 17, 1954
- Oneonta F-2120 1958 mare
- Aleka T-3469 1957 mare
- White Sage 5318
- Shawn Ta 24645 [1960 mare]
Chinook's Waco stallion
Black, blanket
(Simcoe's Chinook F-1610 x Fade Away N F-1528)
Bred by Jack Johnson, Waco, Texas
Foaled April 22, 1956
- Waco's Pride 21385 stallion
- Reckless Cimmaron stallion
- April Sheen 22804 1961 mare
- Chinook's Tekatah F-4244 1961 mare
- Hydaway's Eaglette mare
- Fashion Doll 14284 mare
- TT's Princess Chinook 51967 mare
- Lost Prairie's Chinooka CRHA 245 1959 stallion
- Waco's Yom ee 54471 stallion
- Waco's Diamond Lil 16156 mare
- Chinook's Bonanza S 9266 1960 stallion
- RK Simcoe Panther 7965 1958 stallion
- Chinook's Blue Boy 9133 1959 stallion
- Black Bunny 20758 [1961 mare]
- Rocky Lu Mar 21442 [1961 stallion]
- Waco's Papoose 22799 [1962 stallion]
- Blue Chinook 22805 [1961 stallion]
- Patches Waco 22996 [1961 stallion]
- RK's Natachee 23439 [1960 stallion]
- Miss Waco Lee Ann 24508 [1962 mare]
- Waco's Miss America 24681 [1962 mare]
- Waco's Lame Deer 24821 [1960 mare]
- Chinook of Greentree 25220 [1961 stallion]
- Waco's Sunset 25292 [1960 mare]
- Mary Ward 25293 [1961 mare]
- Cimmaron's's Missy 25294 [1960 mare]
- Missy Lame Deer 25295 [1961 mare]
- Spec Shawnee 25296 [1961 stallion]

Oregon Princess mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Double Eagle F-1340 x Princess Beryl F-85)
Bred by CJ Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled March 2, 1954
Owned by Edgar Sturm, Hood River, Oregon
Reference Appaloosa News 1-65:50
- Pi's Sassafras F-4367 1959 mare
- Chitka T-3772 1958 stallion
- Faro's Kittyhawk 24597 [1962 mare]
Juan Buck gelding
Brown Leopard
(Don Juan F-975 x Pretty Buck F-970)
Bred by Fred Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Foaled April 5, 1954
Owned by Mrs Howard Catencamp, Shawano, Wisconsin
Bette Powder II mare
Blue Roan, snowflake
(Blue Star F-942 x Bette Powder F-1468)
Bred by Ben Smith, Boonville, Missouri
Foaled May 25, 1955
Owned by William Cooper, East Peoria, Illinois
Mis Chief mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Niel Daniels, Elma, Washington
Foaled May 6, 1945
Owned by Estella Clark, Quilcene, Washington
- Sugar MacArthur F-1737 1949 mare
- MacArthur's Senorita F-1738 1951 mare
- MacArthur's Crown Jewel F-1739 1953 mare
- MacArthur's Hyak Papoose 33725 stallion
Sugar MacArthur mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(General MacArthur F-244 x Mis Chief F-1736)
Bred by Niel Daniels, Elma, Washington
Foaled June 9, 1949
Owned by WM Clark, Quilcene, Washington
Transfered from Tentative T-11
MacArthur's Senorita mare
Red Roan
(General MacArthur F-244 x Mis Chief F-1736)
Bred by Estella Clark, Quilcene, Washington
Foaled May 17, 1951
MacArthur's Crown Jewel mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(General MacArthur F-244 x Mis Chief F-1736)
Bred by Estella Clark, Quilcene, Washington
Foaled June 6, 1953
Owned by Colleen Pederson, Brinnon, Washington
- Ulmer's Melody Alkhar F-2436 1959 mare
- Ulmer's Trinket Alkhar F-2961 1960 mare
- Ulmer's Cutie Alkhar F-4178 1961 mare
Chocolate Chip stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Chocolate Sunday F-485 x Chypre F-1232)
Bred by Mr and Mrs Gordon Williamson, Chico, California
Foaled May 21, 1956
- Fireweed Bell F-4628 1959 mare
- Gay Chip 22062 [1959 stallion]
Slick Chick mare
White, spots over hips
(Illumspokanee F-1455 x Thunder's Chick F-1428)
Bred by Sunnybrook Stock Ranch, Chattaroy, Washington
Foaled April 7, 1956
Owned by Howard Prouty, Belknap, Montana
- Prouty's Chiquita 8168 1959 mare

Moonshine stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Brown Eagle F-1497 x Juanita Rose F-1496)
Bred by Eleanor Bliss, Denver, Colorado
Foaled May 5, 1956
- Pickaninny F-4214 1961 stallion
- Epling's Moon Granite F-4273 1961 stallion
- Epling's Moondust F-4274 1960 stallion
- Stump's Jenifer F-4809 1962 mare
- Epling's Tar Baby 22904 1961 mare
- Welcome 1965? mare
- Moonshine's Zip Code 45116 mare
- Moonshine's Crescent 5400 1959 stallion
- Moon's Little Eagle 8968 1960 stallion
- Lelooksa 9157 1960 mare
- Sudan Star 9233 1960 stallion
- Mooneena 22053 [1961 mare]
- Bay Moonshine 22646 [1959 mare]
- Epling's Plaudit Miss 22905 [1960 mare]
- Mr Moonshine 24818 [1961 stallion]
- Moonshine's Leprechaun 25731 [1962 stallion]
- Bean's Thunderchief 25997 [1962 stallion]
Red Eagle's Sweetheart mare
Dun, spotted blanket
(Red Eagle F-209 x Red Eagle's Luco F-1477
Bred by Claude Thompson, Pomona, California
Foaled March 26, 1956
Red Eagle's Greylight mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Red Eagle F-209 x Eagleflight F-1412)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Pomona, California
Foaled March 23, 1956
- Peacock's Snowflake F-2453 1959 mare
- Leilani 24916 [1962 mare]

Peacock's Angel mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Red Eagle's Peacock F-1476 x Freckles Honey F-945)
Bred by RE Hawkins, Riverside, California
Foaled July 14, 1956
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-70:IFC*, 6-65:92*, 7-65:61*
Yakima Toby stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Toby II F-113 x Lolo F-462)
Bred by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Foaled May 31, 1956
Owned by Lyman Taft, Toppenish, Washington
- Chief T 24993 [1962 stallion]
Little Zipper stallion
Bay, blanket
(Indian Paintbrush F-1353 x Ryff's Buttons F-1272)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled March 23, 1956
Markanee mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Illumspokanee F-1455 x Margo F-15)
Bred by Sunnybrook Stock Ranch, Chattaroy, Washington
Foaled April 1, 1956
Chickanee mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Illumspokanee F-1455 x Chica Linda F-1416)
Bred by Sunnybrook Stock Ranch, Chattaroy, Washington
Foaled April 11, 1956
Marquesa mare
Red Roan
(Illumspokanee F-1455 x Marquita F-1262)
Bred by Sunnybrook Stock Ranch, Chattaroy, Washington
Foaled April 11, 1956
- Kitten Kaboodle 22890 [1962 mare]
C One mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Nighthawk F-1298 x Chica II F-1408)
Bred by Mrs Dub McQueen, Hamilton Dome, Wyoming
Foaled June 15, 1956
Owned by Nate Brown, Grass Creek, Wyoming

Rainbow Two mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Zebra Dun F-1344 x Rainbow Sue F-837)
Bred by WK Helgesen, Turner, Montana
Foaled May 10, 1956
- Plenty O Spots F-3723 1961 stallion
- White Blanket 23344 1962 mare
- Money Creek's Rockledge Sue 56592 1965 mare
- Money Creek's Ledgerock 68582 1966 stallion
- Money Creek's Rockalena 84619 1967 mare
- Money Creek's Rockhewn 1968 stallion
- Money Creek's Chiprock 121202 1969 stallion
- Money Creek's Rockolette 1970 mare
- Zebra Dun II 152726 1971 mare
F-1753/CRHA nr
Wyoming Raindrop stallion
White, black spots over hips
(Nighthawk F-1298 x Ticket II F-1296/CRHA nr 9-P)
Bred by Mrs Dub McQueen, Hamilton Dome, Wyoming
Foaled May 11, 1956
Owned by Nate Brown, Grass Creek, Wyoming
Deerie mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(Shinsee TB x Frieda)
Bred by JC Clements, Burns, Oregon
Foaled April 20, 1945
Owned by Earl Sampson, Lewiston, Idaho
- Dove F-1755 1956 mare
- Rock T-77 F-3744 1951 mare
- Bob's White Cloud F-3670 1961 stallion
- Rock II T-913 1955 stallion
Dove mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Arizona Chief F-932 x Deerie F-1754)
Bred by Earl Sampson, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled April 1, 1956
- Dove S F-4914 1959 mare
- Fast Jane 105183 1968 mare
Belle Warrior mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Zebra Dun F-1344 x Andrea Warrior F-1492)
Bred by WK Helgesen, Turner, Montana
Foaled May 23, 1956
Owned by Hubert Kuefler, St. Paul, Minnesota
Specklebud stallion
Bay Leopard
(Red Boy F-954 x Harmon's Susie Bell F-1324)
Bred by Chester Harmon, Algona, Iowa
Foaled May 21, 1956
Owned by Earl Constable, Princeton, Missouri
- Calico's Mudspot F-3789
- Calico's All Spice F-4013 mare
- Calico's Navajo Boy 8161 1959 stallion
- Jayhawk Ginger 19996 [1960 mare]
- Calico's Frost Tee 24610 [1961 mare]
Rose Bud mare
Red Roan, blanket
(King of Spots F-957 x Twilight F-960)
Bred by Charles Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Foaled May 7, 1954
Owned by Norman Stamp, Harlan, Iowa
Grey Cloud gelding
Blue Roan, blanket
(King of Spots F-957 x War Path F-958)
Bred by Charles Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Foaled June 10, 1954
Owned by Norman Stamp, Harlan, Iowa
Lark mare
Brown, spots over hips
(Silver Dandy F-460 x Lelonie F-1252)
Bred by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Owned by Lyman Taft, Toppenish, Washington
- Ilak F-1929 1957 mare
- Pi's Fieldlark Chief F-4607 1958 stallion
Dakota Chief B stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Sage Hen F-1173)
Bred by Louie Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 4, 1956
Nebraska Gal mare
Black, roan and spots over hips
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Pine Ridge Lady F-1176)
Bred by Louie Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled June 7, 1956
- Miss Nebraska F-4460 1961 mare
Millie's Price mare
Brown, blanket
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166x Brownie F-1730)
Bred by Louie Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 17, 1956
Dakota Boy stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Cactus Kate B F-1774)
Bred by Louie Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled June 4, 1956
- Susie Q mare
- Money Creek's Driftwood 6763 1959 stallion
- Frosty Jim 24080 [1960 stallion]
- Dakota Moon 24108 [1961 mare]
Cinco's Yequa mare
Blue Roan
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Cinco's Fingertail F-1720
Bred by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
Foaled June 20, 1956
- Dugan's Papoose F-2313 1958 mare
- Uncas's Diamond Jim F-3737 1960 stallion
- Drum's Little Roscoe F-4095 1961 stallion
- Rocking Y's Tommy Hawk 25670 [1962 stallion]
Cinco's Jim Thorpe stallion
Chestnut, roan over hips
(Van Horn Waggoner F-1700 x Cinco's Old Nacomis F-1718)
Bred by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
Foaled June 10, 1956
Shamut stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Indian Paintbrush F-1353 x Woivatois F-1461)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled August 1, 1956
Skiomah mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Indian Paintbrush F-1353 x Mohk sta Wo Ums Ta F-316)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled June 13, 1956
Ahnokit mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Indian Paintbrush F-1353x La Olla F-547)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled July 16, 1956
- Ahtena Chieftain F-3082 1960 stallion
Kachina mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Big Eye F-1575 x Gray Gale F-1504)
Bred by Ed Ward, Caldwell, Texas
- Fire Button 6018 1959 stallion
San Luis Dulcie mare
Red Roan-Leopard
(Saguache F-1051 x Spotted Lady F-809)
Bred by Logan Allen, Saguache, Colorado
Foaled May 24, 1956
- San Luis Horse F-3103 1959 stallion
- San Luis Curio F-3725 1961 mare
San Luis Buck stallion
Dun, spotted blanket
(Saguache F-1051x Antora F-815)
Bred by Logan Allen, Saguache, Colorado
Foaled May 11, 1956
- Buck's Pride 14249 or 14244 stallion
- San Luis DogF-3678 1959 stallion
- Buck's Little Whistle Britches 19963 (1961 mare)
- Miller's High Life 25142 [1962 stallion]
- Buck's Little Brave 25153 [1962 stallion]
- Buck's Spotted Warrior 25154 [1952 stallion]
Frosty H mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Harry Noble, Lorella, Oregon
Foaled 1946
Owned by Wayne Heard, Talent, Oregon
- Sis Q's Sacajawea F-2069 1953 mare
- Sis Q's Little Jackie F-2460 1959 stallion
- Squaw Cap F-3272 1955 mare
- Med O Penny F-4922 1961 mare
Cactus Kate B mare
Brown Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Ed Vaughn, Scenic, South Dakota
Foaled 1946
Owned by Louis Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
- Dakota Boy F-1764 1956 stallion
- Calico Joe F-1775 1954 stallion
- Chief Cactus F-1946 1957 stallion
- Simcoe's or Sarcee's Ditmar F-2930 1959 stallion
- Pretty Boy F-2258 1952 stallion
- Cactus Rose T-930 1955 mare
Calico Joe stallion
Brown, blanket
(Biltoft's Freckles F-1180 x Cactus Kate B F-1774)
Bred by Louis Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled July 4, 1954
- PVF's Joe Warrior F-2269 1958 stallion
- Hey Mr Joe M 1958 stallion
- Little By Joe M T-3948 1958 stallion
- Misfortune 7247 1958 mare
Biltoft's Stormy Weather stallion
Brown, white spots over hips
(Biltoft's Freckles F-1180 x Brownie F-1730)
Bred by Louis Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 2, 1955
- Stormy's Speckled Squaw 13114 mare
- Little Thunder 67605 1959 stallion
- Ruskin Doll 8150 1959 mare
- Stormy's Eagle 9604 1958 stallion
- Blue Weather 20064 [1959 mare]
- Red Cloud's Flashy Lady 23425 [1962 mare]
- Stormy Buck 24489 [1960 gelding]
- Loy's Domino 24491 [1961 stallion]
Blossom A mare
White, black spots over hips
(Ink Spots F-712 x Silver Queen A F-1698)
Bred by LR Alger, LaCrosse, Kansas
Foaled March 20, 1953
- Sir Kansas F-2182 1958 stallion
Chief Bandera stallion
Black Leopard
(Moroccan Leopard F-1472 x Little Red Chick F-1445)
Bred by Gus Oettermann, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled July 6, 1956
- Blue Bandera mare
- Miss Spring Time 8276 mare
- The Rebel Chief 21443 [1962 stallion]
- Nancy Bandera 23506 [1962 mare]
- Dottie Dott 23507 [1962 mare]
Squaw S mare
Black, snowflake
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Silver Lady F-1171)
Bred by Sandy Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 1951
Owned by Darrell Snow, Oshkosh, Nebraska
- Fancy Dan F-1783 1956 stallion
Miss Papoose mare
Brown, blanket
(Brown Eagle F-1497 x Midget B F-1402)
Bred by Darrell Snow, Oshkosh, Nebraska
Foaled May 29, 1956
Maumin McQue stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Pete McCue F-484 x Maumeen Tosteen F-394)
Bred by Lou Jain and Tom Duffy, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled May 24, 1956
Owned by WR Jacobs, Lewiston, Idaho
- Mau Mac F-3251 1959 stallion
El Wit Tit stallion
Brown, blanket
(Stranger F-951 x Palouse Queen F-283)
Bred by EM Copenspire, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled May 8, 1951
Owned by WR Jacobs, Lewiston, Idaho
- Peone's Peter Bob 32862 stallion
- Artesian Dandy Stranger F-2515 1958 stallion
- Chief Cowiche 8032 1958 stallion
- Candy's Sweet Bit 8033 1958 mare
- Wenonah Tempee 8034 1958 mare
- Chic's Rex 8035 1958 stallion
- Rex's Stardust 8036 1959 stallion
- Todd's Pepper 8230 1957 stallion
- Wenonah Maybee 21058 1960 mare

Fancy Dan stallion
Brown, blanket
(Brown Eagle F-1497 x Squaw S F-1779)
Bred by Darrell Snow, Oshkosh, Nebraska
Foaled May 30, 1956
- Steve Porta 10298 stallion
- Snyder Melody 53673 mare
- Don 20579 [1957 gelding]
Peter's Poca Dot mare
Dun, spotted blanket
(Peter K F-1054 x Denita)
Bred by John Taylor, Wolf Point, Montana
Foaled May 9, 1950
- The Viking K F-1852 19853 stallion
- Poca Laya F-1926 1955 mare
- Poca Wimpy F-1991 1957 stallion
- Poca Bee F-2008 1956 mare
Thunderbolt K mare
Brown Roan
(Peter K F-1054 x Taylor's Darky NQHBA 15930)
Bred by John Taylor, Wolf Point, Montana
Foaled July 17, 1949
- Taylor's Bell Hop F-1965 1957 stallion
- Glori Bee F-2007 1956 mare
- Jet Trail KH F-4267 1954 stallion
- Comanche K T-312 19153 stallion
- Nylon B T-793 1955 mare
Tigeress T mare
Black Leopard
(Desert Domino F-1117 x Goldsworthy F-131)
Bred by Victor Finck, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Foaled August 1, 1953
Owned by Harold Tyner, Tipton, Indiana
Cindy mare
Red Roan
(Mende's Red Feather F-1245 x Goldy F-1246)
Bred by John Mende, Plymouth, Michigan
Foaled June 10, 1950
Owned by Sylvia Coon, Detroit, Michigan
- Cinata T-2728 1956 mre
Speckel's Three Dot stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Speckel Boy F-262 x Flicka J F-1696)
Bred by James Wyatt, High River, Alberta, Canada
Foaled May 25, 1953

Little Man S stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Coeur d'Alene F-145 x Corky F-1201)
Bred by Ira Shaffer, Hillsboro, New Mexico
Foaled April 1, 1952
Owned by Pete Smith, Tatum, New Mexico
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-65:53, 1-66:51, 11-65:14, 12-65:58
- Little Girl B
- Little Rainy Man 45555 1964 stallion
- Little Misty Marvel 100419 stallion
- Al's Son of Little Man S F-3326 1960 stallion
- Calamity T F-3403 1958 mare
- Arapahoe Duchess F-4254 1961 mare
- CA Blue Chips CRHA 1124-T
- Chief of Black River 8071 (8079?) 1966 stallion
- Freckles Baby 5750 1958 mare
- Folakeche L 6140 1959 mare
- Little Miss Parsons CRHA 1357-Q 1966 mare
- OC's Little Wonder 23230 [1962 stallion]
- Arapahoe Countess 23547 [1962 mare]
Black Willow stallion
Blue Roan
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Pocatello Idaho F-1163)
Bred by Sandy Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled April 8, 1953
Owned by OJ Miller, Burris, Wyoming
- Torrington Sue 9594 1958 mare
- Teton's Rainbow 44037 stallion
- Glasgow's Blue Squaw 26952 mare
- Rosie Cool Water 5959 1957 mare
- Sunshine G 5961 1958 mare
- Skipity Scamp 8004 1956 stallion
- Coy's Little Bucko 9174 1956 mare
- Princess Wapato 20088 [1960 mare]
- Coy's Weeping Willow 20276 [1960 mare]
Maumin Kathy mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Blue Maumin F-1502 x Kathy F-895)
Bred by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Foaled June 17, 1954
- Toby II's Georgette F-3617 1961 mare
- KA's Plucky Bear 88921 stallion
Maumin Blue stallion
Black, spots over hips
(Blue Maumin F-1502 x Maggie F-732)
Bred by Ray Hatley, Deary, Idaho
Foaled June 1, 1954
Note: Not to be confused with Blue Maumin F-1502 : )
- Maumin Blue Boy F-2657 1957 stallion
- Maumin Lolo F-2864 1957 mare
Cherokee Lass mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 1948
Owned by Carl Harris, Lewiston, Idaho
- Blue Midnight F-1794 1957 mare
- Mighty Cimmeron F-1798 1955-1963 stallion
- Chief Smokey F-1808 1953 stallion
- Nez Perce Many Raindrops F-2025 mare
- Chief White Eagle of Green Stables F-2734 1959 stallion
- Cloud Red Snowdrop mare
- 3R Cherokee Lad [3R's Cherokee Lad] 99115 stallion
- Snowcap of Green Stables 37848 or 65964??
- Sandcloud of Green Stables stallion
- Snowdrop of Green Stables
- Smokey Blue of Green Stables
- Apache Moon River 64052
Blue Midnight mare
Blue Roan, white spots over hips
(Chief Eagle F-288 x Cherokee Lass F-1793)
Bred by Carl Harris, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled March 20, 1957
- Midnight Cowboy 131627
- Abadreau Chief Of Sourdough 20860 [1960 stallion] Sire: Apache of Green Stables T-3621

Sheikh with his dam.

Sheikh stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Borkaan AHC 1383 x Lady LuAyers F-1605)
Bred by Lew Ayers, Billings, Montana
Foaled May 15, 1949
Owned by LA Hammans, Shoshoni, Wyoming
Transferred from Tentative T-1
- Johnny Moccasin T-2018 1956 stallion
- Sheikh's Dany T-1260 1954 stallion
- Sheikh's Paint Brush F-4871 1958 stallion
- Crow Wing F-1922 1957 mare
- Osage Lady F-2046 1955 mare
- Tanka Tashunka F-2047 1957 stallion
- Fancy Britches F-2048 1955 mare
- Sheikh's Blue Earth F-2279 1958 stallion
- Little Badger F-2401 1956 stallion
- Olsen's Mayday F-2457 1958 mare
- Java Time F-3203 1960 mare
- Cherokee Nation F-3364 1960 stallion
- Sheikh's Oscar F-3365 1960 stallion
- Sheikh's Prairie Gold F-4206 1959 mare
- Sheikh's Fancy Britches F-4207 1961 stallion
- Sheikh's Blue Eagle F-4208 1961 stallion
- Buffalo Bill F-2277 1955 stallion
- Sheyenne F-2278 1958 stallion
- Sheikh's Itasca F-2281 1957 mare
- Sheikh's Sunflower F-2282 1958 mare
- Minnie Moons F-2299 1955 mare
- Cisco Skid Doo T-2051 1958 mare
- Sheikh's Warrior 18356 stallion
- Copy Cat T-773 1955 mare
- Sheikh Geronimo T-1256 1955 stallion
- Naneet T-1302 1956 mare
- Sheikh's Rainbow T-1468 1956 stallion
- Sheikh's Rimrock T-1469 1956 stallion
- Sheikh's Challenger T-1471 1956 stallion
- Sheikh's Squaw T-2050 mare
- Yellow Medicine T-2362 1957 stallion
- Amber's War Dance T-2982 1957 stallion
- Miss Edmore T-3890 1951 mare
- Missoula Dixon T-4612 1955 stallion
- Missoula Round Butte 7541 1955 stallion
- Lightening Bug 20384 [1960 mare]
- Patchie 22548 [1961 stallion]
Appaloosa Mama mare
Blue Roan/Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1947
Owned by Louis Hill, Houston, Texas
- K's Zee F-1806 1956 mare
- Tattoo F-1863 1954 stallion
- Little Gem F-1891 1955 stallion
- Lolita H F-2817 1958 mare
- Iodine Girl F-3983 1960 mare
Patches S mare
Black, blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1943
Owned by Darrell Snow, Oshkosh, Nebraska
- Mona Liza F-1801 1955 mare
- Silent Sam F-1802 1956 stallion
- Nugget S F-1953 1957 stallion
- Tonka HR F-2396 1958 mare
Mighty Cimmeron stallion
Dun, spotted blanket
(Chief Eagle F-288 x Cherokee Lass F-1793)
Bred by Carl Harris Sr, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled May 28, 1955
Owned by LR Alger, LaCrosse, Kansas

Simcoe's Valentine mare
Bay, blanket
(Polar Star the Second F-1554 x Cheeta's Chekola F-1517)
Bred by Grace and Martin Forry, Goldendale, Washington
Foaled February 14, 1957
Reference: Appaloosa News 10-65:116
- Ulmer's Rico Alkhar F-3000 1960 stallion
- Ulmer's C Twenty One F-3673 1961 stallion
- Mac's Mijji CRHA 3161-N 1974 mare
- Ulmer's Dove Alkhar 57443 mare
El Dorado stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Eltonga F-331 x Appaloosa Gal F-175)
Bred by Ken Purcell, Delphi, Indiana
Foaled April 9, 1951
Owned by Frederick Olds, Warsaw, Indiana
- Skeeter Babe F-2509 1958 mare
- Tin Star F-4317 1958 stallion
- El Dorado's Dandy Boy 11895 stallion
- El Viajero T 5788 1959 stallion
- Desert Fawn 6888 1959 mare
- El Dorado's Pocatella 20956 [1961 mare]
- El DoradoÕs Little Jo B 21256 [1958 mare]
- El DoradoÕs Buck O 21257 [1961 stallion] Dam: El DoradoÕs Little Jo B 21256
- Meadow Squaw 22896 [1960 mare]
- Sioux 23531 [1960 mare]
- Eldo Lynn 25214 [1962 mare]
#1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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This page last updated November 2023.