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Welcome to "Appaloosa Territory"
a celebration of Appaloosa* horses.

Gone but not forgotten...
I'm It N That's That 545320
More about "Scottie"
Appaloosa Territory offers the following:
- "F-" A complete [1-4932] numerical list of Foundation Appaloosas registered with the Appaloosa Horse Club with the "F" prefix . Some photos included. Offspring lists have been/are being added as time permits. Most likely the lists are Not complete. Any additions/corrections would be most appreciated. [Updated from time to time.]
- "T-" The first 26000 ApHC Tentative registered Appaloosas are listed numerically. (Partial Alphabetical list here.) More are added as time permits. Sire, dam, color, foal date, breeder and some photos included. [Updated March 2025.]
- More "T's" - Another project: listing registered ApHC Appaloosas beyond the printed studbooks - those beyond 279999 - on which I have "some" information. Pages available from Registration #280000 to #400000. Page 1: 280,000-282,000 [A complete list of pages is located on the Site Index page.] [January 2025]
- "PC" -A partial listing of the 8176 PC (Pedigree Certificate) horses on which there is some information available. A special thanks to Patricia Hugot for sharing her list of PC horses. A complete list of PC pages is located on the Site Index 1 page. Additions to the list most appreciated - and someone 'out there' might enjoy your sharing of Appaloosa information. [Updated from time to time.]
- "ID" - A special thanks to Patricia Hugot for sharing her list of ID (Identification Certificate) horses, which has vastly increased our knowledge. Thanks to Bonnie Newitt, Sherry Byrd, and Jen Knutson (pedigree.appj) there are now more "complete" entries on the ID pages - from 1 to 17052. A complete list of ID pages is located on the Site Index 1 page. As always, additions to the list very much appreciated. [Updated thanks to Sherry Byrd's research materials. ~November 2021]
- "SBC" - Sundance Bloodline Certificate The first 1200 registered with the Sundance 500 International, listed numerically. [September 2021]
- A photo page of pre-registry Appaloosas is available. Many more have been added thanks to Bonnie Newitt.
- "CRHA -"
The Colorado Rangerbred listing is complete - except for "*spots" of missing information. Any and all help in filling in the holes would be appreciated by me, and perhaps others looking for that info.
The 30 NR Rangerbreds are also listed.
Information included if known: Sire, dam, color, foal date, breeder/owner, and some photos included. [Lots of scanning to do yet.]
*Areas of no info : part of the 5001-5100, most of 6601-7100, and anything registered after 7359. [Help!]
[Am finding numerous errors in the CRHA studbook - please advise if you find any mistakes...I know I didn't notice all of them : ( ] - "ApHCC -" The first 3300 Canadian Appaloosas, registered with the Appaloosa Horse Club of Canada, are listed numerically. [October 2021]
- "FAHR" Registrations 1 -1138 registered with the Foundation Appaloosa Horse Registry. Page 1 [August 2024]
- Alphabetical listing of individual Appaloosa's pages on AT.
- What's New:
Article on Paisaro's War Bonnet by Sherry Byrd.