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Colorado Rangerbreds/Lost Rangerbreds
The 20 NR 'Lost' Rangerbreds listed in the first CRHA Studbook.

A little bit of background on lost Rangerbreds written by Sherry Byrd, Rangerbred Researcher.
Many early Rangerbreds were sold throughout the U.S., only to become "lost". New owners maynot have been interested in registration papers, or in the CRHA registry, and neglected the papers and their importance.
Also, for many years CRHA had a limited membership, that allowed only so many members in the organization. Often a new CRHA horse owner could not becoma a member of CRHA, and felt that the CRHA papers with his/her new horse had no use.
Prior to the formation of the ApHC in 1938, registered CRHA horses were being sold throughout the U.S. Of course there were the unregistered ones as well. There are records of sales prior to 1938 to KY, TX, NM, WYO, ID, ORE, NEB, ND, OK, ILL, AZ and MO by King K Parsons. Parsons also made sales to Canada, and claims to have sold horses to Mexico. Of course not all of Parsons' sales were recorded, and many of those horses and pedigrees became lost after the sales. Some may well have been sold without being registered (see list below), and some were sold as registered but were not CRHA bred (Barrendo Red).
In the early years of the ApHC, CRHA records also show sales of KKP Rangerbreds to MT, NEV, NC, UT, IN, ORE, KAN, as well as WYO, COL, NEB, TX, ND.
During the early years of the growing ApHC, western ranches often sold truckloads of horses from their range throughout the country, often Appaloosas were among the loads. Many of the early ApHC breeders east of the Mississippi got their start with Appaloosas from a 'truckload sale'. A.L. Stump was one of those. Bud Drape, Appaloosa and POA breeder got his leopard stallion Dude Dandy Sr from a 'truckload sale'. There were at least 2 truckloads of horses that went to CAL, according to the Knisleys.
When the ApHC tried to absorb the CRHA horses, as they felt CRHA was a threat to the growing ApHC, and failed, the ApHC then started weeding out the CRHA horses in applicant's pedigrees. The ApHC refused to acknowledge CRHA registrations in the pedigrees, and would list the horses as being "unregistered, therefore losing the CRHA connection and making the horse(s) in question 'grades' in the ApHC records. Some horses had their names changed in order to get ApHC papers.Sometimes foaling dates were changed in order to help disguise a CRHA horse for ApHC registration.
Below is the list of unregistered CRHA horses that was published in the 1st Rangerbred Stud Book.
NR 1-P/ApHC 9206
Traveler's Bailey stallion
Buckskin, spotted blanket
(Yellowstone Traveler 315/F-1987 x Red Sue [Remount] 35741 )
Bred by David Ruby, Louisville, Colorado
Foaled 1959
NR 2-P/ApHC F-1297
Chi mare
Spotted blanket
(Rincon Buck 287/F-769 x Chicha F-663)
Bred by Dub McQueen, Hamilton Dome, Wyoming
Foaled 1950

NR 3-P/ApHC F-1654
Snowdrift stallion
Black leopard
(Starbuck Ranger 205/F-649 x Silverado 318/F-651)
Bred Roy Gray, Akron, Colorado
Foaled 1949
Source: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:3
NR 4-R/ApHC F-2776
Apache War Smoke stallion
White, black spots over hips
(Snowdrift NR 3-P/F-1654 x Zephyr/Zepher)
Bred by Helen Berres, Lorreto, Minnesota
Foaled 1952
Source: Western Horsemen 3-54:letters from readers, CRHA Bloodhorse V6:3

NR 5-R/ApHC F-2215
Prince Valiant stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Pablo F-267 x Chi NR 2-P/F-1297)
Bred by Nate Brown, Grass Creek, Wyoming
Foaled 1958
Source: Appaloosa News 2-65:97, CRHA Bloodhorse V6:1
NR 6-H/ApHC F-2174
Yegua Squaw mare
(Starbuck Ranger 205-N/F-649 x Appaloosa)
Bred by Roy Gray, Akron, Colorado
Foaled 1950
NR 7-P/ApHC T-2441
Cricket/Cricket H [ApHC] mare
Blue Roan, dark spots over hips
(Ranger King 161-K x May Belle 213-R)
Bred by Wineglass Horse Ranch, Boulder, Colorado [per ApHC]
Foaled 1944

NR 8-R/ApHC F-2541
Tomahawk H stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Osage Flash F-2021 x Cricket NR 7-P/T-2441)
Bred by JO Southard Jr, Waverly, Kansas
Foaled 1956
Source: Appaloosa News 3-64:C2, 8-63:53, 4-65:10, Dec61:9
NR 9-P/ApHC F-1296
Ticket II mare
Blue roan, spots over hips
(Rincon Buck 287/F-769 x Ticket F-667)
Bred by Dub McQueen, Hamilton Dome, Wyoming
Foaled 1950
NR 10-R/ApHC F-1512
Tizzy mare
Blue roan, white spots over hips
(Nighthawk F-1298 x Ticket II NR 9-P/F-1296)
Bred by Dub McQueen, Hamilton Dome, Wyoming
Foaled 1953
NR 11-P/F-2195
Freckles R mare
Blue roan, snowflakes
(Pablo F-267 x Tizzy NR 10-R/F-1512)
Bred by Nate Brown, Thermopolis, Wyoming
Foaled 1958
NR 12-J and 102-K
Sparkle II mare
Sorrel and white
(Bob 6 x Snowball)
Bred by Mike Ruby, Thurman, Colorado
Foaled 1934
NR 13-N
Nell mare
(Max 3-Z x Sukey)
Bred by Mike Ruby, Thurman, Colorado
Foaled ----
NR 14-R
Lady mare
(Max 3-Z x Maud)
Bred by JD Poole, Cope, Colorado
Foaled ----
NR 15-N
Jennie mare
(Max 3-Z x unknown)
Bred by JD Poole, Cope, Colorado
Foaled ----
NR 16-J
Colorado Buster stallion
(Sago Wolf 70-N x June)
Foaled ----
Bred by Mike Ruby, Thurman, Colorado
NR 17-R
Enderson Leopard stallion
(Polar Bear 19-N x Lauita)
Bred by RR Lucore, Arriba, Colorado
Foaled ----
NR 18-L
Polar Bear II stallion
Black leopard
(Polar Bear 19-N x Foxy II 97-J)
Foaled ----
Bred by Mike Ruby, Thurman, Colorado
NR 19-Z
Spotte stallion
Red leopard
(Imported Barb x Hall mare)
Owned by WR Thompson Cattle Company, Colorado
Foaled ----
Imported 1918
NR 20-J
Palomino mare
(Purple 5-P x grey mare)
Bred by Bergil Harr, De Nova, Colorado
Foaled ----
NR 21-R
King B stallion
(Max 2-Z x Toots)
Bred by CW Hausenetter, Siebert, Colorado
Foaled ----
NR 22-H
Lep III stallion
(Silver Leopard 64-J x Saddie)
Bred by George Hill, Joes, Colorado
Foaled ----
NR 23-L
Trail Boss stallion
Black leopard
(Sage Dog 288-R x Skylark)
Bred by Wineglass Ranch, Boulder, Colorado
Foaled 1949
NR 24-J/ApHC T-1452
Gypsy Traveler mare
Bay blanket
(Yellowstone Traveler 315-R/F-1987 x Ginger)
Bred by Mrs H Johnson, La Porte, Colorado
Foaled 1956
NR 25-N/ApHC F-3458
HW Little One mare
Red roan, white spots over hips
(Granite Canyon 344-R/F-2049 x Annie Davis Appaloosa)
Bred by AJ Vonvill, Livermore, Colorado
Foaled 1952
NR 26-L/ApHC F-1201
Corky mare
Dun, spotted blanket
(Red Fox 262-J x Minnie Mouse F-1205)
Bred by OJ Shaffer, El Paso, Texas
Foaled 1948
NR 27-R/ApHC T-2997
Miro's Cookie mare
Roan, light over hips
(Lucky Ribbons NQH x Silver Lady II 156-P)
Foaled 1951
Bred by George Jackett, Geona, Colorado
NR 28-P/ApHC F-3330
Stine's Midnight Traveler stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Yellowstone Traveler 315-R/F-1987 x Midnight Surprise F-2878)
Foaled 1958
Bred by David Ruby, Louisville, Colorado
NR 29-H
Silver's Chief stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Silver Leopard II 248-N x Bunny)
Foaled 1956
Bred by Pete Pace, Pinon, Colorado

NR 30-L/ApHC T-882
Tejas Punto stallion
(Choya 357-V/F-1951 x Dusty)
Bred by Jim Atkinson, Kenedy, Texas
Foaled 1955
Source: Appaloosa News Mar-Apr58:9, Sep-Oct58:6, Nov-Dec58:8, Mar-Apr60:68, May-Jun60:54, Jul60:36, Jan61:7(article), Aug61:32, Feb62:49, CRHA Bloodhorse V6:59
NR 31/15034
Miss Skeeter mare
Bred by ?
Foaled ----
Dam of Miss Sugar Plum 866-L/51320
NR 32
VohnÕs Traveler mare
Bred by ?
Foaled ----
Dam of CatÕs Kitten 867-P/71989
NR 33/T-1848
Poko Princess mare
(Silver Leopard II 248-N/T-1554 x Pokohauntus T-1850)
Bred by LR Kelley, Limon, Colorado
Foaled 1957
Dam of Miss Sundae Sheik 868-P/46403
NR 35/28728
Black Mary mare
(Choya 357-V/F-1951 x Baker mare)
Bred by Marion Atkinson, Kenedy, Texas
Foaled 1957
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#7201-7300, #7301-7400
ApHC "F":
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This page last updated March 2021. Originally published 2018.