Appaloosa Territory
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This page is an alterative/supplement to the "Article Index Page" because it is unwieldly. : (
The original Article Index Page will remain, and be the source for the "stud book" listings: Foundation, Tentative, PC, ID, Pre-registry, CRHA, ApHCC, Exports [Australia/New Zealand], and Photo Gallery pages.
On this page there will be five separate sections - each an alphabetical list - shown below:
- Individual Appaloosas who have their own 'page', listed alphabetically with photos, articles, lists of offspring, - rather than a 'studbook' type listing
- Individual breeders/farms/ranches: alphabetical list of breeders/farms/ranches on which some information is presented
- Championships: National/World/GEAR
- Articles/Research/opinion pieces
- Appaloosa "Stuff": Characteristics, Spots, Color Changes, From 2 "quarters", Paintings
And, there is always the Google search bar: one located at the top of this page, and one at the top of the Article Index Page.
Hope this helps. BTW, if you find any errors, notification would be appreciated! : ) ~AT
Contact Appaloosa Territory
Individual Appaloosas
- A Coyote Fourmile 392561 [January 2021]
- All Spice 29487/CRHA 488 - Rangerbred deluxe [April 2021]
- Apache Double 134886 - Apache bred
- Apache Polar Star 341619 - bred by Frank Scripter.
- Bear Paw's High Society 117973 by Sherry Byrd
- Big John's Domino 16388 - Mansfield Comanche bred
- BimboÕs Red Rooster 12793 [September 2022]
- Black Leopard F-1569 - Sundance bred
- Bo Mar's Jo Star F-4829
- Brent Lea 49538 - Sundance bred
- Bright Eyes Brother F-3047
- Burnside's David M 20411 - Argentine
- Buttons B F-1681 - Mansfield Comanche bred
- Caliente's Baldy 50249
- Candy Mitakoza 602870
- Cedar Ridge Spot 305895
- Cheetah F-125
- Cherokee Red Rex F-3487
- Cherokee Sundance 159827
- Chief Navajo F-1970
- Chief Spotted Tail F-1979
- Coinage 235212
- Cojo Rojo 10535
- Colida 7681
- Comanche's Equal T-3231 - Mansfield Comanche bred
- Copper Dollar see WM's Copper Dollar F-3187 below
- Coyote's Apache 199680
- Crow F-4625
- D Hustle 218881
- Daddy O T-4859 - Sundance bred
- Dilly A T-542 [September 2021]
- Double Six Domino F-2646 - Mansfield Comanche bred
- Dragon POA 103 [September 2020]
- Dreamfinder 407333
- Dun Roven Chelsea 235809 [January 2020]
- El Morrocco F-18
- FM Walkara Z 243102
- Foggy Star 6563 [Wego Melody 27853]
- Goer 180530
- Hayes Progress T-3824 The Sooner Regional Appaloosa Horse Club NL: article and photos. pp32-33
- High Hand F-3366 [July 2019]
- High Thunderbird F-1822/CRHA 683-R [April 2021]
- Holy K Smoke 142205
- I'm It N That's That 545320 [September 2023]
- Joker B F-678
- Joker Red Boy 112746 A-263 aus [May 2021]
- Joseph Plains 363557
- Kadoka Storm 44608
- Kemo's Fire Shadow 341774
- King Plaudit 55157
- Kline's Prince 314689
- Light Snow 655696
- Little Navajo Zip 105581
- Lula Belle T-3935
- Machacha F-2581
- Mansfield's Comanche F-3096
- Midas Britches 57120
- Money Creek's Ambition F-4278
- Money Creek's Rockledge F-4092 [July 2020]
- Nansel's Chocolate Sunday 10056
- Navajo Britches F-2709
- Navajo's Candy 85389
- Oxburn's Doe Boy 94414 - Argentine
- Paisano F-1023
- Paisaro's War Bonnet F-2721
- Patchy Jr F-1380 - Sundance bred
- Patchy Yamini F-1907 - Sundance bred
- Pepper's Shamrock F-4090
- Prince Plaudit 55156
- Quanah F-706
- Randall's Silver F-841
- Red Eagle's Peacock F-1476
- Revel Junior F-1728
- Riley's Purple Doll F-3156 [Feb 2021]
- Shavano F-1679 - Sundance bred
- Shavano Frosty's Domino II 31658 - Sundance bred
- Shavano's Pride 29224 - Sundance bred
- Shavano's Quanah 503403
- Shavanot 24233 - Sundance bred
- Silver King CRHA 135-P/White Chief ApHCC 36
- Silver Leopard CRHA 64-J
- Simcoe's Sarcee F-1634
- Starbuck Leopard
- Stardance F-1399 - Sundance bred
- Sully horses - a sampling : )
- Sundance F-500
- T Jewel's Red Bird 21844
- Tai Pan of AA 68532 - Mansfield Comanche bred
- The Executive 183779
- Tico Tornado 22692
- Ulrich's Jasper 467679
- Ulrich's Kingpin 458275 >
- Ulrich's Papillon 381053
- Wapiti 5445
- Warrior Leopard F-3954 - Sundance bred
- Whistle Britches F-2492 - Mansfield Comanche bred
- White Chief ApHCC 36/Silver King CRHA 153-P
- White Mt Moonshine 689458
- Willow Creek
- WM's Copper Dollar F-3187
- Woodrow Sheik F-502 - Sundance bred
Individual Farms, Ranches, Breeders
- Anpetuwi Farm [Kathy Maynard] breeder from Vermont
- Argentine Appaloosas
- Bales, Rex, breeder from Iowa. Research/article by Sherry Byrd
- Brindabella Farm breeder in Missouri
- Buckhorn Ranch breeder from Colorado
- Finck Appaloosas/Rangerbreds [April 2021]
- Firefly Manor breeder from Maryland
- Foster, Dick, rancher from Nebraska
- Idalou Stock Farm, British Columbia
- Kline, Roy breeder from Pennsylvania and photos
- Lenape Appaloosa program, owned by D.E. Henderson of Perkasie, Pennsylvania. Research/article by Sherry Byrd
- Llano Appaloosas breeder from Texas
- Malaga Appaloosa program, Washington state in the 70s. Research/article by Sherry Byrd
- Sauer, Les breeder from the Northwest
- Scripter, Frank breeder from Michigan
- Stocker, Friedrich breeder from Austria
- Timberline Stock Ranch, breeder from Montana
- Werder Appaloosas, breeder from Missouri
- Wild Wish Farm [Lois Williams] breeder from New York
Articles/Research papers
- Accent on Spots by Mary Hare
- Asking About Atlantic by Sherry Byrd
- Checking Out Cherokee by Sherry Byrd
- Don't Throw It Away by Alden See Appaloosa News June 1968 [posted September 2021]
- Mexican In The Mix by Sherry Byrd
- Misc Historical articles
- Misc historical opinions
- Paint Taint by Sherry Byrd
- Peggy Davis, the famous rider in the iconic Sundance rearing photo
- Ten Who Shaped the Breed by Sue McGriff
Appaloosa Stuff
- Appaloosa Characteristics
- Appaloosa Paintings
- Appaloosa Spots
- Appaloosas from "Quarters"
- Color changes from aging
- Wild Patterns
- Books About Appaloosas
Informational Appaloosa Websites
This page posted June 2019. Updated February 2025