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Foundation Appaloosas
F-1401 to F-1500

Fancy Pants mare
Red Roan, white spots over hips
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Shiek's Beauty F-722)
Bred by Louie Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 25, 1951
- Snow's Chico Tom F-4465 (1959)
Midget B mare?
Red Roan
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Midge F-758)
Bred by Louie Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 10, 1950
- Fan Tail K (Sire: Ace F-2084)
Bonnie Blue mare
White, black spots over hips
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Silver Lady F-1171)
Bred by Louie Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 23, 1950
- Comanche Blue F-2551 (1958)
- Blue Cloud N F-2829 (1959)
Duster stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Pine Ridge Lady F-1176)
Bred by Louie Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 30, 1952
- Mr Cayuse Golden Hoof F-1981 (1956)
- Oswego Lad F-2797 (1957)
- Chief White Eagle F-2989 (1958)
- Travois of Horseshoe Hill F-3010 (1958)
Beauty Girl mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Chief Storm Cloud F-263 x Iron Clouds Squaw F-1068)
Bred by LJ Neff, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 2, 1951
Owned by Louie and Faye Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
- Mr Cayuse Golden Hoof F-1981 (1956)
- Oswego Lad F-2797 (1957)
- Travois of Horseshoe Hill F-3010 (1958)
- Dawn's Foxfire F-4181
Orphan Annie mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Rubicon F-403 x Fanfare F-411)
Bred by Rife and Stegner, Chico, California
Foaled May 2, 1952
Owned by RG Vanatta, Chico, California
- Dusky Squaw Patch F-3374 (1960)
- Annie's Paleface F-3538 (1957)
Grey Buck stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Rubicon F-403 x Chypre F-1232)
Bred by Rife and Stegner, Chico, California
Foaled June 2, 1952
Owned by Earl Vanatta, Chico, California
Chicha II mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Easter Egg F-381 x Chicha F-663)
Bred by Dub McQueen, Hamilton Dome, Wyoming
Foaled May 10, 1952
- A Two F-1542 (1954)
Timber Trail stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Friday the 13th F-328 x Gypsy Queen F-422)
Bred by Diane Pratt, Portland, Oregon
Foaled April 22, 1952
Hoo Doo stallion
Blue Roan
(Chief Spokane Garry F-447 x Bird Woman F-873)
Bred by Jens Andersen, Browning, Montana
Foaled May 13, 1952
Dunez mare
Dun, white and brown spots over hips
Ferras AHC 922 x Painter's Marvel F-47)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Pamona, California
Foaled April 28, 1951
- Tumalo Painter 35448 (1963)
- Eagle Dollar F-1536 (1954)
- Peacock's Blondy F-2451 (1959)
- Peacock's Darky 46372 [per Appaloosa News 6-82:85]
- Tumalo Marvel 45753 [per Appaloosa News 6-82:85]
- Tumalo Printer 54873 [per Appaloosa News 6-82:85]
- Tumalo Traveler 83302 [per Appaloosa News 6-82:85]
- Tumalette 213905 [per Appaloosa News 6-82:85]
- Rebel's Turk 245379[per Appaloosa News 6-82:85]
Eagleflight stallion
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Spotted Eagle F-208 x Princess Beryl F-85)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Pamona, California
Foaled May 27, 1952
Eaglette mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Spotted Eagle F-208 x Painter's Marvel F-47)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Pamona, California
Foaled June 5, 1952
- Rustem's Rakush F-2012 (1958)
- Ired's Pasha F-3163 (1959)
- Rustem Hawkins F-3891 (1961)
- RH Batchica (Batchicka?)
Eagle Claw stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Red Eagle F-209 x Loyette F-479)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Pamona, California
Foaled July 1, 1952
Cochise stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Sky Eagle F-684 x Cyrilla F-683)
Bred by Martin Hohmann, Houston, Texas
Foaled March 12, 1952
References: Appaloosa News ?1-70:120, ?11-70:86, 9-65:32, 11-65:78
- Co Que 13459
- Tok A Poke F-1972 (1957)
- Carroll's Peppermint 22502 [1962 stallion]
Chica Linda mare
Red Leopard
(Arlan AHC 2260 x Margo F-15)
Bred by Sunnybrook Stock Ranch, Chattaroy, Washington
Foaled June 26, 1946
Owned by Mrs CA Schmidt, Chattaroy, Washington
Morgan's Papyrus mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Leopard Cortez F-1072 x Tangerine F-1073)
Bred by Dan Morgan, Billings, Montana
Foaled May 16, 1950
- Squalicum Freckls F-1526 (1954)
- Tok A Poke F-1972 (1957)
- Wiley's Mt Baker Domino F-1616 (1955)
- Toby II's patchy's Butterfly F-2114 (1957)
- Toby II's Patchy Sundance F-3421 (1960)
Morgan's Granada stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Leopard Cortez F-1072 x Morgan's Dotty F-1075)
Bred by Dan Morgan, Billings, Montana
Foaled April 19, 1951
- Renner's Paladin 13968
- Granada Lava Lad 8832
- Sundance Granado 24309 [1962 stallion]
- Granado's Chico 25437 [1961 stallion]
Flashy stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Lutaf AHC 2590 x Miss Punky F-1266)
Bred by Lowell Yohn, Mason City, Nebraska
Foaled May 5, 1949
- Pinky's Skipper F-1606 (1954)
- Copper Kettle F-1910 (1955)
- Chief Flashy F-1985 (1957)
- The Deuce F-2331 (1953)
- Flashing Fire F-2385 (1958)
- Dixie Cup F-3641 (1958)
- Elkhorn Drifter T-4966
- Flashy's Toy T-2309 (1957)
- Peterson's Morning Star T-3504 (1956)
- Danelia Daze 19947 (1960 mare)
- BB Pancho 25940 [1960 stallion]
Copper Clad colt?
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Yohn's Bell Boy F-900 x Pinky F-725)
Bred by Lowell Yohn, Mason City, Nebraska
Foaled May 15, 1952
Koko Moe mare
Black, snowflake
(Chief Buck F-495 x Toots Snowflake F-490)
Bred by Mrs AW Hanson, Pleasant Lake, North Dakota
Foaled April 11, 1950
- Kokoma Dan 24587 [1961 stallion]
Cinder Ella mare
Black, snowflake
(Flash F-12 x Toots Snowflake F-490)
Bred by Mrs AW Hanson, Pleasant Lake, North Dakota
Foaled April 17, 1949
Cloudy Day mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Himalaya AHC 3117 x Winona F-268)
Bred by Mrs AW Hanson, Pleasant Lake, North Dakota
Foaled May 6, 1951
- Chub's Spotted Cloud 54155
Oswego Jewel mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Nasit AHC 5519 x Winona F-268)
Bred by Mrs AW Hanson, Pleasant Lake, North Dakota
Foaled May 30, 1952
- Cuchara Top Hand F-3734 (1961)
Daisy Warrior mare
Blue Roan
(Chief Spokane Garry F-447 x Greta Warrior F-835)
Bred by WK Helgesen, Turner, Montana
Foaled May 25, 1952
Patrick Warrior gelding
Red (Bay?) Roan-Leopard
(Chief Spokane Garry F-447 x May Warrior F-836)
Bred by WK Helgesen, Turner, Montana
Foaled May 12, 1952
Nish I No Mah mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Zik AHC 2056 x El Roto Cuero F-546)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled May 3, 1952
Thunder's Chick mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Thunder Britches F-1261 x Chica Linda F-1416)
Bred by Sunnybrook Stock Farm, Chattaroy, Washington
Foaled April 19, 1952
- Dotty Chick 23559 (1960 mare)
- Slick Chick F-1741 (1956)
- Mis Tango F-2465 (1957)
- SSR's Chickadee F-2720 (1959)
- Chiffon F-4120 (1961)
- Ka Mi Akin F-2230 (1958)
Mount Baldy's Shawnee mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Toby I F-203 x Gypsy Lee F-891)
Bred by Harold Tibbs, Sand Point, Idaho
Foaled May 13, 1952
Owned by JR Worthington, Spokane, Washington
- Rogella's Miss Cherokee F-2814 (1958)
- Rogella Cheyenne F-2409 (1957)
- Rogella Shawnee's Pawnee F-2844 (1960)
- Roger's Holy Mackerel F-3652 (1961)
- Roger's Holy Toledo 42839

Comanche Robin stallion
Chestnut, blanket
(Silver Dandy F-460x Lelanie F-1253)
Bred by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled May 22, 1952
Owned by Mrs EP Barnett, Lenore, Idaho
- Shoofly's Comanche 21707 [1961 stallion]
- Taft Red Man F-1888 (1957)
- Ilak F-1929 (1957)
- Fuzzy Butt F-1961 (1956)
- Fancy Pants P F-1962 (1957)
- Willamette's Apache Gay F-2018 (1958)
- Cherokee Jo F-2134 (1957)
- Cherokee Ann F-2135 (1956)
- Robin's Cochise F-2153 (1955)
- Spangles' Robin F-4106 (1957)
- Ti Mo Ke F-4660 (1957)
- Robin's Lassie 31241
- Willamette's Comanche K T-2733 (1957)
- Taft's Dr Jacob T-2104
- Stormy Comanche T-3160 (1958)
- Comanche's Dream Girl T-3633 (1958)
- Star Fire Beauty T-3666 (1958)
- Centurian Ginger Robin [allbreed]
- Comanche Prince 20623 [1959 stallion]
- RobinŐs Owyhee Brave 21039 [1957 stallion]
- Ginger's Robin 21506 [1959 gelding]
- Robin's Ten Spot 21705 [1958 stallion]
- Robin's Eagle 21706 [1960 stallion]
- Comanche's Fawn 23698 [1959 mare]
- Comanche Sugar 24730 [1961 mare]
- Robin's Dandy 24731 [1958 mare]
- Robinette RG 24732 [1962 mare]
- Comanche Robinett 25853 [1960 mare]
Morgan's Matador stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Leopard Cortez F-1072 x Butterfly F-1077)
Bred by Dan Morgan, Billings, Montana
Foaled May 22, 1951
- 23 Bay Ann ID 4455
- Matador's Chip F-3023 (1960)
- Tina Cortez 126257
- Walker's Cindy Cee 24461 [1962 mare]
Leopard's Charm mare
Bay, bay and white spots over hips
(Morgan's Leopard F-437 x Butterfly F-1077)
Bred by Dan Morgan, Billings, Montana
Foaled May 21, 1948
- Leopard's Butterfly F-1433 (1952)
- Sabre F-2368 (1958)
- Morgan's Pompom F-3578 (1960)
Leopard's Butterfly mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Leopard Cortez F-1072 x Leopard's Charm F-1432)
Bred by Dan Morgan, Billings, Montana
Foaled June 26, 1952
Prairie Chief gelding
Black, spotted blanket
(Caesar F-813 x Lady Appa F-812)
Bred by Heuermann Bros, Phillips, Nebraska
Foaled July 31, 1952
Apache Sue mare
(Rocking Chair Kiowa F-588 x Rocking Chair Chocolate F-572)
Bred by Merlin Archer, Pine, Colorado
Foaled April 3, 1952
Owned by Jacqueline Capps, Morrison, Colorado

Black Pepper stallion
Brown, white and dark spots over hips
(Tony Boy F-1108 x Freckles Honey F-945)
Bred by Thomas Gladwill, San Bernardino, California
Foaled April 22, 1952
Owned by Bonita Hawkins, Riverside, California
- Tonka's Mosaico F-4199 (1956)
- Rojo Mosaico F-4200 (1959)
- Negro Mosaico F-4201 (1959)
- War Council L T-2821 (1956)

Red Pepper stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Tony Boy F-1108 x Dutchess F-1110)
Bred by Mr and Mrs Rhoma Cox, Riverside, California
Foaled February 17, 1949
Owned by Robert Hawkins, Riverside, California
Reference: Appaloosa News 11/12-57:12; 9/10-57:8
- Ace O Diamonds F-1534 (1954)
- Pima Princess F-1535 (1954)
- Robie Cleigh F-1585 (1955)
- Queen Pima F-1598 (1955)
- Belle Pepper F-1709 (1955)
- Pepper's Silver Tip F-1824 (1957)
- Honey Bee F-1870 (1954)
- Baby Blue F-1871 (1955)
- Rustem's Rakush F-2012 (1958)
- Viva Tejas F-2128 (1958)
- RH Taquitz F-2443 (1959)
- Pepper's Papoose T-3631 (1958)
- RH Kodapen F-2765 (1959)
- RH Marvel II F-3017 (1960)
- Ired's Pasha F-3163 (1959)
- Rustem Hawkins F-3891 (1961)
- Princess Naida T-1094 (1955)
- Pepper's Missle 8937 (1960)
- Pepper's Prince Chipper 5324 ----
- Piute's Papoose 23819 [1962 mare]
- Mizpah's Pepper's Nehaksi 25828 [1959 stallion]
Kootenai Blizzard stallion
Black, snowflake
(Medicine Man F-186 x Sachet F-800)
Bred by Nellie LeNoir, Los Angeles, California
Foaled April 20, 1952
Owned by Margaret Crane, Lone Pine, California
- Johnny Cottontail 33508
- Chief Asawaki 21263 [1959 stallion]
- Rival Fire 21493 [1960 stallion]
- Blizzard Mist 22526 [1960 mare]

Toby II's Patchy stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Toby II F-113 x Kathy F-895)
Bred by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Foaled May 17, 1952
References: Appaloosa News 1-65:35, 5-65:61
- Dartag'non 294406 (1978)
- RO Poco Patch 33433
- Wiley's Mt Baker Domino F-1616 (1955)
- Wiley's Mt Baker Nell F-1617 (1955)
- Freckle's Keeko F-1624 (1955)
- Toby II's Patchy's Butterfly F-2114 (1957)
- Toby II's Patchy Cochise F-2115 (1957)
- Toby II's Patchy's Flicka F-2123 (1958)
- Wiley's My Baker Ned F-2146 (1956)
- Toby II's Patchy Sundance F-3421 (1960)
- Toby II's Patchy's Star F-3422 (1960)
- Lady K 77105 (1964)
- Flying Diamond's Ollie 38290
- Duke of Clarno 355525?
- Patchy's Thing 277726
- Toby II's Patchy's Princess T-3500 (1958)
Buttermilk mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Rafflow AHC 2407x Tobianna F-350)
Bred by Meriem Anderson, Eureka, Kansas
Foaled June 11, 1951
Apache D stallion
Chestnut, roan over hips
(Apache F-730 x La Vender III F-1321)
Bred by Donald Merrill, Burley, Idaho
Foaled April 27, 1953
Chief Siskiyou stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Bub F-1293 x Siskiyou F-939)
Bred by Fay Hanson, Willows, California
Foaled April 21, 1953
- Sierra Smokey F-3085 (1959)
- Candy Pride F-3988 (1957)
- Eska Puken F-2241 (1958)
- Siskiyou Scout T-3117 (1958)
- GM's Nara Wonee 20729 [1959 mare]
- Bub's Warrior 20867 [1958 stallion]
Tehama Queen mare
Chestnut, snowflake
(Teddy F-488 x Foxie Bird F-487)
Bred by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
Foaled May 18, 1949
Owned by HA and DR Drane, Los Molinos, California
- San San Soo F-1444
San San Soo mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Chocolate Sunday F-485 x Tehama Queen F-1443)
Bred by HA and DR Drane, Los Molinos, California
Foaled April 24, 1952
Little Red Chick mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(The Wagtail Kid F-226 x Folly F-243)
Bred by Marcus Crowley, Roundup, Montana
Foaled April 12, 1949
Owned by Dan Morgan, Billings, Montana
- Hongo F-1602 (1955)
- Chief Bandera F-1778 (1956)
- Doby F-2599 (1958)
- Roblene's Son of Fourmile F-2881 (1957)
- Chief Running Bear S F-3613 (1960)
- Pandora Bullet F-3916 (1961)
Antionette mare
Bay Leopard
(Pablo F-267 x Esther No II F-242)
Bred by Marcus Crowley, Roundup, Montana
Foaled April 7, 1951
Owned by Dan Morgan, Billings, Montana
- Apache Anne F-4479 (1958)

Roger Chief stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Chief Eagle F-288 x Sunset F-752)
Bred by Carl Harris, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled May 11, 1953
Owned by W Clair Brown and Helen Leigh Grover, Pasadena, California
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-56:2
- Yahi Warrior F-4919 (1962)
- Roghes T-1542 (1956)
- Holghie Haigh T-3683 (1958)
- Highgeigh's Rogher 20490 [1961 stallion]
- Highgeigh's Rolgher 20703 [1959 gelding]
- Faro's Kittyhawk 24597 [1962 mare]
Faunette mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(Medicine Man F-186 x Rainy Day F-551)
Bred by Andrew Douma, Ripon, California
Foaled May 16, 1949
- Pitter Pat F-1449 (1953)
Pitter Pat gelding
Brown, spotted blanket
(Doctor Domino F-1268 x Faunette F-1448)
Bred by Andrew Douma, Ripon, California
Foaled March 17, 1953
Piasano's Frost stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Paisano F-1023 x Bonny B F-1024)
Bred by Myrtle Brown, Arbuckle, California
Foaled January 3, 1949
- Hacienda Poca Dot F-2624 (1959)
- Captain Rebel 11912
- Greenwood's Pandora 20350 [1961 mare]
- Captain Frost 23209 [1962 stallion]
- Chief San Yeto 23328 [1962 stallion]
- Minoka J 25796 [1962 mare]
Piasaro stallion
Red Roan/Leopard
(Paisano F-1023 x Bonny B F-1024)
Bred by Myrtle Brown, Arbuckle, California
Foaled April 7, 1953
- Royal Flush F-1848 (1957)
- High Light R F-1886 (1956)
- Pariso F-2031 (1956)
- Paisaro's Piquino 25287 [1962 stallion]
- Paisaro's Capitan 25288 [1962 stallion]

American Eagle stallion
Black, white spots over hips
(Red Eagle F-209 x Dutchess F-1110)
Bred by Mr and Mrs Rhoma Cox, Riverside, California
Foaled May 11, 1951
References: Spotted Horse 7-77:32
- Malibu Eagle F-2649 (1956)
- Wampum Babe F-1880 (1954)
- Too's Eagle Cry (Cri?)
- American Eagle's Wyakin 35576
- Blue Chip F-2988 (1960)
- Mister Blue F-2026 (1958)
- RH Blue Bonnet F-2356 (1959)
- Dutch Eagle F-2438 (1960)
- American Gray Eagle 15097
- T's Koka Tina 9818 (1959)
- American Marvel F-1597 (1955)
- Sinstar F-2010 (1958)
- Pima Warrior F-2023 (1957)
- Thor F-2314 (1959)
- Malibu Chief F-2502 (1957)
- American Eagle's Hon Cho F-3011 (1960)
- American Eagle's Desert Star F-2816 (1959)
- Pima Koshari F-3013 (1959)
- American Eagle's Reba F-3773 (1957)
- American Eagle's Shamrock F-3774 (1960)
- Blue J F-4196 (1961)
- Flurida Lea II T-4229
- Cahava's Hyu Skukum 23994 [1962 mare]
- May Day J 12311
- Spike's Johnny Eagle 20156 [1960 stallion]
- American Eagle's Danny Boy 21718 [1961 stallion]
- American Eagle's Doki 22179 [1960 stallion]
- Freckles Pixie of 4R 22413 [1959 mare]
- Malibu Kachina D 22490 [1962 mare]
- American Eagle's Miss Chip 22697 [1962 mare]
- Miss America 22749 [1962 mare]
- RW's Spider Sioux 23679 [1961 mare]
- Flurida Lea IV 23818 [1961 mare]
- American Eagle's Speckled Eagle 24027 [1961 stallion]
- Pima Nawadaha 24196 [1961 mare]
- American Eagle's Burday 25006 [1961 mare]
Holly mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Medicine Man F-186 x Domie F-817)
Bred by Thomas Clark, Gilroy, California
Foaled August 12, 1951
- Patchy's Warrior F-2439 (1957)
- Holly's Flag F-3561 (1960)
- Holly's Midget 22045 [1962 mare]
Poco Arbol stallion
Bay near leopard
(Morgan's Domino F-1074 x Morgan's Dotty F-1075)
Bred by Dan Morgan, Billings, Montana
Foaled March 26, 1953
- Bucky's Poco 23739 [1962 mare]
- Arbol's Fancy 163151

Illumspokanee stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Ronif AHC 4866 x Calamity Jane F-855)
Bred by Sunnybrook Stock Ranch, Chattaroy, Washington
Foaled April 16, 1953
Reference: Appaloosa News 9/10-57:12
- Slick Chick F-1741 (1956)
- Markanee F-1748(1956)
- Chickanee F-1749 (1956)
- Marquesa F-1750 (1956)
- Smokey's Thunderbird F-1828 (1957)
- Kaniksu's Thunderbird F-2070 (198)
- SSR's Chickadee F-2720 (1959)
- Slo Mo Shun F-2877 (1956)
- Granite Chips F-4373 (1961)
- RJ's Illumechips F-4376 (1961)
- Nechanee F-4685 (1960)
- Ka Mi Akin F-2230 (1958)
- Ronica F-2242 (1958)
- Sami Lou T-1438 (1956)
- Illume Koganna 24617 [1962 mare]
- Illume Rae 25502 [1962 mare]
Ben J stallion
Brown, white spots over hips
(Patchy F-416 x Miss Sundance F-235)
Bred by Ben Johnson, Fruita, Colorado
Foaled June 3, 1951
- San Luis Lady F-1620 (1955)
- San Luis Red F-1621 (1955)
- San Luis Sundance F-1622 (1955)
Sha Hie La mare
Chestnut, roan over hips
(Zik AHC 2056 x Ishi Mohktavas F-312)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled April 18, 1953
Ia stallion
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Zik AHC 2056 x Ryff's Bonita F-913)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled May 11, 1953
I Eska stallion
White, spots over hips
(Zik AHC 2056 x La Olla F-547)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled April 30, 1953
- Ieska's Quintanna 24623 [1962 mare]
- Ieska's Piute 24624 [1962 stallion]
Ohkom stallion
Bay, white spots over hips
(Zik AHC 2056 x Maksiah F-314)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled May 1, 1953
- Nah Ku F-1914 (1957)
- Rouge de Poulain F-2445 (1958)
- Sleet F-2446 (1958)
- Gauche Jambe F-3122 (1958)
- Derniere F-3124 (1957)
- Ryff's Glad Rags F-3125 (1958)
- Avril F-4526 (1958)
- Sorciere F-2262 (1958)
- Miss Iodine 16104
Wo Iv Sto Is mare
Chestnut, roan over hips
(Zik AHC 2056 x El Roto Cuero F-546)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled May 7, 1953
- Enchanteresse F-3081 (1959)
Scallan's Tucson mare
Blue Roan
(Nobby F-660 x Scallan's Twillight F-1014)
Bred by TF Scallan, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled July 15, 1949
- Speckulation 78271 (1966)
- Dollar Sign 22050 [1962 stallion]
Alla Palouse mare
Red Roan
(Alla-Pasha AHC 3729 x Blue Bonnet F-1013)
Bred by TF Scallan, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled July 1, 1950
Scallan's Starlight mare
Bay Roan
(Alla-Pasha AHC 3729 x Scallan's Twilight F-1014)
Bred by TF Scallan, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled June 5, 1951
- 2HM's Snowflakes F-2875 (1960)
Brandywine Spotted Horse stallion
Red Roan-Leopard
(Nobby F-660 x Sally F-298)
Bred by DA Christensen, Kendrick, Idaho
Foaled June 18, 1951
Owned by Jerry Urban, Challis, Idaho
- Miss Penelope F-1865 (1957)
- Flitchowela F-1916 (1955)
- Chrystal Wine F-3442 (1958))
Mt Baker's Freckles mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Remount stallion x Appaloosa)
Foaled 1944
Owned by Dale Wiley, Bellingham, Washington
- Freckle's Keeko F-1624 (1955)
- Toby II's Patchy's Flicka F-2123 (1958)
- Freckle's Rocky T-188 (1948)
- Freckle's Appallo T-189 (1952)
- Wightdale Queen T-254 (1947)
Gala Rose's Jimbo stallion
(Albemarle Leopard F-1395 x Gala Rose F-1116)
Bred by JM Strickland, Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Foaled May 9, 1953
Bette Powder mare
Dun Leopard?
(Powder Puff F-537 x Powder F-332)
Bred by EH Lewis, Clayton, Missouri
Foaled May 1, 1952
Owned by Ben Smith, Boonville, Missouri
- Bette Powder II F-1735 (1955)
Patch mare
Brown, blanket
(Toby II F-113 x Lolo F-462)
Bred by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Foaled April 3, 1952
- Surprise Patch F-1677 (1956)
- Pride of Mulino F-1860 (1957)
- Restless Wind F-2237 (1958)
- Mulino Cousin F-2773 (1959)
- Cleopatra F-2927 (1960)
Tejano mare
Chestnut, blanket
(Arizona Chief F-932 x Flagstaff F-930)
Bred by JJ Carey, Denver, Colorado
Foaled April 30, 1953
Lady Of Spain mare
Brown Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1932
Owned by Dan Morgan, Billings, Montana
- Spanish Lady T-209 (1951)
- Moroccan Leopard F-1472 (1952)
- Muchacha of Spain F-1473 (1953)
- Lady's Last F-3388 (1960)

Moroccan Leopard stallion
Black Leopard
(Leopard Cortez F-1072x Lady Of Spain F-1471)
Bred by Dan Morgan, Billings, Montana
Foaled May 14, 1952
- Moroccan Leopard II-1472 209543
- Candy of AA ID 1694
- Hongo F-1602 (1955)
- Chief Bandera F-1778 (1956)
- Tiny Tears F-2366 (1956)
- Morgan's Wapiti F-2367 (1958)
- Sabre F-2368 (1958)
- Camas Morocco's Moccasin F-2841 (1959)
- Camas Smokey Bear F-2843 (1959)
- Bear Step F-3068 (1955)
- Camas Moroccan Chief F-3113 (1960)
- Camas Red Spot Leopard F-3114 (1960)
- Dark Anne F-4676 (1956)
- Juarez T-1262 (1956)
Muchacha Of Spain mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Morgan's Domino F-1074 x Lady Of Spain F-1471)
Bred by Dan Morgan, Billings, Montana
Foaled June 12, 1953
- Morgan's Jungle Kitty 95045
- Tiny Tears F-2366 (1956)
- Morgan's Wapiti F-2367 (1958)
- Quick Silver W F-3052 (1959)

Topatchy stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Toby II F-113 x Kathy F-895)
Bred by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Foaled June 20, 1953
- Topatchy II H 116464
- Kyloe Caper 24000 [1962 stallion]
- Kyloe Four Bears 16324
- Cocoa's Cody F-2893 (1958)
- Topatchy's Ambassador F-4336 (1961)
- Cocoa's Patchy F-2238 (1957)
- Topatchy's Miss Frosty F-2239 (1956)
- Tahquamenon Lady 79990 (1964)
- Katydid W 11351 (1960)
- Kyloe Jamboree 21615 [1961 gelding]
- Kyloe Bugle Anne 21617 [1961 mare]
- Shooting Blaze 23997 [1962 stallion]
- Kyloe Chipper 23998 [1962 stallion]
- Kyloe Cajun 23999 [1962 stallion]
- Watusi 25116 [1962 mare]
Lapuwale stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Little Eagle F-1294 x Margo F-15)
Bred by Sunnybrook Stock Ranch, Chattaroy, Washington
Foaled May 14, 1953
Owned by Mr and Mrs Morgan Brown, Komuela, Hawaii
- Royal Dancer F-2496 (1959)

Red Eagle's Peacock stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Red Eagle F-209 x Easter F-33)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Pomona, California
Foaled April 28, 1953
References:Appaloosa News 1-70:Cand18, 2-70:IFC, 5-70:IFC, 1-75:79, 8-75:59, FAHR 4-1:16
- Walker's Angel 283027 (1980)
- Red Eagle's Sonnet 282469
- Peacock's Paisley
- Peacock's Playboy
- Red Boy MF (1963)
- Peacock's Domino 8609 (1960)
- Peacock's Miraklman F-2190 (1958)
- Peacock's Pomo 52543
- Peacock's Feather 44301
- Joint Venture
- Broken ( ) Bonanza 21369
- Villa Danzante 41227 (1962)
- Red Eagle's Joker 88901 (1966)
- Peacock's Sheba F-3644(1958)
- DL's Reagle Bar 105123
- Peacock's Angel F-1745 (1956)
- Peacock's Luco F-2189 (1958)
- Peacock's Prince F-2191 (1958)
- Peacock's Blondy F-2451 (1959)
- Peacock's Snowflake F-2453 (1959)
- Peacock's Eagle F-2454 (1959)
- Tamarack II F-2474 (1959)
- Peacock's Princess F-3363 (1960)
- Peacock's Blue Eagle F-3643 (1961)
- Snowman's Eagle
- Red Eagle Pheasant (from allbreed)
- Mojave Shebang 73713 (1966)
- DL's Eagle Bar (1968)
- EH Truly Peacock ID 9399
- Miss Jackstraw
- RH Batchica [Batchicka?]
- Peacock's Tink 52638
- Peacock's Camelot 23457 [1962 stallion]
- Peacock's Comancharo 23458 [1962 stallion]
- Red Boy MF 23459 [1962 stallion]
- Peacock's Splash 25653 [1962 stallion]
Red Eagle's Luco mare
Dun, spots over hips
(Red Eagle F-209 x Daybreak F-155)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Pomona, California
Foaled April 23, 1953
- Red Eagle's Sweetheart F-1743 (1956)
- Peacock's Luco F-2189 (1958)
- Tumalo Jolly 58335
- Tumalo Independence Day 24594 [1962 mare]
Cherokee Clown stallion
Red Roan, blanket
(Patchy F-416 x Cupid F-597)
Bred by Theresa Leftwich, Greeley, Colorado
Foaled July 4, 1953
Owned by Nate Pyle, Boulder, Colorado

Dawn's Daughter mare
White, brown spots over hips
(Starbuck Son F-1306 x Dawn F-291)
Bred by Edward Ward, Caldwell, Texas
Foaled April 29, 1953
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-56:10
- Misty Dusk F-4558 (1961)
- Quick Draw 70421 (1965)
- Dawn's Rusty Squaw 20166 [1958 mare]
- Dawn's Double 20167 [1959 mare]
- Dawn's Shadow 20170 [1960 mare]
Gray Blanket stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Starbuck Ranger F-649 x Silverado F-651)
Bred by Roy Gray and Sons, Akron, Colorado
Foaled May 3, 1953
Owned by Edward Ward, Caldwell, Texas
- Goodwin Top Ace F-4609 (1960)
- RossŐs Gray Squaw 22116 [1961 mare]
Gray Son Choice stallion
White, brown spots over hips
(Starbuck Ranger F-649/CRHA 205-N x Peachy F-650/CRHA 214-P)
Bred by Roy Gray and Sons, Akron, Colorado
Foaled May 7, 1953
Owned by Edward Ward, Caldwell, Texas
- Tehuacana F-1817 (1957)
- Calamity Jane C F-1927 (1957)
- Shamwaw T-2155 (1957)
- Caparingo T-2156 (1957)
- Lady Kokomo T-3199 ----
- Miss Fox Cloud 21064 [1961 mare]
- Major's Pride 21337 [1962 stallion]
Chloe mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Little Eagle F-1294 x Sacajewea F-417)
Bred by Sunnybrook Stock Ranch, Chattaroy, Washington
Foaled April 17, 1953
Chief Eagle II stallion
Red Roan, blanket
(Chief Eagle F-288 x Twinkle Star F-723)
Bred by Carl Harris, Newport, Washington
Foaled May 7, 1953
Paisano's Bonny mare
Dun, blanket
(Paisano F-1023 x Bonny B F-1024)
Bred by Myrtle Brown, Arbuckle, California
Foaled March 26, 1952
Chippawa stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Doctor Rainy F-1301 x Rainy Day F-551)
Bred by Andrew Douma, Ripon, California
Foaled August 12, 1953
- MMM Miss Mac 36352 (1963)
- Pinehill Cricket 21501 [1961 mare]
- Chip's Medicine Man E 24298 [1962 stallion]

Tip stallion
Black, white over body and hips
(Chief Joseph Rex F-688 x Nifty F-1136)
Bred by Lewis Ferguson, Helmville, Montana
Foaled May 23, 1953
- Tip Tana F-2511 (1959)
- Buckshot E T-1992 (1957)
- Ben Hur T-4106 (1958)
- Utana II F-3151 (1960)
- Esther's Fawn F-4482 (1961)
- Tip Prairie Maid 15288 (1961)
- Dee Dee Dum T-2046 (1956)
- Ripley T-2351
- Tango K T-2388 (1957)
- Montana Patches T-2811 (1957)
- Warrior K T-3843 (1958)
- Burton's Stormy River T-3857 (1958)
- Mickey A T-4105 (1958)
- Walbert's Comanche Chief 20750 [1960 stallion]
- Tip's Gidget 22564 [1959 mare]
- Missoula One Fourteen 23866 [1959 mare]
- Brown Jug O'Neil III 24555 [1962 stallion]
- Mr Good Spots O'Neil 24556 [1962 stallion]
- Fancy Dan O'Neil 24557 [1962 stallion]
- Tipprairie Too 24558 [1962 mare]
- OK's Princess 24694 [1959 mare]
- Tip's Miss Muffet 24695 [1960 mare]
Toy mare
Blue Roan
(Chief Joseph Rex F-688 x Bonnie Bee F-1139)
Bred by Lewis Ferguson, Helmville, Montana
Foaled June 10, 1953
Tom Tom stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Biltoft's Frosty F-1181 x Badland Mabel F-1317)
Bred by Louie and Faye Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled April 28, 1953
Owned by David King, Benton Harbor, Michigan
- Little Nez Perce Chief F-2807 (1957)
- Bryant's Lyda B F-4839 (1959)
- Swift Dove T-3287 (1957)
- M and M's Tonka Wa Kon Buster 24025 [1961 stallion]
- Cindy E Ce Tu 24538 [1960 mare]
Little Rain mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Two Tone F-426 x Rain In Face F-627)
Bred by Horace Raty, Square Butte, Montana
Foaled May 14, 1953
Ace High stallion
White, bay spots over hips
(Two Tone F-426 x Sally Two F-423)
Bred by Horace Raty, Square Butte, Montana
Foaled April 25, 1953
- Lula Belle T-3935 (1958)
- Hi Dutchess F-2333 (1956)
- Domino's Maid of Double Arrow F-2334 (1958)
- Red Rocket T-2803 (1956)
- Tinker Bell F-2729 (1959)
- Hi D F-2732 (1959)
- Little Ace F-2731 (1957)
- King Louie F-4100 (1959)
- Harney's Ace Delight F-4101 (1960)
- Hi Snowflake of Double Arrow F-4814 (1960)
- Hi Daisy Belle F-4816 (1961)
- Hi Spice F-4820 (1960)
- Queen High F-4822 (1957)
- Hi Jubalee F-4824 (1961)
- High Chaparral S 140433 (1967)
- Jokake of Double Arrow T-3933 (1958)
- Five Spots of Double Arrow T-3934 (1957)
- Hi Strawberry 21153 [1958 mare]
- Chico's Turk 21769 [1961 stallion]* wonder if should be a son of Freel's Chico instead...see 21770-21771 ??, Or, Double Arrow's Gold Strike [name with this # per aphc]
- Hi Kitten 21772 [1961 mare]
Spring Fever mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Two Tone F-426 x Spotted Fever F-625)
Bred by Horace Raty, Square Butte, Montana
Foaled April 6, 1953
- Spring Away F-1934 (1957)
- Ra Sue F-2210 (1958)
Ardea Warrior mare
Blue Roan
(Chief Spokane Garry F-447 x May Warrior F-836)
Bred by WK Helgesen, Turner, Montana
Foaled May 15, 1953
- 2G Mirakl Creed 124365 (1969)
- 2G True Legend 92979
Half And Half stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Blue Star F-932 x Powder F-332)
Bred by EH Lewis, Clayton, Missouri
Foaled May 15, 1953
Owned by KL Halliburton, Boonville, Missouri
- Beau Queen F-2405 (1959)
- Circle N's Morning Rain T-3174 (1958)
- Panther Chief T-1413 (1956)
- Circle N's Frosty Bay T-3173 (1957)
- Scattered Acre's Duster F-3850 (1958)
- Scattered Acre's Buckshot Joe F-3851 (1959)
- Scattered Acre's Fleeta F-3852 (1960)
- Half and Hal's Sonny 5381 (1959)
- Circle N's Honey Bear T-3175 (1958)
- Circle N's Double Day T-3176 (1958)
- Halford Half's Sunbeam T-3442 (1957)
- Half Tone 21009 (1960 stallion)
- Good Cheer 21590 [1962 mare]
- Half And Half's Big Chief 22085 [1959 stallion]
- Half And Half's Red Rose 23245 [1960 mare]
- Half And Half's Blue Belle 23246 [1961 mare]
- Old Glory 24862 [1961 stallion]
Little Mike stallion
Bay, roan over hips
(Little Chief F-972 x Theka F-999)
Bred by Jess Zeltner, Meridian, Idaho
Foaled April 25, 1953
Blue Eagle B stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Sundance Dot F-1172)
Bred by Louie and Faye Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled April 10, 1953
- HH Blue Raven F-2475 (1959)
- HH Hard To Get Cheeta 20281 [1959 mare]

Juanita Rose mare
Brown, blanket
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Sheik's Beauty F-722)
Bred by Louie and Faye Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled April 12, 1953
- Sky High's Starlight 11572
- Chief of Sky High F-1950 (1957)
- Sky High's Sky Rocket 25240 [1962 gelding]
Brown Eagle stallion
Brown, blanket
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Pine Ridge Lady F-1176)
Bred by Louie and Faye Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 17, 1953
- Brown Eagle's Honey PC392
- Moonshine F-1742 (1956)
- Miss Papoose F-1780 (1956)
- Fancy Dan F-1783 (1956)
- Silent Sam F-1802 (1956)
- Nugget S F-1953 (1957)
- Rawhide F-2102 (1957)
- Gay Moccasin F-2103 (1956)
- Shady Lady F-2014 (1957)
- Cracker Jack F-2124 (1958)
- Tonka HR F-2396 (1958)
- Snow's Silver Tip F-2647 (1958)
- Tom Thumb [B?] T-1581 (1956)
- Jones F-28297 (1958)
- Early John F-2898 (1959)
- Sheba Lou L F-3016 (1959)
- Greentree's Pat F-3425 (1959)
- Frisky F-3571 (1958)
- Spot It Eagle F-3826 (1959)
- Kiowa War Chief F-3848 (1961)
- Diamond Jim S T-1580 (1956)
- Sesa Mae 20463 [1958 mare]
- Day's Little Eagle 20971 [1961 mare]
- RobbŐs Squall Lady 21735 [1961 mare]
- Miss Chiffon 24029 [1962 mare]
- Red Warrior M 25822 [1960 gelding]
Princess Blue Eagle mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Biltoft's Chico F-1166 x Sandhills Queen F-1170)
Bred by Louie and Faye Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled April 27, 1953
- Buttermilk Sky F-4599 (1958)
Sheila Star mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Dude Dandy Jr F-1216 x Suzie Q F-1215)
Bred by Charles Loomis, Sumner, Iowa
Foaled July 7, 1950
Owned by Barbara Haskell, Waterloo, Iowa
- Little Babe F-1615 (1954)
- Costa Lotta F-1903 (1956)
Enum Tahtch Smokey mare
Black, roan and spots over hips
(Toby II F-113 x Palouse Queen F-283)
Bred by Bud Copenspire, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled May 2, 1951
Owned by William Jacobs, Lewiston, Idaho
#1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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This page last updated March 2025.