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Foundation Appaloosas
F-401 to F-500
Offspring photos have been added unless they have an entry on other pages,
that is to say, in sections of Foundation, Tentative under 15000, ID, or PC.

Reptile stallion
Light Roan, spots over loin and hips
(Our Watch x Freckles)
Bred by RM Jory, Medical Lake, Washington
Foaled June 5, 1943
Reference: Appaloosa News 11-55:10
- War Bonnet F-828 [1949 stallion]
- Surprise Patch F-1677 [1956 stallion]
Naranja mare
Red Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1942
Owned by Chester Stegner and Olga Rife, Chico, California
- Balenciaga F-553 (1946)
- Ara Appie F-643 (1948)
- Princess Wynonah 61542 mare
- Chief of Soldier Creek 16118 1959 stallion
Rubicon stallion
Black Leopard
(Blanco F-45 x Ink Spot)
Bred by Wendell Grubbs, Oroville, California
Foaled April 8, 1947
Owned by Chester Stegner and Olga Rife, Chico, California
- Orphan Annie F-1406 [1952 mare]
- Grey Buck F-1407 [1952 stallion]

Buck stallion
Dun spotted blanket
(Silver x Blinders)
Bred by Lee Manes, Kooskia, Idaho
Foaled April 1943
Owned by Almon Manes, Stites, Idaho
- Manes White Cloud F-1035 [1949 stallion]
- Jingle F-1223 [1947 mare]
- Mane's Smokey F-1325 [1950 stallion]
- Manes Blue Eagle F-1874 [1952 stallion]
- Strawberries F-1875 [1951 stallion]
- Buck II F-2526 [1955 stallion]
- Sally Ann II F-1040 [1948 mare]
- Manes Freckles F-1041 [1949 mare]
Ratina mare
Blue Roan
(Tick-A-Boo x Whitey)
Bred by FL Chaffin, Grand Junction, Colorado
Foaled 1941
Owned by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
- Magic F-1381 (1951)
- Sunshine F-1290 (1950)
Lucky Boy gelding
Dun spotted blanket
(Stuff x Idaho II)
Bred by FL Chaffin, Grand Junction, Colorado
Foaled 1946
Owned by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
- Cheyenne F-1276 [1949 stallion]
Brandt's Speckel Boy stallion
Red Leopard
(Dazzler NR [Rustang CRHA 415 x White Foot] x Gold Bottom [Hinsdale CRHA 20 x Butterfly CRHA 136])
Bred by McDonald Bros, Kirk, Colorado
Foaled 1947
Owned by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Kirk Blue Boy stallion
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Dazzler NR [Rustang CRHA 415 x White Foot] x Bay NR [Lucky Dick x AHC mare])
Bred by McDonald Bros, Kirk, Colorado
Foaled 1947
Owned by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Jefferson gelding
Bay reverse leopard
(The Wagtail Kid F-226 x Pigeon F-225)
Bred by Marcus Crowley, Roundup, Montana
Foaled May 12, 1944

Diamond V mare
Brown Roan spotted blanket
(Mint Sauce x Belda)
Bred by Ray Van Arsdale, Hermiston, Oregon
Foaled June 4, 1943
Owned by Faye Conner, Kennewick, Washington
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-10-57:11, Mar-Apr60:56/66
- Short Deck 10399 [1959 stallion]
Fanfare mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(unknown x Misty F-344)
Bred by Olga Rife, Chico, California
Foaled April 13, 1948
- Orphan Annie F-1406 (1952)
Nyssa mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Blanco F-45 x Ute Maid F-351 )
Bred by Bert Armstrong, Chico, California
Foaled April 14, 1948
Manitou stallion
Brown spotted blanket
(Blanco F-45 x Goldie)
Bred by Olga Rife, Chico, California
Foaled May 17, 1948
Zorena mare
Blue Roan, light roan over hips
(Sport x Madge)
Bred by Leroy Curtis, Chelsea, Oklahoma
Foaled June 27, 1937
Owned by Dr OJ Shaffer, El Paso, Texas
- MC's Cherokee Cheetah F-988 (1947)
- Zipper F-1206 (1948)
- Quentina F-4773 (1959)
- KingÕs Khandu 5593 [1958 stallion]
- Rainey's Princess F-4074 [1961 mare]
- Rainey's Blue Moon 24635 [1962 mare]
Queen Of Sheba mare
White, black spots over hips
(Silver King x Queen)
Bred by Bert Slape, Chelsea, Oklahoma
Foaled May 19, 1941
Owned by Dr OJ Shaffer, El Paso, Texas
- Honey Child F-675 (1947)
- Yolo F-1204 (1948)

Patchy stallion
Black spotted blanket
(Patches x Miss Rosalia JC #38646)
Bred by Lamb, Central Ferry, Washington
Foaled 1939
Owned by Herbert Camp, Lacrosse, Washington
Source: Appaloosa News 9-65:c(painting), 9-65:c/36, 9-82:74, 1-68:24, 10-69:14, 6-74:15 BBF-71#28, FAHR Tidings 4-1:21
Reference: website page, has some unique photos!
- Elwha's Patchy Flecks 20349 [1947 mare]
- Patchy Jr F-1380 [1952 stallion]
- Kathy F-895 [1948 mare]
- Patchy Hootie 19561 [mare]
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-70:93 - Lolo F-462 [mare]
- PatchyÕs Sondowner 32077 [stallion]
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-65:99, 9-65:105 - Colo Patchy 53091 [stallion]
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-66:53, 9-65:105,107, 4-67:80 - Scat Patch* 40471 [1965 stallion]
Reference: Appaloosa News 7-65:47, 3-72:93p - Patchy Pete F-3493 [1956 stallion]
- Patchy's Adios 52821
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-65:105 - PatchyÕs Nugget* 5328 [1957 stallion]
Reference: Appaloosa News 12-65:58 - Gypsy T-93 [1946 mare]
- Feathers Are Black ID 8450 [1961 mare]
Reference: Ada Fall76:#314 - BJÕs Flicka ID 556 [mare]
- Patchy Fleeta 74829 [mare]
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-75:54 - Patchy Sox 19564 [mare]
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-75:62 - Chico F-637 [1948 stallion]
- Dash F-860 [1944 stallion]
- Blitz F-1251 [1944 stallion]
- Last Chance C F-1370 [1951 stallion]
- Magic F-1381 [1951 stallion]
- Ben J F-1456 [1951 stallion]
- Cherokee Clown F-1478 [1953 stallion]
- Abo By Patchy F-1510 [1952 stallion]
- Keeko F-1596 [1955 mare]
- Wi I Ya Ya To F-1652 [1954 mare]
- Wibluta F-1680 [1954 mare]
- PatchyÕs Che Tan Toh F-1980/ApHCC 3109 [1957 stallion]
- PatchyÕs Snowflake F-2390 [1956 mare]
- PatchyÕs Warrior F-2439 [1957 stallion]
- PatchyÕs Brave F-2440 [1957 stallion]
- PatchyÕs Chico F-2441 [1958 stallion]
- PatchyÕs Lady F-2469 [1956 mare]
- PatchyÕs Sherry F-2470 [1951 mare]
- Patchy Boy T-2185 [1955 stallion]
- PatchyÕs Calipso T-5603 [1959 stallion]
- PatchyÕs Scout F-2947 [1956 mare]
- PatchyÕs Fancy Pants F-2960 [1957 mare]
- BG Patchy F-3497 [1958 mare]
- ImbodenÕs Patch Taw F-3590 [1961 mare]
- ManawaÕs Vixen F-4243 [1961 mare]
- PatchyÕs Ginger F-4357 [1958 mare]
- HumeÕs Patchyscout F-2208 [1958 stallion]
- Nan Patch T-2444 [1957 mare]
- PatchyÕs Tinker Ann 34914 [1962 mare]
- PatchyÕs Kathy T-1224 [1956 mare]
- Komo Kulshan T-1947 [1950 stallion]
- Coyote Y T-2844 [1945 stallion]
- PatchyÕs Buckshot T-4251 [1958 stallion]
- Patchy Nunpa T-4340 [1958 stallion]
- PatchyÕs Chief C 8327 [1957 stallion]
- PatchyÕs Squaw 8328 [1956 mare]
- PatchyÕs Red Fox 9702 [1956 stallion]
- Cross Patch I ID 1526 [1963 mare]
- Lee ManeÕs Old Ginger 41088 [1950 mare]
- Halcyon Hazer 19508 [1960 stallion]
- Patchy's Naiche 12560 [1961 stallion]
- Patchy Dan 13783 [1961 stallion]
- De-Go-Ne-Zo 14043 [1961 stallion]
- Patchy Kid 14114 [1958 stallion]
- Sheri Patchy 19563 [1959 mare]
- Patchy's Me The Um Ba Rosalia 20589 [1961 mare]
- Byer's Miss Patchy 21327 [1961 mare]
- Flowers Chindi 19395 [1961 mare]
- Hell Dee Boy 15535 [1961 gelding]
- Patchy's Pe De 28917 [1962 stallion]
- Patchy Raider 26902 [1962 stallion]
- Imboden's Ghostie Patch 28550 [1962 stallion]
- Andy Patch 151553 [1963 mare]
- Cherry Patch T67044 [1961 mare]
- Dry Run's Aces' Ace 214012 [1962 mare]
- Gyp Patch 89236 [1963 mare]
- Patchietta 154122 [1962 mare]
- Patchy Rock 67214 [1963 mare]
- Patchy Sioux Koo Bay 43249 [1963 mare]
- Patchy Sunrise 33266 [1963 mare]
- Pinkie Miss Patch 84348 [1962 mare]
- Silpatch 108389 [1961 mare]
- Sodak Circle Patch 43213 [1961 stallion]
- Uno Me Patchy 190953 [1963 mare]
- West's Patchy Prince 31105 [1963 stallion]
- YY's Patchy Queen 51178 [1963 mare]

Sacajawea mare
Blue roan, spots on hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1942
Owned by Sunnybrook Stock Ranch, Chattaroy, Washington
Reference: Appaloosa News Dec61:11, 12-77:151
- Sacajawea II 9170 (1959)
- EagleÕs Pet F-1514 [1951 mare]
- Rowea T-797 [1955 mare]
- Thunder Britches F-1261 [1949 stallion]
- Chloe F-1482 [1953 mare]
Pilgrim gelding
Blue Roan blanket
(Mickey F-187 x Babette F-480)
Foaled June 24, 1947
Owned by Mrs Mabel Woodward, Sprague, Washington
Appy mare
White with brown spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 15, 1941
Owned by Aileen Palmer, Banning, California
Mowita mare
Bay blanket
(Chief II F-163 x unknown)
Bred by Max Sieloff, Burns, Oregon
Foaled May 25, 1947
Navajo Chief stallion
Black spotted Blanket
(Big Joe x Nellie)
Bred by Frank Kelly, Hayward, California
Foaled February 10, 1945
Owned by James Gobbi, Petaluma, California
- Llano Birdie F-2216 [1948 mare]

Gypsy Queen mare
Red Roan, spots on hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1937
Owned by Diane Pratt, Portland, Oregon
- Timber Trail F-1409 (1952)
- Tualatin Chief F-1618 (1955)
Sally Two mare
Red Roan
(Pal F-201 x Sally Aires)
Bred by Horace Raty, Dupuyer, Montana
Foaled 1944
- June Bug F-1258 (1948)
- Ace High F-1490 (1953)
- High Ball F-1260 [1949 stallion]
Tilly Freckles mare
Blue Roan
(Pal F-201 x Tilly)
Bred by Horace Raty, Dupuyer, Montana
Foaled April 1943
- Fade A Way F-425 (1947)
- Tilly May F-1559 (1954)
- Tilly's Girl R F-1937 (1952)
- Morgan's Gazelle F-2118 (1957)
- Morgan's Rhondo F-3051 (1960)
- Choteau F-3535 (1959)

Fade A Way stallion
Bay roan spotted Blanket
(Zebra Pal F-322 x Tilly Freckles F-424)
Bred by Horace Raty, Dupuyer, Montana
Foaled April 1947
- Spring Away F-1934 [1957 stallion]
- Princess Pal F-3298 [1958 mare]
- Stormy Princess T-1253 [1956 mare]
- Indian Doll R 7153 [1958 mare]
- Red Fox 7155 [1959 stallion]
- Smokey Haze L F-1355 [1951 mare]
- Speckle Back F-1558 [1954 stallion]
- Tilly May F-1559 [1954 mare]
- Bobbie Gay T-149 [1951 mare]
- Beartooth T-669 [1954 stallion]
- Many Specks T-670 [1954 stallion]
- Blue Streak T-4365 [1958 stallon]
- Peppy no # [mare]
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-67:40p - Happy Appy 8863 [1960 stallion]
- Candy Way 9523 [1960 mare]
- Meade's Half Penny 24680 [1962 stallion]
- Ra Sue F-2210 [1958 mare]
- SandyÕs Princess 37471 [1963 mare]
- Fade Away's Storm Cloud 16374 [1961 stallion]

Two Tone stallion
Bay spotted blanket
(Zebra Pal F-322 x Dimont T JC)
Bred by Horace Raty, Dupuyer, Montana
Foaled April 9, 1948
Source: Appaloosa News 2-65:48, Bit and Spur 12-51
- Ace High F-1490 stallion (1953)
- Little Rain F-1489 mare (1953)
- Spring Fever F-1491 mare (1953)
- Little Tone F-1603 stallion (1954)
- Little Indian F-1657 stallion (1955)
- Chief Crow F-1658 stallion (1955)
- Square Butte F-1935 stallion (1957)
- Spotted Face F-1936 stallion (1957)
- Mail Day F-1968 mare (1956)
- El Bolero F-2117 stallion (1956)
- Morgan's Gazelle F-2118 mare (1957)
- Miss Bay Tone F-2183 mare (1956)
- Chief Many Steps F-2459 stallion (1958)
- El Rock T-4364 stallion (1954)
- Princess May F-2716 mare (1959)
- T Tone F-2717 stallion (1959)
- Morgan's Rhondo F-3051 stallion (1960)
- Quick Silver W F-3052 mare (1959)
- Morgan's Pompom F-3578 stallion (1960)
- Robin Hood T-668 mare
- Gambler Girl T-3445 mare (1957)
- Silver Tone T-4141 stallion (1958)
- Two Tone's Lass 46785 1964 mare
Source: Appaloosa News 1-74:167p - *Lucky Tonette 73185 mare (1969)
Source: Appaloosa News 4-76:26, 5-76:12, 5-77:52/109 - Running Bear R 7154 stallion (1959)
- Morgan's Eclipse 9004 stallion (1960)
- Buck Shot 12276 stallion (1953)
- Boyer's Bob White 12887 stallion (1960)
- Shellfire T-4828 stallion (1958)
- Silver Dawn 807 ApHCC (1959)
- Two Tone's Beauty 8945 mare (1959)
- Two Tone Taffy 13155 mare (1959)
- Two Tone Nugget 13156 mare (1959)
- MorganÕs Jaguar 9008 [1959 stallion]
- MorganÕs Pinochio 9006 [1960 stallion]
- Morgan's Quo Vadis 40845 [1963 stallion]
- Money CreekÕs Tessie Two 18915 [1959 mare]
- Timberline Han Paw 16482 [1961 stallion] Source: Appaloosa News 1-65:65
- The Rangler 18091 [1959 gelding]
- Two Tone's Light Bird 19296 [1961 mare] Dam: Sandra Bird MHC
- Tige's Gold Dollar 22936 [1961 stallion]
Starbuck Sally mare
Red Roan
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1933
Owned by Lewis Jain and Tom Duffy, Lewiston, Idaho
- Maumin Blondie F-398 (1947)

Maumin Chief stallion
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Louis Geiser, Sunset, Washington
Foaled 1945
Owned by Lewis Jain and Tom Duffy, Lewiston, Idaho
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-72:72
- Millie Maumin T-8279 (1958) mare
- Maumin II F-1282 [1950 stallion]
- Maumin's Jake F-1501 [1950 stallion]
- Blue Maumin F-1502 [1951 stallion]
- *Eltonga Kopta 21763 [1962 mare]
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-66:73 - SpikeÕs Angel 11412 [1960 mare]
- AnnieÕs Maumin Girl F-1804 [1948 mare]
- Sparkles Mau Cue 22917 [1961 mare]
Asotin Annie mare
Blue Roan
(McCanse x unknown)
Bred by Wallace Halsey
Foaled 1938
Owned by Lewis Jain and Tom Duffy, Lewiston, Idaho
- Maumin Tosteen F-394 (1947)
- Maumin's Jake F-1501 (1950)
- Blue Maumin F-1502 (1951)
- Annie's Maumin Girl F-1804 (1948)
La Crosse Lucy mare
Red Roan
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1937
Owned by Lewis Jain and Tom Duffy, Lewiston, Idaho

Savonie mare
Bay spotted blanket
(Jim Dandy x Taffy)
Bred by Marion Kelso, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled April 28, 1948
Jim Dandy Jr stallion
Bay spotted blanket
(Jim Dandy x Lassie)
Bred by Leonard Kelso, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled May 10, 1948
Sweetheart mare
Dun Spotted Blanket
(Jim Dandy x Babe 2nd)
Bred by C Wilbur Lawrence, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled May 9, 1948
- Artesian Dandy Stranger F-2515 [1958 stallion]

Bonnie mare
Blue Roan, black spots over hips
(The Lamb horse [Knobby?] x Lucy)
Foaled May 10, 1941
Owned by CW Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Source: Palouse 63:17, Appaloosa News 3-65:65, 6-83:90, 8-67:2, Western Horsemen 10-67:131-132
From Appaloosa News, June 1983:
Bonnie, a foundation mare whose pedigree only goes back as far as her sire and dam, is by the stallion identified as the Lamb horse, out of an Appaloosa-colored mare named Lucy. She was foaled in May 1941 and registered in 1948 by CW "Chub" Ralstin of Spalding, Idaho, who is Bonnie's only recorded owner. Ralstin showed the mare at the first National Appaloosa Show held in Lewiston, Idaho, in 1948 and again the following year. Both years Bonnie was selected as the national champion mare. Bonnie's records show that she produced eight registered foals:
- Zip Cochise F-2417 (1957)
- Bonnie Babe F-436 (1948)
- Ralstin's Sheba F-753 (1949)
- Ralstin's Red Cloud F-1281 (1950)
- Silver Kid F-1611 (1952)
- Bonnie B F-1971 (1951)
- Ralstin's Candy Mount 9384 (1954)
- BM's Smoky 123880 [1961 gelding]
From Appaloosa News:
One of the largest rounds of applause at this year's National Appaloosa Show went to Bonnie, a 26-year-old mare owned by Chub Ralstin, Spaulding, Idaho, and paraded in front of the grandstand. Bonnie was grand champion mare at both the 1st and 2nd National Appaloosa Show - this year was the 20th National. Bonnie has produced 11 foals; among them, Zip Cochise, and one owned by Paramount and used as John Wayne's mount. [think they meant to say "and owned by Paramount" ~AT]
Colie stallion
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Chief x Freckles)
Bred by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled May 3, 1948
Bonnie Babe mare
Light Bay blanket
(Jim Dandy x Bonnie F-434)
Bred by Alma Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled June 8, 1948

Morgan's Leopard stallion
Bay Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Mary Morgan, Dayton, Wyoming
Foaled 1928
Owned by Dan Morgan, Worden, Montana
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-68:57
- Leopard Cortez F-1072 [1945 stallion]
- PK Dottie T-653 [1938 mare]
- Tangerine F-1073 [1942 mare]
- Morgan's Dotty F-1075 [1945 mare]
- Butterfly F-1077 [1944 mare]
- Leopard's Charm F-1432 [1948 mare]
- OpalÕs Doll F-2840 [1947 mare]
- Monte T-242 [1945 stallion]
- MorganÕs Poncho T-243 [1946 stallion
- Royal Leopard T-560 [1946 stallion]
- MorganÕs Belle T-3444 [1946 mare]
Spot II mare
Red Leopard
(Polar Star F-176 x Peggy)
Bred by Ceasar Junod, Meyronne, Sask., Canada
Foaled April 21, 1944
- Rocket Star F-1635 (1955)
- Baby Spotted Star F-1368 (1951 mare)
Snow Ball mare
White with black spots
(Checkers x Snow Ball)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled April 21, 1944
- Shining Star F-443 (1948)
- Starlight F-1270 (1949)
Speck gelding
White with black spots over loin and hips
(Checkers x Rose Bond)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled May 10, 1941
Flint Star stallion
Black Leopard
(Polar Star F-176 x Bar X)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled May 12, 1947
- Apache Chief 159 ApHCC (1955)
- Pebbles 298 ApHCC (1951)
- Bonnie 299 ApHCC (1951)
- Cherokee Star 419 ApHCC (1957)
- Cherokee Spot ApHC 5092/420 ApHCC (1957)
- Cherokee 421 ApHCC (1957)
- Flint Star Special 844 ApHCC (1960)
- Cherokee Dude ApHC 26597 [1957 stallion]
Flicka Star mare
Black Leopard
(Polar Star F-176 x Grey Bond)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled May 12, 1947
- Pretty Star F-1507 (1952)

Shining Star stallion
Brown Leopard
(Polar Star F-176 x Snow Ball F-439)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled May 20, 1948
Dapple mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Rex x Dolly)
Bred by SA Loomis, Rochester, Minnesota
Foaled May 15, 1940
Loomis' Dot mare
Blue Roan blanket
(Rex x Dolly)
Bred by SA Loomis, Rochester, Minnesota
Foaled June 8, 1942
- Joker's Rebel F-1365 [1951 mare]
- Gypsy Girl H F-1873 [195? mare -sb lists 1951...?? or Joker's Rebel has wrong foaling date?]
- DotÕs Sheila F-2122 [1949 mare]
- Joker's Lemma F-1366 [1950 mare]
Bambi stallion
Bay spotted Blanket
(Toby I F-203 x Margo F-15)
Bred by Mrs Fern Schmidt, Chattaroy, Washington
Foaled April 7, 1948
Owned by Sunnybrook Stock Ranch, Chattaroy, Washington

Chief Spokane Garry stallion
Black spotted Blanket
(Toby I F-203 x Rosary)
Bred by Mrs Fern Schmidt, Chattaroy, Washington
Foaled May 10, 1948
Owned by Sunnybrook Stock Ranch, Chattaroy, Washington
- Joe Nez Perces F-1356 (1951)
- Rufus Warrior F-1357 (1951)
- John Warrior F-1364 (1951)
- Hoo Doo F-1410 (1952)
- Daisy Warrior F-1425 (1952)
- Ardea Warrior F-1492 (1953)
- Nellybelle T-1458 (1954)
- Rainbow's Spots T-1082 (1954)
- Lady Mae 5848 [1955 mare]
- Betty Spokann M T-2140 (1953)
- Kalispell Cochise of Spokane T-2746 (1957)
- Chocolate T-3133 (1953)
- Hartman's Chief Many Moons 7627 (1959)
- Chief Baptiste Mathias 6887 [1959 stallion]
- Chief The Second 11727 [1960 stallion]
- Dew Drop 35585 [1963 mare]
- Kitty May 5847 [1956 mare]
- Monitor's Kubla Khan 23910 [1961 stallion]
- Patrick Warrior F-1426 [1952 stallion]
- Spanish Gold 23903 [1961 mare]
- Monitor's Minnie 23904 [1961 mare]
- August Maze 23905 [1961 mare]
- Monitor's Onyx 23906 [1961 mare]
- Monitor's Egyptian Night 23907 [1961 stallion]
- Monitor's Kubla Khan 23910 [1961 stallion]
- Toby's Hue 24852 [1962 stallion]
- Toby's Tone 24853 [1962 stallion]

Sky Rocket mare
Bay blanket
(unknown x Sky Baby)
Bred by George Doepke, Washington
Foaled June 1, 1944
Owned by Mrs Marjorie Dawson, Dishman, Washington
Source: Appaloosa News 12-65:79
- *Squaw W 31664 [1953 mare]
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-66:22
Perrigo's Polka Dot mare
Chestnut, light with brown spots over loin and hips
(Tippy x Lady)
Bred by Wallace Halsey, Asotin, Washington
Foaled August 22, 1943
Owned by Vernie Perrigo, Moscow, Idaho

Scotch mare
Red Roan spotted blanket
(Pancho x Little Brown Jug)
Bred by R Booth, Sun River, Montana
Foaled May 3, 1940
Owned by HL Musson, Square Butte, Montana
Reference: Appaloosa News Sep60: 20
Major gelding
Red Roan blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1942
Owned by Harold Brock, Sandpoint, Idaho
Silver stallion
Red Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x Bessie Babe)
Bred by Bill Higgle
Foaled June 29, 1947
Owned by Byron Bissonnette, Drasco, Arkansas
- Flint Myatt 13316 [1961 stallion]
Daisy Mae mare
Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by GE Knight, Kamiah, Idaho
Foaled 1943
Owned by Almon Manes, Stites, Idaho
- Mane's Blue Eagle F-1874 (1952)
- Daisy K F-2527 (1959)
- Zebra's Impala F-4327 (1961)
Poker Joe stallion
Brown blanket
(Toby I F-203 x Princess Tolo F-116)
Bred by Harold Tibbs, Sandpoint, Idaho
Foaled May 9, 1948

not 100% sure photo is correctly labeled...color description not exactly match... and she would have been 14 years old and winning...possible...
Lucy mare
Light Red Roan spotted blanket
(The Lamb Horse x unknown)
Bred by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled 1941
- Choo Choo F-481 (1947)
- Sunset F-752 (1949)
- Ralstin's Skipper F-1280 (1950)

Red Rock stallion
Bay spotted blanket
(Jim Dandy x Ralstin's Freckles F-457)
Bred by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled June 15, 1948
Ralstin's Freckles mare
Red Roan, white spots over hips
(Salmon River Sam x Appaloosa Lady)
Foaled 1941
Owned by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
- Red Rock F-456 (1948)
- Lelanie F-1253 [1945 mare]
Golden Queen mare
Dun blanket
(Jim Dandy x Dolly)
Bred by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled June 16, 1948
- Dun Dee R 19210 1961 mare Sire: Sonny Domino T-4889
Ralstin's Silver mare
Red Roan spotted blanket
(Du Do x Appaloosa Lady)
Foaled 1940
Owned by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
- Silver Dandy F-460 (1948)
- Stranger F-951 (1947)
- Mane's Ace 6402 (1958)
Silver Dandy stallion
Dun, white spots over hips
(Jim Dandy x Ralstin's Silver F-459)
Bred by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled June 22, 1948
- Comanche Robin F-1430 [1952 stallion]
- Silver Kid F-1611 [1952 stallion]
- Lark F-1760 [---- mare]
- Chief Dandy F-2637 [1953 stallion]
- RalstinÕs Silver Lelanie F-4063 [1952 mare]
- Taffy Soo Um T-288 [1953 mare]
Surprise stallion
Red Roan spotted Blanket
(Golden Glow F-470 x Painted Princess)
Bred by William Armstrong, Simms, Montana
Foaled April 20, 1936
Owned by Rex Magnuson, Augusta, Montana
- Spotted Annie mare - from Appaloosa News 1-65:30, 9-71:16p [Surprise F-461 x Annie]

Lolo mare
Bay spotted blanket
(Patchy F-416 x Marjorie)
Bred by Herbert Camp, LaCrosse, Washington
Foaled March 1947
Owned by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-65:39, FAHR Tidings 10-3
- Toby Patch 25726 (1961)
- Toby K F-3079 (1959)
- *Apache Lo 53517 (1964 stallion)
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-66:70, 2-67:66 - Apache Dott 63665 (mare)
Reference: Appaloosa News 6-75:50 - Chief Handprint F-1310 (1950)
- Patch F-1469 (1952)
- Black Mark F-1663 (1954)
- Yakima Toby F-1746 (1956)
- Maumin Lolo F-2864 (1957)
- Lolo Malheur F-2865 (1958)
- Toby's Checkers F-3245 (1960)
- Genesee Chief F-1384 [1951 stallion]
Camus mare
Red Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Dan Keafer, Pullman, Washington
Foaled 1946
Owned by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
- Camus Malheur F-2866 (1958)
Riley's May mare
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(George Webb Horse x Blue Quarter F-1222)
Bred by Lester Riley, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled April 1941
- Riley's Purple Doll F-3156 (1959)
Cactus Cat mare
Chestnut, roan over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1940
Owned by Diane Pratt, Portland, Oregon

Thunder Bird stallion
Black leopard (fader?)
(Toby I F-203 x Babe)
Bred by WD Lewis, Sandpoint, Idaho
Foaled May 10, 1947
Reference: Appaloosa News Nov-Dec58:21, Sep60: 29
Lightning Streak stallion
Brown/Black spotted blanket
(Toby I F-203 x Babe)
Bred by WD Lewis, Sandpoint, Idaho
Foaled June 23, 1948
Homan's Freckles mare
Bay snowflake
(Arabi x Breeze)
Bred by Lawrence Homan, Hoquiam, Washington
Foaled April 30, 1934
Owned by Floyd Dickinson, Clearwater, Washington
Queets MacArthur stallion
Brown spotted blanket
(General MacArthur F-244 x Geldy)
Bred by Floyd Dickinson, Clearwater, Washington
Foaled June 1, 1948

Golden Glow stallion
Chestnut snowflake, dark spots over body
(Kuhalot x Snow)
Bred by William Armstrong, Simms, Montana
Foaled June 7, 1943
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-65:30/111, 2-66:?, 12-78:219
- Flying Sargeant F-2098 [1952 stallion]
- Dimples F-993 [1948 mare]
- Surprise F-461 [1936 stallion]
- Beggar Prince F-952 [stallion]
- Copper Fleck F-994 [1949 mare]
- Rockey Boy F-995 [1948 stallion]
- Sandra F-1955 [1950 mare]
- Flaxen Girl F-1957 [1949 mare]
- Chocolate Soda F-2735 [1950 stallion]
- Sky Rocket A T-391 [1953 mare]
- Sir Inka T-116 [1951 stallion]
- Chocolate Sundae W T-593 [1951 mare]
- Lady In White T-594 [1951 mare]
- GlowÕs Freckle Face 5602 [1949 mare]
Montana Chief stallion
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Pocatella F-134 x Red Wing)
Bred by HE Hollenbeck, Hale, Missouri
Foaled May 4, 1946
Owned by Oliver Mudd, Taylorville, Illinois
Chickie stallion
White, with black spots
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Charles Buguhl, Oakland, Oregon
Foaled June 17, 1944
Owned by WE Bohme, Roseburg, Oregon
- Bohme's Skeeter F-527 [1948 stallion]
- Beulah F-852 [1949 mare]
Shooting Star mare
White with dark brown spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1942
Owned by Ray Pellow, Nine Mile Falls, Washington
- Popcorn P F-2839 (1952)
- Mr Calico Britches F-2972
- Cochise Glacier F-3537 (1960)
- Livin Doll 23655 [mare]
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-73:126p, 6-67:19

Alladin gelding
Chestnut spotted blanket
(Sarik x Chemberlain mare [Chamberlain?])
Bred by Mr Chamberlain, Hants County, Nova Scotia, Canada
Foaled October 9, 1940
Owned by JM Van Every, Montreal West, Quebec, Canada

Pogehdoka mare
Bay, white spots on hips
(El Zorro F-108 x Sheba F-35)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled April 16, 1948
Reference: Appaloosa News Sep60:33
Technicolor stallion
Dun, dark spots over body
(Ferras AHC 922 x Painters Marvel F-47)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro Oregon
Foaled April 7, 1948
War Cloud stallion
Blue Roan, black spots over hips
(El Zorro F-108 x Day Break F-155)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled March 30,1948
- White Wing of Green Stables 6394 [1951 mare]
- Dark Moon of Green Stables 6395 [1959 mare]
- WarcloudÕs Tawny F-4171 [mare]
Estraleta mare
Blue Roan blanket
(El Zorro F-108 x Easter F-33)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled March 30, 1948
Loyette mare
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(El Zorro F-108 x Beryl F-85)
Bred by Claude Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Foaled March 25, 1948
- Eagle Claw F-1414 (1952)
- Red Eagle's Thunder Cloud F-1803 (1954)
- Kahneeta Mulino F-4659 (1959)
- Storm Dance F-2236 (1958)
Babette mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1934
Owned by Mrs Mabel Woodward, Sprague, Washington
- Pilgrim F-418 (1947)
- Lucky's Buckeye F-2058 (1958)
- Lucky's Una F-2060 (1953)
- Lucky's Ona F-2061 (1955)
- Lucky's Babo F-2274 (1959)
- Sunburst F-1385 [1952 stallion]

Choo-Choo mare
Red Roan, light roan over hips
(Chief x Lucy F-455)
Bred by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled May 18, 1947
Reference: Appaloosa News J-A58:14
- WW Cindy Choo F-2715 (1959)
- WW Nite Train 20531 [1961 stallion]
Ray's Rambler stallion
Black Leopard (near leopard?
(Tige x Ray's Pheka)
Bred by RE Harshman, Phoenix, Arizona
Foaled July 2, 1945
Virginia mare
White with black spots
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 1942
Owned by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
- Los Molinas F-1656 (1951)
- Lady Red Wing F-2016 (1953)
- Hank's Highlight F-4011 (1957)

Pete McCue stallion
Black spotted blanket
(Polka Dot F-387 x Pride)
Bred by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
Foaled May 14, 1947
Reference: Palouse 63:25
- Dandy Dal F-1531 [1954 stallion]
- Alpowa Pete F-1578 [1955 stallion]
- Wapsheela Waha F-1582 [1955 mare]
- Dawn's Blacksilver F-1583 [1955 mare]
- Sally Too F-1613 [1955 mare]
- KapiÕs Kitka F-1614 [1955 mare]
- Maumin Bluebonnett F-1662 [1956 mare]
- Enum Tahtch Crescent F-1685 [1956 stallion]
- French Haven Ribbon F-1686 [1956 mare]
- Maumin McQue F-1781 [1956 stallion]
- Koots Koots Iyat Maumin F-1805 [1956 mare]
- StephenÕs McCue F-1829 [1956 stallion]
- Blue Star Light F-1877 [1956 mare]
- Nez Perce Melody F-2419 [1954 mare]
- Peach Bizarre F-3568 [1956 mare]
- HumtitÕs Sicem T-1685 [1956 stallion]
- Pete O Pete 8993 [1953 stallion]
- Gypsy Jones 15083 [1955 mare]
- Bar Bell Candy 25946 [1955 mare]

Chocolate Sunday stallion
Chestnut spotted body blanket
(King Cambuscan ASHA x Pride of California F-486)
Bred by JT Lue, San Pablo, California
Foaled June 1, 1947
Owned by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
- Tehama Chocolate F-2896 [1957 stallion]
- Judy King F-1360 [1951 mare]
- Lady Lord F-1362 [1951 mare]
- Winning Way F-1363 [1951 mare]
- Bear Paw F-1376 [1952 stallion]
- Spook A La F-1377 [1952 mare]
- San San Soo F-1444 [1952 mare]
- Duke of Windsor F-1378 [1952 stallion]
- Yurok Chief F-1538 [1953 stallion]
- Chocolate War Doll F-1608 [1955 mare]
- Chocolate Drops F-1619 [1955 stallion]
- Los Molinas F-1656 [1951 mare]
- Lenapaw F-1659 [1953 mare]
- Pat A Wat F-1671 [1956 stallion]
- Chocolate Chip F-1740 [1956 stallion]
- Nez Perce Pride F-1844 [mare]
- Chocolate Gay Hawk F-1845 [1956 stallion]
- Brown Sugar W F-1947 [1957 mare]
- AnnieÕs Paleface F-3538 [1957 mare]
- ChocolateÕs Liberty Bell F-3804 [1958 mare]
- Indian Chocolate F-3986 [1959 stallion]
- HankÕs Highlight F-4011 [1957 mare]
- El Camino Joe F-4781 [1958 stallion]
- ChocolateÕs Indian Doll F-2240 [1958 mare]
- Tee Pee Queen T-1797 [1953 mare]
- Rocky Road 5439 [1950 mare]
- Chief Corker Boy 5945 [1957 stallion]
- S Chocolate Domino 6696 [1958 stallion]
- Cooper Lady 19650 [1955 mare] Dam: Pokette Lady -no reg #
- Nobelee 25702 [1961 mare]

Pride of California mare
Chestnut snowflake
(Cyclone MacDonald ASHA x unknown)
Bred by Leo McGill, Middletown, California
Foaled 1941-1964
Owned by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
- Chocolate Sunday F-485 (1947)
- King Gold F-561 [1948 stallion]
- Winning Way F-1363 (1951)
- Betty Nugget F-2910 (1953)
- Nancy Hanks F-1648 (1955)
- Nez Perce Pride F-1844 [1956? mare]
- Candy Pride F-3988 [1957 mare]
- Pride Prince F-3987 [1961 stallion]
- Pride's Last 42505 (1964) [ "may be" foal in the photo]
Foxie Bird mare
Red Leopard
(Blanco F-45 x Spooky F-42 )
Bred by JL Heitt, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 10, 1943
Owned by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
- Mary Bird F-559 (1947)
- Tehama Queen F-1443 (1949)
Teddy stallion
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Polka Dot F-387 x unknown)
Bred by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
Foaled June 1, 1946
- Blue Thunder T-173 [1950 stallion]
- Tehama Queen F-1443 (1949)
Nuton's [Nulton's?] Appalo stallion
Dun spotted blanket
(Appalo F-81 x Snowflake F-2 )
Bred by Beverly Nulton, Oroville, Washington
Foaled June 14, 1948
Owned by Charlene Nulton, Oroville, Washington
- UlmerÕs Dutchess F-4880 [1955 mare]
Toots Snowflake mare
Black snowflake
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1941
Owned by Mrs AW Hanson, Pleasant Lake, North Dakota
- Koko Moe F-1421 (1950)
- Cinder Ella F-1422 (1949)
- Tonca G F-3584 (1957?)
- Westwinds Fancy T-4500 [1951 mare]
Gringo gelding
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Cyrus Newbgin, Danvers, Massachusetts
Bonnie Boo mare
Dun leopard
(Blanco F-45 x Penny)
Bred by Carlton Grubbs, Oroville, California
Foaled May 8, 1947
Owned by Miss Patricia Sanford, Oroville, California
- Mr What F-3657 (1960)
- Bonita Boo F-4679 (1961)
Jokers Pride stallion
Dun, white spots over hips
(Joker F-148 x Marjorie Reynolds)
Bred by Earl Gile, Onalaska, Wisconsin
Foaled May 21, 1948
Owned by SA Loomis, Rochester, Minnesota
Rimrock Flash mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Champ x Lady)
Bred by Bill Messerschmidt, Ross Point, Idaho
Foaled May 1946
Owned by Lois Stone, Hayden Lake, Idaho
- Sheikh's Blue Earth F-2279 (1958)
- Sheikh's Blue Eagle F-4208 (1961)
- SheikhÕs Rimrock T-1469 [1956 stallion]
Chief Buck stallion
Dun spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1941
Owned by Mrs AW Hanson, Pleasant Lake, North Dakota
- Whitesitt's Smokey Joe 8841 (1957)
- Papoose Five Fingers 9548 (1957)
- Koko Moe F-1421 [1950 mare]
- Little Joe H T-4102 [1957 stallion]
- Papoose Cherokee 8094 [1958 stallion]
- Papoose Pegas 8096 [1958 stallion]
- Saska Jill 11922 [1953 mare]
- JalilaÕs Pride 14874 [1960 stallion]
- Bay Light 17735 [1956 mare]
- Juanita Buck 20748 [1958 mare]
King Pepper stallion
White with black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by JT Kendell, Moffitt, North Dakota
Foaled 1944
Owned by Mrs AW Hanson, Pleasant Lake, North Dakota
Proud Boy gelding
Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Art Nicoson, Kennewick, Washington
Foaled 1943
Owned by Stephen Selby, Kennewick, Washington
Lady Rose mare
Black Leopard
(Sheik Jibbah x Columbine)
Bred by Lon Titsworth, Golden, Colorado
Foaled May 1938
- Hallah F-365 (1947)
- Venus I F-499 (1948)
Venus I mare
Blue roan, light over loin and hips
(Moncriess Pal x Lady Rose F-498)
Bred by Ruby Titsworth, Golden, Colorado
Foaled April 18, 1948

Sundance stallion
Red Leopard
(Daylight x Chico [Cheeco])
Bred by Phil Jenkins, Estes Park, Colorado
Foaled June 1933
Owned by Preston Edwards, Woodrow, Colorado
Source: Sundance 500 International web site, Spotted Horse 4-79:8, and various issues of the Appaloosa News, especially in the mid-late 70s.
- Sundust F-1335 [1941 mare]
- Woodrow Sheik F-502 [1944 stallion]
- Leopard Lady F-167 [1937 mare]
- Rocking Chair Porter F-574 [1942 mare]
- Daddy'O T-4859 [1952 stallion]
- Fort Waskie F-109 [1941 stallion]
- Sunshine F-1290 [1950 mare]
- Black Leopard F-1569 [1947 stllion]
- Stardust F-50 [1939 mare]
- Mi Wacon F-1892 [mare]
- ChaffinÕs Sundance F-3180 [1950 stallion]
- Winnie F-4232 [1945 mare]
- Appal Dolly nr [mare]
#1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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