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Foundation Appaloosas
F-301 to F-400
Offspring photos have been added unless they have an entry on other pages,
that is to say, in sections of Foundation, Tentative under 15000, ID, or PC.
Mistep mare
Chestnut, white over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Herb Camp, Lacrosse, Washington
Foaled 1946
Owned by DA Christensen, Kendrick, Idaho
- Paisaro's Mistep F-2324 (1957 mare)
- Paisano's Mistep F-2024 [1952 mare]
Silver Tip stallion
(Toby II F-113 x Sally F-298)
Bred by DA Christensen, Kendrick, Idaho
Foaled May 27, 1946
- Silver's Dawn F-728 (1949) stallion
- Silver's Sunset F-905 (1949) stallion
- Grey Hawk F-1319 (1949) mare
Skeeter mare
Blue Roan, light roan over hips
(Checkers x Rainbow)
Bred by AS Erwin, Wadsworth, Nevada
Foaled Febraury 24, 1943
Dickie Speckles stallion
Light Blue Roan, white with black spots over loin and hips
(Prince Freckles F-305 x unknown)
Bred by Emmett Hegwood, Oakes, South Dakota
Foaled May 1946
Owned by DD Jansen, Elk River, Minnesota
Prince Freckles stallion
Light Blue Roan, with black spots over loin and hips
(El Morrocco F-18 x unknown)
Bred by Ed Jasewski, Tulare, South Dakota
Foaled June 1, 1939
Owned by Clarence Bobendrier, Elk River, Minnesota
- Dickie Speckles F-304 1946 stallion
- Suzie's Flip F-3338 1960 mare
- Brush Popper F-4190 1961 stallion
- Jack Freckles F-4837 1960 stallion
- Freckle's Sweetheart T-1520 1954 mare
- Nehrt's Frosty Freckles T-4838 1959 mare
- Bimbo Jack 9659 1960 stallion
- SugarÕs Freckles 8009 [1957 stallion]
- NehrtÕs Sundawn 8583 [1959 stallion]
- Prince Freckles Misty Miss 49025 [1961 mare]
- Debbie Too 14770 [1961 mare]
- Wykoff's Running Fawn 17881 [1961 mare]
Black Eyed Susan mare
White spots over loin and hips
(unknown x Snow Ball)
Bred by Jay Jensen, Bison, South Dakota
Foaled May 1, 1943
Owned by Mrs Marian Weichert, Maurine, South Dakota

F-307/CRHA 282*
Dusty Bandino mare
Bay blanket
(Silver CRHA 113-N x Maydo CRHA 243-L)
Bred by Wineglass Horse Ranch, Boulder, Colorado
Foaled May 16, 1946
Owned by Mr and Mrs Tommy Maddux, Wauneta, Nebraska
*CRHA registered name is Bandino
Beau Pierre stallion
Bay, White with black spots over loin and hips
(Banjo [F-361] x Lady Belle)
Bred by Mrs EE Kurtz, Hardin, Montana
Foaled April 7, 1946
Careasell mare
Red Roan blanket
(Banjo [F-361] x Lula Belle)
Bred by Mrs EE Kurtz, Hardin, Montana
Foaled April 27, 1946
- Montana Agate F-1530 (1952)
- Boob A Lac F-2568 (1950)
Powder River stallion
Brown Roan blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Tom Gaskill Sr, Epsie, Montana
Foaled February 25, 1945
Owned by Tom Gaskill Jr, Espe, Montana
- Westwind's Sioux Lady F-3289 (1951) mare
- Powder Sioux F-4731 (1958) mare
- Miss Rivers T-848 (1955) mare
- Sioux [Souix in SB] Squaw T-849 (1952) mare
- Painted Robe 5901 (1957) stallion
- LL's Powder Puff 12174 [1953 mare]
- Is Wg 15107 [1955 mare]
- Powder Puff K 25850 [1956 mare]
Tobillie mare
Brown Roan
(Toby II F-113 x Cub Billie)
Bred by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Foaled June 6, 1947
Ishimohktavas mare
Black, roan over hips
(Looka F-170 x Wutunivt F-169)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled July 27, 1946
- Appaloosa Queen F-1352 (1951)
- Sha Hie La F-1457 (1953)
Pajaro* stallion
Black blanket
(Looka F-170 x Ainhus F-185)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled July 5, 1947
*Note: Some of the offspring listed in the SB had the spelling
Pajero F-313, not Pajaro...
- Coy's Speck 12600 [1951 stallion]
- Indian Paintbrush F-1353 [1951 stallion]
- I Shi O Mi Ists F-1348 [1951 stallion]
- Summer Frost F-1349 [1951 mare]
- Cara F-1350 [1951 mare]
- Pizarra F-1351 [1951 mare]
- Appaloosa Queen F-1352 [1951 mare]
- Comet F-1371 [1951 stallion]
- Half Red F-1372 [1951 stallion]
- Blue Smoke F-1373 [1951 stallion]
- Meeke T-617 [1951 mare]
Mahk Si Ah mare
Roan, white over loin and hips
(Looka F-170 x Honiastsoinst)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled July 23, 1947
- Half Red F-1372 [1951 stallion]
- Ohkom F-1460 [1953 stallion]
Jarro De Cabeza stallion
Bay, white spots over hips
(Looka F-170 x Maituma)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled July 1, 1947
Mohk Sta Wo Ums Ts mare
Blue Roan with black spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1943
Owned by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
- Diablo F-317 (1947)
- La Hemana de Diablo F-538 (1948)
- Pizarra F-1351 (1951)
- Clown F-1630 (1955)
- Skiomah F-1768 (1956)
- Derniere F-3124 (1957)

Diablo stallion
Chestnut near leopard
(Looka F-170 x Mohk Sta Wo Ums Ts F-316)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled June 28, 1947
Ribbon mare
Red Roan, white with brown spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1940
Owned by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
- Ryff's Buttons F-1272 (1949)
- M'Liss F-1629 (1955)
- Ka Ko Yu I Si Nih F-319 [1947 mare]
Ka Ko Yu I Si Nih mare
Chestnut with white over hips
(Looka F-170 x Ribbon F-318)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled November 17, 1947
- I Shi O Mi Ists F-1348 (1951)

Candy stallion
Red Leopard
(Juaquin F-801 x Cloud Princess F-1026)
Bred by Margaret Besecker Farnsworth, Gunnison, Colorado
Foaled June 4, 1946
Webpage on Timberline Stock Ranch/Candy F-320
- Navajo's Candy 85389 1967 stallion
- Princess Paint Brush F-1565 mare
- Susie B F-2601 1956 mare
- Golden Dawn of Cochetopa F-2750 1954 mare
- Blue Silk of Cochetopa F-2751 1956 mare
- Pride of Cochetopa F-2752 1959 stallion
- Colorado Calamity Jane F-2892 1959 stallion
- T7's War Bonnet F-4554 1955 stallion
- Painted Warrior of Cochetopa F-2254 1958 stallion Reference: Appaloosa News 6-74:111p
- Timberline Candy Rose 144317 mare Reference: Appaloosa News 7-76:128
- Timberline Taas 80906 mare Reference: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:61, MC74#52p
- Candy Joaquin 174470 stallion
- Candy Squaw 125068 mare
- War Paint M T-65 1950 mare
- Star Dust M T-64 1950 mare
- Chicka's Mayday 79875 mare Reference: Appaloosa News 9-74:121*
- Biggs' Wampum 11234 [1960 stallion]
- Frosty Joe F-2468 [1956 stallion]
- Chipeeta 11235 [1960 mare]
- Keyta 6533 [---- mare]
- Princess Pert 6834 [1959 mare]
- Penny Candy H 8109 [1957 mare]
- Candy Drop 12131 [1960 mare]
- Candy Flag of Cochetopa 38448 [1963 mare]
- Candy Key 211231 [1970 mare]
- Candy Mitzie 68600 [1963 mare]
- Candy Red 18620 [1960 stallion]
- Candy's Dottie 40615 [1961 mare]
- Chief Hondo Hawk 17408 [1960 colt]
- Danville Katy L 88639 [1967 mare]
- Danville Spots 87792 [1967 stallion]
- Ebon Prince of Cochetopa 29614 [1959 stallion]
- Hank Hancock 36262 [1963 gelding]
- How Dee 15448 [1960 mare]
- Keyta's Koda 30046 [1959 mare]
- Miss Tominnie 53439 [1964 mare]
- Ponderosa King 18687 [1961 stallion]
- Que B Red Count 41685 [1963 gelding]
- Qwandee 18686 [1961 mare]
- Timberline Batchicka 80266 [1967 mare]
- Timberline Dusty 86060 [1967 stallion]
- Timberline Shonka Shonka 79276 [1967 stallion]
- Timberline Silver Silver 79277 [1967 mare]
- Timberline Simcoe's Princess 89600 [1967 mare]
- Timberline Sonca Sonca 79273 [1967 mare]
- Timberline's Candy Rose 144317 [1967 mare]
- Timberline's Durango 79272 [1967 stallion]
- TP Blue Candy 215612 [1967 mare]
- Ya Ba Chi 29615 [1955 mare]
- Yampa Cheiftan 28709 [1961 stallion]
Dakota Blue Bell mare
Blue Roan Blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 10, 1942
Owned by Fred Laflin and Harold Coe, Sorum, South Dakota
- Fred's Dakota Girl F-3313 (1960)

Zebra Pal stallion
Blue Roan Blanket
(Pal [F-201?] x Fly CRHA 94)
Bred by Horace Raty, Dupuyer, Montana
Foaled May 19, 1943
- Two Tone F-426 (1948)
- Zebra Dun F-1344 (1951)
- Fade A Way F-425 (1947)
- Wood Chuck F-759 (1949)
- Hy Tone F-760 (1949)
- June Bug F-1258 (1948)
- May Day F-1259 (1949)
- High Ball F-1260 (1949)
- Scappoose F-1341 (1951)
- Cockelbur F-1342 (1951)
- Modock F-1343 (1951)
- White Squaw R T-2457 (1953)
- Lady Pondera Kamiah 7390 [----mare]
Spice stallion
Chestnut, with white over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by WW Ritchie, Arvada, Wyoming
Foaled 1944

Kiowa Brave stallion
Dun, white with dun spots over hips
(Cargle's (Cargile's?) Appaloosa x Grey's Dun mare)
Bred by Howard Cargile, Texas
Foaled 1939
- Lone Star F-1264 [1949 stallion]
- Sunsand F-1265 [1949 mare]
- Wapiti A F-1263 [1949 stallion]
- Rocking Chair Kiowa F-588 [1948 stallion]
- Gipsey F-1593 [1948 mare]
- Bailey Brave F-926 1949 stallion
- PVF's Kiowa Squaw T-4799 [1950 mare]
- PVF's Kiowa Rose T-4800 1951 mare
- Olsen's Blue T-4621 1947 mare
- Kiowa Peppy T-4622
- Pato T-1510 1953 mare
- Aspen Peyote 19173 [1961 mare]
Reference: Ada Fall76:#237, Appaloosa News Feb 64 - Kiowa Creek F-1609 1955 mare
- Jack's Seeto F-2605 1950 mare
- Mah Tah Kiowa F-3567 1952 mare
- T7's Payday F-3636 1960 stallion
- Spotted Clown F-3864 1956 stallion
- Snow Rose F-4304 1950 mare
- T7's Duke F-4555 1957 stallion
- T7's Appy Day F-4556 1961 mare
- T7's War Man 13245 1956 stallion
- Hi Blue Streak T-1054 1953 mare
- Carey's Kiowa's Muchachita T-463 1954 mare
- Cooterville Red River T-487 1948 stallion
- SH Boom R T-657 1952 mare
- Shawnee Brave T-665 1955 stallion
- Butt's Kiowa Papoose T-796 1955 mare
- Kiowa Chief T-1194 1953 stallion
- Co Chita T-2172 1949 mare
- The Half Breed T-3284 1952 mare
- Aspen Antelope Maiden 9062 1960 mare
- T7's Maroon Belle 12707 [1959 mare]
- T7's Highroller 12706 [1960 stallion]
- Aspen Antelope Maiden 9062 [1960 mare]
- OB Mama Mia 9314 [1955 mare]
- T7's Kiowa's Buck 13243 [1960 stallion]
- T7's Kiowa's Brave 13244 [1960 stallion]
- T7Õs War Man 13245 [1956 stallion]
- T7Õs Many Spot 13246 [1960 mare]
- T7's Many Dotts 13247 [1960 mare]
- Jack's Koko'mo 14551 [1955 mare]
- Brave Hawk 17840 [1961 stallion]
- T-7's Cinnaman 20160 [1958 gelding]
- T-7's Cloudy Day 20161 [1961 stallion]
- T-7's Leopard Girl 20162 [1961 mare]

Rocking Chair Spot stallion
Black Blanket
(Spot F-133 x Chocolate)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled May 21, 1946
- Fire Dance A 5411 1958
- Rocking Chair Red Warrior F-1586 1953
- Sir Kansas F-2182 1958
- Alger's Smoky F-4600 1959
- AlgerÕs Antelope 9213 1959 stallion
- Stormy Jane T-2869 1957
- Hover's Pokey T-7552 1956
- Mr GG 8867 1957
- SeiferÕs Jay Hawk 8759 1957 stallion
- Hassayampa Wind 9081 1951 mare
- Coco Robbie 30582 1956 mare
- Rock N Roll F-1714 1954 mare
Montana Star Dust stallion
Red Roan blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by AM Nelson, Jordan, Montana
Foaled April 2, 1943
- Linda F-701 1946

Trinket mare
Red Roan
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by AM Nelson, Jordan, Montana
Foaled May 3, 1943
- Linda F-701 (1946)
- Next Move F-1338 (1951)
- Bolin's Cheeta F-729 (1948) SB lists Trinket as dam, no reg #, but all in Montana, and dates work......maybe
Friday The 13th stallion
Red Roan blanket
(Barb x Stacomi)
Bred by Fred Adams, Reedsville, Oregon
Foaled April 13, 1945
Owned by MR Miller, Oregon City, Oregon
- Timber Trail F-1409 1952
- Tualatin Chief F-1618 1955 stallion
Chief Al-Apache stallion
Bay, white with bay spots over loin and hips
(Joker 18 x unknown)
Bred by Albert Reburn, Lacrosse, Wisconsin
Foaled April 18, 1947

Articles from Appaloosa News
Dark Cloud stallion
Blue roan blanket
(Sunny Boy x Lulu Bell)
Bred by Gerald Mitchell, Checotah, Oklahoma
Foaled March 16, 1944
Source: Appaloosa News 4-70:84,91, 3-66:23 (article), 1-67:90
There was a Dark Cloud Breeders Association
- Blood Brother T-4045 1958
- Apache Man F-565 1948
- Calico's Sweet Face F-1948 1957
- Smokey Joe M F-2318 1951
- Blanco Rio F-3375 1950
- Salt N Pepper F-4657
- Bell Star T-1454 1949
- Speckled Cloud T-3354 1954
- Snow Flury 6236 1959
- Blanket T 7607 1957
- TrussellÕs Polka Dottie 7608 1957
- Polly Pebbles 9825 1949
Eltonga stallion
Red Roan white with brown spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Lewis Hall, Snover, Michigan
Foaled February 18, 1941
Owned by Ken Percell, Delphi, Indiana
- Lolita F-1269 1949
- El Dorado F-1800 1951

Powder mare
Blue Roan, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1939
Owned by EH Lewis, Columbia, Missouri
- Powder Puff F-537 (1948)
- Bette Powder F-1468 (1952)
- Half And Half F-1493 (1953)

Skipper stallion
White with black and brown spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1944
Owned by Frank Backscheider, Batavia, Ohio
- Cheko F-1302 1950
Ella's Polkadot mare
Brown Roan, white spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 15, 1941
Owned by JP McWilliams, Bucklin, Missouri
- Walapai Brave F-2971 [1957 stallion]
- DanleyÕs Ajax F-4450 [1959 stallion]
- Polka Dott Rose F-4397 [1955 mare]

pictured with her foal,
Blue Dominette F-523 or maybe Fancie F-336
photo from Pat Mefferd
Red Bluff Cheetah mare
White, with blue spots over loin and hips
(Specks [Costa's Specks F-1853 per allbreed] x Sugar)
Bred by Fred Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled May 15, 1942
- Fancie F-336 (1947)
- Blue Dominette F-523 (1948)
- Frosted Lady F-1044 (1949)

Fancie mare
Bay spotted blanket
(Farawi AHC 1203 x Red Bluff Cheetah F-335)
Bred by Fred Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 9, 1947
- Eska Puken F-2241 (1958)
- Tri Spot 24329 [1960 stallion]
Stormy mare
Roan spotted blanket
(Rossana AHC 985 x Ferdin)
Bred by Monaei Lindley, Reno, Nevada
Foaled April 5, 1947
- Black Star F-2442 (1956)
- Cheetah's Papoose F-2707 (1959)
- Cheetah's Cheree F-2945 (1960)

Appie stallion
Bay spotted blanket
(Rancher x Soto)
Bred by San Simeon Stables, Hearst Ranch, Cambria, California
Foaled April 1942
- Chief Tapo T-429 (1947)
Juanita mare
Red Roan, white spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled April 20, 1940
Owned by Fred Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
- Rosalita F-340 1946
- Little Juan F-967 1949
- Don Juan F-975 1948
Rosalita mare
Red Roan, white spots over loin and hips
(unknown x Junaita F-339)
Foaled April 1, 1946
Owned by Fred Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
- Sandra's Calico F-3311 1956
- Sandra's Powder Puff F-3312 1960
- Demi Don F-3564 1958
- Laflin's Kota Kay 23244 [1961 mare]
Kiowa Eagle stallion
Black Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1943
Owned by Carl Scott, Rapid City, South Dakota
- Shyann F-568 1947
- Big Chief F-1000 1947
Sioux Patches stallion
Red Roan white with bay spots over loin and hips
(Dashalong x April Star)
Bred by HC Farris
Foaled March 4, 1941
- Brown Eyes T-3236 1948
- Sunday Creek Chief F-2083 1956
- Three Stars 10485 [1947 mare]
- Montana Sioux 22510 [1949 stallion]
White Rocket mare
White with black specks over entire body
(Chief x unknown)
Bred by Harvey Talley, Opal, South Dakota
Foaled May 1942
Owned by Mrs Marian Weichert, Maurine, South Dakota
- Blue Rocket F-293 (1947)
Misty mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Mr Kibby, Susanville, California
Foaled May 1942
Owned by Mrs Olga Rife, Chico, California
- Fanfare F-411 (1948)
- First Feather F-1920 (1952)
Ripples mare
Chestnut spotted blanket
(Pagan Leopard F-130 x Betty)
Bred by SK Johnston, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Foaled January 3, 1947
Sherrara stallion
Chestnut Blanket
(Pagan Leopard F-130 x Flicka)
Bred by SK Johnston, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Foaled February 20, 1947
Desert Leopard stallion
Black Leopard
(Pagan Leopard F-130 x Suzie Bell F-227)
Bred by SK Johnston, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Foaled April 19, 1947
Cloudy stallion
Blue Roan, spots over body and hips
(Pagan Leopard F-130 x Cherokee Rose F-228)
Bred by SK Johnston, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Foaled April 20, 1947
Pagen Stardust stallion
Blue Roan, spots over body and hips
(Pagan Leopard F-130 x Surefoot)
Bred by SK Johnston, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Foaled April 15, 1947

Tobianna mare
Black spotted blanket
(Toby I F-203 x Diamond)
Bred by WD Lewis, Sandpoint, Idaho
Foaled June 14, 1947
Owned by Harold Tibbs, Sandpoint, Idaho
- Buttermilk F-1440 (1952)
- Durango F-1694 (1955-1970)
- Chief Red Cloud A F-1816 (1957)
- Little Crow F-2038 (1958)
- Spotted Eagle DE F-2919 (1960)
- Toby's Malinchee DE 96664
- Nutocki 5355 [1959]
- Coco Britches ID 14071 (1962) mare
- Toby's Tornado DE 42627 [1964 mare]
Ute Maid mare
Blue Roan, white specks over hips
(Rain Cloud x Squaw)
Bred by John Chow, Oregon
Foaled April 1, 1936
Owned by Bert Armstrong, Chico, California
- Nyssa F-412 (1948)
- Silver Sage F-1287 (1949)
- Mieke F-1288 (1950)
F-352/ApHCC 55
Skip mare
Bay, white with bay spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Cliff Rhern, Smokey Heights, Alberta, Canada
Foaled May 5, 1942
Owned by MG Fraser, Chilliwack, British Columbia
- Scarlet O'Hara ApHCC 199 (1954)
- Prince of Prairie Creek ApHCC 471 (1956)
- Polkadots Moonshine ApHCC 380 [1955 stallion]
Mysti Pasha stallion
Chestnut spotted bkanket
(San Felipe AHC 2199 x Bonnie)
Bred by JL Bernard, Kelso, Washington
Foaled April 14, 1947
General Patton stallion
White with black spots over loin and hips
(Jarnigan x Janie)
Bred by Rose Karnen, Mud Butte, South Dakota
Foaled April 15, 1945

Prairie Dog stallion
Chestnut spotted blanket
(Jarnigan x Janie)
Bred by Rose Karnen, Mud Butte, South Dakota
Foaled April 20, 1946
Reference: Appaloosa News Mar-Apr60:7
- Amelia Yellow Rose T-4998 1958
- Prairie Dog's Tundra 6430 [1959 stallion]
- Prairie Dog Jr L 9960 [1960 stallion]
- DRC's Chief Red Sea 10083 [1960 stallion]
- DRC's Tecumseh 10084 [1960 stallion]
- DRC's White Path 10085 [1960 stallion]
- Swedish Prairie 10447 [1960 stallion]
Badger gelding
Brown spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Ernest Kuck, The Dalles, Oregon
Foaled April 15, 1940
Squaw Girl mare
Brown, white spots over body
(Robin x Sweetheart)
Bred by Virg Shinn, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Foaled May 20, 1945
Owned by Shirl Shinn, Idaho Falls, Idaho
- Chief's Girl F-1691 (1950)
- Sirknight/Sir Knight F-3242 (1955)
- Cameron's Little Squaw 9607 (1953) mare
- Liberty Bell 6586 [1959 mare]
- Squaw Boy C 11449 [1960 stallion]

Freckled But Nice stallion
Chestnut spotted blanket
(Lamedeer F-359 x Esther No 2 F-242)
Bred by Marcus Crowley, Roundup, Montana
Foaled May 17, 1946
- Al's Folly But Nice T-815 or ID 170 1955
- Squalicum Freckles F-1526 1954
- Umpqua Freckles F-1930 1955
- Al's Fancy But Nice T-816 1955
- CE Freckle's Princess T-2022 1955
Lamedeer stallion
Dun Roan
(The Wagtail Kid F-226 x Folly F-243)
Bred by Marcus Crowley, Roundup, Montana
Foaled July 8, 1943
- Freckled But Nice F-358 [1946 stallion]
Fuji mare
Brown spotted roan
(Painter III F-8 x Kate)
Bred by Roy Philippi, Arlington, Oregon
Foaled March 15, 1945
Owned by Ernest Kuck, The Dalles, Oregon

Banjo stallion
White, red specks on head, neck, flanks
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Tschirgi, Wyola, Montana
Foaled July 1941
Owned by Lois Landon, Hardin, Montana
- Montana Flash F-279 1947
- Careasell F-309 1946
- Beau Pierre F-308 1946
- Bon Jour F-1017 1948
- Patonia F-1019 1948
- Montana Agate F-1530 1952
- Montana Lady T-1276 1952
Eros stallion
White, black spots over loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1945
Owned by Mrs Leigh Handforth, Laprairie, Quebec, Canada
- Fantissmo T-25/ApHCC 52 (1950)

Bogaloosa stallion
Black leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled June 14, 1940
Owned by Tyler Sawyer, San Jacinto, California
Originally known as El Primo, name changed to Bogaloosa at registration.
- Onward Hummer F-518 1946
- Kli K Atat F-533 1948
- Prince G F-946 1948
- Seneca Brave T-214 1952
- Mister Moonshine 10857 1960 stallion
- Blue B F-1809 [1945 mare]
- Sierra Blue 8448 [1946 mare]
Warren's Pride stallion
Red Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1938
Owned by Joseph Warren, Regina, Sask., Canada
Additional info: this was the first Appaloosa purchased by Jo Warren. (Jo Warren, Border Appaloosa Ranch)
- Ackmore's Cindy F-607 1948
Hallah stallion
Black Leopard
(Moncriess Pal x Lady Rose F-498)
Bred by Lon Titsworth, Golden, Colorado
Foaled May 7, 1947
Daisy mare
Red roan speckled blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Dyke Williams, Ordway, Colorado
Foaled May 20, 1942
Owned by Vern Irvin, Wilksboro, North Carolina
- Bubble Up F-1299 (1949)
- Irvin's Dee Zee F-1966 (1956)
Diamond Ann mare
Bay spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1940
Owned by Vern Irvin, Wilksboro, North Carolina
- Irvin's Glamourene F-1967 (1953)
- Calypso Ann T-2680 (1955)
Twinkle mare
Dun roan spotted blanket
(unknown x Speck)
Bred by Vern Irvin, Wilksboro, North Carolina
Foaled June 2, 1944
- Irvin's Flamingo F-1300 (1949)
- Delightfully Different T-113 (1951)
Zero stallion
White with black spots over back, loin and hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Miss Fay Polosom, Camas, Montana
Foaled May 15, 1944
Owned by Vern Irvin, Wilksboro, North Carolina
- Bubble Up F-1299 (1949)
- Irvin's Flamingo F-1300 (1949)
- Irvin's Dee Zee F-1966 (1956)
- Irvin's Glamourene F-1967
- Little Pigeon unreg [1953 mare] per allbreed

Lady Freckles mare
Red Roan, spots over body and hips
(Gringo x Freckles)
Bred by Ed Bowman, Peyton, Colorado
Foaled May 25, 1936
Owned by Ralph Michael, Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Imboden's Frosty F-1963 (1938)
Tuscarora Lady mare
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1938
Owned by Mrs Gwendoline Burkholder, Plymouth, Michigan
- Aurora's Star F-944 (1948)
- Diana's War Bonnet Sioux F-1902 (1952)
Sultana mare
White, black spots
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1938
Owned by Neil Dennis, Portland, Oregon
- Don Fez F-373 (1947)
Don Fez stallion
Blue Roan,spotted blanket
(Sahar AHC 1837 x Sultana F-372)
Bred by Neil Dennis, Portland, Oregon
Foaled May 1, 1947
Little Red Feather mare
Red Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled March 1940
Owned by Leslie Walker, Marshalltown, Iowa
- Little Red Hawk F-1304 (1950)
Ole Blue gelding
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Ed King, Wray, Colorado
Foaled April 1940
Owned by Leslie Walker, Marshalltown, Iowa
Tag gelding
Black spotted blanket
(Mickey F-187 x Pirate Lady)
Bred by RC Joplin, Yakima, Washington
Foaled April 19, 1947
Seaton's Skipper stallion
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Bummer x Freckles)
Bred by Samuel Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled March 1943
- Three Feathers F-397 (1947)
- Seaton's Buck F-742 (1946)
- Thomas F-743 (1946)
- Pahyo Ka Koy Nin F-908 (1948)
- Lillywap F-1547 (1953)
- Rakush No 1 F-2285 (1950)
- Red Top T-2764 (1955)
- Cricket C Blaze PC 3390/ID 8331
- 3C Skipper II 7269 (1959)
- 3C Skipper's Frosty 7271 (1959)
- 3C Skipper's Surprise 7277 (1959)
- FalterÕs Fancy 8707 [1960 stallion]
- 3C Skipper's Splash 12143 [1959 stallion]
- 3C Skipper's Gracie 12548 [1958 mare]
- 3C Skipper's Jackie 12549 [1959 mare]
- Maggie Carl 12550 [1960 mare]
- Snohomish Babe 13002 [1948 mare]
- Prairie Princess 56773/ApHCC 2613 [1962 mare]
- Seaton's Chief 15681 [1959 stallion]
- Earp's Zip 22569 [1959 stallion]
Kapkap Ponmi mare
Blue Roan
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1940
Owned by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho

Gayle's Pepper stallion
Black Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Carlos Partin, John Day, Oregon
Foaled April 10, 1943
Owned by Gayle Stockdale, Enterprise, Oregon
Comment from Palmer Wagner.
Poppy's Dobby stallion
Brown spotted blanket
(Texas Cherokee F-265 x Juanita)
Bred by John Harper, Van Horn, Texas
Foaled March 17, 1948
Easter Egg stallion
Brown spotted blanket
(Applejack F-158 x Chet Green mare)
Bred by Warren Brewster, Birney, Montana
Foaled May 6, 1946
- Chicha II F-1408 (1952)
- Spatterwork F-1529 [1952 stallion]
Papoose Girl mare
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Blue Dog x Arabian Girl)
Bred by AB Rogers, Stuttgart, Arkansas
Foaled May 1943
Owned by Max Frohlich, Pittsburg, Kansas
- Frosty Jill 12863 [1959 mare]
Appy Chief stallion
Blue Roan,spotted blanket
(Blue Dog x Arabian Girl)
Bred by AB Rogers, Stuttgart, Arkansas
Foaled May 1944
Owned by Max Frohlich, Pittsburg, Kansas
Gay Lady mare
Brown snowflake, black spots on hips
(El Cortez x Spooky F-42)
Bred by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
Foaled May 9, 1946
Owned by Fred Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
- Grey Lady F-1273 (1949)
- Lady Dominet F-1322 (1950)
- Lady Lord F-1362 (1951)
- Duke of Windsor F-1378 (1952)
- Tehama Bell F-1539 (1953)
- Chocolate Gay Hawk F-1845 (1956)
- Gay Chip 22062 [1959 stallion]

Stewart's Sheik stallion
Chestnut spotted blanket
(Rusty King x Trixie)
Bred by Norman Stewart, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled August 10, 1940
Owned by SP Fletcher, Opportunity, Washington
Reference: Appaloosa News Sep-Oct59: cover
- Lee Elk T-418 (1954)
- Check F-611 (1947)
- Sheik's Beauty F-722 (1944)
- Sunset F-752 (1949)
- Nellie's Lady F-1224 (1949)
- Ralstin's Skipper F-1280 (1950)
- Ralstin's Red Cloud F-1281 (1950)
- Sheigara F-2663 (1951)
- Sheik's JW F-4623 (1954)
- Sky Rocket M T-419 (1953)
- Manes Light Foot 7947 (1956)
- Black Pepper C F-3898 [1954 mare]
- Paint F-610 [1946 stallion]
- Ralstin's Sheba F-753 [1949 mare]
- Manes Stewart's Shiek Jr 5368 [1957 stallion]
Sonney gelding
Black spotted blanket
(Toby I F-203 x Palouse Queen F-283)
Bred by Floyd Hickman, Pullman, Washington
Foaled 1941
Owned by AE Krause, Headquarters, Idaho

Identified with incorrect #
Polkadott gelding
Brown spotted blanket
(Blanco F-45 x Betty)
Bred by JL Heitt, Red Bluff, California
Foaled May 10, 1940
Owned by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
- Mary Bird F-559 1947 mare
- Spooka Dot F-520 1947 mare
- Teddy F-488 1946 stallion
- Pete McCue F-484 1947 stallion
Comanche mare
Red Roan, spotted hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Mr Guthrie, Stockton, California
Foaled 1932
Owned by Bert Armstrong, Chico, California
Ballerina mare
Black spotted blanket
(Blanco F-45 x Platina)
Bred by Theodore Rife, Chico, California
Foaled March 23, 1948

Sir Flash stallion
Bay blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled July 10, 1943
Owned by Francis Buffett, Marshalltown, Iowa
Source: Appaloosa Stud Book Volume 1:211
- Squaw Lady T-1755 (1956)
- Chilo's Peach F-3108 (1957)
- Sir Spooky Sam F-3877 (1957)
- Chapita's Honey Bear F-4073 (1957)
- Lady Nez T-1402 (1956)
- Billy The Kid T-1671 (1951)
- Dead of Noon T-1855 (1955)
- Sir Stormy T-2696 (1957)
- Bad Blizzard T-3244 (1950)
- Nachise 5057 (1957)
- Baby Doll S 8170 (1959)
- Tag A Long 6548 [1959 mare]
- More's Pahoo 7889 [1959 stallion]
- Kick 10704 [1959 stallion]
- Mickey's Frostnipe 36458 [1952 mare]
- Flashy Tonka 14441 [1960 stallion]
- Wardance Souix [Sioux ?] 14495 [1959 mare]
- Tippicanoe Bell 15062 [1950 mare]
- Flashy Squaw 15071 [1959 mare]
- LakeviewÕs Gypsy Girl 22485 [1959 mare]
Indian Girl mare
Dun spotted blanket
(Walking Tennessee Joe x Appaloosa Queen)
Bred by OE Hansen, Long Beach, California
Foaled April 2, 1944
Owned by Glenn Spiller, Long Beach, California
Ma Kio mare
White with black spots over loin and hips
(Bummer x unknown)
Bred by Samuel Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled 1944
Owned by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
- Pahyo Ka Koy Nin F-908 [1948 mare]
- Blue Boy F-1311 (1950)
Yum Mi mare
Black spotted blanket
(Bummer x unknown)
Bred by Samuel Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled 1940
Owned by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Maumin Tosteen mare
Bay reverse leopard
(Toby II F-113 x Asotin Annie F-429)
Bred by Lewis Jain and Tom Duffy, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled March 1947
Reference: Palouse 63:25
- Maumin McQue F-1781
- Maumin II F-1282 (1950)
- Blue Maumin Malheura F-2570 (1948)
- Chico's Malheur Maumin F-3387 (1960)
- Chico Maumin Jewel 91511 (1962)
Reference: Appaloosa News 10-71:79p - Maumin Red Penny ID 16496 [mare]

Yellow Wolf gelding
Bay spotted blanket
(Mike x Freckles)
Bred by Samuel Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled 1947
Owned by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
- Kinapi's Kapi F-1331 [1951 mare]
Kinapi mare
Chestnut spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Ray Hunt, Nespelem, Washington
Foaled 1945
Owned by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
- Kinapi's Kapi F-1331 (1951)
Three Feathers gelding
Bay spotted blanket
(Seaton's Skipper F-377 x unknown)
Bred by Samuel Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled 1947
Owned by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho

Maumin Blondie mare
Light dun,white spots over loin and hips
(Toby II F-113 x Starbuck Sally F-427)
Bred by Lewis Jain and Tom Duffy, Lewistwon, Idaho
Foaled May 1, 1947
Polka Dot Chief stallion
White, brown spots over loin and hips
(Dom Gold x Silver Doll)
Bred by Bruce Roddick, Mount Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Foaled June 25, 1947
Owned by Mrs Leigh Handforth, Laprairie, Quebec, Canada
Topper stallion
White, black spots over loin and hips
(Riley's Knobby x Mickey)
Bred by Lester Riley, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled June 1941
- El Deabloo F-3157
- Riley F-564 (1949)
- Johnie F-735 (1945)
- Jim Fiss F-736 (1945)
- Jackie F-737 (1946)
- Nobby II F-738 (1947)
- La Vender II F-1320 (1945)
- Princess Sheila F-3623 (1947)
- Kincart's Bee Bee 8491 (1949)
#1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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This page last updated March 2025.