Appaloosa Territory
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Tentative Registered Appaloosas
T-17601 to T-17700
Peerless Princess mare
Brown, white spots over body, light over hips blaze, sock both front and l hind
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by BL Lien, Peerless, Montana
Foaled 1959
Bosavales stallion
Bay, white with bay spots over l/hips, star, sock both hind and l front
(Reservation Randy 5590 x Sister [no reg #])
Owned by John Walton, Ft Peck, Montana
Foaled 1961
Shade Creek Blue stallion
Blue roan, white over l/h, star, sock both hind
(Reservation Randy 5590 x Blue Mare [no reg #])
Owned by John Walton, Ft Peck, Montana
Foaled 1961
Kiouga Kinwin stallion
Chestnut, white spots over l/h, strip, sock both hind, blaze
(Cactus Lad T-4498 x Gigi [no reg #])
Bred by EH Dierks, Canon City, Colorado
Foaled 1961
Bitter Root Debby mare
White, black and sorrel spots over body
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by Porter John, Hillard, Washington
Owned by Lola Taplin, Hamilton, Montana
Foaled 1955
Ke Ya mare
Sorrel, light over hips, blaze, sock both hind and l front
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Helen Wilson, Lucerne Valley, California
Foaled unknown
Prince K stallion
Dun, white with dun spots over l/hips, strip
(Kenna T-2443 x Princess P [no reg #])
Owned by Floyd Russell, St John, Kansas
Foaled 1961
Dutch's Princess mare
Bay, white over l/h
(Pablo F-267 x Snow Princess 14544)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Owned by Leon King, Belton, Missouri
Foaled 1961
Good Cloud stallion
Black, white with black spots over l/h, blaze
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x quarter)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Owned by OKG Cattle Company, Belton, Missouri
Foaled 1961
Miss Britty mare
Black, white with black spots over l/hips, blaze, sock both front and r hind
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x quarter)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Owned by OKG Cattle Company, Belton, Missouri
Foaled 1961
Owen's Girl mare
Brown, white with brown spots over l/h
(Pablo F-267 x quarter)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Owned by OKG Cattle Company, Belton, Missouri
Foaled 1961
Missouri King stallion
Blue roan, white over l/h, blaze
(Tennessee Sunde Cloud F-2975 x quarter)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Owned by OKG Cattle Company, Belton, Missouri
Foaled 1961
Owen's Miss mare
Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over l/h, blaze
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x quarter)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Owned by OKG Cattle Company, Belton, Missouri
Foaled 1961
Honey Gal mare
Bay, white over l/h, sock both hind, blaze
(Nez Perce Warrior F-3932 x quarter)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Owned by OKG Cattle Company, Belton, Missouri
Foaled 1961
Baldy Sox C gelding
Sorrel, white spots over hips, bald face, stocking both hind and l front
(Snow Cloud C F-2374 x Miss Bailey [no reg #])
Owned by JT Creighton, Forsan, Texas
Foaled 1961

Chief Waggoner stallion
Blue roan, white with black spots over l/hips, bald face
(Snow Cloud C F-2374 x Sheiza Waggoner AQ)
Owned by JT Creighton, Forsan, Texas
Foaled 1961
Reference: Appaloosa News 10-81:44, 9-80:100, 1-74:31, 1-79:61, 12-79:121

Star Brandy V stallion
Brown, white over l/h, star
(Seven Up G T-4869 x Wanochi V 14688)
Owned by Charlie Ept, Pickerington, Ohio
Foaled 1961
Chufa Chumba mare
Black, white spots over l/h, pastern r hind, coronet l front, star
(Appaloosa x Dot [no reg #])
Bred by Sabas Duplessis
Owned by Perry Smith, Gonzales, Louisiana
Foaled 1961
Bull Run gelding
Blue roan, white and black spots over l/h
(Iron Bull T-953 x Pepper [no reg #])
Bred by Larry Richardson, Eureka, Kansas
Owned by George Wilson, Valley Center, Kansas
Foaled 1961
Cloudy Dawn mare
Brown roan, brown spots over hips
(Tan Kala F-4320 x King mare)
Bred by Mary Bowling, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Owned by George Wilson, Valley Center, Kansas
Foaled 1960
CA's Blue Fawn mare
Blue roan, white and black spots over l/h, star, sock r hind, pastern r hind
(Unknown x CA's Mountain Bluebell 16610)
Bred by Clarence Chown, Escondido, California
Owned by Alfred Moore, Loomis, California
Foaled 1961
Shane's Yeibighai Dancer stallion
Dun, white over l/h, strip, stocking r hind, bald face
(Chief F T-2948 x Shesmine Shane 9826)
Bred by OC Corley, Eufaula, Oklahoma
Owned by Ruth Meyer, Shreveport, Louisiana
Foaled 1961
Mighty Magic stallion
Blue roan, white over l/h
(Black Magic F-1639 x Rose Creek Pickles 12369)
Owned by Omer Schueler, Thompson, Nebraska
Foaled 1961
Ginger Wikis mare
White, brown spots over entire body
(Enky Buckshot [no reg #] x TB)
Owned by B Burhus, Ontario, California
Foaled 1951
Chowat mare
Dun, white with dun spots over l/h
(Taton Ka C 5345 x Ginger Wikis 17624)
Owned by B Burhus, Ontario, California
Foaled 1961
Chief Too Boy stallion
Black, white spots over l/h, strip
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Robert Koenig, Jamestown, North Dakota
Foaled 1959
Chippewa Of Paradise mare
Bay, white with black and chestnut spots over l/hips, star
(Jackpot F-1555 x Midge [no reg #])
Bred by John McMaster, Paradise, California
Foaled 1961
Lock's TS Legs mare
Sorrel, star, pastern r hind
(Taylor's Sundance F-1053 x Lock's Nugget [no reg #])
Owned by Frank Lock, Malta, Montana
Foaled 1957
Lock's San Juan High Pockets stallion
Sorrel, white over l/h, star
(San Juan F-2920 x Lock's TCS Legs 17628)
Owned by Frank Lock, Malta, Montana
Foaled 1961

Sunny Chief stallion
Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over l/hips
(Super Chief 9142 x Penny N [no reg #])
Bred by Blance Roda, LaSalle, Illinois
Owned by Louis Barbic, LaSalle, Illinois
Foaled 1961
Lady Shanet mare
Blue roan, blaze
(Lawyer's Arco F-4035 x Lady [no reg #])
Owned by Clinton Reece, Felt, Idaho
Foaled 1958
Chief Domino S stallion
Brown roan, white and black spots over l/hips
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Howard Sullivan, Lansing, Michigan
Foaled 1954
JO Jr's Elmore Princess mare
Sorrel, white spots over body, strip, stocking r hind
(Konalla AHCR x Appaloosa)
Bred by Francis Johnson, Caldwell, Idaho
Owned by JO Young Jr, Mt Home, Idaho
Foaled 1957
Moonshine Royal stallion
Sorrel, white over l/hips, stocking both hind
(Moonshine F-1742 x Goldie [no reg #])
Owned by Robert Johnson, Wheatridge, Colorado
Foaled 1961
Ja Ja Lee Barcadia mare
Black, white spots over l/h
(Don O's Cavilade T-4733 x Topaz [no reg #])
Bred by SR Jacques, North Plymouth, Idaho
Foaled 1960
Tara Spot gelding
Blue roan, white with black spots over body and hips, sock both hind
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by AC Johnston, Sheridan, California
Foaled 1954

Dixie Jim stallion
Bay, white with brown spots over l/hips, star
(Domino ApHCC 561 x Dixie Fancy G ApHCC 320)
Owned by BF Davis, Henderson, Colorado
Foaled 1961
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-67:4, 4-67:80, 10-68:85
Lucky Ann mare
Brown, white with bay and brown spots over l/h, star, sock r hind,coronet l hind
(Domino ApHCC 561 x Lucky G ApHCC 546)
Bred by BE Dearing, Grand Prairie, Alberta
Owned by BF Davis, Henderson, Colorado
Foaled 1961

MMM Nudunaga stallion
Black, white with black spots over l/hips, bald face, stocking both hind
(Chippawa F-1485 x Lady Mac T-4605)
Bred by Mrs Dick McCully, Naches, Washington
Foaled 1961
Fire Britches stallion
Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over l/h, blaze
(Jacksboro T-3339 x Lady [no reg #])
Owned by Clifford Briscoe, Garland, Texas
Foaled 1961
Chief Jacksboro stallion
Sorrel, white spots over hips, star
(Jacksboro T-3339 x Dolly [no reg #])
Owned by Clifford Briscoe, Garland, Texas
Foaled 1961
Double F's High Noon stallion
Sorrel, white spots over hips, blaze
(Boca Chico F-4144 x Stout's Tamie 9350)
Bred by Pete Stout, Brownsville, Texas
Owned by Frank Maenza, Wichita Falls, Texas
Foaled 1961
Oklahoma Shaniko stallion
Blue roan, white with black spots over body and hips, sock both hind and l front
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by Charlie Gibson, Roosevelt, Washington
Owned by Glenn West, Ft Smith, Arkansas
Foaled 1956
Steel Jacket stallion
White, black spots over body and hips
(Running Hand F-4631 x White Lady H 10261)
Bred by George Holzberger, Gordon, Nebraska
Owned by John Samford, Abilene, Texas
Foaled 1960
Baldy Watch stallion
Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over l/hips, blaze, stocking l hind, sock r front
(Modock F-1343 x Tiny [no reg #])
Owned by Frank Combe, Huntsville, Utah
Foaled 1961
Brown's Squaw Mare mare
Blue roan, black spots over l/h, sock both hind
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Lyle Brown, Canton, Illinois
Foaled 1955
De Lo Way Cindy Sue mare
Brown, white spots over body and hips, star, snip, coronet l hind
(Arapaho J F-1977 x De Lo Way TootsT-3252)
Bred by De Lo Way Farm, Ames, Iowa
Foaled 1960
Anderson's Buck Shot stallion
Black, white spots over hips, star
(Chief Polka Dot 7254 x Bryant's Babe [no reg #])
Bred by Bert Slape, Braggs, Oklahoma
Owned by Hubert Anderson, Springdale, Arkansas
Foaled 1960
Lacamas Ko Ko gelding
Red roan,chestnut spots over body, sock both hind, blaze
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by William Walters, Camas, Washington
Foaled 1955
Chief of North Pole Mound stallion
Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over body and hips, blaze
(Flashing Fire F-2385 x Golden Rosine [no reg #])
Owned by Dewey Barr Jr, Salina, Kansas
Foaled 1961
Taffy K mare
Dun, white over l/h, sock both hind and l front
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Neil Keats, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled 1953
Nez Perce Sid stallion
Transferred to Foundation F-4634
Donald Boy stallion
Dun, white spots over hips, stocking r hind
(Jarman Cloud 5526 x quarter)
Owned by Merrill's Appaloosa Ranch, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1961
Sid's Newsgirl mare
Transferred to Foundation F-4635

Snow Sandy stallion
Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over l/h
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Cloudy Maid F-4514)
Owned by Merrill's Appaloosa Ranch, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1961
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-65:61
Medicine Boy stallion
Brown, white with brown spots over l/h, star, strip, stocking both hind, sock l front
(Bad Medicine B F-4604 x White Stockings Squaw 13498)
Bred by George Batchelder, Rapid City, South Dakota
Owned by Merrill's Appaloosa Ranch, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1961
Dakota Black Bob stallion
Black, white spots over l/hips, star
(Dakota Sioux Cloud F-3042 x Ding Bab [no reg #])
Owned by Merrill's Appaloosa Ranch, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1961
Dakota Ruby mare
Bay, white with bay spots over l/h, sock r front and r hind
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Miss Roan Eagle M 7576)
Owned by Merrill's Appaloosa Ranch, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1956
Reference:: Ada Fall77#112p
Dakota Gypsy Lady mare
Transferred to Foundation F-4517
Dakota Silver Toy mare
Transferred to Foundation F-4518
Dakota Bill gelding
Blue roan, white spots over hips
(Sid Vollin F-3929 x Unnamed)
Owned by Merrill's Appaloosa Ranch, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1953
Zorro's Star stallion
Bay, white with bay spots over l/hips, sock all four, star
(Zorro F-2781 x Miss Lone Star 13454)
Owned by Merrill's Appaloosa Ranch, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1958
Dakota Lone Zorro stallion
Bay, white spots over body, strip, sock both hind
(Dakota Manrico F-3362 x Miss Lone Zorro 15935)
Owned by Merrill's Appaloosa Ranch, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1958
Mr Specks stallion
Red roan, white with chestnut spots over l/h, stocking l hind, strip
(Many Specks T-670 x Sorrel Mare)
Bred by Horace Raty,Square Butte, Montana
Owned by Merrill's Appaloosa Ranch, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Miss Iron Cloud mare
Red roan, white spots over entire body
(Snow Cloud F-78 x Iron Cloud Appaloosa [no reg #])
Bred by Dave Ironcloud, Hisle, South Dakota
Owned by Merrill's Appaloosa Ranch, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1950
Dakota Red Belle mare
Transferred to Foundation F-4636
Miss OCHS mare
Blue roan, light over l/hips
(OCHS Stallion x OCHS Mare)
Bred by OCHS [Ogalala Community High School], Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Owned by Merrill's Appaloosa Ranch, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1955

Bar Jo Call House stallion
Blue roan, black spots over l/hips
(Candy Chief T-999 x Patty Jo [no reg #])
Bred by IB Dismokes, Rocksprings, Texas
Owned by Bar Jo Ranch, Lawton, Oklahoma
Foaled 1960
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-75:143, 12-75:105
Callan's Jack Frost stallion
Black, white over l/h
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Callan Farms, Odell, Nebraska
Foaled 1955
Callan's Wing Foot mare
Blue roan, white over l/hips, blaze
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Callan Farms, Odell, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Callan's Thunderhoof stallion
Bay, white with brown spots over l/hips, white spots over body
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Callan Farms, Odell, Nebraska
Foaled 1957
Callan's Otoe Princess mare
Blue roan, chestnut spots over l/h, sock r hind
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Callan Farms, Odell, Nebraska
Foaled 1953
Callan's Koko Princess mare
Blue roan, black spots over body, blaze, stocking l hind, sock r hind
(Jeffres Red Pepper F-1856 x Appaloosa)
Bred by Dick Ferguson, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Owned by Callan Farms, Odell, Nebraska
Foaled 1961
Beck's Powerglide stallion
Black, white with black spots over l/h, star
(Chief Hawkeye's Cherokee 5221 x Shar [no reg #])
Bred by Durwood Swanson, Ankeny, Iowa
Owned by Ernest Beck, Des Moines, Iowa
Foaled 1961
Tonkawa Chief stallion
Black roan, white with black and bay spots over l/hips, bald face
(Sharkey T-4129 x Trixie [no reg #])
Owned by Charles Walker, Ludell, Kansas
Foaled 1961

Pictured with her 69 filly by Red Cloud's Jackhammer 22141
Sunbeau's Waynoka mare
Dun, white spots over l/h, sock l hind
(Sunbeau T-1493 x Lady [no reg #])
Bred by Charles Walker, Ludell, Kansas
Foaled 1961
Reference: MC69#37
Polo Dande stallion
Bay, white with bay spots over l/hips, star, strip, snip, stocking both hind, coronet r front
(Three Feathers K F-2383 x Polo Bay [no reg #])
Owned by George Vanderveer, Eagle Butte, South Dakota
Foaled 1961
Sodak Bill stallion
Dun, white with dun spots over l/h, star, strip, stocking all four
(Three Feathers K F-2383 x Darkie [no reg #])
Owned by George Vanderveer, Eagle Butte, South Dakota
Foaled 1961
Polo Grande gelding
Bay, white over hips, star, coronet l hind
(Three Feathers K F-2383 x Polo Shirley 10821)
Owned by George Vanderveer, Eagle Butte, South Dakota
Foaled 1961
Sodak Ginny mare
Brown, white with brown spots over l/h, star, coronet r hind
(Three Feathers K F-2383 x Bud's Buck [no reg #])
Owned by George Vanderveer, Eagle Butte, South Dakota
Foaled 1961
Jet's Spook mare
Bay, white with bay spots over l/h
(Jet Pilot T-4704 x Bay Girl [no reg #])
Bred by Cole and Thomison, Wichita, Kansas
Owned by Jack Walker Newellton, Louisiana
Foaled 1961
Chancy Girl mare
Blue roan, white spots over l/hips
(Black Jack F-1557 x Cheater [no reg #])
Bred by John Evans, Arvada, Colorado
Foaled 1961
Tomark's Tip Cat stallion
Brown, white over body and hips, star
(Sugar's Freckles 8009 x Showboat ApHCC 528)
Bred by Pat Burk, River Falls, Wisconsin
Owned by Mertondale Lawson, Kensington, Minnesota
Foaled 1961
Texarkana Red Dog stallion
Chestnut, white with chestnut spots over l/h, star, snip, stocking all four
(Caddo Red Dog T-1756 x Anderson mare)
Bred by Paul Anderson, Marshall, Texas
Owned by Joseph Haralson, Texarkana, Texas
Foaled 1961
Whistler McCue gelding
Chestnut, white with black and dun spots over l/h, sock both hind and r front, star
(Whistle Britches F-2492 x Rochet Cue AQ)
Bred by Carl Miles, Abilene, Texas
Owned by Roger Marlow, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Foaled 1960
Chief's Dolly mare
Black, white with black spots over l/hips, star
(Hollinrake Speckles 7591 x Chico's Patty Sissy 10278)
Bred by Oluf Neilson, Massena, Iowa
Owned by Max Jones, Eddyville, Iowa
Foaled 1961
Purple Sage's Freckles gelding
Red roan, white with brown spots over l/h, blaze, stocking l hind
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Jeff Cox, Bellport, New York
Foaled unknown
Filly Dee Dee Q mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Trammell's Badlands 12855 x 2 Tillie 10258)
Bred by JH Trammell, Clyde, Texas
Owned by QD Edwards, Dallas, Texas
Foaled 1961
Miss Faberge Q mare
Sorrel, white over l/h, sock l hind
(Trammell's Badlands 12855 x Montana Mike H 10259)
Bred by JH Trammell, Clyde, Texas
Owned by QD Edwards, Dallas, Texas
Foaled 1961
Skip's Freckles mare
White, sorrel spots over body
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Owned by Skip Bates, Longview, Texas
Foaled 1954
Indian Honey mare
Sorrel roan, light over l/h, bald face, sock l front, stocking l hind
(Unknown x Flame [no reg #])
Bred by JL Bradshaw, Kennewick, Washington
Foaled 1959
M-N Charcoal mare
Blue roan, white spots over l/h
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Nancy Reader, Sunbury, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1950
King Keowa stallion
Bay, white with bay spots over l/h, sock both hind
(Hawkeye King T-1873 x Lady Spooks [no reg #])
Bred by Shade Hall, Persia, Iowa
Foaled 1961
Star Flake mare
Blue roan, black spots over body
(Unknown x Pretty Girl [no reg #])
Owned by LK Jackson, Brokern Arrow, Oklahoma
Foaled 1955
Miss Crackerjack mare
(Fisher's Fireball T-1404 x Dolly [no reg #])
Bred by Ike Talbot, Pasadena, Texas
Owned by John Hodges, Edna, Texas
Foaled 1961
Oregon Deuce mare
Blue roan, white spots over hips
(Oregon Happy T-4567 x Oregon's Sis 14477)
Owned by Mrs John Twitchell, Circle, Montana
Foaled 1960
Oregon Chicken mare
Bay, white spots over body and hips
(Oregon Happy T-4567 x Lucy [no reg #])
Owned by Mrs John Twitchell, Circle, Montana
Foaled 1960
Oregon Patsy mare
Bay, white spots over body
(Oregon Happy T-4567 x Rambler [no reg #])
Owned by Mrs John Twitchell, Circle, Montana
Foaled 1960
Oregon's Pet mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Oregon Happy T-4567 x Buck [no reg #])
Owned by Mrs John Twitchell, Circle, Montana
Foaled 1961

T-17700/ApHCC 1675/Aus: A-10
Sunrise Prince's Little Beaver stallion
Black, white with black spots over l/hips
(Domino's Speckled Prince 5575 x Sheila F F-2887)
Owned by Walter Hughes, North Surrey, British Columbia
Foaled 1961
Exported to Australia
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This page posted January 2021.