Appaloosa Territory
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Alphabetical Index T-1 to T-1600
Numerical List
#1-#100, #101-#200, #201-#300, #301-#400, #401-#500, #501-#600, #601-#700, #701-#800, #801-#900, #901-#1000, #1001-#1100, #1101-#1200, #1201-#1300, #1301-#1400, #1401-#1500, #1501-#1600, #1601-#1700, #1701-#1800 , #1801-#1900, #1901-#2000, #2001-#2100, #2101-#2200, #2201-#2300, #2301-#2400, #2401-#2500, #2501-#2600, #2601-#2700, #2701-#2800, #2801-#2900, #2901-#3000, #3001-#3100, #3101-#3200, #3201-#3300, #3301-#3400, #3401-#3500, #3501-#3600, #3601-#3700, #3701-#3800, #3801-#3900, #3901-#4000, #4001-#4100, #4101-#4200, #4201-#4300, #4301-#4400, #4401-#4500, #4501-#4600, #4601-#4700, #4701-#4800, #4801-#4900, #4901-#5000, #5001-#5100, #5101-#5200, #5201-#5300, #5301-#5400, #5401-#5500, #5501-#5600, #5601-#5700, #5701-#5800, #5801-#5900, #5901-#6000, #6001-#6100, #6101-#6200, #6201-#6300, #6301-#6400, #6401-#6500, #6501-#6600, #6601-#6700, #6701-#6800, #6801-#6900, #6901-#7000, #7001-#7100, #7101-#7200, #7201-#7300, #7301-#7400, #7401-#7500, #7501-#7600, #7601-#7700, #7701-#7800, #7801-#7900, #7901-#8000, #8001-#8100, #8101-#8200, #8201-#8300, #8301-#8400, #8401-#8500, #8501-#8600, #8601-#8700, #8701-#8800, #8801-#8900, #8901-#9000, #9001-#9100, #9101-#9200, #9201-#9300, #9301-#9400, #9401-#9500, #9501-#9600, #9601-#9700, #9701-#9800, #9801-#9900, #9901-#10000
Links to Foundation pages:
Alphabetical Index F-1 to F-1798
Numerical List:
Tentative Registered Appaloosas
T-7201 to T-7300
Chief Cocaine stallion
Dun, blanket
(Kiowa Chief T-1194 x Peggy G)
Henry Henson, Durango, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Hadley's Chief stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4270
Bobie Patton mare
Black leopard
(Chief Malheur F-1274 x Mary Griffin)
Bred by JB Fine, Burns, Oregon
Foaled 1947
Copper Pecos stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Pecos Bill [F-3625???] x Copper Queen Shelhamer AQ)
Bred by Mildred Hughes, McAllister, Montana
Foaled 1959
Blue Sheets Wyalta mare
Blue roan, white spots over hips
(Six Dot Rocky 7737 /76 ApHCC x Wyalta Mitzie T-326/ 78 ApHCC)
Bred by Howard Raser, Missoula, Montana
Owned by Marge and Dick Sheets, Tekamah, Nebraska
Foaled 1957
Rose Sheets Sneak mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Apache II F-1607 x Missoula Sneak T-1957)
Bred by Howard Raser, Missoula, Montana
Owned by Marge and Dick Sheets, Tekamah, Nebraska
Foaled 1957
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-69:93
Montana Brave's Little Sioux mare
Red roan, blanket
(Montana Brave T-6047 x buckskin mare)
Bred by Raymond Schroenk, College Mound, Missouri
Owned by William Lundy, Knoxville, Iowa
Foaled 1959
Somer's Blue Squaw mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Rebel T-2913 x White Squaw S T-5359)
Bred by LE Somers, Pukwana, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Red Cloud's Flashy Tom stallion
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Missoula Tom Tom T-2402 x Missoula Flashy Hips F-4141)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Owned by Dale McDole, Red Cloud, Nebraska
Foaled 1959

pictured with Dale McDole
Red Cloud's Mister Twister stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Cooterville Mackey's Pride T-1008 x King Ranch quarter)
Bred by HE Daw, Center, Texas
Owned by Dale McDole, Red Cloud, Nebraska
Foaled 1958
Reference: Appaloosa News Dec61:34, 8-73:99
Red Cloud's Grey Lady mare
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Dale McDole, Red Cloud, Nebraska
Foaled 1956
Red Cloud's Ann mare
Brown, roan with black spots over hips
(Appaloosa x brown quarter)
Bred by Tommy Roseberry, Mullen, Nebraska
Owned by Dale McDole, Red Cloud, Nebraska
Foaled 1958

Red Cloud's Canada Kid stallion
Sorrel, blanket
(Appaloosa x Red Cloud's Honey Comb)
Bred by Blood Indians, Pincher Creek, Alberta
Owned by Dale McDole, Red Cloud, Nebraska
Foaled 1959

Fawn of Double Arrow mare
Dun, spotted blanket
(Ace High F-1490 x unnamed)
Bred by Richard Stanger, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Foaled 1958

Carey's Red Vandy mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Nateniyage/Carey's Little Chief T-856 x Carey's Lucita T-2691)
Bred by Carey Appaloosa Ranch, Morrison, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Don O's Nellie Bly mare
Sorrel, roan over hips
(Don O's Cavilade T-4733 x TB)
Bred by Nellie Miller, Crane, Oregon
Owned by Don Dewey, Emmett, Idaho
Foaled 1951
Omaha M stallion
Bay, white spots over hips
(Silver Dollar T-826 x Slivers)
Bred by William May, Briggsdale, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Pow Wow M stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Silver Dollar T-826 x DeAnn)
Bred by William May, Briggsdale, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Princess Cat Track mare
Black leopard
(Appaloosa x Grey Dawn)
Bred by Walter Koch, Davisville, Missouri
Owned by Warren Kavanagh, Imperial, Missouri
Foaled 1952
WK Topsey mare
Sorrel, snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Wayne Hutchison, Louisville, Nebraska
Foaled 1953
Snow Flake's Patches stallion
Chestnut, white spots over hips
( Snow Flake M F-3995 x WK Topsey 7220)
Bred by Wayne Hutchison, Louisville, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Panther's Blue Lady mare
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(Panther Chief T-1413 x quarter)
Bred by Ken Murrell, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Foaled 1959
Shearer's Snow Flake mare
Red roan, white spots over hips
(TB x Susie)
Bred by Fred Harris, Fort Washakie, Wyoming
Owned by Walter Shearer, Lander, Wyoming
Foaled 1955
KJ's Freckle Britches stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Pete's Papoose x Stardust S T-356)
Bred by Karen Jean Monge, Wallula, Washington
Foaled 1959
Swan Lake Frosty mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3690
Doctor Collins of Swan Lake stallion
White, black spots over hips
(Chief of Swan Lake F-3629 x Miss Colona T-2010)
Bred by Merl Padgett, Collinston, Louisiana
Foaled 1959
Swan Lake Papoose mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4889
Pete's Gentle Wolf stallion
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Obe Le Compte, Mobridge, South Dakota
Owned by Francis Peterson, Atalissa, Iowa
Foaled 1956

Sac's Surprise stallion
Dun, spotted blanket
(Owynev T-2945 x Sacagawea)
Bred by Swan and Landers, Boise, Idaho
Foaled 1959
Reference: Appaloosa News Oct60:32, Nov61:37
Witchey's Miss Toby mare
Bay, blanket
(Toby IV T-273 x KoKo)
Bred by John Witchey, Chico, California
Foaled 1959
Tammy L mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Montana Brane [Montana Brave 6047?] x Babe)
Bred by EC Inman, Huntsville, Missouri
Foaled 1959
Heart's Penny mare
Black, snowflakes
(Red Hart F-3060 x Barbara)
Bred by William Marcus, Sattley, California
Foaled 1958
Nez Durick stallion
Brown, white spots over hips
(Flaming Sun T-1218 x Ren)
Bred by Raymond Gardner, Ruby Valley, Nevada
Foaled 1959
Suntan Sun Crisp stallion
Chestnut, blanket
(Flaming Sun T-1218 x Sheila NQHBA)
Bred by Raymond Gardner, Ruby Valley, Nevada
Foaled 1959
Taft's Mitsi A Da Zi mare
Red roan, blanket
(Enum Tahtch Whitebird F-2783 x Taft's Flicka T-2106)
Bred by Jack Gillihan, Granger, Washington
Owned by Rebecca Taft, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled 1959
Chee Kawn stallion
Black, blanket
(unnamed x Sputnik T-2298)
Bred by Charles Potts, Mackay, Idaho
Foaled 1959
Dobbin's Sue's mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Dobbin F-3424 x bay mare)
Bred by Iden Myers, Pukwana, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Brown Dobbin stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Dobbin F-3424 x Blue Babe T-1767)
Bred by Iden Myers, Pukwana, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Sonny Dobbin stallion
Black leopard
(Dobbin F-3424 x brown mare)
Bred by Iden Myers, Pukwana, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Sheba Browney stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Dobbin F-3424 x Sheba R F-3328)
Bred by Iden Myers, Pukwana, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Dobbin Dun stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3709
Dobbin Bear mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Dobbin F-3424 x Little Bear T-2166)
Bred by Iden Myers, Pukwana, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Dobbin Palouse mare
Sorrel, blanket
(Dobbin F-3424 x Palouse R F-1899)
Bred by Iden Myers, Pukwana, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Rocky Dobbin stallion
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Dobbin F-3424 x Babe)
Bred by Iden Myers, Pukwana, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Martin's Speckled Bird mare
Red roan, light with red spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Edward Martin, Warren, Ohio
Foaled 1951
Greeley Traveler stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3041
Misfortune mare
Blue roan, white spots over hips
(Calico Joe F-1775 x Rocket Dot)
Bred by Ralph Smith, Billings, Montana
Foaled 1958
Brown's Charger stallion
Dun, blanket
(Chief Eagle F-288 x Brown's Babe T-2002)
Bred by Elton Brown, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled 1959

Camas Blossom of Green Stables mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Chief Eagle F-288 x Kitten)
Bred by Carl Harris Sr, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled 1959
Stocker's Midnight Sun stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Black Boy CRHA 475H xSquaw Maid T-1440)
Bred by Glenn Stocker Jr, Boulder, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Stocker's Beaver Tail mare
Black, snowflakes
(unnamed x Carey's Lucita T-2691)
Owned by Glenn Stocker Jr, Boulder, Colorado
Foaled 1957
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-75:166
Moon Topper stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Freckles B T-2192 x Boggs Appaloosa)
Bred by LA Boggs, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Owned by Joe Browning, Mathis, Texas
Foaled 1958
Sarcee's Ricochet mare
Red leopard
(Simcoe Sarcee F-1634 x Dimples ApHC grade #34372)
Bred by Charlie W Peterson, Amelia, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Chief Polka Dot stallion
Blue roan, black spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Bert Slape, Braggs, Oklahoma
Foaled ----
Vamoose mare
Sorrel, roan over hips
(Don Appache T-3420 x Saddlebred)
Bred by DH Nord,Cambridge, Iowa
Foaled 1956
Merry Appache mare
Red roan, blanket
(Don Appache T-3420 x Equanil)
Bred by DH Nord,Cambridge, Iowa
Foaled 1958
Blue Chandler mare
Blue ron, white spots over hips
(Don Appache T-3420 x unnamed)
Owned by DH Nord,Cambridge, Iowa
Foaled 1954
O'Connor's Chinook stallion
Bay, blanket
(Chinook's Waco F-1732 x Chinook's Shawnee T-1538)
Bred by DH Nord,Cambridge, Iowa
Foaled 1959
HH Zarco stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Ralph Holm, Sulphur Springs, Arkansas
Foaled 1957
Walker's Sugar Dee mare
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(Yosheko T-1170 x Goldie)
Bred by William Walker, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1958
Smoki Worrior W stallion
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Billy Cranmore x Daisy Mae)
Bred by Elmer Wintin Ardmore, Oklahoma
Foaled 1959
Dixie Bluebell W mare
Blue roan, black and white spots over hips
(Billy Cranmore x Susie Cue)
Bred by Elmer Wintin Ardmore, Oklahoma
Foaled 1959
Tee Pee W mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Billy Cranmore x Sally Ann)
Bred by Elmer Wintin Ardmore, Oklahoma
Foaled 1959
Sarcee's Dix stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3642
Sarcee's Sunshine stallion
Dun, spotted blanket
(Simcoe's Sarcee F-1634 x sorrel mare)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Ticonderoga stallion
Bay, white spots over hips
(Simcoe's Sarcee F-1634 x palomino mare ID 436)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Sarcee's Moon Glow stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Simcoe's Sarcee F-1634 x Elkhorn Sally Gold 7268)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Elkhorn Sally Gold mare
Dun, snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1952
3C Skipper II stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Seaton's Skipper F-377 x 3C mare)
Bred by Swede Carl, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled 1959
3C Fuzzy mare
Blue roan, blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Swede Carl, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled 1957
3C Skipper's Frosty stallion
Black, blanket
(Seaton's Skipper F-377 x 3C mare)
Bred by Swede Carl, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled 1959
3C Lucy mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(quarter x Appaloosa)
Owned by Swede Carl, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled 1956
3C Dreamgirl mare
Red roan leopard
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Owned by Swede Carl, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled 1953
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-73:118p

3C White Swan mare
Black leopard
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Owned by Swede Carl, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled ----
Reference: Appaloosa News 7-61:21
3C Ellen mare
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Owned by Swede Carl, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled ----
3C Minnie mare
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Swede Carl, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled 1956
3C Skipper's Surprise stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Seaton's Skipper F-377 x 3C mare)
Bred by Swede Carl, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled 1959
3C Candy mare
White, sorrel spots over hips and background
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Swede Carl, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled 1956
Zaael's Copper Chico stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Zaael F-798 x Zarro's Copper Star)
Bred by Merrill Petersen, Ogden, Utah
Foaled 1959
Bo Mar's Warrior stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Warrior Leopard F-3954 x Bo Mar's Queen ApHC grade #49647)
Bred by Earl Boyles, Winchester, Kentucky
Foaled 1959
Wyeth's Red Man stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Owned by Ned Wyeth, Crete, Illinois
Foaled 1958
Wyeth's Sue mare
Black, blanket
(Cherokee Blue Rex F-4790 x Wyeth's Sandra 7283)
Bred by Ned Wyeth, Crete, Illinois
Foaled 1959
Wyeth's Sandra mare
Chestnut, snowflakes
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by Ned Wyeth, Crete, Illinois
Foaled 1956
Wyeth's Frosty gelding
Chestnut, roan over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Ned Wyeth, Crete, Illinois
Foaled 1954
Wyeth's Gypsy mare
Chestnut, roan over hips
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by Julius Mather, Frankfort, Illinois
Owned by Ned Wyeth, Crete, Illinois
Foaled 1956
Malone's White Light mare
White, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charles Malone, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1949
Malone's Show Boat mare
Black leopard
(Talache T-3326 x Malone's White Light 7286)
Bred by Charles Malone, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1959
Malone's Dawnie mare
Red roan
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Lois Malone, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1954
Malone's Suzi mare
Red roan leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charles Malone, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1950
Tah Sioux stallion
Red roan, blanket
(Talache T-3326 x Malone's Suzi 7289)
Bred by Charles Malone, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1959
Malone's Snowdrops mare
Sorrel, snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charles Malone, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1954

Pardner's Pride stallion
Sorrel, blanket
(Proud Pardner T-2053 x Malone's Snowdrops 7291)
Bred by Charles Malone, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1958
Note from his owner Donna J. : He was quite the gentleman and had a wonderful disposition. Also one of the best trail horses I've owned.
Malone's Quilshane stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Talache T-3326 x Malone's Snowdrops 7291)
Bred by Charles Malone, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1959
Malone's Little White Eagle Feathers mare
Blue roan, snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charles Malone, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1953
Malone's Texas Copper mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charles Malone, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1948
Malone's Sugar Babe mare
Blue roan, snowflakes
(Appaloosa x unknown)
Owned by Carol Malone, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1955
Olson's Grey Eagle stallion
Black leopard
(Black Boy F-3225 x Silkie)
Bred by Clyde Olson, Neponset, Illinois
Foaled 1959
B and O's Roper stallion
Brown, white spots over hips
(Black Boy F-3225 x Brown Babe)
Bred by Brownlee and Olson, Neponset, Illinois
Foaled 1959
B and O Little Fawn mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Black Boy F-3225 x Kate)
Bred by Brownlee and Olson, Neponset, Illinois
Foaled 1959
SB Buckskin Fawn mare
Dun, white spots over hips
(Black Boy F-3225 x Goldie)
Bred by Brownlee and Olson, Neponset, Illinois
Foaled 1959
Links to Tentative pages:
Alphabetical Index T-1 to T-1600
#1-#100, #101-#200, #201-#300, #301-#400, #401-#500, #501-#600, #601-#700, #701-#800, #801-#900, #901-#1000, #1001-#1100, #1101-#1200, #1201-#1300, #1301-#1400, #1401-#1500, #1501-#1600, #1601-#1700, #1701-#1800 , #1801-#1900, #1901-#2000, #2001-#2100, #2101-#2200, #2201-#2300, #2301-#2400, #2401-#2500, #2501-#2600, #2601-#2700, #2701-#2800, #2801-#2900, #2901-#3000, #3001-#3100, #3101-#3200, #3201-#3300, #3301-#3400, #3401-#3500, #3501-#3600, #3601-#3700, #3701-#3800, #3801-#3900, #3901-#4000, #4001-#4100, #4101-#4200, #4201-#4300, #4301-#4400, #4401-#4500, #4501-#4600, #4601-#4700, #4701-#4800, #4801-#4900, #4901-#5000, #5001-#5100, #5101-#5200, #5201-#5300, #5301-#5400, #5401-#5500, #5501-#5600, #5601-#5700, #5701-#5800, #5801-#5900, #5901-#6000, #6001-#6100, #6101-#6200, #6201-#6300, #6301-#6400, #6401-#6500, #6501-#6600, #6601-#6700, #6701-#6800, #6801-#6900, #6901-#7000, #7001-#7100, #7101-#7200, #7201-#7300, #7301-#7400, #7401-#7500, #7501-#7600, #7601-#7700, #7701-#7800, #7801-#7900, #7901-#8000, #8001-#8100, #8101-#8200, #8201-#8300, #8301-#8400, #8401-#8500, #8501-#8600, #8601-#8700, #8701-#8800, #8801-#8900, #8901-#9000, #9001-#9100, #9101-#9200, #9201-#9300, #9301-#9400, #9401-#9500, #9501-#9600, #9601-#9700, #9701-#9800, #9801-#9900, #9901-#10000
Links to Foundation pages:
Alphabetical Index F-1 to F-1798
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This page last updated October 2022.