Appaloosa Territory
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Tentative Registered Appaloosas
T-13001 to T-13100
Miss Mousy WG mare
Blue roan, bald face, stkn both hind and l front
(Silver Mike T-3344 x Palomino WG Mare)
Owned by Dallas Gaskill, Volborg, Montana
Foaled 5/8/60
Snohomish Babe mare
Red roan, black spots over body
(Seaton's Skipper F-377 x Bay Mare)
Bred by Sam Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Owned by CB Danard, Everett, Washington
Foaled 1948
Baldene mare
Red roan, white spots over body, blz, stkn l front and l hind, sock r front
(Zaael F-798 x Goldie Specks)
Bred by Leslie Reese, Payson, Utah
Owned by Glade Draper, Santaquin, Utah
Foaled 4/55
Concho Bee stallion
Dark brown, white with brown spots over l/h, strip on face, stkn both rear
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by DG (Duke) Lee, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Foaled 1950
VT's Little Squaw mare
Blue roan, black spots over body, white spots over hips, strip on face, sock both hind
(Appaloosa x Unnamed)
Owned by Vernon Thomas, Des Moines, Iowa
Foaled 5/58
Owyhee Dust stallion
Red roan, white with chestnut spots over l/h, brand r shoulder, star on forehead
(Unknown x Unknown)
Bred by Wilber Shaw, Owyhee, Nevada
Owned by Bud Godby, Gooding, Idaho
Foaled 1/1/56

Tommahawk Chief stallion
Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over l/h, star on forehead, snip on nose, brand l thigh
(Major Thunder AQHA 72690 x Loosa F-1211)
Bred by Gene Ostrander, Zion, Illinois
Owned by Tommy Bernard, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Foaled 6/2/59
Source: Redwood 72:25
McCardo's Deacon stallion
Chestnut, black and white spots over body and hips
(McCardo F-3220 x Tanka Toh T-3484)
Bred by Dave Dewell, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Owned by JA Gayler, Calhan, Colorado
Foaled 5/12/59
Red Caviar mare
Sorrel, white over hips
(Bub F-1293 x Sorrel Quarter Mare)
Owned by Big Horn Ranches, Cowdrey, Colorado
Foaled 4/22/61
Ponte Vedra stallion
Bay, white over hips
(Bub F-1293 x Quarter Mare)
Owned by Big Horn Ranches, Cowdrey, Colorado
Foaled 4/24/61
Source: Redwood 72:25
Cuma Nau stallion
Dun, white over hips, strip on face, 2 hind stkn, r front sock
(Bub F-1293 x Quarter Mare)
Owned by Big Horn Ranches, Cowdrey, Colorado
Foaled 4/26/61
Sundown Peak stallion
Bay, white over l/h, strip on face
(Bub F-1293 x Quarter Mare)
Owned by Big Horn Ranches, Cowdrey, Colorado
Foaled 4/30/61
Winn Dixie mare
Black, white over body and hips, 4 stkn, strip on face
(Black Gold F-2344 x Brenda Dianne T-4957)
Bred by Charles Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Owned by AD Davis, Cowdrey, Colorado
Foaled 4/23/61
Peace Pipe Of AA stallion
Dun, white over l/h, 2 hind stkn, strip on face
(Bub F-1293 x Song of AA)
Owned by Laura and Matt Boggio, Rapid City, South Dakota
Foaled 4/28/60
Big Thunder H stallion
Chestnut, white with black and brown spots over l/h, blz
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Owned by Hack-A-Mar-Pony Farm, Guthrie, Oklahoma
Foaled Spring 1959
Chief Cochise B stallion
Brown, white with brown spots over hips, socks both hind, star on forehead
(Beau Lightning T-3696 x Sheba)
Owned by Don Beauford, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Foaled 4/17/60
Kansas Fancy Boy stallion
Bay, white with bay spots over l/h, streak on face
(Sir Kansas F-2182 x Fancy Boy Mare)
Owned by Neal Tankersley, Eastland, Texas
Foaled 2/8/61
Nan Tan stallion
Brown, white over hips, star and snip
(Bear Step F-3068 x Speckles Spotted Bear 7780)
Owned by John Keene, Newport, Minnesota
Foaled 5/2/60
Taglita mare
Sorrel, star and snip
(Bear Step F-3068 x quarter)
Owned by John Keene, Newport, Minnesota
Foaled 4/22/60
Smetana mare
Light dun, brown spots over hips, star, snip
(Golden Nugget M 6536 x buckskin quarter)
Owned by John Keene, Newport, Minnesota
Foaled 3/26/61
Herndon's Pok A Dott mare
Dun, white spots over hips
(Pale Moon B F-2064 x Frosty)
Bred by Charles Herndon, Cleburne, Texas
Foaled 4/12/61
Mardan Elect stallion
Light blue roan, black spots over body, stockings both hind
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Harry Knaack, Long Grove, Illinois
Foaled 1/57
Weejie's Red Wing mare
Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over hips, star
(Queen's Dandy F-4872 x Weejie T-1867)
Bred by CV Rutledge, Boise, Idaho
Foaled 4/14/61
Owyhee Nugget stallion
Dark Brown, white over with black spots over hips
(Stoney T-409 x Frosty Rock B 13441)
Owned by Clyde and Helen Rutledge, Boise, Idaho
Foaled 5/6/60
Source: Appaloosa News 2-66:74
Kooskia Belle mare
Red roan, light over hips
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by Clyde and Helen Rutledge, Boise, Idaho
Foaled 1949
Nugget Sioux mare
Brown, white spots over body
(Nugget x Morgan mare)
Bred by Ken Parent, McCallister, Montana
Owned by John Qualls, Twin Falls, Idaho
Foaled 4/59
Pat Cody mare
Red roan, black spots over hips
(Starlight x quarter)
Bred by DD Anderson, Glenns Ferry, Idaho
Owned by John Qualls, Twin Falls, Idaho
Foaled 4/54
Cherakee Sue mare
Light Dun
(War Cloud H T-2779 x Appaloosa)
Owned by Walter Havey, Manchester, Missouri
Foaled 4/5/59
Wynde Mist mare
(Snowdrift F-1654 x Lady Wynn Dare T-5499)
Bred by Gloria Elliott, Waco, Texas
Owned by Charles Strong, Beaumont, Texas
Foaled 3/9/59
Jeter's Jack Pot stallion
Red roan, white over hips
(Sage Hawk F-3766 x Grey Lady)
Owned by Cal Jeter, Littleton, Colorado
Foaled 4/26/61
Little Boy Bobby stallion
Bay, white with bay spots over hips, blaze, socks all 4
(Sky Eagle F-684 x Sock)
Bred by MC Hohman, Houston, Texas
Owned by Tommie Stone, Houston, Texas
Foaled 2/14/61
Wampum Magic stallion
Bay, white with brown spots over hips, r hind pastern
(Magic F-1381 x Fox)
Owned by Floyd Haynes, Halsey, Nebraska
Foaled 6/3/58
Black Leopard's Sundust stallion
Chestnut, white with chestnut spots over body and hips, star
(Black Leopard F-1569 x Black Eagle)
Bred by Norman Neese, Newton, Illinois
Foaled 4/3/61
Chantay mare
Chestnut, white over hips, stocking both rear
(Captain Flagg JC x Flaxy T-935)
Owned by C Voorhees, Spanish Fork, Utah
Foaled 4/1/60
Daisy Dott mare
Red roan, white over hips
(Calico Duke x Sherry)
Bred by P Chancy, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Owned by J Oakley, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Foaled 6/18/52
Little Wee Gee mare
Sorrel, white spots over body
(Sonny x quarter)
Owned by R Koenig, Jamestown, North Dakota
Foaled 5/24/58
Chickasha W mare
Red roan, light over hips
(Sammy x Cry Baby)
Owned by O Warren, DeLeon, Texas
Foaled 4/12/57

Chickasha Chief W stallion
Brown, white over hips, blae, l rear stocking, rear pastern
(Cheyenne Chieftan F-1632 x Chickasha W 13037)
Owned by O Warren, DeLeon, Texas
Foaled 5/22/60
Red Man D stallion
Red roan, white with chestnut spots over l/h, rear hind socks
(Albabol AHCR 7162 x Brutsch)
Bred by A Jelsing, Tunbridge, North Dakota
Owned by L DeMontigny, Rugby, North Dakota
Foaled 6/17/57
Pickel's Frosty [Pickle's ?] stallion
Bay, white over hips, blaze, stocking r rear
(Frosty Diablo T-3997 x chestnut)
Owned by C Pickle, Kingsville, Texas
Foaled 3/12/61
Desert Lass mare
Bay, white with bay spots over hips
(Chief Desert Ladd T-1354 x Paula)
Bred by K Bomstad, Grayland, Washington
Owned by H Hoagland, Hagerman, Idaho
Foaled 5/5/60
Apache's Uinta Sunup stallion
Chestnut, white spots over body, blaze
(Big Jose AQ x Freckles)
Bred by D Harper, Malta, Idaho
Owned by S Murdock, Roosevelt, Utah
Foaled 7/24/57
Leopard Sioux mare
White, with black and brown spots over body
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by G Nippert, Oklahoma
Owned by R Mitchell, Hinton, Oklahoma
Foaled 1954
Joe Chief stallion
Brown, white with brown spots over hips, star, socks both rear
(Mitchell's Stormy Joe 7625 x Girl)
Owned by J Wright, Hinton, Oklahoma
Foaled 4/23/61
Bea Babe mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Tom Tom F-1488 x Black Satin 12253)
Bred by W Sanders, Indianapolis, Indiana
Owned by R Terrell, Mooresville, Indiana
Foaled 1961
Minnehaha Squaw mare
Dun, black spots over hips, l hind pastern
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by D Ferguson, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Foaled 1957
Lace mare
Sorrel, white spots over body, l hind sock, star
(Cochise x Bay Lady)
Bred by E Robirds, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Owned by D Ferguson, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Foaled 1959
Sapergia gelding
Bay, white spots over body, both hind pastern, star
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by A Sapergia, Moosejaw, Saskatchewan
Owned by D Ferguson, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Foaled 1958
T-13049/ApHCC 672
Saska Chiquita mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket, star
(Canadian Yankee [American Saddler] x Ray's Folly [Appaloosa])
Bred by J Millar, Milestone, Saskatchewan
Owned by D Ferguson, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Foaled 1952
Chief Ponchy stallion
Bay, spotted blanket, r hind and bth front coronet
(Charcoal T-6546 x Midnight)
Owned by L Edwards, Ponchatoula, Louisiana
Foaled 1958
Chief Deer Creek stallion
Bay, spotted blanket, r hind stocking, 1 hind and front sock, blaze
(Johnson's Deer Creek 6559 x Nellie)
Owned by NR Adams, Ponchatoula, Louisiana
Foaled 1961
Dixie's Papoose stallion
Black, spotted blanket, r hind sock, l hind coronet, star
(Dixie Boy F-2508 x Black Satin)
Owned by J Ladner, Lumberton, Mississippi
Foaled 1961
Miss Bogue mare
Bay, l hind sock, star and snip
(Blue Aztec F-3593 x Lady)
Owned by V Hunt, Bogalousa, Louisiana
Foaled 1961
Bogue Chitto Chief stallion
Bay, white and black spots over hips, r hind sock
(Blue Aztec F-3593 x Teldia)
Owned by W King, Bush, Louisiana
Foaled 1960
Vada's Hands Off stallion
Sorrel, blanket, bald face, stockings both rear
(High Hand F-3366 x Watson brown mare)
Bred by LG Blackmer, Hooker, Oklahoma
Owned by V Parker, Alva, Oklahoma
Foaled 1960
Star Me Go mare
Brown, snowflakes, l front pastern, star
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by A Thome Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Foaled 1949
Basin Brave stallion
Transferred to Foundation F-4468
Chief Pomo GG stallion
Transferred to Foundation F-4616
Yellow Eagle GG mare
Dun roan, blanket, blaze
(Star of Lu Mar F-3632 x Speckled Lady GG F-3608)
Bred by L Jones, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 1957
Square Dancer GG mare
Brown, blanket, socks both hind, l front pastern
(Pauncho Villa 7312 x Yellow Eagle GG 13059)
Bred by R Thomas, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 5/57
No Listing
Topaz GG stallion
Transferred to Foundation F-4614
Miss Running Fawn GG mare
Red roan, snowflakes
(Star of Lu Mar F-3632 x Appaloosa)
Bred by L Jones, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 1956
Firefly GG mare
Black, white and black spots over hips, socls both hind
(Star of Lu Mar F-3632 x Miss Running Fawn GG 13063)
Bred by L Jones, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 1960
Chief Cloudy GG stallion
Red roan, blanket, blaze
(Cloudy Boy F-4847 x Gayle's Squaw 11408)
Bred by R Thomas, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 1960
Niwuana GG mare
Black spotted blanket, stockings both hind
(Star of Lu Mar F-3632 x Princess Shining Star GG 12294)
Bred by L Jones, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 1960
Silver Queen GG mare
White, black spots over hips
(Appadalway's Patches ApHCC 184 x Princess Shining Star GG 12294)
Bred by L Jones, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 1959

Chief Pauncho GG stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket, snowflakes
(Pauncho Villa 7312 x Gayle's Sioux 11409)
Bred by R Thomas, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 1960
Source: Appaloosa News Jan62:57
Chief Moccasin GG stallion
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Star of Lu Mar F-3632 x Dusky 11407)
Bred by L Jones, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 1960
Chief Wampum GG stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket, socks both hind
(Cloudy Boy F-4847 x Gayle's Wampum Lady 11644)
Bred by R Thomas, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 1960
Mrs Lu Mar GG mare
White, black spots over hips
(Star of Lu Mar F-3632 x Appaloosa)
Bred by L Jones, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 1956
Chief Tuspot GG stallion
Red roan, white spots over hips, stockings both hind
(Pauncho Villa 7312 x Mrs Lu Mar GG 13071)
Bred by L Jones, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by George Gayle, Houston, Texas
Foaled 1960
Alhambra K stallion
Dun, white, brown and black spots over hips, r hind sock
(Peppercorn K T-12329 x quarter)
Bred by D Huffman, Rapid City, South Dakota
Owned by Fred Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Nile Time mare
Blue roan, white with sorrel spots over hips, sock r hind
*(Little Buddy AQ x Blue Tone F-4791)
Bred by J Orr, Gramby, Colorado
Owned by C Dobbin, Peyton, Colorado
Foaled 1953
*Note from Frank Holmes:
The mare is quite nice for a 1953 model. She's listed in the [1962 Dobbin sale] catalog as being sired by Little Buddy (AQHA) and out of Blue Tone (ApHC) by Coke T., and out of a Blue Mare by Ding Bob P-269 and out of a "Roberds Mare."
None of the bottom side can possibly be correct. Blue Tone was foaled in 1948. Coke T., or Prince as Coke called him, was foaled in 1920 and died in 1940. Coke sold him in 1937 to Charles Redd of La Sal, Utah.
Marshall Peavy's Old Blue Mare (Bob H. x Roan Mare by Primero) was foaled in 1918. She was never bred to Coke T.
I recall Cecil telling me he found Nile Time up in north central
Colorado. I think he just gave her a pedigree befitting the area she
was foaled in.
Love Letter mare
Dun, spotted blanket, stockings both hind
(Peavy Bimbo F-4557 x Hugger)
Bred by M Steese, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Owned by C Dobbin, Peyton, Colorado
Foaled 1958
Red Fantasy mare
Red roan, white with chestnut spots over body, strip on face, stockings all four
(Big Dick x Freckles)
Bred by C Hill, Dillon, Colorado
Owned by C Dobbin, Peyton, Colorado
Foaled 1955
Source: Appaloosa News 1-81:19p
Bright Blue mare
Transferred to Foundation F-4792
Rina A Ling stallion
Black, spotted blanket, blaze, stockings all four
(Handy Bob x Rina 5913)
Bred by C Dobbin, Peyton, Colorado
Owned by Jim Wild, Sarcoxie, Missouri
Foaled 1960
Pendaries Miss Tonkawa mare
Bay, spotted blanket, streak, stocking r hind
(Brulaya F-1924 x Shantyville)
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1957
Pendaries Lady Warrior mare
White, black spots over body
(Trammell's Squaw Man F-1949 x quarter)
Bred by Jim Trammell, Clyde, Texas
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1958
Pendaries Miss Warrior mare
Sorrel, snowflakes
(The Warrior T-607 x Bar O Girl AQ)
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1959
Source: Appaloosa News Jun61:26, Nov61:53
Pendaries Prissy Pants mare
Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over hips, star
(Appaloosa x quarter)
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1958
Pendaries Pink Warrior mare
Brown, black spots over body
(The Warrior T-607 x Swenson quarter)
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1959
Leon's Quanah Sue mare
Bay, black and white spots over hips, star
(Quanah F-706 x Shorty)
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1960
The Warrior's Pride mare
Brown, black and white spots over body
(The Warrior T-607 x Swenson quarter)
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1960
Pendaries Shining Warrior mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(The Warrior T-607 x Shining Mickie ApHCC 442)
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1960
Quanah's Little Man stallion
Brown, spotted blanket, streak
(Quanah F-706 x Satana D T-2254)
Bred by JD Davis, Kennedy, Texas
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1960
Pendaries Speck Warrior stallion
White, black spots over hips
(The Warrior T-607 x Pendaries Orphan Annie 11041)
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1960
Lucky's Snow Ball gelding
Sorrel, spotted blanket, blaze
(Lucky Dott F-2057 x Pendarie's White Squaw 11044 )
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1960
Lucky's Missoula stallion
White, black spots over hips
(Lucky Dott F-2057 x Missoula Purple Sage T-3610)
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1961
Quanah's Spruce stallion
Bay, spotted blanket, star
(Quanah F-706 x Pendaries Blue Spruce 11045)
Owned by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled 1961
LL's Tomahawk stallion
Black leopard
(Commanche x LL's Frosty 10249)
Owned by G Holzberger, Gordon, Nebraska
Foaled 1957
LL's Top Hand stallion
Blue roan, spotted body blanket
(Running Hand F-4631 x Dakota Dandy)
Owned by G Holzberger, Gordon, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Panhandle Chief stallion
Black, blanket, star, pastern l front, sock r hind
(Patches W T-994 x Daisey J F-1695)
Bred by G Holzberger, Gordon, Nebraska
Owned by MC Reese, Hooker, Oklahoma
Foaled 1959
Squawman's Delight stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket, blaze, stocking r rear, sock l rear
(quarter x LL's Freckle Face 12173)
Owned by G Holzberger, Gordon, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Lander River Squaw mare
Red roan, spotted blanket, blaze, stocking r rear, pastern l fore
(Unknown x Unknown)
Owned by G Holzberger, Gordon, Nebraska
Foaled 1952
Lander River Papoose mare
Red roan, spotted blanket, blaze, stocking all four
(Unknown x Lander River Squaw 13096)
Bred by A Peterson, Wyoming
Owned by G Holzberger, Gordon, Nebraska
Foaled 1955
Penrod's Little Buck stallion
Dun, white and brown spots over hips
(Unknown x Carmel)
Bred by J Gertz, Mead, Colorado
Owned by HD Penrod, Hudson, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Lightfoot's Little Star mare
Sorrel, star and snip, stockings both hind
(Penrod's King 11738 x Light Foot)
Owned by HD Penrod, Hudson, Colorado
Foaled 1960
Penrod's Go Girl Go mare
Sorrel, blaze
(Penrod's King 11738 x Wyoming)
Owned by HD Penrod, Hudson, Colorado
Foaled 1960
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This page posted September 2018. Updated February 2022.