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Foundation Appaloosas
F-701 to F-800
Offspring photos have been added unless they have an entry on other pages,
that is to say, in sections of Foundation, Tentative under 15000, ID, or PC.
Linda mare
Bay snowflake
(Montana Star Dust F-326 x Trinket F-327)
Bred by AM Nelson, Jordan, Montana
Foaled August 10, 1946
Reference: Appaloosa News Aug61:44(?)
Knob Hill Turk stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 16, 1945
Bred by Edward George Battermann, Oroville, Washington
- Turketta 467 ApHCC (1950)
Daisy II mare
Red Roan snowflake
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 1945
Owned by Mrs WH McNeal, The Dalles, Oregon
- Rainbow's Shawnee 18351 (1956)
Snow King stallion
Black Leopard
(Panderma x Shine All Day)
Bred by JM Jensen, Boise, Idaho
Foaled March 15, 1949
Smyth's Freckles mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Little Joe x Dream Girl)
Bred by Ted Smyth, Belmont, California
Foaled May 3, 1948
- MJB Jr 13652 1960 stallion

Quanah stallion
Brown spotted blanket
(Tony Waggoner AQHA 1327 x Apple NQHBA 428)
Bred by Pete Tindall, Eastland, Texas
Foaled April 6, 1947
Owned by JW Ratliff, Ranger, Texas
Source: Appaloosa News 11-81:57, N-D 57:7/14, Jan-Feb59:22, J-A59:5, Nov-Dec59:44, May-Jun60:61, Jan61:64, Jun61:27, Nov61:56, Dec61:27, 3-56:11
Offspring: also see Quanah's AT webpage for a more complete list
- Son of Quanah F-2674
- Quanah's Blast 28529
- Smoke Signal F-1689 (1956)
- Auer Can Can 35560
- Prairie Flower F-2106 (1956)
- Quanah Ann T-2255 (1957)
- Quanah Linda T-4247 (1953)
- Pancho A T-1805 (1953)
- Leon's Poco Quanah F-2811 (1959)
- Chief Apache (Apache Chief?) F-3033 (1951)
- Lone Wolf F-3207 (1955)
- Quanah's Frosty Britches F-3252 (1960)
- Apache Warrior F-3277 (1956)
- Quanita F-2270 (1955)
- Cinco's Snow Hawk T-473 (1952)
- Pacosa or Pocosa T-873 (1950)
- Half Moon T-880 (1955)
- Drum Beat T-1209
- Chee Chee T-1621 (1956)
- Cooterville Ocie T-2218 (1957)
- Princess Haffa T-2266 (1957)
- Paul's Chief T-3721 (1957)
- Quanita D T-6209 (1954)
- Quanah Jo T-6210 (1957)
- Leon's Quanah Stampede 7717 (1959)
- Adams Cappulo 9738 (1960) mare
- Quanah Sue of Sleeping Bear Creek 19306 1961 mare Dam: Cooterville Three Dot T-503
- Pear Thorn 19625 [1961 stallion] Dam: KatyÕs Girl aq appendix
- Dogtown Quanah 19626 [1961 stallion] Dam: Duck Creek Lady AQ
- Quanah's Fury 21102 [1961 gelding] Dam: Corrine -no reg #
- Quantrill 21117 [1962 stallion] Dam: Pendaries Blue Spruce 11045
- Neff's Little Fawn 21634 [1961 mare]
- Misty's Firefly 21635 [1961 mare]
- Quanah's Mist 22694 [1960 mare]
- Quanah's Big John 25980 [1962 stallion]
Java mare
Dun spotted blanket
(Duke x Java)
Bred by Neil Flanigan, Stevensville, Montana
Foaled April 27, 1943
Owned by MC Perry, Stevensville, Montana
- Crow Wing F-1922 (1957)
- Java Time F-3203 (1960)
- Chief Sheyenne F-4134 (1961)
- Minnie Moons F-2299 (1955)
- Perry's Red Wing T-377 (1952)
- Hucklebones T-424 (1950)
- Calico T T-526 (1953)
- Po Pitt of OX T-3960 [1958 stallion]
Yakima gelding
Dun spotted blanket
(Razul x Bell)
Bred by
Foaled April 3, 1941
Owned by Harold Whitesitt, Stevensville, Montana
Ute gelding
Chestnut spotted blanket
(Duke x Java)
Bred by Neil Flanigan, Stevensville, Montana
Foaled May 6, 1942
Owned by MC Perry, Stevensville, Montana
Reference: Appaloosa News Nov-Dec58:20, Jan-Feb60:45, Sep60:40
Wampum stallion
Chestnut spotted blanket
(Duke x Java)
Bred by Neil Flanigan, Stevensville, Montana
Foaled June 18, 1948
Hamburg's Sheik gelding
Black Leopard
(Egypt x Babe)
Foaled July 23, 1943
Owned by Dave Hamburg, Moses Lake, Washington

Brandsma's Ink Spots stallion
Black Leopard
(Alhambra F-284 x Lulu Belle)
Bred by Lloyd Brandsma, Strool, South Dakota
Foaled March 26, 1947
- Feathers F-2068 (1952)
- Chief Jo Boy F-2779 (1953)
- Lucy's Little Dove T-4185 (1958)
- Taffey T-5410 (1953)
- Jano F-1699 [1954 mare]
- Indian Lady A T-1045 [1952 mare]
- Son of Ink Spots 5893 [1959 stallion]
- ChaddickÕs Spotted Hawk 7859 [1957 stallion]
- Yankee Doodle Chief 8776 [1950 stallion]
- Blue Shadow 9698 [1956 mare]
- Ink Spots' Speckled Deer 11954 [1960 mare]
- Blossom A F-1777 [1953 mare]
- Cherokee Kid F-1807 [1955 stallion]
- Nipper A T-3141 [1954 stallion]
- Hiawatha A T-3119 [1955 mare]
- AlgerÕs Chief T-176 [1952 stallion]
- Narato 15154 [1960 stallion]
- Frosted Flip Z 16287 [1960 mare]
- Chief Sundance Z 16288 [1961 stallion]
- Ink SpotÕs Jolly Jill 17532 [1961 mare]
- Ink SpotÕs Blue Sky 17533 [1961 mare]
- Ink Spot's Starlight 17536 [1961 mare]
- Ink Spot's Jolly Jingo 17537 [1961 stallion]
- Tecumseh's Brave 19194 [1961 stallion]
- Pinky Z 20269 [1961 mare]
- Ink Spots Star Dust 20472 [1961 mare]
- Black Duchess 21095 [1961 mare]
- ByerÕs Estrellita 21328 [1961 mare]
- Ink Spot's Blue Star 23826 [1961 mare]
- FisherÕs Foxie 24711 [1961 mare]
Baby mare
Red Roan snowflake
(unknown x Polly)
Bred by EG Erwin, St. Regis, Montana
Foaled February 20, 1943
Owned by Mrs RE McDonel, Wallace, Idaho
Dice stallion
White, black spots over hips
(Stubby F-920 x Monty)
Bred by Loren Freels, Wallowa, Oregon
Foaled May 1, 1947
- Mariposa F-1275 (1950)
- Sure Am F-1337 (1951)
- Next Move F-1338 (1951)

Freel's Chico stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Stubby F-920 x Macey TB)
Bred by Loren Freels, Wallowa, Oregon
Foaled April 24, 1947
Source: Appaloosa News M-J 57:5, Sep-Oct58:11, Nov-Dec58:24, Jul-Aug59:5, Jan-Feb60:53, Sep60:4, Oct60:29, Apr61:43, Oct61:44, Mar62:60, 1-65:68, 9-73:123, 6-74:19, 8-85:29
- *Lavarock Chico [SB lists name as HarneyÕs ChicoÕs Snow change?] 25082 (1962) Appaloosa News 2-81:167
- Chico's Pancho Villa F-3323 (1959)
- Pegg's Dannie F-1931 (1957)
- Peppy Gal F-1932 (1957)
- WeaverÕs Disappointment F-1711 [1956 mare]
- Chico's Tony F-2355 (1952)
- *Seventy Creek T-1159 (1956) Appaloosa News Apr61:41
- Ollikut T-87 stallion
- Chico's Birdwoman T-2151 (1957 mare)
- Chico's Kit T-3050 (1957 stallion)
- Chico's Dutchess F-2726 (1954)
- Dirk of Double Arrow F-2727 (1959)
- Chico's Tequilla F-2728 (1958)
- Damnation F-2733 (1956)
- Chico's Golden Nugget F-2944 (1959)
- Chico's Snowcap F-3254 (1957-1982)
- Chico's Frosty F-3478 (1955)
- Minidoka Chico F-3752 (1957)
- WHB Heartbreaker F-4045 (1959)
- Harney's Chico Cherokie F-4102 (1961)
- Kickapoo Flip F-4128 (1953)
- Chico's Little Shadow F-4331 (1961)
- Roamer Jr F-4813 (1955)
- Traveler Belle F-4815 (1959)
- Chico's Montana Rose F-4818 (1960)
- Chico's Billy F-4821 (1955)
- Chico's Duke F-4825 (1960)
- Freckles Miss Maybe 24655 (1959)
- Chico's Freckles T-3051 (1953)
- Enum Tahtch Hayoo T-1512 (1950)
- Chico's Alibi S 52104
- Chicory High Dice 102120 (1966 mare)
- Commanche F T-86 (1951)
- Sundance F T-88 (1951)
- Skylark T-588 (1954 mare) Both mares have May foaling, one has no dam listed, very close in color description, Just sayin'.....
- Sky Lark T-1282 (1954 mare) Dam: Montana Ann
- Apple J T-589 (1955)
- Autumn T-591 (1954) Both Autumn and Autumn S have same foaling year [but months apart -August and October] with same dam [Blanca]
- Autumn S T-1392 (1954)
- Fade Away M T-640 (1952)
- Moon Dog T-1153 (1953)
- Yukon Lil T-1281 (1954)
- Campsmoke T-1393 (1954)
- Morning Glory T-2062 (1957)
- Chicopatch T-2668 (1951)
- Minnehaha H T-3223 (1957)
- Chico's Tortilla of Double Arrow T-3931 (1958)
- Double Arrow's Smoke Cloud T-3932 (1954)
- Misty of Double Arrow T-3937 (1954)
- Chico's Willy of Double Arrow T-3939 (1958)
- *Shoshoni War Maiden 64710 (1962)Appaloosa News 1-68:140
- ChicoÕs Babe 7809 [1953 mare]
- ChicoÕs Sula 49559 1964 mare
- Chico's Tuck A Luck 13302 [1961 stallion]
- Craig's Black Honey ID 8321 [1967 mare] from allbreed
- Moxee 14630 1950 mare
- ChicoÕs Fayette 30225 1960 mare
- Chico's Hud 49558 1964 stallion
- Chico's Jet B-48828 1963 mare
- Chico's Old Man DD 49541 1962 stallion
- Chico's Bell Star 24653 1959 mare
- Chico's Flip 21770 1961 stallion
- Chico's Lady B-22763 1956 mare
- Chico's Navajo 20277 1960 stallion
- Chico's Sundowner 21154 1961 stallion
- Chico's Gambler 24661 1961 stallion
- Chico's Traveler 17034 1956 gelding
- Chico's Yogi Bear 21771 1961 stallion
- Chico's Kitty B-52281 mare
- Chico's Medicine Bow 30587 1960 stallion Appaloosa News 11-65:78
- Chico Anne 94312 1962 mare
- Chico's Cricket B-64008 1960 mare
- Chico's Trinket 63501 1960 mare
- Chico's War Bonnet 67920 1963 gelding
- Tamanmo Chief 69616 1966 stallion
- Chico's Domino F 112162 1967 stallion
- Hi D Chi 101773 1963 mare
- Could Bee B-78758 1959 mare
- Chico's War Arrow 70184 1960 stallion
- Desert Sand H 148592 1965 mare
- Chico's Phantom 80743 1966 stallion
- Gibbonsville 89539 1962 gelding
- Zoltan 83505 1965 gelding
- Mrs Chico 50819 1964 mare
- Miss Apache Chico's Queen 51367 1964 mare
- Chico's Ringo 42293 1963 stallion
- H Chico's Ringo 53158 1964 stallion
- English Dan 51914 1963 stallion
- Chico's Spring 37917 1963 mare
- Dominic 37918 1963 stallion
- Regina 37919 1962 mare
- Sandybarb 39660 1957 mare
- Sneaky Pete 42292 1963 stallion
- Chico's Fox 55935 1962 gelding
- Chico Redwing Sis 232486 1967 mare
- Chico's Yaqui 159782 1967 stallion
- Chico's Rose Bud 221613 1968 mare
- Chico's Tim 197298 1967 gelding
- Chico's Lavender 173385 1967 mare
- Chico's Patsy 173384 1967 mare Appaloosa News 10-74:52
- Chico's Concho S 184591 1967 gelding
- Chico's Trina 184583 1964 mare
- Full Sister 184582 1964 mare
- Mr Chico S 184589 1967 stallion
- Mrs Hi Chico 184665 1968 mare
- Spike Tailed Mare 184581 1962 mare
- Chico's Fancy ApHCC 3276 [1964 mare] Dam: Fantabulous ApHCC 910
- Chico's Navajo 20277 [1960 stallion]
- Chico's Flip 21770 [1961 stallion]
- Lemhi Checo 23822 [1949 stallion]
- Harney's Chico's Snow Drift [LavaRock Chico - name change?] 25082 [1962 stallion]
Frisco mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(El Morrocco F-18 x Helen)
Bred by HandG Prowse, Marlette, Michigan
Foaled April 29, 1948
Owned by Harry Prowse, Marlette, Michigan
- Handprint's Star Chief F-3637 (1960)
- Handprint's Red Bird F-3638 (1961)
- Miss HandprintÕs Frisco 47548 [1964 mare] Appaloosa News 2-74:188p, 10-74:56
Rocket II stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(El Morrocco F-18 x Billie)
Bred by HandG Prowse, Marlette, Michigan
Foaled April 29, 1948
Owned by Harry Prowse, Marlette, Michigan
Jack Frost stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1948
Owned by Mabel Woodward, Sprague, Washington
Christensen's Stormy mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Toby II F-113 x Flicka F-299)
Bred by DA Christensen, Kendrick, Idaho
Foaled May 22, 1948

(The blanketed foal)
Christensen's Judy mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Toby II F-113 x Gypsy)
Bred by DA Christensen, Kendrick, Idaho
Foaled June 17, 1948
- Prince Cochise T-3328 1958 stallion
- Top O Dawn R F-4456 1961 mare
- Rogers Kachina 8199 1959 mare
Momin Pahteen mare
Bay Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1945
Owned by HH Schnettler, Lewiston, Idaho
- Hah Tokets F-1327 (1951)
- Nez Perce Snowflake F-1382 (1952)
- Maumin Bluebonnett F-1662 [1956 mare]

Sheik's Beauty mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Stewart's Sheik F-385 x unknown)
Bred by SB Fletcher, Opportunity, Washington
Foaled May 1944
Owned by Royal Nelson, Creston, Washington
- Juanita Rose F-1496 (1953)
- Sheik's Shyster F-1640 (1955)
- Missoula War Path F-1938 (1957)
- Beauty G F-1956 (1954)
- Fancy Pants F-1401 [1951 mare]

Twinkle Star mare
Blue Roan, white spots over hips
(Polar Star F-176 x Diamond Bell F-287)
Bred by Jesse Heffel, Kendrick, Idaho
Foaled May 27, 1949
- Chief Eagle II F-1483 (1953)
- Polar Star II F-1554 (1954)
- Eagle's Papoose F-1612 (1955)
- Twinkles Trouble of Green Stables F-2658 (1959)
- Enum Tahtch Starfire T-1586 [1956 mare]
- Nez Perce Pawnee Pete F-2024 [1958 stallion]
EL Rastus stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Don Beckwith, Penawawa, Washington
Foaled ?
Owned by John Bafus, Lancaster, Washington
- Fire Dance G F-2144 (1958)
- Champ T-73 (1947)
Pinky mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Old Smoky x Roanie)
Bred by Lowell Yohn, Mason City, Nebraska
Foaled May 18, 1936
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-75:204
- Miss Pinky F-1266 (1946)
- Copper Clad F-1420 (1952)
- Pinky's Skipper F-1606 (1954)
- Diefenbaugh F-1909 (1950)
Buttons stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Al Wagner stallion x unknown)
Bred by John Ralston, Walla Walla, Washington
Foaled April 18, 1948
Blue Tail Fly mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Napoleon x Josaphine)
Bred by Oscar Thompson, Cottonwood, Idaho
Foaled May 1, 1946
Owned by Mrs. William Robie, Whitebird, Idaho
- Tolo 10128 [1959 mare]
Silver's Dawn mare
White, black spots over hips
(Silver Tip F-302 x Beauty)
Bred by DA Christensen, Kendrick, Idaho
Foaled May 17, 1949
- Dawn's Blacksilver F-1583 (1955)
- Champ of French Haven F-3024 (1960)
- French Haven Chiquita F-4064 (1958)
- Little Darlin of French Haven F-4690 (1961)
- Peppy Gal F-1932 [1957 mare]
- Silver's Candy of French Haven 23414 [1962 mare]
Bolin's Cheeta mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Gray Cloud x Trinket)
Bred by Donald Haney, Great Falls, Montana
Foaled April 10, 1948
Owned by Maynard Bolin, Great Falls, Montana

Apache stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Better Still JC x Queen)
Bred by Orvil Sears, Elba, Idaho
Foaled July 7, 1942
Reference: website page, Palouse 63:26, Appaloosa News 2-66:38, Mar-Apr58:21, M-A59:31 Nov-Dec59:22, Jan-Feb60:28/56, 12-70:9, 9-82:76, 10-69:12
- Apache King S 10858 (1959-1970)
- Sizzle Britches F-2112 (1958)
- Chicaro F-2028 (1956-1976)
- Hi Apache 13210 (1959)
- Apache Koo Bay 39603
Appaloosa News 3-65:81, 9-75:62, 7-66:33 - *Apache Lo 53517
Appaloosa News 1-66:70, 2-67:66* - Apache Tonka 46044
Appaloosa News 1-76:153, 1-74:208p? - Gingerale 11252
- Romona E 12728
- Apache Dott 63665
Appaloosa News 6-75:50 - Dilts' Diablo F-763 (1949)
- Apache Pat F-1389 (1951)
- Apache D F-1441 (1953)
- Apache II F-1607 (1951)
- Thekapache F-1665 (1956)
- Chief's Girl F-1691 (1950)
- Apache Kathy F-1861 (1959)
- Apache Do F-2302 (1958)
- Apache Can F-2303 (1957)
- La Vender IV F-2596 (1959)
- Flaming Sun T-1218 (1950)
- Flake T-1216 (1949)
- Minidoka Belle T-3451 (1957)
- Apache Silver F-2656 (1959)
- Minidoka's [Minidoka] Apache Princess F-4855 (1958)
- Sizzle's Sis F-3304 (1960)
- Apache Dancer 8641 (1951)
- How Cum U Cum F-2718 (1959)
- Morning Dove G F-2753 (1959)
- Go Flash Go G F-2754 (1959)
- Apache Patch F-3088 (1960)
- *Apache Thundercloud 26073
Appaloosa News 8-67:79 - Apache's Gold Nugget F-3659 (1960)
- Minidoka Minnie F-3757 (1958)
- Theka Pinkey F-3985 (1960)
- Apache Blossom F-4359 (1960)
- Apache's Tinker Bell F-4366 (1958)
- Apache Ginny ID-2
- Minidoka Blue 7621 (1953)
- Apache Gold Digger AN9-72:109 no #??
- Jay Dee's Sundancer 8442 (1959)
- ID's Sundance AN12-78:194p no #??
- Apache Rosalia 19562
Appaloosa News 2-80:143p - Minidoka Snowflake 7619 (1953)
- Whit T-1215 (1948)
- Spug T-1217 (1954)
- Ticeska T-1912 (1957)
- Hard Luck Boy T-2667 (1958)
- Toponis T-2983 (1958)
- *Apache's Silky Bob 378835
Appaloosa News 2-67:77 - *Final Apache 58462
Appaloosa News 8-67:79, 9-67:IFC* - Mitzi 5335 (1957)
- Minidoka Kakoosh 7620 (1950)
- Miss Mark 9386 (1958)
- Apache Bilmore 5128 (1957)
- Sugar Bird 5204 (1949)
- My Ole Still 39562
- ParishÕs Paladine 8050 (1958)
- Delco Stardust 9898 (1958)
- Little Ginger J PC 1677
- Butterfly #? info from pedigree of Apache Still:
- Ten Spot C 12460 (1959)
- Desert Papoose 14057 (1958)
- Apache Boots 18276 [1954 mare]
- Idaho Patches 20480 [1956 mare]
- Harper's Apple Lucy 21138 [1949 mare]
- Searle's Apache Star 21396 [1954 mare]
- Minidoka Flicka 21632 [1950 mare]
- Beaver Creek 21896 [1958 gelding]
- Bud's Babe 21897 [1959 mare]
- Apache's Frosty Jewel 22394 [1958 mare]
- Della's Apache 24857 [1962 mare]
- Apache's Topper 25192 [1961 stallion]
- Duster Bob 25284 [1962 stallion]
Achin Ace I gelding
WHite, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Bud Hurst, Boeing Co., Washington
Foaled May 18, 1944
Owned by Col. Cal Butterworth, Seattle, Washington
Maggie mare
Blue Roan snowflake
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1943
Owned by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
- Mag F-733 (1948)
- Maumin Blue F-1792 (1954)
Mag mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Toby II F-113 x Maggie F-732)
Bred by Edward Condel, Troy, Idaho
Foaled June 11, 1948
Owned by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
La Vender mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(George Webb horse x La Vender I)
Bred by Lester Riley, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled May 20, 1941
- La Vender II F-1320 (1945)
- La Vender III F-1321 (1948)
- Taft Red Man F-1888 [1957 stallion]
Johnie gelding
White, black spots over hips
(Topper x Sal)
Bred by Lester Riley, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled May 1, 1945
Jim Fiss gelding
White, black spots over hips
(Topper x La Vender*)
Bred by Lester Riley, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled May 8, 1945
*may be La Vender I (dam of F-734) - unregistered
Jackie gelding
White, black spots over hips
(Topper x Sal)
Bred by Lester Riley, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled April 4, 1946
Nobby II gelding
Black, spotted blanket
(Topper x La Vender*)
Bred by Lester Riley, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled April 7, 1947
*may be La Vender I (dam of F-734) - unregistered
Ghawi II gelding
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Ghawi x May)
Bred by Lester Riley, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled May 15, 1948
Lucky Lucy mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Gearheart Dyke, Colfax, Washington
Foaled 1941
Owned by CE Kennedy, Colfax, Washington
- Spot Cache F-2087/CRHA 414 (1954))
Seaton's Polka Dot II stallion
Black leopard
(Seaton's Polka Dot I F-747 x Circle Dot)
Bred by Samuel Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled April 20, 1948
Seaton's Buck gelding
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Seaton's Skipper F-377 x unknown)
Bred by Samuel Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled February 28, 1946
Thomas gelding
Black, white spots over hips
(Seaton's Skipper F-377 x unknown)
Bred by Samuel Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled March 15, 1946
Seaton's Mickey gelding
Black, spotted blanket
(Bommer [Boomer?] x Freckles)
Bred by Samuel Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled March 1, 1941
Tiny gelding
Black, spotted blanket
(Bommer [Boomer?] x Bonnie II)
Bred by Samuel Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled March 28, 1944

Chief Red Wolf stallion
Chestnut blanket
(Toby I F-203 x Princess Pat F-204)
Bred by Jesse Heffel, Kendrick, Idaho
Foaled June 10, 1949
Seaton's Polka Dot I stallion
Black Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Samuel Seaton, Coulee Dam, Washington
Foaled 1945
- Seaton's Polka Dot II F-741 (1948)
Little Joe The Traveler stallion
Brown spotted blanket
(Speckles x Red Wing)
Bred by Buck Kerby, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled April 24, 1948
Owned by GL Burnside, Ephrata, Washington

Bobby Sox stallion
Blue Roan
(Blue Boy x Peggy O'Neal T-355)
Bred by RB Spackman, Roseburg, Oregon
Foaled May 10, 1946
Reference: Appaloosa News 7/8-57:19, 9-10-57:8, J-F 58:3
- Stardust S T-356 (1950)
Desert Sundae mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Desert Master x Pinona F-751)
Bred by Ethel Pellissier, Riverside, California
Foaled July 24, 1947
- Beau Desert H F-2510 (1959)
Pinona mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(El Secundo x Nancy)
Bred by Ethel Pellissier, Riverside, California
Foaled February 13, 1943
- Desert Sundae F-750 (1947)
Sunset mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Stewart's Sheik F-385 x Lucy F-455)
Bred by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled June 9, 1949
- Roger Chief F-1447 (1953)
- Robie Cleigh F-1585 (1955)

Ralstin's Sheba mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Stewart's Sheik F-385 x Bonnie F-434)
Bred by Chub Ralstin, Spalding, Idaho
Foaled June 8, 1949
Reference: Western Horsemen 3-54:13, Appaloosa News 5-56:7
- HandprintÕs Silvertips F-1713 [1956 stallion]
- Handprint's Tarheels F-1859 (1957)
- Handprint's Hipster (Hypster) F-3046 (1960)
- Chief Handprint's Medicine Girl F-3811 (1959-1961)
- Handprint's Blue Chips F-2822 (1959)
- Handprint's Hi Chips F-2209 (1958)
- Ferghana Short Circuit T-376 (1954)
- Chief Handprint's Fury 39510 Appaloosa News 5-69:78ad
Cedar mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Guy Lamb, Lewistown, Idaho
Foaled 1941
Owned by Mabel Woodward, Sprague, Washington
- Red Cedar F-755 (1949)
- Lucky's Smokey F-2059 (1954)
- Lucky's Cedra F-2063 (1957)
- Lucky's Cindy F-2275 (1958)
Red Cedar stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Mahabba AHC 1296 x Cedar F-754)
Bred by Bert Grieb, Hatton, Washington
Foaled April 12, 1949
Owned by Mabel Woodward, Sprague, Washington
F-756/CRHA #284-J
Colo Gal mare
(Starbuck Ranger F-649/CRHA #205-N x Snip)
Bred by JE Hiatt, Otis, Colorado
Foaled June 16, 1946
Owned by Mrs AW Hanson, Pleasant Lake, North Dakota
- Colo Malai F-1305 (1950)
F-757/CRHA #285-R
Tola Rose mare
Bay spotted blanket
(Rainy Moon F-181 x Polarine CRHA #167-P)
Bred by KK Parsons, Boulder, Colorado
Foaled June 28, 1946
Owned by Mrs AW Hanson, Pleasant Lake, North Dakota
- Trammell's Squaw Man F-1949 (1954)
- Sallateeska 6654/ApHCC 3089 [1953 mare]
Midge mare
Red Roan, snowflake
(Colorado Ranger/Silver Ranger CRHA 64 x Foxie)
Bred by Sandy Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Foaled May 23, 1942
- Powder River Roxy F-1312 (1949)
- Midget B F-1402 (1950)

Wood Chuck stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Zebra Pal F-322 x Boly Bay)
Bred by Horace Raty, Dupuyer, Montana
Foaled March 28, 1949
Reference: Appaloosa News Nov60:41, Nov61:55

Hy Tone stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Zebra Pal F-322 x Dimont T)
Bred by Horace Raty, Dupuyer, Montana
Foaled March 27, 1949
Reference: Appaloosa News Nov60:43, Oct61:37
Bloyd's Freckles mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled June 1941
Owned by Eldon Bloyd, Kelso, Washington
Chita mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by German H Ranch, Dietrich, Idaho
Foaled March 16, 1944
Owned by Mr and Mrs TA Dilts, Kimberly, Idaho
- Dilt's Diablo F-763 (1949)
- Nachief Chocoa 22428 [1959 stallion]
Dilts Diablo stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Apache F-730 x Chita F-762)
Bred by TA Dilts, Kimberly, Idaho
Foaled April 11, 1949
Moser's Speck mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Rex Millgard x Speckles F-285)
Foaled 1941
Owned by Delores Moser, Genesee, Idaho
Allen's Blue April mare
Blue Roan
(Silver Allen x Missouri Beauty)
Bred by LL Brandon, Carthage, Missouri
Foaled April 15, 1948
Satus King stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Chief x Queen)
Bred by Jack Dunnington, Toppenish, Washington
Foaled April 1, 1945
Owned by Ed Peugh, Toppenish, Washington
Henderson's Patches mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x Polly)
Bred by Leonard Henderson, Blocksburg, California
Foaled April 21, 1946
Owned by DR Henderson, Willits, California
Reference: Appaloosa News Jan-Feb60:35
- Quinault Treaty F-2500 (1950)
- Tonka's Mosaico F-4199 (1956)
- *Sam's Blue Eagle 77554 (1966 stallion) Appaloosa News 3-70:62, 12-69:53
- Primo 31464 (1963) stallion
Calico Jester stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Ferseyn AHC 1381 x Sweet Dreams)
Bred by LV Prante, San Gabriel, California
Foaled April 1, 1949
F-769/CRHA 287-R
Rincon Buck stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Rainy Moon F-181 x Black Mane CRHA #16-P)
Bred by KK Parsons, Boulder, Colorado
Foaled June 25, 1946
Owned by Dub McQueen, Hamilton Dome, Wyoming
Note: Rincon Buck was sired by Rainey Moon, but that's not the line we are interested in.
Rincon Buck was out of a mare named Black Mane. Rincon Buck was registered with the CRHA because his dam Black Mane was sired by one of the two CRHA foundation stallions, in this case, Patches 1-Z.
Black Mane was also out of a mare simply recorded as Babe. Babe has a recorded pedigree, though it's generally edited out. Her recorded sire was Albert Lee, a registered Shire, #11142. Albert Lee was sired by Eddington's Champion #7801, and out of Navajo #7408. Eddington's Champion was sired by Duke 10th #6677, however, the mare he was bred to is not listed. Navajo was sired by Winona Cardinal #4587 and out of Queen Litonia #6981.
Black Mane's dam Babe was out of a mare called Hammy, who was sired by a Hambletonian and out of a mare simply listed as an 'Indian Pony.'
~posted by T. Meisenbach on FB.
- Ticket II F-1295 (1950)
- Chi F-1297 (1950)
- Jessie F-1354 (1951)
- Coy's Pawnee Bucko 8542 (1951)
Waota mare
Black Leopard
(Starbuck Leopard F-129 x Peggie)
Bred by Dub McQueen, Hamilton Dome, Wyoming
Foaled May 2, 1949
- Spatterwork F-1529 1952)
- Diamond J F-1566 (1954)
- Snowman F-1641
Eituchiyu stallion
Black Leopard
(Starbuck Leopard F-129 x Kate)
Bred by Dub McQueen, Hamilton Dome, Wyoming
Foaled April 29, 1949
Baggage Kid gelding
Blue Roan, black spots over hips
(Starbuck Leopard F-129 x Kate)
Bred by Dub McQueen, Hamilton Dome, Wyoming
Foaled May 20, 1948

Revel stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Texas Cherokee F-265 x Flick F-200)
Bred by John Harper, Van Horn, Texas
Foaled April 4, 1949
- Revel Jr F-1728
- Spotted Fawn T-3627 (1957)
- Cheeta TH T-557 (1952)
- Tommy Tucker T-182 (1952)
Manana mare
Brown with roan spots over body
(Texas Cherokee F-265 x Maria F-199)
Bred by John Harper, Van Horn, Texas
Foaled April 7, 1948
- Tequila F-1366 [1951 mare]
Cherry Lou mare
Black, roan over hips
(Texas Cherokee F-265 x Lady Lou)
Bred by John Harper, Van Horn, Texas
Foaled April 20, 1948
- Cinco's Prince Uncas F-1702 (1955)
- Cinco's Windwalker F-1705 (1953)
- Barne's Nastasya F-1943 (1956)
- Barne's Sally Gooden F-2267 (1958)
- Chuckey Squaw 23707 [1960 mare]
Ella Freckles mare
Chestnut snowflake
(Desert Chief x Sheba Rose F-160)
Bred by JA McMullen, Roseville, California
Foaled April 18, 1948
- Paisana F-2053 (1952)
- Jo Bob's Teki F-4712 (1962)
Pancho Boy stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Pancho x unknown)
Bred by Roy Gray, Akron, Colorado
Foaled May 1, 1948
Owned by Jack Dyer, Lewistown, Idaho
Reference: Appaloosa News Sep-Oct59:8
Note: He would have been considered a ÔpintoÕ or perhaps a ÔpintaloosaÔ-Sherry Byrd/PatMefferd
- Mike Sustash F-1333 (1951)
Sundance II stallion
Bay Leopard
(unknown x Rocking Chair Sally)
Bred by Guy Porter, Brush, Colorado
Foaled April 16, 1945
Owned by Horace Raty, Dupuyer, Montana
- Sundance Dee 10983 [1952 mare]
Diamond Jim stallion
Dun, white with dun spots over body
(Rainy Moon F-181 x May Bell [CRHA 213-R?])
Bred by David Ruby, Denver, Colorado
Foaled May 7, 1946
Owned by MG Morrison, Lewiston, Idaho
Reference: Appaloosa News Jul61:37, Aug 61:48
Clipper Girl mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Starbuck Ranger CRHA 205-N x Susie)
Bred by JE Hiatt, Anaheim, California
Foaled 1948
Owned by William Jacobs, Lewiston, Idaho
- Last Chance Chiquita T-3553 (9154)
Megenity's Skipper OR McGenity's Skipper gelding
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled April 17, 1948
Owned by FA McGenity, Lewiston, Idaho
Bobbie mare
Blue Roan, white spots over hips
(Commanche Chief x Tawana F-785)
Bred by Jack Mansfield, Vega, Texas
Foaled 1942
Owned by Ralph Johnson, Roswell, New Mexico
- Little Abner F-784 (1949)
- Big Apple F-790 (1947)
- One Eye Geronimo F-2889 (1951)
- McElroy Mary F 8630 (1956)
- Geronimo Miss Flakie F-4023 (1961)
Kickapoo stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(The Boss Hoss F-194 x Tawana F-785)
Bred by Ralph Johnson, Roswell, New Mexico
Foaled 1949
Little Abner stallion
White, bay spots over hips
(The Boss Hoss F-194 x Bobbie F-782)
Bred by Ralph Johnson, Roswell, New Mexico
Foaled 1949
Tawana mare
Bay Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Jack Mansfield, Vega, Texas
Foaled March 4, 1937
Owned by Ralph Johnson, Roswell, New Mexico
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-61:44p,
- Bobbie F-782 (1942)
- Kickapoo F-783 (1949)
- Johnson's Miss Loco F-2705 (1954)
- Turner's Squaw F-2766 (1952)
- Kitty Blue No 2 F-406 (1948)
- Dulcie Bar F-4136 (1952)
- Minnecka F-4156
Chamma mare
Blue Roan, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled April 15, 1940
Owned by Ralph Johnson, Roswell, New Mexico
- Johnson's Spotted Lady F-2704 (1953)
- Johnson's Painted Lady F-2706 (1952)
- Miss Stockton F-4025 (1954)
- Johnson's No 8 F-4058 (1950)
- Johnson No 54 F-4059 (1949)

Miss Fancy mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(The Boss Hoss F-194 x unknown or Manzy Maid F-1997)
Bred by Ralph Johnson, Roswell, New Mexico
Foaled November 1, 1948
- Texas Chief F-4589 (1957)
- Ola F-4591 (1956)
- Poco Spot 5099 (1959)
- War Paint's Fancy Pants 14129 (1961)
- War Paint's Dot 23972 [1962 mare]
Bar None stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(The Boss Hoss F-194 x unknown)
Bred by Ralph Johnson, Roswell, New Mexico
Foaled April 22, 1948
Flying Cloud stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(The Boss Hoss F-194 x unknown)
Bred by Ralph Johnson, Roswell, New Mexico
Foaled April 26, 1948
Big Apple stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(The Boss Hoss F-194 x Bobbie F-782)
Bred by Ralph Johnson, Roswell, New Mexico
Foaled April 18, 1947

Chips stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by I Russell, Kansas, Utah
Foaled May 1945
Owned by Frank Burton, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Prince Deseret T-3251 (1953)
- Caribou Chief 10281 (1952)
Verda Star mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Rex x Speck)
Bred by Guy Olsen, Mt Pleasant, Utah
Foaled April 10, 1946
Owned by Harve Sayers, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Sparky F-1627 (1955)
- Miss Bot Spots F-2749 (1959)
Laddie stallion
Black, near leopard
(Grimes Golden x Babe)
Bred by Albert Soller, Cozad, Nebaska
Foaled May 9, 1948
Owned by Ad Colvin, Gothenburg, Nebraska

Fla Mite stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1939
Owned by George Gilbert, Wesconnet, Florida; JE MacDonald, Coconut Grove, Fl; JE Strickland, Fl
Source: Western Horsemen March 1954 [information and photo located by Sherry Byrd]
- Gala Rose's Mike F-1513 (1954)
Wonder Boy stallion
Brown Roan, spotted blanket
(Speck x Nettie)
Bred by GG Golden, Caney, Oklahoma
Foaled April 1947
Owned by Lee Simmons, Sherman, Texas
Tiger Cat gelding
Brown, spotted blanket
(Waggoner x Winnie)
Bred by Vera Vaden, Sherman, Texas
Foaled May 6, 1945
Owned by Lee Simmons, Sherman, Texas

Mr Bounce stallion
Red Leopard
(Rainbow x Cheetah)
Bred by June Sherman, Nutrioso, Arizona
Foaled July 5, 1947
Reference: Appaloosa News Jan-Feb59:14
- Chief Cocopah F-1328 (1951)
- Sunburst F-1385 (1952)
- KC's Missy F-2375 (1950)
- Miss Bounce F-2746 (1959)
- KC's Pink Cloud F-2967 (1959)
- Miss Bitty Bounce F-3112 (1960)
- Paisana's Doll F-3727 (1961)
- Mr Sonny T-3592 (1958)
- Shoshawnee 6114 (1955)
- Smith's Wam Pum T-8454 (1959)
- Him Konocti T-8455 (1959)
- Bounce's Bay Bell 8851 (1960)
- Major Bounce 9968 (1960)
- Bouncer Denio 10783 (1960)
- Billy Bounce 12312 (1959)
- Blue Rain G 14182 [1957 mare]
- Sally Bounce 17764 [1961 mare]
- Mike's War Paint 18251 [1961 stallion]
- Don Leopard 18516 [1961 stallion]
- Princess Blaze 18582 [1961 mare]
- Epitaph 19744 [1950 mare] Dam: Square Deal AQ
- The Spotted Cat 25283 [1962 mare]

Zaael stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Zaross AHC 3547 x Whitey)
Bred by Glade Draper, Santaquin, Utah
Foaled June 17, 1948
Note "typo" on photo...
Reference: Appaloosa News Mar-Apr59:34(painting), Jul60:44, Oct60:28(get), May62:39, Arab Horse News 1-58
- Bweeha Wing 6196 [1959]
- Sparky F-1627 (1955)
- Utahn F-1650 (1953)
- Shadow F-1645 (1954)
- Tama F-1651 (1955)
- Jubal N F-2020 (1957)
- Zaael Jr F-2066 (1956)
- Tomahawk Z T-3993 (1958)
- Echo's Easter Bonnet 6197 (1959)
- Zaael's Echo Hawk T-4054 (1958)
- Big Star F-3091 (1956)
- Sioux Z F-3321 (1954)
- Chief Red Wing F-3345 (1960)
- Dixie Timp F-3545 (1955)
- Patches Tonka 5759 (1959)
- Buckshot Pete 9091 (1957)
- Harney's Poker Chips 11584 [1960]
- Zella T-4693 [1956]
- Indy Bee Wing T-4749 [1958]
- Barbra Ann T-4848 [1957]
- UtahÕs Honey 16761 [1958 mare]
- ZaaelÕs Cloud B 6170 [1959]
- ZaaelÕs Ceder Wing 6195 [1959]
- ZaaelÕs Snowflake 6226 [1959]
- ZaaelÕs Copper Chico 7279 [1959]
- Squaw of DR 10337 [1958]
- Frost T 11189 [1960]
- Baldene 13003 [1955]
- U Boy 14899 [1958]
- Zaael's Stardust 14942 [1961]
- Zaael's Polly 22248 [1960 mare]
Rocky Girl mare
White, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Joe Bacon, Rocky Boy Indian Reservation, Montana
Foaled 1945
Owned by Bill Loney, Great Falls, Montana
- Modock F-1343 (1951)
- Morgan's Taboo F-2119 (1956)
Sachet mare
Black snowflake
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by M Agras
Foaled April 1946
Owned by Wallace Shields, San Jose, California
- Squaw Man F-1339 (1951)
- Kootenai Blizzard F-1438 (1952)
#1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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This page last updated November 2023.