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Links to Foundation pages:
Alphabetical Index F-1 to F-1798
Numerical List:
Tentative Registered Appaloosas
T-2701 to T-2800

Ig Mu Tan Ka gelding
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Young Panther AQ x Pine Ridge Reservation Appaloosa)
Bred by David Iron Cloud, Hisle, South Dakota
Foaled 1948
Princess Thundercloud mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Chief Sun Cloud T-54 x Little Thunder)
Bred by LC Weatherwax, Santa Ana, California
Foaled 1955
Rosita mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Poncho B T-619 x Princess)
Bred by Carl Braine, Lame Deer, Montana
Foaled 1957

Cheetah's Johnnie Jay stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Comparison JC x Sherman's Cheetah F-916)
Bred by William Benoist, Long Beach, California
Foaled 1957

Jane's Joker mare
Black, white spots over hips
( Joker B F-678 x Flicka)
Bred by Juliet Johnson, Long Beach, California
Foaled 1957
Reference: Appaloosa News Jan-Feb60:37

Joker's Flippant Miss mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
( Joker B F-678 x Punkinlight)
Bred by CD Stubblefield, Long Beach, California
Foaled 1957
Reference: Appaloosa News Aug61:C/32

Spud Nik stallion
Chestnut, white spots over hips [blanket?]
(Poteet B F-2225 x quarter mare Granney Jane OR unnamed per SB)
Bred by WC Smith, Tatum, New Mexico
Foaled 1957-1972
Reference: Appaloosa News Nov-Dec58:9, Mar-Apr59:2, Jun62:24, 2-72:116, 2-78:72p, 1-68, 2-73obit
Zorro stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2781
Sputnik No 1 stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Tomahawk III F-1600 x Brown Beauty)
Bred by Vinton Woodward, Castana, Iowa
Foaled 1958

Blackcloud D stallion
Black, white spots over hips
(Sharon's Topper F-3352 x Bessy JC)
Bred by James Cooper, Baker, Oregon
Foaled 1956
Reference: Appaloosa News Oct61:51
Note: from his last owner (Melanie):
"We bought him in 1973, when he was 17 and I was 11, from a farmer near Lawrence, Kansas, where I grew up. He had been recently gelded at that time, reportedly (we found out later) because he'd attacked one of the stablehands. Whatever the truth of that, he was certainly a sweet lad the years I knew him (though he continued trying to mount any mare in season, no matter where or when!)."
I'm not sure but I think the other picture is depicting him winning a barrel race trophy at Nationals. He loved to barrel race and still into his 20s could beat all the local youngsters.
My sisters and I decided at the ripe old age of 19 to teach him to ride hunt seat and do a bit of show-jumping. He actually really loved it, though the way he did it, it was more show-hopping. He especially liked the timed runs; he was always a racer at heart.
He always insisted on being the flag-bearer in any parade, and loved showing off for folks, prancing and dancing. He had a horrible cribbing problem, and in his later years, struggled to keep any weight on at all. He was finally put down at age 24 (if I remember correctly), suffering from pneumonia and just unable to get enough nutrition to fight it off. I was with him when he passed.
He was a fine horse, a good stud, feisty and sweet and always loved an adventure. I was very pleased to see him on your site. I attached an old photo of me riding him in what must be about 1976.
Snow Deer mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Skybal x Midget II)
Bred by Avalo Owens, Dunning, Nebraska
Foaled 1954
Indian Gal mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Biltoft's Smoky Joe F-1167 x unnamed)
Bred by Leonard Nelson, Oak, Nebraska
Foaled 1955
Three Feathers K stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2383
Sissy mare
Red roan, white over hips
(Three Feathers K F-2383 x Jenny Lee)
Bred by Rose Karnen, Mud Butte, South Dakota
Foaled 1956
Reference: Western Horsemen 5-64:106ped
Zorro K stallion
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(Three Feathers K F-2383 x Polka Dot F-137)
Bred by Rose Karnen, Mud Butte, South Dakota
Foaled 1956

Blue Moon K stallion
Blue roan, dark spots over hips
(Three Feathers K F-2383 x Polka Dot F-137)
Bred by Rose Karnen, Mud Butte, South Dakota
Foaled 1957
Reference: Appaloosa News Nov61:54
Roper Jr stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Three Feathers K F-2383 x Jambalia)
Bred by Rose Karnen, Mud Butte, South Dakota
Foaled 1957
Dakota Mirage mare
Roan, spotted blanket
(Dakota Boy [not F-1764] x unknown)
Bred by Carl Albright, Blunt, South Dakota
Foaled 1945
Cherrique Joe gelding
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Paul Neavill, Fairifeld, Illinois
Foaled 1951
Chief Roy stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(unknown x Sweet Helen)
Bred by Roy Norris, Chicago, Illinois
Foaled 1952
Chief Tule stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2198
Wi Pa Ta Pi mare
Dun, dark spots over hips, snowflakes
(Fiesta x Appaloosa)
Bred by Fred Boyer, Rapid City, South Dakota
Foaled 1955
Snow Cloud II stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2488
Pogo gelding
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Lloyd Waletzko, Morris, Minnesota
Foaled 1952
Little Cheyenne stallion
Dun, white spots over hips
(Arapaho J F-1977 x Pato T-1510)
Bred by Mrs Myron Merry, Gates Mills, Ohio
Foaled 1957
Patches C mare
Roan, snowflakes
(Cloudy x Black Beauty)
Bred by Freeman Clyncke, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1956
Tamalpa mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Dr Rainy F-1301 x Toady)
Bred by L Hunt, Farmington, California
Foaled 1955
Cinata mare
Red roan
(Amata AHCR x Cindy F-1787)
Bred by Sylvia Coon, Detroit, Michigan
Foaled 1956
Specks V mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Donald Vezina, ST Croix Falls, Wisconsin
Foaled 1950
Jessie Ellen mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Wampy Joe AQ x Kiowa Belle)
Bred by PS Edwards, Fort Morgan, Colorado
Foaled 1955
Red Wing H mare
Chestnut, blanket, snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1956
Bred by Hazelrigg Stock Farms, Brookfield, Missouri
Stormy Gal mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Speckles x Chee Chee)
Foaled 1955
Bred by Charles Kane, Daytonville, Iowa
Willamette's Comanche K mare
Chestnut blanket
(Comanche Robin F-1430 x Pepper H T-1598)
Foaled 1957
Owned by RO Hagbom, Namoa, Idaho
Peanuts mare
Red roan
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1951
Bred by Bill Johnson, Cut Bank, Montana
Red roan
(unknown x Peanuts T-2734)
Foaled 1955
Bred by Bill Johnson, Cut Bank, Montana
Babe mare
Red roan, dark spots over hips
(Appaloosa x JC)
Foaled 1950
Bred by Bill Johnson, Cut Bank, Montana
Dixie Belle mare
Red roan
(Appaloosa x JC)
Foaled 1949
Bred by Bill Johnson, Cut Bank, Montana
Shawano Bill gelding
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1953
Owned by William Slack, Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Flathead Squaw mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2805
Thompson's Apache gelding
Red leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Jay Thompson, Antigo, Wisconsin
Foaled 1951
April (April II per ApHC DB) mare
Chestnut, snowflakes
(unknown x Goldie)
Owned by Robert Staunton, Newton Falls, Ohio
Foaled 1955
Sputnik W mare
Dun, spotted blanket
(Freckles x Yosileta AQ)
Bred by Leon Wilhelm, Amarillo, Texas
Foaled 1957

The Montana Kid gelding
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Texas x Canfield mare)
Bred by George Canfield, Richey, Montana
Foaled 1950
Reference: Appaloosa News NovDec58:3
Niobrara Star stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Bauldy Star AQ x unknown)
Bred by Jim Wright, Grand Lake, Colorado
Foaled 1957
Rocky O stallion
Bay, snowflakes
(Poco Chief T-525 x Kibyr's Lassie AHCR)
Bred by ME Ralston, Malott, Washington
Foaled 1955
Reference: Palouse63:8
Kalispell Cochise of Spokane stallion
Bay, snowflakes
(Chief Spokane Garry F-447 x Bessica)
Bred by David Jam, Kalispell, Montana
Foaled 1957
My Mitzi mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2806
Red Sioux mare
Red roan leopard
(Duke x unknown)
Bred by TF Osment, Chouteau, Oklahoma
Foaled 1949
Shawnee Blue mare
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(unknown x Spanish Ann)
Owned by AC Raymos, Burleson, Texas
Foaled 1950
Kickapoo Su mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Caliente T-727 x Red Sioux T-2748)
Bred by Roy Wood, Chelsea, Oklahoma
Foaled 1955
Black Beaver stallion
Blue roan, dark spots over hips
(Chief Keowa F-687 x Shawnee Blue T-2749)
Bred by Bill Hudlow, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Foaled 1957
Pat Ches mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Saint Vrain Ranger CRHA 46-T x half Appaloosa)
Bred by Wiley Butler, Craig, Colorado
Foaled 1947
Nez Perce's Frosty Delite mare
Red roan, blanket
(unknown x Nez Perce's Queen T-2131)
Owned by Loren Dalton, Golden Gate, Illinois
Foaled 1954
Rambler's Rogue gelding
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x Trix C)
Bred by Jack VanSickle, Sacramento, California
Foaled 1949
Reference: Appaloosa News 8-65:13
Stormy Night Lou mare
Blue Roan, blanket
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by Oluf [Olaf?] Nielsen, Massena, Iowa
Foaled 1951
Thunder W mare
Red roan, dark spots over hips
(Tex x Double S' Punken T-2674)
Bred by WL Watt, West Liberty, Ohio
Foaled 1956
Apache T mare
Black leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Harold Tyner, Tipton, Indiana
Foaled 1949
Foxie Joe stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Dragon x Appaloosa)
Bred by D Bar D Ranch, Irving, Texas
Foaled 1953
Ulmer's Countess Alkhar mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2863
Ulmer's Dutchess mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4880
Ulmer's Big Talk gelding
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Owned by Don Ulmer, Auburn, Washington
Foaled 1948
Tecumseh Tyner gelding
Bay, blanket
(Palouse Dan x Beadwork Susie)
Bred by Jim Willetts, McKinney, Texas
Foaled 1955
Lightning J mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Lightning x Blue)
Bred by Fred Hines, Mt Hime, Idaho
Foaled 1957

Red Top mare
Black, snowflakes
(Seaton's Skipper F-377 x Teanaway Babe T-1825)
Bred by Harry Covey, Cle Elum, Washington
Foaled 1955
Vogel's Big Chief stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Owned by George Vogel, Mapleton, Illinois
Foaled 1954
My Serenade stallion
Brown leopard
(Mr Music x Dixie)
Bred by Mr Bushnell, Vernonia, Oregon
Foaled 1954
Trader McCoy stallion
Bay, snowflakes
(blue Appaloosa x bay JC)
Bred by James O'Connor, Poplar, Montana
Foaled 1956
Rainey Day M stallion
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(Taylor's Sundance F-1053 x Jinx)
Bred by Thelma Madison, Wolf Point, Montana
Foaled 1954
Little Cassino mare
Chestnut, blanket
(Rufio T-1115 x Rip Rap T-1032)
Bred by Tom Longton, Hayward, California
Foaled 1957
Kiowa Annie mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Gene Mader, Anthony, Kansas
Foaled 1952
Ginger B mare
Blue roan, blanket
(unknown x unknown )
Foaled 1953
Bred by WW Wells, Carrelton, Missouri
Apache Yank stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Cinco's Chief Washopper F-1704 x roan mare )
Foaled 1957
Bred by Clarence Barnes, Houston, Texas

Simcoe's Sucia mare
Dun roan leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1951
Owned by Grace Forry, Goldendalw, Washington
Reference: Appaloosa News MayJun59:18
Simcoe's Snow Crest mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown [or Freel's Chico F-715 x Duchess of Domino F-2332 ?])
Foaled 1954
Owned by Grace Forry, Goldendale, Washington
Washita mare
White, red spots over hips
(Appaloosa x Arabian)
Foaled 1950
Owned by John Gordon, Mena, Arkansas
Silver Eagle stallion
White, dark spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled ----
Owned by Mrs Marian Weichert, Faith, South Dakota
Quito gelding
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1953
Owned by Guy Holland, Hutchinson, Kansas
Mottie mare
Brown, snowflakes
(unnamed x Polly F-138)
Foaled 1949
Bred by Gene Ulrich, Faith, South Dakota

War Cloud H stallion
Black, spotted body blanket
(Buddy Bud F-2462 x Appaloosa)
Foaled 1956
Owned by Robert Hurt and Jim Wild, Sarcoxie, Missouri
Reference: Appaloosa News MA59:10, MA60:10, May-Jun60:11
Bergen's Cherokee Rosie mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1948
Owned by Richard Bergen, Los Angeles, California
Copper Princess mare
Brown roan, blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1948
Owned by Richard Bergen, Los Angeles, California
Red's Calico Lady mare
Bay, snowflakes
(unknown x Red Bird F-845)
Foaled 1955
Bred by Les Roof, Forrest City, Illinois
Candy I mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4129
PVF's Colorado Roanie mare
Red roan
(Woodrow Sheik F-502 x Scarlett Oaks AQ)
Foaled 1954
Bred by PS Edwards, Fort Morgan, Colorado
Popago stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Jiggs x God Fly AQ)
Foaled 1956
Bred by Richard Ironberg, San Jose, California
Chief Tomahawk gelding
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x quarter)
Foaled 1955
Bred by Don Kofmehl, Washington
Nivey mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2357
Red Skipper stallion
Brown roan, blanket
( Big Boss F-2084 x Troy)
Foaled 1957
Bred by Bud Hanson, Garden City, Texas
Hula Baby mare
Bay, blanket
( Big Boss F-2084 x Red Wing)
Foaled 1957
Bred by Bud Hanson, Garden City, Texas
Pardo B stallion
Sorrel blanket
(Little Bartender AQ x Gray Lady F-974)
Foaled 1957
Bred by Clyde Miller, Justiceberg, Texas
Indian Arrow mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Calizona Duke T-470 x Princess Naida T-1094)
Foaled 1958
Bred by RE Hawkins, Riverside, California
Steven's Frosty Queen mare
Black leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1951
Owned by Verne and Ferne Stevens, Independence, Missouri
Santana L stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Owyhee T-1142 x TB)
Foaled 1954
Bred by Charlie Sewell, Ellko, Nevada
Snowtop mare
Black snowflake
(unknown x Appaloosa)
Foaled 1956
Bred by Harold Lane, Nampa, Idaho
Moonglow T mare
Brown leopard
(Rainbow T x Sultanness)
Foaled 1951
Bred by Joebee Bundy, Mexico, Indiana
White Man's Squaw mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1953
Owned by Mrs Ray Dundis, Omaha, Nebraska
Powder River Red stallion
Red (bay?) roan, dark spots over hips
(Bois D'Arc T-263 x unnamed)
Foaled 1957
Bred by Harry Burton, Austin, Texas
Bois D'Arc Jr stallion
Red roan, red spots over hips
(Bois D'Arc T-263 x unnamed)
Foaled 1957
Bred by Harry Burton, Austin, Texas
Cocoa's Patchy stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2238
King's Chief stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3258
Links to Tentative pages:
Alphabetical Index T-1 to T-1600
#1-#100, #101-#200, #201-#300, #301-#400, #401-#500, #501-#600, #601-#700, #701-#800, #801-#900, #901-#1000, #1001-#1100, #1101-#1200, #1201-#1300, #1301-#1400, #1401-#1500, #1501-#1600, #1601-#1700, #1701-#1800 , #1801-#1900, #1901-#2000, #2001-#2100, #2101-#2200, #2201-#2300, #2301-#2400, #2401-#2500, #2501-#2600, #2601-#2700, #2701-#2800, #2801-#2900, #2901-#3000, #3001-#3100, #3101-#3200, #3201-#3300, #3301-#3400, #3401-#3500, #3501-#3600, #3601-#3700, #3701-#3800, #3801-#3900, #3901-#4000, #4001-#4100, #4101-#4200, #4201-#4300, #4301-#4400, #4401-#4500, #4501-#4600, #4601-#4700, #4701-#4800, #4801-#4900, #4901-#5000, #5001-#5100, #5101-#5200, #5201-#5300, #5301-#5400, #5401-#5500, #5501-#5600, #5601-#5700, #5701-#5800, #5801-#5900, #5901-#6000, #6001-#6100, #6101-#6200, #6201-#6300, #6301-#6400, #6401-#6500, #6501-#6600, #6601-#6700, #6701-#6800, #6801-#6900, #6901-#7000, #7001-#7100, #7101-#7200, #7201-#7300, #7301-#7400, #7401-#7500, #7501-#7600, #7601-#7700, #7701-#7800, #7801-#7900, #7901-#8000, #8001-#8100, #8101-#8200, #8201-#8300, #8301-#8400, #8401-#8500, #8501-#8600, #8601-#8700, #8701-#8800, #8801-#8900, #8901-#9000, #9001-#9100, #9101-#9200, #9201-#9300, #9301-#9400, #9401-#9500, #9501-#9600, #9601-#9700, #9701-#9800, #9801-#9900, #9901-#10000
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This page last updated February 2019.