Appaloosa Territory
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Foundation Appaloosas
F-2801 to F-2900
Imboden's Ton Ke mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Arapaho J F-1977 x Imboden's Freckles F-1964)
Bred by Don Imboden, Jefferson, South Dakota
Foaled April 17, 1957
Transferred from Tentative T-1712
Reference Appaloosa News 1-60:49
Beau Annie mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Buttons B F-1681 x Handy Annie F-2782)
Bred by John Cochran, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Foaled August 30, 1956
Owned by Elvin Blevins, Wynnewood, Oklahoma
Transferred from Tentative T-1991
Quavo's Tweetie mare
Bay, blanket
(Quavo B F-2404 x Beau Annie F-2802)
Bred by Bill Hutchins, Lawton, Oklahoma
Foaled August 10, 1959
Reference Appaloosa News 12-61:36, 5-64:68(index)

Imboden's Shawnee mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Nez Perce Chief x Imboden Nel)
Bred by Don Imboden, Jefferson, South Dakota
Foaled May 1, 1950
Transferred from Tentative T-1013
Flathead Squaw mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by Martin Harris, Stevensville, Montana
Foaled May 15, 1951
Owned by Don Fox, Stevensville, Montana
My Mitzi mare
Red Roan leopard
(unknown x Rusty)
Bred by Harry Haslet, Crete, Illinois
Foaled 1940
Transferred from Tentative T-2747
Little Nez Perce Chief stallion
Red Roan, snowflake
(Tom Tom F-1488 x My Mitzi F-2806)
Bred by Ned Wyeth, Crete, Illinois
Foaled August 1957
Owned by Harry Haslet, Crete, Illinois
Transferred from Tentative T-6352
Sugar Babe MM mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Merle Burge and sons, Ellensburg, Washington
Transferred from Tentative T-5303
Sadie Lace mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Mickey F-187 x Sugar Babe MM F-2808)
Bred by Merle Burge and sons, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled June 16, 1959
RQ's Squaw Talker stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Monty Franz F-251 x Manly's Star Dust F-2378)
Bred by Evelyn Manly, Fallon, Nevada
Foaled November 19, 1958

Leon's Poco Quanah stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Quanah F-706 x Cooterville Cheetem F-2321)
Bred by CD Leon, Sapello, New Mexico
Foaled July 24, 1959

Spanish Pedro stallion
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Black Kentucky Whip x bay)
Bred by Manfred Beaver, Nampa, Idaho
Foaled 1949
Owned by Dale Wiley, Bellingham, Washington
Transferred from Tentative T-225
Reference Appaloosa News 9-10-57:10*
Cinco's Totem Buttons stallion
Bay Leopard
(Buttons B F-1681 x Cinco's Old Nacomis F-1718)
Bred by R Cinco Ranch, Houston, Texas
Foaled July 18, 1959
Rogella Miss Cherokee mare
Dun, spotted blanket
(Roger's Apache F-1655 x Mount Baldy's Shawnee F-1429)
Bred by Weldon Rogers, Seattle, Washington
Foaled March 30, 1958
Reference Appaloosa News 12-63:51 (index),10-65:115
Little Wolf stallion
Black, blanket
(Oklahoma F-2398 x Shawnee Dakota Sioux B F-2785)
Bred by Guy Holland, Hutchinson, Kansas
Foaled May 7, 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-4303
Reference Appaloosa News OctÕ61:32, 10-63:58(index)
American Eagle's Desert Star stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(American Eagle F-1452 x La Nina F-1591)
Bred by Rhoma Cox, Riverside, California
Foaled March 28, 1959
Owned by Harry Blankenship and John Weiser, Apple Valley, California
Lolita H mare
Bay, white and dark spots over hips
(Iodine F-563 x Appaloosa Mama F-1796)
Bred by Louis Hill, Houston, Texas
Foaled March 3, 1958
Manly's War Doll mare
Bay, snowflake
(Monty Franz F-251 x Tahoma F-2308)
Bred by Evelyn Manly, Fallon, Nevada
Foaled May 20, 1958
Manly's Medicine Beau stallion
Black Leopard
(Medicine Bear x Manitou)
Bred by LE Somers, Pukwana, South Dakota
Foaled April 4, 1955
Owned by Evelyn Manly, Fallon, Nevada
Handprint's Bonanza stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Chief Handprint F-1310 x Calamity Jane B F-1383)
Bred by Pat Bauman, Paisley, Florida
Foaled May 9, 1959

Handprint's Bee Bee mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Chief Handprint F-1310 x Little Rebel F-1716)
Bred by WR Bauman, Paisley, Florida
Foaled April 22, 1959
Reference Appaloosa News 6-65:6
Handprint's Blue Chips mare
Black, blanket
(Chief Handprint F-1310x Ralstin's Sheba F-753)
Bred by Pat Bauman, Paisley, Florida
Foaled May 14, 1959
Luis Creek Skeeter mare
Blue Roan, leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1947
Owned by Mr and Mrs FA Moan, Myrtle Creek, Oregon
Transferred from Tentative T-5066

Missoula Medicine Man stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1950
Owned by Howard Raser, Missoula, Montana
Transferred from Tentative T-1954
Reference Appaloosa News 5-62:10

Imboden's Shiney Pants stallion
Black, blanket
(Held's Blue Rocket F-1007 x Imboden's Shawnee F-2804)
Bred by Don Imboden, Jefferson, South Dakota
Foaled April 20, 1956
Transferred from Tentative T-1396
Speckled Lady S mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 1950
Owned by Leonard Summers, Albion, Indiana
Transferred from Tentative T-3049
Barnes' Chippawa stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Cinco's Chief Washopper F-1704 x Cinco's Hip Squaw F-2422)
Bred by Clarence Barnes, Houston, Texas
Foaled March 27, 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-3241

F-2828/CRHA 531-P
Elko Traveler stallion
Dun, spotted blanket
(Yellowstone Traveler F-1987 x Appl Lucie F-2724)
Bred by Theresa Leftwich, Greeley, Colorado
Foaled July 19, 1956
Transferred from Tentative T-1934

Blue Cloud N stallion
Blue Roan, spotted banket
(Chief Thunder F-2565 x Bonnie Blue F-1403)
Bred by Nolan Hutcheson, Houston, Missouri
Foaled January 15, 1959
Owned by Wade Navarre, Lafayette, Louisiana
Reference Appaloosa News JanÕ62:29
Blaine's Arapaho stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Chief Arapaho x Dalmation)
Bred by DD Blaine, Dallas, Texas
Foaled May 3, 1952
Transferred from Tentative T-1551
Rainey's King stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Coeur d'Alene F-145 x Blondie F-1203)
Bred by Ira Shaffer, Hillsboro, New Mexico
Foaled August 2, 1954
Owned by James Owen, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Transferred from Tentative T-2935

Dominette mare
Dun, white spots over hips
(Double Six Domino F-2646 x Freckles H F-2319)
Bred by Harmon Scales, Lubbock, Texas
Foaled March 8, 1957
Transferred from Tentative T-1915
Reference Appaloosa News 7/8-57:5*, Sep-OctÕ59:46*, Mar-AprÕ60:68*, JanÕ61:55, 1-63:45index

Split Britches stallion
Black, blanket
(Double Six Domino F-2646 x Freckles H F-2319)
Bred by Harmon Scales, Lubbock, Texas
Foaled March 8, 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-2962
Reference Appaloosa News 11-59:24index
Frosty's Lady Fingers mare
Red Roan, blanket
(Ab's Frosty F-2113 x Specks Dirty Fingers F-2412)
Bred by Jerry Kriewald, Burwell, Nebraska
Foaled May 19, 1956
Ab's Pride II stallion
Bay, blanket
(Ab's Pride F-1101 x Red Chalk II F-2413)
Bred by Jerry Kriewald, Burwell, Nebraska
Foaled June 11, 1955
Red Chalk III mare
Red Roan, snowflake
(Ab's Frosty F-2113 x Red Chalk II F-2413)
Bred by Jerry Kriewald, Burwell, Nebraska
Foaled April 17, 1957
Rogella Miss Fancy Pants mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Roger's Apache F-1655 x Eagle's Papoose F-1612)
Bred by Weldon Rogers, Seattle, Washington
Foaled March 5, 1960
Malheur's Sheik stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Sheigara F-2663 x Malheurana F-2537)
Bred by JJ Maxwell, Boise, Idaho
Foaled April 19, 1958
Owned by Robert Gill, Sterling, Kansas
Transferred from Tentative T-3336
Popcorn P stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Nez Perce I F-249 x Shooting Star F-473)
Bred by Ray Pellow, Nine Mile Falls, Washington
Foaled May 10, 1952
Opal's Doll mare
Red (Bay?) Roan Leopard
(Morgan's Leopard F-427 x TB)
Bred by Mrs JP Morgan, Sheridan, Wyoming
Foaled 1947
Owned by Opal Mereness, Nampa, Idaho
Transferred from Tentative T-1222
Camas Morocco's Moccasin mare
Bay Roan, blanket
(Moroccan Leopard F-1472 x Opal's Doll F-2840)
Bred by Elizabeth Knowlton, Fairfield, Idaho
Foaled May 20, 1959
Owned by Alvah or Elizabeth Knowlton, Fairfield, Idaho
Ivy Crest Lucy mare
Blue Roan, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1938
Owned by Margery Mischel, McCoy, Oregon
Transferred from Tentative T-1908
Camas Smokey Bear stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Moroccon Leopard F-1472 x Haum Teetz Princess F-1521)
Bred by Alvah Knowlton, Fairfield, Idaho
Foaled October 14, 1959
Owned by Alvah or Elizabeth Knowlton, Fairfield, Idaho
Reference Appaloosa News 11-63:37 index
Rogella Shawnee's Pawnee mare
Dun, white spots over hips
(Roger's Apache F-1655 x Mount Baldy's Shawnee F-1429)
Bred by Weldon Rogers, Seattle, Washington
Foaled March 2, 1960
Owned by Rosa Lee Rogers, Seattle, Washington
Flaming Arrow mare
Blue Roan, white and black spots over hips
(Rambler F-73 x Speckled Lady S F-2826)
Bred by Leonard Summers, Albion, Indiana
Foaled January 9, 1956
Transferred from Tentative T-3726
Goodwin Rex Lady mare
Bay, snowflake
(Rex The Leopard T-1630 x War Lady)
Bred by TF Osment, Nowata, Oklahoma
Foaled May 24, 1952
Transferred from Tentative T-2642
Cherokee A stallion
Bay Roan, spotted blanket
(Mansfield's Comanche F-3096 x Leopard Rose [by Mansfield's Comanche F-3096])
Bred by Jack, Mansfield, Vega, Texas
Foaled May 1, 1946
Owned by Robert Adams, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Transferred from Tentative T-3562
Reference Appaloosa News 1-65:49*, May Ô61:53, AprÕ62:40
Smoky T stallion
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Big Eye F-1575 x Yegua Squaw F-2174)
Bred by Sid Tarwater, Chriesman, Texas
Foaled April 26, 1957
Owned by Linda Tarwater, Chriesman, Texas
Transferred from Tentative T-2258
Ala Prairie Creek mare
Red leopard
(Appaloosa x unknown)
Foaled 1946
Owned by Frank Willerton, Uniontown, Alabama
Transferred from Tentative T-2126

Mickey's Pepper stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Mickey F-187 x Sugar Babe MM F-2808)
Bred by Merle Burge and sons, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled June 26, 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-5304
Reference Appaloosa News 6-61:9
Cindy Lace mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Mickey F-187 x Sugar Babe MM F-2808)
Bred by Merle Burge and sons, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled June 28, 1957
Transferred from Tentative T-5305
Reference Appaloosa News 7-61:20, 1-65:7
Malheur's Dandy stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Chief Malheur Jr F-2536 (T-1600) x Utahn F-1650)
Bred by Glade Draper, Santaquin, Utah
Foaled April 24, 1958
Owned by Ken West, Pleasant Grove, Utah
Transferred from Tentative T-4374
Reference Appaloosa News 7-61:41*index, OctÕ61:43
Dakota Sioux Doll mare
Dun, snowflake
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Dakota Maid F-2627)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled April 1957
Ab's Nikki mare
Blue Roan, blanket
(Ab's Pride F-1101 x Nicolitte F-1102)
Bred by Earl Kriewald, Ord, Nebraska
Foaled June 28, 1957
Hoya mare
Blue Roan
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 1946
Owned by James Jennings Jr, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Transferred from Tentative T-2204
Indian Imp mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(Buttons B F-1681 x Hoya F-2855)
Bred by James Jennings Jr, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Foaled April 14, 1959
Owned by John Jennings, Wynnewood, Oklahoma
Transferred from Tentative T-5963
Losa mare
Blue Roan
(Buttons B F-1681 x Hoya F-2855)
Bred by James Jennings Jr, Wynnewood, Oklahoma
Foaled May 9, 1955
Transferred from Tentative T-920
Mintahoya mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Buttons B F-1681 x Smokey)
Bred by James Jennings Jr, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Foaled April 22, 1956
Transferred from Tentative T-1383
Siri Sheba mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Arab Toswirah Alkhar F-2417 x Sally H F-2009)
Bred by Paulla Cooper, Willcox, Arizona
Foaled July 4, 1953
Transferred from Tentative T-1862
Elkhorn Traveler stallion
Bay, blanket
(Missoula Medicine Man F-2824 xBobbie Jane F-1400)
Bred by Howard Raser, Missoula, Montana
Foaled 1958
Owned by Charlie Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Transferred from Tentative T-4973
Rain of Medicine Man stallion
Sorrel, blanket
(Missoula Medicine Man F-2824 x Little Rain F-1489)
Bred by Charlie Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-7479
Ulmer's Sweet Talk Alkhar mare
Bay, blanket
(Arab Toswirah Alkhar F-2417 x Day Break F-155)
Bred by Don Ulmer, Auburn, Washington
Foaled February 8, 1960

Ulmer's Countess Alkhar mare
Blue Roan Leopard
(Arab Toswirah Alkhar F-2417 x Ulmer's Dix Lea F-2418)
Bred by Don Ulmer, Auburn, Washington
Foaled February 14, 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-2759
Reference Appaloosa News 9-65:35, Mar-AprÕ59:24*(foal), N-D59:39
Maumin Lolo mare
Black, snowflake
(Maumin Blue F-1792 x Lolo F-462)
Bred by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Foaled May 27, 1957
Lolo Malheur mare
Bay, snowflake
(Chief Chico F-909 x Lolo F-462)
Bred by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Foaled June 6, 1958
Camus Malheur mare
Blue Roan, blanket
(Chief Chico F-909 x Camus F-463)
Bred by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Foaled June 14, 1958
Fruhling's Silver Cloud stallion
Black, white spots over hips
(Fruhling's Sheik F-1193 x Fruhling's Cricket F-1195)
Bred by MH Fruhling, Woodinville, Washington
Foaled March 21, 1959
Fruhling's Cindy mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Fruhling's White Cloud F-2428 x Fruhling's Princess F-2426)
Bred by MH Fruhling, Woodinville, Washington
Foaled March 28, 1959
Prince Lucky stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Lucky Dott F-2057 x Apache Princess F-2350)
Bred by Sam and Mabel Woodward, Buckeye, Arizona
Foaled March 15, 1960
Owned by Joe Stroube, Corsicana, Texas

Debbie mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(Whitey McCue x Doll)
Bred by Rex Crystal, Rigby, Idaho
Foaled 1952
Owned by Gus Oettermann, San Antonio, Texas
Transferred from Tentative T-1019
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-56:8
Star Rock mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Red Rock Pepper F-2369 x Debbie F-2870)
Bred by Selma Johnson, Houston, Texas
Foaled February 28, 1960

Sirdar stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Chief of Fourmile F-2219 x Debbie F-2870)
Bred by Selma Johnson, Houston, Texas
Foaled March 25, 1957
Transferred to Tentative T-2132
Reference Appaloosa News N-D 57:6*, Mar-AprÕ59:3, Nov-DecÕ59:29*, AugÕ60: 19, FebÕ62:43and50, Mar:70
Toltec stallion
Red, blanket
(Hongo F-1602 x Debbie F-2870)
Bred by Selma Johnson, Houston, Texas
Foaled March 16, 1959
Transferred to Tentative T-4770
Reference Appaloosa News 1-63:37
Batch's Freckled Gal mare
Bay, blanket
(Fruhling's Sheik F-1193 x Fruhling's Ramona F-1194)
Bred by Mark Fruhling, Woodinville, Washington
Foaled April 15, 1959
Owned by George Batchelder, Seattle, Washington
2HM's Snowflakes mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Chief Eagle F-288 x Scallan's Starlight F-1464)
Bred by Henry Mumaw, Spokane, Washington
Foaled March 14, 1960
Colbert Squaw mare
Brown, roan
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1948
Owned by Robert Vill, Chattaroy, Washington
Transferred from Tentative T-575
Slo Mo Shun mare
Blue Roan
(Illumspokanee F-1455x Colbert Squaw F-2876)
Bred by Robert Vill, Mead, Washington
Foaled June 17, 1956
Owned by Tommy Thompson, Eugene, Oregon
Midnight Surprise mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1949
Owned by David Ruby, Louisville, Colorado
Transferred from Tentative T-886
Reference Appaloosa News 1-67:103index, 12-67:58index
Wiggin's Ginger mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(unnamed x Wiggin's Lucy F-1064)
Bred by BJ Wiggins, Kerrville, Texas
Foaled July 10, 1950
Transferred from Tentative T-271
Roblene's Joker Bird mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Joker Boy F-1672 x Roblene's Mishawaka F-1975)
Bred by Roblene Crest Farms, Finleyville, Pennsylvania
Foaled April 14, 1958

Roblene's Son of Fourmile stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Chief of Fourmile F-2219 x Little Red Chick F-1445)
Bred by Gus Oettermann, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled May 24, 1957
Transferred from Tentative T-2200
Reference Appaloosa News Jan-Feb60:42, May-Jun-59:4 -index
Walter's Melody mare
Red Roan Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 1952
Owned by Fred Davis, Spokane, Washington
Transferred from Tentative T-7967
Fandango of Double Bar U mare
Red Roan, blanket
(Check F-611 x Walter's Melody F-2882)
Bred by CH Walter, Addy, Washington
Foaled May 12, 1957
Owned by CH and John Walter, Addy, Washington
Candy Kisses mare
Black, roan over hips, spots over body
(Check F-611 x Walter's Melody F-2882)
Bred by CH Walter, Addy, Washington
Foaled April 6, 1958
Owned by Fred Davis, Spokane, Washington
Transferred from Tentative T-7956
Reference Appaloosa News 3-63:34index
Reckless Red stallion
Red Roan Leopard
(Check F-611 x Walter's Melody F-2882)
Bred by CH Walter, Addy, Washington
Foaled April 19, 1959
Owned by Fred Davis, Spokane, Washington
Transferred from Tentative T-7968
Zim's Snow Cloud stallion
Brown, blanket
(Buttons B F-1681 x Fuzzy Butt F-1961)
Bred by Bryon Zimmerman, Corpus Christi, Texas
Foaled February 12, 1960
Sheila F mare
Bay, blanket
(Flag F-1882 x Nifty F-1136)
Bred by Lewis Ferguson, Helmville, Montana
Foaled May 23, 1957
Transferred from Tentative T-1757
- Sunrise Prince's Little Beaver 17700/1675 ApHCC (1961 stallion)
- Sunrise Princess Lightfoot 1808 ApHCC (1963 mare)

Fruhling's Thunder Cloud stallion
Black Leopard
(Fruhling's Sheik F-1193 x Fruhling's Ramona F-1194)
Bred by MH Fruhling, Woodinville, Washington
Foaled May 20, 1960
Reference Appaloosa News 10-63:49 -index

One Eye Geronimo stallion
Blue Roan, blanket
(Double Six Geronimo F-2646 x Bobbie F-782)
Bred by Pete Smith, Tatum, New Mexico
Foaled June 1, 1951
Owned by Ralph Johnson, Gatesville, Texas
Transferred from Tentative T-6812

Black Pepper Queen mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips [Leopard]
(Locklaven x Black Queen)
Bred by Willard Richard, Walden, Colorado
Foaled 1954
Owned by Mr and Mrs Lorne Knisley, Fort Collins, Colorado
Transferred from Tentative T-1156
Reference Appaloosa News 6-65:41

Josephine mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Joe Martin, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1948
Owned by CH Merrill and Bud Hamilton, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Transferred from Tentative T-2806
Lot 23 in 1959 Cecil Dobbin sale

Colorado Calamity Jane mare
Blue Roan, blanket
(Candy F-320 x Golden Dawn of Cochetopa F-2750)
Bred by Margaret Besecker, Gunnison, Colorado
Foaled April 19, 1959
Owned by Dan Hollenbeck, Gunnison, Colorado
Cocoa's Cody stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Topatchy F-1474 x Sunny's Cocoa F-2132)
Bred by May Gierke and Gwen Beynon, Hawley, Minnesota
Foaled September 27, 1958
Missoula Bobby stallion
Bay, white spots over hips
(Missoula Medicine Man F-2824 x Bobby Jane F-1400)
Bred by Howard Raser, Missoula, Montana
Foaled April 25, 1958
Owned by LR and Nadine Trussell, Tina, Missouri
Domino's Worthy stallion
Blue Roan Leopard
(Desert Domino F-1117 x Goldsworthy F-131)
Bred by Victor Finck, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Foaled April 15, 1952
Tehama Chocolate stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Chocolate Sunday F-485 x Tehama Bell F-1539)
Bred by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
Foaled April 21, 1957
Jones mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Brown Eagle F-1497 x Sage Hen F-1173)
Bred by Darrell Snow, Oshkosh, Nebraska
Foaled May 6, 1958
Early John stallion
Bay, blanket
(Brown Eagle F-1497x Croppie F-2101)
Bred by Darrell Snow, Oshkosh, Nebraska
Foaled May 2, 1959
Sunde mare
Bay Roan
(Ballard Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by Joe Martin, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1953
Owned by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Transferred from Tentative T-6630
Dakota Prince M stallion
White, spots over hips
(Dakota King F-2628 x Sunde F-2899)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled March 10, 1960
#1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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This page last updated April 2023.