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Foundation Appaloosas
F-501 to F-600
Offspring photos have been added unless they have an entry on other pages,
that is to say, in sections of Foundation, Tentative under 15000, ID, or PC.
Blue Cloud stallion
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Sheik [Woodrow Sheik F-502?] x Lucy)
Bred by Preston Edwards, Woodrow, Colorado
Foaled 1947
Owned by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
- Tekoa F-1347 [1950 stallion]

Woodrow Sheik stallion
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Sundance F-500 x Stockings)
Bred by John Whisenane [spelling?], Ault, Colorado
Foaled 1944
Owned by Preston Edwards, Woodrow, Colorado
Webpage on AT with a complete ApHC list of offspring
References: Appaloosa News Feb62:30, Apr62:15, 3-61:48, SDNL 2-98
- Blue Cloud F-501 [1947 stallion]
- Bambi E F-2497 [1954 stallion]
- Money Creek's Sheila Warrior ID 946 [mare]
- Money CreekÕs Sundance II 38821 [1963 stallion]
- Moneys CreekÕs Hardwood 38823 [1963 stallion]
- WayLoÕs Woodrow Twist 36466 [1963 mare]
- Silver Mike T-3344 [1956 stallion]
- Money CreekÕs Raindance F-3268 [1960 mare]
- Money CreekÕs Shy Ann F-4277 [1958 mare]
- North Star's Disney ID 2623 [1961 or 1962 mare]
- Sheik Sundance 39347 [1959 stallion]
- Money CreekÕs Sun Again 18376 [stallion]
- PVFÕs SheikÕs Lolita T-4355 [1958 mare]
- PVFÕs Colorado Roanie T-2784 [1954 mare]
- Money CreekÕs Sun Star 28580 [mare - with her 1969 filly]
Reference: MC69#25*, MC73#36p, Appaloosa News 11-70:92, 1-69:129p
(mare in photo) - Money CreekÕs Winneshiek 47639 [mare]
Reference: MC69#29p - Money CreekÕs Pollyanna 10460 [1960 mare]
- CameronÕs Sundog 9608 [1959 stallion]
- Money Creek's Grey Hawk 10454 [1960 stallion]
- Ko Ko Sheik [1958 stallion]
- Money CreekÕs Frantic Miss 13547 [1960 mare]
- Money CreekÕs Bandit 18375 [1961 stallion]
- Money Creek's Pebbles 43201 [1963 mare]
- Money CreekÕs Sun Tan 38822 [1963 stallion]
- *Money CreekÕs Skyline Liz 28931 [1962 mare]
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-72:99 - *Money CreekÕs Weeping Water 22940 [1962 mare]
Reference: Appaloosa News 8-62:15,16f - Woodrow SheikÕs Princess Pat 26609 [1962 mare]
- ClarkÕs Speckel J 52360 [1961 gelding]
- BowmanÕs Buddy 31492 [1959 gelding]
- Money CreekÕs Irish Cash 43199 [1963 stallion]
- Woodrow ShiekÕs Lobo 33960 [1963 gelding]
- Money CreekÕs Stamp 38820 [1963 gelding]
- Money CreekÕs Stepping Stone 28581 [1962 mare]
- Money CreekÕs Shinny Water 28929 [1962 mare]
- Money CreekÕs Cash Imprint 28927 [1962 mare]
- Money CreekÕs Honey Bun 28928 [1962 mare]
- Money CreekÕs Sally Mouse 28930 [1962 mare]
- Quashkema 79918 [1961 gelding]
- ColeÕs Dusty Rose 35485 [1961 gelding]
- Tiger Leopard 106316 [1960 stallion]
- ShiekÕs Colo Blue 295575 [1959 mare]
- Hayes Blue Mist 32931 [1957 mare]

Carmine Carbine mare
Red Roan, spotted hips
(Barrendo Red F-150 x Baldy)
Bred by The Appaloosa Ranch, Loma, Colorado
Foaled May 4, 1948
Owned by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Barrenda Blue mare
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Barrendo Red F-150 x Cricket)
Bred by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Foaled May 20, 1947
- Tega Rose T-8159 (1956)
San Rafael stallion
Red Roan blanket
(Barrendo Red F-150 x Baldy)
Bred by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Foaled April 20, 1947
- His Nibbs 5177 [1956 stallion]
- Delta Miss T-4007 [1956 mare]
- GibÕs Freckles 5451 [1958 stalion]
- GibÕs Chief 6420 [1957 stallion]
- Gib's Squaw 10776 [1958 mare]
- Rafael's Squaw 12480 [1959 mare]
- Santa Fe 12799 [1958 stallion]
- Miss San Rafael 12917 [1958 mare]
- Dan's Squaw 15144 [1959 mare]
- San Rafael's Balley 66657 [1959 mare]
- Squaw Boots C 17930 [1954 mare]
San Taos stallion
Red Leopard
(Barrendo Red F-150 x Miss Sundance F-235)
Bred by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Foaled March 31, 1948
Strip mare
Red Roan
(Barrendo Red F-150 x Miss Sundance F-235)
Bred by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Foaled April 16, 1947
Source: Appaloosa News 1-70:75
- Tekoa F-1347 (1950)
- Pima Princess F-1535 (1954)
- Queen Pima F-1598 (1955)
- Cypress Sioux F-1699 (1953)
- Pepper's Silver Tip F-1824 (1957)
- Red Eagle's Mark of the 1001 F-2019 (1958)
- Red Eagle's Darling of the 1001 F-3655 (1961)
- Strip's Duke of the 1001 11806 [1960 stallion]

Bald Eagle stallion
Black Leopard
(Barrendo Red F-150 x Leopard Lady F-167)
Bred by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Foaled April 5, 1948
Reference: Appaloosa News Mar-AprÕ59:31, 9-65:?
- *Bald Eagles M Squawman of Illingdale Farm 33813
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-65:69 - Bald EagleÕs Princess F-1915 [1957 mare]
- Leopard Eagle T-1817 [1954 mare]
- Brave Eagle Rex F-2619 [1954 stallion]
- Kathy C F-2620 [1955 mare]
- Princess Victoria F-2934 [1952 mare]
- Chief Geronimo C F-3729 [1957 stallion]
- Snow Flake M F-3995 [1953 stallion]
- *FrostyÕs Fritzie 76805 [stallion]
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-71:124, 7-70:55, 7-71:31 - *Bald EagleÕs Mel 55406 [1965 stallion]
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-71:97 - Chief Crazy Horse T-1042 [1953 stallion]
- Squaw Baby Rocking H T-2214 [1956 mare]
- ShawÕs Brave Eagle T-3118 [1956 stallion]
- Squaw Babe T-4362 [1954 mare]
- Russ LynÕs Stardust T-4436 [1957 stallion]
- Bald EagleÕs Little Frosty of Illingdale Farm 43745 [1964 mare]
- Bald Eagle's Babe of Illingdale Farm 43744 [1964 mare]
- Bald Eagle's Sir Dixon of Illingdale Farm 43746 [1964 stallion]
- Bald Eagle's Domonick of Illingdale Farm 43747 [1964 stallion]
- Roseberry's Chief 18192 [1961 stallion]
- Eagle's Pride 109816 [1960 mare] Dam: Fascination T-3536
- McCardo's Chico 19916 [1957 mare]
- WM's Olive Oil 21370 [1955 mare]
- Frosty Buck 21582 [1960 stallion]
- Baldy's Fascination 24920 [1961 mare]
- Roe's Eagle 25167 [1962 stallion]
Arickaree stallion
Black, white with black spots over hips
(Dazzler NR [Rustang CRHA 415 x White Foot] x Lady Snip) or per the CRHA: Sire: Ranger IV CRHA 89 [Ranger #4 X Rena]
Dam: Dark Butterfly CRHA 111 [Fox #10 X Fly #94]
Bred by McDonald Bros., Kirk, Colorado
Foaled 1947
Owned by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Chipeta mare
Brown Snowflake
(Skeezix x Calico)
Bred by CG Bechtel, Littleton, Colorado
Foaled 1946
Owned by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Little Golden Lady mare
Red Roan blanket
(Dazzler NR [Rustang CRHA 415 x White Foot] x Daisy)
Bred by McDonald Bros., Kirk, Colorado
Foaled 1947
Owned by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Black Frosty stallion
Black spotted blanket
(Dazzler NR [Rustang crha 415 x White Foot] x Silver Lady [x Lucky Dick crha 138] )
Bred by McDonald Bros., Kirk, Colorado
Foaled 1947
Owned by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Little Sue mare
Red Roan, white spots over hips
(Dazzler NR [Rustang CRHA 415 x White Foot] x Speckled Sue [Rustang crha 415 x Babe II crha 172])
Bred by McDonald Bros., Kirk, Colorado
Foaled 1947
Owned by Ben Johnson, Loma, Colorado
Lady Monk mare
Bay Snowflake
(Rainbow x Lacy Monk)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled April 10, 1936
*Note multiple names/ registrations below
- Sadie F-516 (1942)
- Spotted Star F-697 (1946)
- *Dun Roven's Lady Star F-3111/Lady Star ApHCC 160/ Appadalway's Susan ApHCC 180 (1951 mare)
- Lady Monk II F-4717 (1953)
- Appadalway's Janie ApHCC 179 [1950 mare]
Sky Pilot stallion
Bay spotted blanket
(Polar Star F-176 x Kit)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled August 10, 1945
- Peggie's Tootsie 572 ApHCC (1956)
- Bud's Little Chief 691 ApHCC (1959)
- Colonel Kit 1079 ApHCC (1957)
- Bay Star 5516 ApHC (1953)
- Gray Spot 5517 ApHC (1954)
- Jet Pilot T-4704 [1956 stallion]
- Test Pilot 7392 [1957 stallion]
- Vino ApHC 20805 [1956 mare]
- Hyco 22046 [1955 stallion]
Sadie mare
White with black spots over hips
(Polar Star F-176 x Lady Monk F-514)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled May 15, 1942
- U 2 Echo 554 ApHCC (1958)
- U 2 Chief Tatoo 1024 ApHCC (1960)
- Smoky Star F-1271 [1949 stallion]
Penny mare
Brown Roan
(Moncriess Pal x Pat)
Bred by Lon Titsworth, Golden, Colorado
Foaled April 16, 1947
- Lighting Head T-2030 [1953 stallion]
Onward Hummer stallion
White, black spots over body and hips [leopard?]
(Bogaloosa F-363 x Loose Patches)
Bred by EH Mercer, Santa Barbara, California
Foaled April 3, 1946
Owned by Tyler Sawyer, San Jacinto, California
Smokey Jo stallion
Brown, roan with brown spots over hips
(Toby I F-203 x Tuffy)
Bred by Charles Loitved, Naples, Idaho
Foaled May 17, 1947

Pictured with dam
Spooka Dot mare
Bay spotted blanket
(Polkadott F-387 x Spooky F-42)
Bred by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
Foaled May 15, 1947
Owned by Ed Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
- DiltÕs Ace O Spades F-3377 [1960 stallion]
- Chief Tule F-2198 [1958 stallion]
- Pocahontas F-1323 [1950 mare]
- Chief White Cloud F-1358 [1951 stallion]
- Linda Day F-2074 [1956 mare]
- Peso Day F-2082 [1957 stallion]

Bunny mare
Grey with red and blue spots over body [?!]
(Red Wing MHC x Freckles pre reg)
Bred by Ed Brown, Arbuckle, California
Foaled April 10, 1939
Owned by
Fred Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Photo courtesy of Pat Mefferd
- Paisano F-1023 (1946)
- Riftan F-280 (1944)
- April F-1367 (1950)

Tehama Specks stallion
(Costa's Specks F-1853 x Connie)
Bred by Fred Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled February 23, 1948

pictured with her dam,
photo from Pat Mefferd
Blue Dominette mare
Brown, spots over hips
(Prince Domino F-147 x Red Bluff Cheetah F-335)
Bred by Fred Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 25, 1948
- Ace Domino T-451 [1954 stallion]

Foal is Sheik's Leopard Lady
Freckle Face mare
Red Roan
(Costa's Specks F-1853 x Hattie)
Bred by Fred Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled March 15, 1948
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-61:39
- Pepper Face T-211 (1952)
- Sakima F-1518 (1953)
- Black Jack F-1557 (1954)
- Lady Bug F-1835 (1955)
- Sheik's Leopard Lady F-1838 (1956)
- Freckle's Boy F-1842 (1957)
- Queen O Redharts 29949 [1959]
- Snappy Day F-3390 (1960)
- Centurian Quicksilver [was Cortez's Blueberry] 29950 [1962 mare]
- Elk's Flash 63490 [1965 stallion]
- Grigg's Gladrags 90912 [1967 stallion]
Ink Spots mare
Black Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1942
Owned by Wendell Grubbs, Oroville, California
- Pride F-526 [1946 mare]
Pride mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(unknown x Ink Spots F-525)
Bred by Wendell Grubbs, Oroville, California
Foaled April 11, 1946
Bohme's Skeeter stallion
Bay spotted blanket
(Chickie F-472 x Judy)
Bred by WE Bohme, Roseburg, Oregon
Foaled May 27, 1948
- BohmeÕs Tom 15013 [1961 stallion]
- Mescallero 40075 [1962 stallion]
El Morocco's Chip gelding
Red Roan spotted blanket
(El Morocco F-18 x Boots)
Bred by Robert Ross, Marlette, Michigan
Foaled July 29, 1947
Juana mare
Dun, white spots over hips
(El Pedro x Frisky Babe)
Bred by GW McLellan, Nine Mile Falls, Washington
Foaled May 26, 1946
Owned by LT Golden, Spokane, Washington
Rose O'Day mare
Blue Roan, black spots over hips
(Sir Oliver x unknown)
Bred by Carlos Partin, John Day, Oregon
Foaled May 24, 1944
Owned by Richard Woodward, Redmond, Oregon
Smoky Queen mare
Bay spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1941
Owned by John Culbertson, Billings, Montana
- Culbertson's Silver King F-532 [1948 stallion]
- Space Age 23589 [1952 stallion]
Culbertson's Silver King stallion
Blue Roan with black spots over hips
(Copper King F-182 x Smoky [Queen F-531?])
Bred by John Culbertson, Billings, Montana
Foaled May 22, 1948
Kli K Atat stallion
Dun Roan with black spots
(Bogaloosa F-363 x Kay)
Bred by Geneva Waggoner, San Jacinto, California
Foaled May 2, 1948
Chief Little Crow stallion
Black spotted Blanket
(Lucy x Speck)
Bred by John Thompson, Burwell, Nebraska
Foaled Febraury 22, 1942
- CheckerÕs Chief F-601 [1946 stallion]
- Chief Little CrowÕs Medicine T-1066 [1955 stallion]
- Black Crow 14393 [1960 stallion]
Powder King gelding
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x Lady F)
Bred by Margaret Farnsworth, Gunnison, Colorado
Foaled May 10, 1946
Freckled Prince gelding
White with black spots over hips
(unknown x Cloud Princess F-1026)
Bred by AJ Hack, Del Norte, Colorado
Foaled May 17, 1944
Owned by Margaret Farnsworth, Gunnison, Colorado

Powder Puff stallion
Dun spotted blanket
(Yankee Dandy x Powder F-332)
Bred by EH Lewis, Columbia, Missouri
Foaled June 11, 1948
- Bette Powder F-1468 [1952 mare]
- Miss Houdini F-1675 [1951 mare]
- Katy C F-1867 [1954 mare]
- Miss Frio C F-1917 [1957 mare]
- Tierra Blanca Joe F-2330 [1956 stallion]
- PowderÕs Miss Flame F-3057 [1958 mare]
- Chee Mi Susie F-3792 [1956 mare]
- Lucky Pistol F-3794 [1960 stallion]
- PowderÕs Dumplin F-3796 [1959 mare]
- Booger Face F-3797 [1959 mare]
- Blue Darter F-3798 [1958 mare]
- Silky Lou F-3801 [1960 mare]
- Princess Dew Drop T-146 [1952 mare]
- Yo Kol Cissy T-1435 [1954]
- PowderÕs Dust T-3691 [1958 stallion]
- Cowtown Chief T-4012 [1958 stallion]
- Makahwee Tanda 6318 [1958 mare]
- Powder Mountain 13623 [1961 stallion]
- Speckled Sugar 13714 [1958 mare]
- Poco Wander 13745 [1958 stallion]
- Tonka Warrior 15863 [1959 stallion]
- Chico's Candy Bar 16540 [1958 mare]
- Powder Lady 20663 [1961 mare]
- John's Tishimingo Puff 21333 [1962 stallion]
- Blue Fannie 22552 [1959 mare]
- Sun Glo W 23302 [1959 stallion]
La Hemana de Diablo mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Looka F-170 x Mohkstawoumsts F-316)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled June 27, 1948
- Comet F-1371 [1951 stallion]
- Shawnee Chieftan F-1628 [1955 stallion]
- Niece de Diable F-2447 [1957 mare]
- Piegan Chieftain F-2614 [1959 stallion]
- Cree Chieftain F-3083 [1960 stallion]
Huevo gelding
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Looka F-170 x Wutunivt F-169 )
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled June 19, 1948
La Luna gelding
Bay, white spots over hips
(Looka F-170 x Hkowais)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled June 8, 1948
La Noche mare
Black with roaning
(Looka F-170 x Midnight M)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled June 9, 1948
Caballo De Tiro gelding
Blue Roan, black spots over hips
(Looka F-170 x Nellie)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled April 23, 1948
Manano Pasado mare
Blue Roan, white spots over hips
(Looka F-170 x Wohkpoam)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled June 28, 1947
El Ojo gelding
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Looka F-170 x Wohkpoam)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled May 29, 1948
La Neblina mare
Black with roaning
(Looka F-170 x Wohkpaeh)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled July 10, 1947
El Roto Cuero mare
Chestnut, roan over hips
(Looka F-170 x Tsohptsiona)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled August 30, 1947
- Indian Paintbrush F-1353 (1951)
- Nish I No Mah F-1427 (1952)
- Wo Iv Sta Is F-1461 (1953)
- Wutun F-4529 (1960)
La Olla mare
Blue Roan
(Looka F-170 x Mahkstavoyanst)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled July 5, 1947
- Jack of Diamonds F-1374 (1951)
- I Eska F-1459 (1953)
- Cheyenne Chieftan F-1632 (1955)
- Ahnokit F-1769 (1956)
- Nah Ku F-1914 (1957)
- Ponca Chieftain F-4532 (1959)
- Shoshoni Chieftain F-2261 (1958)
- Patina 70353 (---) ??Reference: CRHA Bloodline V5:18
- Atsina Chieftain 23768 [1961 stallion]
Vistosa mare
Chestnut roan with white spots over hips
(Looka F-170 x Wutunivt F-169)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled July 5, 1947
- Summer Frost F-1349 [1951 mare]
El Rubi mare
Chestnut Blanket
(Looka F-170 x Wookinih)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled July 24, 1947
El Color De Lana mare
(Looka F-170 x Ainhus F-185)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled June 21, 1948
- Blue Smoke F-1373 (1951)
- Crow Chieftan F-1540 (1954)
- Rouge de Poulain F-2445 (1958)
- Hidatsa Chieftain F-3490 (1960)
- Blackfoot Chieftan F-1631 [1955 stallion]
Rainy Day mare
Red Roan, chestnut spots over hips
(Bixby Ranch x Queen)
Bred by Andrew Douma, Ripon, California
Foaled February 10, 1941
- Doctor's Rainy F-1301 (1948)
- Faunette F-1448 (1949)
- Chippawa F-1485 (1953)
- Chief Me Wulk F-3827 (1961)
- Linda G F-1712 [1954 mare]
Rajo Blanco Junior stallion
Brown Leopard
(Rajo Blanco x Congo)
Bred by Mason Love, Artesia, California
Foaled April 24, 1948
- Rojo Frosty 7569 [1958 mare]
- Miss Scarlet 20239 [1961 mare]
- Rajo Jr 14165 [1960 stallion]
- Rajo's Rio Grande 13996 [1960 stallion]
- Blanco V-8 17474 [1960 mare]
- Demmer's Snow Flake 18445 [1960 mare]
- Arrow Maiden 18913 [1951 mare]
- Greola D 20129 [1961 mare]
- Miss Scarlet 20239 [1961 mare]
- Miss Blanco Grey 20240 [1961 mare]
- Rojo Cherry Creek 20571 [1960 stallion]
Balenciaga mare
Red Roan/Leopard
(unknown x Naranja F-402)
Bred by Wendell Grubbs, Oroville, California
Foaled March 17, 1946
Owned by Olga Rife and Chester Stegner, Chico, California
Arapaho Brave gelding
White, black spots over hips
(Blanco F-45 x Babe)
Bred by Wendell Grubbs, Oroville, California
Foaled March 15, 1946
Owned by Bert Armstrong, Chico, California
Happy Wanderer stallion
Red Roan/Leopard?
(Antonia El Rey F-87 x Mary Lou Mobel)
Bred by Guy McCammon, West Alexander, Pennsylvania
Foaled June 5, 1943
- Little Wanderer T-2894 [1954 stallion]
Shy Ann mare
Red Roan, chestnut spots on hips
(Roanoke x Amy G)
Bred by John Harper, Van Horn, Texas
Foaled June 5, 1939

photo from Pat Mefferd
Hearts Virginia mare
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 1941
Owned by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
- Midnight F-558 [1948 stallion]
Midnight stallion
Brown, white spots over hips
(Prince Domino F-147 x Hearts Virginia F-557)
Bred by Ed Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled March 10, 1948
Owned by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
Mary Bird mare
Brown spotted blanket
(Polkadott F-387 x Foxie Bird F-487)
Bred by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
Foaled June 1, 1947

photo from Pat Mefferd
Doc Heitt stallion
Black, white spots over hips
(Prince Domino F-147 x Spooky M F-42)
Bred by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
Foaled May 1, 1948
King Gold stallion
Chestnut spotted Blanket
(King Pin x Pride of California F-486)
Bred by WM Howard, Lincoln, California
Foaled May 18, 1948
Owned by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
- Diamond Judy F-1361 [1951 mare]
- Tehama Bell F-1539 [1953 mare]
- Golden Arrow F-1544 [1954 mare]
- Copper Kingpin F-1545 [1954 stallion]
- Lady Red Wing F-2016 [1953 mare]
- Wild Honey F-2085 [1954 mare]
- Fame F-2086 [1955 mare]
- Betty Nugget F-2910 [1953 mare]
- Tahoe Miss Dusty Trails F-3048 [1955 mare]
Victory Lad of the Calamus stallion
Black Leopard
(Hackberry Spot x Juanita)
Bred by Joe Fernau Jr, Ainsworth, Nebraska
Foaled May 12, 1944
Owned by Homer Blank, Fort Robinson, Nebraska
Iodine stallion
Red Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Salvador Valdez, Houston, Texas
Foaled April 1940
Owned by Louis Hill, Houston, Texas
- Tattoo F-1863 [1954 stallion]
- High Shatka Maid F-2200 [1955 mare]
- Lolita H F-2817 [1958 mare]
- Iodine Girl F-3983 [1960 mare]
- Richochet T-480 [1954 stallion]
- Barnes' Red Wing T-1112/ID 13415 [1956 mare]
- HillÕs Moby Dick 8573 [1959 stallion]
Riley stallion
Bay spotted blanket
(Topper F-400 x Sal)
Bred by Lester Riley, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled March 1949
Owned by James Paulton, Burley, Idaho
Apache Man stallion
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Dark Cloud F-330 x Patches)
Bred by Gerald Mitchell, Checotah, Oklahoma
Foaled March 15, 1948
Owned by Max Frohlich, Pittsburg, Kansas
- Paleface Apache T-1633 [1955 stallion]

Red Duchess mare
Chestnut spotted blanket
(unknown x Hon E)
Foaled March 27, 1948
Owned by Adrienne Owens, Kent, Washington
- Ginger Red 24160 [1955 mare]
Golden Lady A'dare mare
Chestnut Snowflake
(Marvel's Danny A'Dare x Silver Sheen F-110)
Bred by Harold Tibbs, Sandpoint, Idaho
Foaled June 11, 1946
Owned by George Bracher, Spokane, Washington
- *Quint Dandy 43691 [1964 stallion] Appaloosa News 7-70:47

Shyann mare
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Kiowa Eagle F-341 x Pebbles)
Bred by John Scott, South Dakota
Foaled June 1, 1947
Owned by Glover Swearingen and Oliver Helmick, Bloomington, Illinois
Rocking Chair Beauty mare
Blue Roan/leopard
(Leopard CRHA #3-R x Babe)
Bred by Rex McIrvin, Cope, Colorado
Foaled May 10, 1934
Owned by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
- Rocking Chair David F-585 [1948 stallion]
F-570/CRHA #50-J
Foxy III mare
Black Leopard
(Fox CRHA #10-L x Dunn)
Bred by Mike Ruby, Anton, Colorado
Foaled May 8, 1936
Owned by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
- Freckles CRHA 187-N [1940 stallion]
- Foxfire CRHA 251-N [1943 stallion]
Rocking Chair Blue mare
Blue Roan/Leopard
(Smoky x 4th July)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled April 20, 1939
Owned by George Ed Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
- Rocking Chair White Foot F-577 [1945 mare]
Rocking Chair Chocolate mare
Blue Roan snowflake
(Smoky x Cotton)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled May 20, 1940
- My Spottie F-576 (1944)
- Rocking Chair Chief F-583 (1947)
- Wapiti A F-1263 (1949)
- Apache Sue F-1435 (1952)
Rocking Chair 4th of July mare
Blue Roan, black spots over hips
(Antelope F-132 x 4th July)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled July 10, 1940
- Lone Star F-1264 [1949 stallion]
- Rocking Chair Red Warrior F-1586 [1953 stallion]
- Buckskin Benny 12029 [1956 stallion]

Rocking Chair Porter mare
Red Roan/Leopard
(Sundance F-500 x Porter bay mare*)
Bred by Guy Porter, Woodrow, Colorado
Foaled 1942
Owned by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
*See Note under F-587
- Rocking Chair Sun Dance F-587/CRHA 1381-M
Rocking Chair Chuck Wagon mare
Dun, white spots on hips
(Spot F-133 x Gold Mint PHBA 2608)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled April 19, 1944
- Rocking Chair Joe F-581 [1947 stallion]
- Tohatchi Pepper 11265 [1960 stallion]
My Spottie gelding
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Spot F-133 x Rocking Chair Chocolate F-572)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled July 1, 1944
Owned by Mrs Edna Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Rocking Chair White Foot mare
Blue Roan snowflake
(Buck* x Rocking Chair Blue F-571)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled May 12, 1945
*Buck's Sire: Tony (buckskin); Dam: TB
- Rocking Chair Kiowa F-588 (1948)
- Rocking Chair Monkey Face F-584 (1947)
F-578/CRHA #275-N
Rocking Chair Susie Q mare
Bay spotted blanket
(Starbuck Ranger F-649 and CRHA #205-N x Zephyr JC)
Bred by Iva Hiatt, Otis, Colorado
Foaled June 8, 1945
Owned by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Note from Sherry Byrd:
The Susie Q information from the ApHC seems like it would lean toward the MacDannald program, that used Spotted Eagle F208, another Thompson-bloodline horse. BUT when looking at the MacDannald program (commonly known for the Hartsel program), he always seemed to register any colored horses he owned/bred, which Susie Q was not registered. Which one would think she would have been, as she probably would have come directly from Thompson. MacDannald did not register any of the solid Appaloosas he owned or produced, but did put them back into his breeding program. Also MacDannald used registered and unregistered QH for outcrossing. I am thinking somewhere I have seen Como noted as a TB or TB cross (could be wrong). I have not seen this horse in any pedigrees associated with MacDannald so far. MacDannald was a very wealthy man, and purchased several large ranches during his life, including the Hartsel (largest in COL), the Ken-Caryl, and the Pioneer Adobe (NM). With these ranches came numerous 'ranch' horses, of mixed and unknown breeding.
Nez Perce Warrior T683 is also out of a mare called Susie Q. He was bred by MacDannald.
Carey's Cricket came from the Carey program, in Boulder, COL. Carey got some of his breeding stock from Nate Pyle, a known Rangerbred owner/breeder, although Pyle did not register most of his horses with ApHC. ApHC did not allow the notation of CRHA horses on their applications, so the Rangerbred ancestors were usually noted as -NR-.horses. Careys also used some 'reservation stock', which CRHA felt was the dam of Carey's Cricket.
- Gipsey F-1593 (1948)
- Spot Stone T-1274 [1956 stallion]
- Ninnescah Babe 18655 [1957 mare]
- Ninnescah Patti 18656 [1959 mare]
F-579/CRHA #274-N
Rocking Chair Julie mare
Bay spotted blanket
(Starbuck Max CRHA #238-P x Bonnie JC)
Bred by JE Hiatt and Son, Otis, Colorado
Foaled July 15, 1945
Owned by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
- Rocking Chair Round Up F-586 (1948)
- Sunsand F-1265 (1949)
- Coronado T-2229 [1957 stallion]
- Rock N Roll F-1714 [1954 mare]
- Spotted Spider 21650 [1959 stallion]
- O Gloria O 25449 [1960 mare]
Rocking Chair Stormy mare
Blue Roan, white spots over hips
(Spot F-133 x Patricia)
Bred by Ruth Elaine Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled November 26, 1946
Rocking Chair Joe stallion
Dun, light with bay spots over hips
(Spot F-133 x Rocking Chair Chuck Wagon F-575)
Bred by George Ed Deahl, Higbee, Colorado
Foaled June 24, 1947
Owned by TC Davis, Sterling City, Texas
Rocking Chair Jeep stallion
Black spotted blanket
(Spot F-133 x Padoris)
Bred by George Ed Deahl, Higbee, Colorado
Foaled June 24, 1947
Owned by George Ed Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Rocking Chair Chief stallion
Blue Roan snowcap?
(Spot F-133 x Rocking Chair Chocolate F-572)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled July 1, 1947
Rocking Chair Monkey Face stallion
Blue Roan snowcap
(Spot F-133 x Rocking Chair White Foot F-577)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled July 15, 1947
Rocking Chair David stallion
Blue Roan spotted blanket
(Ruby's Sun Dance* x Rocking Chair Beauty F-569)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled April 3, 1948
*See Note under F-587
Rocking Chair Round Up stallion
Bay, white spots over hips
(Ruby's Sun Dance* x Rocking Chair Julie F-579)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled April 18, 1948
*See Note under F-587

Rocking Chair Sun Dance mare
Red Roan, white spots over hips
(Ruby's Sun Dance* x Rocking Chair Porter F-574)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled ?1948?
In a letter to George Hatley of the ApHC, dated December 26, 1959, from Ralph Cannon Jr, then living in Golden, Colordo, the following statement is given:
"The dam of #587 was Rocking Chair Porter #574 (daughter of Sundance 500). #574 was already in foal when she was sold by David Ruby, Louisville, Colorado, to E.P. Deahl, La Junta, Colorado, in fall 1947.
At that time Ruby had two Appaloosa stallions: an old stallion named Fox (#10 in the Colorado Ranger Horse Association registry), and a young 2-year-old son of #574.
When Deahl registered #574 and her filly Sundance #587, he gave the filly's sire as Ruby's Sun Dance. Deahl died some years before we bought Rocking Chair Sun Dance #587, but I have talked with Ruby on several occasions about the history of these horses.
He is very positive about the following information: The Ruby family never had a stallion named Ruby's Sun Dance. Deahl presumably was referring to the young leopard stallion (grandson of Sundance 500) who was later registered as Sundance II #778 (in 1949) to sell in the ApHC Appaloosa sale at Lewiston (to H.S. Raty, Dupuyer, Montana). Ruby says there is no doubt that the sire of Rocking Chair Sun Dance #587 was Fox, that Fox bred a group of Ruby mares in the summer of 1947 when a pasture fence went down, that the Porter mare (called Sally) was one of those he bred at that time, and that Sally and some of the other mares were then sold to Deahl that fall."
Other registered Appaloosas shown to be sired by Ruby's Sun Dance are Rocking Chair David F585 and Rocking Chair Round Up F586. Both were foaled in 1948, and shown to be bred by E.P. Deahl.
The stallion Sundance II F-778 [aka Ruby's Sun Dance], according to the ApHC Stud Book was a bay leopard, was foaled 4-16-1945. His sire is listed as "unknown"; his dam as Rocking Chair Sally. Her breeder was listed as Guy Porter, Brush, Colorado. His owner was listed as Horace S. Raty, Dupuyer, Montana.
Rocking Chair Sally -NR- App, is the same horse as "bay Porter mare" and "Sally".
"Bay Porter mare" was the name used by Ralph Cannon in his Sunspot Revel F-1904 extended pedigrees. I have also seen Rocking Chair Porter's dam listed as "unknown" in some pedigrees, as the ApHC Stud Book lists it that way.
~Sherry Byrd
- Sunspot Revel F-1904 (1957)
- Pokey Spot 75627 [1966 stallion]
- Patchy Sun 39620 (1963)
Reference: SDNL 2-81:32 - Swift Sunlight F-3842 (1960)
- Si Bonne 88039 [1967 mare]
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-71:88, 4-74:102ad, 12-74:69 - Sun Dance Pepperoni 7425 [1959 mare]
Rocking Chair Kiowa stallion
Dun spotted blanket
(Kiowa Brave F-324 x Rocking Chair White Foot F-577)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled July 10, 1948
- Apache Sue F-1435 [1952 mare]
Rocking Chair Salty stallion
Red Roan spotted blanket
(Spot F-133 x Edna Bailey PHBA 7463)
Bred by EP Deahl, La Junta, Colorado
Foaled February 20, 1948
Zee mare
Blue roan, spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1938
Owned by Mr and Mrs Charles Fisher, Washtucna, Washington
Dandy Star stallion
White, black spots over hips
(Polar Star F-176 x Snow Ball)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled May 15, 1948
Baby Star stallion
Black leopard
(Polar Star F-176 x Babe)
Bred by Caesar Junod, Meyronne, Sask., Canada
Foaled May 1, 1948
- Baby Spotted Star F-1368 [1951 mare]
- Rocket Star F-1635 [1955 stallion]
Flake Star mare
White, black spots over hips
(Polar Star F-176 x Nellie)
Bred by Caesar Junod, Meyronne, Sask., Canada
Foaled May 15, 1945
Teeny Star mare
Black Leopard
(Polar Star F-176 x Lacey Monk)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled May 1, 1947
- Appadalway's Babe F-3386 (1955)
- White Owl F-4718 (1954)
Flash Star stallion
Brown spotted blanket
(Polar Star F-176 x Lacey Monk)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled May 10, 1948
- Cledor's Rip ApHCC 761 (1959)
- Prairie Chinook ApHCC 229 [1952 stallion]
Happy Star stallion
White with black spots over hips
(Polar Star F-176 x Grey Bond)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled May 6, 1948
Cupid mare
Red Roan spotted blanket
(Honest Joe x Spanish Girl)
Bred by RW Cann, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled October 14, 1946
Owned by Theresa Loht, Golden, Colorado
- Secret T-180 (1951)
- Uintah F-3264 CRHA 614-L (1956)
- Cherokee Clown F-1478 (1953)
- Mashanta Kachina CRHA 556-L [1964 mare]
- Tawa Kachina CRHA 615-R [1960 mare]
- Kona Kachina T28819 [1962 mare]
Pow Wow gelding
Red Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Boyd Benge, Benkleman, Nebraska
Foaled April 1945
Owned by Leslie Walker, Marshalltown, Iowa
Tomahawk II stallion
Red Roan spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled May 1947
Owned by Leslie Walker, Marshalltown, Iowa
- Little Red Hawk F-1304 [1950 stallion]
- Tomahawk III F-1600 [1953 stallion]
- BiltoftÕs Indian Maid F-1637 [1955 mare]
- BessieÕs Choice F-1636 [1954 mare]
- Dry RunÕs Tomahawk F-2127 [1953 stallion]
- Dry RunÕs Queen F-2169 [1954 mare]
- Mr Chico F-2586 [1952 stallion]
- RiverdaleÕs Tomahawk F-2654 [1953 stallion]
- Paloose Lady F-3152 [1955 mare]
- DJ Tomahawk I (DJÕs) F-3708 [1955 stallion]
- Chapita Park Spook F-3809 [1951 mare]
- VintÕs Little Tommy F-4459 [1954 stallion]
- Sabrina T-1001 [1953 mare]
- Ma Ka Eta T-1041 [1954 mare]
- Iowa Lady T-3038 [1954 mare]
- Tomahawk Swaps (PVFÕs) T-4808 [1956 mare]
- Money CreekÕs Tomahawk Girl 10452 [1955 mare]
Deborah mare
White with blue spots over hips
(King x Roxie)
Bred by Jerry Kriewald, Ord, Nebraska
Foaled April 18, 1946
#1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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