Appaloosa Territory
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Foundation Appaloosas
F-3101 to F-3200
San Luis Patchy stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(San Luis Red F-1621 x San Luis Freckles F-3099)
Bred by Logan Allen, Saguache, Colorado
Foaled June 5, 1958

Val Pariso stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Pariso F-2031 x Paisano's Mistep F-2054)
Bred by Myrtle Brown, Arbuckle, California
Foaled April 4, 1960
Reference Appaloosa News 12-65:76
San Luis Horse stallion
Bay Leopard
(San Luis Red F-1621 x San Luis Dulcie F-1771)
Bred by Logan Allen, Saguache, Colorado
Foaled August 9, 1959
San Luis Saguache stallion
Bay, white and black spots over hips
(San Luis Red F-1621 x San Luis Freckles II F-3100)
Bred by Logan Allen, Saguache, Colorado
Foaled April 22, 1959
San Luis Star stallion
Bay, white spots over hips
(San Luis Red F-1621 x San Luis Freckles F-3099)
Bred by Logan Allen, Saguache, Colorado
Foaled August 2, 1959
Chilo mare
Brown Roan, snowflake
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled August 1950
Owned by Bill Rahr, Eau Clair, Wisconsin
Transferred from Tentative T-576

Chilo's Tomahawk stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Dry Run's Tomahawk F-2127 x Chilo F-3106)
Bred by John Morton, Webster City, Iowa
Foaled May 6, 1959
Reference Appaloosa News 1-65:104
Chilo's Peach mare
Brown Roan, snowflake
(Sir Flash F-390x Chilo F-3106)
Bred by John Morton, Webster City, Iowa
Foaled June 14, 1957
Chilo's Hawk stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Dry Run's Tomahawk F-2127 x Chilo F-3106)
Bred by John Morton, Webster City, Iowa
Foaled May 28, 1958

Holliday Dancer stallion
Red Leopard
(unnamed x Miss Sundance F-235)
Foaled May 30, 1954
Owned by Theresa Leftwich, Greeley, Colorado
Transferred from Tentative T-611
Reference Appaloosa News May-JunÕ58:23*, FebÕ62:53, Jul-AugÕ59:23*
Dun Roven's Lady Star mare
White, dark spots over hips
(Polar Star F-176 x Lady Monk F-514)
Bred by Ed McCrea, McCord, Sask., Canada
Foaled June 6, 1951
Owned by Fred Thompson, Akron, Ohio

Miss Bitty Bounce mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Mr Bounce F-797 x Paisaro's Bonny F-2030)
Bred by Miss Kevin Jean Chase, Cameron, Montana
Foaled May 2, 1960
Reference Appaloosa News 5-65:106, 11-65:70, 12-65:80
Camas Moroccan Chief stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Moroccan Leopard F-1472 x Haum Teetz Star F-1579)
Bred by Alvah Knowlton, Fairfield, Idaho
Foaled May 12, 1960
Owned by Alvah and Elizabeth Knowlton, Fairfield, Idaho
Camas Red Spot Leopard stallion
Red (bay?) Roan Leopard
(Moroccan Leopard F-1472 x Opal's Doll F-2840)
Bred by Elizabeth Knowlton, Fairfield, Idaho
Foaled May 8, 1960
Owned by Alvah and Elizabeth Knowlton, Fairfield, Idaho
Bear Step Chief stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Tenawauka Bill F-1982 x Lace Pantaloon F-1394 )
Bred by Clyde Faut, New Palestine, Indiana
Foaled May 5, 1960

Shown with her foal, Bit O Honey T-3850.
Photo from Harry Edwards collection.
Tee Pee KS mare
Bay Roan
(Taylor's Sundance F-1053 x Dandruff K T-314)
Bred by John Taylor, Wolf Point, Montana
Foaled June 12, 1952
Transferred from Tentative T-574
Maquaketa I mare
Blue/Red Roan, blanket
(Arapaho J F-1977 x Imboden's Shawnee F-2804)
Bred by Don Imboden, Jefferson, South Dakota
Foaled March 31, 1954
Owned by Gilbert Stork, Herman, Nebraska
Transferred from Tentative T-1414

Speckled Dove mare
Brown Roan, spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1951
Owned by Cecil Dobbin, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Transferred from Tentative T-2414
Lot 13 in the 1959 Cecil Dobbin sale

Silver Heels gelding
Dun, blanket
(Foreign Cousin F-917 x Maumin Maid)
Bred by William Sanderson, Estacada, Oregon
Foaled July 3, 1953
Owned by Gail Ellis, Mulino, Oregon
Transferred from Tentative T-1298
Reference Appaloosa News Sep-OctÕ59:3,* AN DecÕ61:43
John White Sox J stallion
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(John Richard F-1660 x Irvin's Flamingo F-1300)
Bred by LS Jones, Hellam, Pennsylvania
Foaled June 29, 1959
Jimmie's Arapaho Sunray mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Arapaho J F-1977 x Sunray F-1277)
Bred by Ben Johnson, Grand Junction, Colorado
Foaled April 23, 1960
Gauche Jambe mare
Bay, snowflake
(Ohkom F-1460 x Nishinomah F-1427)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled March 21, 1958
Ed's Holi Day mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Pay Day S F-2071 x Roanie Day F-2075)
Bred by Ed Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 8, 1960
Owned by William Law, Cottonwood, California
Derniere mare
Bay, snowflake
(Ohkom F-1460 x Mohk Sta Wo Ums Ts F-316)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled May 27, 1957
Ryff's Glad Rags mare
Bay, snowflake
(Ohkom F-1460 x Ryff's Buttons F-1272)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled April 8, 1958
Patches Freckled Chief stallion
Brown, blanket
(MC's Patches M F-1670 x B Freckles Trixie F-2147)
Bred by JP McWilliams, Bucklin, Missouri
Foaled June 2, 1960

Pocatella Pat stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(MC's Patches M F-1670 x B Star's Jane F-2476)
Bred by JP McWilliams, Bucklin, Missouri
Foaled May 2, 1960
Reference Appaloosa News Oct 61 (thanks to Sherry Byrd for locating this photo)
Bonnie's Fire Fly mare
Bay Roan Leopard
(Apache II F-1607 x Ferguson's Lady Gay F-1244)
Bred by Edward Meade, Helena, Montana
Foaled June 1, 1958

Money Creek's Popcorn gelding
Red Roan, spots over hips
(Zebra Dun F-1344 x May Warrior F-836)
Bred by WK Helgesen, Turner, Montana
Foaled June 7, 1956
Owned by Mr and Mrs Ed Weber, Houston, Minnesota
Reference Appaloosa News 1-62:17
Bar Jo Tomah mare
Black, snowflake
(Chief Keowa F-687 x Loosa F-1211)
Bred by John McNees, Newmarket, Iowa
Foaled 1953
Owned by Bar Jo Appaloosa Ranch, Lawton, Oklahoma

Bar Jo Kodah
with a Joker's Sundance colt
Bar Jo Kodah mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Chief Keowa F-687 x McNee's Flicker F-1210)
Bred by John McNees, Newmarket, Iowa
Foaled 1953
Owned by Bar Jo Appaloosa Ranch, Lawton, Oklahoma
Reference Appaloosa News 8-66:25 index
Kittitas Blue Bird mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Kittitas Chief F-1864 x Kittitas Blondie F-2161)
Bred by HH Faust, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled April 1956
Kittitas Blue Lady mare
Blue Roan, snowflake
(Kittitas Chief F-1864 x Kittitas Blondie F-2161)
Bred by HH Faust, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled April 19, 1958
Kittitas Red Skipper stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Kittitas Chief F-1864 x Kittitas Dixie F-3005)
Bred by HH Faust, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled April 1958
Kittitas Rose Bud mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Kittitas Chief F-1864 x Kittitas babe F-3006)
Bred by HH Faust, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled April 1956

St Patrick stallion
Bay Roan, spotted blanket
(Chief Chelsea F-2154 x Harmon's Molly F-956)
Bred by HE Laughlin, Richmond, Indiana
Foaled March 26, 1960
Reference Appaloosa News 11-60:30
Tear Drop Maid mare
Black Leopard
(Big Chief F-1000 x Freckled Kitten F-1001)
Bred by Harry Gordon, Bloomington, Illinois
Foaled April 4, 1951

Dutchess T mare
Black, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred in Sheridan, Wyoming
Foaled May 20, 1953
Owned by Frank and Rena Trammell, Kirkland, Arizona
Also owned by Money Creek Ranch
Transferred from Tentative T-2502

Ruff's Spectacular stallion
Brown, white with brown spots over body
(Ruff's Willie F-1332 x Lady Riftan F-1045)
Bred by Con Ruff, Marysville, California
Foaled April 21, 1960
Reference Appaloosa News 11-62:43
Coushatta Joe stallion
Dun, spotted blanket
(Chief Joe Boy F-2779 x Coushatta Rose F-2992)
Bred by Alex Williamson, Dallas, Texas
Foaled March 10, 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-3159
Coushatta Ida D mare
Brown, snowflake
(Geronimo Chief F-275 x Coushatta Rose F-2992)
Bred by Alex Williamson, Dallas, Texas
Foaled February 28, 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-8369
Coushatta Coco Mo stallion
Brown, blanket
(Geronimo Chief F-275 x Coushatta Rose F-2992)
Bred by Alex Williamson, Dallas, Texas
Foaled February 16, 1960
Transferred from Tentative T-8368

Wamblee Day stallion
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Wamblee Toh F-1595 x Rosy Day F-1588)
Bred by Ed Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 9, 1959
Reference Appaloosa News 10-61:45

Rodeo Day stallion
Red Leopard
(Pay Day S F-2071 x Golden Arrow F-1544)
Bred by Ed Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled April 20, 1959
Reference Appaloosa News 2-66:127, 12-65:92
Bright Slash stallion
Dun, white spots over hips
(Bright Eyes Brother F-3047 x Dry Fly F-2584)
Bred by Cecil Dobbin, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled May 16, 1960
Transferred from Tentative T-8521
Bright Boquet mare
Dun, blanket
(Bright Eyes Brother F-3047 x Miss Tex F-2968)
Bred by Cecil Dobbin, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled May 6, 1960
Transferred from Tentative T-8523
Depression Argo stallion
Black Leopard
(Mansfield's Comanche F-3096 x Susan)
Bred by Alamosa Cattle Company, Vega, Texas
Foaled May 15, 1946
Owned by David and Delores Fairhurst, Ravenna, Ohio
Transferred from Tentative T-7673
Depression Cloudy mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled April 29, 1947
Owned by David and Delores Fairhurst, Ravenna, Ohio
Transferred from Tentative T-7674

Miss St Joe mare
Red Roan, blanket
(Hay x Blue Bell)
Bred by JO Southard, Waverly, Kansas
Foaled May 11, 1952
Owned by Lyle Fouts, Ottawa, Kansas
Reference Appaloosa News DecÕ61:32, 12-65:73(produce)
TO Dakota mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Miss Dakota Sioux M F-2976)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-7602
Utana II mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Tip F-1486 x Utana F-1958)
Bred by Cliff Klemo, Butte, Montana
Foaled May 10, 1960

Paloose Lady mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Tomahawk II F-599 x Sweetheart R F-2653)
Bred by Vere Corrington, Cherokee, Iowa
Foaled May 2, 1955
Owned by Louie or Faye Biltoft, Alliance, Nebraska
Missoula Marbut mare
Bay Roan
(Apache II F-1607 x Bonnie Bee F-1139)
Bred by Howard Raser, Missoula, Montana
Foaled May 22, 1957
War Bonnet's Sister mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Paisaro F-1451 x Katrinka II F-1884)
Bred by WE Cooper, Sonora, California
Foaled May 24, 1960
Chapita Park Gja'Fa stallion
Bay, blanket
(Arapaho J F-1977 x Chapita F-3089)
Bred by Leticia Pitt, Blakesburg, Iowa
Foaled August 7, 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-7094

with her foal Storm Cloud's Speck F-3159
Riley's Purple Doll mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Jedriss AHC 3664 x Riley's May F-464)
Bred by Lester Riley, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled August 7, 1959
Owned by Palmer Wagner, Garfield, Washington
Reference Appaloosa News 4-65:36, 5-75:20(article), FebÕ61:14

El Deabloo stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Topper F-400 x Riley's Purple Doll F-3156)
Bred by Lester Riley, Pomeroy, Washington
Foaled May 1957
Transferred from Tentative T-3704
Reference Appaloosa News 5-75:21, OctÕ60:28,30, JunÕ61:2, Jul61:42, Aug61:37

Doll's Toby stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Toby II F-113 x Riley's Purple Doll F-3156)
Bred by Palmer Wagner, Garfield, Washington
Foaled May 11, 1960
Reference Appaloosa News 2-66:97, 8-65:25, 10-65:65, 11-65:23, 5-75:21, FebÕ61:14, Dec61:16

Storm Cloud's Speck stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Storm Cloud F F-1644 x Riley's Purple Doll F-3156)
Bred by Palmer Wagner, Garfield, Washington
Foaled May 21, 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-8077
Reference Appaloosa News 1-65:36, 10-65:90, 11-65:23, FebÕ61:14(foal)
Pond Gate's Hijo Primero stallion
Bay, white spots over hips
(Riverdale's Tomahawk F-2654 x Dot's Sheila F-2122)
Bred by Wayne Johnson, Lake Mills, Iowa
Foaled May 13, 1960
Owned by Mr and Mrs JR Gottlieb, Dundee, Illinois
Pond Gate's Luna De Miel mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Riverdale's Tomahawk F-2654 x Dude's Leopard Queen F-2186)
Bred by Wayne Johnson, Lake Mills, Iowa
Foaled May 1, 1960
Owned by Mr and Mrs JR Gottlieb, Dundee, Illinois
Somers' Leopard Lady mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Manly's Star Fire F-2381 x Genesee Spots F-1850)
Bred by LE Somers, Pukwana, South Dakota
Foaled April 14, 1960

Ired's Pasha mare
Bay, snowflake?
(Red Pepper F-1437 x Eaglette F-1413)
Bred by RE Hawkins, Riverside, California
Foaled January 8, 1959
Owned by Edward Bliss Jr, Woodland Hills, California
Reference Appaloosa News 6-65:92, 7-65:70, 8-65:14, 10-65:51
Dotty's Pa Sapa mare
Black, blanket
(Valentine F-1291 x Molly F-2346)
Bred by EA Young, Dewey, South Dakota
Foaled April 8, 1960
Owned by Dotty Novak, Omaha, Nebraska
Comanche's Brave Eagle stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Comanche Chief F-2547 x Hay's Pride F-2545)
Bred by Ty Farms, Tipton, Indiana
Foaled May 22, 1960
Owned by Tim Amsler, Goshen, Indiana
Tippicanoe Maid mare
Blue Roan Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1952
Owned by Robert Smith, Rochester, Indiana
Transferred from Tentative T-9067
Tippicanoe Scout stallion
Bay, blanket
(Cochise S F-2121 x Tippicanoe Maid F-3166)
Bred by Robert Smith, Rochester, Indiana
Foaled March 28, 1960
Transferred from Tentative T-9068
Daughter of Cochise mare
Red Roan
(Cochise S F-2121 x Tippicanoe Maid F-3166)
Bred by Robert Smith, Rochester, Indiana
Foaled May 5, 1956
Transferred from Tentative T-9070
Tippicanoe Worrior (Warrior?) stallion
Sorrel, spotted banket
(Cochise S F-2121 x Tippicanoe Maid F-3166)
Bred by Robert Smith, Rochester, Indiana
Foaled December 19, 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-9074
Indian Roxy mare
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1950
Owned by Paul Cavanaugh, Centralia, Illinois
Transferred from Tentative T-3466
Chief Spotted Eagle mare
Blue Roan, leopard
(Mane's Blue Eagle F-1874 x Indian Roxy F-3170)
Bred by Paul Cavanaugh, Centralia, Illinois
Foaled May 20, 1960
Cloud Dancer gelding
Blue Roan Leopard
(The Dragon x Ginger)
Bred by Gene Holder, Waco, Texas
Foaled August 30, 1954
Transferred from Tentative T-564

Dragon's Concho mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(The Dragon x Zeesta JC)
Bred by Garth Daniel, Garland, Texas
Foaled May 5, 1954
Transferred from Tentative T-780
Reference Appaloosa News MJ60:14
Note: Foal is Concho's Chaparral, foaled after mare had been hit by a train.

Johnny Ringo stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Fire Thorn F-180 x Dragon's Concho F-3173)
Bred by Gene Holder, McGregor, Texas
Foaled April 14, 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-4390
Reference Appaloosa News May-JunÕ59:19*(as foal), JunÕ61:42, Aug61:43, 8-65:82

Chief Bear Track stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Simcoe's Chinook F-1610 x Dragon's Concho F-3173)
Bred by Gene Holder, McGregor, Texas
Foaled March 29, 1960

Dragon Fire stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Fire Thorn F-180 x Dragon's Concho F-3173)
Bred by Gene Holder, McGregor, Texas
Foaled April 5, 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-6497
Reference Appaloosa News Jul-AugÕ59:53, S-O 59:50
Pooketa Lou mare
Bay, snowflake
(Revel Jr F-1728x Pooketa F-2985)
Bred by Cliff McMurtry, Powell, Missouri
Foaled April 10, 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-5975
Chaffin's Princess mare
Red Roan
(Tick A Boo TB x Sue)
Bred by FL Chaffin, Mack, Colorado
Foaled 1946
Owned by Violet Chaffin, Mack, Colorado
Transferred from Tentative T-2694
Patchy Jr's Wambi (Wambli?) stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Patchy Jr F-1380 x Chaffin's Princess F-3178)
Bred by Violet Chaffin, Mack, Colorado
Foaled June 25, 1958
Owned by FL Chaffin, Mack, Colorado
Transferred from Tentative T-4342
Chaffin's Sundance gelding
Blue Roan Leopard
(Sundance F-500 x Chaffin's Princess F-3178)
Bred by Violet Chaffin, Mack, Colorado
Foaled July 1950
Cliff's Honey B mare
Dun Roan, Leopard
(Mansfield Appaloosa x Quarter mare)
Bred by Cliff McMurtry, Powell, Missouri
Foaled May 1953
Owned by Rex Krieder Jr, Springfield, Missouri
Transferred from Tentative T-8231
Kreider's Revel Junior K stallion
Red Roan
(Revel Jr F-1728 x Cliff's Honey B F-3181)
Bred by Rex Krieder Jr, Springfield, Missouri
Foaled April 22, 1960

Revel's Promise stallion
Dun, spotted blanket/leopard
(Revel Jr F-1728 x Cliff's Honey B F-3181)
Bred by Cliff McMurtry, Powell, Missouri
Foaled May 28, 1959
Owned by Don Walker, Ozark, Missouri
Reference Appaloosa News 1-65:32, 3-65:54, 1-66:43
Kittitas Patsy mare
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Kittitas Chief F-1864 x Kittitas Ruby F-3064)
Bred by HH Faust, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled April 30, 1958
RQ's Wildfire mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Apache G F-1693 x Saturka F-2310)
Bred by Merrill Rodgers, Orland, California
Foaled April 17, 1960
Owned by Merrill and Velma Rodgers, Orland, California
RQ's Lekonsha mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Apache G F-1693 x Frosted Lady F-1044)
Bred by Merrill Rodgers, Orland, California
Foaled by May 5, 1960
Owned by Merrill and Velma Rodgers, Orland, California

WM's Copper Dollar stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Bob Moore, Kansas City, Kansas
Foaled July 8, 1955
Owned by Guy Holland, Hutchinson, Kansas
Transferred from Tentative T-1681
Reference Appaloosa News S-O 58:7, J-A 59:4,55, S-O 59:22, 8-60:29, 10-60:36,49, 11-60:35*
Cuddles mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Sir Inka T-116 x Dimples F-993)
Bred by WH Armstrong, Simms, Montana
Foaled April 7, 1954
Transferred from Tentative T-394
Rasmussen's Betsy mare
White, black spots over hips
(Red Boy x Appaloosa)
Foaled March 1952
Owned by George Rasmussen, Webster City, Iowa
Transferred from Tentative T-5178
Rasmussen's Lady Bird mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Rasmussen's Thunderbird F-2774 x Rasmussen's Betsy F-3189)
Bred by George Rasmussen, Webster City, Iowa
Foaled March 6, 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-5466
Rasmussen's Red Lady mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Rasmussen's Thunderbird F-2774 x Rasmussen's Betsy F-3189)
Bred by George Rasmussen, Webster City, Iowa
Foaled March 10, 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-5467
Rasmussen's Lady Bess mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Rasmussen's Thunderbird F-2774 x Rasmussen's Betsy F-3189)
Bred by George Rasmussen, Webster City, Iowa
Foaled March 18, 1957

Ed's May Day mare
Blue Roan
(Arab Toswirah Alkhar F-2417 x Rosy Day F-1588
Bred by Ed Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled May 1, 1954
Transferred from Tentative T-508
Reference Appaloosa News 2-66:18
Hulseman's Holiday stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Wamblee Toh F-1595 x Ed's May Day F-3193)
Bred by Ed Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled May 29, 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-9364
Cortez Day stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Leopard Cortex F-1072 x Ed's May Day F-3193)
Bred by Ed Hulseman, Red Bluff, California
Foaled 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-9362
Reference Appaloosa News 2-76:189
Carmelita mare
Blue Roan Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1948
Owned by Lloyd Ortiz, Trinidad, Colorado
Transferred from Tentative T-2627
Reference Appaloosa News 7-65:10
Lady Cherokee mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled June 30, 1952
Owned by Gorodon Cox, Wykoff, Minnesota
Transferred from Tentative T-9025
Chief Keen Hawk stallion
Black Leopard?
(Sandra's Sheik F-2901x El Kayda F-968)
Bred by Fred Laflin, Sorum, South Dakota
Foaled April 2, 1958
Owned by Bernard Lauing, Blunt, South Dakota
Osage Blue H mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Tomahawk H F-2541 x Osage Belle F-1857)
Bred by Nolan Hutcheson, Houston, Missouri
Foaled March 29, 1960
Osage Patsy mare
Red Roan, blanket
(Tomahawk H F-2541 x Osage Freckles F-2548)
Bred by Nolan Hutcheson, Houston, Missouri
Foaled April 10, 1960
#1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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This page last updated May 2020.