Appaloosa Territory
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Links to other Foundation pages: #1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
Foundation Appaloosas
F-2601 to F-2700
Susie B mare
White, black spots over hips
(Candy F-320 x Lady F F-1027)
Bred by Margaret Besecker, Gunnison, Colorado
Foaled May 20, 1956
Owned by Frank Gierhart, Doyleville, Colorado
Captain Roe stallion
Dun, spots over hips
(Minidoka Ted x Mollie Roe)
Bred by Frank Monroe, Fort Collins, Colorado
Foaled June 14, 1944
Owned by George Stone, Mesquite, Texas
Transferred from Tentative T-1746
Fantasia mare
Blue Roan, snowflake
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1948
Owned by Leslie Hinkley, Kamiah, Idaho
Transferred from Tentative T-990
Reference Appaloosa News 3-66:33(or 32?)
Lochsa Mohii mare
Blue Roan, snowflake
(Chief Chico F-909 x Fantasia F-2603)
Bred by Leslie Hinkley, Palmer, Washington
Foaled May 3, 1957
Reference Appaloosa News 10-65:28
Lochsa Pow Wow stallion
Red Roan
(Chief Chico F-909 x Fantasia F-2603)
Bred by Leslie Hinkley, Palmer, Washington
Foaled April 12, 1958
Jack's Seeto mare
Roan - leopard
(Kiowa Brave F-324 x Appaloosa)
Bred by DeVidts and Pyle, Boulder, Colorado
Foaled April 1950
Owned by Harold and Dorothy Casper, St Louis, Missouri
Transferred from Tentative T-1293
Yellow Star mare
Chestnut, blanket
(Kawliga F-1725 x Blue Jay)
Bred by DeVidts and Pyle, Boulder, Colorado
Foaled June 1953
Owned by Harold and Dorothy Casper, St Louis, Missouri
Transferred from Tentative T-1295
Reference Appaloosa News/Index 3-61:44
Rusty Halo mare
Chestnut, spots over hips
(unnamed x unnamed)
Bred by Jed Pierre Tihista, Nashua, Montana
Foaled April 1953
Owned by Mr and Mrs Ed Weber, Rogers, Minnesota
Transferred from Tentative T-789

Beau Gallant stallion
Blue Roan-leopard
(Granite Canyon F-2049 x May Bonnet F-1996)
Bred by Lorne and Vera Knisley, Ft Collins, Colorado
Foaled May 9, 1959
Indian Moon stallion
Chestnut, blanket
(Cooterville Norrell's Little Red F-1673 x Cooterville Sweet Sue F-2506)
Bred by James Attaya, Jackson, Mississippi
Foaled July 19, 1959
Cheyenne K gelding
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(King Solomon T-26 x Minie Pearl)
Bred by Lloyd Lee, Bonita, California
Foaled June 14, 1954
Owned by Eugenia Kay, National City, California
Transferred from Tentative T-1145
Cheyenne B mare
Black Leopard
(Happy T-264 x Kit W F-2151)
Bred by Alton Orr, Angola, New York
Foaled September 18, 1952
Owned by Richard Blackmore, Akron, New York
Transferred from Tentative T-1125
Callico Sue mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Chief Malheur Jr F-2536 x Callico Babe N F-2027)
Bred by Alan Newby, Kuna, Idaho
Foaled April 10, 1959
Piegan Chieftain stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Crow Chieftan F-1540 x La Hermana de Diablo F-538)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled May 29, 1959
Imboden's Three Winds mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Held's Blue Rocket F-1007 x Imboden's Freckles F-1964)
Bred by Don Imboden, Jefferson, South Dakota
Foaled March 28, 1958
Shina-Ska gelding
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1950
Owned by Patricia Rienhardt, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Transferred from Tentative T-1166
Maid of Cotton mare
Red Roan
(Fa Rabdan AHCR 1429 x Red Wing)
Bred by WE Zimmerman, Hauser Lake, Idaho
Foaled May 3, 1950
Owned by Brig Allred, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Transferred from Tentative T-1050

Starbuck Neatabelle mare
Blue Roan - Leopard
(Starbuck Ranger F-649 x Black Morgan mare)
Bred by Roy Gray, Akron, Colorado
Foaled April 28, 1951
Owned by Hubert Kuefler, St Paul,, Minnesota
Transferred from Tentative T-115
Reference Appaloosa News FebÕ62:IFC
Brave Eagle Rex stallion
Blue Roan-Leopard
(Bald Eagle F-508 x Starbuck Neatabelle F-2618)
Bred by Lyle Chilcott, Sarcoxie, Missouri
Foaled May 14, 1954
Owned by Rex Kreider, Jr, Springfield, Missouri
Transferred from Tentative T-5392
- Brave Eagle Zona 1727 ApHCC (1961 mare)
Kathy C mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Bald Eagle F-508 x Starbuck Neatabelle F-2618)
Bred by Lyle Chilcott, Sarcoxie, Missouri
Foaled April 5, 1955
Owned by Rex Kreider, Jr, Springfield, Missouri
Transferred from Tentative T-5885
Blue Eagle's Echo stallion
Red Roan leopard
(Manes Blue Eagle F-1874 x Starbuck Neatabelle F-2618)
Bred by Lyle Chilcott, Sarcoxie, Missouri
Foaled March 29, 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-5886
Stormy Flash stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Osage Flash F-2021 x Osage Bell F-1857)
Bred by JO Southard Jr, Waverly, Kansas
Foaled April 3, 1955
Transferred from Tentative T-1163
Kittitas Red Dot stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Kittitas Chief F-1864 x Kittitas Violet F-1155)
Bred by HH Faust, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled May 1956
Hacienda Poca Dot stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Piasano's Frost F-1450 x Butterfly F-1077)
Bred by John Boriolo, Forestville, California
Foaled July 31, 1959
Gray Hawk stallion
Dun Roan, blanket
(He'll Do F-1883 x Dry Fly F-2585)
Bred by TM Collier Jr, Peyton, Colorado
Foaled May 17, 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-5434
Southern's Snake Eyes stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Revel Jr F-1728 x Miss Sundance F-235)
Bred by Roger Martin, Aurota, Colorado
Foaled May 24, 1958
Owned by Richard Southern, Littleton, Colorado
Dakota Maid mare
Blue Roan, leopard
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by Dave Iron Cloud, Hisle, South Dakota
Foaled Spring 1951
Owned by Twila Merril, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Transferred from Tentative T-6637
Dakota King stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Dakota Maid F-2627)
Bred by CH Merril, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled Spring 1954
Owned by Twila Merril, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Transferred from Tentative T-6638
Dakota Cloud stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Dakota Maid F-2627)
Bred by Twila Merril, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled Spring 1958
Reference Appaloosa News 2-68:3 (Index)
Lady Snow Cloud mare
Dun, blanket
(Snow Cloud II F-2488 x Dakota Maid F-2627)
Bred by Twila Merril, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled Spring 1959
Scatachee stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Pico F-2247 x Squaw Girl B F-2317)
Bred by Elvin Blevins, Wynnewood, Oklahoma
Foaled April 17, 1959
Owned by Mrs AC Askins, Pumpville, Texas
Reference Appalosa News 1-62:21 (Index)
Beau Tico stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Quavo B F-2404 x Gipsey F-1593)
Bred by Elvin Blevins, Wynnewood, Oklahoma
Foaled April 23, 1959
Erie Mist B mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Cosmo Topper F-2574 x Cheyenne B F-2612)
Bred by Richard Blackmore, Akron, New York
Foaled May 14, 1958
Owned by Danene Blackmore, Akron, New York
Transferred from Tentative T-3085
Toppers Little Arrow B stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Cosmo Topper F-2574 x Cheyenne B F-2612)
Bred by Ken Arrowsmith, Erie, Pennsylvania
Foaled June 16, 1957
Owned by Richard Blackmore, Akron, New York
Transferred from Tentative T-2684
Reference Appaloosa News 3-65:59
Chief Wyandot stallion
Brown Roan, spots over hips
(Chief of Four Mile F-2219 x Miss Corkey F-2353)
Bred by Gus Oettermann, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled March 29, 1957
Owned by Edwin Dow, Fort Worth, Texas
Transferred from Tentative T-3010
Taffara mare
Chestnut, snowflake
(Brown Gara JC 332990 x James Lee mare)
Foaled 1944
Owned by Laudie and Beverly Kalousek, Nampa, Idaho
Transferred from Tentative T-48

Chief Dandy stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
( Silver Dandy F-460x Spivy's Queenie F-2400)
Bred by WA Spivy, Nampa, Idaho
Foaled May 28, 1953
Transferred from Tentative T-406
Ta Chi Chiwa mare
Dun, brown and white spots over body (leopard?)
(Chief Malhuer Jr F-2536 x Taffara F-2636)
Bred by Laudie and Beverly Kalousek, Nampa, Idaho
Foaled December 24, 1956
Owned by Rita Kalousek, Nampa, Idaho
Chief Lawyer stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Dan x Ginger)
Bred by George Vanoey, Weippe, Idaho
Foaled April 1944
Owned by JC Howard, Lewiston, Idaho
Transferred from Tentative T-334
Mt Baldy's Tenna mare
Bay, snowflake
(Chief Lawyer F-2639 x Clementine F-274)
Bred by J Ross Worthington, Spokane, Washington
Foaled April 20, 1956
Owned by Lorna Worthington, Spokane, Washington
Transferred from Tentative T-5843
Mount Baldy Jane mare
Bay, snowflake
(Chief Lawyer F-2639 x Clementine F-274)
Bred by J Ross Worthington, Spokane, Washington
Foaled May 6, 1959
Owned by Mrs J Ross Worthington, Spokane, Washington
Transferred from Tentative T-6540
Clem stallion
Red Roan, blanket
(Chief Lawyer F-2639 x Clementine F-274)
Bred by J Ross Worthington, Spokane, Washington
Foaled May 16, 1958
Owned by Lorna Worthington, Spokane, Washington
Transferred from Tentative T-5842
Shu'de Zhi'de mare
Bay, snowflake
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1950
Owned by Loy Freeland, Cascade, Colorado
Transferred from Tentative T-2434
Dark Shadow mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x Flicka)
Bred by Mrs Lowell Gruell, Silesia, Montana
Foaled July 1951
Owned by Laura Boggio, Billings, Montana
Transferred from Tentative T-362
Reference Appaloosa News 8-70:70

Navajo Turquoise of AA mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Chief Navajo F-1970 x Dark Shadow F-2644)
Bred by Laura Boggio, Clyde Park, Montana
Foaled May 20, 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-3830
Reference Appaloosa News 3-59:12

Double Six Domino stallion
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Mansfield's Comanche F-3096 x Susan)
Bred by Jack Mansfield, Vega, Texas
Foaled 1943
Owned by Harmon Scales, Lubbock, Texas
Transferred from Tentative T-679
Reference Appaloosa News 3-70:109, 9-70:31, 1-65:65, 1-66:21, 2-66:133, 3-66:56, 11-65:17
Snow's Silver Tip stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Brown Eagle F-1497 x Christy F-2100)
Bred by Darrell Snow, Oshkosh, Nebraska
Foaled April 20, 1958
Moonstone of AA mare
Blue Roan, spotted blanket
(Bub F-1293 x Dark Shadow F-2644)
Bred by Laura Boggio, Bozeman, Montana
Foaled ?
Malibu Eagle stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(American Eagle F-1452 x Malibu Queen F-2486)
Bred by FB Davis, Malibu, California
Foaled March 27, 1956
Transferred from Tentative T-1341
Chief Wango stallion
Sorrel, blanket
(Hongo F-1602 x Waco F-2582)
Bred by Gus Oettermann, Boerne, Texas
Foaled May 16, 1958
Transferred from Tentative T-4249
Miss Kansas mare
Bay, snowflake
(Osage Flash F-2021 x Miss Dakota F-2542)
Bred by JO Southard, Waverly, Kansas
Foaled February 11, 1956
Transferred from Tentative T-5918
Southard's Pretty Lady mare
Dun, spotted blanket
(Osage Flash F-2021 x Haysetta F-2544)
Bred by JO Southard, Waverly, Kansas
Foaled February 25, 1957
Transferred from Tentative T-5917
Sweethart R mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(Cheetah F-125 x Montie AQHA)
Bred by TF Osment, Nowata, Oklahoma
Foaled April 27, 1945
Owned by Kerm Reeves, Emmetsburg, Iowa
Transferred from Tentative T-986

Riverdale's Tomahawk stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Tomahawk II F-599 x Sweethart R F-2653)
Bred by Vere Corrington, Cherokee, Iowa
Foaled June 10, 1953
Owned by Bernard Mark, Des Moines, Iowa
Transferred from Tentative T-2228
Reference Appaloosa News 2-63:57
Silver H mare
White, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1947
Owned by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Transferred from Tentative T-4936
Apache Silver stallion
White, brown spots over hips
(Apache F-730 x Silver H F-2655)
Bred by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Foaled April 12, 1959
Reference Appaloosa News 7-64:49 index
Maumin Blue Boy gelding
Blue Roan, spots over hips
(Maumin Blue F-1792 x Kathy F-895)
Bred by George Hatley, Moscow, Idaho
Foaled June 3, 1957
Twinkles Trouble of Green Stables mare
Blue Roan, blanket
(Chief Eagle F-288 x Twinkle Star F-723)
Bred by Carl Harris Sr, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled March 18, 1959
Casper's Keena stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Magic F-1381 x Jack's Seeto F-2606)
Bred by DeVidts and Pyle, Boulder, Colorado
Foaled May 8, 1956
Owned by Harold and Dorothy Casper, St. Louis, Missouri
Transferred from Tentative T-1292
Poco mare
Blue Roan-Leopard
(Huerfano Leopard F-890 x Polka T-101)
Bred by James Arthur, Evergreen, Colorado
Foaled August 10, 1951
Owned by Fred Jury, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Transferred from Tentative T-685
Miss Red Wing mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1940
Owned by Roy Marble, Brigham City, Utah
Transferred from Tentative T-622
Red Rock Tom stallion
Bay Roan, white spots over hips
(Red Rock Pepper F-2369 x Snow Cone F-2129)
Bred by Cecil Dobbins, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled April 15, 1957
Owned by Tom Howard, Dallas, Texas
Transferred from Tentative T-3789
Sheigara stallion
Blue Roan, blanket
(Stewart's Sheik F-385 x Taffara F-2636)
Bred by Laudie and Beverly Kalousek, Nampa, Idaho
Foaled November 17, 1951
Transferred from Tentative T-401
Taffy's Tunisia mare
Dun, white spots over hips
(Chief Dandy F-2637 x Taffara F-2636)
Bred by Beverly Kalousek, Nampa, Idaho
Foaled August 15, 1959
Sonoma Joe stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Paisano's Frost F-1450 x Llano Birdie F-2216)
Bred by Mrs Madeline Smith, Santa Rosa, California
Foaled May 30, 1959
Reference Appaloosa News Mar-AprÕ60:50, 8-63:14* index, 7-70:76
Robinson's Sunshine mare
Dun, blanket
(Valentine F-1291 x Tizzy F-1512)
Bred by EA Young, Dewey, South Dakota
Foaled May 1, 1959
Owned by Ray Robinson, Sundance, Wyoming
Robin R mare
Bay Roan, white spots over hips
(Valentine F-1291 x Belle Y F-2347)
Bred by EA Young, Dewey, South Dakota
Foaled April 30, 1959
Owned by Ray Robinson, Sundance, Wyoming
Sage King R stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Valentine F-1291x Pretty Girl F-685)
Bred by EA Young, Dewey, South Dakota
Foaled May 20, 1959
Owned by Ray Robinson, Sundance, Wyoming
Betsy R mare
Red Leopard
(Pablo F-267 x Cindy R F-2248)
Bred by Nate Brown, Thermopolis, Wyoming
Foaled June 4, 1959
Owned by Ray Robinson, Sundance, Wyoming
Snowflakes R mare
Red Roan
(Pablo F-267 x Mary Ann F-2295)
Bred by Nate Brown, Thermopolis, Wyoming
Foaled June 5, 1959
Owned by Ray Robinson, Sundance, Wyoming

Cheyenne Gold mare
Sorrel Roan, snowflake
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by Ken West, Cheyenne River Res, South Dakota
Foaled March 1951
Owned by Fred Wimberly, Fort Worth, Texas
Transferred from Tentative T-5957

Top Gun stallion
Chestnut, blanket
(Peter K F-1054 x Winona F-268)
Bred by Harold Robinson, Watertown, Wisconsin
Foaled July 24, 1959
Reference Appaloosa News 5-65:75
- Top Gun's Canadian Warrior 1822 (1963 stallion)
Patchy Jr's Thunderbird stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Patchy Jr F-1380 x Shu'de Zhi'de F-2643)
Bred by Loy Freeland, Cascade, Colorado
Foaled April 17, 1959
Owned by Paul Johnson, Cascade, Colorado
Reference Appaloosa News 12-66:38

Son of Quanah stallion
Brown Roan, spotted blanket
(Quanah F-706 x Ratliff's mare)
Bred by JW Ratliff, Ranger, Texas
Foaled February 27, 1951
Owned by Don Coates, Fort Worth, Texas
Transferred from Tentative T-317
Reference Appaloosa News N-D 57:14*, 11-61:3*, 3-62:32, 1-70:139

Bobbie N mare
Red Roan, spots over hips
(Ranger Hancock AQHA P-3994 x Miller mare)
Bred by Robert Miller, Big Piney, Wyoming
Foaled 1953
Owned by Alan Newby, Kuna, Idaho
Transferred from Tentative T-4323
Reference Appaloosa News OctÕ60:33, AugÕ61:37, Nov'61:57

Chicaro Bob stallion
Red Roan, blanket
(Chicaro F-2028 x Bobbie N F-2675)
Bred by Alan Newby, Kuna, Idaho
Foaled May 8, 1959
Transferred from Tentative T-6613
Reference Appaloosa News 1-65:62, 1-76:210*
Tammie mare
Bay Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Foaled 1951
Owned by James and Ardella Drudge, Tekonsha, Michigan
Transferred from Tentative T-4782
Sundance N stallion
Black Leopard
(Costa's Speck F-1853 x Lacy Babe F-2484)
Bred by Con Ruff, Marysville, California
Foaled April 23, 1948
Owned by Nancy Ganoung, Marysville, California
Transferred from Tentative T-94
Snap stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Crow Chieftan F-1540 x Ryff's Buttons F-1272)
Bred by JF and Rita Ryff, Laramie, Wyoming
Foaled April 19, 1959
Midnight Snow Patchez mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Cheyenne Chieftain F-1632 x Pretty Buck F-970)
Bred by Ira Hanna, Eastland, Texas
Foaled May 13, 1959
Owned by Bill Hutcheson, Fort Worth, Texas
Sassy Lass W mare
Blue Roan
(Brulaya F-1924 x Sassprilla K F-1989)
Bred by Lee Warne, Blunt, South Dakota
Foaled May 31, 1959

Squanto stallion
Bay (?) Leopard
(Yturri No 1 x Yturri No 16)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled May 3, 1947
Transferred from Tentative T-2671
Reference Appaloosa News 6-61:15
Miss Maud mare
Bay Roan, spots over hips
(Marujo x April Lee)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled March 12, 1948
Cerro gelding
Sorrel, white and brown spots over hips
(Squanto F-2682 x Miss Maud F-2683)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled November 3, 1952
Maud's Delight mare
Brown, white and brown spots over hips
(Squanto F-2682 x Miss Maud F-2683)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled December 22, 1953
Squanto's Light Foot stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Squanto F-2682 x Miss Maud F-2683)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled May 17, 1958
Owned by Stanley Graham, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Yturri's Bonita mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Black Hawk x Yturri No 14)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled March 15, 1948
Belton stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Squanto F-2682 x Yturri's Bonita F-2687)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled October 29, 1952
Teeger stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Squanto F-2682 x Yturri's Bonita F-2687)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled February 23, 1955
Transferred from Tentative T-3573
Hovera mare
Bay, blanket
(Squanto F-2682 x Yturri's Bonita F-2687)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled March 17, 1957
Nancey Hanks mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Joe Hanks x Nancey)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled April 12, 1948
Monk E stallion
Bay Leopard
(Squanto F-2682 x Nancey Hanks F-2691)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled May 20, 1953

Son of Squanto stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Squanto F-2682 x Nancey Hanks F-2691)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled September 23, 1954
Reference Appaloosa News 6-61:15
Miss Coy G mare
Sorrel, blanket
(Squanto F-2682 x Nancey Hanks F-2691)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled January 20, 1958
Cid stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Teeger F-2689 x Nancey Hanks F-2691)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled February 19, 1959
Yturri No 21 mare
"Roan with red spots"
(Squanto F-2682 x Yturri No 15)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled January 12, 1951
Squanto's Hawk Eye stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Squanto F-2682 x Yturri No 21 F-2696)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled April 12, 1955
Owned by Stanley Graham, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Zeno stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Squanto F-2682 x Yturri No 21 F-2696)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled February 19, 1957
Transferred from Tentative T-3572

Squanto's Apache stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Squanto F-2682 x Yturri No 21 F-2696)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled January 9, 1959
Owned by Larry Graham, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Reference Appaloosa News 6-61:15
Dina Dot mare
Sorrel Roan, white spots over hips
(Joe Hanks x Dolly Dot)
Bred by Yturri Ranch, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled December 9, 1958
#1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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This page last updated on December 2022.