Appaloosa Territory
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Alphabetical Index to Canadian Appaloosas

Canadian Appaloosas
201 to 300
Polka Dot's Pixie mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Polka Dot Prince 1 x Golden Amber 58)
Bred by Lois McLeod, Innisfree, Alberta
Owned by BE Doering, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Foaled 1955
Polka Dot's Leading Lady mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Polka Dot Prince 1 x Desert Dream 57)
Bred by Lois McLeod, Innisfree, Alberta
Owned by Marson Ranching, Calgary, Alberta
Foaled 1955
- Foothill's Stardust 1007 (1960)
Polka Dot's Canadian Mountie stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Polka Dot Prince 1 x Golden Amber 58)
Bred by Lois McLeod, Innisfree, Alberta
Owned by Eva Sucher, Petaigan, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1956
Fancy's Dream mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Polka Dot Prince 1 x Fancy 84)
Bred by Lois McLeod, Innisfree, Alberta
Owned by George Jackson, Edmonton, Alberta
Foaled 1956
Pueblo Warrior stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Ranger G 149 x bay mare)
Bred by George Jackson, Edmonton, Alberta
Owned by Ernest Larson, Devon, Alberta
Foaled 1954
- Pueblo Belle G 875 (1960)
- Willamette Dusty Rose 902/ApHC 9247 (1960)
- Trinket V 1870 (1962 mare)
- Lucky Strike V 1871 (1963 stallion)
- Sioux Boy 3312 [1966 gelding] Dam: Buffalo Girl V 2640
Dolly mare
"Grey, brown roan, chestnut spotted"
(Frank Yeast Appaloosa x Starlet [quarter/TB])
Bred by Charles Duncan, Abbey, Saskatchewan
Owned by RA Young, Brooks, Alberta
Foaled 1952
- Cheeta Y 650 (1957)
Dusty stallion
Buckskin, spotted blanket
(Speckled Boy [Appaloosa] x Daisy May)
Bred by Clarence Lidberg, Ormiston, Saskatchewan
Owned by RW Reese, Sorrento, British Columbia
Foaled 1954
- Dusky 671 (1957)
- Warren's Local Gossip 1223 (1961 stallion)
Alhambra Blaze stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Pixley's Specks x Alhambra Flicka T-320)
Bred by Howard Guenther, Shaunavon, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1953
Wonder's Fleetfoot stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Grey Wonder 31 x Fleet [grade])
Bred by Lois McLeod, Innisfree, Alberta
Owned by Leonard Fowler, Innisfree, Alberta
Foaled 1954
Farola mare
Sorrel, blanket
(Little Chief [Appaloosa] x Dolly [quarter])
Bred by Bridge Hartley, Okotoks, Alberta
Owned by Miriam Robinson, Black Diamond, Alberta
Foaled 1955
Mingo mare
"Mottled roan"
(Unknown x Roxy)
Bred by LJ Bamber, Elnora, Alberta
Foaled 1951
- Dixie Squaw 213 (1954)
- Little Sister 214 (1956)
- Geronimo Destrer 888 (1959)
- Chief Little Horse 1562 (1961 stallion)

Little Beaver stallion
"Mottled", brown-spotted blanket
(White Chief 36 x Royal Lady)
Bred by H Burgoyne, Delbourne, Alberta
Owned by LJ Bamber, Elnora, Alberta
Foaled 1952
- Little Sister 214 (1956)
- Bunny Leopard 488 (1958)
- Little Sultan 1308 (1961 stallion)
- Buttermilk 1425 (1957 mare)
- Larkspur 1853 (1961 mare)
- Mickey's Jewel V 1219 (mare)
- Pago Will Do 2131 (gelding)
- Pago Papago 2385 (gelding)
Dixie Squaw mare
Blue Roan, black spots
(Paint x Mingo 211)
Bred by LJ Bamber, Elnora, Alberta
Foaled 1954
Little Sister [Star??] mare
Blue roan, spotted
(Little Beaver 212 x Mingo 211)
Bred by LJ Bamber, Elnora, Alberta
Foaled 1956
- Sunday Dude 2611
- Fisher B 1563 (1962 stallion)
Spotted Pinky mare
Black leopard
(Unknown x Appaloosa)
Bred by Elmer Lamb, Glentworth, Saskatchewan
Owned by Ted Wenek, Craigmyle, Alberta
Foaled 1948
- Spotted Flash 338 (1957)
Chilcotin Queen mare
Red roan, spots over hips?
(Nemo 20 x Bourbon Queen [Saddlebred])
Bred by Geneva Martin, Riske Creek,, British Columbia
Foaled 1950
Nugent's Chief Joseph stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Spotted Destrer 745 x Appaloosa)
Bred by Frank Nugent, Eckville, Alberta
Foaled 1955
- Rocky's Snowflake 3316 [1961 mare] Dam: McKenzie's grade
Redwing mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Apache [Appaloosa] x Toy TB)
Bred by George Hollingworth, TeePee Creek, Alberta
Foaled 1954
219/ApHC 104019 [Canadian Spade]
Spade stallion
Bay near leopard
(Apache [Appaloosa] x June Havoc TB)
Bred by George Hollingworth, TeePee Creek, Alberta
Foaled 1955
- Fancy Regel 673 (1959)
- Bootlegger G 914 (1960)
- Rabbit G 1071 (1959)
- Eldoe's Thunder 1145 (1959 stallion)
- Birdie's Bonanza 1151 (1961 mare)
- Kleskun Rosebud 1411 (1961 mare)
- Apache Warrior 1431 (1961 mare)
- Claypool's Apache Queen 1934 (1962 mare)
- NiborÕs Katouche 3282 [1967 stallion] Dam: Aldu Miss Tani 1000
- Meriwether Willie ApHC 23925 [1959 stallion]
Tawny mare
Palomino, sorrel spots
(Unnamed Appaloosa x Unnamed mare)
Owned by Ellen MacKenzie, Spring Coulee, Alberta
Foaled 1952
Strawberry's Pal stallion
Red, spotted blanket
(Arizona 107 x Unknown)
Bred by Jack Jamieson, Cabri, Saskatchewan
Owned by Chris Lanz, Richmond, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1952
- Red and White Peako 395/6691 ApHC (1957)
- Speckled Egg 927 (1960)
- Strawberry's Model ApHC 11001
- Sally Jones ApHC 6966 (1958)
- Silver Spur Queen ApHC 8499 (1957)
- Jones' Sally Mac ApHC 8502 (1957)
- Frosty Pal ApHC 9131 (1958)
- Flyin J Blue Baby 1228/ApHC 26383 (1956 mare)
- Lu Mar's Red Rock ApHC 11872 (1959 stallion)
- Teton Dandy ApHC 17556 (1959 stallion)
222 (F-2470 ApHC)
Patchy's Sherry mare
Red roan, small spots
(Patchy F-416 x Sherry)
Bred by Ben Johnson, Grand Junction, Colorado
Owned by Jo Warren, North Surrey, British Columbia
Foaled 1951
- Patchy's Lisa 9932 Sire: Patchy's Che Tan Toh ApHC F-1980

223 (F-1652 ApHC)
Wi I Ya Ya To mare
Blue roan
(Patchy F-416 x Sunshine F-1290)
Bred by Ben Johnson, Grand Junction, Colorado
Owned by Jo Warren, North Surrey, British Columbia
Foaled 1954
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-71:118
Polka Dot King stallion
Chestnut, blanket
(Polka Dot 49 x Bubbles 111)
Bred by Cliff Vold, Ponoka, Alberta
Owned by JB Ramstad, Donalda, Alberta
Foaled 1956
- Donald Traveler 1476 (1960 stallion)
Silver G stallion
Black Fewspot?
(Ranger G 149 x Standardbred)
Bred by Jack Lewis, Robsart, Saskatchewan
Owned by Dick Pugh, Ponoka, Alberta
Foaled 1953
- Cheyene G 285/Thompson's Cheyenne G ApHC 9365 (1956)
- Maple G 545 (1956)
- Lucky G 546 (1957)
- Seven Up G 548 (1958)
- Sirod G 550 [5316 ApHC] (1958)
- Climax Peggy 552/Peggy Sue ApHC 10836 (1958 mare)
- Kern's Silver Star 769 (1958)
- Rainbow G 874 (1959)
- Climax Cherokee 991 (1960)
- Shining Star S 1168 (1959 stallion)

Sundae stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Sundre Boy 33 x Sage Lily TB)
Bred by AJ Scott, Sundre, Alberta
Foaled 1955
- Brown Pepper 1105 (1960 mare)
Patch B stallion
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Jewel [Appaloosa] x Rocket TB)
Bred by Johnn Peters, Delbourne, Alberta
Owned by MB Herbert, Delbourne, Alberta
Foaled 1952
- Tracy Bar Rainbow 402 (1957)
- Bluejay 1103 (1959 mare)
- Powderface 1104 (1959 stallion)
- Tracybar Freckles 1320 (1957 mare)
- Ladybug 1426 (1962 mare)
- Isabella B 3317 (1962 mare) Dam: Pamella 885
Cactus Lad stallion
White, spots over hips
(Unnamed Arab/palomino x Appaloosa)
Bred by AF Hintz, Hardy, Saskatchewan
Owned by Charles Ortman, Francis, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1954
- Kim's Cricket ApHC 9643 (1958) mare
- Kim's Lucky ApHC 22672 [1960 gelding]
- Kim's Princess Meg ApHC 8650 [1960 mare]
- KimÕs Whitefoot 9651 [1960 stallion]
- Kiouga Kinwin 17604 [1961 stallion]
Prairie Chinook stallion
Roanish, spots over hips
(Flash Star F-595 x Queen)
Bred by Alex Ainly, Bengough, Saskatchewan
Owned by Carl McKerricher, Horizon, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1952
- Prairie Faith 1484 (1960 mare)
Chilcotin Princess mare
(Nemo 20 x Butterfly)
Bred by Mrs Geneva Martin, Riske Creek, British Columbia
Foaled 1950
Chilcotin Lady mare
Snowflakes over body
(Nemo 20 x Blaze)
Bred by Mrs Geneva Martin, Riske Creek, British Columbia
Foaled 1950
Chilcotin Rose mare
White with black spots (leopard?)
(Nemo 20 x Alberta)
Bred by Mrs Geneva Martin, Riske Creek, British Columbia
Foaled 1951
Chilcotin Pride mare
Black with white and dark spots over body
(Nemo 20 x Dyna)
Bred by Mrs Geneva Martin, Riske Creek, British Columbia
Foaled 1952
Speckles stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Comanche Moon 10 x black mare)
Bred by Chris Carruthers, Biggar, Saskatchewan
Owned by Robert Irwin, Biggar, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1950
Lady Snowbird mare
White, dark spots over hips
(Unknown [Appaloosa] x Unknown)
Bred by Bill Smith, Lundbreck, Alberta
Foaled 1952
- Wildcat Chinook 735 (1959)
- Wildcat Princess 1041 (1960)
- Wildcat Snowking 1328 (1961 gelding)
- Wildcat Rena 1852 (1962 mare)
- Wildcat Jim Dandy 1923 (1963 stallion)
Champ Boy gelding
Red roan, spotted rump
(Gallant Paint 240 x Bess)
Bred by Robert Steinborn, Gallivan, Saskatchewan
Owned by Norman Sayers, Gallivan, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1954
Miss Dixie mare
Bay, bay and white spotted hips
(Gallant Paint 240 x Kitten)
Bred by Norman Sayers, Gallivan, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1956
Apache Scout gelding
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa from Alberta x grey/white mare)
Owned by Don Lawrence, Bronte, Ontario
Foaled 1950
Lucy Belle mare
Roan with black spots
(Spotted Chief 13 x Unnamed quarter type)
Bred by Jack London, Claresholm, Alberta
Owned bu Joe Marshall, Vulcan, Alberta
Foaled 1952
- Gypsy Belle 362 (1957)
- Lulu Belle 484 (1955)
- Willa Belle 772 (1958)
- Howdy Do 774 (1959)
- Commanche Do 1434 (1961 stallion)
Gallant Paint stallion
Red roan, blanket
(Appaloosa x red roan)
Bred by Andrew Schan, Dodsland, Saskatchewan
Owned by James Mitchell, Gallivan, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1946
- Miss Dixie 237 (1956)
- Paynton King 247 (1956)
- Princess Paint 248/ApHC 6014 (1954)
- Royal Flint 249 (1954)
- Junior Paint 257 (1955)
- Marg's Fancy 322 (1955)
- Princess Bell 405 (1957)
- Monica Bess 417/T-8005 ApHC (1955)
- Lucky 621, ApHC 13964 [Lucky Arrow D] (1953)
- Donna Belle 964 (1960)
- Queenie T 1087 (1960)
- Princess Donavon 1098 (1961)
- Princess Bell 5797 ApHC (1957)
- Private Paint 1109 (1961 stallion)
- Private Hunter 1110 (1961 stallion)
- Tim Buck Too 1111 (1956 gelding)
- Painted Princess T 1178 (1960 mare)
- Bright Blaze 1386 (1960 mare)
- Zoerb's Beauty 1823 (1962 mare)
- Lu Mar's Speckled Prince ApHC 11867 (stallion-no date listed)
- Lu Mar's Yellow Buck ApHC 11869 (1958 stallion)
Mighty Cimmeron stallion
Dun, spotted blanket
(Chief Eagle F-288 x Cherokee Lass F-1793)
Bred by Carl Harris, Lewiston, Idaho
Owned by Jo Warren, North Surrey, British Columbia
Foaled 1955
- Srigo D 994 (1959)
Sonny W stallion
Brown roan, spotted blanket
(Paint x Blue Belle [Appaloosa])
Bred by Ted Wenbourne, Taber, Alberta
Foaled 1952
Pollo Boy stallion
Chestnut, blanket/white on hips
(Apache J 294 x Bar None)
Bred by Gordon Hall, Taber, Alberta
Owned by Reg Kesler, Rosemary, Alberta
Foaled 1956
- Star Dust L 715 (1959)
- Chuckaluk 941 (1960)
- Scookumpaw 942 (1960)
- Skookumaw 943 (1960)
- Todla Jean 1299 (1960 mare)
- Pollo Dice 1371 (1961 stallion)
- Pollo Star 1372 (1961 stallion)
- Pollo Babe 1373 (1961 mare)
- Pollo Specks 1388 (1961 stallion)
- Peanut Brittle 1943 (1962 gelding)
- Silver Pollo ApHC 22629 [1961 stallion]
Happy Jr stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Happy [Appaloosa] x Dusty)
Bred by John Keleman, Punnichy, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1956
Chico gelding
Red roan, blanket
(Shadrack's Genius 28917[American Saddler] x Sundance Lady 259)
Bred by Alfred High, Airdrie, Alberta
Foaled 1953
Rachel mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Shadrack's Genius 28917[American Saddler] x Sundance Lady 259)
Bred by Alfred High, Airdrie, Alberta
Foaled 1955
- Mert's Spotted Princess 1366 (1962 mare)
Paynton King stallion
Brown roan, spotted blanket
(Gallant Paint 240 x Rose (brown mare))
Bred by James Mitchell, Maidstone, Saskatchewan
Owned by Cecil Ennis, Donavon, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1956
- Private King 725 (1959)
- Little Pow Wow T-6081 ApHC (1960)
- Canadian Joe ApHC 11718 (1960)
- Ace's Payton King ApHC 21087 (1961 stallion)
248/6014 ApHC
Princess Paint mare
Red roan, blanket
(Gallant Paint 240 x Toots)
Bred by Murray Atton, Gallivan, Saskatchewan
Owned by James Mitchell, Maidstone, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1954
- Silver King 617 (1958)
- Lace Britches of 3A 8814 [ApHC] (1960)
- Poco Rojo 22426 [ApHC] [1962 mare]
Royal Flint gelding
Roan, spotted blanket
(Gallant Paint 240 x Molly)
Bred by Tony Desmarais, Cutbank, Saskatchewan
Owned by Murray Clark, Beechy, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1954
Silk mare
Grey, black spots over hips
(Unknown x Appaloosa)
Owned by David Tutt, Kelowna, British Columbia
Foaled 1948
Blue Prince stallion
Blue, black spots
(Appaloosa x Unknown)
Bred by Morrisons, Robsart, Saskatchewan
Owned by Michael Tutt, Kelowna, British Columbia
Foaled 1953
Bonny Specks mare
Grey, dark spots over hips
(Speckel Boy 8 x Paint)
Bred by WN Marshall, Vulcan, Alberta
Foaled 1956
Little Chief stallion
Roan, some spots
(Unknown x Unknown Appaloosa)
Bred by Pat Cruikshank, Lumsden, Saskatchewan
Owned by ER Rollins, Davin, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1954
Twinkle gelding
Roanish grey, black spots over hips
(Golden Sergeant 7017 (Palomino) x Trixie (Appaloosa))
Bred by Wildman Brothers, Kew, Alberta
Owned by Clem Gardner, Calgary, Alberta
Foaled 1952
Buckshot B stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Unknown x Appaloosa)
Bred by HE Burling, Hulton, Manitoba
Foaled 1956
Wanena B mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Comanche (unreg) x Sis B TB)
Bred by HE Burling, Hulton, Manitoba
Foaled 1956
Junior Paint stallion
Red roan, blanket
(Gallant Paint 240 x Queen)
Bred by Erivan Anderson, Bresaylor, Saskatchewan
Owned by Robert Mitchell, Maidstone, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1955
- Poundmaker 929 (1958)
- Montana Jake ApHC 11717 (1960)
- Mary Alice ApHC 16628 (1961 mare)
- Paint's Thunder ApHC 21405 [1961 stallion]
- Ed's Chief ApHC 21526 [1961 stallion]
Blue Eagle stallion
Blue roan, spots
(Comanche Moon 10 x Arab mare)
Bred by R Breiman, Red Pheasant, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1952
- Red Pheasant 1091 (1959)
Sundance Lady mare
Brown leopard?
(Unknown x Unknown)
Bred by W Gervais, Calgary, Alberta
Owned by Alfred High, Airdrie, Alberta
Foaled 1948
- Chico 245 (1953)
- Heidi 431 (1958)
Ponoka Chief stallion
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(Spotted Chief 13 x roan Appaloosa)
Owned by James Turney, Ponoka, Alberta
Foaled 1943
Silver Lad gelding
Black leopard
(Pinkey x Sue [roan Appaloosa])
Bred by Frank Duce, Cardston, Alberta
Owned by June Turney, Ponoka, Alberta
Foaled 1950
Wyalta Sky Pilot stallion
Dun, snowflakes
(Speckel's Junior 66 x Mitzie II 141)
Bred by James Wyatt, High River, Alberta
Owned by Joseph Fauville, Bellevue, Alberta
Foaled 1954
- Kenney's Speckled Britches 1115 (1960 stallion)
Misty's Snowflake mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(American Saddler x Misty 130)
Bred by Henrietta LaGarde, Cowley, Alberta
Foaled 1956
264/6409 ApHC
Pepper Gal mare
Roan leopard
(grade Appaloosa x grade Appaloosa)
Bred by Bud Beyer, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Owned by BE Doering, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Foaled 1946
- Happy Go Lucky 268 (1956)
- Eldoe's Cindy 1142 (1955 mare)
Lucky Lady mare
Blue roan, dark spots over hips
(grade Appaloosa x grade Appaloosa)
Bred by Ford Brothers, Bezanson, Alberta
Owned by BE Burling, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Foaled 1948
- Rambler Boy 266 (1953)
- Naitchie Chief 267/8214 ApHC (1954)
Rambler Boy stallion
Blue roan, snowflakes, blanket
(Africa 11 x Lucky Lady 265)
Bred by BE Doering, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Foaled 1953
- Jiggs 269 (1956)
- Kleskun Chief 346 (1957)
- Lakeview Maid 570 (1957)
- Kleskun Star 584 (1957)
- Kleskun Rose 585 (1958)
- Kleskun Lady 586 (1958)
- Rambling Son 766 (1958)
- Kleskun Beauty 802 (1958)
- Kleskun King 803 (1959)
- Kleskun Prince 804 (1960)
- Kleskun Belle 805 (1960)
- Chinook Rejil (Rejel) 923 (1959)
- Bluehill Trixie 962 (1959)
- Eldoe's Lady Luck 1143 (1955 mare)
- Eldoe's Jewel 1144 (1958 mare)
- Kleskun Dolly 1421 (1960 mare)
- Ladybird K 1442 (1958 mare)
- Gem Silver Dust 1445 (1960 mare)
Naitchie Chief stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x Lucky Lady 265)
Bred by BE Doering, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Owned by Jack Lewis, Robsart, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1954
- Warrior G 547 (1958)
- Napeow G 549 (1958)
- San Jacinto G 551 (1958)
- Flying Shot Star 750 (1957)
- Micro's Pawnee Squaw 788 (1958)
- Micro's Running Gun 789 (1959)
- New Norway Jewel 11018 (1958)
- Warior [Warrior?] G ApHC 5815 (1958)
- Caron's Napeo Lee ApHC 5884 (1958)
- Green Acres Naitchie ApHC 8025 (1960)
- Golden Eagle Little Beaver 1226 (1960 stallion)
- Cherokee Logwalker B ApHC 20752 [1958 mare]
Happy Go Lucky stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x Pepper Gal 264)
Bred by BE Doering, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Foaled 1956
Jiggs stallion
Blue, spotted blanket
(Rambler Boy 266 x Kitty)
Bred by William Purves, Clairmont, Alberta
Foaled 1956
Tony stallion
Red Roan, spotted blanket
(Checkers x Judy)
Bred by Charles Caldwell, Spring Coulee, Alberta
Foaled 1949
- Pinky 308 (1957)
- Felix the Cat 309 (1957)
- Moonshine Apache 314 (1957)
- Frosty Spots 1072 (1960)
- Callico Charly 3221 [1962 stallion] Dam: Goldy - sorrel
- Thompson's Joy ApHC 20818 [1954 mare] Dam: Suzie -no reg #
Bugle stallion
Black leopard
(Charlie Furman's stallion x Charlie Furman's mare)
Bred by Charlie Furman Taber, Alberta
Owned by Griffin and Griffin, Cochrane, Alberta
Foaled 1943
- Freckles 273 (1951)
- Dotty Dot 274 (1953)
- Blue Bugle 358 (1957)
- Kohler's Susie 374/ApHC 24323 (1950 mare)
Pal mare
(Charlie Furman's stallion x Charlie Furman's mare)
Bred by Charlie Furman Taber, Alberta
Owned by Griffin and Griffin, Cochrane, Alberta
Foaled 1943
Freckles mare
Bay, spotted rump
(Bugle 271 x TB)
Bred by Griffin and Griffin, Cochrane, Alberta
Foaled 1951
Dotty Dot mare
Bay, snowflakes
(Bugle 271 x TB)
Bred by Griffin and Griffin, Cochrane, Alberta
Foaled 1953
Yo Patch stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Patches W 119 x Yoboy Lady 121)
Bred by Sydney Wyatt, High River, Alberta
Foaled 1957
- Golden Eagle's Juanita 1058 (1960)
- Golden Eagle's Silver Dew 1059 (1960)
- Golden Eagle's Patches Monty 1060 (1960)
- Silver B Black Jack 1064 (1961)
- Queenie Dot D 1065 (1960)
- Silver B Royal Flush 1258 (1961 mare)
- Silver B Comache [Comanche?] 1282 (1960 stallion)
- Silver B Commander 1375 (1960 gelding)
- Casey Jones 1531 (1960 stallion)
- Golden Eagle Specks 1740 (1961 stallion)
- Golden Eagle Shadow Bee 1741 (1961 mare)
- Golden Eagle Snow Patch 1742 (1962 stallion)
- Silver Corner Betty 1992 (1962 mare)
- JB Little Patch 3240 [1966 stallion] Dam: Roan Beauty 1525
- JE Cheetah J [?] E 3243 [1965 mare] Dam: red grade
- Silver B Royal Ace 3249 [1963 gelding] Dam: Silver B Sadie 939
Cherokee Mist mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Polkadot Special 102 x Unknown)
Bred by Bill Greenwood, Hanna, Alberta
Owned by Bob Lynn, Youngstown, Alberta
Foaled 1955
- Little Mist 439 (1958)
Sage gelding
Buckskin, spotted blanket
(Shining Timber 25 x Maggy )
Bred by Bob Lynn, Youngstown, Alberta
Owned by Ronnie Schaffan, Whitewood, South Dakota, later Ft Collins, Colorado
Foaled 1955
Silver Cloud gelding
Black leopard
(Sugar x Comet)
Bred by Bob Cosgrove, Hanna, Alberta
Owned by Esther Lynn, Youngstown, Alberta
Foaled 1956
Midget's Yoyo mare
Brown roan leopard
(Chief Yoyo 14 x Marjory [Appaloosa])
Bred by Wayne Malmberg, Spring Coulee, Alberta
Owned by George Jackson, Edmonton, Alberta
Foaled 1941
- September Mist G 286 (1954)
- San Jacinto G 551 (1958)
- Moonshine G 913 (1959)
Trixie G mare
Roan, black spots over hips
(Appaloosa x TB)
Bred by Dick Cosgrove, Rosebud, Alberta
Owned by George Jackson, Edmonton, Alberta
Foaled 1949
- Spookum G 284 (1954)
- Cheyene's Traveler G 710 (1959)
Silver Queen mare
Black fewspot?
(Ranger G 149 x Silver Lady)
Bred by Jack Lewis, Robsart, Saskatchewan
Owned by BE Doering, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Foaled 1951
- Rimrock Pepper WC 692 (1955)
- Mound-Views Pepper ApHC 14638 [1956 stallion]
Jungle Spots G stallion
Black leopard?
(Jungle Spots [Appaloosa] x TB)
Bred by Grant Jense, Purple Springs, Alberta
Owned by Alex Morrison, 100 Mile House, British Columbia
Foaled 1953
Cotton Eyes mare
Brown, blanket
(Ranger G 149 x Trix [Appaloosa])
Bred by Jack Lewis, Robsart, Saskatchewan
Owned by Bonnie Shantz, Wetaskiwin, Alberta
Foaled 1954
Spookum G gelding
Bay Roan, spotted blanket/leopard
(Cimeron [quarter] x Trixie G 280)
Bred by Dick Cosgrove, Rosebud, Alberta
Owned by George Jackson, Edmonton, Alberta
Foaled 1954
Cheyene G stallion
Brown, spotted body blanket
(Silver G 225 x Sagebrush Belle 150)
Bred by George Jackson, Edmonton, Alberta
Owned by George Jackson, Edmonton, Alberta and Frank Sablik, Wetaskiwin, Alberta
Foaled 1956
- Cheyene's Traveler G 710 (1959)
- Cheyene's Beauty 742 (1959)
September Mist G mare
Red roan, snowcap?
(Little Red 152 x Midget's Yoyo 279)
Bred by Lewis Morrison, Robsart, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1954
- Joker G 1288 (1961 stallion)
- Puella G 1567 (1962 mare)
287/ApHC F-3208
Cheetah J mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Mickey F-187 x Unknown)
Bred by JF Miller, Pincher Creek, Alberta
Owned by James Wyatt, High Creek, Alberta
Foaled 1941
- Wyalta Early Bird 291 (1957)
- Willy Cochise 623 (1951)
- Wyalta King Bird 747 (1959)
- Micro's Lady Warrior 787 (1954)
- Wyalta Thunderbird 1063 (1961)
- Wyalta Bird Woman 1864 (1963 mare)
Wyalta Maskoke mare
Red roan, brown spots
(Speckel Boy 8 x Topsy J 70)
Bred by James Wyatt, High Creek, Alberta
Foaled 1956
Wyalta Chilocco mare
Brown, black and white spots over hips
(Patches W 119 / T-994 ApHC) x Flicka J 7)
Bred by James Wyatt, High Creek, Alberta
Foaled 1956
- Sunny Weather E 1061 (1961)
- Alta Souix [Sioux?] Maid E 1075 (1960)
- Specks Weather E 2121
- Ski Atuk 2248
- Plumcroft Fancy Pants 2511
- Homestead Rye 3623
Wyalta Hoistah mare
Bay, black spots over hips
(Speckel Boy 8 x Wyalta Babe 82)
Bred by James Wyatt, High Creek, Alberta
Foaled 1956
- Wyalta Cabana Babe 1400/ApHC 24937 (1962 mare)
- Wyalta Pedra Dell 1866 (1963 mare)
Wyalta Early Bird mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Patches W 119 / T-994 ApHC) x Cheetah J 287)
Bred by James Wyatt, High Creek, Alberta
Foaled 1957
- Wyalta Birdie Buck 1863 (1963 mare)
- Wyalta Bird's Cherokee 3211 [1967 stallion Sire: Caesar ApHC 42091

292/ApHC 6996
Wyalta Top Patch stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Patches W 119 / T-994 ApHC) x Topsy J 70)
Bred by James Wyatt, High Creek, Alberta
Foaled 1957
- Marjo's Tugson 1062 (1960)
- Alta Souix [Sioux?] Maid E 1075 (1960)
- Mr App ApHC 16138 [1961 stallion]
- Navaho Blaze ApHC 18238 [1961 stallion]
- Celina Bill ApHC 19226 [1961 stallion]
- Topsy's Little Man ApHC 20259 [1961 stallion]
- Harper's Chief Atoka 22417 [1962 stallion]
Babee Patch stallion
Bay, roan blanket
(Patches W 119 / T-994 ApHC) x Wyalta Babe 82)
Bred by James Wyatt, High Creek, Alberta
Foaled 1957
- Kootenay Patch 867 (1960)
- Babee Buster 868 (1960)
- Double Diamond Blue Bell 1003 (1960)
Apache J stallion
Brown/black, spotted blanket
(Furman's Appaloosa x Furman's Appaloosa)
Bred by Urael Jensen, Taber, Alberta
Foaled 1951
- Pollo Boy 243 (1956)
- Bonnie Lady J 297 (1955)
- Joker C 553 (1958)
- Montezuma 798 (1960)
- Spokane 1020 (1957)
- Poco C 1732 (1962 stallion)
- Shanavo E 1733 (1962 gelding)
- Little Red J 1875 (1961 gelding)
- Snooker J 1876 (1963 gelding)
- White Cloud J 1877 (1963 stallion)
- Nugget J 1878 (1963 mare)
- Cocoa J 1879 (1963 mare)
- Toy J 1882 (1962 gelding)
- Peaches J 1883 (1963 mare)
- Spook J 1884 (1963 stallion)
- Dusty J 1885 (1963 gelding)
- Apache's Cheeta J 1886 (1963 mare)
- Brown Jug J 1887 (1963 stallion)
- Buttermilk J 1888 (1957 mare)
- Ringo J 1889 (1959 stallion)
- Joe's Brown Betty J 1891 (1962 mare)
- Jensen's Lady L 1892 (1962 mare)
- Dilly J 3302 [1964 mare] Dam: Dilly
- Pokey J 3303 [1965 gelding] Dam: grade
- Tracy J 3306 [1963 mare] Dam: Ginger
Lady J mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Paint x Dimples)
Bred by Urael Jensen, Taber, Alberta
Foaled 1951
- Bonnie Lady J 297 (1955)
Louella J mare
White with black spots
(Spooks [leopard] x Dimples)
Bred by Urael Jensen, Taber, Alberta
Foaled 1954
Bonnie Lady J mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Apache J 294 x Lady J 295)
Bred by Urael Jensen, Taber, Alberta
Foaled 1955
Pictured with foal Buttons and Bows ApHCC 300
Pebbles mare
White, black spots over hips
(Flint Star F-441 x Rainbow)
Bred by Lenora Sutherland, Lanfine, Alberta
Foaled 1951
- Buttons and Bows 300 (1954)
- Timber's Trophy 1046 (1961)
- Timber's Tramp 1368 (1962 stallion)
- Timber's Tango 1829 (1963 mare)
Bonnie mare
White, black spots over hips
(Flint Star F-441 x bay mare)
Bred by CH Sutherland, Lanfine, Alberta
Foaled 1951
- Spider 679 (1959)
- Timber's Trump 1047 (1961)
- Timber's Tricks 1826 (1962 mare)
- Timber's Tom Boy 1828 (1963 gelding)
Pictured with his dam, Pebbles ApHCC 298
Buttons and Bows gelding
White, black spots over hips
(Barne [reg Arabian] x Pebbles 298)
Bred by Lenora Sutherland, Lanfine, Alberta
Foaled 1954
Canadian Stud book: #1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000,
#1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300,
Alphabetical Index to Canadian Appaloosas
Foundation #'s: #1-100, #101-200, #201-300, #301-400, #401-500, #501-600, #601-700, #701-800, #801-900, #901-1000, #1001-1100, #1101-1200, #1201-1300, #1301-1400, #1401-1500, #1501-1600, #1601-1700, #1701-1800, #1801-1900, #1901-2000, #2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000, #3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000, #4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4932.
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This page last updated September 2023.