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ApHC "F":
Colorado Rangerbreds
3401 to 3500

Two Eyed Lancer gelding
Red leopard
(Jack Joe Bar AQ x Sully's Little Sis 4217/230953)
Bred by Denny and Becky Bareis, Connoqueessing, Pennsylvania
Owned by Gayle Edgell, East Liverpool, Ohio
Foaled 1981
Bonchow mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Cheyenne G's Dream 19767 x Wolf Creek's Sugar CRHA nr/57727)
Bred by William Beaber, New Philadelphia, Ohio
Owned by Linda and Paul Rayner, Ellwood City, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1970
Nashoni Flash War mare
Red roan snowcap/fewspot
(Domino Diablo 3410/178989 x Tasa War App 368882)
Bred by Carol Bishop, Red Rock, Texas
Owned by Diann Graves, Lubbock, Texas
Foaled 1983
Apple's Thunderbird stallion
Bay roan, spotted blanket
(Thunderbird's Apple 2696-P/357517 x Swecker's Heather 2389/283398)
Bred by Herbert Swecker, Buckhannon, West Virginia
Foaled 1985
SV's Ltd Edition gelding
(Sun's Kaleidoscope 2567/229466 x Velvet Lace 153666)
Bred by Cathy and Herschel Keefer, Indianapolis, Indiana
Foaled 1984
SM Happy Tears mare
(T Jewel's Red Bird 1647/21844 x Silver F Dawn AHR)
Bred by Pat Cheek, Estacada, Oregon
Foaled 1984
SM Sol Rana mare
Chestnut, white spots over belly
(T Jewel's Red Bird 1647/21844 x SM Qiana Leo 271560)
Bred by Pat Cheek, Estacada, Oregon
Foaled 1984
DB Copper Comet gelding
(Dan Bars Lil Eagle 229600 x Ima Copper Penny AQ)
Bred by Susan Murch, Fayette, Maine
Owned by Charlene Wilbur, Conway, New Hampshire
Foaled 1984
Heido Ho Road mare
Sorrel, roan over hips
(Jericho Road 259498 x Little Miss Cody CRHA nr/114147)
Bred by Ludwig and Roma Appel, Pleasant Lake, Indiana
Owned by Dennis and Pat DeMara, LaGrange, Indiana
Foaled 1980
Domino Diablo stallion
Blue roan, snowcap/fewspot
(Dakota Jim CRHA nr/F-4917 x Cooterville Wauwatoosa CRHA nr/244961[?])
Bred by RJ Vanable, Marshall, Texas
Owned by Carol Bishop, Red Rock, Texas
Foaled 1972
Reference: RN 11-96:40, CRHA Bloodline V5:47
Sir Double Domino stallion
Black, spotted body blanket
(Jersey Sully Sundance 145169 x Sweeper Cajun G 2842/313129)
Bred by Emma Nesspor, Royersford, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1985
Ms Double Delight mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Joker's Double L Straw 197476 x Coke's Red Skin CRHA nr/256843)
Bred by Barbara Waleke, Hesperia, Michigan
Owned by Sharon and Lisa Robertson, Hesperia, Michigan
Foaled 1980
Rocket's April Joy mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Prince Sun Rocket 2147/305222 x Elam's April Joy 2595)
Bred by Gary Bookout, Philippi, West Virginia
Foaled 1985
KK Super Charged stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(KK Dodge Fever 344723 x KK Gypsy Rose 2430/345254)
Bred by Lisa Kosior, Wampum, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1985
Reference: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:28
Something No mare
Blue roan, spots over hips
(Puffa Smoke 185725 x Prema Vera CRHA nr/237421)
Bred by Jacquelyn Hansell, Washington, Pennsylvania
Owned by Robert Siegmyer, Hinckley, Ohio
Foaled 1976
The Missing Link mare
Red roan, blanket
(Carbine's Target of AA CRHA nr/171449 x Teton Early Bird 171449)
Bred by Carol Blair, Bronson, Iowa
Foaled 1977
Jax Rainy Chicue mare
Brown, blanket, snowflakes
(Brad's Sugar Rogue CRHA nr/203608 x Jax Chikachee 216713)
Bred by Jackie Overton, Orland, California
Owned by Susan Roper, Grants Pass, Oregon
Foaled 1977
Richard's Lee Ann mare
Red roan
(Patchy Yamini's Richard 131453 x Just Plain Sherry CRHA nr/214211)
Bred by Leon Chastain, Martinsville, Indiana
Owned by Larry Potter, Gosport, Indiana
Foaled 1975
Sheza's Amber Moon mare
Bay fewspot
(Three Suns 1800/101754 x Sheza Dandi Lady 307100)
Bred by Sherry Meriwether, Newborn, Georgia
Foaled 1985
Ole Man's Thunder stallion
Bay, roan over hips
(Prince Thunderbuf 3196-N/316155 x Ole Man's J Kay AQ)
Bred by Douglas Simon, Rush, Kentucky
Foaled 1985
Plaudit's Sugar mare
Chestnut, snowflakes
(Mr Royal Prince Plaudit 197840 x Osage Velvet CRHA nr/188554)
Bred by Robert Edwards, Pipe Creek, Texas
Owned by Vicki Rizzo, San Antonio, Texas
Foaled 1977
Roman Ranger gelding
Blue roan leopard
(C'mon Cloud 272150 x Jan LeGrande CRHA nr/227785)
Bred by Jan LeGrande, Kerversville, North Carolina
Owned by Melanie Vance, Kerversville, North Carolina
Foaled 1983
Stump's Carboncopy stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Stump's Guy 1081/129332 x Jay Jay Brown 251749)
Bred by Al and Barbara Ambrose, Neshanic, Pennsylvania
Owned by Norma Bennett, Jeanette, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1983

Sugar's Leopard Sue mare
Black leopard
(Poker Chip Revel 124491 x Coronado's Sugar CRHA nr/189439)
Bred by WB Carson, Witter, Arkansas
Foaled 1973
Reference: CRHA Bloodline V5:46
Patchy's Ambush mare
Bay roan, blanket
(Miller Prince Leo 2857/229595 x Toby's Firefly CRHA nr/162128)
Bred by Jerry Callahan, Westport, Indiana
Foaled 1980
Reference: CRHA Bloodline V5:41
High Boss Piper mare
(High Boss Hoss CRHA nr/27352 x Casper's Sandpiper 99182)
Bred by Eleanor Harding, Perkasie, Pennsylvania
Owned by Richard Lutz, Schwenksville, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1973
BC Autum Sunset stallion
Bay, spotted body blanket
(MA's Sun Eclipse 3033/351233 x Dixie Sun Dancer 3478/391900)
Bred by Lois Troples, Hadley, Pennsylvania
Owned by John and Jane Hilton, Red House, West Virginia
Foaled 1984
Chilliwist Chindi stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Hy Sonny Plaudit 333567 x Mac's Mijji 3163/288769)
Bred by Cheryl Fernyhough, Mallot, Washington
Foaled 1985

Skyline mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Coyote's Apache 2181/199680 x FM Walkara Z 2636/243102)
Bred by Jane Kilberg, Conroe, Texas
Foaled 1985
KK Excalibur gelding
(KK Dodge Fever 344723 x KK Cracklin Rosey 1952/277437)
Bred by Ted and Lolly Kosior, Wampum, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1985
GG Isa Broke stallion
Chestnut, blanket
(KK Dodge Fever 344723 x KK Willy's Wonka 2911/209566)
Bred by Ted and Lolly Kosior, Wampum, Pennsylvania
Owned by Pam Glaneman, Ellwood City, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1984
Strat's Speciality stallion
Chestnut, blanket
(Strat O Jet 2873/376830 x Sun's Magic Miss 1429/185049)
Bred by Jack and Brenda Parker, New Era, Michigan
Foaled 1985
BDA's Hu Zah Honey mare
Bay, roan over hips
(BBF's Huzzah 223037 x Scrap's Co Ed 3174/PC7349)
Bred by Jack and Brenda Parker, New Era, Michigan
Foaled 1985
BDA's Strat T Gic stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Strat O Jet 2873/376830 x BDA's Miss Magic 2505)
Bred by Jack and Brenda Parker, New Era, Michigan
Foaled 1985
Shades of Truckle stallion
Black, blanket
(ENR's Truly Truckle II 147706 x Bar J's Good Day Lady CRHA nr/103066)
Bred by EW Jordan, Anniston, Alabama
Owned by Jim and Jenny Pickette, Oxford, Alabama
Foaled 1985
Sissy's Ginger mare
(Rocking K Bright CD CRHA nr/13538 x Joker's Little Cricket 14712)
Bred by Jimmy Smith, Shartlesville, Pennsylvania
Owned by Jim and Jenny Pickette, Oxford, Alabama
Foaled 1977
Bangie Britches mare
Dun roan, blanket
(Whistle Britches CRHA nr/F-2492 x Waco's Sunset CRHA nr/25292)
Bred by Fred McClenden, Roan Mnt, Tennessee
Owned by Lillie Pevler, Wimberly, Texas
Foaled 1969
Chinook's Tribute mare
Grulla, spots over body
(Pawnee Chips CRHA nr/191362 x Bangie Britches 3437-O/159521)
Bred by Lillie Pevler, Wimberly, Texas
Foaled 1982
Char N Britches mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Tip's Dixie AQ x Bangie Britches 3437-O)
Bred by Lloyd Weinneweber, Wimberly, Texas
Owned by Lillie Pevler, Wimberly, Texas
Foaled 1977
PA Target's Link mare
Red fewspot
(PF Sun Flight 2597/353586 x The Missing Link 3416/261006)
Bred by Carol Blair, Bronson, Iowa
Foaled 1985
PA Go Decker mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(PF Sun Flight 2597/353586 x Go Decka 302306)
Bred by Carol Blair, Bronson, Iowa
Foaled 1985
Principal Pine gelding
(Prince Thunderbuf 3196/316155 x Choice Pines AQ)
Bred by Jetta Reeves, Rush, Kentucky
Foaled 1985
Boss's Honey B mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Boss's Honey Toe 362304 x Leo's Sugar Buff 3165/218684)
Bred by Yvonne Simon, Rush, Kentucky
Foaled 1985
VV How Impressive gelding
Chestnut, snowcap/fewspot
(Intensive 308813 x Snowman's Papoose 2606/140198)
Bred by Mary Ruel, Bourbonnais, Illinois
Foaled 1985
VV Classy Blake gelding
Bay roan
(Go Classy Lad AQ x L and M Romeo's Juliet 2022/237399)
Bred by Mary Ruel, Bourbonnais, Illinois
Foaled 1985
Missy's Honey B mare
(High Thunderbird 683/F-1822 x Joker Miss B 290918)
Bred by Anne Tuttle, Madison, North Carolina
Owned by Danny Cardwell, Madison, North Carolina
Foaled 1985

Thunder Bunny's Image stallion
Leopard [?]
(High Thunder Bunny 3121/30043 x Penelope 3182 )
Bred by CD Hamilton, Kingsville, Texas
Foaled 1976
Dakota War Cry mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Domino Diable 3410/178989 x Sheza Roman Dandy 353136)
Bred by Carol Bishop, Red Rock, Texas
Foaled 1985
KK Calico Silver mare
Black, lace blanket
(KK Dodge Fever 344723 x KK 2nd Hand Rose 2326/239019)
Bred by Ted and Lolly Kosior, Wampum, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1985
Reference: CRHA Bloodlhorse V7:13, V6:38
Sea Fan mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Synbad 2909/240149 x BBF's Fantasia 205633)
Bred by Jane Carpenter, Enfield Center, New Hampshire
Foaled 1985
Dreamy Ovation mare
Bay snowcap/fewspot
(BBF's Ovation 202898 x Sea Dream 2943/336578)
Bred by Jane Carpenter, Enfield Center, New Hampshire
Foaled 1985
Ozark Deck Hand gelding
Bay, spotted blanket
(Boogie Star Deck CRHA nr/252030 x Ozark Dark Squaw 2031/277054)
Bred by John Libby, Greenwood, Arkansas
Foaled 1985
Heza Myte Rebob stallion
Red roan
(Rebob's Blizzard 255838 x Amigo's Snow Mist 2737/313586)
Bred by Shirley Wissink, Zeeland, Michigan
Foaled 1985
Rio's Lacy Patch mare
Black, spots over hips
(Lad's Tahi Rio 3269/355141 x Shaffer's Fourmile Patch 142949)
Bred by Rose Zeits, Coopersville, Michigan
Foaled 1985
BW's Buff Bandit stallion
(Lad's Tahi Rio 3269/355141 x Jackson Jill AQ)
Bred by Rose Zeits, Coopersville, Michigan
Foaled 1985
Ribbons N Frills mare
(Lad's Tahi Rio 3269/355141 x Rashaba AHC)
Bred by Rose Zeits, Coopersville, Michigan
Foaled 1985
Riashaba mare
(Lad's Tahi Rio 3269/355141 x Rashaba AHC)
Bred by Rose Zeits, Coopersville, Michigan
Foaled 1984
Ms CJ Bugette mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Scooten Bug 268547 x Amigo's Coquette CRHA nr/287768)
Bred by Craig and Judi Penley, Bonfield, Illinois
Owned by Stephen Conwell, Peru, Indiana
Foaled 1984
Boni Prince Charles gelding
Red roan, spotted blanket
(KK Dodge Fever 344723 x Miss May Eagle CRHA nr/239760)
Bred by Ann Twentier, Portersville, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1984
Lea's Lady mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Brent Lea 49538 x Fairy Tale CRHA nr/153648)
Bred by Circle S Ranch, Boone, North Carolina
Owned by Lewis Severson, Huddleston, Virginia
Foaled 1977
Midnight Snowbird mare
(Circle S Cougar 240935 x Lea's Lady 3460-N)
Bred by Circle S Ranch, Boone, North Carolina
Owned by Lewis Severson, Huddleston, Virginia
Foaled 1985
Dominion's Command stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(High Thunderbird 683/F-1822 x Ditto Command AQ)
Bred by James Harrison, Janesville, Wisconsin
Owned by Lewis Severson and Jesse Cowart, Huddleston, Virginia
Foaled 1980
Royal Command gelding
Dun, few spots over hips
(Dominion's Command 3462-P/333513 x Brite Feather Sioux 113551)
Owned by Lewis Severson, Huddleston, Virginia
Foaled 1985
Leo Creme deMint mare
Bay roan, spots over back and hips
(WL's Leo Bars CRHA nr/230247 x Cooterville Chocolate Float CRHA nr/145679)
Bred by Marilyn Slocum, Daleville, Virginia
Owned by Lewis Severson, Huddleston, Virginia
Foaled 1980
Leo Frosty Bars stallion
Bay roan, blanket
(OMC Frostie Day CRHA nr/85543 x Leo Creme deMint 3464-O/339223)
Bred by Lewis Severson, Huddleston, Virginia
Foaled 1985
BC's Watch Me stallion
Bay leopard
(MA's Sun Eclipse 3033/351233 x Kleo Sneezer Bars AQ)
Bred by Lois Troples, Hadley, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1985
Reference: CRHA Bloodlhorse V7:24, SBC#717/854
MA's Indigo Sun mare
(Sundance's Pokadoted Marshan 96543 x Doubet's Nancy Jo CRHA nr 264381)
Bred by Tom Doubet, Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania
Owned by Lois Troples, Hadley, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1980
Jolly Dancer stallion
Red fewspot
(Quavo's Debonair CRHA nr/296970 x Waylo's Sundance Shamber CRHA nr/110318)
Bred by Jan Lopes, Ambridge, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1984
EZ Darlin mare
Dun, roan over hips
(Easeitonover 239319 x Spotted Roxey CRHA nr/198778)
Bred by Will Wyatt, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Owned by Plez and Colleen Harp, Okmulgee, Oklahoma
Foaled 1981
NYA I'm A Flying mare
Bay roan
(Flying Turn 1586/215970 x Thunder's Raindrop 1861/258214)
Bred by Gerry Lukacik, Chicago, Illinois
Foaled 1985
Cheyenne Bride mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Shiloh's My T One 289020[??] x Jax Rainy Chicue 3417-N/289020[??])
Bred by Susan Roper, Grants Pass, Oregon
Foaled 1984
Dotty Dangerfield mare
Bay roan, spotted blanket
(Heza Ghost 105831 x Miss Rambling Sun CRHA nr/130777)
Bred by James and Mary Ellen Cerny, Walkerton, Indiana
Owned by Ronald Baillieul, Rochester, Indiana
Foaled 1978
Micmac Sadie Rae mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Chief Bushluck 2112/175485 x Flint Creek Jackie 2722/246370)
Bred by William and Muriel Macklem, Applegate, Michigan
Foaled 1985
Chocolate Sundae stallion
Red leopard
(LL Flashy Devil AQ x J Mar's Sunday Surpriz 1982)
Bred by James Dinsmore, Ashland, Ohio
Foaled 1984
Miss Natasha Rose mare
(Welcome Sting 1954/234200 x Solid Suit 2331/311596)
Bred by Barb Griffith, Armagh, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1985
Sunny's Honey Bun mare
(Sunny Leo Plaudit 2734/286783 x Coultrip's Metilda 1114/135092)
Bred by Doreen Leimbach, Amherst, Ohio
Foaled 1985
Walea's Prince gelding
Red fewspot
(Impressive Prince 171377[?] x Clark's Walea 1363/171377[?])
Bred by Anita Guiher, Berlin Heights, Ohio
Foaled 1985
Dixie Sun Dancer mare
Bay roan
(MA's Sun Rocket 1967/252391 x Marsh Acre's Sunflower CRHA nr/112084)
Bred by Kermit Stearns, Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania
Owned by Lois Troples, Hadley, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1980
BC Oreo Sundancer mare
Black, white spots over hips
(MA's Sun Eclipse 3033/351233 x Dixie Sun Dancer 3478-O/391900)
Bred by Lois Troples, Hadley, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1985
Jokerwise Plaudit stallion
Chestnut, spotted body blanket
(WB Duke 2897/308693 x Plaudit's Nimbus 283157)
Bred by Arnold Wiseman, Johnson City, Tennessee
Foaled 1985
Wise Money stallion
Black, spotted body blanket
(WB Duke 2897/308693 x PV's Little Frisky 330265)
Bred by Arnold Wiseman, Johnson City, Tennessee
Foaled 1985
Lil Sunspot Critter stallion
Brown, blanket [snowcap?]
(WollinSunPlaudit CRHA nr/308691 x Club's Honey Bee 252852)
Bred by Milana and Terry Christian, Big Prairie, Ohio
Owned by Roberta Zimmerly, Shreve, Ohio
Foaled 1984
Patchy Star Jet mare
(Jet Fire of AA CRHA nr/39606 x Miss Xu De Patchy 68047)
Bred by Lynn Miller, Mitchell, Indiana
Owned by Robert Belcher, Brownsburg, Indiana
Foaled 1970
Coultrip's My T Brite stallion
Bay, blanket
(Bright Captain 219643 x HP Sue Fly 959/78807)
Bred by Lyle Coultrip, Wakeman, Ohio
Foaled 1985
Coultrip Brite Dazy mare
Bay, spots over hips
(Bright Captain 219643 x AC Boogie Lou 1271/167901)
Bred by Lyle Coultrip, Wakeman, Ohio
Foaled 1984
CK Whistlin Dixie mare
(Coultrip's Rio Hand 2364/333639 x Fire and Fashion 2884/240325)
Bred by Lyle Coultrip, Wakeman, Ohio
Foaled 1985
Chocolade mare
(Whirlwind Joe 2134//Navajo Joe's Image 311981 x Super Dancer 239951)
Bred by Danine Schmidt, Haxtun, Colorado
Foaled 1985
PF Money Britches mare
Chestnut, blanket
(Sonseeray Blue Snow CRHA nr/303687 x Tahi's Amber Girl 230066)
Bred by Anne Sellon, Branch, Michigan
Owned by Diane Ross, East Thetford, Vermont
Foaled 1984
MC Ambition Dusty stallion
Bay, spotted body blanket
(Bay's Leopard Lad CRHA nr/292166 x Kootenai Bell 68453)
Bred by Lou Ann Dodge, Lake, Michigan
Owned by Diane Ross, East Thetford, Vermont
Foaled 1982
HH Miyacawin Luta mare
(Coyote's Apache 2181/199680 x Miss Liberty Angel AQ)
Bred by Geraldine Herman, Sutton, Massachusetts
Foaled 1985
Marquis's Morning Star mare
(Surprise Marquis 2846/291040 x Wa Jo's Fancy Lady PC 7027)
Bred by Jerry Taylor, Midway, West Virginia
Foaled ----
Pratt's Sul Boy Im stallion
Blue roan, leopard
(Dun Roven Chelsea's Image 3748/92259 x Prattssullytogoeta 261150)
Bred by John and Alice Pratt, Sweet Home, Oregon
Owned by Bronwyn and Larry Howard, Arlington, Washington
Foaled 1982
Hot Fudge Delight mare
Bay roan
(SDR Scoutmaster 2977/357237 x Yamini Sweetheart 255504)
Bred by Pamela Money, Monnovia Indiana
Owned by Lyann Bennett, Mooresville, Indiana
Foaled 1985
Master Copy gelding
Bay fewspot
(SDR Scoutmaster 2977/357237 x Sun's Miss Clover 136999)
Bred by Sharon Forslund, Mooresville, Indiana
Foaled 1985
Raise A Ruckus stallion
Bay, spotted body blanket
(Wilford JC x Ima Star II 3295/129908)
Bred by Charles Skelton, Greenwood, Indiana
Owned by Sharon Forslund, Mooresville, Indiana
Foaled 1985
Topper's Dotty mare
Red roan, leopard
(Calico Topper 65147 x Little Red Speck CRHA nr/97544)
Bred by Robert Bontke, Hi Wasse, Arkansas
Owned by William Urban, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Foaled 1977
Revel Runnin Deer gelding
Buckskin, spotted blanket
(The Phoenix Sun 2400/204089 x SH Top Queen 365298)
Bred by Jim and Mary Farmer, Brownsburg, Indiana
Foaled 1985
Raven's Dainte Dol mare
Grulla, white spots over hips
(Tuck's Te 366249 x Little Raven's Dol 3913/405767 [?])
Bred by Theresa Rock, Southborough, Massachusetts
Foaled 1985
Revel Rock Escape mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Rocklegde Buck 3004/343098 x Revel's Miss Tonga 331968)
Bred by Martin and Sherry Byrd, St Mary's, West Virginia
Foaled 1985
Reference: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:28
Wampum's Fancy Bar mare
Red roan, blanket
(Wampum Bar CRHA nr/145770 x Casey's Shadow Bon AQ)
Bred by Tex Baker, Jennings, Oklahoma
Owned by Kathy Burgarner, Terhon, Oklahoma
Foaled 1984
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#2001-2100, #2101-2200, #2201-2300, #2301-2400, #2401-2500, #2501-2600, #2601-2700, #2701-2800, #2801-2900, #2901-3000,
#3001-3100, #3101-3200, #3201-3300, #3301-3400, #3401-3500, #3501-3600, #3601-3700, #3701-3800, #3801-3900, #3901-4000,
#4001-4100, #4101-4200, #4201-4300, #4301-4400, #4401-4500, #4501-4600, #4601-4700, #4701-4800, #4801-4900, #4901-5000
#7201-7300, #7301-7400
ApHC "F":
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This page last updated July 2021.