Appaloosa Territory
Canadian Appaloosas
2401 to 2500
Babe of Rocking Chair mare
Blue roan, black and white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by unknown
Foaled 1953
Miss Bar King mare
Black, snowflakes
(Tracy Bar King 645 x Brownie J - brown)
Bred by H Hobbs, Midnapore, Alberta
Foaled 1963
Princess Bar King mare
Brown, snowflakes
(Tracy Bar King 645 x Brownie J - brown)
Bred by H Hobbs, Midnapore, Alberta
Foaled 1964
Jenny's Gent stallion
Grey, spotted blanket
(Marjo's Tucson 1062 x black)
Bred by A Thompson, Coleman, Alberta
Foaled 1964
Trixie's Will O Star mare
Red roan
(Will E Be 1233 x Pixie's Trix - bay)
Bred by TM Allan, Taber, Alberta
Foaled 1963
King of Diamonds gelding
Sorrel, blanket
(Domino 561 x Sharron Fair)
Bred by L Younker, Lethbridge, Alberta
Foaled 1962
Kitty's Apache stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Joker C 553 x black TB)
Bred by J Devarnichuk, Lethbridge, Alberta
Foaled 1964
Kitty Dusty stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Eldo's Domino 1077 x Blue Bonnet - blue)
Bred by J Devarnichuk, Lethbridge, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Kitty's Dotty mare
Black leopard
(Eldo's Domino 1077 x Kitty Blue 1123)
Bred by J Devarnichuk, Lethbridge, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Jaguar's Squalicum Honey Dew [Squalicum HoneyDew 25114 ApHC] mare
(Morgan's Jaguar 9008 x Squalicum Dreamer F-2994)
Bred by Dale Wiley, Bellingham, Washington
Foaled 1962
2411/35247 ApHC
Squalicum Wa Wa Neta mare
Red roan, black spots over hips
(Pretty Boy F-2258 x Squalicum Dreamer F-2994)
Bred by Dale Wiley, Bellingham, Washington
Foaled 1963
2412/29178 ApHC
Bonaparte's Scotland The Brave stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Polka Dots Wi Maza 722 x Pretty Girl F-2473)
Bred by KJ Ruddick, Stave Falls, British Columbia
Foaled 1962
Haidi Buttons mare
Roan, blanket
(Appaloosa x unknown)
Bred by/came from W Schull, Haney, British Columbia
Foaled 1954
Fivemile Progress mare
Red roan, light over hips
(Rainbow G 874 x Dimples S 569)
Bred by E Sheehan, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Foaled 1962
Fivemile Misty mare
Sorrel, spotted wither blanket
(Rainbow G 874 x TB type)
Bred by J Hannam, Dawson Creek, British Columbia
Foaled 1963
Five Mile Toga Wapta mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Rainbow G 874 x Ginger - 1/2 Appaloosa)
Bred by E Sheehan, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Foaled 1964
Fivemile Arocana stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Rainbow G 874 x Ginger - 1/2 Appaloosa)
Bred by E Sheehan, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Rio's Dottie mare
Red roan
(Rio Santo 575 x sorrel grade)
Bred by S Fox, Cardston, Alberta
Foaled 1960
Rio's Peggy mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Rio Santo 575 x grade Arab)
Bred by S Fox, Cardston, Alberta
Foaled 1964
Persian Prince gelding
Bay roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by unknown
Foaled 1958
Midget Britches E mare
Bay, mottled blanket
(Stormy Weather E 519 x Eagle's Spotted Feather E 1054)
Bred by Reap Brothers, Luseland, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1965
Redbird E mare
Sorrel, mottled blanket
(Stormy Weather E 519 x Skookamaw 943)
Bred by Reap Brothers, Luseland, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1965
Calamity Jane mare
Roan, with brown spots
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by unknown
Foaled 1961
Sunrise Kidwalador stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Domino's Speckled Prince 1807 x Bess- black)
Bred by J Evans, Aldergrove, British Columbia
Foaled 1964
2425/10511 ApHC
Ned's Fancy Pants mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Wiley's Mt Baker Ned F-2146 x Lady)
Bred by P Younkan, Bellingham, Washington
Foaled 1960
Sunrise's Speckled Hawk stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Domino's Speckled Prince 1807 x Sheila F 2259)
Bred by W Hughes, Aldergrove, British Columbia
Foaled 1965
Juliette mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Bootlegger G 914 x Penny - sorrel)
Bred by G Dingreville, Coleman, Alberta
Foaled 1962
Cherry Jubilee mare
Sorrel, blanket
(Bardo's Montera 1237 x Flicka - grade sorrel)
Bred by J Olson, Toronto, Ontario
Foaled 1965
Firewater's Shawnto stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Firewater R 1436 x Cindy Blue - brown grade)
Bred by W Shaw, Hornby, Ontario
Foaled 1965
Jill's Misty Buttons mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Black Squaw Man I 1671 x S3R Jill 2215)
Bred by S3R Appaloosas, Hespeler, Ontario
Foaled 1965
Carson's N*g mare
Black roan, snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by unknown
Foaled 1954
Two Bar Squaw I mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Half Bar AQ x 67 Gray Squaw I 25523 ApHC)
Bred by Cole, Wichita, Kansas
Foaled 1962
2433/25569 ApHC
Markelly gelding
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Comanche Bill F-3332 x Dutch)
Bred by W Harding, Greenridge, Missouri
Foaled 1962
April's Whitecloud stallion
Brown, blanket
(Sundre's Whitecloud 1300 x April's Snowflake 1678)
Bred by R Peters, Oshawa, Ontario
Foaled 1965
Chief Velvet stallion
Bay, blanket
(Wyalta Chief Patch 930 x Myra Velvet 1074)
Bred by J Wyatt, High River, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Glenmore Lucy mare
Black, black and white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by unknown
Foaled 1950
Glenmore Chief gelding
Bay, snowflakes, black spots over hips
(Smoky - black 1/2 Appaloosa x Silk 250)
Bred by D Tutt, Kelowna, British Columbia
Foaled 1962
Hands Up Mischief mare
Bay roan, spotted blanket
(Gillespie's Hank 2024 x Dusty - grade chestnut)
Bred by F Sheffield, Athens, Ontario
Foaled 1964
Cloudy D Girl mare
Bay roan, spotted blanket
(Cloud[y] B F-3970 x Stumpy Hill Nuisance 2023)
Bred by F Sheffield, Athens, Ontario
Foaled 1964
2440/35191 ApHC
Handy Ann mare
Bay, frosting over hips
(Gillespie's Handy Hank 2024/13804 ApHC x Stumpy Hill Nuisance 2023/15571 ApHC)
Bred by Beckett Brothers, Boone, Iowa
Foaled 1965
2441/T-3615 ApHC
Flicka D mare
Bay, wither blanket
(Sir Oliver [pre-registry] x Miss Lemon)
Bred by C Bartin, Redmond, Oregon
Foaled 1947
Miss Pebbles mare
Bay roan, light over hips, some brown spots
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by J Balfour, Kelowna, British Columbia
Foaled 1962
Chief Arrowhead stallion
Grey, spotted blanket
(Midnight Dee AQ x Marmac's Babe 515)
Bred by A Macdonnell, Kelowna, British Columbia
Foaled 1964
Oakland's Copper King stallion
Sorrel, blanket
(The Kentucky Colonel CASHA x Oakland's Linda 1186)
Bred by L Stratford, Oakland, Ontario
Foaled 1963
Bardo's Misfit mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(McElhaney's Chief's Pride 27153 ApHC x Rock Away Lady AQ)
Bred by D Lawrence, Oakville, Ontario
Foaled 1965
Hotch Potch Red Wing mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Geronimo - Appaloosa x Hotch Potch - buckskin)
Bred by W Rooney, Estevan, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1962
Kelly's Coke mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Kelly's Sonny Boy T-3945 ApHC x Lizzy Hand AQ)
Bred by R Powell, St Jo, Texas
Foaled 1963
2448/48985 ApHC
Warren's Tribal Dance stallion
Red leopard
(Warren's Red Dog 1222/17253 ApHC x Patchy Jr's lila Gleska 404/T-2176)
Bred by J Warren, Langley, British Columbia
Foaled 1964
add photo
Chief Joseph W stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Warren's Red Dog 1222/17253 ApHC x Natomah T-3364)
Bred by J Warren, Langley, British Columbia
Foaled 1962
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-67:48
- Prairie Chieftan 3328 [1967 stallion] Dam: Prairie Princess 2613
Red Dog's Rosalita mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Warren's Red Dog 1222/17253 ApHC x Natomah T-3364)
Bred by J Warren, Langley, British Columbia
Foaled 1964
Miss Patches Hancock mare
Bay, frosty blanket
(Lucky Hancock 1214 x Wyalta Cabana Babe 1400)
Bred by M Schmidt, Petersburg, Ontario
Foaled 1965
Roy's Little Cobra mare
Bay, snowflakes
(Spotted Prince 682 x Roy's Lucky Lady 1192)
Bred by R Solorenko, Castor, Alberta
Foaled 1963
Roy's Lucky Dee mare
Sorrel, snowflakes
(Spotted Prince 682 x Roy's Daisy Dee 1448)
Bred by R Solorenko, Castor, Alberta
Foaled 1963
Polkadot's Mark Time gelding
Brown, spotted blanket
(Polka Dot's Wi Maza 733 x Patchy's Sherry 222)
Bred by J Warren, Langley, British Columbia
Foaled 1961
Flaming Star mare
Buckskin, frost over hips, snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by unknown
Foaled 1961
Retreat Merwa stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Rebel Jet 758 x Pretty Girl F-2473 ApHC)
Bred by K Ruddick, Stave Falls, British Columbia
Foaled 1963
Starlight Double Specks stallion
Brown, blanket
(Wee Specks 818 x Lady Speck 780)
Bred by A Cote, Pincher Creek, British Columbia
Foaled 1964
Smokey Vee mare
Black, roan over hips with white spots
(Smoky W 978 x Black Velvet 1191)
Bred by R Burns, Pincher Creek, Alberta [Pincher Creek in both Alberta and BC?]
Foaled 1962
Bobby Bee stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Bootlegger G 914 x Sioux's Falson 1370)
Bred by R Burns, Pincher Creek, Alberta
Foaled 1964
Wyalta Royal Stitches mare
Bay roan, spotted blanket
(Speckel's Jr 66 x Brandy)
Bred by Royal Antler Ranch, Invermere, British Columbia
Foaled 1964
Wyalta Royal Highness mare
Sorrel, spotted roan blanket
(Speckel's Jr 66 x Springtime - sorrel)
Bred by Royal Antler Ranch, Invermere, British Columbia
Foaled 1964
Wyalta Pepper Patch mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Sidon Patch 1053 x Wyalta Miss Patch 480)
Bred by J Wyatt, High River, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Wyalta Chelsa Patch mare
White, black spots, black legs
(Wyalta Chief 930 x Wyalta Babe 82)
Bred by J Wyatt, High River, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Wyalta Wee Skip mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Wee Specks 818 x Wyalta Silver June 746)
Bred by J Wyatt, High River, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Wyalta Birdeena Patch mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Wyalta Chief Patch 930 x Wyalta Early Bird 291)
Bred by J Wyatt, High River, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Wyalta Dainty Patch mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Sidon Patch 1053 x Wyalta Sheila 859)
Bred by J Wyatt, High River, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Wyalta Wee Socks stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Wee Specks 818 x Wyalta Beaver's Chickette815)
Bred by J Wyatt, High River, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Aldu Little Red Bud mare
Sorrel, roan spotted blanket
( Wyalta Chief Patch 930 x Apple Cider H 602)
Bred by D Wyatt, High River, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Aldu Jackpot stallion
Spotted body blanket/near leopard
(Wee Specks 818 x Wyalta Chloe Patch749)
Bred by D Wyatt, High River, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Firefly R mare
Red roan, red and white spots over body
(Appaloosa x TB)
Bred by P Caldwell, Jesmond, British Columbia
Foaled 1958
Miss Crickett mare
Red roan leopard
(Toby II's Patchy's Cochise 499 x Firefly R 2470)
Bred by C Maartman, North Surrey, British Columbia
Foaled 1965
Prince Dakota stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(OK Dakota 8352 [ApHC] x Queen - black)
Bred by H Duncan, Pilot Mound, Manitoba
Foaled 1964
Admiration mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Babee Patch 293 x QH)
Bred by G Lalonde, Lemieux, Ontario
Foaled 1964
Perly stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Golden Eagle Patches Monty 1060 x Bonita 1418)
Bred by G Lalonde, Lemieux, Ontario
Foaled 1965
Babee Sansation stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Babee Patch 293 x QH)
Bred by G Lalonde, Lemieux, Ontario
Foaled 1965
LaLonde's War Fire mare
Sorrel, snowflakes
(Shawnee's Bandit 1314 x Standardbred)
Bred by L Lalonde, Brockville, Ontario
Foaled 1963
LaLonde's Penny Gal mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Sunny Weather E 1061 x Penny - Standardbred)
Bred by L Lalonde, Brockville, Ontario
Foaled 1964
LaLonde's Hocus Pocus mare
Sorrel, blanket
(Babee Patch 293 x Erdman's Flame 369)
Bred by L Lalonde, Brockville, Ontario
Foaled 1964
LaLonde's Joy Boy stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Sunny Weather E 1061 x Standardbred)
Bred by L Lalonde, Brockville, Ontario
Foaled 1965
LaLonde's Freckle Boy stallion
Red fewspot
(Babee Patch 293 x Joe's Freckles 834)
Bred by L Lalonde, Brockville, Ontario
Foaled 1965
LaLonde's Dee Boy stallion
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Nitchie Dee 1205 x Belle Donna Dee 1204)
Bred by L Lalonde, Brockville, Ontario
Foaled 1965
LaLonde's Butch Boy stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Sunny Weather E 1061 x QH)
Bred by L Lalonde, Brockville, Ontario
Foaled 1965
LaLonde's Red Boy stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Sunny Weather E 1061 x QH - chestnut)
Bred by L Lalonde, Brockville, Ontario
Foaled 1965
LaLonde's Flame Boy stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Sunny Weather E 1061 x Erdman's Flame 369)
Bred by L Lalonde, Brockville, Ontario
Foaled 1965
LaLonde's Sun Dancer stallion
Brown, white spots over hips
(Sunny Weather E 1061 x
Daisy Mae 544)
Bred by L Lalonde, Brockville, Ontario
Foaled 1965
Ro Ann mare
Red roan, light over hips with dark spots
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by unknown
Foaled 1960
Watino Speckles mare
Red roan, snowflakes
(Chief Apache 301 x grade TB)
Bred by W Sample, Watino, Alberta
Foaled 1963
Watino Breeze mare
Brown, snowflakes
(Chief Apache 301 x grade TB)
Bred by W Sample, Watino, Alberta
Foaled 1963
Watino Chatuegay'L mare
Spotted roan
(Chief Apache 301 x Watino TP Girl 891)
Bred by W Sample, Watino, Alberta
Foaled 1963
Watino Shifty stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Chief Apache 301 x Lazy Daisy 522)
Bred by W Sample, Watino, Alberta
Foaled 1964
Watino Red Skin stallion
Red roan, spotted bkanket
(Apache Pawnee 972 x Candy - buckskin)
Bred by W Sample, Watino, Alberta
Foaled 1964
Elmsapple Lightning gelding
Sorrel, blanket
(Mountie 344 x Lightning Fanny - palomino)
Bred by H Torwalt, Jansen, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1963
Mischief's Frosty L gelding
Sorrel, blanket
(Easter Sundae 838 x Miss Mischief 824)
Bred by B Lynn, Youngstown, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Silvertip's Sugarfoot L mare
Brown, blanket
(Easter Sundae 838 x Silvertip's Leading Lady 841)
Bred by B Lynn, Youngstown, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Joy's Prudence L mare
Dun, blanket
(Wyalta Buckshot 835Timber's Joy851)
Bred by B Lynn, Youngstown, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Spook's Patience L mare
Chestnut, blanket
(Easter Sundae 838 x Spook 343)
Bred by B Lynn, Youngstown, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Gypsy's Flash gelding
Chestnut, frost over hips
(Easter Sundae 838 x Gypsy - grade palomino qh)
Bred by C Armstrong, Edmonton, Alberta
Foaled 1965
Blue Breeze gelding
Blue roan, snowflakes
(Appaloosa x Nevada - qh/tb)
Bred by R Fowler, Chetwynd, British Columbia
Foaled 1960
Lucky Loo's Chief stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Marmac's White Chief 512 x grade black)
Bred by H Chambalne, St Julie, PQ
Foaled 1963
Calico Kat mare
Bay, snowflakes
(Polkadot Chief 189 x buckskin)
Bred by P Benkendorf, Waseco, Saskatchewan
Foaled 1960
This page posted December 2018. Updated June 2021