Appaloosa Territory
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Identification (ID):
2001-3000, 3001-4000, 4001-5000, 5001-7500, 7501-10000,
ApHC "F":
ID Registrations 4001-5000
ID 4069
Santsa mare
(Quanah F-706 x Bathilda AQ)
Source: allbreed
ID 4092
Autum Frost mare
(grade bay quarter x Tilly)
Source: AT
ID 4116
Eagle Babe
(American Eagle F-1452 x Gypsy)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
Foaled 1961
ID 4142
Miss Skat mare
(Swoyer stallion x Woodson Steeldust mare)
Source: Ada Fall76:#291, 293
Foaled 1962
ID 4155
Candy B mare
Source: Talisman
Foaled 1965
ID 4181
Bay Linda B mare
Source: SWOA
ID 4182
Sorrel Lady B mare
(unreg x Bay Linda B ID 4181)
Source: SWOA
Foaled 1960
ID 4196
Skillet mare
(Cooterville Norrell's Little Red F-1673 x Blue Smoke B F-3920)
Source: allbreed
Foaled 1958
Dam of Quakerhill Prince 323868 and Dominion Pancake 86879
ID 4200
Mighty Bird mare
(Mighty Bright 9760 x Ribbons W)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 4206
River Socks mare
(Unknown x Unknown)
Source: WhiteSulphur75Sale:lot26p
ID 4210
Vandy Question mare
(Vandy AQ x White Sails NQHBA)
Source: Greater Eastern Appaloosa Regional Select Horse Sale 7-1-1977 -ped
ID 4226/PC 4437
CrownpointÕs Star mare
(Ben Lowe 11185 x Crownpoint Betty AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 10-79:140p
ID 4243
Scroggins Queen mare
Source: allbreed
Dam of Six L Sadie 137827
ID 4255
ElkoÕs Jane mare
(Popo Joe 6075 x ElkoÕs Blue Bonnet 27617)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
ID 4283
Count Patches mare
ID 4295
Tahitian Irene mare
(Tahitian King JC x Dutchess)
Source: Appaloosa News 4-74:105ad
Foaled 1964
ID 4310
Prince's Bartender mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Baretta Mount AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1969
ID 4354
Equal Nice mare
(ComancheÕs Equal x Niceberg JC)
Source: Appaloosa News8-78:56
Foaled 1967
ID 4387
Feza mare
(Dur Manne AHC 7560 x Brownie)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-78:98p
ID 4388
Red Penney mare
(Moss Ma Fi unreg x Penny Kelley unreg)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 4410
Joker's Cherry mare
(Joker B F-678 x Bouncy Benear AQ)
Source: Joker B Production list
Foaled 1966
ID 4437
Prince's Sierra Bell mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Sierra Snobelle AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1968
ID 4455
23 Bay Ann mare
(Morgan's Matador F-1431 x Frosty Anne F-1336)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1954
ID 4456
BambieÕs Princess mare
(Bambi E F-2497 x WestwindÕs Frosty T-3312)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1962
ID 4601
JokerÕs Mr Reed GG
(Joker B F-678 x Flax Reed AQ)
Source: Joker B Production list
Foaled 1963
ID 4604
Blue 67 mare
(Blue Dog AQ x Miller 67 ranch mare)
Source: Marsh Acres pedigree, PMM research
Foaled 1959
- Black Sun 75626 1966 mare Sire: Red Sun 11097
- Three Suns 101754 1967 stallion Sire: Sunspot Revel F-1904
- Sun Teatime 111589 1969 mare? Sire: Sunspot Revel F-1904
- Ben Blue C 154104 1971 stallion? Sire: Uncle Joe Conley 86477

ID 4612
Money CreekÕs Paula
(Money CreekÕs Rockledge F-4092 x PennyÕs Bobby AQ)
Source: Money Creek 69#43
Foaled 1966
ID 4622
Robin Annie mare
(AQ x AQ)
Source: Ada Fall76:#216
ID 4666
Miss Little Stake mare
Source: dam of ENR's Hy Whistle 181309 and ENR's Nik Nak 162216
ID 4772
Irish Red Rebel mare
(Irish Taylor AQ x Roxie [Rocksee] unreg)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1957
ID 4782
Chi-Quanah mare
Source: allbreed
Foaled 1963
ID 4789
Woodland's Sunsette mare
(SullyÕs Sundown 41523 x CopperÕs Dobbin 55544)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1967
ID 4805
Shalimar Gal mare
(Indian Joe AQ x Sussie [Appaloosa])
Source: Pat Shane pedigree, pedigree.appj
Foaled 1964
ID 4819
Leola Lee mare
(Dick Woods AQ x LeoÕs mare)
Source: Ada Fall76:#219
ID 4823 to 210394?
Velvetta Rose
(Appaloosa x Camanchi [Comanchi?] Rose 94840)
Source: Ada Fall76:#117
Foaled 1967
ID 4880
Miss Penelope P mare
(Sharp Chief JC x Miss Petite)
Source: Amrein 85 flyer
ID 4890
Wapiti's Man
(Wapiti 5445 x Huston's Pride AQ)
Source: Wapiti Production list
Foaled 1963
ID 4904
Sugar Girl B mare
(Pepper's Shamrock F-4090 x Money Creek's Blaze 18372)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1963
ID 4939
Beaver's Sue mare
(Beaver Creek AQ x Saint Sue unreg Appaloosa or TB)
Source: pedigree.appj, Ehlers
ID 4946
Dolly's Rita mare
(American Gem x Dolly)
Source: Talisman
Foaled 1958
ID 4947
FrostyÕs Kristy mare
(HandprintÕs Frosty Britches T-310 x Dinah II)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 4950
Sarsi's Cinnamon mare
(MissoulaÕs Sarsi 25177 x FrostyÕs Kristy ID 4947)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 4952
Siri's Kay Dee mare
(Money CreekÕs Siri Hawk 57804 x DollyÕs Rita ID 4946)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 4975
Scarlett Redwind or Scarlet Redwing mare
(Ki He Kah T-4703 x Shunka V 8390)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry, pedigree.appj
ID 4988
Jannie mare
Source: pedigree.appj
dam of Cheyenne Denise PC 4583
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This page last updated March 2023.