Appaloosa Territory
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Identification (ID):
2001-3000, 3001-4000, 4001-5000, 5001-7500, 7501-10000,
ApHC "F":
ID Registrations 2001-3000
ID 2011
Bisquit Ann mare
Source: allbreed
Dam of Patchy Jr's Bird 254887
ID 2018
GeneÕs Half Moon mare
(Twenty Three Leopard 13490 x GeneÕs Tiny)
Source: CRHA Bloodlhorse V5:65
ID 2024
SadieÕs Bomber (b/s) or JodieÕs Bomber (aphc) mare
(Little Bombee AQ x Sadie)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry, ApHC
ID 2034
Duchess Jean mare
Dam of Lenape's SNow Fox 255564
ID 2046
ChiefÕs Squaw Babe
Source: Appaloosa News 10-70:84
ID 2048
Trinity Jane mare
(Trinity Linda [Lindo?] JC x Ginger)
Source: Appaloosa News 11-75:153, 12-71:24p
ID 2065
Mighty Red Robin mare
(Mighty Bright 9760 x Bar W Bar Robin AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-79:237p, pedigree.appj
Foaled 1963
ID 2066
(Three Chicks AQ x Bobbie N F-2675)
Source: Appaloosa News 7-77:105, 8-74:30
ID 2077
Holly M mare
(Hancock Pal 13187 x Dunny AQ)
Source:, Prince Plaudit #7 Lot39p
ID 2087
First Date mare
(Colorow A 8702 x KingÕs Date JC)
Source: Appaloosa World 7-83:89
Foaled 1966
ID 2089
Baby Doll Weed mare
(Wonder x Diamond JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 9-72:101p
ID 2090
No Gal mare
(ComancheÕs Equal T-3231 x Roan X)
Source: ?
Foaled 1966
ID 2092
S and R Midnight
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
ID 2106
Tar Baby A mare
(SullyÕs Sailor 27131 x Shouldbe Maybe ID 189)
ID 2119
Peacock's Flake mare
(Red Eagle's Peacock F-1476 x American Marvel F-1597)
Source: Red Eagle's Peacock Production list
Foaled 1963

ID 2123
Money CreekÕs Shebat mare
(Money CreekÕs Rockledge F-4092 x Money CreekÕs Bay Bobbie ID-87)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-70:3, Money Creek 69#14

ID 2124
Money CreekÕs Coral Rock
(Money CreekÕs Rockledge F-4092 x Money CreekÕs Black Diamond JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-70:3, Money Creek 69#16
Foaled 1968

ID 2125
Money CreekÕs Starledge mare
(Money CreekÕs Rockledge F-4092 x Money CreekÕs Sun Star)
Source: Money Creek 75-owner page

ID 2127
Money CreekÕs Swift Water mare
(PepperÕs Shamrock F-4090 x Money CreekÕs Swift Current 72741)
Source: Money Creek 69#17
Foaled 1968

ID 2128
Money CreekÕs May Warrior III mare
(Money CreekÕs Rockledge F-4092 x Money CreekÕs May Warrior 51878)
Source: Money Creek 69#15
Foaled 1968
ID 2132
PeavyÕs Maid mare
(Peavy Bimbo F-4557 x RobertÕs Frosty Ruth F-4217)
Source: Sherry
ID 2133
BimboÕs Lady mare
(Peavy Bimbo F-4557 x Miss Lovely 8270)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-77:241p
ID 2134
Mr Go Go
(Go Man Go AQ x Amarillo Lass JC)
Foaled 1962
ID 2140
KKÕs Bellita
Foaled ----
dam of KKÕs Winona Wapiti PC 1787
ID 2158
Meadow MistÕs Teeko
(MullerÕs King AQ x Brownie)
Foaled 1960
ID 2176
JokerÕs Peppy
(Joker B F-678 x Jana Lynn AQ)
Joker B Production list
ID 2185
Red Spice
(Red Bird Craig AQ x Lady)

ID 2206 to N379472
Toby Starfire mare
(Toby I F-203 x Silver Moon)
Source: Bonnie, Decker pedigree
ID 2210
Quanah's Blacky
(Quanah F-706 x Spotted Frog Topsy 54618 or per Allbreed: Sister Kent AQ)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry, Ada 10-78 lot 434p
Sire of: Quanah B Nugget 141752
ID 2229
SleepyÕs Flaxie mare
(Joker's Sleepy 21249 x Flax Miles AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list, Talisman
Foaling 1967
ID 2230
JokerÕs Show Bell mare
(Joker B F-678 x Vetolette AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit #5
Foaled 1967
ID 2231
JokerÕs Gem mare
(Joker B F-678 x School Gem AQ)
Source: Joker B Production list
Foaled 1967
ID 2269
HallÕs Comanche mare
(Comanche's Equal x Little Nel AQ)
Source: ?
Foaled 1965
ID 2285
Nancy Mae mare
Source: AAA
Dam of Roxy Mae 149474/AAA T206 - exported to Australia
Foaled ?
ID 2294
Coco Twist mare
(John Twist AQ x Panda Bear AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-77:112p, 2-77:295p
ID 2297
Midnight Easter mare
(unknown x unknown)
Source: Talisman
Foaled 1965
ID 2302
Maidee Koo Bay mare
(Patchy Jr F-1380 x Coventry Maid)
Source: allbreed
Foaled 1962
ID 2327
PrinceÕs Session
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Special Session AQ)
Source Prince Plaudit Production list, Appaloosa News 11-72:48
Foaled 1961
ID 2328
Prince's Gal mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Scotch Luck AQ)
Source Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1968
ID 2329
Prince's Duster
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Skipadust AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1968
ID 2330
Tonto Squaw
(Tonto Bar West AQ x TrohmanÕs Comanche Squaw 29801)
Foaled 1962
ID 2347
Joker B Bold
(Joker B F-678 x Flax Reed AQ)
Source: Joker B Production list
Foaled 1962
ID 2358
Lady Edie mare
(Silver Chip M 10956 x Darling Jaz JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 9-69:69ad
ID 2362
Maiden Twist mare
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
ID 2370
Miss Debs mare
Source: Sherry Byrd
Dam of Sample's Deb TR PC 4689
ID 2399
Blue Snow Bar mare
(Mr Bay Bar AQ x Snow Cloud Maid F-4083)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-79:176p, Bonnie/Sherry
ID 2406
Rolacre Blue Bell mare
(Unknown x Unknown)
Source: Ada Fall77#439p
Dam of Lucy's Misty Hand 173089
ID 2429
Casteel's Na Na Biscuit mare
(Whizz Bang F-1995 x Haythorns Nifty B [HaythorneÕs])
Source: IPAA, (O pedigree
Foaled 1960
ID 2437
Wishbar mare
Source: allbreed
Foaled ----
Dam of Mud Hen 296626 and Patchy's Wish 132162 by Patchy Jr F-1380
ID 2446
Gay Spirit mare
(Banner B 13016 x Gay Star)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
Foaled 1964
ID 2449
Dixie V mare
(Shun Ya Kee 22255 x Omenatchee 14201)
Source: Appaloosa News 4-73:125p
ID 2470
Spunky S mare
(Canadian TB x Misty)
Source: Hatley lot 28p
Dam of Vega GT 186601
ID 2477
Black June
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
Dam of Cooterville Red Fish 122583
ID 2481
Tail Twister mare
(Chico Woodard's bay stallion x Anna McGill AQ)
Source: Ada Fall77#87p
Dam of Atoka's Twister 242830
ID 2488
Pacing Flicka or Paceing mare
Source: Lois Williams pedigree
ID 2506
Brite Eyes mare
(High Hand F-3366 x WoottenÕs Trixie AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 6-81:107, 3-81:167, 1-73:36, 7-73:84p, 1-80:145p, Ada Fall76:#81
ID 2532/CRHA nr
Dark Drip mare
(Spotted Eagle DE CRHA F-2919 x Double Drip JC)
Source CRHA Bloodlhorse V7:19
ID 2535
JokerÕs Miss Black mare
(JokerÕs Joe Reed 45384 x Apache Girl 6215)
Source: Money Creek 77#77p
ID 2536
Joker's Drip mare
(Joker's Joe Reed 45384 x Dark Drip ID 2532)
Source: TC fall83 lot 224p
ID 2551
Royal One M mare
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 199p
Dam of ENR's Mighty Bux 193684
ID 2553
Alabama's Girl mare
Dam of Alabama Sully #120309
ID 2575
Double T Joker
(JokerÕs Dude T-14709 x Veta Silk Slip AQ)
Source: TBar 69:53
Foaled 1967
ID 2581
KingÕs Miss Sassy mare
Source: Bonnie/Sherry, Talisman
ID 2597
Kyloe Sparrow mare
(Brandy Snifter AQ x ?)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 2613
PrinceÕs Babe mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Spanish Award AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 9-73:104
Foaled 1968

ID 2623
North StarÕs Disney mare
(Woodrow Sheik F-502 x McNamerÕs Goldie)
Source: BBF71#36(mare)
Foaled 1961
ID 2661
JokerÕs Lady mare
(Joker B F-678 x MameÕs Lady 6793)
Source: Joker B Production list
Foaled 1962
ID 2662 to 199051
PrinceÕs Pat mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Clash Bar AQ)
Source: Spotted Horse 8-78:36, Appaloosa News 9-78:53, 11-77:164sale
Foaled 1968s
ID 2663
PrinceÕs Leche mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Spot Mount)
Source: Appaloosa News 3-82:135, 6-84:131, 7-79:132ad
Foaled 1968
ID 2685
TeelaÕs Jumper
(BuckÕs Pride 14249 x ?)
Source: Sherry?
ID 2690
Madam mare
(unknown x unknown)
Source: SRR 80sale-p
ID 2715
Skip's Robin mare
(SkipÕs Request AQ x Bright Robin 8516)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list, pedigree.appj
ID 2741
Crystal mare
(quarter x Cara Doll 5 AQ)
Source: Hatley lot 22
ID 2757
Flashy Peaches mare
(TommyÕs Flash 40553 x Lady Peaches ID 3539)
Source: ApHC
ID 2783
Janice Hancock mare
(Chief Buck Hancock 12845 x Pretty Babe E 6585)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 2810
Cary's Trixie mare
(unknown x unknown)
Source: ApHC pedigree
ID 2830
Black Crow Again mare
(Just Again JC x Felshaw mare (from Ghostwindbook/b-s) OR name is Fel Shaw)
Source: Sherry Byrd/Bonnie, pedigree.appj, Appaloosa News 3-71:108p
ID 2842
Little Cindy Lee mare
(Rickey Lee AQ x Little Cinderella 11445)
Source: Navajo Britches Production list, pedigree.appj
ID 2860
SleepyÕs Poise
(JokerÕs Sleepy 21249 x Poise [Joker's Poise ID 379])
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list, pedigree.appj, Ada 10-78 lot 394p
ID 2862
Julie Kay mare
(Apache Dream T-3355 x Lady Adore AQ)
Source: Rangerbred News 3-04ID
ID 2869
Navajo Dancer TH
(Navajo Britches F-2709 x Bakers Baby JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 6-73:97p, 11-71:75
Foaled 1966
ID 2875
Fancey Nancey mare
(Salish Sundance T-7680 x WyaltaÕs Snowflake T-8553)
Source: Appaloosa News 10-70:84
ID 2910
SuleoÕs Rocket
(Rocket Bar JC x Suleo 51651)
Source: Appaloosa News -76:223, 7-75:125, 12-75:110
Foaled 1963
ID 2911
Lady Red Jacket mare
(Brush Jacket 56637 x Red Rita ID 800)
Source: Rangerbred News 4-03ID
Foaled ----
ID 2944
ArrossÕs Bobby Socks
(Money CreekÕs Prince Valiant II x FlickaÕs 2nd AQ)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
Foaled 1963
ID 2995
Lady Corker mare
(Dr Corker TB x Lady Deb AQ)
Source: Navajo Britches Production list, Ada Fall77#234p, 236
Foaled 1965
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ApHC "F":
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This page last updated July 2022.