Appaloosa Territory
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Identification (ID):
2001-3000, 3001-4000, 4001-5000, 5001-7500, 7501-10000,
ApHC "F":
ID Registrations 5001-7500
ID 5016
Wild Whiskey
(Wild Bee 133915 x Gay Tonto AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 9-81:48, 9-80:18
Foaled 1977
ID 5023/AQ
(Skipper's King AQ x Skip's Design AQ)
Source: Sherry Byrd, pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
Dam of Plaudit Wisp PC 3131
ID 5094
Lady Comanche
(ComancheÕs Equal x quater)
Source: allbreed
Foaled 1961
ID 5096
SodaÕs Sprite mare
(Soda Pop or Appaloosa Soda Pop 103334 or 17458 x Black Angel 34800)
Source: Sherry, pedigree.appj
ID 5110
Chiquita Querida mare
(Navajo Britches F-2709 x unknown)
Source: Navajo Britches Production list
Foaled 1965
ID 5153
Gypsy Lady Bird mare
(HarryÕs Sparky AQ x Amber [Appaloosa])
Source: Bonnie/Sherry, pedigree.appj, Talisman
Foaled 1962
ID 5270
Damele Gypsy mare
Source: CRHA
Dam of Carolina Moon CRHA 1162-P/158654
ID 5288
(Ben Jay AQ x Tea Sugar)
Source: Ada Fall76:#328
ID 5323
Silver of BK mare
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 240p
Dam of Miraklheart ID 16360

with unknown foal
ID 5327
Larabel mare
(Jayhawker Beggar AQ x Larabel JC)
Source: Ada Fall76:#276
Foaled 1969
ID 5338
No Britches mare
(Whistle Britches x Lady)
Source: Whistle Britches Production list
Foaled 1963
Note: another 'No Britches' is ID 778
ID 5364
Trixey Joy mare
(Take Over AQ x Susie Que)
Source: pedigree.appj, Ada fall76 lot 148p
ID 5399
SonseerayÕs Ginger mare
(Sonseeray F-3295 x Penny I AQ/ASHB)
Source: Sapelo pedigree, pedigree.appj
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1969
ID 5460
Miss Igniter mare
(Igniter AQ x Majorett of 9 Over Lazy 9 20307)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1967
ID 5487/CRHA 557-J
2M Matilda mare
(Pavo II F-2981/crha 362 x Skeeter Bite)
Source: Rangerbred News 3-04ID
Foaled 1964
ID 5496
Dample Dame mare
(ComancheÕs Equal x Betsy JC)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1964

ID 5538
Money CreekÕs Dott Deck mare
(Top Deck JC x WMD Dot AQ)
Source: Money Creek 72#8p, #51p

ID 5539
Money CreekÕs Princess Puss mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Puss ID 9027)
Source: Money Creek 72#56p, 73#47, 74#44
Foaled 1968
ID 5540
Money CreekÕs Princess Sambo mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Bally Wee AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-79:45, Money Creek 72#20p/#80
Foaled 1968

ID 5541
Money CreekÕs Dawn Star mare
(Money CreekÕs Rockledge F-4092 x Money CreekÕs Sun Star 28580)
Source: Money Creek 69#25, 73#69
Foaled 1969
ID 5549
Sister Rags mare
(Guthrie Red AQ x MarieÕs Candy Kisses F-3391)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-75:195, 10-81:57, 2-78:54p, 8-80:33p
Foaled 1962
ID 5554
Rag's Velvet
Source: ICAA ad/pedigree for Velvet Star Flite 393766
ID 5583
(Thymus JC x AQ )
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 5606
Youkon Lady mare
Source: Dam of Colida Cowboy 295249
Foaled ?
ID 5608
Deanna Attilla mare
(Plaudit's Sun Top AQ x Appaloosa)
Source: Talisman
Foaled 1956
Dam of Waylo's Sully B #104852
ID 5609
Dehaan mare
(Wee Skeeter AQ x Pale Moon T-608)
Source: Waylo pedigree
Foaled 1957
ID 5610
Sully Duman
(Bambi E F-2497 x Duman JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-75:171
Foaled 1959
ID 5611
Sully Yardis mare
(Bambi E F-2497 x Duman JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-75:171
Foaled 1960
ID 5612
Thode Melody mare
(Heel's Melody AQ x Trudy)
Source: WhiteSulphur1975Sale:lot64p
Foaled ----
ID 5613
Sonora Burnsides mare
Source: Appaloosa News 6-72:98
Foaled ----
Dam of Sully's Sun E Side 137226
ID 5632
Sassafras mare
(unknown x unknown)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-72:41p
ID 5690
No Tauch A mare
Source: D Hustle Production
Dam of Mr Merit N 391925
ID 5704
Cheyene Red mare
(Lucky Tony AQ x Black Matador mare)
Source: Ada Fall76:#285/295, Appaloosa News 8-76:65
Foaled 1967
ID 5705
Miss Skit mare
(Mill Iron Skit AQ x bay Matador mare)
Source: Ada 10-078 lot 417p
Foaled ----
ID 5735
County Dial mare
(Johnny Dial 239892 x County Hop)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list, PP #10 1989 lot15p
ID 5767
LHÕs Princess mare
(King Finger AQ x DillardÕs Minnie ID 194)
Source: Ada Fall76:#320
ID 5775
Miss Frosty Mist mare
(JD Speckles F-3972 x Tar Baby AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-74:74p
ID 5780
Grand Morning mare
(Grand Chief T-4425 x Misty [unreg black] or Hi-Fly* PC-1199)
Source: pedigree.appj, *allbreed
ID 5832
Venture Dawn mare
(Pleasure Fund JC x Feather Lip AQ)
Source: ApHC, Talisman
Foaled 1963
Dam of Goer's Venture B 303976
ID 5928
Artic Wasp mare
(Artic Flyer JC x LaflinÕs Wasp AQ)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry, pedigree.appj
Foaled 1965
ID 5929
Gypsy Ginger M
(Randy Aragain AQ x RedmondÕs Gypsy)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-76:176
Foaled 1963
ID 5984
PeppyÕs Reina mare
(Peppy Jones AQ x Jones QH mare)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-72:8p
ID 5996
Miss Lolly Bar mare
(Mr Bay Bar AQ x CameronÕs Lolly Pop 6589)
Source: 4N 78 sale #25, pedigree.appj
Foaled 1967
ID 6016
Pauline's Alice mare
Source: Wapiti Production list
ID 6021
Dizzy Babe mare
(unknown x unknown)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
ID 6043
Boomer Ann mare
Source: Navajo Britches Production list
ID 6044
Nava Doll mare
(Navajo Britches F-2709 x StingerÕs Doll AQ)
Source: Navajo Britches Production list, Ada Fall76:#287, Appaloosa News 9-76:65
Foaled 1965
ID 6055
PeoneÕs Coffee Royal mare
(Toby I F-203 x ?)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-70:52
ID 6056
Siri Shadow mare
(Siri Sheik F-1833 x Aunt Dinah [JC?])
Source: BBF-71#22
ID 6101/PC 635
Cosy Bowman mare
(Joker B F-678 x SusieÕs Last AQ)
Source: Joker B Production list, Ada Fall76:#255
Foaled 1965
ID 6118
YO Flashy Moon mare
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
ID 6124
Bay Velvet mare
(Leo Appache 38339 x Winake Sage Girl 68124)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
ID 6135/ApHCC 910
Fantabulous mare
(JuniorÕs Speckel King ApHCC 73 x Stoney Squaw ApHCC 178)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
ID 6162
MoonÕs Chicaleta mare
(Pale MoonÕs Skeeter 5839 x Chicaleta AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 11-74:41p
ID 6228
Black Majic mare
(Malibu Eagle F-2649 x Black Crow Again ID 2830)
Source: Appaloosa News 10-74:143, 3-73:158, BBF 71#54
Foaled 1959
ID 6249
Miss Twinky mare
(Warren's Red Dog 17253 x Miss Bouncy AQ)
Source: dam of T and J Cherokee Sundance
Foaled 1959
ID 6263
Don U Blackfoot mare
(Shorty Robin T-4174 x Blondy Fleet AQ)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry, pedigree.appj, Talisman
Foaled 1963
ID 6289
Bay Bonnie mare
(Chief Dur AQ x unnamed quarter)
Source: White Sulphur 75 Sale: Lot 15p
Foaled ----
ID 6343
So Suddenly
(Go Bay Go 60855 x Suddenly JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-75:139
Foaled 1971
Note: may not be same So Suddenly....
ID 6354
Reina's Star Dream mare
(Happy Nod unreg x Koalie unreg)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1964

ID 6357
Joker's Bar mare
(Joker B F-678 x Clash Bar AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 9-70:83, 2-78:34p
Foaled 1966
ID 6422
Hy Star mare
(Brent Lea 49538 x Sutga JC)
Source: allbreed
Foaled 1969
ID 6423
Serena Fly mare
(Poco Bertell x Honey Fly)
Source: Ada Fall77#262p
Foaled 1969
Dam of Anjou's Little Spot 206848

ID 6428
Joker's Aunte mare
(Joker B F-678 x MameÕs Lady 6793)
Source: Appaloosa News 11-72:48, 2-74:73, 3-74:119
Foaled 1963
ID 6432
Rina Nah Tammy mare
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 478p
Dam of Rina's Tabu Khan 151885
Foaled ----
ID 6452
Deeija mare
(Colonel Norfleet AQ x The Toy AQ)
Source: Ada Fall76:#58
ID 6466
Gentry No A 41 mare
(Zaael Jr F-2066 x ?)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-73:111p
ID 6474
Siri Alice mare
(SiriÕs Jolie T-24632 x Siri Shadow ID-6056)
Source: BBF 71#22, SDNL 3Q16:20
Foaled 1967
ID 6482
Leo's Dark Lady mare
(Leo Fleet AQ x Miss All Black AQ)
Source: Talisman
Foaled ----
ID 6487
Opal Time mare
Source: Appaloosa News 9-73:104
ID 6488
SleepyÕs Opal mare
(JokerÕs Sleepy 21249 x Opal Time ID 6487)
Source: Appaloosa News 9-73:104
Foaled 1969
ID 6500
ID Red mare
(Joker B Jiggs B53022 x ?)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 6509
Chocolate Bar B mare
(Chocolate Chick AQ x Villa Danzante 41227)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-76:168, 1-74:170p
Foaled 1968
ID 6525
Miss Bobbie mare
(Dutch Bob [26731 Aphc? or AQ...AQ parents] x Miss Kelly 25 AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 6547
LilleyÕs Poco mare
(Blake x Blue roan mare)
Source: Ada Fall76:#481
ID 6556
Patsy 1st mare
(Chubby AQ x Betsy - Appaloosa)
Source: allbreed
Foaled 1946
ID 6557
Chubby Filly mare
(Rambler F-73 x Patsy 1st ID 6556)
Source: allbreed
Foaled 1955
ID 6558
HG Beauty mare
(Red Crocker x Nellie)
Source: TC fall83 lot 143
Foaled ----
ID 6588
Gypsy Red H
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
ID 6593
Mazza's Big Horse mare
(Ocelote JC x Balladice JC)
Source: Ada 10-078 lot 165 $400NS
Foaled 1964
ID 6608
Lady Lark Four mare
(Mr Four D 64612 x Lady Larkspur AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 6621
Lady's Scarlet mare
(Saltese Rain JC x Lucky J or Lady J)
Source: pedigree.appj, Talisman
ID 6632
Wise Jagetta mare
Source: ApHC
Dam of Miss Wise Plaudit 199943
ID 6633
Shavano's Ecko Hawk mare
(Shavano F-1679 x Sandy)
Source: Sherry?
Foaled 1961
ID 6639
Miss Susan's Golden April mare
(Black Ramos AQ x Hygro's Miss Bourban ID 6635)
Source: Talisman
Foaled 1964

ID 6669
Miss Meyers Time mare
(Mr Meyers AQ x Score Time JC)
Source: MC 74#46
Foaled 1966
ID 6722
Paulla's Beauty mare
(Billy Scotch AQ x Black Crow Again ID 2830)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 6730
El Cadella mare
(El Verano JC x Cattelacin Miss unreg)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 6761
Panzel mare
(Little Britches K T-941 x Panswald AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-76:179, Prince Plaudit Production list
ID 6765
Powers' Kitty mare
(Super Matador 4 AQ x P Zanty unreg)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 6773
Hi Star mare
(High Stake T-4163 x AQ)
Foaled 1963
ID 6804
Luckey Lady mare
Foaled ----
Dam of King Plaudit's Sue 214235
ID 6830
India Speck I mare
(Co Co Candy 36559 x India Speck F-3453)
Foaled 1966
Source: Pat Mefferd
ID 6857
Oak Knoll Jean mare
(FoxeÕs Dodger AQ x Goldie or Trixie unreg)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 6877
Ebony Star
(Sizzler x Brooks)
Source: Appaloosa News 10-67:59p
Note: not positive that the ID Ebony Star is the same horse referenced in AN.
ID 6910
Li'l Chico mare
(King Ky x TB)
Foaled 1963
ID 6916
DexterÕs Missy mare
(Dexter Dodger AQ x Beavers Sue ID 4939)
Source: Ehlers
ID 6940
Doe Baby mare
(Little Mount AQ x Doe [quarter])
Source: Appaloosa News 3-72:84p
ID 6945
Indian's Sandy mare
(Sandy Randy AQ x More's Indian Maid 23575)
Source: Talisman
ID 6959
Waya Squaw mare
(King Silver Tip AQ x Bijou Squaw 5716)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-78:42p, pedigree.appj
ID 7002
Red EagleÕs Mona mare
(Red Eagle F-209 x Allarene [arab])
Source: DREA pedigree
ID 7012
Cha Cha 65 mare
(Brandy Flame 27864 x Cha Cha)
Source: Talisman
ID 7030
Twila Hand mare
(Peace Pipe 8093 x ?)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 7035
Quietus mare
( ?)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-72:147p
ID 7063
North StarÕs Bonita
(Gold Dude x brown mare by Reno Nero JC)
Source: BBF 71#30*/#7p, Appaloosa News 9-72:77
ID 7064
Black Diamonds mare
(Little Herb JC x Fish mare)
Source: MC 75#3p, pedigree.appj
Foaled 1959

ID 7065
Patchy Dot mare
(Patchy F-416 x Patchy JrÕs Dot and Dash F-2265)
Source: BBF 71#28
Foaled 1961
ID 7068
Navajo Stretch Britches mare
(Navajo Britches Jr 6564 x Tucabe T-1165)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
ID 7115
Cotton Sis Bailey mare
Source: ApHC
Dam of Co Annie Too 305301
ID 7183
Shari Lynda Moon mare
(Pale Moon B F-2064 x Dandy Hills AQ)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry, pedigree.appj
ID 7194
Que B Trinket mare
(Dude Dandy Sr F-3325 x unknown)
Source: Joe Williamson ggd - dam of Que B Tess BT 123444
ID 7196
Que B Abbie mare
(Que B Little Crow 28987 x AlgerÕs Pride 26477)
Source: Joe Williamson ggd - dam of Que B Little Cloud 151836
ID 7206
Four D Blackie mare
(Double Five Domino F-4071 x RO Quarter mare)
Source: Appaloosa News 11-70:51
ID 7240
Sam's Joy mare
(? AQ)
Source: Ada 1976
Dam of Sonny Bar Plaudit 206756
ID 7242
Rocket Bee mare
(Negro AQ x Miss Cle Elum JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 7-72:36
ID 7264
Miss Semone mare
(Flamingo of AA F-3982 x Scotch Semone AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
ID 7272
Go To Bed mare
(Budedsan JC x Miss Big AQ)
Source: AAA
ID 7303
Shalagh mare
(ComancheÕs Equal x BurnsideÕs Chitta)
Source: allbreed
Foaled 1965
ID 7321
Bonnie Bob mare
(Worthy Bob 77784 x Tracy Bob)
Source: pedigree.appj

ID 7341
Smokey Diamond mare
(Pepper's Shamrock F-4090 x Money Creek's Stepwisely 63192)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1968
ID 7356
Prince's Skip A Step
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Skip A Step AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1968
ID 7412
Cameo Word mare
(Little Request TB x Camelot's Midnight Word AQ)
Source: Thunder Bird Ranch flyer
Dam of Sutter's Thunder-Bird 121721
Foaled ----
ID 7415
Lady Petunia mare
(Three Bar bred x Friskie Lady)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-76:65
Foaled 1965
ID 7473
Miss Waddy mare
(Roan Vic AQ x Huff mare ID 1119)
Source: Ada Fall76:#288
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ApHC "F":
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This page last updated October 2022.