Appaloosa Territory
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ApHC "PC":
PC 1-1000, PC 1001-2000, PC 2001-3000, PC 3001-4000,
PC 4001-5000, PC 5001-6000, PC 6001-7000 , PC 7001-8176
PC (Pedigree Certificate) Registrations 4001-5000
PC 4008
Polly Chick mare
(Three Chicks Jr x Miss Polly JC )
Source: Spotted Horse 10-77:22
Foaled ----
PC 4022
Copper's Miss D mare
(Unico's Missouri Copper 58778 x Atomic Cat AQ)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 146 $450
Foaled 1972
PC 4025
Tammy Royal mare
(Royal Bars AQ x Laura Jemima JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-80:236
Foaled ----
PC 4036
Miss LightningBar mare
(Sequoia's Moon Pocket 126138 x Triangle Lightning AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-77:112
Foaled 1976
PC 4051
Angelic Facade mare
(Silver N Golds Equal 114154 x Angel Walk PC 3103)
Source: dam of Gold Champs Equal N-391662
Foaled 1976
PC 4053
MAÕs Impatient Sun mare
(SundanceÕs Pokadoted Marshan T-96543 x Brenta Lea T-112454)
Source: SBC#720
Foaled 1976
PC 4070
Sindt's Lady Bug mare
Source: CRHA
Foaled ----
Dam of Sindt Spotted Bug 2177-N/312811
PC 4078
Susie Lea Plaudit mare
(King Plaudit 55157 x Tesuque Lea ID 15799)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1977
PC 4126
SkipperÕs Jacklyn mare
(SkipperÕs Captain 14299 x Silver Rain AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4135
Straw Miss mare
(Jackstraw Jr x ?)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-81:46
Foaled ----
PC 4156
Little Doll S mare
(Mr Big Wig 77133 x Bounding Bet AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 7-79:136sale, Sherry Byrd
Foaled 1976
PC 4158
Keno's Go Moore mare
(Go Moore Go AQ x Keno's Zero 83045)
Source: TC fall84 lot 13p
Foaled ----
PC 4170 to N 499930
Mighty Ellen GG mare
(Mighty Bright 9760 x Ed's Girl 104712)
Source: Simon4-07#467p
Foaled ----
PC 4176
Quilting Freckles mare
(Freckles Bandit 152242 x Quilla)
Source: allbreed
Foaled ----
PC 4183
Silver Dish mare
(Manipur JC x Jenny Dish JC)
Source: Sherry Byrd
She produced Charley Glass (g) 132422 in 1970, Billy Fair (g) 170115 in 1972, Dallas Fair (g) 191996 in 1973, Kizziah (g) 211160 in 1974, and China Rose (m) BT369107 in 1981, Silver Sass ID 13391/JC in 1968, Freedom Fair (g) 265820 in 1976, Cash McCan (st) T329195 in 1979, and Kanin Fair (st) T333354 in 1980, and 'maybe' Silver Saucer (m) CRHA 722-T in 1965.
Foaled ----
PC 4191
Miss Decka Verde mare
(Sun Coast JC x ?)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4192
JokerÕs miss mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4209
SaintÕs Electra mare
(Saint Plaudit 167138 x Poco Electra Bar AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-84:127p
Foaled ----
PC 4220 to 302820
Siccum Raddler
(Siccum Star x My Straw)
Source: Southern Spectacular 85
Foaled ----
PC 4242
Dandy Bess A mare
(PeavyÕs Dandy Pants 150321 x Little Bess 61901)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1975
PC 4270 to 494917
PrinceÕs Faith mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Parnell ID 13370)
Source:Prince Plaudit #2
Foaled 1977
PC 4289
Bright Dreamer mare
(Bright Eyes Brother x Biddy Duster AQ)
Source: Bright Eyes Brother Production list,
Foaled 1965
PC 4303
Gold Marita mare
(Carrara Marble JC x Marita Pacific AQ)
Source: Hinchcliff ped
Foaled 1971
PC 4309
Red Hawk's Dream mare
(Rebel Red Hawk 48901 x BoyceÕs Dream AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4310
Honey's Ms Spooders mare
(Honey Toe 47051 x Frosty Spark 43593)
Source: TC fall86 lot 99p
Foaled ----
PC 4322/CRHA 1891-P
Crystal Gal mare
(Sindt's Dinero Pflash 1286 CRHA x Sindt's High Fly CRHA nr/129436)
Source: CRHA
Foaled 1973
PC 4336
Bounding Too mare
(Bounding Thru JC x Wilma Rudolph AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1966
PC 4397
Mona's Gypsy mare
Source: allbreed
Foaled ----
Dam of Gypsy's Baby Anne 322672
PC 4437/ID 4226
CrownpointÕs Star mare
(Ben Lowe 11185 x Crownpoint Betty AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 10-79:140p
Foaled ----
PC 4448
Foxy's Half Sister mare
(Sully's Lancer 101555 x Brenda Britches 36413)
Source: PP #2 1981 lot 38p
Foaled ----
PC 4487
Bright Robin Reed mare
(ClovalÕs Apache Reed 101279 x Mini Bright 153755)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4505
Winnin Ticket mare
Source: Navajo Britches Production list
Foaled ----
PC 4520
Kay Bar Do It mare
(Wizzer K Bar 112581 x Sugar Do It AQ)
Source: 4N 78 sale#47
Foaled 1975
PC 4528
Co Sox
(Colida 7681 x Arrow HandÕs Tip 76377)
Source: Colida Production list
Foaled 1971
PC 4532
Dusty Belle mare
(Sumiter JC x MistyÕs Frosty T-134524)
Source: SWOA-Jason Hooper
Foaled ----
PC 4533
Little Sugar Sue mare
Source: pediogree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4540
DoubetÕs Streak mare
(SundanceÕs Pokatdoted Marshan x Marsh AcreÕs Dove)
Source: CRHA Bloodhorse V7:64
Foaled ----
PC 4559
Springtime Sweetie mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4580
April Doolin mare
(Fancy Doolin 156971 x Poso LarkettAQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1975
PC 4583
Cheyenne Denise mare
(Snow Burnett 64781 x Jannie ID 4988)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4602
CowboyÕs Foxy Lady mare
(Sonny BoyÕs Cowboy 27561 x Mary Sunshine W 53107)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4620
The Nellie Bly mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4630
Roman Dixie mare
(Hayes Roman Cloud x Dixie High Hands)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-84:15
Foaled ----
PC 4642
Abdull's Red Smoke mare
(Abdull's Pok-A-Son #143460 x Miss Red Wauke AQ)
Source: SWOA-Jason Hooper
Foaled ----
PC 4649
Exclusive Punkin mare
(Mr Exclusive 137198 x Dark Grace)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4650
2M Rag Weed mare
(Mr Exclusive 137198 x 2M Rags Roana 121436)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4663
Navajo Angel mare
(Markum Bars AQ x TaffyÕs Angel 108416)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4681
Exclusive Gypsy mare
(Mr Exclusive 137198 x Gypsie Bold AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1975
PC 4683
Mighty Melanie
(Mighty Happy 163168 x Kissamee Sweet AQ)
Source: Ada Fall77#415
Foaled 1976

PC 4686
Turf Queen mare
(Turf Table JC x Assembly 179541)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-81:86, 11-82:17
Foaled 1976
PC 4689
SampleÕs Deb TR
(Justasample 101119 x Miss Debs ID 2370)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-84:49p, 5-78:57, Goer Production list, Sherry Byrd
Foaled 1973
PC 4700
Peacock's Marvel mare
(Red Eagle's Peacock F-1476 x Top Hattie 95621)
Source: Red Eagle's Peacock Production list
Foaled 1975
PC 4702
JoyÕs Cupid mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4711
BusterÕs Babe mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4716
Bay Sadie mare
(GoldieÕs Han D Bob 144598 x Sadie Possum AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4723
GemÕs Jewel Reed mare
(Gem Hancock Plaudit 194014 x NorthwindÕs Firefly 18364)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4743
Absarokee Wimpy G stallion
(GimpyÕs Honor ID 9789 x E2's Absarokee Maid 79516)
Source: AJ 3-91:84
Foaled ----
PC 4744
Rio Dancer mare
(Rain Dancer x PatchyÕs Poco Rico 182761)
Source: Goer Production report
Foaled ----
PC 4777
Crystal Lady mare
(Prince Talisheek 128964 x Crystal Curtain 69763)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4792
Cloudy H mare
(Hayes Roman Cloud 61182 x Sweet Bippie AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-84:87p,Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----
PC 4795
Laura Driver mare
(Sunday Driver 22567 x Chubby Laura 108021)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4796
Black Esther mare
(HC Geronimo 14655 x Brown Esther nr)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1970
PC 4797
Kyloe Crocus mare
(Han D Bob Jr 14862 x S and MÕs Bluebird BT 3761)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----

PC 4799
LLS Misty Lady mare
(Ginger Fizz JC x Misty Rain Drop JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-82:103, PP #8 1987 lot 37p
Foaled 1974
Ad says Misty Lady is 1974 TB
PC 4830
Miss McCricket mare
Source: Appaloosa News 12-80:236, 12-82:53
Foaled ----
Dam of Princess Toni D 323151
PC 4833
Goldie Plaudit mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Skipadust AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1971
PC 4841
Bright Three Bars
(? x Miss Three Bars 105915)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-78:229
Foaled 1976
PC 4850
(Jok Van AQ x ?)
Source: appj, Dam of Firewater Spot 286725
Foaled ?
PC 4867
Bright Bar Fury
(Prince's Fury 107201 x Please Pamper Me 215690)
Source: Appaloosa News 6-78:120, Sherry Byrd
Foaled 1977
PC 4883
Sunshine's Dawning mare
Source: allbreed
Foaled ----
PC 4932
Go Jude Go mare
(Goer x Depth Bar Judy AQ)
Source: Goer Production list
Foaled 1977
PC 4936
Annie Belle mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4940
Plaudit Aprilfool mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 4951
Gala Chargette mare
(My Roman Britches x Gala Charge)
Source: Appaloosa News 11-78:62
Foaled ----
PC 4980
R Valentine mare
(Prince Plaudit x Nino Azul AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1976
PC 4981
MunchkinÕs Baby mare
(Sugar Sabre AQ x Millers Highlife TB)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1976

PC 4991
DominoÕs Chick mare
(Three Chicks Jr 85776 x DominoÕs Blackfoot 67626)
Source: DKG83sale#25p/51
Foaled 1973
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ApHC "F":
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This page last updated April 2023.