Appaloosa Territory
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ApHC "PC":
PC 1-1000, PC 1001-2000, PC 2001-3000, PC 3001-4000,
PC 4001-5000, PC 5001-6000, PC 6001-7000 , PC 7001-8176
PC (Pedigree Certificate) Registrations 3001-4000
PC 3003
Royal Sugar Twist
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3008
High Pocket's Lady mare
Source: allbreed
Foaled ----
Dam of Bar of Gold B 329838
PC 3009
DAÕs Mighty Sassy mare
(Mighty Repeat 137738 x Miss WDS PC 1834)
Source: Prince Plaudit #2 , #4lot19p
Foaled ----
Dam of SeedÕs Mighty Miss B 330801 and Scott's Mity Sox 374979
PC 3016
Pep Bars mare
(Wizzer K Bar 112581 x Farmer Pep AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3025
Alamar Apache Gal mare
(Apache Double x Mar Gal JC)
Source: Apache Double Production list
Foaled 1975
PC 3026
SkipÕs Angie mare
(SkipÕs Squire AQ x Miss Coke McCue)
Source: Appaloosa News 6-79:132sale
Foaled ----
PC 3047
WJ's Plain Jane mare
(KK's Wapiti J 174936 x Plumb Shiney 182184)
Source: CRHA, Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----
PC 3061
Mighty Roma mare
(Mighty Peavy 44786 x Ro Sandal Bars AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3071
Co Carmel mare
(Colida 7681 x Carmel Hull AQ)
Source: Colida Production list
Foaled 1970
PC 3072
Co Magic mare
(Colida 7681 x JohnnyÕs Magic AQ)
Source: Colida Production list
Foaled 1970
PC 3084
Yellow Daffodil mare
(GoldieÕs Red Dog T-154799 x ApacheÕs Pepsi T-42367)
Foaled 1975
PC 3103
Angel Walk mare
(Nashville x ?)
Source: dam of Angelic Facade PC 4051
Foaled ----
PC 3131
Plaudit Wisp mare
(Plaudit Scotch 140958 x Skipatip ID 5023)
Source: Sherry
Foaled ----
PC 3132
Nugget Skip Blond mare
(Nugget Jim 85969 x Skippy Hi Spot 124779)
Source: Appaloosa News 9-78:60, Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----
PC 3149
Miss Nosie Rosie mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3150/ApHCC 9074
MAR PrinceÕs Glory/J MAR Prince's Glory ApHCC mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Vaquero Jodie AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list, Appaloosa News 2-82:176, CPAA 81, Sherry Byrd
Foaled 1972
PC 3151
Osage Creek Gypsy mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3152
PatriciaÕs Kelly mare
Dam of Marie's Misty BN 342793
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3165
Red BoyÕs Beauty mare
(ScooterÕs S Jody x AQ)
Source: ?
Foaled ----
PC 3169
Allurah Double
(Apache Double x Matby Monkey JC)
Source: Apache Double Production list
Foaled 1975
PC 3172/ID 13318
Red Maiden mare
(Jesse Redheart T-2246 x Arapaho Maid 35936)
Source: Appaloosa News 10-74:118p, Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----
PC 3173
Han DÕs Bee mare
(Han D Echo 6977 x Dena B JC)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1964
PC 3177
Lida K Plaudit mare
(King Plaudit 55157 x Julu's Lida Moon B 176286)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1974
PC 3191
Bar Chant mare
(? x Sis A Roo AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1971
PC 3197
Sissy Bars Miss mare
(High Hand F-3366 x Miss Lee Bar ID 8531)
Source: High Hand Production list, Sherry Byrd
Foaled 1972
PC 3200/CRHA 1855-N
Circle S Sunking mare
(Three Suns 1800-N 101754 x Poquita Sun 178572)
Source: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:12
Foaled 1976
PC 3212
Mighty Jolene mare
Source: allbreed
Foaled ----
Dam of Justoo Impressive 324604
PC 3222
Co Ferrie mare
(Colida 7681 x Ferrie Time AQ)
Source: Colida Production list
Foaled 1974
PC 3230
CR Plaudit's Bows mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Strange Lady ID 983)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1970
PC 3232
Bars Dialette mare
(Bar Plaudit x Dialo Girl AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-81:175
Foaled ----
PC 3233
RomanÕs Marie mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3236
Yelm Prairie Bart stallion
(?Leo Bar AQ x ?)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3255
HRS Bar Nava mare
Source: Navajo Britches Production list
Foaled ----
PC 3257
Hydaway Marvelita mare
Source: John L Baker
Foaled ----
Dam of Hydaway Velita P 304416
PC 3264
Muffit M mare
(AQ x AQ)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 189 $375
Foaled 1968
PC 3283
Granville's Glory mare
(High Hand x Gran Alice JC)
Source: High Hand Production list
Foaled 1969
PC 3285
EagleÕs High Bar mare
(Prince High Bar 183455 x EagleÕs Walapai Sue 139366)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3287
Miss Parstraw mare
(Bald Point AQ x Parr Paleanna AQ appx)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 411 $775
Foaled 1969
PC 3288
Lady Joust mare
(Diamond Joust AQ x Babie Hancock B-146835)
Source: TC Fall84 lot 52
Foaled 1971
PC 3292
Shugie Bound mare
(Bounding Over JC x Sugarang AQ)
Source: Ada Fall77#310p
Foaled ----
Dam of Sundae Gal 253632
PC 3288
Lady Joust mare
(Diamond Joust AQ x Babie Hancock BT146835)
Source: pedigree of A Sundown Drifter
Foaled ----
PC 3305
Nava Go Go mare
(Navajo Britches x JanaÕs Delight AQ)
Source: Navajo Britches Production list
Foaled 1974
PC 3308
Requesta W mare
(SimcoeÕs Snowy Rock F-3800 x Chiquesta AQ) or (Little Request x Sandy Dial Reed per Ada)
Source: pedigree.appj, Ada 10-78 lot 205p
Foaled ----
PC 3311
Joke A Mite mare
(Joke AQ x Patched Parcel JC)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3319
Rio Jet
(Jet Dial x Hi Missy)
Source: Appaloosa News 3-74:119
Foaled 1972
PC 3331
Miss Straw Bug mare
(Lady BugÕs Moon AQ x Miss Jacket JC)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-81:167, 8-79:76p, pedigree.appj
Foaled 1971
PC 3339
South Rastus mare
(Custus Rastus JC x South Platte AQHA #407109)
Source: TC sp00:402
Foaled ----
PC 3340
Real Pleasure mare
PC 3353
Culicoides mare
Source: Apache Double Production report: dam of Double Dividend 301091
Foaled ----
PC 3357
Heza Geym
(Geymen AHC x Easter - Morab)
Source: Mary Sawyer pedigree
Foaled ----
PC 3371
Co Trinka mare
(Colida 7681 x CodeÕs Pepper AQ)
Source: Colida Production list
Foaled 1974
PC 3378
WapitiÕs Bay Lassy mare
(Wapiti 5445 x Bold Lassie AQ)
Source: Wapiti Production report
Foaled 1971
PC 3390/ID 8331
Cricket C Blaze mare
(SeatonÕs Skipper F-377 x 3C Dream Girl 7273)
Source: Alen Bell
Foaled ----
PC 3392
StardiverÕs Bambi
(Stardiver 116170 x BRÕs Top Doll 195416)
Source: ?
Foaled ----
PC 3397
Good Bird Too
Source: Appaloosa News 1-77:61
Foaled ----
PC 3423
My Romaness mare
(Hayes Roman Cloud 61182 x Cinna Barr ID 16726)
Source: Appaloosa News 5-79:94, 9-79:127, TC Fall84 lot 157p
Foaled 1975
PC 3435
TinyÕs Decka Dawn mare
(Tiny Sample 197008 x Lady Ariel Deck ID 8490)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-77:116ad, Sherry Byrd
Foaled 1976
PC 3452
Scooter Blue mare
(Colida Socks 61897 x J Del's Bluebird)
Source: PP #2 1981 lot 84p
Foaled ----
PC 3462
Tuesday Marshall mare
(Mighty Marshall 51565 x Sugar Bar Echols AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3467
Me and My Shadow mare
(Ha Dar Shado x ?)
Source: Appaloosa News 5-80:61
Foaled 1977
PC 3468
Bar Fighter mare
(Born Fighter JC x Deck Girl 61121)
Source: Appaloosa News 7-76:90, Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----

PC 3474
Dark Enchantress mare
(Native Sun 138000/RHA nr x Miss Mist 54986)
Source: 38th Southern Select Sale, Appaloosa News 12-79:163, Sherry Byrd
Foaled 1975
PC 3477
Dutch Brandy Star mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3482
Panzabar Shamrock mare
(DearÕs Tanza Bars AQ x Wyola Cindy AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3501
Flyin Pistol Ann mare
(Peavy's Pistol 95566 x Heritage Burning Star 106778)
Source: PP spr #2 1989 lot 18p
Foaled ----
PC 3516
WigÕs Rusty Bar mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3534
Tiffany Liz mare
(Ike x BransonÕs Best AQ)
Source: Ada Fall77 #448
Foaled ----
PC 3538
Sherry's Lil Rock mare
(Money Creek's Rockledge F-4092 x DominoÕs Lil Sherry of Illingdale 82559)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1975
PC 3541
Cindy Lee Deck mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1972
PC 3555
Doe BoyÕs Pammy K mare
(OxburnÕs Doe Boy 94414 x Pammy K McCue AQ )
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3557
AHH Promises mare
(ENRÕs Top Deck Lancer 172559 x Sulin T-2297)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3559
Duece Bar stallion
(Navajo Pete 122381 x Two Bar Lil 141893)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3575
My Goodness mare
(Top Decker AQ x Misty Britches K 86297)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3576
Pet Peeve mare
(Top Decker x Not A One)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-81:81
Foaled ----
PC 3582
Hilliard's Brandy mare
(Old Lucky x Misty)
Source: PP1 lot 62p
Foaled ----
Dam of Princess Claudett 234116
PC 3624
Rancher Dial
(Rancher Sam 184695 x Antelope Dial 257689)
Source: Goer Production report, Sherry Byrd
Foaled 1975
PC 3653
Scooter's Dustybug
(Scooter Bug G 171032 x ?)
Source: Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----

PC 3658
Easy Bridie mare
(Easy Walt 151938 x Miss Kitty Kat 106323)
Source: Crystal 84#9
Foaled 1975
PC 3659
Miss One Spot mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3661
Majorette Parade mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3681
BS Spot's Image mare
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Spot's Image ID 8653)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1974
PC 3689
Wise And Foolish mare
(Wise Guy 199312 x Miss Honey Pal)
Source: PP #8 1987 lot 17p
Foaled ----
Dam of Prince's Bootie 278140
PC 3693
Decka Plaudit mare
(King Plaudit 55157 x Top Promise AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 3-81:49
Foaled 1973
PC 3710
HydawayÕs Topatch
(Owl CreekÕs Leopard x Owl CreekÕs Chris)
Source: Appaloosa News 5-73:132
Foaled ----
PC 3711
Santee Scotch Lady mare
(Skip Shi AQ x Schomer mare)
Source: TC Fall83 lot 130p
Foaled ----
PC 3714 to 115037
Stardust Jewel
(Joker B F-678 x GoodwinÕs Stardust 23814)
Source: Joker B Production list
Foaled 1959
PC 3717
Lady Jane L
(Impressive Dude x Flying Julie 148949)
Source: PP #10 1989 lot 46p
Foaled ----
PC 3732
Miss Comanche Rio mare
(TigueÕs Moki 19444 x PipesÕ Dee Dee Dinero 1356 crha 189277 )
Source: CRHA
Foaled 1977
PC 3763
Big Nurse mare
(Doc Bar AQ x Miss Leo Breezebar 59581)
Source: The Executive Production list, Sherry Byrd
Foaled 1971
PC 3794
Revel Jo Bar mare
(B's Revel Bar 173190 x Calico Jo Bar 139149)
Source: AdaFall77#355
Foaled 1977
PC 3795 to 280294
JokerÕs Candee B
Source: Patricia Hugot
Foaled ----
PC 3826
Amanda Ann
(Prince Windy JC x Olympia AQ)
Source: Ada 10-1978 lot6 $410
Foaled 1970
PC 3829
Zero Hand mare
(High Hand F-3366 x Zero's Tonto Gal AQ)
Source: High Hand Production list
Foaled 1975
PC 3844
Fallen Angel mare
Source: ApHC
Foaled ----
Dam of Swede Plaudit 324828
PC 3864
Kyloe Cupid I mare
(Kyloe Apache Roco 109328 x Laura Driver PC 4795)
Source: High Hand Production list
Foaled 1975
PC 3866
Golden Folly mare
(Silver N GoldÕs Equal 114154 x Folly Rain Bird AQ)
Source: High Hand Production list
Foaled ----
PC 3879 to N-329546
A Patchie Santee
(Oranagah AHRC x A Patchie Critter )
Source: Appaloosa News 8-84:30
Foaled ----
PC 3883
Han D Winna Mae mare
(Han D's Dew Bob 110594 x Simba T 165596)
Source: TC 3-01:236, Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----
PC 3890
King's Summit mare
(King Plaudit 55157 x Comet Again AQ)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1971
Dam of Kay Kay Plaudit B 319621
PC 3901
PrinceÕs Charleen mare
(Prince Chicaro 165913 x BuckyÕs Flash Back)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3916
Joan Flash mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3928
LadÕs Cinnamon mare
(Suzy's Poplar Lad 136363 x Princess [quarter])
Source: pedigree.appj/allbreed
Foaled ----
PC 3931
Wapiti Cloud III
(Wapiti 5445 x RomanÕs Rosie Chick PC 1326)
Source: Wapiti Production list, Appaloosa News 5-82:39, 9-82:16, SWOA-Jason Hooper
Foaled 1976
PC 3937
DocÕs Barbie Bar
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3943
Pepper Chick
(Three Chicks Jr x Peppermint Gold AQ)
Source: Spotted Horse 10-77:22
Foaled 1972
PC 3958
Dun Sikem
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 3964
MacÕs Star
(PrinceÕs Mac 97855 x Josie Seraphina AQ)
Source: ICAA Papers #1511
Foaled ----
PC 3968
Miss Felix Bars
Source: dam of Go Par Go 379049
Foaled ----
PC 3971
Misty May Rain mare
(Molly Coddle AQ x Lady May Rain)
Source: dam of Rustler's Ace 276422
Foaled ----
PC 3985
Two Eyed Prince S
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Jack's Gee Gee)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1977
PC 3986
Prince Elvis
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Joker's Lady ID 2661)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1976
PC 3999
Trix Tagg Tail mare
Source: allbreed
Foaled ----
Dam of Some Kinda Trick 410552
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ApHC "F":
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This page last updated July 2022.