Appaloosa Territory
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ApHC "PC":
PC 1-1000, PC 1001-2000, PC 2001-3000, PC 3001-4000,
PC 4001-5000, PC 5001-6000, PC 6001-7000 , PC 7001-8176
PC (Pedigree Certificate) Registrations 1001-2000
PC 1006
Big WigÕs Calypso
(Mr. Big Wig 77133 x Carmen Calypso AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit #11, Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----
PC 1021
Silver Barr mare
(Silver Strikes Equal 68945 x Deck Pan ID 3233)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-77:82ad, Sherry Byrd
Foaled 1972
PC 1031
Marsha Roberds mare
(Mighty Marshall 51565 x Plaudy Roberds 58301)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-81:69, Sherry
Foaled 1971
PC 1036
Bright Eyes Plaudet mare
(NorgrenÕs Bright Bars 40802 x NorgrenÕs mare #59 ID 8621)
Source: ?
Foaled ----
PC 1046
RockieÕs Ecko mare
(Rocky Hill x Fashionable Fuzz)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-79:296p
Foaled ----
PC 1065
Miss Final Fire mare
(ApacheÕs Final Call 133246 x Foxy Fire PC 797)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1098
Bolo mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1118
Just A Joke K mare
(JokerÕs Dun Spot 28229 x Miss Diamond Straw B 71358)
Source: pedigree.appj
dam of DeuceÕs Wild K 229104
Foaled 1971
PC 1129
Absarokee Leo-Ta mare
Source: allbreed
dam of War Leo Boy 327049
Foaled ----
PC 1131
TPÕs Well Witcher mare
Source: Appaloosa News 8-84:31, Appaloosa World 3-83:45
Foaled ----
PC 1170
Georgia Poppins
(Georgian TB x Hildy Clavo AQ)
Source: Bonnie/Sherry
Foaled ----
PC 1187
Prince Cute Cat
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x CatsyÕs McCue AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1973
PC 1188
Miss Berseemboro
(Berseemboro JC x Miss Pan Pan AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1968
PC 1191
Cash Plaudit
(King Plaudit 55157 x Miss Beaver Cash AQ)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1974
PC 1192
Bonita Plaudit
Source: ApHC
Foaled ----
Dam of Plaudit's Torno B 306616
PC 1193
Plaudit' s King gelding
(King Plaudit 55157 x HankÕs Ruthie AQ)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1974
PC 1198
Cocolena mare
(Leander x quarter)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-84:54p
Foaled ----
PC 1199
Hi-Fly mare
Source: allbreed
Foaled ----
Dam of Grand Morning ID 5780
PC 1202
Miss Poco Tina mare
(Mr Poco Jeff AQ x Angel unreg)
Source: Sherry Byrd, pedigree.appj
Foaled 1970
Dam of Love Me Easy PC 2932
PC 1218
Millicent mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1222
Jackie Blue It mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1224
Angel Bars mare
(PrinceÕs Leo 140873 x Aspen Bars AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1225
Faila's Doll mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1245
Rebel's Aid mare
(Patchy Jr's Shawn Tonga Rebel 189750 x )
Source: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:18
Foaled ----
PC 1247
Deck A Baby mare
(Top Deck JC x Joaks Tilde AQ)
Source: appj
Foaled 1964
PC 1291
DF Mighty Deb mare
Source: Prince Plaudit #6 Dam of Bright N Fancy 2J 296276
Foaled ----
PC 1326
RomanÕs Rosie Chick mare
(Hayes Roman Cloud 61182 x ChickABob ID 2066 )
Source: Wapiti Production list
Foaled ----
PC 1343
Miss Rose Go mare
(Bolodier JC x Baby Go AQ)
Source:, Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----
PC 1350
Mighty Chipeta GG mare
(Mighty Bright 9760 x Tega Linda 83858)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1974
PC 1355
ENRÕs Buxom Lou mare
(Moolah Bux JC x Lady Lou Bar AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 4-80:189p
Foaled ----
PC 1364
Top Deck Lady mare
(Top DeckÕs Joker 37246 x Lady Susie Bell AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1384
Silver Dawn D mare
(Silver Strikes Equal 68945 x Lady Zota AQ)
Source: Ada Fall77#353p
Foaled ----
Dam of Freckles Ransom 260459

PC 1387
Shy Anna mare
(Money Creek's Rockledge F-4092 x Money Creek's Sun Star B-28580)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1975

PC 1398
Roman Sundown mare
(Hay Roman JC x JokerÕs Sunset 64250)
Source: MC 77#66, 79#70
Foaled ----
PC 1400
Miss Lady Lou mare
(Dart Bar AQ x Lady Riley)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-77:157
Foaled 1971
PC 1402
Might Bee Bright mare
(Mighty Bright 9760 x Carmen Calypso AQHA #77397)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-81:215
Foaled ----
PC 1405
Navajo's Mr Black
(Navajo Britches x Royal Tammie AQ)
Source: Navajo Britches Production list
Foaled 1973
PC 1415
Miss Rifle Sox mare
(Leo Buffy AQ x Robin)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 214p
Foaled ----
PC 1421
DoeÕs Rockette mare
(OxburnÕs Doe Boy 94414 x WaukeÕs Dream AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 4-77:135
Foaled 1975
PC 1453
MRÕs Annie Fanny mare
(Chargeono Bar 42545 x Sassy Silk 41395)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-79:146, Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----
PC 1458
Reina Freckles mare
(Freckle's Bandit 152242 x MS [Ms?] Lady Beck 65065)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 406p
Foaled ----
PC 1461 to 240756
Ms Bambi Bars mare
(Bambi E x ?)
Source: Appaloosa News 11-78:154
Foaled 1975
PC 1467
FAÕs Rugged Spook mare
(RuggedÕs Frosty 161729 x Domino Fleet 89308)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1473
Sweet Moolah mare
(Moolah March 64537 x Tampico Miss AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1486
Babet mare
Source: Appaloosas Only March 1986
Dam of Tai PanÕs Littlebit 238744
Foaled ----
PC 1493
JR's Hoddy Dott mare
(Hoddy Doc 89018 x Fanny Gates AQ)
Source: TC fall 84 lot 5
Foaled 1972
PC 1510
R Stormalea mare
(QuintaÕs Stormy W 111360 x Lady Lea 120575)
Source: allbreed
Dam of Sparkalea 618272
Foaled ----
PC 1514
Miss Spanish Plaudit mare
(King Plaudit 55157 x Spanish Cutie AQ)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1975
PC 1531
Hi Hand Poka mare
(High Hand x Sunda Poka AQ)
Source: High Hand Production report
Foaled 1974
PC 1535
High Ella mare
(High Hand x Ella Robin AQ)
Source: High Hand Production report
Foaled 1969
PC 1538
Cindy Christian mare
Source: Wapiti Production report
Foaled ----
PC 1549
Larissa San mare
(Adonde AQ x Larissa AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1972
PC 1566
Boomer Bess mare
(Navajo Britches x Boomer Ann ID 6043)
Source: Navajo Britches Production report
Foaled 1965
PC 1625
Cuchara Barette mare
(Mr Barsun ID 11497 x Cuchara Princess 14397)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1627
Moon Marks J mare
(Patchy Jr F-1380 x Dance O The Moon PC 109)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1971
PC 1638
Bit of Ghost mare
(Ghost of Comanche 40475 x Brenda Bit ID 9174)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-79:80ad
Foaled 1970
PC 1645
Lady Comanche LM mare
(Rusty Gravey AQ x TeriÕs Anne 17314)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1662
Midnight's Lady mare
(Ronek x General's Goldie AQ)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 328p
Foaled ----
PC 1677
Little Ginger J mare
(Apache F-730 x PatchyÕs Ginger F-4357)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1678
Dial Julu stallion
(Dial Bright Too 107308 x Sissy Caro 150100)
Source: TC Fall85 lot 45p
Foaled ----

PC 1696
Jan Straw
Source: Appaloosa News 7-84:142
Foaled 1975
dam of Wild N Ready
bay mare on left, other is Go Scooter Bug Go
PC 1718
LandlordÕs Becky
(Landlord 2nd JC x Becky Iron AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-84:225p
Foaled ----
PC 1722
Cord Redbrid mare
(Plaudit Cord 162861 x PlauditÕs Redbrid 170639)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1762
Miss JessieÕs Red mare
(Gabbar AHRA x Miss Red - unreg)
Source: ApHC pedigree
Foaled ----
PC 1776
Tessie Go mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1787
KKÕs Winona Wapiti mare
(KKÕs Wapiti J 174936 x KKÕs Bellita ID 2140)
Source: CRHA Bloodhorse V6:41, pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1788
KKÕs El Teko Sego mare
(LM Moonshine 83625 x KKÕs Snowvano 177038/CRHA)
Source: CRHA Bloodhorse V7:7
Foaled ----
PC 1789
Chandler Charlene mare
(Crockett King x quarter)
Source: allbreed, Ada 10-78 lot 86p
Foaled ----
Dam of Bandit's Miss 96297 and Red Wing Bandit 241574
PC 1790
ColidaÕs Cowgirl I mare
(Colida 7681 x Okie Cowgirl AQ)
Source: Colida Production list
Foaled 1970
PC 1791
ColidaÕs Lil Lass mare
(Colida 7681 x SquireÕs Luan AQ)
Source: Colida Production list
Foaled 1970
PC 1813
Scotch Kiss mare
(Prince Hank x Skip In Scotch AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 7-81:39
Foaled ----
PC 1814
SheikÕs Mount mare
(Prince Hank x SheikÕs Reign AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 11-82:94
Foaled 1974
PC 1819
DBÕs Appache Peso mare
(ButtonÕs Peso 77287 x DBÕs Miss Scorpion 145559)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1974
PC 1820
Gimpy Bar mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1827
Wauhatchie Banner mare
(LS King Plaudit 136207 x ?)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1834
Miss WDS mare
(Road Agent 127656 x Wapiti's Dido Silver 47094)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled ----
PC 1844
Spyder From Mars
Source: Appaloosa News 4-77:153ad
Foaled ----
PC 1847
Waspy Lady
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1849
Copper Quarters mare
(Royal nr/arabian per appj x Bunny Hop nr/79882 per appj)
Source: CRHA Bloodlhorse V7:6, pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1874
Sweet Peavy mare
(Mighty Peavy 44786 x Sweet Kate AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1879
N WimpyÕs Swan Dot mare
(Nichols Swan Dot x WimpyÕs Peppy Dot PC 433)
Source: Ada Fall76:#18
Foaled ----
PC 1908
Jayhawk Sugarfoot mare
(Jayhawker Bar AQ x ?)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1913
DadÕs Rockette mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 1923
Deep Skippy mare
(Skipper Nick x ?)
Source: ApHC
Foaled ----
Dam of Security Plaudit 280768
PC 1951
Plaudit's Ebony mare
(Skip's Plaudit 97567 x Plaudit's Milk Maid 139653)
Source: Ada
Foaled ----
PC 1965
Bright Slate
(Bright Eyes Brother x Lady Colorow ID 706)
Source: Bright Eyes Brother Production lis
Foaled 1974
PC 1981
Hollywood Jetsun
(Can Jet AQ x Hollywood Tammy ID 14098 x Hollywood Gold)
Source: Appaloosa News 2-78:278, Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----
PC 1989
RocketÕs Mistake
(ChampagneÕs Rocket 134342 x Cygnette Reb AQ)
Source: CharEd pedigree
Foaled ----
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ApHC "F":
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This page last updated October 2022.