Appaloosa Territory
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ApHC "PC":
PC 1-1000, PC 1001-2000, PC 2001-3000, PC 3001-4000,
PC 4001-5000, PC 5001-6000, PC 6001-7000 , PC 7001-8176
PC (Pedigree Certificate) Registrations 5001-6000
PC 5029/ID 14522
ChubÕs Queen mare
(Chubby Pawnee T-1434 x Queen K 18290)
Source: Ehlers
Foaled ----
PC 5032
Satin Baby Joe mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5039
BossÕs Sister mare
(RomanÕs Straw Man 158365 x Balmy Billie AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1977
PC 5040
Ink's Cloud mare
(Plaudit Ink 137048 x Lightning Cloud AQ)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 239 $350
Foaled 1977
PC 5050
Doc Leo
(Sequoia's Moon Pocket 126138 x Leo Mary's Tap AQ)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-77:112
Foaled 1976
PC 5061
Jok R stallion
(Wolf Creek Leo AQ x KingÕs June AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj, Ada 10-78 lot 476p
Foaled ----
PC 5106
Rocky Voyage stallion
(Money Creek's Rockledge F-4092 x Fish Maiden' s Voyage 204893)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1977
PC 5113
Prince Carosun stallion
Source: Appaloosas Only 30-86:5p
Foaled ----
Sire of WFM Sun Plaudit 277716
PC 5131
Wild Tracy mare
(Wild Cougar 185414 x Little Tracy JC)
Source: TC Spr93 lot 210
Foaled 1977
PC 5148
Good Wine stallion
(Good Wine JC x Chokeche Princess 46422)
Source: Hatley lot8
Foaled 1976
PC 5157
Native Ripple mare
(Heisanative JC x Pecosita Ripplebux 193846)
Source: PP#9lot74p
Foaled ----
PC 5156
Zana mare
(Little Red Zantanon AQ x quarter)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5158/CRHA 1772-O
Tao's Nopera Ra
(Marsh Acre's Red Sun CRHA 1433 x Marsh Acre's Tao ID 16916)
Source: CRHA
Foaled 1976
PC 5164
Easy Tag mare
(Easy Walt 151928 x Top Tag AQ)
Source: TC F99#185
Foaled ----
PC 5174
Bridgett CM mare
Source: ApHC
Foaled ----
Dam of Okie Plaudit 451726
PC 5196
Likely Pearl mare
Source: ?
Foaled ----
PC 5197
Navajo Firebrand mare
(SnoopyÕs Triple A 163345 x Pep Me Up AQ)
Source: CRHA Bloodhorse V5:9
Foaled ----
PC 5222
Lucky Joe I mare
(CareyÕs Little Chief T-856 x Blissfully TB)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5224
Purely Peavy mare
Source: Goer Production list
Foaled ----
PC 5225
Miss High Up Bar mare
(Mr High Bar 117137 x Jettie Charge 111666)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5232
Anita Star mare
(Wapiti Red Dog 101815 x Flossie Star AQ)
Source: SWOA-Jason Hooper, TC Fall84 lot 155
Foaled 1977
PC 5234
JoeÕs Bit O Honey mare
Source: dam of Honey Dial 338774
Foaled ----
PC 5236
BaffleÕs Doll mare
(Baffle JC x Aperion JC )
Source:Prince Plaudit #1
Foaled ----
PC 5265
Barred Relic mare
(Barred AQ x DoctorÕs Fancy TB)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1965
PC 5282
Easter Babe mare
(Mr Smokey Dawn AQ x Sugar)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5310
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5311
Mysterious Prince
(Prince Plaudit 55156 x Triple Lady PC 686)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list,
Foaled 1977
PC 5312
Suzie Q Sioux
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5331
Jody Thistle mare
(Mr Thistle AQ x Lodeba Jo Jo AQ)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 81
Foaled 1964
PC 5341
Lotta Breeze
(Navajo Breeze 50081 x Lotta Pearl JC)
Source: Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----
PC 5352
Azure Bug mare
(Justa Head AQ x Whosis AQ-appx)
Source: Appaloosa News 8-78:57, Sherry Byrd
Foaled 1976
PC 5354
Mighty Hannah mare
(Mighty Happy 163168 x Hetty Leo AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5375
Prince Bouncer
(Prince Plaudit x Bouncing Jackie AQ)
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled 1976
PC 5377
Classy Plaudet mare
(King Plaudit 55157 x Geronimo Gyp PC 795)
Source: ApHC
Foaled 1976
PC 5442
JTÕs Snippy mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5450
My Mahogany mare
(Roman Jet 134744 x Dial Right Time BT110067
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5454
LouÕs Double
(Apache Double x Choir Girl AQ)
Source: Apache Double Production list
Foaled 1976
PC 5469
Chicaro Bay Bee mare
(Jayhawk Chicaro x ScatterÕs Honey Bee)
Source: CRHA Bloodlhorse V7:5
Foaled ----
PC 5481
Exclusive Classie mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----

PC 5483
Pistol Packin' Mama mare
(Peavy's Pistol 95566 x Joker's Show Bell ID 2230)
Source: Prince Plaudit #5 1984 lot 35
Foaled 1976
PC 5487
Cricket School mare
(Cricket Bars 50398 x Dancing School)
Source: High Hand Production list
Foaled ----
PC 5489
EchoÕs Image mare
Source: ApHC registration paper for QuincyÕs Moonbeam 645330
Foaled ----
Added June 2018
PC 5495
PlauditÕs Tee
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5507
Hollywood Kid
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5514
BambiÕs Blak Magic mare
(Malibu Chief F-2502 x Blue Ribbon Bambi 194361)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5538
Leo's Patsy mare
(Leo Minnick AQ x Hayward Patsy AQ)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 526 $675
Foaled 1968
PC 5539
Goo Gal Bar I mare
(Sportie Bars AQ x Goldie Stead AQ)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 521 $1500
Foaled 1970
PC 5540
Divinity Bar I mare
(Sportie Bars AQ x Divinity AQ)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 517 $800
Foaled 1971
PC 5541
DoeÕs Sassy Skip mare
(OxburnÕs Doe Boy x Rangerette Skip AQ)
Source: Spotted Horse 4-79:IFC, Appaloosa News 4-79:121ad
Foaled 1976
PC 5542
Doe's Poco Maid mare
(? [Oxburn's Doe Boy?] x ?)
Source: Appaloosas Only 3-86
Foaled ----
Dam of Marshall Roberds 415116 and Sporty Maiden 357790
PC 5576
ENRÕs Juana Deck mare
(Juana Reed 111864 x Deckchick AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1975
PC 5605
Exclusive Me I mare
(Hyannis Buck AQ x Lil Gro Bar I AQ)
Source: Ada 10-78 l0t 527 $700 NS
Foaled 1972
PC 5606
Dee Three I mare
(Pit Three AQ x Shady Dee AQ)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 525 $725
Foaled 1975

PC 5608
Princess Wimper mare
(Prince Fury 107201 x Wimper Star 214266)
Source: MC 79#55
Foaled 1977
PC 5610
Khaled Rock mare
(Money Creek's Rockledge F-4092 x Sligo Lass JC)
Source: CRHA Bloodhorse V7:59
Foaled 1977
Dam of Khaled Coin 336745
PC 5615
Cross Bar mare
(Wizzer K Bar 112581 x Spicey Cross AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1978
PC 5624
SkipÕs Red mare
(Sir Red Plaudit 113921 x SkipÕs Gift AQ)
Source: pedigre.appj
Foaled 1977
PC 5627
Suzet Bar I mare
(Sportie Bars AQ x Suze T Ryan AQ)
Source: Ada 10-78 lot 528 $900
Foaled 1970
PC 5638
Doo Lea's Sis mare
(Brent Lea 49538 x Truly Did JC)
Source: allbreed
Foaled 1969
PC 5649/CRHA 2412-N
Three Bars Sid
(Sand Springs Eagle CRHA 1635 x Beatle Luck Brandy ID 14810)
Source: CRHA
Foaled 1976
PC 5655
Smoky Lady Blue
Source: CRHA
Foaled ----
Dam of Roche's Cocoa 328268
PC 5672
Sassafrass T
(TB/Standardbred x Star - unreg Appaloosa)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1975
PC 5687
Wapiti Luv
(Ha Dar Honey 109515 x Wish Me Love 86898)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled 1974
PC 5693
Auntie Em mare
(The Executive x Olla's Elizabeth Star ID 7954)
Source: The Executive Production list
Foaled 1977
PC 5696
Black Milly mare
Source: CRHA
Foaled ----
PC 5707
High N Bold mare
(High Hand x Bold Stealer JC)
Source: High Hand Production list
Foaled 1976
PC 5727
Ms Sonny Dee Bar mare
(Sonny Dee Bar AQ x Peppy Starla AQ)
Source: allbreed
Foaled ----
PC 5752
Private Prinsess [Princess?] mare
(Private World JC x PiasaroÕs Princess #T22927)
Source: SWOA-Jason Hooper, Hinchcliff pedigree
Foaled 1976
PC 5753
DoubleÕs Lassie mare
(Apache Double 134886 x Pink Penny JC)
Source: Apache Double Production list
Foaled 1976
PC 5755
Miss Sample Bars mare
(Sacred Sample 177555 x Miss 68 Bars AQ)
Source: Goer Production report, Sherry Byrd
Foaled ----
PC 5772
SunboÕs Meghan mare
(GoodieÕs Custer 88462 x Miss Liddy Lou AQ)
Source: Twin Fall 95
Foaled ----
PC 5787
K Bars Sugar Ann mare
(Wizzer K Bar 112581 x Sugar Dixie AQ)
Source: 4N 78 sale#37
Foaled 1977
PC 5809
Wild HopeÕs Smoke
(Powder Smoke x d of Wild Hope)
Source: Appaloosa News 12-79:218, SDNL 1-09:a
Foaled 1977
PC 5838/ID 15950
Vee Dee Bird/Veedy Bird
Source: Prince Plaudit Production list
Foaled ----
PC 5855
Wendy WhiteFoot mare
(Brindabella's Siri Plaudit 135670 x Brindabella's Suzette 136987)
Source: allbreed
Foaled ----
PC 5856
Smoke's Poppy
(Super Smoke 86388 x Zanty Zanz O AQ)
Source: Sherry
Foaled ----
PC 5888
Check Me Over mare
(Checkpoint Charlie x Nevada Joy)
Source: Appaloosa News 1-79:162
Foaled ----
PC 5897
Brown Sugar B mare
(Abdull's Pok A Son 143460 x Too Kute Keeno AQ)
Source: TC fall86 lot 68
Foaled 1978
PC 5898
Dolly Britches W mare
(Navajo Britches x DoolettaÕs First ID 16544)
Source: Navajo Britches Production list
Foaled 1974
PC 5936
Jet Set Romance mare
(Roman Jet 134744 x Sissie C Dell AQ)
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
PC 5996
Sandy Blaze Hey mare
Source: pedigree.appj
Foaled ----
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ApHC "F":
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This page last updated March 2023.