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Links to Foundation pages:
Alphabetical Index F-1 to F-1798
Numerical List:
Tentative Registered Appaloosas
T-8201 to T-8300
Jan's Rob Roy stallion
Brown, snowflakes
(Appaloosa x Jittery Jane)
Bred by Jan Lake, Haines City, Florida
Foaled 1958
Magic Prince S stallion
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(unnamed x Magic Lady S F-4793)
Bred by Lee Stevenson and Jake Schwiegert, Baker, Montana
Foaled ----
Okie Babe mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Oklahoma F-2398 x Lady Dude)
Bred by Howard Thompson, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Owned by PH Hughes, Sulphur, Oklahoma
Foaled 1960
Texas Kiowa stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(High Hand F-3366 x Canadian Appaloosa)
Bred by Jack Campbell, Gillette, Wyoming
Owned by LD Trammell Jr, Aspermont, Texas
Foaled 1958

Fonseca Yellow Knife stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Cooterville Peso F-3455 x silver quarter)
Bred by Herbert Fonseca, Houma, Louisiana
Foaled 1960
Fonseca Running Bear stallion
Dun, white spots over hips
(Cooterville Peso F-3455 x Goldie)
Bred by Herbert Fonseca, Houma, Louisiana
Foaled 1960

Fonseca Red Feather stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Cooterville Peso F-3455 x Gypsy)
Bred by Herbert Fonseca, Houma, Louisiana
Foaled 1960
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-66:80, 3-66:36, 12-66:75
Fonseca Little White Dove mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Cooterville Peso F-3455 x Beauty)
Bred by Herbert Fonseca, Houma, Louisiana
Foaled 1960
Cocapache stallion
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Floyd Erwin, Phoenix, Arizona
Foaled 1958
Black Hills stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Apple Bar T-2937 x Miss Roan Eagle M T-7576)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Owned by Glenwood Phelps, Huzzah, Missouri
Foaled 1958
Dirty SB gelding
Red roan, white spots over hips, red spots over body
(Ice Cubes x Miss Tequila)
Bred by Mansfield Ranch, Amarillo, Texas
Owned by Tom Owen, Broken Bow, Nebraska
Foaled 1951
Reference: Appaloosa News 2-66:26
Mister Dee Bee stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x Arabian)
Owned by Betty Beeman, Lakeville, Indiana
Foaled 1956
Topper's Stardust mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Sharon's Topper F-3352 x Star)
Bred by Daniel Kaufman, Boise, Idaho
Foaled 1959

T-8214/ApHCC 267
Naitchic Chief stallion
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x Lucky Lady ApHCC 265)
Bred by BE Doering, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Owned by CJ Hartman, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Foaled 1954
Reference: Western Horsemen 12-68:81
Miss Three Forks mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Chief Navajo F-1970 x quarter)
Bred by Wyatt Haskell, Three Forks, Montana
Owned by Jack Mereness, Boise, Idaho
Foaled 1959
Miss Montana M mare
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Chief Navajo F-1970 x TB)
Bred by Wyatt Haskell, Three Forks, Montana
Owned by Jack Mereness, Boise, Idaho
Foaled 1959
Mr Big Piney stallion
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Appaloosa x quarter)
Bred by Phil Marensick, Big Piney, Wyoming
Owned by JE Fratello, Salt Lake City, Utah
Foaled 1959

Princess Ann R mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Big Eye F-1575 x Gray Doll)
Bred by JT Ryan, Chriesman, Texas
Foaled 1960
Reference: Appaloosa News May61:47, CRHA Bloodhorse V6:58, V5:58
Skipalong S stallion
Red leopard
(Pecos Bill F-3625 x Juana B T-2866)
Bred by Searle Brothers, Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Foaled 1960
Seneca Babe mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Robert Marquess, Eugene, Oregon
Foaled 1948
Seneca Blue mare
Blue roan, black spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Robert Marquess, Eugene, Oregon
Foaled 1953
Fritzie G gelding
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Tip F-1486 x Rocky)
Bred by Berdette Glassner, Butte, Montana
Foaled 1958

Benninger's Chief Sundance stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Yurok Chief F-1538 x Cheyenne)
Bred by Rufus Hanks, Los Molinos, California
Owned by FM Benninger, Los Molinos, California
Foaled 1957
Red Dog gelding
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Cuero Mancho T-1660 x Sundown)
Bred by Jack Vanderlinden, Hayfork, California
Foaled 1957
Pancho Villa Mac stallion
White, black spots over hips
( Rock Spun F-256 x Joe McBride)
Bred by Merrideth, Austin, Texas
Owned by RA McElroy, Linn, Texas
Foaled 1956
Kiwanis stallion
Red roan, white with black spots over body and hips
( Chief Joseph Rex F-688 x unnamed)
Bred by CJ Rost, Swan Lake, Montana
Foaled 1956

Oo Wow Ee mare
Bay, white with bay spots over body and hips
(Patchy Jr F-1380 x McCushalah ID-700)
Bred by Allie Lou Etcheverry, De Beque, Colorado
Foaled 1960
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-66:67, SDNL 1-75
Hazelwood's Bimbo gelding
Bay, spotted blanket
(Mexican Appaloosa x Mexican Appaloosa)
Owned by SR Hazelwood, Sherman, Texas
Foaled 1952
Flashee mare
Red roan, blanket
( Nurany Half Arab x Boots)
Bred by Bert Sullivan, Boulder, Colorado
Owned by Ross Allen, Idaho Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1955
Todd's Pepper stallion
Red roan, white and red spots over hips
(El Wit Tit F-1782 x Butter Cup)
Bred by Thenton Todd, Lapwai, Idaho
Foaled 1957
Cliff's Honey B mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3181
Nomalaki M mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Apache G F-1693 x Socks)
Bred by Dean Montero, Orland, California
Foaled 1960
Bananza Sue mare
Red roan, white with sorrel spots over body
(Thunder x Tippy)
Bred by JH Amery, Braymer, Missouri
Owned by Gene Yuille, Braymer, Missouri
Foaled 1958
Cody's Chief stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Cody T-1105 x Lady Bird F-2744)
Bred by Virginia Oettermann, San Antonio, Texas
Owned by Hulen Hunt, Corpus Christi, Texas
Foaled 1960
Hunt's Night Bird stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Cody T-1105 x Silver Dot T-4062)
Bred by Virginia Oettermann, San Antonio, Texas
Owned by Hulen Hunt, Corpus Christi, Texas
Foaled 1960
Schuchard's Speckled Wolf mare
Red roan, snowflakes
(Cherokee x She Wolf)
Bred by Banner Ranch, Summit, South Dakota
Owned by Roy Schuchard, Watertown, South Dakota
Foaled 1953
War Sprout stallion
Bay, blanket
(Squaw Sprout T-3001 x SarCee Bonnett T-4696)
Bred by Bar Jo Appaloosa Ranch, Lawton, Oklahoma
Foaled 1960
El Kutt stallion
Chestnut, light with white and chestnut spots over hips
(Yellow King AQ P 43413 x Appaloosa)
Bred by Grady Ellis, Knox City, Texas
Owned by Roy Bosten, San Angelo, Texas
Foaled 1959

Cloud's Red Fire stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(White Streak JC x unnamed)
Bred by Lottie McNab, Wolf Point, Montana
Owned by John Cloud, Glasgow, Montana
Foaled 1957
Reference: Appaloosa News Oct61:36, Nov61:51
Phillips Comanche stallion
Blue roan, white with black spots over body
(Oklahoma F-2398 x Mottie Bob)
Bred by Howard Thompson, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Owned by Oscar Phillips, Wewoka, Oklahoma
Foaled 1960
Snapper's Red Bonnett stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Snapper's War Bonnett Jr T-8243 x Sugar Too)
Bred by Sherrill Benson, Meridian, Texas
Foaled 1960
Snapper's Little Bonnett stallion
Dun, spotted blanket
(Snapper's War Bonnett Jr T-8243 x Frances)
Bred by Sherrill Benson, Meridian, Texas
Foaled 1960
Snapper's War Bonnett Jr stallion
Dun, spotted blanket
(Chief War Bonnett T F-3438 x Sorrel Top)
Bred by Sherrill Benson, Meridian, Texas
Foaled 1957
Malheur's Full Moon stallion
Sorrel, white with sorrel spots over body
(Malheur Scout T-2243 x Betty Lou)
Bred by Sam Hiibel,Fallon, Nevada
Owned by Earl and Melba George, Redwood Valley, California
Foaled 1957
Mohave Miss mare
Bay, white spots over hips
( Mohave Brave F-1667 x Missy)
Bred by Verne Stevens, Independence, Missouri
Owned by DE Frantsen, Grandview, Missouri
Foaled 1959
Brahman Ridge Apache stallion
Black leopard
(Toni F-699 x Smoky)
Bred by Edward Parsons, Bergholz, Ohio
Owned by Virgil Manbeck, Jewett, Ohio
Foaled 1956
Braham Ridge Freckles mare
Sorrel, white and black spots over hips
(Toni F-699 x Princess)
Bred by Virgil Manbeck, Jewett, Ohio
Foaled 1959
Rock Eye stallion
Chestnut, snowflakes, chestnut spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by E Bryan Clemens, Fort Worth, Texas
Foaled 1956
Hanson's Timberline mare
Brown, snowflakes
(Chief Joseph Rex F-688 x Stinky)
Bred by Norman Hanson, Marion, Montana
Foaled 1956
Peskee Gee gelding
Red roan, snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Mrs Robert Greene, Chelan Falls, Washington
Foaled 1957
Chico's Sister mare
Red roan, white spots over hips
(Stubby F-920 x Brownie)
Bred by Roland McCrae, Wallowa, Oregon
Owned by Don Johnson, Walla Walla, Washington
Foaled 1949
Reference: Appaloosa News 12-66:62
Miss Wanita mare
Brown, snowflakes
(Red Mohawk T-2953 x Bittersweet T-675)
Bred by George Haine, Pony, Montana
Owned by Wayne Schrage, Powell, Wyoming
Foaled 1959
DB's Swamp Fire mare
Red roan, blanket
(Appaloosa x sorrel mare)
Owned by Richard Bullen, West Covina, California
Foaled 1959
Bee Bee stallion
Bay roan, spotted blanket
(Bee Bob T-1451 x Beautie Pearl T-1508)
Bred by Mr and Mrs CB Lawrence, Weatherford, Texas
Foaled 1959
Murry Billy Boy stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Chief Keowa F-687 x unnamed)
Bred by Phillip Murry, Alva, Oklahoma
Foaled 1959
Jeffres Phantom mare
Red roan, light over hips
(Pablo F-267 x Tamborine)
Bred by Nate Brown, Grass Creek, Wyoming
Owned by Eva Jeffres, Thermopolis, Wyoming
Foaled 1959
Jeffres Gay Girl mare
Chestnut roan, light over hips,chestnut and white spots over body
(Jeffres Red Pepper F-1856 x Wakley's Ginger)
Bred by Eva Jeffres, Thermopolis, Wyoming
Foaled 1959
Super Sabre stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Norman Borchers, Freeport, Illinois
Foaled 1954
Tierra Blanca's Whistle B stallion
Dun, white spots over hips
(Whistle Britches F-2492 x Miles quarter mare)
Bred by Carl Miles, Abilene, Texas
Owned by Mrs Dale Martin Sr, Canyon, Texas
Foaled 1959
Carl's Little Man stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Chief Joe Joe T-3630 x unnamed)
Bred by Carl Keller Jr, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Foaled 1960
Tokey A Sha stallion
Sorrel, snowflakes
(quarter x Appaloosa)
Bred by Gordon Christens, Whitlash, Montana
Owned by EM Berthelson, Montana
Foaled 1958
Watonga stallion
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(quarter x Ogalla Squaw)
Bred by Gordon Christens, Whitlash, Montana
Owned by EM Berthelson, Montana
Foaled 1958
Bubble Bath mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Appaloosa x Simcoe's Chiliwist F-4581)
Bred by John Frazier, Omak, Washington
Owned by Fred Davis, Spokane, Washington
Foaled 1958
Davis' Big Enough mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Sugar Foot F x Simcoe's Tulalip F-4582)
Bred by John Frazier, Omak, Washington
Owned by Fred Davis, Spokane, Washington
Foaled 1959
Miss Blizzard D mare
Blue roan, white spots over hips
(Fashion Chief x Appaloosa)
[Bred by Ed Condon, Nespelium, Washington?????]
Owned by Fred Davis, Spokane, Washington
Foaled 1952
Mr Wampum gelding
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(Appaloosa x TB)
Bred by John Frazier, Omak, Washington
Owned by Fred Davis, Spokane, Washington
Foaled 1952
Davis' Shy An mare
Blue roan, white spots over hips
(Fashion Chief x Simcoe's Shiloh F-3058)
Bred by John Frazier, Omak, Washington
Owned by Fred Davis, Spokane, Washington
Foaled 1957
Mr Blizzard Britches stallion
Bay, white spots over hips
(TB x Appaloosa)
Owned by Fred Davis, Spokane, Washington
Foaled 1958
Reckless Britches stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Sparky AQ P 47369 x Simcoe's Shiloh F-3058)
Bred by JF Thoren, Nespelem, Washington
Owned by Robert Vill, Mead, Washington
Foaled 1958
Miss Lovely mare
Black leopard
(Speck (Timberline Speckled Drifter 18715) x bay mare)
Bred by Mickey Ahern, Broadview, Montana
Owned by Rex Christofferson, Pleasant Grove, Utah
Foaled 1954
Reference: Appaloosa News 12-77:99p
Tierra Blanca's Pay Day stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4892
Wayet Miss Dancer mare
Blue roan, white spots over hips
(Missoula Tom Tom T-2402 x Missoula Shady Girl T-5031)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Owned by John Pruett, Knoxville Illinois and Glen Coons, Maquon, Illinois
Foaled 1959
Harry S Hoss gelding
Brown leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Carl Teagarden, LaCygne, Kansas
Foaled 1949

Tea Hash Knife stallion
Dun, [spotted?] blanket
(Tea Poke T-3900 x Wyoming)
Bred by Carl Teagarden, LaCygne, Kansas
Foaled 1960
Reference: Western Horsemen 6-65:95
Mansfield's Comanche stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3096
Miss Spring Time mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(Chief Bandera F-1778 xAh Yoka T-3226)
Bred by Robert Mathues, Vidor, Texas
Foaled ----

The Beaver gelding
Brown, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Bud Templin, Phoenix, Arizona
Foaled 1955
Reference: Appaloosa News Jun61:45
Piter's Mr Easter stallion
Chestnut, white over body and hips
(Chief II F-163 x Queen of the Rogue T-1377)
Bred by Steve Piter, Eugene, Oregon
Foaled 1960
Millie Maumin mare
Red roan, blanket
(Maumin Chief F-428 x Sunny)
Bred by Julie Nelson, Costa Mesa, California
Foaled 1958
Cooterville Blue Bonnet mare
Blue roan, black and white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Merle McDole, McDade, Louisiana
Foaled 1950
Cooterville Joaquin stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Cooterville Norell's Little Red F-1673 x Cooterville Blue Bonnet 8280)
Bred by Hayes McDole, McDade, Louisiana
Foaled 1960
Cooterville Canada mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Hayes McDole, McDade, Louisiana
Foaled 1950

Cooterville C Baboon stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Cooterville Echohawk F-3479 x Cooterville Chocoate Soda F-3256)
Bred by Hayes McDole, McDade, Louisiana
Foaled 1960
Johnnie Ringo B gelding
White, brown spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Mrs James Bundy, Carman, Illinois
Foaled 1956
Wyoming Helado stallion
Red roan, white with bay spots over body
(Spatterwork F-1529 x Lady)
Bred by Milo Leithead, Worland, Wyoming
Foaled 1955
Lochsa Ches Mi mare
Chestnut, snowflakes
(Red Risk AQ P1655 x Bonnie)
Bred by John Summers, Halfway, Oregon
Owned by Leslie Hinkley, Palmer, Washington
Foaled 1955
Swan Lake Blue Belle mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3687
Swan Lake Prince stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3688
The Swan Lake Flash mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3691
Caddo Apache Belle mare
Black, white spots over hips
(Caddo Red Dog T-1756 x Anderson mare)
Bred by Paul Anderson, Marshall, Texas
Foaled 1960
Caddo Blue Feather mare
Black leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Paul Anderson, Marshall, Texas
Foaled 1950
Caddo Maiden mare
Black, white spots over hips
(K Hornet F-3294 x Ozark Mary Lou)
Bred by Paul Anderson, Marshall, Texas
Foaled 1959
Melody of Spring mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Simcoe's Sarcee F-1634 x Norfolk mare)
Bred by Charley W Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Kar De La mare
Black, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charley W Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1952
Keem O Saar mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charley W Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1948
Sarbuck stallion
Dun, spotted blanket
(Simcoe's Sarcee F-1634 x Milady)
Bred by Charley W Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Red Scramble mare
Chestnut, snowflakes
(Scrambled Eggs x Red Deer G T-7617)
Bred by Curtis Black, Shawano, Wisconsin
Owned by Thornton Green, Marshfield, Wisconsin
Foaled 1959
Cobre Mancha stallion
Red leopard
(Geronimo x Appaloosa)
Bred by Elmer Smith, Antigo, Wisconsin
Owned by Thornton Green, Marshfield, Wisconsin
Foaled 1959
Twin Brooks Dove mare
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Joan McGloon, Trumbull, Connecticut
Foaled 1954
McNeely's Fancy Feathers mare
Red roan, light over hips
(unnamed x unnamed)
Owned by Jack McNeely, Wilson, Wyoming
Foaled 1956
Links to Tentative pages:
Alphabetical Index T-1 to T-1600
#1-#100, #101-#200, #201-#300, #301-#400, #401-#500, #501-#600, #601-#700, #701-#800, #801-#900, #901-#1000, #1001-#1100, #1101-#1200, #1201-#1300, #1301-#1400, #1401-#1500, #1501-#1600, #1601-#1700, #1701-#1800 , #1801-#1900, #1901-#2000, #2001-#2100, #2101-#2200, #2201-#2300, #2301-#2400, #2401-#2500, #2501-#2600, #2601-#2700, #2701-#2800, #2801-#2900, #2901-#3000, #3001-#3100, #3101-#3200, #3201-#3300, #3301-#3400, #3401-#3500, #3501-#3600, #3601-#3700, #3701-#3800, #3801-#3900, #3901-#4000, #4001-#4100, #4101-#4200, #4201-#4300, #4301-#4400, #4401-#4500, #4501-#4600, #4601-#4700, #4701-#4800, #4801-#4900, #4901-#5000, #5001-#5100, #5101-#5200, #5201-#5300, #5301-#5400, #5401-#5500, #5501-#5600, #5601-#5700, #5701-#5800, #5801-#5900, #5901-#6000, #6001-#6100, #6101-#6200, #6201-#6300, #6301-#6400, #6401-#6500, #6501-#6600, #6601-#6700, #6701-#6800, #6801-#6900, #6901-#7000, #7001-#7100, #7101-#7200, #7201-#7300, #7301-#7400, #7401-#7500, #7501-#7600, #7601-#7700, #7701-#7800, #7801-#7900, #7901-#8000, #8001-#8100, #8101-#8200, #8201-#8300, #8301-#8400, #8401-#8500, #8501-#8600, #8601-#8700, #8701-#8800, #8801-#8900, #8901-#9000, #9001-#9100, #9101-#9200, #9201-#9300, #9301-#9400, #9401-#9500, #9501-#9600, #9601-#9700, #9701-#9800, #9801-#9900, #9901-#10000
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This page last updated July 2022