Appaloosa Territory
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Links to Foundation pages:
Alphabetical Index F-1 to F-1798
Numerical List:
Tentative Registered Appaloosas
T-6601 to T-6700
Weston's Beaver stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Owned by John Weston, Griswold, Iowa
Foaled 1955
Chief Apple Jack stallion
Red roan, red spots over hips
(Apple Bar T-2937 x Miss Twilite T-6213)
Bred by Jack Smith, Echo, Minnesota
Foaled 1959
Walker's Dakota Duke stallion
(Duke x Rose)
Owned by Don Walker, Boise City, Oklahoma
Foaled 1958
Mexico Lucy mare
Brown roan, light over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Raymond Schwenk, College Mound, Missouri
Foaled 1955
Indian JJ gelding
Red roan, bay spots over hips
(Indian Head x Mealy mare)
Bred by Sealy Williams, Clovis, New Mexico
Owned by Harold Tyner, Tipton, Indiana
Foaled 1951
Wi Cha Bear Step stallion
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Spotted Eagle F-208 x McDannald's H II (Pega Cunde))
Bred by AT McDannald, Houston, Texas
Owned by Shatka Bear Step, Cascade, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Jan's Flicka mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(unknown x Appaloosa)
Bred by James Eaton, Belle Fourche, South Dakota
Owned by DJ Helmer, ST Onge, South Dakota
Foaled 1951
Shur Shot stallion
Blue roan, blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Dennis Forrest, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Foaled 1956
Little Flower mare
Bay, blanket
(Spooks x War Flower T-4475)
Bred by Harold Herrington, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Foaled 1959
Miss Taos mare
Bay roan, blanket
(Appaloosa x quarter)
Owned by Harold Herrington, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Foaled 1953
OK Ya Ta Hey stallion
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by OK Stock Ranch, WH Kennedy, La Puente, California
Foaled 1952
Cole's Two Spot gelding
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unnamed x Higbee's Cricket F-2382)
Bred by Mr Borco, Pine Valley, California
Owned by Autie Cole, Riverside, California
Foaled 1955
Chicaro Bob stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2676
Bobbett N mare
Red roan, red spots over hips
(Black Twist AQ x Bobbie N F-2675)
Bred by Alan Newby, Kuna, Idaho
Foaled 1958
Reference: Appaloosa News 11-70:51, 7-61:29, 2-72:69, 9-68:85
Dancer's Joy Blue mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(The Dragon x Appaloosa)
Owned by JE Baker, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Foaled 1954
Pierre stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Elmer Sherman, Farmington, New Mexico
Foaled 1959
Pinkie Lou BM mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by M Rushforth, Centerville, Utah
Owned by Bud Malliet, Salt Lake City, Utah
Foaled 1944
Walk Enough mare
Chestnut, snowflakes
(Chips x TB)
Bred by Jack Pyper, Salt Lake City, Utah
Owned by JE Baker, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Foaled 1951
Alkali Dagon gelding
Black, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Jannene Musland, Edgeley, North Dakota
Foaled 1952
Dancer's Spring Dawn mare
Black Leopard
(Appaloosa x quarter)
Owned by JE Baker, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Foaled 1952
Blue La Mesa mare
Blue roan
(Appaloosa x TB)
Owned by JE Baker, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Foaled 1950
Ghummy Speckles mare
Red roan, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Gaylord Leadens, Osseo, Minnesota
Foaled 1953
Neotasha Nancy mare
Red roan, dark spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Patrick O'Bren Jr, Crown Point, Indiana
Foaled 1947

War Bonnet D mare
Blue roan, white spots over hips
(TB x Appaloosa)
Owned by Fred Davis, Spokane, Washington
Foaled 1952
Imboden's Sokela mare
Bay, snowflakes
(Arapaho J F-1977 x Imboden's Rossie T-2064 )
Bred by Don Imboden, Jefferson, South Dakota
Foaled 1958
Imboden's High Noon stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3465
Tampico gelding
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Morgan's Matador F-1431 x April)
Bred by Ralph Stone, Saratoga, California
Owned by OJ Regnart, Cupertino, California
Foaled 1958
Stormy Blue Cloud stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(unknown x quarter type)
Bred by Don Gocken, Fremont, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Saska D stallion
Red roan, dark spots over hips
(Junior Lawrence x Ray's Delight)
Bred by John Millar, Milestone, Saskatchewan
Owned by Doyle Thompson, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1956
Sunde mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2899
Zorro's Flash gelding
Red roan, blanket
(Zorro F-2781 x "Red Roan Mare")
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Zorro's Doll mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Zorro F-2781 x Appaloosa)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Zorro's Jewel stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Zorro F-2781 x range mare)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1959

Zorro's Boy stallion
Bay, white spots over hips
(Zorro F-2781 x Appaloosa)
Bred by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Grand Entry gelding
Black leopard
(Zorro F-2781 x Appaloosa)
Bred by Oscar Erickson, Martin, South Dakota
Owned by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1956
Pat M gelding
Bay, blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1954
Dakota Maid mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2627
Dakota King stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2628
Jody M gelding
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Snow Cloud F-78 x Iron Cloud mare)
Bred by Dave Iron Cloud, Hisle, South Dakota
Owned by CH Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1951
Jed M gelding
Blue roan, dark spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1947
Charlie Brown gelding
Bay, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1954
Richard M gelding
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1949
Pacer gelding
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Twila Merrill, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Foaled 1954
Roan Wolf stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Speck x unnamed)
Bred by Micky Ahurn, Billings, Montana
Owned by Moreland and Willyard, Kiowa, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Quanah's Geronimo gelding
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Quanah F-706x Nichols' Jeanie)
Bred by Bill Nichols, Kenedy, Texas
Foaled 1953
Lyle's Chief Cody gelding
Bay, spotted blanket
(Tonto Chief F-2170 x Lyle's Queen)
Bred by Raymond Lyle, Burlington Junction, Missouri
Foaled 1959
Chico's Chiqueta mare
Sorrel, blanket
(Silver's Chico T-1849 x Fly Baby T-1851)
Bred by Red Cliff Ranch, Beulah, Colorado
Owned by EB Ley and William Baker, Red Cliff Ranch, Beulah, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Damfino S mare
Blue roan, brown and white spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Gerry Searle, Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Foaled 1958
Noseum S mare
Black Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Searle Brothers, Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Foaled 1954

Tom Dooley S gelding
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Searle Brothers, Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Foaled 1953
Reference: Appaloosa News Jul60:53
Brown Bob stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Bay Bob F-3502 x Imboden's Zi Tkala To T-1677)
Bred by Bill Tabke, Sioux City, Iowa
Owned by Searle Brothers, Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Foaled 1958
Tejana G gelding
Bay roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Joe Davis Jr, Carrollton, Texas
Owned by Nancy Galloway, Dallas, Texas
Foaled 1957
Blue Star Bright mare
Blue roan
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Jacqueline Wheeler, Effingham, Illinois
Foaled 1949
Sallateeska mare
Brown roan, brown spots over hips
(Rainy Moon stallion x Tola Rose F-757)
Bred by James Schultz, Lander, Wyoming
Owned by Bill Hudlow, Tecumseh, Oklahoma
Foaled 1953
Reference: Appaloosa News 11-69:96p, 5-77:180p
Navajo's Chantilly Lace mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Navajo Britches F-2709 x Peppy S)
Bred by Bill Hudlow, Tecumseh, Oklahoma
Foaled 1959
Hudlow's Blue Cloud mare
Blue roan, blanket
(Billy Red AQ x Appaloosa)
Bred by Boss Burns, Calvin, Oklahoma
Owned by Bill Hudlow, Tecumseh, Oklahoma
Foaled 1953
Bar W Fizzle Britches mare
Dun, white and brown spots over hips
(Navajo Britches F-2709 x Bar W grey mare)
Bred by Don Wiley, Foster, Oklahoma
Foaled 1959
Ogden's Lady mare
Blue roan, black and white spots over hips
(Navajo Britches F-2709 x Ogden's Blue Streak [AQ?])
Bred by Charles Ogden, Okemah, Oklahoma
Foaled 1959
Reference: Appaloosa News 3-68:85p
Applejack J stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Dude Waggoner x Byer's Appaloosa)
Bred by Byer, Larned, Kansas
Owned by Francis Johnson, Hutchinson, Kansas
Foaled 1958
Echo's Moonbeam mare
Red/blue roan, blanket
(Hansen's Sitting Bull T-2450 x Echo's Star T-3352)
Bred by WL Dansby, Loveland, Colorado
Owned by Ken Smith, Loveland, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Burt's Whistle Bait mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Oklahoma F-2398 x Blomdina T-4190)
Bred by John Burt Jr, Calhan, Colorado
Foaled 1957
Reference: Appaloosa News 5-67:71p
Echo's Patched Pants mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4215
Echos Tabernash stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Hansen's Sitting Bull T-2450 x Echo's Polka Dot T-5928)
Bred by WL Dansby, Loveland, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Saltillo Sue mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Cheyenne Chieftain F-1632 x grey quarter)
Bred by Ira Hanna, Eastland, Texas
Foaled 1959
Mr Capitan stallion
White, black spots over hips
(Captain Roe F-2602 x Strawberry Sue T-2896)
Bred by SR Hazelwood, Sherman, Texas
Foaled 1956
Beau Chip mare
Red roan, red and white spots over body
(Buttons B F-1681 x Eagle)
Bred by Billy Ray Howard, Elmore City, Oklahoma
Owned by SR Hazelwood, Sherman, Texas
Foaled 1957
Hazelwood's Molly B mare
Red roan, white spots over hips
(Bull Bat T-954 x Sue Bee F-3231)
Bred by SR Hazelwood, Sherman, Texas
Foaled 1957
Big Ann mare
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(Captain Roe F-2602 x Strawberry Sue T-2896)
Bred by SR Hazelwood, Sherman, Texas
Foaled 1951

Apachie Jewel mare
Bay, spotted blanket
(El Morrocco F-18 x unnamed)
Bred by Harold Patch, Coldwater, Michigan
Foaled 1959
Elteko Streak gelding
Red roan Leopard
(El Morrocco F-18 x unnamed)
Bred by Harold Warsop, Battle Creek, Michigan
Owned by James and Ardella Drudge, Tekonsha, Michigan
Foaled 1955
Shawnee Shamrock stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Cherokee Red Rex F-3487 x Miss Freckles T-1950)
Bred by Patrick O'Brien Jr, Crown Point, Indiana
Owned by James and Ardella Drudge, Tekonsha, Michigan
Foaled 1959
Chief Wakapomonie stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Valentine F-1291 x Chieftain's Spotted Lady T-5851)
Bred by CR Cooksey, Newcastle, Wyoming
Foaled 1958
Cooper's Tonto stallion
Red roan, light with red spots over hips
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by Cliff Schafner, South Dakota
Owned by WL Cooper, Toluca, Illinois
Foaled 1954
Mickie Girl mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Spike Boy F-3529 x Nelly Gray Black)
Bred by Peter Metzinger, Pierre, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Star Boy M stallion
Bay roan, blanket
(Spike Boy F-3529 x Deaman Girl)
Bred by Peter Metzinger, Pierre, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Peggie K mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Spike Boy F-3529 x Lady Luck)
Bred by Peter Metzinger, Pierre, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Pride of Pierre stallion
Brown, white spots over hips
(Spike Boy F-3529 x Brown Sussie [Susie?])
Bred by Peter Metzinger, Pierre, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
White Socks M mare
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Spike Boy F-3529 x Blue Lady)
Bred by Peter Metzinger, Pierre, South Dakota
Foaled 1959
Kittitas Eagle Rock stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Eagle Rock Fire Cracker x Eagle Rock Lady)
Bred by Keith Morris, Naches, Washington
Owned by HH Faust, Ellensburg, Washington
Foaled 1954
Bonnie Sue of AA mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4758
Little Missouri Hy Fly mare
Red roan, blanket
(Butler's Sunup x Montana Mist F-2349)
Bred by Lee and Noralla Thomas, Albion, Montana
Foaled 1959
Nugget's Little Missouri stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4705
Black Magic S stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by James Devine, Miles City, Montana
Owned by Lee Stevenson and Jake Schwiegert, Baker, Montana
Foaled 1957
Me Go mare
Red roan snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Alex Panasuk, Bainville, Montana
Foaled 1951
Malheur's Lenape Warrior stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Chief Malheur Jr F-2536 x Squaw Dance II T-4428)
Bred by JJ Maxwell, Boise, Idaho
Owned by DE Henderson, Perkasie, Pennsylvania
Foaled 1959
Cinnamon Roll stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Sonny x Pearl Baily)
Bred by TR Davis, Deer Park, Texas
Foaled 1958
Chief Tendoy stallion
Red snowcap/fewspot [?]
(Cisco Skid Doo T-2051 x Sioux Maid T-3465)
Bred by Martin Harris, Stevensville, Montana
Owned by David Hirschi, Kilgore, Idaho
Foaled 1959
Chico Star C mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Caliente F-3288 x unnamed)
Bred by Lew Iglehart, Miami, Oklahoma
Owned by Charles Cornwell, Bentonville, Arkansas
Foaled 1953
Williams Chief Blackfoot stallion
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by MC Williams, Mesquite, Texas
Foaled 1959
Williams Top Hat stallion
(Siri Sheik F-1833 x Lady's Ester)
Bred by PA Williams, Riverside, California
Foaled 1959
T-6691/395 ApHCC
Red and White Peako stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Strawberry's Pal ApHCC 221 x Red Roan)
Bred by William Westman, Fox Valley, Saskatchewan
Owned by Paul Henderson, Keene, North Dakota
Foaled 1957
Roco Dixie mare
Blue roan
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Rolla Colclasure, Mt Sterling, Illinois
Foaled 1956
Roco Pixie mare
Blue roan
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Rolla Colclasure, Mt Sterling, Illinois
Foaled 1957
Cherokee Sally mare
White, dark spots over hips
(Shavano F-1679 x White Flower T T-2610)
Bred by Baldwin Realty Co, Hammond, Indiana
Foaled 1959
Pond Gate's Ladronita mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by JR Gottlieb, Dundee, Illinois
Foaled 1959
S Chocolate Domino stallion
Dun, light with dun spots over hips
(Chocolate Sunday F-485 x Creaper)
Bred by James Meyers, Dunsmuir, California
Foaled 1958
Flag Girl mare
Dun, roan over hips
(Gold Nugget AQ x Sunday)
Bred by Harold Harvey, Robertson, Wyoming
Owned by Morris Miller, Cassadaga, New York
Foaled 1949
Gadco Chief Joseph gelding
Black, spotted blanket
(Kootenai Frost T-218 x Black May)
Bred by Jewelle and George Parman, Tonopah, Nevada
Owned by Gadco Ranch, Long Beach, California
Foaled 1957
Miss Ahwahnee mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Kootenai Frost T-218 x Chita)
Bred by Jewelle and George Parman, Tonopah, Nevada
Owned by Gadco Ranch, Long Beach, California
Foaled 1957

Snooper B mare
Red roan, blanket
(Appaloosa x Arabian)
Bred by Jeanne Dirks, Dubois, Wyoming
Owned by Wayne Barkell, Lander, Wyoming
Foaled 1950
Links to Tentative pages:
Alphabetical Index T-1 to T-1600
#1-#100, #101-#200, #201-#300, #301-#400, #401-#500, #501-#600, #601-#700, #701-#800, #801-#900, #901-#1000, #1001-#1100, #1101-#1200, #1201-#1300, #1301-#1400, #1401-#1500, #1501-#1600, #1601-#1700, #1701-#1800 , #1801-#1900, #1901-#2000, #2001-#2100, #2101-#2200, #2201-#2300, #2301-#2400, #2401-#2500, #2501-#2600, #2601-#2700, #2701-#2800, #2801-#2900, #2901-#3000, #3001-#3100, #3101-#3200, #3201-#3300, #3301-#3400, #3401-#3500, #3501-#3600, #3601-#3700, #3701-#3800, #3801-#3900, #3901-#4000, #4001-#4100, #4101-#4200, #4201-#4300, #4301-#4400, #4401-#4500, #4501-#4600, #4601-#4700, #4701-#4800, #4801-#4900, #4901-#5000, #5001-#5100, #5101-#5200, #5201-#5300, #5301-#5400, #5401-#5500, #5501-#5600, #5601-#5700, #5701-#5800, #5801-#5900, #5901-#6000, #6001-#6100, #6101-#6200, #6201-#6300, #6301-#6400, #6401-#6500, #6501-#6600, #6601-#6700, #6701-#6800, #6801-#6900, #6901-#7000, #7001-#7100, #7101-#7200, #7201-#7300, #7301-#7400, #7401-#7500, #7501-#7600, #7601-#7700, #7701-#7800, #7801-#7900, #7901-#8000, #8001-#8100, #8101-#8200, #8201-#8300, #8301-#8400, #8401-#8500, #8501-#8600, #8601-#8700, #8701-#8800, #8801-#8900, #8901-#9000, #9001-#9100, #9101-#9200, #9201-#9300, #9301-#9400, #9401-#9500, #9501-#9600, #9601-#9700, #9701-#9800, #9801-#9900, #9901-#10000
Links to Foundation pages:
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This page last updated December 2020.