Appaloosa Territory
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Links to Foundation pages:
Alphabetical Index F-1 to F-1798
Numerical List:
Tentative Registered Appaloosas
T-6301 to T-6400

Cutie Pie mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Chief Apache F-3033 x red roan mare)
Bred by Bud Hanson, Garden City, Texas
Owned by Carl Miles, Abilene, Texas
Foaled 1956
Reference: Appaloosa News 9-70:99, Nov-Dec59:33, Jan-Feb60:40, May-Jun60:55, Jul60:36/37
think first photo is from a newspaper article?
Aneito Neil mare
Chestnut, blanket
(Ridgeway T-6183 x Nita O'Neil)
Bred by Neil Taylor, Scobey, Montana
Foaled 1958
Chico's Black Magic mare
Black, spotted blanket
(Mr Chico F-2586 x quarter)
Bred by Oluf and Ken Nielsen, Massena, Iowa
Owned by Melvin Dozark, Denison, Iowa
Foaled 1959
Chico's Brave Eagle stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Mr Chico F-2586 x Speckled Bimbo T-4415)
Bred by Oluf and Ken Nielsen, Massena, Iowa
Foaled 1959
Chico's Apache Kid stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Mr Chico F-2586 x Arabian)
Bred by Oluf and Ken Nielsen, Massena, Iowa
Owned by Frank Wiekert, Menlo, Iowa
Foaled 1959
Reference: BBF 71#50

Chico's Raindrop mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Mr Chico F-2586 x Circle N Leopard Lady T-4513)
Bred by Oluf and Ken Nielsen, Massena, Iowa
Foaled 1959
Reference: Appaloosa News 4-65:46, 5-66:64, 5-67:34, 2-68:72, 7-68:73
Chico's Little Tommy stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Mr Chico F-2586 x Eagle's Little Miss ApHCC 457)
Bred by Oluf and Ken Nielsen, Massena, Iowa
Foaled 1959
Johnny Behind the Duce stallion
Sorrel roan, white and chestnut spots over hips
(Don Appache T-3420 x Chipita Lady T-3591)
Bred by Ned Smith, Perryville, Arkansas
Owned by Triangle D Ranch, Spur, Texas
Foaled 1958
Reference: Appaloosa News 1-84:54
O Rita mare
Sorrel, blanket
(Conquistador T-2230 x O Rosa T-5224)
Bred by Lloyd Ortiz, Trinidad, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Chickasaw Tomahawk stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x bay mare)
Bred by JL Chavis, Mer Rouge, Louisiana
Owned by Harry High, Memphis, Tennessee
Foaled 1959
Dark Storm stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Chief Powder T-3748 x Upjohn's Kit)
Bred by David Martin, Prescott, Michigan
Foaled 1958
Mountain Man's Bold Hawk stallion
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(McNeely's Mountain Man F-2949 x Cinder)
Bred by McNeely's Appaloosa Ranch, Jack McNeely, Wilson, Wyoming
Foaled 1959
Mountain Man's Shoshone Scout stallion
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(McNeely's Mountain Man F-2949 x Pepper)
Bred by McNeely's Appaloosa Ranch, Jack McNeely, Wilson, Wyoming
Foaled 1959
Lady Rosa mare
Black, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Winfred Salisbury, Clear Lake, Iowa
Foaled 1957
Ute Creek gelding
Bay, spotted blanket
(Brigham Young T-1119 x unnamed)
Bred by Cal Livingston, Azusa, California
Owned by Jack Cross, Escalon, California
Foaled 1957
Roxie F mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Frosty M T-332 x Blue Bell)
Bred by Carl Stich, Wamego, Kansas
Owned by Lyle Fouts, Ottawa, Kansas
Foaled 1958
Daniel's Apache Ann mare
White, blue roan spots over body
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by LE Daniel, Riverton, Utah
Foaled 1951
Makahwee Tanda mare
Brown roan, white, brown and black spots over body
(Powder Puff F-537 x Hattie)
Bred by Roberta Evans, Fort Worth, Texas
Foaled 1958
Money Creek's Colt 45 stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Nazon AHCR x Miss Hettinger)
Bred by WJ Carter, Bowman, North Dakota
Owned by Ed and Evelyn Weber, Houston, Minnesota
Foaled 1957
Money Creek's Snowdancer mare
(Apache War Smoke F-2776 x PVF's Kiowa Squaw T-4799)
Bred by Ed and Evelyn Weber, Houston, Minnesota
Foaled 1959
Money Creek's Half Moon mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4265
Money Creek's Wonunicun stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2789
Money Creek's Billy Warrior stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2788
Money Creek's Tamalait stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Apache War Smoke F-2776 x PVF's Tucumcari T-4806)
Bred by Ed and Evelyn Weber, Houston, Minnesota
Foaled 1959
Money Creek's Little Mouse stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4909
Snow Flury stallion
Brown, white spots over hips
(Dark Cloud F-330 x Nancy)
Bred by Edward Bledsoe, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1959
Calamity W Jane mare
Red roan, light over hips
(Chief Keowa F-687 x Cherokee Squaw T-1844)
Bred by Lester Parcel, Scranton, Iowa
Foaled 1956
Chavela mare
Red roan, red spots over hips
(Alesandro x Red Cloud)
Bred by Babe Dent, Ventura, California
Foaled 1951
Mason's Shawnee stallion
Chestnut, spotted blanket
(Doctor Rainy F-1301 x Shawn)
Bred by Thelma Mason, Stockton, California
Foaled 1959

Super Duper stallion
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Butler's Sunup T-974 x Cuddles F-3188)
Bred by WH Armstrong, Fairfield, Montana
Foaled 1959
Major Blue stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4072
Robert's Frosty Ruth mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4217
Riley's Freckles mare
Red Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by CL Riley, Akron, Ohio
Foaled 1950
Rush 7 Cloud mare
Blue roan, snowflakes
(Red Rock Pepper F-2369 x mare by Gold Rush)
Bred by LaVern London, Cortland, Illinois
Owned by Mary Bowling, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1955
Rush 6 Sugar mare
Bay, blanket
(Red Rock Pepper F-2369 x mare by Gold Rush)
Bred by LaVern London, Cortland, Illinois
Owned by Mary Bowling, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1957
Holly Lulu 9 mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Red Rock Pepper F-2369 x bay mare)
Bred by LaVern London, Cortland, Illinois
Owned by Mary Bowling, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1956
Holly Ribbon 3 mare
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Red Rock Pepper F-2369 x mare by Hollywood Gold)
Bred by LaVern London, Cortland, Illinois
Owned by Mary Bowling, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1956
Rush 2 Sage mare
Blue roan, black spots over body
(Red Rock Pepper F-2369 x mare by Gold Rush)
Bred by LaVern London, Cortland, Illinois
Owned by Mary Bowling, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1955
Rush 5 Pigeon mare
Sorrel, snowflakes
(Red Rock Pepper F-2369 x mare by Gold Rush)
Bred by LaVern London, Cortland, Illinois
Owned by Mary Bowling, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Foaled 1956
Breeding's Chief White Cloud stallion
White, blue roan spots over hips
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Bred by PH Mitchell, Nashville, Arkansas
Owned by John Gordon, Mena, Arkansas
Foaled 1951
Indian Dan stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Newton and Pearson, Rockdale, Texas
Foaled 1955
King Senacherib stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Newton and Pearson, Rockdale, Texas
Foaled 1952
Texas Geronimo stallion
Blue roan, snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Newton and Pearson, Rockdale, Texas
Foaled 1953
Tierra Blanca Boo stallion
Bay roan, spotted blanket
(Fox Fire x Sioux Pacifio AQ)
Bred by OL Chapman, Mageizi, New Mexico
Owned by Tierra Blanca Stock Farms, Canyon, Texas
Foaled 1956
Red Eagle's Toss of the 1001 stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Red Eagle F-209 x Sunglow of 1001 T-2119)
Bred by Thomas Clay, Riverside, California
Foaled 1959
Duff's Star stallion
Chestnut, white spots over hips
(Half Pint F-3459 x Parader's Artist ASHBA)
Bred by Leslie Duff, Earlham, Iowa
Foaled 1959
Johny Many Rains stallion
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Charley Many Rains F-1067 x Tioga)
Bred by CF Young, Parkersburg, West Virginia
Foaled 1959
Lady Show Off mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Michael Marzocco, Stony Point, New York
Foaled 1951
Bo Mar's Penny mare
Red Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Earl Boyles, Winchester, Kentucky
Foaled ----
Bo Mar's Peaches mare
Red Leopard
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Earl Boyles, Winchester, Kentucky
Foaled ----
Miss Four mare
Brown, spotted blanket
(Chief of Four Mile F-2219 x Ruby)
Bred by Gus Oettermann, Boerne, Texas
Owned by JA Kemp, Refugio, Texas
Foaled 1959
Little Nez Perce Chief stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-2807
Larry's Apache Countess mare
Red roan, white spots over hips
(Apache Kid T-40 x Larry's Honey)
Bred by Cheryl Rickets, Ardmore, Oklahoma
Foaled 1954
Kelley's Tonka stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Pico F-2247 x Kelley's Lady)
Bred by B Kelley, Refugio, Texas
Foaled 1959

Painted Princess mare
Red roan, red spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Sharon Willert, Ithaca, Michigan
Foaled 1946
Hoke's Colorado Nugget mare
Black, snowflakes
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Owned by Roy Hoke Sr, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Foaled 1946
Hoke's Frosty Carmel mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Appaloosa x Appaloosa)
Owned by Roy Hoke Sr, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Foaled 1955
Spotted Tail R mare
Red roan, spotted blanket
(Kimberland King x Riley's Freckles T-6333)
Bred by Ben Chidester, Kingwood, West Virginia
Owned by CL Riley, Akron, Ohio
Foaled 1957
Shasta J mare
Red roan, blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Paul Johnson, Cascade, Colorado
Foaled 1955
McKinley's Carol mare
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Trigger x McKinley's Speckled Annie T-3593)
Bred by BW McKinley, Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Foaled 1959
Sarcee's Midnight stallion
Black, spotted blanket
(Simcoe's Sarcee F-1634 x Midnight P T-2556)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959

Blue Betsy mare
Blue roan
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1951
Reference: Quinta Farm 64 Sale #14
Zorakia mare
White, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1955
Lazy F Ladd gelding
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Rex F-1945 x unnamed)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1955
Bay Berry mare
Bay, white and bay spots over hips
(Nebraska Morrocco II F-2743 x Miss Frosty T-2549)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1957
Morroccan Halo stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3227
Chocolate Lady mare
Brown, roan over hips
(Nebraska Morrocco II F-2743 x Lady Lil T-2548)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1957
Cut Glass mare
Red roan, red spots over hips
(Nebraska Morrocco II F-2743 x Peterson sorrel mare)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1957
Elkhorn Kettle Drum mare
Bay, white spots over hips
(Nebraska Bert AQ x Copper Kettle F-1910)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1957
Blue Lagoon mare
Blue roan, snowflakes
(Nebraska Morrocco II F-2743 x Dipper Star T-2555)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1957
Miss Rex mare
Dun, snowflakes
(Rex F-1945 x unnamed)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1957
Swedish Millie mare
Bay roan
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1949
Xelia mare
Sorrel, snowflakes
(Rex F-1945 x sorrel mare)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1956
Dew Berry P mare
Bay roan, snowflakes
(Rex F-1945 x unnamed)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1957
Tailema stallion
Brown, white and brown spots over hips
(Missoula Tom Tom T-2402 x Missoula Land Color T-5034)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Flash's Blueberry stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Stormy Flash F-2622 x Blueberry P T-5019)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Horse Shoe Belle mare
Blue roan, snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1949
Medicine Man's Half stallion
Brown, blanket
(Missoula Medicine Man F-2824 x Prissy 5027)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Medicine Man's Janie mare
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-3027
Tom Tom's Grey Creek stallion
Blue roan, spotted blanket
(Missoula Tom Tom T-2402 x Missoula Deep Creek T-5042)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Amia D stallion
Bay, blanket
(Simcoe's Sarcee F-1634 x Debardee Amia T-2550)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Frosty Yellow Specks stallion
Dun, spotted blanket
(Missoula Frosty T-1953 x Missoula Copper Specks T-5033)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Medicine Man's Blue Loon stallion
Brown, spotted blanket
(Missoula Medicine Man F-2824 x Missoula Blue Loon T-5038)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Heidi Ho Ho mare
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1945
Joe Kitch gelding
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1950
Nosnikta stallion
Black, white spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1955
Blue Harvey gelding
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1952
Gigi P mare
Brown, white spots over hips
(Turk R F-3233 x Jessie F-1354)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Sarcee's Quaestio stallion
Bay, spotted blanket
(Simcoe's Sarcee F-1634 x Cheyenne Kate T-2563)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
M Frosty Bell stallion
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Missoula Frosty T-1953 x Dundy Bell T-5018)
Bred by Charley Peterson, Atkinson, Nebraska
Foaled 1959
Chief Joseph of Green Stables stallion
Red roan, spotted blanket
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Sammy VanBargen, Grangeville, Idaho
Owned by Carl Harris Sr, Green Stables, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled 1959
Tony of Green Stables stallion
Brown, white spots over hips
(unnamed x unnamed)
Bred by Sammy VanBargen, Grangeville, Idaho
Owned by Carl Harris Sr, Green Stables, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled 1958
Chief Carr of Green Stables gelding
Red roan, red spots over body
(Farseyn AHCR x Blaze)
Bred by Ira Carr, Orofino, Idaho
Owned by Carl Harris Sr, Green Stables, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled 1957
White Wing of Green Stables mare
Black Leopard
(War Cloud F-477 x unnamed)
Bred by Wink Palmer, Lewiston, Idaho
Owned by Carl Harris Sr, Green Stables, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled 1951
Dark Moon of Green Stables mare
Blue roan, black spots over hips
(War Cloud F-477 x White Wing of Green Stables 6394)
Bred by Carl Harris Sr, Green Stables, Lewiston, Idaho
Foaled 1959
Seminole Sam stallion
Sorrel, spotted blanket
(Comanche Chief F-2547 x Appaloosa)
Bred by Jim and Dale Poynor, Joplin, Missouri
Foaled 1959
Bright Star mare
Sorrel, white spots over hips
(Comanche Chief F-2547 x Indian Creek Bess T-3109)
Bred by Jim and Dale Poynor, Joplin, Missouri
Foaled 1959
Shawano stallion
Transferred to Foundation Stock F-4684
Iowa Beauty mare
Bay, snowflakes
(unknown x unknown)
Bred by Lindsy Barr, Oelwein, Iowa
Owned by Floyd Latta, Manchester, Iowa
Foaled 1948
Diamond Dot mare
Blue roan, spots over hips
(unknown x unknown)
Owned by Pat Howell, Howard, Kansas
Foaled 1953
Links to Tentative pages:
Alphabetical Index T-1 to T-1600
#1-#100, #101-#200, #201-#300, #301-#400, #401-#500, #501-#600, #601-#700, #701-#800, #801-#900, #901-#1000, #1001-#1100, #1101-#1200, #1201-#1300, #1301-#1400, #1401-#1500, #1501-#1600, #1601-#1700, #1701-#1800 , #1801-#1900, #1901-#2000, #2001-#2100, #2101-#2200, #2201-#2300, #2301-#2400, #2401-#2500, #2501-#2600, #2601-#2700, #2701-#2800, #2801-#2900, #2901-#3000, #3001-#3100, #3101-#3200, #3201-#3300, #3301-#3400, #3401-#3500, #3501-#3600, #3601-#3700, #3701-#3800, #3801-#3900, #3901-#4000, #4001-#4100, #4101-#4200, #4201-#4300, #4301-#4400, #4401-#4500, #4501-#4600, #4601-#4700, #4701-#4800, #4801-#4900, #4901-#5000, #5001-#5100, #5101-#5200, #5201-#5300, #5301-#5400, #5401-#5500, #5501-#5600, #5601-#5700, #5701-#5800, #5801-#5900, #5901-#6000, #6001-#6100, #6101-#6200, #6201-#6300, #6301-#6400, #6401-#6500, #6501-#6600, #6601-#6700, #6701-#6800, #6801-#6900, #6901-#7000, #7001-#7100, #7101-#7200, #7201-#7300, #7301-#7400, #7401-#7500, #7501-#7600, #7601-#7700, #7701-#7800, #7801-#7900, #7901-#8000, #8001-#8100, #8101-#8200, #8201-#8300, #8301-#8400, #8401-#8500, #8501-#8600, #8601-#8700, #8701-#8800, #8801-#8900, #8901-#9000, #9001-#9100, #9101-#9200, #9201-#9300, #9301-#9400, #9401-#9500, #9501-#9600, #9601-#9700, #9701-#9800, #9801-#9900, #9901-#10000
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This page last updated February 2025.